LEST WE FORGET OUR SOLDIERS. VAR SAVINGS STAMPS ISSUED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT h lakes men to make soldiers and runlcss enemy a soldier has is Hie ci.iiks n time in the terrific strain ot exhaustion is no longer endurable the top," or is keeping long hours at gci overtake him. Sleep we cannot htm lood and necessary comforts. mhuicis. ncii c uuy ar-.iaviug M.imps we contribute I comfort, to their efficiency and probably save their lives. I et forget die soldiers who are lighting our battles. Tl K O A N OK i; N i; Mi' s Thursday, Apkil 1 1, 1918. NOTICE. There will be a regular convoca tion of Roanoke Chapter SI R. A. M. in Masonic Hall, every first and third U'ednesday evenings. A. B. Stainrack, Sec'y. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE, Nothing resembles yesterday as much as tomorrow. Break your Cold or LaGrippe with a few doses 666, Miss L:.leanor Barr is visiting rel atives in Wilmington. Captain and Mrs. J. S. Barr are mi a visit to Philadelphia. Dr. J. E. Shields, of Scotland Neck, was in town Tuesday. Mrs. Mamie O'Brien, spent a lew days in Rocky Mount last week. RL'B-MY-TISM Antiseptic, re lives Rheumatism, Sprains, Neu ralgia, etc. Mrs. T. C. Harrison and Miss Kate Garrett are spending a few days in Norfolk. Miss Margarel O'Brien, of Rich mond, has returned home after spending a few days with relatives here. Little Miss Dorothy Holmes, of Cedanown, Ga., is spending a while with her sisier, Mrs. Fred. Bounds. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston, ol Littleton, spent Monday night in town with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnston. Mr. Robert Dickens, of 1'. S. S. Charleston, accompanied by his friends Mr. Frank Gilbert and Mr. G. VI'. Tuff, of U. S. S. Charles ion, spent the week-end in town. Miss Beatrice l-'utrcll, Messrs. Obed l-'utrell, Harvey Joyner, James and Howard Revelle, ot Conway, and F. F. Joyner, of Camp Jackson, spent Sunday unh Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Vauglun. An Invitation. Vie return thanks to our friend Mr. U rn. A. Carter to be present at the gradua ting exercises of the United States College of Veterinary Surgeons, on Wednesday, April 17th, Wash ington, D. C. What We Are at Home. Our life abroad is but a reflex of what it is at home. We make our selves in a great measure at home. This is especially true of women. The woman who is of course.rude and vulgar at home, cannot be ex pected to be chaste and refined in the world. She cannot shake them off. They are woven into the web of her life. Now Is The Time to Pay. The life of an editor was saved the other day by the presence of a sil ver dollar in his pocket. A crank shot at him and the bullet struck the dollar. Should we happen to get shot before you pay up your subscription and there is no dollar to stop the ball we shall always presume you might have saved our life. Stop! Look! Listen A good example is the best teacher. Pre cepts are useless tl cuniradicird by our daily living. If we aie slaves to our evil passions, how can we leach our children self control. If we sometimes speak or act an un truth, we cannot expect them to be truthful. Do not scold; do not use harsh words; for they will surely be reflected in your children. Should not Pass Unnoticed. It is a pity that the parents of the boys who were throwing rocks at the school building on Sunday night while Mr. Pou was speaking could not have been present and known that their sons were guilty of such unpatriotic acts. These are serious times and such conduct re fleets dishonor on our town as well aa on the guilty parlies and should ol pass unnoticed. 'We we have them. ;m iht. lmiS limit of , endurance. There hanle when menial and physical l'erhaps he is waiting to go "mcr the post when l.uigm.- ,,d nm. assure hun, hut Ul, sui,,,y This is the least we can do lot i,r their not Move OL'T.