4- r il i jUSM:;;) l. Irtrto. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion$1.50 Per Aniuiin V WELDON, N. C TIIUMHDAY, JANUARY 17, 1J)1K i ni Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You Huve Always Bountit, and which has been In use fur over over 30 years, ha: . "me the signature of 0 y nd has been made under his per- 6uXj&7!&2i sonal suPerv'sioii since its infancy. wr'' Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. c What is CASTORIA Castona is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops am! Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is ils giiiirantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS f Bears the Sienature of il'uliluhm by Hequrat.) THERL IS A SANTA CLAUS. Thank (lod Me Lives and He Lives j Forever. Vwi ,l st t cii.i u- Ins deuili, (It'" I-. A Iuim. ile famous New Ynlk Sll Hi;' I ' 1 "' r piiMi-lital iiiu fill Mi r ii ' Lis aii-. ci in ii: : I 1 - !. I , i . .... "'d. S i- nl in v linli' I'riiriu's v.y ; "ii-ie is n 1 1 ,iM i ( i ,,is : S.IV It i it's .so. r ra Si In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought Kelly Springfield K i JU lilt A United States Goodrich E have on sale in our salesroom now the VLf largest stoc of Automobile Tires ever shown in Weldon. Three of the best makes on the American market. Tires that will give you more miles for your money than any other make. Our tires are guaranteed bv the manufacturers on mileage basis of 3SOO to '5000 miles. R have in stock almost any size or style YV Plain Tread. USCO Tread, Chain. Nobby and Silvertown Cord Tread. The market is un settled now, and Tires may advance at any time, buy now, save money, get the right tires at the right prices. Also carry in stock a full line of all Automobile supplies and accessories. Batchelor Bros. Chalmers and Chevrolet Automobiles Oldest Oarage In Weldon Republic Trucks THE Dining Room should be a cheerlul place, for when you eat your meals amid pleasant surroundings you do much to aid digestion. And good digestion means health. HAVE US FURNISH YOUR DINING ROOM The variety of designs in Tables, cii.u.. aid boards, China Closets, Serving Tables and the like, Is ample to satisfy your desires, whatever they may be, in the matter of style, finish and price. Come In and talk it over with us. VVe are as eager to GIVE satisfaction as you are to receive it. Weldon Fumiturs Company, Weldon, N. 0. "H '.ft II II' lllr- s,:in 'It ;i-.r fell Hit' lllc inirh k iliere ;i Saiu.i Chins?" Vll, O HAM.ON ; 115 W . Ninety filth Street, j Viigiiii i, vi ni' link- irimds are wroiii;. They h.ivc been affected by the skepticism of a skeptical use. I'hey do tun believe except thev mi. Tlk-v ihjnk that nothing can h.- which is nm comprehensi ble tn ill II' lull,-mill, k All lo ! Virgini.i, whether ificy be men's or children's are little. In this unit i iH- nl Hurs man is a mere in sect, a" am, in Ins intellect, as compared wiih the boundless wot hi abnui him, as measured by tfie iinJIiuence capable of grasping the whole truth and knowledge. Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Cl.ius. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know thai they abound and give 10 your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would be ihe world if there were no Santa Claus ! Ii would be as dreary as if there were no Virginias. There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this ex istence. We should have no en joyment except in sense and sight. The eternal lighi with which child hood tills the world would be ex tinguished. Not believe in Santa Claus ! You might as well not believe in fairies! You might get your papa 10 hire men to watch in all the chimneys on Christmas live lo catch Santa Claus; bin even if they did not see Santa Claus, that is no sign that there is no Santa Claus! The most real things in the world are those that neither children nor men can see Did you ever see fairies dancing on the lawn? Of course nm; hut that's no proof thai they are nm there. Nobody can con ceive or imagine all the wonders thai are unseen and unseeable in the world. You may tear apart the baby's rattle and see what makes the noise inside, but there's a veil cov ering the unseen which not the strongest man, nor even the united strength of all the strongest men (hat ever lived could tear awn. Only faiih, fancy, poetry, love, ro mance, can push aside that cur tain and view and picture the su pernal beauiy and glory beyond. Il is all real ! Ah, Virginia, in all this worjd there is nothing else real and abiding. No Santa Claus! Thank God, he lives, and he lives forever. A thousand years from now, Vir ginia, nay ten limes ten thousand years from now, he will continue to make glad the hean of childhood. PRICE LIST BELL 2 IN 1 TY RS 600 W. Broad St., RICHMOND, VA. .