THE ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Per Annum VOL. LIII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 30, llUS. NO. .5 BmniBiiinaragB Net Conl.'nls 15Tluid Prachnj DAS) IS i ALUUlluL-urtnu...... P AttfotablcProparatiisoEfAi iimilnliiHUienmuT""" I linllifSi(mdiswlB?reli(' GASTORIA ':S ' J" .i: ijioc- Hicrrhi'Promoiln4Di4tt - j n i r-itifl. l,ncenuinw3 ma hk.w ! neither Oplam,Morphlnenor i'uim u. . ! . . . n.Ajh' fur ! Constipation imdDurrhof ana rcvi' I resuUin4llfiS2W I fcc Simile SinitrM j CLi TiiiCiMCaw',Mf- j NEW Y0RK Exsct Copy of Wrapper. For InfiiTil.i iuiA Children. Mothers Kr:cw That Genuine Srtoria Always Bears the Signature of cultr In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA Get The Habit CBuy for Cash. Save""C3 . E-the pennies by buy-'Cj ing at W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Cash Store WELDON, N. C. Dixon & Poole MaDofaeturinjc Company MANUFACTURERS OF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO ORDKK AND HKlil I.Alt STOCK SIZES, dood Materials, High Grade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. THE Dining; Room should be a cheerful place, for when you eat your meals amid pleasant surroundings you do much to aid digestion. And good digestion means health. HAVE US FURNISH YOUR DINING ROOM The variety of designs in Tables, Chairs, Side boards, China Closets, Serving Tables and the like, Is ample to satisfy your desires, whatever they may be, In the matter of style, finish and price. Come In and talk It over with us. We' are as eager to QIVE satisfaction as you are to receive it. Mk Furniture Company, Weldon, N. C. REVOLUTION. German Captain of Industry Pre dicts Worldwide Social Changes. The present conllicl of nations is not an ordinary war at all, but a revolutionizing of the world, ac cording to Waliher Kathenau, head of ihe great General Llectric Com pany, of Berlin, and generally crediied with being the man who put Germany's industries on a war basis at the call of Kaiser Wilhelm. Her Kathenau has just written a book entitled "The Domestic liconomy," from the advance pages of which ihe Berliner Tage blatl of January 4 quoies as fol lows : "What is this event, ihe waves of w hich are breaking around us ? We call i! war because it has the form of international war, because the convulsed nations are openly and apparently struggling in earth, waier, air and fire. Coming gen erations will recognize it. What we are experiencing in the revolu tion of the world, the volcanic up heaval of the mighty, burning low er strata of the abode of mankind. Il is not taking place in the disor derly form of a mass uprising with pikes and scythes, as its early prophets thought. Thai would have been of small account and would not have thrown the world from its wis. "Made deaf and mad by their inner lension, intoxicated by the last and highest distillations of ihe old order of things, trembling with nationalism and imperialism, na tions musi hurl themselves upon naiions, in the splendor and dis cipline of their State and military orders, completely equipped by their industries and their sciences, with the fury and the grief of their souls and hearts. "They believe they are fighting for rulership and existence, and ihey are fighting a battle ihe origin of which nobody understands and the objects of which have subse quently to be sought with monthly statements of corrections. In re ality, however.the old economic or der is burning down and the lime is drawing near when the old foun dation of ihe social order will catch fire. "To pillars of the old order will project from the ruin the monop oly of the great landed estates and of the mineral treasures. But they will gradually lose, no matter how much their property power may grow at first, the legal basis to which they are indebted for their footing. For this flood has not overtaken the world so thai the treasures of the earth may be washed up as flotsam upon some blessed Mount Ararat." SOME PEOPLE BELIEVE Fire Insurance & Surety Bonds ! Life, Accident and Health. Plate Glass and Automobiles. Repre senting leading companies. See me about your insurance wants. L. C. DRAPER. Office in Green Building, If the thumb and one finger do noi meet around your wrist you are a glutton. If it rains while the sun shines the saying is that the devil is whip ping his wife. Pick up a pin thai lies crosswise in your pathway and you will have good luck. Small ears indicate thai a person is stingy. Large ones show thai he is generous. When you move into a new house always send beforehand a loaf of bread and a new broom. To allow a child to look into ihe mirror before il is a month old will cause it trouble in teething. To rob a swallow's nest built in a fire house was held in the olden time to be a more fearful sacrilege than 10 steal a chalice from a church. If you dream of falling and are awakened by the fancied jar of landing ii is a sign you are going to be ill. if you awake while still in midair you will continue in good health. CLEVEH. WELDON, N. C. For