as WW Sajats SMMu ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Sub.scrirtion--$1.50 Per Annum VOL. LI I. WELDON, N. C, TIIUKSDAY, A1MUL 1W, 101. NO. .V) Children Cry The Kind You Huve Always BourM, nnd which has been In use for over over 30 years, hai !, ,rnc the signature of and has been made under his per (J&lffljygt, snal supervision since its infancy. AUow no one to deceive you in this All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Bxperiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. c What is CASTORIA Csstom is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains' neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance, Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has teen in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids 4he assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS f Bears the In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought tm rrNTAim row Get The Habit KTBuy for Cash. Savers Ethe pennies by buy--C3 ing at W. T. PARKER & CO, Wholesale Cash Store WELOON, N. C. ton & fun MASlTAl'TntKltS OF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MAUD TOOHI'KK AMI l;i: IH.AU .STOCK SIZES. Uood Materials, High Urade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. THE Dining Room should be a cheerful place, for when you eat your meals amid pleasant surroundings you do much to aid digestion. And good digestion means health. HAVE US FURNISH YOUR DINING ROOM The variety of designs in Tables, Chairs. Side boards, China Closets, Serving Tables and the like, is ample to satisfy vour desires, whatever they may be, in the matter of style, finish and price. Come in and talk it over with us. We are as eager to dlVE satisfaction as you are to receive it. Weldon Furniture Company, Weldon, N. C. PRICE BELL 2 IN 600 W. Broad St., Your Old Tyres il'STnyKH I VI'HN IM II I Mi BOTH CASINOS vn mi 3 MO :i in 4 mi 4 sr. 4 mi r Ml 6 75 f) V'j b ur. ti 511 II !!:' II llll 7 rm 7 Till 7 75 H UO IK WK Kt'KNIHM ONR I'AHINtl $4 70 6 ll.'l II IIO 7 75 h ar S IKI 9 8T 10 40 10 an 11 i!5 10 (10 11 70 11 llll 12 SKI Vi llll in mi 14 sm HV.K m;t .ma. sunt 32lHj SU4 3:1x4 H3l4 H44 3.-.I4 3(1x1 34X4J 8514 J :illl4.j 3714 101.1 86x5 37 K -r., VOUKW.U 11" th.m a in I for you; let ua lie the J'iafe' for Fletcher's Signature LIST 1 TYRES RICHMOND, VA. Made Into One lltH I'HII'K fiW I'nyi'l.liTI 2.IN I rum Hi u 7 M5 riii l' 411 12 mi i a so 1H 110 14 110 ir m 15 IKI 15 H5 15 (HI 1(1 IKI 1H 711 IK H5 is (is a 70 TI'IIKH i (HI 'i 40 a mi 8 U5 4 31 4 45 4 50 4 00 4 75 5 Oil 5 till 5 llll 0 (HI II HI 0 40 50 0 75 t.I'O M AfW 9 IN I , . " not lh w'm 2 in 1 we will of (! Uiiiiuktiiniiff lopy EDITORIAL NEED FOR FIRING SQUAD. H must htivc nrnirrnl to 11 Kreuf iimny prnpl.', In tviullng Mii iiPWHpupHr iiprimiHs of tin- IcnlHit niclli.nls a,.,t I'll hy III.' tuMMliitii'iil iiiiIiWHiVs III l'llllll ttltll Hi,. Kpy qucHUnll, Hllll till! hUn uf I his f r ti ilt h,v a Ccnmin or 'lertimii ftyiii) Is fur kuIVi' Hum nervli'u In tli' fn-i'iy uf Hm KhNit. 'I'lit' must M'J'iiiMH primlty lln"'H"l tnr hit I ii iijfiillisl mi nH'NTr ir tli' I'tilli'd ShilcH nriiiy vvlm vuhin Hi i lly nnin.iiii-vil that In- cnuhl nut do Jusllty to him-Hf nr IiIh turn In 1 1 Inn them iitvtiliist tils ri'luthcs iiml friends llt-hiiiiK 'n i,i. O.Tiiinii Hide. A man who it, n.nvlcti'd of hidnj: n U'li'l.'f In the spy plots npilnst Amerl can lives anil projuTiy Is Riven u prison MMitnii-t! less tliiin Ihul ufiunlly meteil out to nn pinl)e.,lhi clerk. Oilier men, entiayi'd In Biihterraiiean efforis which might refiult In the kill fiiK if more Airierh'nn hoys thnn could he iiccoinpllHhcd by un entire (iernnin ri'tflmiMit, urn plcasanlly Interned In fiunrters where they uro provhled with crentiirc eimiforta unknown to 11m young men who are iiphhllnK the Htai-K and Sirlpca In No Man's Land. The fciisi.n for this (Mate of nffalra Is hnrd. to appreehiU'. The cmiiiiry Is Ht wnr nnd war Is not a "civil" mailer. A man who conspires t place a hoiuh In an American iroop-Khlp nr a vessel ciirryiiiK much needed supplies to our allies Is wiirrlnj against this country na much (even more, wo ticlU've) as the private or otllivr In (lie (lenuan rnnktt fut Is exposed to American hullftis. Why, then, nhould we treut tlipd vipers as offenders against tho civil law? Let's order out the tiring squad I TRUE CITIZENSHIK Much ns we dislike to admit It, there till exists a distinct apathy toward the war on the part of a great many people In various parts of the country. The reason for thin Is even deeper than constitutional