i 1 Hjjj ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$1.50 Per Annum VOL. LII WELDON, N. C, TIIUKSDAY, JANUARY 24, UUS. NO. :57 Ket Contents 15 Fluid Drachintj 3Z ai r.luL-3 PER CBNt 1. L AVc$clbleftcparali6fA t irni the Stomachs and BootIs rf .m.lil I ifM UU' ITUOU UT t HiorcbyPfomolin4DI4tt (4wfrfulnc5jandRilCaB neither OpIam.MorplilM''" Mineral. Notwahu""-, B l t(fn(Upnu'ih Tor ConslipnOoniwu""'" nnlFo-erlshnfssl I'M Simile Si4nrtor Thi CcwkCT coupon- is NEW TUHix. Exact Copy of Wrapper, i K United States B.nyviiimi"lil!B!i Goodrich B have on sale In our salesroom now the f largest stoc of Automobile Tires ever shown in Weldon. Three of the best makes on the American market. Tires that will give you more miles for your money than an other make. Our tires are guaranteed by the manufacturers on mileage basis of 3500 to 5000 miles. I: have in stock almost any size or style V Plain Tread. USCO Tread. Chain, Nobby and Silvertown Cord Tread, The market is un settled now, and Tires may advance at any time, buy now, save money, get the right tires at the right prices. Also carry in stock a full line of all Automobile supplies and accessories. Batchelor Bros, Chalmers and Chevrolet Automobiles THE Dining Room should be a cheerful place, for when you eat your meals amid pleasant surroundings you do much to aid digestion. And good digestion means health. HAVE US FURNISH YOUR DINING ROOM The variety of designs in Tables, Chairs, Side boards, China Closets, Serving Tables and the like, is ample to satisfy your desires, whatever they may be, in the matter of style, finish and price. Come in and talk it over with us. We are as eager to GIVE satisfaction as you are to receive it. Vein Furniture Company, Weldon, N. 0. PRICE 600 W. Broad St., Your Old Tyres ul'irruyeK rURNISHINU BOTH CAS1KUN $3 UU 5 ttu 3 96 4 eu 4 85 4 9U 6 5U 6 75 6 5 6 US tt 6U 6 90 7 SO 7 6U 7 75 8 00 ir n-K $4 7U a w) 7 75 8 lift 8 W V 85 1U 4U 1U 911 11 25 IU Ml 11 70 11 90 12 90 12 9U 13 80 14 90 SIZE vni id m n TVRES MADE 2 IN 1. Doa't thro, ,w.T your old tir.od them to u. m., to abto o ;. 1 , ,ot rou;'.'t be toe Judre. d -P-it J" ,. wilt "ntM eubjaat to your .lamination; if 'M ""rXit land retura II for you at Uw tuf beat Kiehmood pnoe b tigh-X .aajru aeaawuattoiMu We pay afcf 'u"u GASTORIA For Infants nnd Child ren. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears tlio Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years i UU Kelly Springfield m A Oldest Oarage In Weldon Republic Trucks LIST m -xr X RES RICHMOND, VA. Made Into One t,l H PHII H rui i cixi'i .an 1! IN 1 till .'. w 7 85 9 50 Vi 40 12 80 vi eu IS W 14 JU 15 80 15 90 15 85 15 90 10 90 18 70 18 85 18 95 !M 70 Tl'HKS 1 Oil 1 40 J 90 3 5 4 20 4 45 4 50 4 00 4 75 6 00 5 80 5 90 00 8 HI 40 8 50 6 76 WOMEN'S FAULTS. Analwe Them and They Shrivel I p I.Ike (he Petals o( a Rose A Chicugo preacher has been canvassing his Hock to ascertain hai ure ihe faults of women, and last Sunday lie preached about them. Now these are the renoried fauhs : The present styles of fe male dress, her cra for soldiers; puning so much powder on her face : thai she loves too many men at once;ihai she has no aim and purpose in life. It was thought that hen this canvass was institu ted ii would turn up something awful, hut instead of that it is a bunch of fancies so unlike the mas culine faults that they are quite fas cinating it is the same old story, (hat when a man goes to searching about For objections to women he only succeeds in exposing himself. Of course, man is not guilty of the little faults he ascribes to women, for ihey are too small to cover his infirmities. There is the objection to fash ion- nonsense, it makes them still more attractive; craze for soldiers shows her preference for them over slackers; too much powder is only the abuse of an almost invisi ble fault; loves too many men now don't be jealous; h is no aim and purpose in life she doesn't have to have any; she is aim and purpose in herself. And so it goes analyze these faults and they shrivel up like the petals of a rose. VERY MUCH THE SAME. When Lincoln was still an in- significent country lawyer he had occasion to travel to a small town to take charge of a case. It was a drive of