-Whcn one finds he is out of sympathy with his home town he should move out. Do not get into that unconscious habit of growling. Thank Fortune we only have a few "kickers" in Weklon, but the few we have are weight for the rest to carry. If you have made up your mind to live in a town then stand tin lor it Think oi-- Yoi k own Faults. Don't tell everything you know. don't tell everything you hear, don't Mister your tongue with back biting, don't be Satan's bellows to blow up the lire of strife in the community, Hither cut olf a bit ol your tongue or season it with the salt of grace. Be quick to work and slow to talk. Think ol your own faults ere other people's faults you tell. KhEi Your Money at Home. Never send a dollar away from home when the article that the dollar will purchase can be obtained at home. Money is our financial blood. Its circula tion keeps the business body alive. Bleed that body by sending money away and business will soon put on J look ol lethargy. Always trade at home. Watch the bargains of fered by enterprising merchants in this paper and you will learn the best places to spend those home dollars. Don't Be a Dummy. -When anyone comes to U eldon grasp him by the hand and tell him what bright prospects the town has. Don't stand around hke a lot of dressed up dummies before a cloth ing store and wear long faces with gloomy looks that see only the dark side of things. Above all, Jon t go whining around and make a shadow on the bluesi sky. If you really liave not the heart to speak a cheery word or lend your uillueiice in behalf of our town, for mercy sake hide yourself when strangers come to visit us. Siioit.dBeSenttotheCoun- n Roads. We areinfurmed that someone look Dr. T. W.M.Long's automobile key Irom his machine on Sunday night, while he was listening to Mr. Pou's speech, and gave him considerable trouble, as he could not move his car without it and was forced to hire another car lo lake him and his party to their home in Roanoke Rapids. Such acts of vandalism are too fre quent in Weldon and the town au thorities should see that there is a stop put to all such. The county roads is a good place for any one who w ould Jo such a thing. Notice to Farmers in Hali fax COI'NIY.-- Hie nitrate ot so da you made application tut thru the Govermneni will be furnished you some lime within the next sixty days. We are not able to give you any definite date now on account of lack of information from the Bureau of Markets, who has charge of this soda, in Washington City. We received the allotments last week, and the applications will be filed giving each man what he applied for. As soon as other in formation is obtained we will try to let you hear from it. Mr S. G. Whitfield, has been appointed ny the Bureau of Markets as county Distributor. N. B. Sl'KVl :ns, Co. Agent. Orhhan Sinoino Class Com ING. There ill be given ai Batchelor's Opera House Thurs day night, April 1 1 lit, a most de lightful concert by the singing class of the Oxford Orphanage. We are informed thai the concert that is to be given this year by the singing class of the Oxford Or phanage is, in some respects, dif ferent from any that has ever been offered to the public. The program this year includes several patriotic numbers that are calculated to in spire and ennoble to create a deeper and more abiding love of country and its institutions. Do not fail to hear this concert; tell your friends about it; come and help lo give these children a rous I ing reception. Tin: Book Ci.i -u. Mrs. Lee Johnson entertained the Book Club ai ilieir regular meeting held Tues Jjy, April 2. Miss Clark, the President, gave some interesting f'icts in regard to patriotic work in North Carolina as a foreword to I he exercises of the day and was l' lowed by roll call responses to i which were given in quotations horn pioneer prose writers this be-1 '"k uit Kiiics oi tne nour. I he i program consisted of a poem read by -Mrs. Johnson extract read