f inTiiir-,i imii Tired Nervous Mothers tV f A u&"V,j if&fi. 1 u l I rT ii tins in ftsx vt? H LI Rl -it '1 1 H I T T I '.' ; Hi x1',V'-t.' U.. I wibJX" A. AJ LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND THE ROANOKL NB'S' Thursday, Fi-k. 21, 1 91 s. Published Every Thursday. STgllKU 11 Hiftlol-fcUk. Al Hhl.l'"S HKl llM'-l LA.- MAI I Wit. RATES Ul SLBSCKSl'llON IN AD ANi.i : One Year, (by mail) poHtpai.l, tl 'U Hn MuDthn, ' " i" " A weekly Pcmocratic journal devott.l o the material, t-ducauoual, political ftad agricultural lulereitu urlluiirat at .l lurrouadioitL'ouutitfs. Advertising raten reasonable and fin Dinned on application. 1 pledge allegiance i MY 1:L.AG and lu ilie Republic For which n stands, one nation in divisible with Liheny and Justice for all. If Great Britain, which with n -eolonies has put 7,000,000 nin into ihelwur, can find 45-0,01 ' more without crippling essenn 1 industries, ihis country, out ' more than tvtiee the populiln. can find 2"0,0iii) for shipbuilding not to speak ofa few loshovele. l VO: get an idea of ihe maenitu J. of the work thai our railway bu:M ers in France have undenakei when we read that the govermneii has bought one hundred and lift thousand tons of eighiy-poiu. rails for the roads. That is equiv alent to six hundred miles o! u m ble track line. WE should all know and w should all remember thai ai iht time ot our war with Spain ihi German Lmperor secretly pro posed to F.ngland that the Hngh-h and the German fleets should pl.ia themselves between our fleet inJ Cuba, and that F.ngland notmereh said no but added thai, if the line lish ships placed themselves ,n y where, it would be between liic American fleet and the fleets ol burope. 'If 1 had had a larger fleet," said the disappointed K.ns er, "I'd have lakcn Lucie Sam i the scruff of the neck. " MKLP WEI.DONOKOW If you like the old tow n best, Tell 'em so ! if you'd have her lead the res;, Flelp her grow ' VC'hen there's anyihing to do Let the fellow s count on you, You'll feel bully when it's through. Don't you know! If you want to make a hit. Get a name ! , If the other fellow's it, VC'ho's to blame? Spend your money in the town, Where you pull the sheckles down Give the mail concern a frown , Thai's the game ! If you'd used to giving knocks, Change your style! Throw bouquets instead of rocks, For a while. Let the other fellow roast, Shun him as you would ghost, Meet his hammer with a tit And a smile. When a stranger from a far Comes along, Tell him who and what you are Make it strong. Needn't flatter, never bluff; Tell the truth, but that's enough, .join the boosters they're the stuff U e belong Don't Uorry. It is not woik t . ii.-i.; ii is worry, vXoik is healty; you can hardly put mori upon a man than he can bear W' rrv is rust upon the blade. It are sweet juices. of These Two iJuil.ilo, N. 1. -l .rn in,. i:a.tl..T lii-url, Uuv ) utf 1 in my ba. k ;ii:d . ;n-, a. id tessiunal atii-ndaie.' in,.-: git, we'll. A- ,i l.i-.t. ii advi-iiU-l i:i tin- new u n'iirki il iini : . iVi : i s -1 ; in i w five f'.-.-u pain work."- Mis. Ii. 1!. I'.iilla!.., X. V. ill in. I. Iiid "Ih.il;iili-t..i.--ni.-Tit .mil -mlTi-n-il fi.im il a! tint. - 1 .-.o;..l n..t on ri i v ttvt I 1 .is ill run lint u .n.-l . u.-.ik I . .mid not. lnV hull-.. Work, ,l II. l.-'.v ii ill in-ih: 1 I. I ! hut ih.-v .1:1 ir I.. l.y.li.i I-.. I'lnkh t;u , it and I..-W 1 am I IV nHIl 'ol, 111 Compound (I;.. Ki.mi-.i.i., W i I 1 nit. .