KSTABLISNED IN 1X00. VOL. MI. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$1.50 Per Annum WELDON, N. C, riHIHSDAV, MAltCII 15, NO. V.) mi Sl,Ulll-i AAninl.l.frn.ir.itiWtir.!. lHKiiuunii - nnijihiMioroaciisftwuHn 1 tini thtfSicMnaclis Ami ikmvls of n n imsinpm 1110 signature Tlicrebj'lVomoiiminWcilion uii onuincwaim neither Opium, Morpliiiw Mineral. Not Xaiiootic jkcjKttiuiksinumtW All -triMi A-M Utft AttrSttd Jqt,rmtrtl hrri flanfitd iufar hinhwnn fkvir GonstipalioiiiuidUwrrntva.j i f.--;thnc; a'lil IossokSlfj-.. pesnltinCihwfrwn-inlnw1 of 'si i filC Simile S"1 The Cnmw iV.F J- Use r fcnact Copy nf Wrapper. For Over Thirty Years 31 new lonn cirv Get The Habit KBuy for Cash. Saveg 7the pennies by buy-j ing at W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Cash Store' Wlil. DON. N. C. MASTI'.U TI'llKKS ok Building Material for Modern Moines, Siish, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MA OK TOlMMlKlt AM' l.'Kl.l I. Alt Slut K MZKS. lood Materials, High tirade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon. N. C. 'I cheerful place, amid pleasant aid digestion. THE Dining Room should be a for when you eat your meals surroundings you do much to And good digestion means heaitn. HAVE US FUHNISH YOUR DININii ROOM The variety of designs in Tables, Chairs, Side boards, China Closets, Serving Tables and the like, is ample to satisfy vour desires, whatever they may be, In the matter i f style, finish and price. Come in and talk it o.. with us., We are as eager to GIVE satisfacti ... as you are to receive it. Moo Mm Company, Weldc . N. O PRIU; LIST BELL 2 IN 1 TYRES 600 W. Hroail SI , RICHMOND. VA. Your Old lyres Mudc Into )m HI.E 2x:i :lu;l flu:", jkiiij Ml 4l 3.1l4 stm Mx4l :i,i4i Hlxll rul.i llii.vlj H?4J :" :-Kii."j ii eli I I SlUMMl Fl HMhIIISH HUIH l,ISi I .'l 1M 3 Ml II it. 4 lal 4 4 mi Ii Till ,ri ifi ft DO 5 : II fill II K, ii m 7 fill 7 fi I'l HMM) I'M .S -HI II S.i III HI - III 'HI II -' III M 11 711 II INI l'J 'HI 1'.' lal 1.1 l 14 '.m ill K I'HH k ruH I uMI'l K-ll ix I rHy.', fc'l -II -, .1,1 H ."ill l'J 411 J Ml It! MU i:i no 14 Ol X. Wi l.'i H" i;. :t 10 !H lt Wl I 7(1 IH tO in wr. W 70 'J III ' !HI :i 4 -M 4 4.i 4 .'m. 4 11 4 i.i u mi fi mi ii Ml B I HI (I HI Ii 411 II Ml II 7.i . t . I , I i" VI A tll 1 U I YOUK ULU l Ki:.i i.ioivu. ., . .. Don't tlirow away voui old tirm, -nJ Hi-"' 'o . " "'"!' bo ahl m .hlVin lTr vcm lotus be the iu.lit... n.) .loponit ni-cetwary, we make ull hi ; Z ZUt to jou. V. pay ebatg. od uoonu Net Conir j i If, Fluid Dr.wlirn fl S !3 f;J Ilk L'- orI'"'rit ' '"'ililriMi, llidMS Genuina : - ia li rl .33li Al L. 1 JllWi .V .' BKl BUSINESS. The children of the neighbor hood h.nl MLirk-d mi amusement conipiny, which ihey pljnned to ovi;iif tor cniiimcrcial and recre .Hion purposes, w iih the oilier chil dren ;is lie viciinis, or rather pal rons. The company's properly consisted, anions oilier lliinns, of a tine nc'V swini;. Since business was roller dull the first alicrnoun the owners of ihe "park" were lakliii; turns eiijoyinu the rides thcinseh'.'. () ie of ihe litile Kills evidently iliouuhi she had not received tier sharer of ihe lun. "I ieorijc," she cried, ' don't let me swinj; now niiiinin.i!" (ieorae was not abashed so oui!" he remonsiraled nil i n 1 1 m i i )J this company on ihe tcll-niHin.i, plan." Indianapolis News. if you 'II tell "Aw, 'We're OUI TK SO. "X'e may live lo see ihe air plain in common everyday use like die auiuinobile " "Sure! But our chance of liv ing lo see that will be better if we leave the experimenting to other people. "Life. One-half of ihe world does not know how ihe oilier half lives bui il has its suspicions. PERFECT CONFIDENCE, Weldon People Have (lood Reason Hor Complete Reliance. Do