-v. a t m-.i.. intn One L'L'MOUtK if its MZE rUKNlHUINM l-'l K1I1II us gUTM DAMNUM I'AHINU -Kill $ 00 1 it una ami ! 6 3013) 3W o HO 3.'l3j 4 do 7 7.0 31 U 4 88 St' 33l4 4 Ml Wl 8314 II fill Sfi 14x4 .1 7(i I" 40 :iril4 5 Kfi 10 90 3I4 ft K 1 1 34141 II :0 ID DO 3AI4) DM 1170 MU II Ml 11 fO H7i4j 7 rm ia Mlfi 1 SO 11! W anir, 7 7r, 13 tit;, 8 00 14 00 ,it K i-mt-fc i ,K iul'I.KTl ! it. 1 nn t . HO 7 Hi 9 so l-t 40 12 00 It 80 13 !W 14 90 15 BO 15 SO 15 85 15 90 10 90 18 70 IS 85 N 95 i 70 I I HKM 1 00 I 40 i 90 3 4 20 4 45 4 50 4 60 4 75 5 00 5 110 5 to A Oil II 10 II 40 II 50 II 75 YOUR OLD TYKLs m""'"" li( 0 mskl. lOB't throw yyoiir old tire., wud them to rn ; J" H'e m.ke all .hip tum 3 in 1 for you; let u l the judirn, o.. depoint "'Jg i 1 m will menu mbjeot to yourexamiuatioui if thfy r."1",?"t .uywhere) ,tnd return ell for you at the highest Kichmond pncea (the nigtteei .u, W amount to feu. Wa pay abarge on incoming- AUNTY'S CORRECTION. Reference in a X'ashington club wa.v made 10 the happy faculty lhal some people have on rising supe rior to an embarrassing situation when' this anecdote was fittingly relaieAby Senator Lee S. Over man : Some lime since litile Bessie was taken on a railway journey by her young aunt and aunty's fiance, bverything ran along as monoto nously as all railway trips until ihe train entered a dark tunnel, and then suddenly there came the deli cious smack of a sweet kiss and the voice of a child. "Oh, aunty," appealingly ex claimed innocent little Bessie, "picas: kiss m:, too!" Some situation, but aunty was quite equal to ii. Before the pas sengers could break inio a tickled tiner she was calmly addressing the child. "Ii is incorrect to say 'Kiss me too,' Bessie dear," said she. "You should say 'Kiss me twice.' " "If girls would eat more onions ihey would have fewer calls from physicians, "says a scientist also from other young men. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bean the gifoanirt of f O T I The man or woman who is L,UJ 1 ! "Lot Without Glaiaea" should leave all prescrip tions on file . Ii us. Inca'i1 f loss or acci dent, notily i..; and we will duplicate any broken pari or make an entire new pair with out loss of time. You may reat assured of prompt service. I Norfolk ... 144 Granby St. Richmond . . at: E. Broad Lynchburg .... 813 Main 't THE KISS GOOD-BYE The kiss good-by when the loved ones go, All thai it means we shall never know, All that she sees through her dreaming eyes As her soldier waves her his lasi good-bye Sweeter than youth is the love that dreams Through a kiss that is more than a mere kiss seems: Good-bye, good-bye to a soldier, And we'll hold her up to the train That their lips may meet in that kiss so sweet For she may not kiss him again 1 The kiss good-bye when the mother of tears Stands bowed by her lad in her nameless fears Ah, whai meaning, what wonder it bears To the mother of men, with her whitening hairs, And her aching heart and her struggle to smile When she wants to be weeping the longest while : Good-bye, good-bye to a soldier, And we'll leave them together, and go, That their lips may meet in thai kiss so sweet For she may not get over her woe ! The kiss good-bye when the boys entrain, And the lips meet now thai may never again We will hold them up 10 the window-sill Thai their eyes may meet in that loved glance still, Thai their arms may clasp and their bosoms heave, For the hour has come thai ihe lad must leave : Good-bye, good-bye 10 a soldier, And blessings upon them, and love For the lips that meet in