-Mill." .! i;.i,u Every Sick Woman Should Try LYDIA E PINKHAM 7- ; :v "I'l 1 Asi: say in ihe men how entirely my heart is wiih them and how my thoughts will lollow ihem across the sea wiih confidence and genuine envy. For I should like to be wuh ihem on the field and in ihe trenches where ihe real and Hn.il battle lor the independence of ihe I'niied Siaies will be fought alongside the oilier peoples of ihe world, struggling like ourselves to nuke an end ol those things which have threatened the integrity o! their territo ry, ihe lives ol their people, and ihe very character and independece of their government. I'.id them Godspeed lor me from a very lull heart. iSigned) X'(HhK()y ril.SON. IHE ISSUE THAT CONFRONTS IS. Il save- us in mil HIO--I .it-pi ed hours, hen die t-ennng dr proportion Ivinecn die heavy de mands ot duty and our own strength challenges and tempts us, it we bear well in uiiiid one or two quile obvious and simple f.uK and w e can only be sure ol doing nils ulien hie'-. gre.i! !'!. arc in question, if vu- h.ibiuijlly de!l up on liicin in oi dinar; Jay , weave ihem al all tunes into and es warp and wont Due is. that oil) ers all round ah. nil us are support ing greater needs and heavier bur dens, and are cilled upon In make hr costlier sacrifices than our own Ii wis true philosophy as well as nspiied precept which bide men o! an earlier day "to look upon the lungs ol others;" tor here is no more tenant corrective ol sellish ness. And i all w ho are tempted to think thai hie in these days is l in much for ihem, and in dee their embarrassments, we venture to suggest ihis same course. Go pay a visit to some one who really miows wliai poverty is. Inner in to the hie ot one who is hauling with sore temptation than you have ever known. Acquaint yourself as with a little lact you easily m .i v with the magnificent struggle that young men and women in our cities are waging in order to keep their gtrnienis unspotted from the world. Gu and see the radiant fauh ot some old bed-ridden saint who praises God continually for mer cies which are almost invisible to every one but herself. And it will fill your heart with Inn shame because of your cowardice, and send you back to lake up ihe thing from which you thought ymi must fly, wiih chastened gladiuss thai God should snll count you worthy. Another ihiiig-and the greatest which saves us from perilous! desire of opportune desertion, is constantly review the mercies ol God, of which every life is a com pendium. "His love is tune past" gives the lie direct to our craven fear; since it "confirms His good pleasure 10 bring us right through" if we but company with Hun. The Cross of Calvary stands be tween us and shameful flight. And ii is well for us to live under iis shadow. For there the memory that hour when the light of Heaven broke through our sin- gloom, when the burden of guilt y torever, when we ai hi si glimpse of the glory '- nce ot Jesus Christ, is quicKenea into positive and con-1 Women hi four iliiMii-n, and for I I roll! ,t (,.U,. ttl.llli.lt- Ull I'.lillS ' & lT ll V.r.liill. -.J. I In,! ,l-0. 1 Mat ii'"'' I'Ul iliil not mrui to -oi l 1 d,-, i.1, .1 to try F.y.Uii Ii. "iiiIH.uii.l v,!.i,li 1 lu.l situ -Ifi ami in two weeks noticed . I i-oiiiimi'-.l its list, ui.il am .ml able to ilo all my lioii.-e- ZlCLl.-t.KA, $1 Weiss Mrt-ft, IV. HS llli.l I'Olli.l Hot ii.! i: ; III : io lli a -ii' M. Mil AuM I.-. , nun. li.li .1 . I . ;;i.'.ui.. lli-. ..I u.-ll .iii.iiii and do I '.'I.. i l-i. I'liikluni 's Mrs. .1 o-1. i'ii i ii; licet, IV'Ki.inl, M MLDICINE CO. LYNN. MASS. slam force There conviction be-coiih- lonsiiaiin. and depression u ln.li in ikes men cowards is blown i' ,v' i'- I'V ih" hi ai nig winds of ijod. I hen ue lose all di sire lor lhc w in us ol a dove, finding in stead the wings of an e.igie, on uhkh we mount up to the view of lite sieadiiy and as a whole, and to receive renewals of strength for nnuiii.g wiihoui w eariness and lor walking without hiiMiiess. And ihe .e men are made untiring ser ants and untearing suldiers under the inspiration of the l.ove that will not let them go. It is loo much to say that God and the nation alike cull lor the ut termost devotion of all such, in this day when that righteousness, peace and toy in the Holy Ghost tor which Christ's Kingdom stands is challenged by organized unbelief