piicltlsio or pro-Germanism hatted upon explainable blood or mental association. The fact Is, although we did not realize It until recently, the average citizen of this country Ims not had Instilled In him real responsibility In und to his gov ernment, The extreme development of the democratic Idea In America and the ultra-political nature of our form of government has resulted In the al most total disappearance of the appre ciation by the Individual of what the government means to hlra. The changing of this condition Is possibly the most serious problem fac ing the Tnlted Stales today, outside of winning the war. It Involves a com plete readjustment and revitalizing of our methods of civic Instruction. This work must stHrt In the schools of the lowest grade. Many men who have had the advantage of collegiate In struction In political economy, and even the Utttuem-e of the discussion of these niatterH In high Fiction) delmtlng societies, appreciate the problem. It must be remembered, however, that hy far the greater majority of hoys who later make up the citizenry of 'he nation leave school after pausing through only the most elementary grades. The National Security League, or ganised at the start of tho war as a preparedness proganda and now devot ing Ita entire efforts to the nwakenlng of the people to a realliatlon of the meanings of the war and the menace of defeat, has undertaken n nation wide campaign on this question of true pltlsenahlp which Is worthy of atten tion and support. It hns enlisted the co-operattnn of state, county and city superintendents of schools In all parti of the country to make daily Instruc tion on the war part of actual school tuition. The league litis also obtained the release to It on full pay hy the Hoards of Trustees of a number of the largest colleges nnd universities In the country of a corps of professors who ure to constitute n "National Patriotic Kducatb'ii Faculty" to carry on this .vnrk In the broader Held. These men vlll create a sort of peripatetic mil remit v. Journeying personally Into all ,.nrts of the country to spread this bought of the necessity of awakening i.p citl.enship of the country to re nitslhillty lii 1" government. More -.uwer to the Niitlnnnl Security League md may the nation quickly routine the ihportancv of its work ! TRAINING VOTES i 76 Congressmen and 42 Sena tors Are Recorded tor Meas ure by Security League. The Niilloniil Swurliy LeaKiie an mnw tiHluy dial II lm recorded In ivnr of (Milversnl lullllary Iriilnlni! ril iMMiilii'm f Hie Illume of Uepro iitHtl veu mill 4'J members of the Ben i ,e. The Hijuivs 111 (he cnnvais whli'h M Leaiiile lina lieen fuuilncllliii stood 1711 In (he Hoime of ltepreaeiilHtlvei ii ud 45 In Hie Senate hi Ita laat an i.oiincement. These niurei wr i meed lijr the Nllrmiwnl fruiu Cuiigrei. .f three New York reureaentatlvet who were commuted to universal mllKary (raining vl, Oonareaamen iliinin, who win eleeled sheriff of Klnns county! Murray Hiilherl, up (..tinted dock eoinnilssloner by Mayor Dylan, and CoiiKreHHman Itruckner. elected horonnh president of the Itroiu. The mlvoealeg In the Kenate .ert reilueeil by three by tho dealh of Senators llrady of Idaho, Newlands of vevada and HiisiIim of New Jemey. The new thrill is lo toil for the necessaries of life, Some Good Advice. "Mon't think too much of your own nn (hods, Watch other people's ways ami learn from tliem." This is good aili ice, especially when bilious or con itipated, You will Hod mauy people who use Chamberlain's Tablets for these ailments with the best results, and will do well to follow their eiauipie. II WA.i NOT LIKU THIS IN THE OLDEN DAVSlJ a r. oppkr Spirit of Mdjor Andre: "They treated I a gallant uentleman A TOAST, And here's lo llie blue of llie winil-swepi Nonh, When we meet on llie fields of France. May llie spirit of Gram be wilh you all As the Sons of the North advance ! And here's lo the gray of the sun-kissed South, When we meet on the fields of France. May die spirii of Lee be wilh you all As the Sons of the South advance ! And here's lo the Blue and the Gray as One ! When we meet on the fields of France. May llie spirit of God be with us all As the Sons of the Flag advance ! NEVER CROSSED, There's many a sorrow and pain 1 know, As we tread the path of life; There's many a grief and lasting woe, And the way is loil and strife Bui the hardest load we have to bear Is ihe labor and strength that's lost, In building ihe bridge with toilsome care O'er the stream thai is never crossed. We have fretting and worry from morn