1-STABLfSHKD IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$l.50 Per An.nm VOL. LI I. WKLDOX, N. C, THURSDAY, MAIM 'I I 1 I, ISMS. NO. 4 I Children Cry for Fletcher's IIEARDED LADIES. The World Is (IrowinK Broader ' As It (Iron Better. Ib Kind You Have Alway. BouKht, and which ha. teen In um fur over over 30 years, has h..rn. the .iKna,Ure of SV s an4 .has bcen nude unJ" his per- (Jffl4ZlA' .I?1 suPervisi"n "nee its infancy. Tr! ' 77c' Allow no one to deceive you in this All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good are bui Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment. What is C ASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil. Pareeoric Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains' neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency. Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels aids GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS f Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought Get The Habit SrCTBuy for Cash. Save"CS K-the pennies by buy-"Cg? ing at W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Cash Store' WKLOON, N. C. .MANlT.U''ITI(Kli.s OF Building Material fur Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO OKDKK AND liKiil'l.Alt STOCK MZKs. Oood Materials. High tirade Workmanship Our Slogao. Weldon. N. C. THE Dining Room should be a cheerful place, for when you eat your meals amid pleasant surroundings you do much to aid digestion. And good digestion means health. HAVE US FURNISH YOUR DINING ROOM The variety of designs in Tables. Chairs, Side boards, China Closets, Serving Tables and the like, is ample to satisfy vour desires, whatever they may be, in the matter of style, finish and price. Come in and talk it over with us. We are as eager to GIVE satisfaction as you are to receive it. Welk Furniture Company, Weldon, N. C. PRICE LIST BBliL2IN17YRES 601) W. Broad St., KICHMONU, VA. Your Old Tyres Made Into One HIZt .Hull KJl.lJ aim 3.1x4 1 mill i'.Hl Stilll 34 ill ar.i4j jtiu 37l4J :trx5 Mir, J?pS I ri KM-IIIM. i 1 I HSIMI Olll 1AHI.V.H I Afl V.f U Oil a i .' il :i a.-. Hu 7 A It, 4 Do 'i ft ftU r. 7r. l 4" f, 1U no 6 1 1 -1 so I" w (I ft", ll 711 II Ml II Wl 7 .'Hi IS ' 7 fml ia w 7 7f. is ' H IHJ '14 Mil IM M t'HI k rilK I MMl'I.KI'l L' IN I TVHK t. Ml 7 ii so 11 40 12 11 12 NO 13 Ml 14 HO 15 ll l.'i SCI I ft Hft I ft so 111 Wl In 70 m Hft in Hf IN 711 'IT HI i ini 1 411 '. Mil .1 3ft 4 4 4ft 4 rm 4 till 4 7ft ft Ul ft no ft Ml II Oil U 10 0 40 U Ml U 7ft ' um m .i n TVDFH MADR 2 IN I. ell ror tou ft. uie uig.iv. ,..,.,,., - TIiiti' wiih a tiini' wIhui ii wo man wan ri'ctii'ilpil iih wiirlli In si'i'iinly tt lirii h!m' w:im a Iti'unli-il l.aily ur u Wat Kitf u i' "I' n naiii;iiiiiary iimrtul like Cliai'lulti' ('unlay, wlm llii IhIii'iI Mural. Sin- imisl, per furci', In- a freak nf kimiih kiml, ii-i'liHm tin- l-'at l.aily weighing u half tun, ami side mIiowh ami nuimiiuns )iaii fanry Hiiluries fur Mii-li attractions. Tliu an-iiutinrrini-nt tliat a woman in tl! onlinary walks of life hail kim to town had exeited no coinini'iit, oausi'd no siiccula tion, ami an onlinary war pol itician in pants roulil ot a hig-Ki-r rrowil of rulilii-r nrckorn than tin- must yifti-il woman, Bi-i'aiiKi! lici'Miixo woman was supposi-il to hu an inferior animal inti'lli-ctually she was plai'eil in the same cntejjory by tin-pale faei- that the Indian placed his squaw she was sup posed to listen, keep her mouth shut in the awful presence of her lord ami master and not undertake the initiative in any thing. Hut happily those days have passed. Nowadays a woman endowed Willi ordinary intelli gence can take her plum in the world and among men and stand out for the worth that liehiiins to her. if she is a speaker she gets attention: if a politician, people listens to what she says and if an official, she is regarded as the equal of man. All of this iti gratifying information-all of this suggests that the world is growing hroailer as it grows better. Kverything. NOT THAT KIND OF WOMAN. Doctor You should be constant ly at your husband's side, as you will need every little while to hand him something. Mrs. Casey Niver.doctor! Sure Oi'm not the woman to hit a man whin he's down. Hoston Trans-cripi. QUICK Klil'ARTEH. N. H. Willis was usually ihe life of the company he happened to be in. His repartee at Mrs. Gales' dinner in Washington is famous. Mrs. dales wrote on a card to her niece, ai the other end of the ta ble: "Don't flirt so with Nat Wil lis." She was herself talking vi vaciously 10 a Mr. Campbell, vl il- lis wrote ihe niece's reply: "Dear aum, don't anempi my young feelings to trammel, Nor strain at a Nat while you swallow a Campbell." La pollette centuheo. mm i ' " mr- ' ' 1 MrW- M ft ft M LAFOLLETT1 : Madw.ii, ft'iv, Mar. ti : The lower house- nl ihe K iscunsin Leg islature in nighi censured Senator La Folletie for his atiiiude i n ihe war by a vote of hi to 32. The resolution was passed by the State Senate ten days ago. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Favorite (or Colds. .1. L. Kfll-y, Macon, III., ill speaking 0rclimberlin'i('ouirh Remedy yi: "During the pt llfteoll yemri it hat been my tiHtpr's favurite tor colds on the lunga. I myself hare taken It a Dumber of times wlien suffering with a cold and it always relieved me prompt ly." Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S CASXORIA 1,716,000,000 Pounds of Flour Saved if each of our 22,iHR),(XX) families use this recipe instead of white bread. One loaf saves 11,000,000 pounds; three loaves a week for a year means 1,716,000,000 poundssavedl Enough to Feed the Entire Allied Army Corn Bread with Rye Flour 1 cup corn maal 1 cup ry flour 2 tablespoon! sugar 5 leaipooiii Royal Baking Powder 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup milk 1 ! 2 tablespoons shortening Bailey Hour or oat Hour may bf used instead of ry flour with equally Rood results. Sift dry ingredients into b;iwl; add milk, beaten epg and melted shortening. Stir well. Put into greased pan. allow to stand in warm plain 20 to 25 minutes and bake in moderate oven 40 to 45 minutes. Oar new Red, White and Blue booklet "Best War Time Recipes,' containing many other recipes for making delicious and wholesome wheat saving foods, mailed freeaddress ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., Dept. H, 135 William St., New York FOOD WILL WIN THE WAR I ACTION VSix1'10115 LIQUIDS AND PASTES. FOR BLACK, WHITE. TAN, DARK BROWN OR OX-BLOOD SHOES. PRESERVE THE LEATHER. Ih. F, P. DALLEY CORPORATIONS. LIMITED. BUFFALO. K. 30 GOT THE BLESSING. A STORY OF LAFAYETTE. BY FRANK L. STANTON. Last Sunday there was preachin', and we all went out to hear; The little church was crowded, for the rich and poor was there; Ii was jes' a splendid sermon, an' the singin' full and free Amazin grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me." When I call the sermon splendid, I mean il was the kind To take deep root an' bear good fruit in every sinner's mind; Il was full of consolation for weary hearts that bleed Twas full of invitation to Christ and not to creed. The text was 'bout the prodigal who spent his livin' neat, Until he came at Inst 10 want the husks the swine did eai; But a sweet thought gave him comfort when he hardly wished to live, "I will go unto my father for my father will forgive." "I'm talkin' to you fellers," said the preacher, "here to-day, Who spent the Master's livin' in a country far away; You've got to go where that feller was you can'l tell why or how, But come back to the Father He's wailin' for you now!" From the amen corner to the door the people ("inhered near, An' "pray for us!" they shouted, an' it seemed the Lord was there; An' such a great handshaking well, the precious time is past. But the old church in the backwoods goi the hlessm' that'll last ! PATCHED TROUSERS. BY HON. Z. B. VANCI-. How dear to my heart are the pants of my childhood, When fond recollection presents them to view. The pants thai I wore in ihe deep tangled w ild wood, And likewise the groves where the crab apple grew; The wide-spreading seat with its little square patches, The pockets that bulged with my luncheon for noon, And also with marbles and fish-worms and matches And gumdrops and kite strings from March until June The little patched trousers, the maJe-over trousers, The high water trousers that fit me too soon. No pantaloons ever performed greater service In tilling the hearts of us youngsters with joy; They made the descent from Adolphus to Jarvis, Right down through a family of ten little boys, Though no fault of mine, known to me or 10 others, I'm the tenderest branch on our big family tree; And having done service for nine older brothers, They came down to me slightly bagged at the knee The little patched trousers, the second-hand trousers, The old family trousers that bagged at the knee. ANECDOTE OP DR. WM. CLOSS. "HELL WILL BE MY PORTION." The Doctor was always ready for a bit of dry wit or repartee. If the joke was against him, he related il afterwards with just the same relish as if il had been in his favor. He relates that on one occasion he walked into a barber shop in Lit tle Washington to have his hair trimmed. He was very bald, having only a light fringe of hair that showed out behind under ihe rim ol his hat. He said to the barber : "I want to make a bargain with you, As I do not charge you for preaching, you may trim my hair without charging." "All right," said the barber, "lake a seal and lei me pn ceed." The Doctor seated himself and removed his hai in his usual dignified manner. Whereupon ihe barber drew back with astonish ment and exclaimed : "Dr. Closs, if I don'i get any more preaching than I get hair off your head, hell will be my poruon, certain." Both preacher and barber laughed heartily, and were ever alter uds good jolly friends. LET US GUARD OURSELVES. fy UARD ourBclves we muMt in aucu u tiiiic us tlnn. Men I ij are in. a hurry. Machinery is powered to it capacity. Service is eiactinir. Mental strain