and personified devilry. To life or to tight is the issue which con Ironis us all And upon your de termination and iniiie how much depends' -J. Smart lloldeu in the Confidence ot Faith. AND NOW THEY ARE OOKINCi TOBACCO TO MAKE IT BETTER For a good many years The American Tobacco Company tiavebetneuriduetinna series of experiments having as their nbjeet the improvement ot smoking tobaccos. And it is interesting to know that one of the greatest of their discoveries was one of the simplest, and that was. that cooking or toasting tobacco improved it in every way, just as cooking most foods improves them. They took a real Burley tobacco, grown in this country; toasted it as you would toast bread, mi listened it to replace the natural moisture driven off by toasting; made it into cigarettes, called thean "LUCKY STRIKE, the toasted cigarette," and offered them to the public. The result has been the greatest demand ever created fur any tobacco product in a similar length of time. The change produced by toasting isnot only most u-holcsume, but the flavor is greatly improved, just as cooking luiptuves meat, for example. Administrator's Notice. Iluvinir .uahlii..l a u.liiiitiitralor of Ihe e-llllf ul II. I Hell, ,,.(.,.aM,, atl. .if lliiliiin roiinf. , y c , u,i , i m,t,. IV all person liuiiuir eluiuiH ae'mmt tiie entile of sin, 1 deecaaed to exhibit them to the unilersurned at Tilleiv, N, C, on or hcl'im- the ilNt ilav of .lanuaiy, lull', oi (Ins uotlt'eill he , leaded in lur ol their recovery. All ii'inou indehled to tlie Haul estate will pieaie make mime. diate payment. This the. loth ilav of Jan. Imih ,1. o! API I.EWIHTK, Adinr. of II. C. Bell, deceased. CEO. C.OREEN, Attorney. 1 at-Ol U ORSF.S AND MU1.FS FUN II SALh I have several pairs of s of horses and mules for sale, or I will i i t . .., . .... cxeiiaugc ior came or nogs. L. T. GARNER. Weldon, N. C. j WLLDON 33 YEARS AGO, a . . l:rom 1 hi- L.'oalliike INNS. News, I't'b, Mis-, Minnie Angcil. of G.ilhpo Ohio, is visiting Mis. M. Ii. .ismm . We learn ili.ii dpt. W. H. Day has been appointed general counsel for ihe W. , Vi . K. K. in place ot i Maior Charles M. SreJmjn, re- 1 sifiiteJ. ( IlillH -AVe J X' I'ler.-.'. oi .- iinlebieJ io Mr. lie eorner, lor a -lU-n-.-r ilk':' of spk-li..il,l i.ler tilneli if and was i'i!:kf t'il 1 1 1 1 p . Ill I I III.' I ll ill l)i'V An old uare iv . uv, ' .i moiiiik gujnu, "Ml- u i l ier Moi.e. iv ; d l-ll l V i, tell down pieces. No the KiiJiio, N SuinKu'k j'-. under it I hioke in in wl.ij, i'-o,n;ed (lo , t-ui -evel u ere I rok-.n 1 I I hir l' -1 In Mond.u mghl some llnel entered Air. J. "a". 1'ierce's store and stole i hag oi coppers, ihe only m nicy iini h id been let! in the dr.ner. It is supposed that the thiet had a key as the door was lound open. ClHCKhN Ficiii. A chicken tight took place between Virginia and North Carolina on Tuesday, W ednesday, and Thursday al Portsmouth. Sixteen tights made the main and North Carolina won ten ihus winning the main. Most of the chickens went from this county. IT KSONAl.. Capi. F.I). Brown ing, one of the cleverest conduc tors in the country, has resigned Ins position on the W. ci W. H. K. and will retire from railroad busi ness. He is well know n to the traveling public who will regret the abseiKe ol his genial lace. F mick A riNii. Colonel W. T. Wright, son and uo daughters, i who lived near Kingwood, leti . Tuesday for l.inle Rock, Ark., where they m tiiture Will nuke 1 their home. , Mr. George Pierce, brother ot our townsman, I)r. A. B. Pierce, left Wednesday with his wife and two daughters for Tennessee, where they will hereafter live. Halifax county has lost in two days eight of us population and such population il cannot aHotd to lose. I." M.RRli:i). In Christ Church, al 9 o'clock Thursday morning by Ihe Rev. M. M. Marshall, Mr. Waller D. Shields, ot Scotland Neck, to Miss Rowena 1 lines, oi Raleigh. They were attended by Dr. J. Ii. Shields and Miss Rebecca Collins. Mr I lines, Mr. Iseiiih.iu Cameron and Mr W alter 1. Dan iel aded as ushers. Dl.A.II.