bv ws. VI . L. Knight showing that John Smith was the first author of a book on America and paying tribute to Rev. Jonathan lidwards as one ol the greatest men of his time. Mrs. L. C. Draper read a selection "The Stout Gentleman," show nig how imagination and cu riosity can lead one on to an un reasonable degree of suspense and annoyance. The hostess served a delicious salad course and in spue ol a slight April storm and shower the meeting was enjoyed. Thursday Afternoon Club. Mrs. Cornwall was hostess to the "Thursday Afternoon Club." The guests were Mrs. Leigh and Mrs. Hall. Alter the business was dispensed with a very interesting program was given : Story-O. Henry Mrs. Shep herd. Poem -The Hero H. Jerome Stockard. Vocal solo Mrs. Howard. Poem Nigger Demus John Charles McNeil Mrs. Harrell. Poem Selfishness John Chas. McNeil-Mrs. F. J. Bounds. Poem Paul Jones Mrs. Wood. Mrs. Cornwall, assisted by Mrs. Wall, served a delicious salad course. Mrs. F J. Bounds, chairman, of the sewing committee then distrib uted garments to be made for the soldiers. The meeting then ad journed. The Red Cross. The wheels are beginning to go 'round in the steady unison in the Division headquarters office for the second War Fund campaign. All over the United States in the coming war fund drive, workers for the Red Cross will be telling the story of the achievements of the past year, the wonder record of w hich all true Americans are justly proud. Do you realize thai every cent ot every dollar received for the Red Cross War Fund is spent for war relief? Do you know that your Red Cross is an all-American, largely volunteer organization, authorized iiy Congress, headed by President A lison, audited by the War Deparl neui, enthusiastically approved iy our army and navy ? A box ol raw material 271 yards value $50 has been sent from Red a'oss to Commission for Belgian Relief, New York. We wish to thank all who have contributed. Notice will be given you lor your -euewals to the Red Cross maga zine and your annual membership lues. Be ready to respond right iway so your magazine will not be delayed. X. Returns Thanks. Since the s ildiers, so many of them from Southern camps, have been pass ing through Weldon on the local trams the ladies of the Red Cross have prepared and given out quite a number of boxes of delicious I inches. In some way the report became current that these were not ippreciated and in some cases thrown away. That this was not true the following letter received a ew days ago goes to show. As :hairtnau of the canteen committee Vlrs. Wilkins wishes lo thank all who had a part in this service and ;eels very sure that this letter ex presses the sentiment of many who received and enjoyed the lunches. Camp Jackson, Columbia, S. C., April 2, 1918. Mrs. Ida Wilkins, Weldon, N. C. Dear Madam: I happened to be the lucky guy that received one of your boxes of eatables. This lunch came in very handy as we were on the road several hours. I wish to thank vmi nersonallv for this lunch and tlte Red Cross as a whole. These things will long be remembered by the soldiers. Again thanking, Yours truly, OIIN C. WllllAKER MOTHER GAVE THIS DELICATE CHILD VINOL And Ha Got Well and Stronff. That' True Montea, Pa. -"My little boy, who ti the vouneeit of three, was weak. iiervoui and tired all the time, ao he waa most unfit at achool, and noth ing seemed to help him. I learned i f Vinol and gave it to him. It haa i sstored hia health and strength and I'fl has gained in weight.' Mra. Frederick Sommera. Monaca, Pa. Vinol ia a constitutional cod liver and iron remedy for delicate, weak, ailing children. Formula on every bottle, so you know what you are gt ing them. Children lovt It VY.M. Cohen g Co., Weldon. THE JUNIUS DANIEL CHAPTER lintertnined by Mrs. Walter E. Daniel. The Junius Daniel Chapter U. 11 (' ln.ll tlioir r-timilir mpprina on Wednesday, April 3rd, with Mrs. W. H. Daniel, as hostess, The day