fourteen miles from the railroad station to the town inn where he was to spend the night. Wet and chilled to the bone, he arrived at last, but to his dismay found only a small fire built in the grate, while standing about it, so as to exclude the heat from the traveler, were the other lawyers interested in the case. At length one of the bunch turn ed to Lincoln. "Pretty cold, eh?" he asked. "Yes," replied Lincoln, "as cold as it is hot in Hades." "Ever been to Hades, stranger?" asked another. "Yes," replied Lincoln solemn ly. This raised a faint smile among the other lawyers. "What does it look like there?" they asked, "Very much like this," said Lincoln, dryly; "all the lawyers nearest the fire." Minneapolis Tribune. LUCKY IT WASN'T WORSE, The hard luck champion of the middle west is A. W. Bovey, far mer, living near Mitchell, S. D. Recently while mowing hay a spark from his pips set fire to the grass. I The (lames set fire to nets on his horses' backs. The team ran to the barn, and on the way the flames caught a 100 acre wheat field and destroy ed it. The horses dashed into Ihe barn with the mowing machine in flames. The barn caught fire. A heavy wind carried a shingle from the burning barn to several stacks of grain and they were de stroyed. Bovey says he was lucky he wasn't injured. Capper's Week ly. HEARD AT THE SALES. I don't ttliBoliitcly need it.but jimt think what a Imi'Kiun. That woman's got that drrss I've had my eye on all the week. 1 don't know whether to have thiBBkirt shortened or length enedyou can't tell what the styles will be neit winter. Isn't this Kreut? All it need IB the shirt shortened and the Bleeves lengthened, and a little taken up on one hip and the buttons set over and some little weight put to the back and If I take this one I'll have to buy a new hat, and if take that oue I can't wear my gray shoes with it. Hutchinson (Kansas) Gazette. vidolevo S.H3H3131J W Ai0 UQipijqO MY ISLE OF Oh, for a lovely isle somewhere Away in a boundless sea, Away where the tidings of mortal strife Could never come lo me; Away where the tropic breezes play And sing their songs of love for aye, With none to hear save my love and me In our Isle in the boundless sea. Oh, for a lovely Isle somewhere, Where the blue waves lap the shore, With the gull and parquet to nest In peace about my door. And rear their young with none to see And share their bliss save my love and me, Where the blue waves lap the shore And sing their peaceful lore. THE BOY He's a clever little fellow with a smile An' he looks just like a soldier, but he A boy in size but watch him in his He s on the job and pledged 10 help, where, when, and as he can. Beside the schoolwork training, he has just the right amount Of common sense learning to produce His eye is peeled for action, and his And he's marching to the music of He's not a gallery artist, he's in line Scouty knows the way to help 'em in And many are the wounded ones that ror it was he who knew the spot to twist the tourniquet, An' the boy from out the river that seemed drowned bevond a douht. Scouty pressed an' drew the life back It's look around an' help for his the For he's marching 10 the music of the Hold still you men salute him Take off your hat to Scouty he's A dozen years, and he will show the He'll make a better homeland of this There's three hundred thousand like You can hear them listen! tramping louder, louder, coming on ' He's the sample of a legion that 10 An' he's marching to the music of IF WE ONLY KNEW. Let Us be More Patient Witb the Faults or our Fellow Men. "I declare," said Miss Smith, "I almost envy Mrs. Jones, she has everything heart can de sire, a fine establishment.hand some automobile, dresses well, entertains lavishly, and hns an abundance of money; what more can be desired she is cer tainly the most fortunate per son of my acquaintance. She always seems so bright, and has such a pleasant word for every one she meets; sho would not be though with the posses sions of so many blessings." "What you say is all very true," replied her friend, to whom these words were ad dressed. "Sho has plenty of money and the things that mon ey can buy, but I know it to be a fact that she is one of the most miserable people in exis