thai kiss so sweet While he bends from the window above ! The kiss good-bye when the wife stands there All that it means is a burden to bear, A shadow upon her through all the days That the dark war dips in the battlerays; And alone in her sorrow and grief and care For the joy her lad come back she prays : Good-bye, good-bye to a soldier, And we'll hold her up to the train That their lips may meet in that kiss so sweet For ihey never may kiss again ! Folger McKinsey, in the Baltimore Sun. jA f T E R.s Get The Habit lP7Buy for Cash. Save"C jO"the pennies by buy-"j ing at W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Cash Store WHLOON, N. C. THE TIME IS SHORT. In View o( the Hrevity of l.ile None of Us Have Any Time to Waste on Non-lissentinl After this war is over, this nameless curse of the ages When a man is lashed with a whip thai cuts and stings: After the Hun has soiled wiih blood all of history's pages, Will the soul of man not turn to holier things? Or, will the curse of the war degrade the hearts and homes of men And take us back for a thousand years to the age of sin? Will men be braver, because of the year's slow turning They have spent, where the sound of the busy guns kept pace; Or, will ihey return with ghostly fears and yearning, With the pallor of death still fresh upon their face? Will they come back from the fields where the demon laughter Of dying souls, has filled the air with dread: Their hearts all seared with hate, for the long years after, Wishing their fate had been the faie of the dead? Methinks when the shot-scared remnants return 10 their homes again; rsaCK 10 me waning uuauiiio, iv .w ...ai-aiaiiicu eyes, That a song will thrill in the pulsing of the hearts long used to pain; That a prayer will rise in the voice from earth to the skies: Methinks Geihseme's suffering, through which these left have irod, Will iurn each soul of the warrior to the holier paih of God. We never rc.ihe the truihlul-; ness of this text till it is too laic. Time in her fliglil is so swift and noiseless and wc ate so buy get- 1 ling ready to live, that wc do nm ' note her passage until we see the middle mile-post of life's pilgrim ! age, it seems but yesterday that ! we were c ildrcn playing around hearthstone, listening 10 mother as she hummed some old time tune which we have never forgot ten. We could hardly believe that we are this far on the journey if the calendar and mirror did not establish the fact. Fven those who survive to be what is termed "old age" do not live long, and the most of their time is spent in get ting ready for living, bui juM when ! they are ready 10 take life a little easy, they ar; old and the next station is de 'th, and the roof that sheltered them and the trees that gave shade 10 their tired forms will serve other weary travelers. In view of the brevity of life none of us have any time to waste on non-essentials, none to harbor some old grudge or wound thai we may have received by the way, no time to throw away in looking at the ugly things and listening to the discords of the world. There are too many worth-while things in which we may engage for us 10 spend our lime on the useless tri fles and counterfeits of this world. Our good intentions must be car ried out today tomorrow may never come. The boys and girls, and the young men and women, who expect to fill positions of hon or and responsibility 10-morrow must lose no time in getting ready for soon the preparation period will be gone. They must use ev ery minute "Old Time is still a flying, and that same (lower that blooms today, tomorrow may be dying." And while we consider this se rious subject, we must not forget the most important lesson of all thai when the time ends, eternity begins. The Bible tells us that when the rich fool thought he was ready to live for many years, time with him ended, and he wen: out into eternity, leaving his barns and farms behind and entering the oth er world a pauper. Every marble shaft that marks the resting place of the body of a departed friend and fellow citizen, is God's reminder that soon we shall lie by his side in the city of the dead, where tongues are si lent, eyes are