was beautiful and balmy, ,,e lawns and hedges with their new dress of green, washed by a recent April shower, gave a call from nature to each one of her children to come out in the sun shine and with renewed hope and spirits to take up the work of "do ing" and "giving" that right and justice may win and peace and plenty abound in the earth. The ladies met promptly and the meet ing was opened by singing a hymn and prayer. Alter roll call the committee reported quite a nice additional sum collected for a bed in a hospital in France. Selections were read showing the patriotic work of the Li. D. C, and a state ment made that these beds were already in use and were gratefully appreciated by friends whose loved ones had been nursed back to health by this means. A request was read that each U. D. C. Chap ter keep a list of the men who are in the service and in the event of the death of one of these who was a son of a veteran a Confederate battle flag be sent so be placed up on the grave. Mrs. W. F. Daniel w as appointed to see that this is done. Attention was called lo the "better babies" campaign and mothers were urged to co-operate with the national committee whose purpose is the conservation of childhood and whose aim is a bet ter and stronger type of manhood and womanhood in the future. Mrs. J. W. Sledge read a very interesting selection "With the Americans at the Front" which pictured in a graphic manner the life our boys are leading and the help given by the "Red Triangle" or Y. M. C. A. near the firing line. Mrs. J. B. Zollicolfer was elect ed delegate and Mrs. J. S. Turner alternate to district meeting which will be held in Littleton April 27. An invitation to all is given and it is hoped that a good crowd will go to this meeting. A committee was appointed to arrange for appropri ate exercises on the 10th of May which is annually observed. The chapter adjourned with their motto to meet U'ednesday, May 1st, with Mrs. C. W. Gregory. The hos tess served a lovely ice cream course which was much enjoyed. COUNTY CONVENTION. Democrats Met at Halifax Satur day and lilected Delegates to the State Convention. The Democrats of Halifax coun ty met at Halifax last Saturday. Delegates and alternates were elect ed to the State Convention as fol lows : lill K iAIU A. H. Kchlieliter, (imliain I'uilil'l, .1. II. Imnk'ii, V. T. Clement, J. It. Uii'keus, V.. XV. l.llea, XV. T. Line. XV. A. JuhiiHtuii. XV. I'. White, XV. I.. I.onit, XV. V. Hunter, Kufus Cherry, S. A. Dunn. J. V.. Shields, XV. K. Daniel, A. II. Clecn. 41.1 KNAIK II. S. MobS, W. L Nicholson, .1. II. l'opc, A. S. lluiiiNon, .1. M. I't'uraoii, .1. II. Ihekeua, .1. E. Hemming, .1. A. House, II. II. XVInte, A. L. Clark, L. .s. Cannon, A.. I. Whitehead, Stuart Smith, XV K. Smith, C. I. liOUD.ll, K. Clark. Notice of Sale of Bonds. Notice is hereby iriveo that acal pro poHiilf will be received hy the I'aticett's 1 uvvtisni ft Highway lomiiiiMhiuuui iiai- fax count v, .V U, ai me omce oi (eo. C. tiiwu in the town of Ueliioii, N. t ui to aim lueluUiuir May nth. lUln. ut U' o'clock duou, for the purchase of ihui Uoad HoikIx ol l aucett township, Halifax county, l', dated .luly Ut, HUH. hear i uk intercut at the rate uf tux per eeut. per annum, payable seun aii uuallv. denominations $l,lH) each, ma tunug one bond July 1st in each of the yeaia ISM'J to 11Mb inclusive, uolli i Mer est and priueinal of said bonds to be payable at the umce oi me i readier ot tiahlux couuly, in uie lown oi namax, N. . or at the Hanover .National Hank in New York City, N. Y., at the option uf the holder. haul bonds are general obligations of la ucet t Township, Halifax county, X and are issued iu pursuance or the laws of the state of NortlU'aroliua.chap' Lei -Vil inihlic local lawn. 1!U. lac li bid m un t be accompanied by mtilU-d check payable to the Treasurei of Halifax couulv! N. C, iu the sum ol ipm as au evidence of good faith No ottt-r tor