til And anguish weighs on the heart; The stormy way seems hard to right, And life is a bitter part, Bui there is a burden greater yet, Much peace of soul it has cost, It is building a bridge with toil and sweat O'er the stream that is never crossed. There's looking for crossing all the day And searching along the shore For a bridge or ford along ihe way We shall never travel o'er. There's sighing for useless toys in vain And dreaming of chances lost; But 'tis hardest to bridge with might and main The stream that is never crossed. Then gather the roses along the way; And treasure the fragrance rare; Rejoice in the brighi and joyous day, Refusing to borrow care, For sorrow and pain will surely come, And your soul be tried and tossed; But don' be bridging to reach your home O'er the stream that is never crossed. ALL SHE COULD til; SURE OF. Mr. Urown, widower, hud advertised for housekeeper. On the applicant's arrival, Mr. Brown wits out anil his three-year-old daughter answered tho door. "What's your papa's name?" the woman asked. After a pauso the little girl answered: "I don't know what it was before lie was married but it's Mr. Brown now." SELF DEFENSE DEFEAT BACKACHE AND KIDNEY TROUBLE WITH ANURIC. Many pooplo In tlila cocttnn. an clao vlitirtt, havu huITitihI from rliuuuialism mud kldnuy triiuliln anil havu found Annrlc to bu tliu must Hiicccsfiil h'tnndy ti oviTcnmti tlieu painful und dungur ous ailtmmts. The lucky pi-oplo are those who hnva sulfuric, lint who are now well lioeanso they hnodi-d Kutnro's warning stutial In time to correct tlmlr trouhlo Willi that wonderful new discovery of Dr. Pierce's called An-u-vlc. You should promptly hoed those warnliiRS, some of which are dlizy spells, backache. Irrenulurlty of the urine or the painful twinges of rheuma iiitiu, sciatica ur iiituhiiKo- Tudeiuy may make poNHilile the daiiiteriius foruiii of kidney disease, such as stouo 111 tin bladder. To overcome theso distressing Condi ttuns you should lake plenty ot exerclso In the oien air, avoid a heavy meat diet, drink freely of water and at each meiil take Pr. Pierce's Anurfc Taliletji (double ktrciiKth). You will, In a short tluie, lind that you are one of the linn imlorscra of Anurlc, as are many of your neighbors. You can obtain a trial package ot Anurlc by sending 10 cents to Dr. V. M Plcrco, Invalids' Ilotol, Buffalo, N. Y. Whitakkko, N. C " I suffered from backache, frequent, scant urine, rlieu matia pains and a - worn-out feeling, also :i had spells with niv 5 heart and swelling ivf ' '(" an0- ankles. VM I learned of Doctor . . i icrcu s Aiiunu ana ' ' used n Hnnmle nuek- ' aire and then ordered a Inll-siza package, this relieved me and I gained considerably ; it nlso re lieved me of headache from which I suf fered rery much. I think Anuria tine for tht klduevB when they are weak or dnen4,"- JkUu, SUM A. tiubuuti. ''iff spies differently In my time, and yt compared to these raptilesl" night lly ltcijucHt. VIRtllNIA. Ob corse, I's gwine to Hebin when Dis mortal coil 1 sluf, But long as I is livin ole Virginny's good enuff'. De Norf am cool and chilly, an De Wes am far away, i So doun in ole Virginity, chile, l's satisfied to stuy. De while folks am so gentle dere, Dey am so kind an true, Dey doan put on no uppish airs, Dey got no reason to. Dey doan depen on money fer Dere aristocracy, Fer in dere veins deys got de blood Ob Washington an Lee. De cullud folks am spectable, Because dey's raised dat way; And when dey leaves Virginity dais De reason while folks say To ebry decent cullud man An tidy cullud gal; "Suy, ain't you from Virginny, hey You Sambo, or you Sal." De great misiuke dis country make In iis geography Was not io fix ihe 'Cilic coast Vnginny's boundary, l r if dis lan wus all Virginny It wouldn't pay to die l o hunt another paradise Somewhere up in the sky. COULD BE WORSE. The Woman at the Back. Door "It must be a terrible thing io have to gu through life without your limb. You must remember, how eve'-, thai it will be restored to you in the next world." "I know,' said the tramp, "it will, mum, but don't encourage me none. You see, me foot was cut off when was a baby, and it won't come within a foot of (he ground when its restored. "Puck. CHANGED HIS NAME. Thin Whs Ihe l:irst Time ti Ha n k liver Busied Right Square In Ills I'tite. I A story is told uf an old negro wlin had acciiiimhiicil his savings in a bank in one of llie Suiilherii Iiiwiis. One day ihe bank failed, j Zetio was ihe name of the old man, and when told llie bank had failed he spent hours around the door, as