Sale I New Todd Check Protector. It interested, call at this office. "Is ihai young man you are go ing with clever?" "Clever, I should say he is. The other night when i was out riding with him he jollied three traffic po licemen out of making complaints against him for speeding." Road to Happiness. He amiable, cheerful and good na tured and you are much more likely to be happy. You will find this difficult, if not impposible, however, when you are constantly troubled with constipa tion. Take Chamberlain's Tablets and get rid of that and it Kill be easy .These tablets not only more the bonds, but improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion. The Farmer's Share Live stock is marketed from farmer to consumer at a lower cost than almost any other farm product. The United States Department of agriculture reported in 1916 that the farmer gets for his cattle "approxi mately two-thirda to three-fourtha" of the final retail price paid by the con sumer for the resulting beef. Under normal conditions, the farmer's share of retail prices of various farm products is approximately as follows: Butter 71 per cent CATTLE 66 to 75 per cent Eggs 65 per cent Potatoes 55 per cent Poultry 45 per cent Fruits 35 per cent The difference between fanner's price and retail price represents the necessary expenses of packing, freight and whole sale and retail distribution. Swift & Company not only performs the manufacturing operation.! of pre paring cattle for market in Its well equipped packing plants, but It pays the freight on meat to all parts of the United States, operates 500 branch distributing houses, and in most cases even delivers to the retail butcher. All this is done at an expense of less than 2 cents per pound, and at a profit of only about li of a cent per pound of beef. Large volume of business and expert management, make possible this indis pensable service to the live-stock raiser end to the consumer, and make possible the larger proportion of retail prices received by farmers. I Year Book of Interesting and instructive facta sent on request. Address Swift ft Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Illinois Swift & Company, U.S.A. ".iMjji mmi.w, . fj. ai..i jaui wai PEACE OVER EARTH. Rejoice, O world of troubled men; For peace is coming back again Peace io ihe trenches running red, Peace to the hosts of the fleeing dead. Peace io the fields where hatred raves, Peace to the trodden battle graves. 'Twill be ihe Peace ihe Master left To hush the world of peace bereft The peace proclaimed in lyric cries Thai night the angels broke the skies Again ihe shell-lorn hills will be All green with barley to the knee; And little children sport run In love once more with earth and sun, Again in rent and ruined trees Young leaves will sound like silver seas; And birds now stunned by ihe red uproar Will build in happy boughs once more; And io the bleak uncounted graves The grass will run in silken waves; And a great hush will softly fall On tortured plain and mountain wall, Nor wild cries of battling hosts And curses of the fleeing ghosts. All men will wonder over it This red upllaming of the Pilt; And ihey will gather as friends and say, "Come, lei us try the Master's way, Ages we tried the way of swords, And earth is weary of hostile hordes, Comrades, read out His words again; They are ihe only hope for men! Love and not hate must come to birth ; Christ and not Cain must rule the earth." ONLY A LITTLE THING. I Surely There are No Little Things. ! The secular press is carrying the story of how a crawfish, not over three inches in length, shut down a big iron plant in Wheeling, U'. Va., and threw .1,01)0 men fur the time being in idleness. The craw fish had traveled from the river through the pump plant to the city reservoir and thence through the water mains and pipes until it reached the meter of the LaBelle Iron Works. Lodging in the me ter, it shut off the supply and stop ped the whole plant. Only a little thing, but it cost that plant the loss of considerable time and money. Only a cigarette, but ii turned a bright boy into a nicotine reservoir. He failed in college and failed in business because his heart and brain were poisoned by the "little white slayer." Only a social class, but it turned a brilliant youth into a poor old drunkard. Money gone, friends gone, loved ones desolate and broken-hearted, he finally fell un der the wheels of a rushing loco motive and his poor soul went out into the night of eternal gloom. Only a "little sin" unrepented of and unforgiven, but it brings on the sinner the full penalty of the law thai declares that the soul that sinneth shall die. "The wages of sin is death." In view of the tremendous pos sibilities of good and evil that are to be found in almost every thought and word and action, we some limes wonder if there are any "lit tle things" in this world. A tiny wire may carry a spark that will blow up a mountain. A word may create influences that will shake a nation. The life of a humble peas ant has