lots than par and accrued in tciest will be coimiiieretl . The iirIiI is rmt'ived to tep-etaiiy aud all lildn. Iiy ordei ol the lloardofCounlyl'om minNimici. K i:. IIKK KIM I. (.'Ink raucrtf ii Township llighwa i uin iiiisBiuii ol Hub la i couul), .V I I'uUmI Apnl lUth, t'U' NOTICE. t'uiHiiaut tutt )i-titiuli with tlir HuHh! Ul t'uUlilY ( ulllllllM.IUIIttlH UUll UlillulHt-t! b. the t'uutity Itonrit uf htluoaliuu, cull eil mi flection tu In' held ul mi tier SiImkiI limine to he held on MAY '11 IK MTU, l!l,s, cinlirncinif Snocittl School IhiUicl to determine whether they will vole I'nr or airmuHt a Ui ot anc. ou tli tmi I lollarH valuation ai:il !lc. ou the Mill. KcifiNtrutlon Hook to he opeued April 11th to May aril tor the purpose ol re( intermit all voters in mini cuatriri. Sam Trueblood Registrar. T. A, Cooper, 1 , , W. II. Carroll. )JWt- Ity order of the Board Couuty Com miKHionora April 1, U'lt. J. H. NOU.YIAN, Clerk WANTED. Young man or lady as salesman in store. One with experience preferred. Box 66. Weldon, N. C FROM ROSEMARY. Knowing our country is in a se rious condition and sad to know some of our young men from this llage, other towns and neighbor hoods will have to leave their homes, mothers, friends and com panions, with the expectation of never seeing each other again ! If any holding any unkind feelings in their heart against their friend and fellowman, may he in all good will in his heart deep as the broad waters tbat covers the seas, offer your hand in friendship, as the separating point is now at hand. A year ago this spring, I visited my old home, Ringwood. I have been away nearly 20 years, the older heads that were there then, are dead, and those of my school mates, who some are doctors and lawyers, and in other business.and of whom I feel proud of have made their homes elsewhere, except Mr. C. A. Williams, who has been a merchant of that town 50 years. J. T. Bishop. Acta like dynamite on a sluggish uver ana yon lose a day's work. There's no reason why a perwn should lake sickctiinir, salivatint; cal omel when a few ivnts imy a lanre Iwttlo of I iixUim'.s Liver Tone a perfeet sulistittile for ealomel. It 19 a pleasant, vegetable limud which will start vour liver just as surely as calomel, but it, doesn't make you sick and can not salivate. Children and L'rown folks can take Podson's I.iver Tone, kvausc it is perfectly harmless. I alotnel is a dangerous dnnr. It is mercury and attacks vour hones. Take a dose of nasty calomel today aud you will feel weak, sick and nauseated tomorrow. Don't lose a day's work. Take a spoonful of Hudson's Liver Tone instead and viui will wake tip feelini; urear. No mure biliousness, constipation, slug-fri-hness, headache, coated tongue or sour sloniaeh. Your druggist savs if you don t find Hudson s layer Tone acts better than horrible enloinel 0.ur money is waiting fur vou. A COMMON ERROR. The Same Mistake Is Made by Many Weldon People. It's a common error To plaster the aching back, To rub with liniments, rheuma tic joints, If the trouble comes from the kiJneys. It's time 10 use Dunn's Kidney Pills. Here is convincing proof of mer it. Johnson Allsbrook, Eighth St., Scotland Neck, N. C, says: hud pains in my baik and across my loins. 1 also had heudaches and dizy spells. The kidney se cretions were too frequent and very painful in passage and at times highly colored. I took treat ment alter treatment, but nothing benefited me, in fact, I became worse all the time and frequently had 10 stop work. I finally got Doan's Kidney Pills and continued using them until I was cured of all symptoms of kidney trouble. I cannot praise Doan's Kidney Pills enough for what they have done for me." Price 60c. at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Allsbrook had. FOSTER-M1LBURN (..Man ufacturers, Buffalo, N. Y. Send for Swift & Company's 1918 Year Book It shows that Swift & Company sells the meat from a steer for less