tence. She is often alone in that great house of hers, hav ing no children, and her hus band awav. and when he is at home is so immersed in some in vention that he doesn't know he has a wife. I tell you hon eotly I really feel sorry for her and often wish there was some thing I could do to brighten her life. Let me tell you, my dear, outside things have noth ing to do with our happiness. It is a matter of disposition, and all money in the world cannot make us happy if we aro idle and discontented and have no worthy aim in life." How little do we know about the people we associate with our friends and acquaintances anil even the members of our own household. When we go out into the world we put on the best appearance, don our good clothes, wear a smile and sneak a ' asant word for those we unxi,, when often fear and dismay clutch our hearstrings. If we could only see beneath the surface and fathom the secrets that lie hid den there, we would be more lenient towards those for whom we are so often disposed to ceu sure. We can never judge any one unless we know all the secrets of their lives, and this we can never do, for there are some things that can never be dis closed to a human being. The best is generally told, and the most important withheld, only revealed to Him from whose all-searching eye nothing can be hid. All about us there are lonely gouls suffering (or the want of DREAMS, SCOUT, and with a will, isn't trained to kill, doings he's a man; the things that count; hand for work is bared, the motto, "Be Prepared I" for something higher; a wreck or at a fire, owe the lad a debt, that had almost vanished out. utmost never spared, motto, "He Prepared !" seems like you clean forgot the biggest thing you've got. measure of his worth, precious bit of earth. him, fit an' snappy every one. righteousness is squared, the motto, "Be Prepared I" love and sympathy, whose lives could be so brightened by some little act of kindness, or some word of encouragement that would help them bear the heavy burdens. There is many a poor woman lighting bravely against heuvy odds, too proud to make known her wants to whom aid would How in a steudy stream if peo ple only knew. But she is seen going along her way without complaint, hiding her heart un der a cheerful aspect, and shrinking from the hand of charity, while many a one less worthy cries out for help that is willingly extended. Mr. Creditor, do not call that delinquent customer a rascal because he hus been so long paying you the bill he owes. no uouui witn ins expenses constantly increasing, and his wages not advancing in pro. portion, he finds it a most dif ficult task to make both ends meet, and is doing the best he can. ii we oniy Knew I think we ..... would all act very differently towards those with whom we come in contact, our acquaint ances, friends and relations We often take offense at some remark from some friend when no offense was intended, or are ruffled by a short answer from some member of the family who is suffering from nervousness caused by bad health and sleep lessness. How many a tear could be saved, how many heart aches cured if we only knew, but walking along in blindness handicapped by ignorance we take offense where none was intended and give a sharp re joinder to the one losing con trol from nervousness. Let us be more patient with the faults and foibles of our fellowmen, for we douot know what trials and difficulties they have to Culileud with, and may be if we were in their places we would uot not act half so well. C. L, Ilinton in the Ral eigh Times. Are Vour Sewers Clogged? The bowels are the Kewurajfe nyBteru of the body. You cD well imaiiae the result when they are stopped up ai ii the cane in constipation. As a purgative you will 8nd Chamberlain'! Tablet! ex cellent. Tbey are mild and gentle in their action, Tbey alio improve the digestion. Whenever you see a porch or a lawn-swing, you can bet thai there are some unmarried ladies in the locality. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA JERUSALEM. Vour Ancient Plans Will Learn the Modern Way. JURUSAI.l-M, the hoary, gray town of wondrous age, whose pal pitating story is writ in scripture's page. 1 he of Urinsh strangers are in your streets today, where once the money changers were scourged for crooked play. Your customs and your manners are much the same as when the Pha raohs swung their banners, and brought home captive. Your gray walls, still abiding, were frowning, grim and dark, when Jonah went joy riding, and Noah built his ark, Jerusalem, eternal, no doubt it makes you raw, to see a British colonel a-laying down the law. To see your storied place re-echo to the tread of blonde and freckled races, with whiskers showing red! Goodby to ancient custom, to old lime ways farewell! The British ers will bust 'em, while they among you dwell. There is a strange lime coming, Jerusalem, alas, when you'll have modern plumb iag, electric lights and gas. And auios will go chugging, as busy as bay steers, where donkeys have been plugging five thousand sleepy years. And there'll be morning papers to greet you when you rise, your grocers and your drapers will learn to advertise. Jeruralem, ihe British will speed your laggard step, for ihey are blithe and skit tish, and full of vim and pep. You've slept and dreamed while races grew up and knew decay, but now your ancient places will learn the modern way. A JOLT AT THE ALTAR. A minister, like his father before him, had often officiated at mar riage ceremonies, but this was his first experience ai giving away the bride. He was in a devout mood; his church was small, his salary mea ger, and his family numerous. This daughter had been especially expensive. "Who giveth this woman to be married to this man?" droned the preacher. Genily the father placed the slen der hand of the bride in that of the embarrassed groom. Take her, my boy!" he ex claimed, his face aglow. "It is more blessed to give than to re ceive." HE HAD EXPERIENCE' "I want a pair of button shoes for wife." "This way, sir. What kind do you wish, sir?" "Doesn't matter, just so they don't open in the back." Peo ple's Home Journul. NO REAL EQUALITY. She At laut the time is com ing when the sexos will be on equal footing. He That cau never be. She Why not, sir? He There will never be any real equality between the sexes while a man can't go through his wife's pookets for the loose change he wants. Baltimore Amerioan. ON THE VERANDA. Dickson There goes Mrs. Chase. What does she come to Florida for? Wickson She wants to get rid of her rheumatism. Dickson But why does she bring her three daughters a long? Wickson Oh! she wants to get rid of them, too. A YOUTHFUL BIBLESTUDDNT. "Which one of the Ten Com mandments did Adam break when he ate the apple?" aiked the Sun day School teacher. "He didn't break any," replied one little fellow. "Why not?" "Cause there wasn't any then." Death is not contagious, when a man dies politically railroad pass also expires. Stomach Troubles. If you have trouble with your stom ach you should try Chamberlain'! Tab let. Ho mauy have been restored to health by the ute of theae tablets and their cost i io little, 26 eeuta, that it ia worth while tog-ire them a trial. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA it iii ESTABLISHED 1892. Capital and Surplus, $60,QQ0. WE INVITE YOUR AGCOUNT. 4 PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. W. K. HAM KL, . It. SMITH. ii I'HKMI IIKNT. PIG POINT ORDNANCE DEPOT. WANTED For Long Job 200 Laborers BCome Ready for Work. Apply Room 303 Commerce Building, 322 High St., PORTSMOUTH, VA, JAS. STE W ART & COMPANYJnc. Fire Insurance & Surety Bonds ! Life, Accident and Health. Plate Glass and Automobiles. Repre senting leading companies. See me about your insurance wants. L. C. DKA PER, Office in Green Building, WELDON, N. C. f What's New In Mnsic By Special Arrangement with the Associated Music Publishers of New York, we will feature by Daily Pathephone Demonstration BROADWAY'S big Song Hits Come In and hear the "Latest" Direct from Melody Row. All Sheet Music 10c. Copy. W. M. Gok hi Company, Weldon, North Carolina. I SOLE AGENTS FOR NYAL'S REMEDIES. INVITATION. You are Invited to open an account with the BWK OF EtIFIELD, E FIELD, fl. 0. Per Cent, allowed In the Savings Depart ment Compounded Quarterly. YOU can J. O. DRAKE, I NUNNALLY'S AND NORRIS' CANDIES. bank by mail .1 '-i 11 ft

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