sightless, and the frail dust returns to Mother earth. Knowing that to such an end we must all come sooner or later, is it not the part of wisdom to be ready so that our last breath will not be spent in wailing out the soul's bit ter lamentation, "The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we j are not saved." Well did one of old say, "There is but a step be tween me and death." If tomor row or this week is 10 be our last on earth, what would we change? If there is anything we would change, and can change, it is the part of wisdom to change it at once, for the time is short." Is there some one you would forgive if this were to be your last week on earth? Then you had better for give him now. Would you go to church next Sunday and worship God in his sanctuary? It is pos sible that this will be your last week on earth, then had you better not seek the smiling face of your Lord in the forgiveness of your sins ? WENT TO HIS HEAD. T II H O II J n HSTAIJUSlim) , I Capital and Surplus, S60v0 JO. WE INVITE YOUR AOCOUNT. n PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. W. K, liAMKI., t'IIKIIIKN J. W It SMITH. t'll K I'KKKIIlK.M. I. II. UltAKIi, 1 AftlMKH. THE SENTRY, Melvin Lostutter, formerly a re porter on a Columbus ilcwsp-lpcr, is now in the United States ma rines somewhere off the coast of South Carolina. He -sends back the story of a green sentry who was on duty a few nights ago. Three persons appeared in ihe darkness and in irue military style the sentry demanded: "Halt! Who goes there?" "Captain, wife and child," was the answer of the officer the sen try had stopped. "Advance, Captain, to be re cognized," commanded the sen try. "Mark time, wife and child." Indianapolis News. Children Dry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Soon Over Ills Cold. Everyoueaprilca wtill of ('liiiinli.Hi,n'. I'ouith Kemedy tfter hnvniir uwd it. """I" pituasM, S. T., Imi tins lo iy readmit il: "l,Mt w,0. tor my little boy. live yearn old, wis tick Willi cold for two or three wepkt. I doctored linn nd used varieuii couiili medicines but mithinfr did him much good until 1 beiraa uiiiij C'lituiberlaiu'l Couirh llcmedy. e theo improved rapidly and in a few days waa over Ilia cold." PERMANENT. "A girl can now have a per manent wave put into her hair and her cheeks enameled so that the color will last for sev eral years." ''Dear mi, fhp nnat nt tu fu ture will sing of enduring young i:il(irillB, Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA PIC POINT ORDNANCE DEPOT. WANTED For Long Job 200 Laborers IZTOome Ready for Work. Apply Room 303 Commerce Building, 322 High St., PORTSMOUTH, VA JAS. STEW ART & COMPANYJnc. MMM-i&i&iNL hi Insurant ft Surety Bonds ! Life, Accident and Health. Plate Glass and Automobiles. Repre senting leading companies. See me about your insurance wants. LO. DRAPER. Office in Green Building, WELDON, N. C. "He is liuliling castles out of clouds, and some time his cred itor; will come and gently him onto the boundles space of desuetude, where the wIiuiik deodle wears a night nip and daddaw swings by its tail from the swusswus tree like a pen dulum with whiskers on it." It is with these words that the "State Press" of the Dallas News describes the fate of the country publisher who contin ues to try to conduct a news paper at a loss. How awful such a fate is may be imagined by the reader and the words of the "State Press" are not exaggerated. Houston (Texas) Post. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA What's Hew In Miisio By Special Arrangement with the Associated Music Publishers of New York, we will feature by Daily Pathephone Demonstration BROADWAY'S big Song Hits Come in and hear the "Latest" Direct from Melody Row. All Sheet Music 10c. Copy. i M. Cohen Drug Company, Weldon, North Carolina. NUNN ALLY'S AND j NOKKIS' CANDIES, j SOLI! AGLNTS FOR I NYAL'S KLMHDILS. j IUaTirlllMMM1MWW INVITATION. You are Invited to open an account with the $ BWK OF Efi FIELD, EjlFIELD, I. c. 4 Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart-8 ment Compounded Quarterly. Jjgr YOU can bank by mail :1 J I il 1 i If

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