if he hoped in that way to get his money. One day the receiver said to him: "Don't you know that the bank has be examined before any depositors can gel their money? This is not the first bank that has failed." "Shore, An knows dat," Zeno answered, "Ah's heered tell of banks bustin' before dis, but dis hear am de de fust time data bank evah busted rig1 1 squall in man face." At last the examinations were over and the receiver announced lhat the depositors would be paid in alphabetical order. Some mis take had been made in figuring, and when they got down to W's the money gave out and Zeno lost his savings. But he did not lose all his cour age. He saved tor a lew months and had a little to put in another bank. He went to the cashier, who said: All right, Zeno; we will be glad to open an account for you." Zeno, nuthin'," he said. "Man name am l xno no won; mah name's Aaron." Columbus Dis patch. GEORGE'S FINISH WAS PLAIN. Jeweler's Clerk Pessimistic Over Future of Bashful Swain Who Wan Led to the "Slaughter." A young couple, evidently from the country, were walking down Market street the other day ap parently looking for something very much in particular. At last they stopped at a large jeweler's window in which were displayed a number of wedding-rings. They stood by the window a lew mo ments discussing some urgent question, the big, clumsy-looking fellow, who measured about six feet, apparently hesitating, says Tit-Bits. 'Go on, George," said the girl, who scarcely reached his elbows; "what's the use of backing out, now you've gone so far?" . 'I don't half like to, Mary," he replied; "lhat sleek-looking Fellow in there is sure to grin at me, and say I ought to be in the army." 'What difference does it make whether he laughs or cries!" ex claimed the girl. "If you haven't the pluck, I'll go myself." 'That's it, Mary," was the re sponse; "if you'll do the asking, 'II come wilh you and look on." Followed by her bashful lover, the little woman marched boldly in and chose the wedding-ring, while her swain twirled his hat, blushed and looked on. As they left, the assistant gazed after them with a thoughtful air, and remarked : "1 admire Mary's pluck, but I would hate to be George ten years From now." Maybe a man speaks of his "in most soul" because it isn't appar ent upon the outside. WOMAN WORKS 15 HOIS A DAY t MarvAil Story of Woman' Change from Weakness to Strength by Taking Druggist's Advice. Peru, tnd. "I suffered from s ilis placumunt with backuchu und (irftKging down pains so iinnly thftt it tiTT'f 1 could not be on my fi'ot and it did not siu'm ns though Tl could Bland it I triod di !io rent medicines without any benefit and several doctors told me nothing hut an operation would do me any good. My dru(t- Eist told mo of ydia E. Pink ham'a Vegetable Compound, ltook it with tho result that 1 amnowwoll and stronir. 1 eet up in the morningat four o'clock, do my housework, then go toa factory and work all day, come home and get supper and feel good. I don't know how many of my friends I have told what Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound has done for me. "Mrs. Anna Meteriano, 36 West 10th St, Peru, Ind. Women who suiter from any such ail ment should not fail to try this famous w.t mnit harh Mnoriu f H Pink. I bain's Vegotable Compound. ft Si V - n jIkeep your EffiSSr fi Sam u ?rSFP 'C V"- 02 t ii LU.L1LU1J LII 1 r BSTABLISHBD 1892 Capital and Surplus, $60,000. WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT. 4 PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT W, 1!. IIANII'.I., I'KKKIIIKNT. W, It. SMITH. VICB-rKKNIIiUST. aaKWi!0SU!MMlWitl!UiO INVITATION You are invited to open an account with the BHK OF ENFIELD, etficLo, I. c. 4 Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart ment Compounded Quarterly. YOU can Firs Insurance & Surety Bonds ! Life, Accident and Health. Plate Glass and Automobiles. Repre senting leading companies. See me about your insurance wants. LC. DE A PER Office in Green Building, n By Special Arrangement with the Associated Music Publishers of New York, we will feature by Daily Pathephone Demonstration BROADWAY'S big Song Hits Come in and hear the "Latest" Direct from Meloily Row. All Sheet Music 10c. Copy, !. M. Gohoa hi Company, Weldon, North Carolina. SOLli AG L-NTS FOR NYAl.'S RLMF.WES. I For Sale! New Todd Check Protector. If interested, call at this office. shoes neatIL fiWiSs i LEATHER t if, U io U M I .1. O. DRAKE, I CASHIKR. bank by mail WliLDON, N. C..1TX NUNNALLY'S AND NORR1S' CAND1F.S RS. ! In Music" i '1 .1 '"-1 l ! '4