money then the live steer cost ! Proceeds from the sale of the hide, fat, and other by-products covered all expense of dressing, refrigeration, freight, selling expense and the profit of $1.29 per steer as shown by Swift & Company's 1917 figures as follows: Average price paid for live cattle ptr.tw Average price received for meat . . Average price received for by-products Total received . . , This leavei for expenses and profit Of which the profit per steer was There are many .other interesting and instructive facts and figures in the Year Book. We want to tend our 1918 Year Book, to anyone, anywhere frM for the asking. Address Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Swift & Company, U. S. A. Spin; aii mm mm mn nn mm m m mm m m-M m mm mm m mm mm mm mm mm DRKSS G(K)I) a i cn ALSO- Shoes and LADIES AND SPORT mm ggT Agency for Kinston Steam Laundry j r..ll,eo 1 ' . r C I, t -1 . I ".. Z"Z' mm vuiiui a v mm nn mm mm l L STJfJBcK, The Busy Store, WELDON, N C m.u m ummmmmmmm m&mmmmm mmmmm Buy WS.S. TOR SAVINGS STAMPS ISSUED BY THK UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Patriotism Is expressed in the practice of ECONOMY. Wise economy is expressed in the wearing of Standard Merchandise. Men's Suits Having staying qualities and real service at an extremble price. Guaranteed by both maker and us. Our Spring Line of Shoes Is complete. I'HUK NO SAVE MONEY! w E all have to spend less and with us. Our quality is high. And wc give you full weight on every pur chase. Our scales are made right and kept right. Once a customer always a customer. Substitute for Butter Nucoanut 'Margarine Per Pound WILLEY-MOORE QUO. CO., THE PURE PHONE 2-2-12-2-2 Weldon, North Carolina. CflD Al C New Todd CHECK PROTECTOR lUn CALL If interested, call up this office. 845 68.97 2W 8.61 1.29 Sunt mm mm mm im mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm aw Clothing. COAT SUITS mm mm COATS mm mm mm mm Shirts 12c. mm mm am mm ton IKuv I LIBERTY BONDS! I O The Kest 0 (Security j In the World I A large showing ol LADIES SPRINO COATS and DRBSSES In a range ol leading shades and styles to suit your personal tastes. spend to eat. But you eat better by trading prices are low and the 40c. FOOD STORE A 3 New Quarters pT Just moved our handsome into new brick building with a full supply of everything in Hardware for the farmer, the mechanic and the house builder. FLUES! FLUES!! Now in liu time to place your orders for Itui'H. I want em. We make em. fjjfDWJE CO., Halifax, N. C. (j S lis Urn K. LKWIS. Manager. GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Hkv. N. C HI NCAN, Uectob Sunday Murnilin l'tayi 1 tiiui Sermon. 11 A. Kvcumir l'iai r ul.tl r-pilnun, S 1 liveryhixly cordially iuvitPil to attend then. icrviees. Refined Young Ladies as Telephone Operators. lift wet'ii lii anil Z-y years of aire; Sth Ifruile el ueai inn, salary paul w lute learn inif; lapnl advancement: splendid sur. ruuiidmirs; sick lienetits; vacation with pay after tirst yeai. Apply to CHIEF OPERATOR Home Telephone & Telegraph Co BIG LINE OF Spring Shoes Just Received lor Men, Women and Children at reasonable prices Come and get a good pair ol Spring Shoes at KITTNER'S Up-to-l)ate Shoe Store. ELECTRIC SHOE REPAIRING SHOP. All Shoes repaired promptly and at reasonable prices. KITTNER'S SHOE STORE, L. MTTNER, Prop. (Ippn.ih I'liKtullice Weldnii, N.P. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES Mnvfl I'n mi punier th mill Ktm M t r t lo Klin V liml.linif ul) tthlnntMiMi ff, NTDii'l Hmi, h.nHti to riifht, Suit. lay. April 7lli. II . 111. Sul'jrCl III l.evniilt Spnnon: TM;i:l.iTY." WVilil.'s I iv . 1 t; n mny mi'r I'ln- pin. t.- Hi- C.U ' I EA- y ..ir s .;i ;.! ! 1 you 4 I i ). 1 i . .' . :,n send at once I ne Bunk ot Li c Liberty, N. C, cush to be p i 1 me when I h.iml in P '' showii'C " -may rci : ey oruci . J. M. FlfcLD, Climax, N. C.

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