revolutionized the world and will sooner or later give it a a civilization beyond anything for which we have yet had the cour age to hope. Surely there are no little things. NO PLACE POKJIM. mm i IgZlANfiE m j "When It I Pours, It j Reiinn" When It Pours, It Reigns "AN'T you ju9t taste that cup of good old Luzianne Coffue? you Steaming hot a whole dayful and ready to give of pep and go. The flavor ia wonderfully good and the aroma gut it? oh, ma honey I Bcttf r run quick and get a bright, clean tin of Luzunne while it's there. If you don't like it every bit of it then your grocer will give you back every cent you paid for it. Try Luzianne today and see how mighty good it is. i T II K l i ESTABLISHED 1892J Capital and Surplus, $60,000. WE INVITE YOUR AGCOUNT. 4 PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT W. K. IIANIKL, I'HKalllKNT. W. K, SMITH. V lrB-l'llKM DMNT, J. O. HRAKE, CAMIIIKlt. Tim eimvoi-Hutinn in tin lob by :i WuHliiiiKtnii Imtol turned to food substitute!, when a story uloiiK that line was contribu ted by ('onressiiiiin J nines S. Diivenport, of Oklahoma. One evening two men drifted into n hull where a woman was tfiviiiK a demonstration of eco nomical cooking She easily talked abuut egless puddings and butterless cakes, and then turned to the audience with a pleasing smile. "I will now toll you," said she, "how splendid soup can be tnado next to nothing. Take the bones left over from your Sunday joint" "C'omo on, Bill," said one of the men at this point, a disap pointed look overspreading his features. "Let's get out of this." "What's tho matter, Jim?" responded the other. "Don't you like soup ?" 'I liko Boup well enough," answered Jim, "but how many bones does she think there is iu a half pound of liver?" Philadelphia Press. raaimKxaamMaiiJiMiiJaxiirjm INVITATION. You are invited to open an account with the a BMK OF Ei FIELD, S E flFIELD, fi. c. I 4 Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart-? -f ment Compounded Quarterly. I Can kank by mail aarasrauaariim(iaunstmnra Proper Hood lor Weak Stomachs The proper food fur oue man may be all ftroog for another. Everyone should adopt a diet suited to his age and occu pation. Those ahobate weak stom achs need to be especially careful and should eat slowly and masticate their food thoroughly. It is also important that they keep their bowels regular. Wu'U they become constipated or when they feel dull or stupid after eating.they should take Chamberlain's Talets to strengthen the stomach and (move the bowels. They aie eay to take and plrasant in effect. After sayig thai all she warns is justice a woman proceeds to kick if henphotograph js a good likeness. Heat Remedy lor Whooping Cough ''Last muter when my litlle Imv had the whooping cough I gave him I'haiu berlaiu's rough Remedy," writes Mrs. J 11 KobertB, Kast St. Louis. Ill "II kept Ins eougti loose aud telieu'd him of those dreadful coughing spells. Itis the only cough medieiue 1 keep in the house because I have the most cooti deuce in it." This remedy is also good for cough and oroup. AT THE MOVIES. "What did the villain say just then?" ''I don't know; I wasn't looking.". Few of us believe in luck un less we happen to be unlucky. When a man gets through wail ing and hoping the undenaker calls. EVER SALIVATED BY Calomel ii quicksilver and aotl Ilka dynamite on your liver. Talomel lows you a day I You know what cnloiiiel is. It's nirr cury; quicksilver. Calomel is dan gerous. It crashes into Bour bile like dynamite, cramping and sick ening you Calomel attacks the bones and should never be put into your system. When you feel bilious, sluggish, constipated ami all knocked out and believe you need a dose of dangerous calomel just remember that your druggist sells for a few cents a large bottle of Dodson's Liver 'rone, which is entirely vegetable and pleasant to take and is a perfect substitute for calomel. It is guaranteed to start your liver without stirring you up inside, and can not salivate. Don't take calomel ! It makes you sick the next day ; it loses you a day's work. Dodson's Liver Tone straight ens you right up and you feci great. Give it to the children because it is Wectly harmless and doesn't gripe, f What's fa In Music" By Special Arrangement with the Associated Music Publishers of New York, we will feature by Daily Pathephone Demonstration BROADWAY'S big Song Hits Come in and hear the "Latest" Direct from Melody Row. All Sheet Music 10c. Copy, W M Gnhen Unitf Vmmv ill r vasavsM svaissj VSJMJVVtMJI Weldon, North Carolina. I SOLI: AGl-NTS I'OU NYAl.'S RliMLDIHS. NUNNAl.LY'S AND? NORRISC ANDIF.S. J Why SpEfo u You Es? You might get sick or hurtbe prepared for it You might want to make an investment start now, "Takes money to make money," you know You might be visited by thieves or fire-an account with us prevents loss, the saving habit is a mighty good one to get Into. We nay 4 per cent on Sav ings Accounts $ THE BANK OF HALIFAX & HALIFAX 3ST. C. N.L. Stedman, P, C. Gregory, P H. Gregory President; Vice-President. Cashier.