is rent. Duty has become double duty. We cannot be still; all are in the stir. The voice of authority re-echoes around the world, und millions obey the command. We look for the unusual; we are uot satis fied with the usual. Old theories and themes we are casting aside. We are making history and making it fust. But, with all, let us not target to linger at the throne of grace. F.et us guard ourselves that we may not forget the sweetness of the sanctuary, the moments of meditation aud prayer. We must not substitute patriotism for religion. We must guard ourselves agaiuBt forgetting God Christian Sun. The Frosts and Snows of Valley Forge. i During Lafayette's visit to America in 1X21, he was every where honored. Once, when passing tlirougn a village where the entire population turned out, ho saw an old sol dier iu the Continental uni form. The veteran drew him-1 self up in the stiff fashion of) the old-time drill and gave the j military salute. As Lafayette made the return signal, tears started to his eyes. The tat tered uniform, the ancient flint lock, the silver-haired soldier, even older than himself, recall ed that dear past. "Do you know me?" asked the soldier. "No, I cannot sny 1 do," was the frank reply. '! you remember the frosts and snows of Valley Forge?" 'I shall never forget them," answered Lafayette. '( Ine bitter night, (ieneral, you were going the rounds at Valley Korge. Vou came upon a sentry in thin clothing and without stockings. lie was slowly freezing to death. Vou took his gun, saying, '(Jo to my hut. There you will find stockings, a blanket and a tire. After warming yourself bring the blanket, to me. .Mean while 1 will keep guard." "The soldier obeyed. When he returned to bis post, you, (ieneral Lafayette, cut the blanket in two. One-half you kept; the other you presented to the sentry. Here, (ieneral, is one-half of that blanket, for I um the sentry whose life you saved." Kx. 'l' ii i: i ESTABLISH HI) 1892 Capital and Surplus, S60,0QQ. WE INVITE YOUR AGCOUNT. 4 PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT" W. K. DAN1KL, I'KKHIIIKN I. W. li. SMITH. V 1 1'K PKKNI HUNT. .1. O. DRAKE,! CAHHIHR. WiY SpeHd iu You EM? You might get sick or hurt be prepared for it You might want to make an investmentstart now, "Takes money to make money," you know You might be visited by thieves or firean account with us prevents loss. The saving habit is a mighty good one to get into. We pav 4 per cent on Sav ings Accounts 3 THE BANK OF HALIFAX g N. L, S ted man, 1'rennii'nl P. C. (Ireicury, Vipf-l'rRHtdpnt F. H. (Ire gory Cawhier The Pneumonia Season. The cold, damp wcathei uf Mureli we ni to be the inunt itivorahle fur the pDt umuuia iff nn. Nuw in the tunc to be I'uri'l'ul. I'lieumuuia of tea results from a cutl. The ijuieker a ruld is gutter, rid uf the less the duover. As noun as the lirst imlicatiuu of a cold ap pears take ( 'hainbei laiu's Couifh Kem fdu. As to the value uf thi juvpaia turn, ak auv oue who has used it. Fire hmm I Surety Bonds ! Life, Accident and Health. Plate Glass and Automobiles. Repre senting leading companies. See me about your insurance wants. L.C. DRAPER, Ollice in Green Building, U'liLDON, N.C. We know a lot of men whom the world could get along without, but they don't seem to be uware of the fact. flat's lew In Music V HOW Ml BOYD AVOIDED AN OPERATION Canton, Ohio."! iufTered from a female troubl which rauieii nit muth utlennjf, and two ducton dfiiJtfil that ! would hav to go thruuh an operation bttorw 1 could gt Wdl. ' My m"h"! vhi? had been hi-lpnd by l.ydiati, I'mkham't VKttabls Com pound, ad vised m to try il bit fore sub mitting to an opera tion. U relieved mo from niv troublea ao I ran do my houae work without any difficulty. 1 ad viae any woman who ta at Hie ted with female trouble! to give Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com pound a trial and it will do as much for them." Mra. Makir Boyu, 1421 6th St, N. E., Canton, Ohio. Sometime there are teriout condi tiom where a hospital operation it the only alternative, but on the other hand ao many women have been cured by thia famoua root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound, after doctora have aaid that an operation waa necessary every woman who wanta to avoid an operation ahould give it a fair trial before submitting to iuch a trying ordeal If complications exist, write to Lydia B. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lvnn, Uaaa,, for advice. The result of many yean experience la at your aervice. item liy Special Arrangement with the Associated Music Publishers of New York, we will feature by Daily Pathephone Demonstration BROADWAY'S big Song Hits Come in and hear the "Latest" Direct from Melody Row. All Sheet Music 10c. Copy. Ti. II Gok hi Company, Weldon, North Carolina. SOLE AGENTS FOR N Y AI 'S REMEDIES. i I, NUNNALLVS AND j I NOKRIS' CANDIES. I I J For Sale! New Todd Check Protector. If interested, call at this office. Jr A. ...... L

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