you know how To find relief from backache; To correct distressing urinary ills; To assist weak kidneys ? Many people in this community know ihe way. Have used Doan's Kidney Pills; Have proved their wonh in many lesis. Here's testimony from thiscom ni im 1 1 y. Miss 1:. T. Powell, dressmaker, 52-1 Arlington St., Rocky Mount, N. C , says: "I suffered from backaches and pains in the back of my head and between my shoul ders. My kidneys didn't act right and I could get no rest, boan's Kidney Pills relieved ihe aches and pains in my back, corrected ihe kidney annoyance and did me a great deal of good." Over three years later Miss Powell said: "I have had no signs ot rheumatic pains or any kidney trouble since I endorsed Doan's Kit'ney Pills before. I cannot praise Doan's loo much for what they have done for me." Price GOc. at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Miss Powell had. l-'OSI'liU-MILBURN CO., Man ufacturers. Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Frederic Jacobson Says, 75 per cent, ol women need Phos phates to icive them Strong, Healthy, rounded figure and to avoid Nervous Breakdown. Thousands of women grow strong in Nature's way. "Consider the Lilies of the Field, How They Orow.'' The life of'the lily is but a Few weeks or months. The life of man is "ihree score years and ten." But to live one's life in it's fullness women like the lily, musi be nour ished by ihose same vital elements which nature provides for nourish ing every living thing; and these include the valuable phosphate so often lacking in the usual food we eai today. Argo-Phos phaie is rich in these wonderful elements. It contains (hem in con centrated tablet form which is easy lo take und quickly as .imulated and absorbed inio the system, and from youth in old age, builds and re builds body and brain in hcauiiful hat ninny iih Nature's perfect plan. "I hat's why" Argo-t'hos-phaie makes good solid flesh and muscles. Sl'lXlAI. NOTICt:.-Argo-Pho s phate contains ihe Naliiral phos phates which thousands of physi cians are prescribing daily lo build up thin, pale, colorless women to give (hem rosy cheeks, red lips and a beautiful complexion. Many cases have been reported where women have increased their weight from 1 5 to 25 pounds with a few weeks treatment, and any woman who desires a well rounded and developed form, should secure from her druggist, this new drug which is inexpensive and is dis pensed by the W. M. COHKN DRUG COMPANY with or with out a doctor's prescription. Free sample mailed by the Argo Laboratories, Atlanta, Ga. 22 Million Families in the United States If EACH FAMILY saved one cup of wheat flour it would amount to 5,500,000 pounds, or 'more than 28,000 barrels. If this saving was made three times a week, it would amount to 858,000,000 pounds, or 4,377,000 barrels in a year. You can do your share in effecting this saving and really help to win the war by omitting white bread from one meal today and baking in its place muffins or corn bread made according to this recipe: Corn Meal Muffins cup corn meal ' 2 UbUipoom tugar 1 ', cup, (lour No efgi teaipoon salt 1 cup milk 4 teaipooni liojal Balling Powder 2 Ubleipoon, ihortenirtf Silt dry ingredients together tnto bowl; add milk and melted shortening and beat well. Bake in greased muffin tins in hot oven about 20 minutes. Same baiter may be baked aa corn bread in greased anallow pan. Our new Rtd, While and Blue booklet, 'Best War Time Recipes," containing many other recipes for making delicious and wholesome wheat saving foods mailed free-address . . r ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., DEPT. H 135 William M., new Torit FOOD WILL WIN THE WAR jjj JJkEEP YOUR SHOES rEAT fo S ., aawoti. sm I L v' SHOO 