-Mis Saihe II t ook died at ihe i eside'ice ol her son, Mr. I'.. F. Conk, m W arremon on Sunday morning. Feb Stli. Mrs. Cook was bom in ihe year IMOO, and was aboui s5 years old. In 1MM she united hrrscll with the Methodist Church, ot which she remained a tanhlul member until her death. Mrs. Couk was the gr.iiidirniiher of our townsman, 1 )r. I I I ireen. RnAMiKi: liAI'llM I'MON. The next session will be held with ihe church at Rocky Mount, com mencing on Friday before ihe 5th Sunday m March. The opening sermon will be delivered by Rev. A. ( i Willcox, of Brinkleyville. PLAIN QUESTIONS TOT WELDON PEOPLE, livery Weldon Reader Will Admit the Soundness ol the Logic. Would Weldon people recom mend Doan's Kidney Pills as they do if the medicine were mit relia ble? Would they confirm their sidienienis after years have elapsed if their experiences did not show the remedy lobe deserving of it? Statements like the following must carry conviction In the mind of rvety reader: George W. Tye, Cedar Street, Weldon, savs: "Mv kidneys were not acting as they should and the kidney secretions were unnatural. I also had pains in the small of my back and through my kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills relieved me of all aches and pains, regulated my kidneys and did me good gen erally." A Lasting lienelit Over three years later Mr. Tye said: "The benefit Doan's Kid ney Pills gave me has been lasting and I have had no occasion to use them for the pasi two years." Price tiOc. at all dealers. Don't simply nsk for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Tye had. FOSTER-MILBURNC(X,Man- ufacturers, Buffalo, N. Y, AMERICAN RED CROSS 70 ENROLL 24,000,000 SCiiGGw t;, Yi JUN!0R ,.l!.iLlHHItS. 10 lhc Kh u,Ml ' "k' 1 ";ui; : , v lh..,,cv .,,;), niiHl . : a KlJ l.r.iw I i li'ti.ii . i. i !1.. - word ul grccliiss ..l lifts tiiti.- tolicii lur I he Americin k'c! Ci.'ss 1, ,. nisi with SvoWl Activities in wlnc'i i wry pupd m lh-- Cmlcd States cm find a chance to serve mil c -him: y I lie i. i ; ii.. n.uur.il cenier of your life. Tlir..tiRli it .ui c ... K m ..!". ;.i tl.e yeas c.uise ot free dom in which we have all plcd.d ou;-.lu -.. uur juium- iu,,i.,.;, ;. : your coinuuuiiU and to oil;; i . guide voinscmc.-uulih,;;!,; h how hi save in oi.L-i hi n s id. . , , ' Jiance to lite. Il w u ic.Ji . .; pi s p .i c . ;.i. .1 ihe supplie j which uoundcJ soldief c and lnni..... I on.!. - - b-- It i -end to j toil through Ihe Red Cross lUi".;;::- l : -th:ii:.,,;. ; n .! rebel and I rescue. And best ol a'.l, mot e p. : !c. ill hi . - i'ii .i-,;;i .my i' Voui ! school lessons, ymi will Icirn hi d u:i;; V; Kind tin; -gs under yoiii ! u icher's dircchou io be ill. Iiimi . d cmens ,. ;hr. great country i w Inch w e all .n e ; And I commend io .ill d. tea. r. !: the en. -i;y the- simple plan winch the American Red Cm-s h.;s -. ,;;.edo;:i io provide for your co-oper.iii-.n. k-iowing ,s 1 .'o hi u . -i c:iddi 1 1: 'i .11 git e their be-l j service under the direct guidance a-..l iiistriiciioii oi their teachers. Is i not this perhaps the chance for w huh you have been looking to give your nine and tlloris m .-me mcai:tc to meet our national needs r tSignedi WtniDK'tiW WILSON, President. JOIN TMl: .II'MOR kCD Ck'OSS. an MMi'Ai n mi: tun It was an American p..ct. lum-tU loval to America, who addressed a this land, "You are the hope o! the You are indeed ihe world's h- pe national Iricndship. I low can we pie wo'-kui" now hi help oil! i: iii.iu in our h.;::u I i ih-.s; ihii.gs- ell one w ,v is'th lunioi .1 t p- P.es.d .-: i W ,lv. is asking ttei oncw.ni i.i- mi ihe children io unite under it 1..1 p.ihio.i. sctt.cu ,t .,at ,s t.ic Junior KCd t russ- It is a department t to Ihe school children ot the I nucd mi1.-, I'liougti wm.n me can find expression in eter. pairioh. .-uti.e The Red Cross is inoi.ile. l or army ot cmens whidi -M.id- 1 i.k courage in tueir ilea i is ;inu po-.t ei .. .. , thai their country is u mi them .rui ior. II need re. Can you hiuk oh .mv ie.iso;i. i u; : s ,,;:d b A s and girls, why you should not mil the Junior Red Cross - This is J unior It'ed l doss u eek I .ithci s and mothers sec that your boy and girl is lined i the r ink INSPECTSON ISfcfcF IUUIC V??"? mm mm mm fit 'f LIQUIDS ANO PASTES. FOR BLACK, WHITL, TAN, DARK BROWN OR OX.CLOOI) SHOES. PRESERVETHE LEATHER, Ik. f t tlAUEf 10RKIUIHMS. LIMITED. BUH ALO, N. T. MKttK!rH!ijoiiiiitaH3inui-OTirOT INVITATION. v.... ... .,. BWK OF E WIELD, Eft flELD, fi. C. Per Cent, allowed nient Compounded Quarterly. PVT" VOU can hank bv mail imiinnwafiiuitsHiitHmrcB 7 I .crt:; ii i-'.r..1.1 1,1 .. ," . i . Qmmwrmmmmam ! ! A 1 mwmmmm ill ' b tSpirxj Poverty makes Lowanls of us nil Why Risk It? Make up your mind to save part of your earnings each week or month and each deposit will see you better fortified against Poverty. oi,,: ili.ii I wine you uipOSted. uv -i u jic i-ijtmimiR the I i piciMic ! ,i Junior aiem. crslup I - ' , i ii.:in.i:o - .u. tin woiid and el - , -u- ,K It wiil .cad, you . ... . .:.,: d . ;: c . c .i : .- i'..iy nave tin -i m ,m s m w.i m -. oi C. mi ,n dv-.s-.t .uid absolutely little book to the bos ,u;d girls ot wi -rid." Th.n :-ihe cx.id truth- ..r d-. -n.i-.i i.v, r. : ,.:-!!.;, for inter" make - -"i ' d '': 1 v.e older pen - mv ,iiii.ii.j.i 'w.i - 'i s- ivi.mikihk ioi n.eg u on ai e r.ming that great ... i:ie ys.it ihe ii.eu. You put M. , .. ,i.. r.,..i , in i.un c.,-. mmm wiih i-. smir. dung m light lor and die - h -r -c i' ice 3Wc) DftAI ISH M. n ..n ,, t tti.h .h. in the Savings Depart-1 i s ' j i i r: tc ' ii. i i i i i k a rij m i ill M. i ii E can help you ! Our line is WComplete! Our price and ser- vice right ! The home of good val- Sues. Get in touch with us and keep iviiaav uiouses Teach Style j Middy Blouses and Mid dy Suits represent the best, Correct up to the ,iute styles. Made ac ' ., ... Cord.nK to the U. S.Navy 1 1 i.. : v'.'xui.iiiuii OUR spring line is already arriv ing and we have a beautiful line which will pleas 9 the most fastidi ous. Notwithstanding the scarcity of goods and high prices, we can show you a handsome line very reasonable, M. FREID, I.AD1FS AND GFNT'S OUTFITTER. WELDON, N. C. (S3.50j 1 1 j "- : 1 TO there are thousands ol men wearing W. L U. Shoes And there I must be a reason. Perhaps, ifs just the iwlnjol the toe- or the -leel" of the leather-or maybe just the stitchinit-but the dlller- w x shoei ,0 noticeable i th( ou-i Me t the minute you ; i)UBins Shoes i for Men and , ,oys are malie i f the finest grades ot leath- ,rs anJ ,hfy lire made by on ly the most skilled shoe imthers W.:. DOUGLAS FARDER & JGSEPHSON, Wl'l !)')N. N. C. ise.ooj FOR THOSE WHO 1 l sl ' X m r s Tomato Boullion 6 1 Sandwiches, I x ,q Lynnhaven Bay Oysters flSj ontheHalf-Sh .-. ' i. - mi 1. rr i For Those who I '!, I Prefer The Best. M.C. PAIR C (confections, Toilet Articles, c, I'ruiis, Cigars. Complete I usrm nm. ;'(;Just f Chocolate Mi ll $1.00 Shirtwaist Ilk. Kuwls reduced to. 10c. Ureud and liulier C : ki A big Assortment q of small Hardware. 1 '0 i i fi "'i 'n r LI!Hill!uMU-Zar.MUKfi t Veluon, North Catclina. fl 0 I l) b . , , ., miaay ouus "Supreme" In style, quality and value, because made by master - tailors, fabrics from the standard mills of the country. Call in and Inspect them j$4.50 DAY put a pair on your leet. You'll find them as near perfect a shoe as can be made. MOOM PREFER THE BEST, d 3 v , . U S S7,00j (Whitman's Make) Coffee, the Half-Shell Medicines, Luncheonette In Connection. m S S "5 -XtS". scT-S. C e vrt Received ;j Liquid Cherries f -7c Sc 5c LAeE.I8 lncl..(A (1 i ir i riviiili l v9---tS---t'SJS4(rf . i i 1 Miii-'-g3aMnW"