'fiti' THE ISATHEH ' l. ? a" At't,,l( BOYS COMEBACK. ! WHAT DOES IT MEAN? BY FRANK L. STANTON. I'm wantin' to stay till the morning sun Shall light the day when the war is won; When the world's made over all so new It'll be like the world God meant for you ! And that's what coming as true as day ! It's the 3ad home-word from the boys away I've seen 'em takin' the ocean track I'll wait till the boys come home ! O to be with 'em in light and night. And not to know that you've fought your fight ! That you've one with the shadows that seem to creep Over the graves where the old boys sleep ! When you feel the thrill of the old war-will And a fight for your country is in you still ! But the rustin' rifle must keep the rack, I'll wait till the boys come back. I'll wait to cheer 'em- from over the foam To the lights of hometo the lights of home ! To the arms that were empty, but would not stay The steps of the boys as they marched away ! When the bells ring "Home" in a mornin' song, I'll wave a hand in the cheerin' throng Light ! Light ! Lighi for the war-clouds black, I'll wail till the boys come back. THE FIELDS OF HOME. O young and bright and happy, gladsome days, Could I call back your sunny, care-free ways And live again those full and timeless hours That ended 'mid the hush of evening bowers So cool and peaceful, sweetened with the dew And woodland song that only night-time knew! Could I look out and see the great moon rise And marvel how she climbed the stepless skies, And dream again those lair dreams of my youth And revel in the beauty of a truth New-born and wondrous, where a widening world Hach day new glory and new dreams unfurled ! O stern and serious Time loose thou the cords And turn me back with kind assuring words To those fair days again aiid let me be A wand'rer through those I fields so fair and free, Where breath of clover rode upon the breeze And busy songbirds tenanted the trees; Where jolly playmates coining up the lane Would greet me with a joy almost profane, And climbing o'er the treach'rous old rail fence Would join me with a satisfying sense Of well-earned liesure I onward we would stroll O'er ditch and bramble, on through wooded knoll And down the shadowed hillside to the creek So filled with every creature shy and sleek; Where all the livelong day no thought of time Could hurry our young feet from mud and slime; Till nightfall and the thought of storied witch Would drive us back o'er bramble and o'er ditch To where the home lights beckoned o'er the hill, And the home call of the dear old whip-poor-will Would bring us all with boyish appetite To suppertime and stories of the night. 0 Father Time, I pray thee let me roam Back to the fields and friends of that dear home And hear those voices, feel the boyish thrill 1 knew in that dear home upon the hill. What does this sentence mean?" j asked the teacher, 'Man proposes, i but God disposes.' " I A small boy in the back of the room waved his hand frantically, , 'Well, Thomas," said the teach- J er, what does it mean f i 'It means," answered Thomas, with conscious pride, "pride "tlwt a man might ask a woman to mar- i ry him, but only the Lord knows whether she will or not." HAD TRIED THE CURE. Doctor Your throat is in a very sad .state. Have you ever tried gargling with salt water? Skipper Yes, I've been tor pedoed six times. t n i: 1 ESTABLISHED 102 Capital and Surplus, $607QQ0. WE INVITE YOUR AGCOUNT. 4 PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT W. H, I1ANIKL, I'RRHIIIRNT. V. It. SMITH. Vlt'B-rHKMIiKNT. ,1. O. UltAKK.I 3E TO BE Should Read Mrs. Monyhan's Letter Published by Her Permission. OK OHIO, I (II Tlil.KHO. I'CASnit'NTY J STATU OK OHIO, CITY I. GRAVE SITUATION. Kruiik ,1. I'lit'tit'.v maki'H uallt that h in Henior partner of Ihe llrm nf K. .1. Cheney A Co., doing tumuli'! in the eity orToleilo, enmity ami State afurrsaiit, and that nanl Him will pay One llun died Holla for uaeh and every fane of Catarrh that cannot he cureil by the use of Uall'a Catarrh Medicine. KKAXK .1. CI1KSKV, Sworn to before nie and aiuWnueil in my presence, this lith day of Mecemlu'r A. I). ISM. A." YY. CLEASON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure ia taken internal ly and acta directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, K. J.t'HKNliX CO., Toledo, Ohi o Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Hold by all druggists. Hall's Family Pills tor Constipation "So Marie is cugjgcjr" "Yes, to an undertaker." "An undertaker? She mi jst be dead in love. HAD SIMILAR FAILIN (I. Mistress It's only fair to warn you, Bridget, that my h uand swears a little sometimes. Bridget That's all right, mum. So do I. Life. TYPICAL. Judge What is the v ertticr f the jury? Foreman Your honor , the jury are all of one mind tt tmporarily insane. l.ydii Vegetable Compound lii'lpcd me so much j miring Ma lime l ! wanlookingforwarrj to the coming of my little one that 1 am recommending it to other expectant mothers. Before taking it, someday. I sutlered with n.'U. raljria so badly that I thought 1 could not live, but afttT AS. taking three iMittlea .. Jof l.ydiu, E. l'in k- ham s V e getablt, Compound 1 was en tirely relieved of neuralgia, 1 had gained in strength p aim was aim, w Bu around and do all my housework. My baby when seven months old weighed 19 pounds and I feel bi'tter than 1 have for a long time. I ni-ver had any medicine do me so much good." Mrs. PfclAKL Monyhan. Mitchell. 1ml. (iood health during maternity la a most important factor to both mother and child, and many letters have been received by the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., I.ynn, Mass., telling of health restored during this trying period by the use of Lvdia K. Pinkham's Vege table Coiniiound. cut Lowers KOR JLL OCCJlSIOJiS UoHt'K, ('arnaiioiih, Valht', Violets ami OrcLulK Uu Ictttlers. Wi'dilmif 1' lower arrainrfii in latent ait, l-'loral lftitrns, artistically anangetl. Fall and Winter Kulbs Are Now Ready, Plant Karly for Best Results. Uoselmhlii's, Kverif rei'iis, Shiuhliriies, Shade I reeH and Hedge I'laut in vari ous various al J. L. O'QMNN & COMPANY, Phone Mil RALEIGH North Carolina. WtfY SpEfio JLL You Efi? You might get sick or hurt be prepared for it. You might want to make an investment start now, " Takes money to make money," you know You might be visited by thieves or l'ire--an account with us prevents loss, the saving habit is a mighty good one to get into. We pav 4 per cent on Sav ings Accounts a THE BANK OF HALIFAX . L. Stedman, President FT.A.T-jTIF.A.X it. c. P. C. Gregory, VlCr-l'rPHMlrnt F. H. Gregory Cashier Firs Insurance I Surety Bonds ! Life, Accident and Health. Plate Glass and Automobiles. Repre senting leading companies. See me about your insurance wants. LC. D'KAI'rCR, Office in Green Building. WliLDON, N. C. An Appetizing Meal Everybody wants It. Everybody likes It. Everybody's looking for It. BUT Vou can't get it unless you have the right kind ' groceries, (let 'em HERE 1 Phone 280. R. M, PURNELL, Weldon, N, C. f What's Sew In Mnsicf By Special Arrangement with the Associated Music Publishers of New York, we will feature by Daily Pathephone Demonstration BROADWAYS big Song Hits Come In and hear the "Latest" Direct from Melody Row. All Sheet Music 10c. Copy. ?. M. Oohen Drug Company. Weldon, North Carolina. SOLK AG L NTS FOR NYAL'S Rl-MEWUS. ( j j NUN NUNNALLY'S AND NORRIS' CANDIES. For Sale! New Todd Check Protector. If interested, call at this office. T7