i ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Perms of Subscription--$1.5l 1-tr r nini i WELDON, N. C, TIIUKSDAY, -Il'LY 11. UMw. VOL. LILI. NO. !l Iastqm tfXV.I 14 5!j .i riVml.-.l feu UKNI I AVo4olbldVcpnitin6fA T, (toorfulnw5&ndRestContij ncKhcrOpium,Morpn"J"; Uneral.NoTTABCOTic Constipation and Uiarrhot" and Ivvcrishness ami LOSS OF SU fac Simile Si4nrtr CASTORIA For Infanta str.d Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always . Bears the Signature. of jjjjjt LW Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years ASTORIA lilt CINTAUH ISMMNV NCW TOMH filTV Get The Habit CBuy for Cash. Save"C3 Ethe pennies by buy-T ing at W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Cash Store VELDON, N. C. DtxoB & Poole MANUKACTUKEKH OP Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TOOR1IER AND KKdUI.AKKTOCK SIZES. Oood Materials, High trade Workmanship Our Slogan. WelJon, N. C. THE Dining Room should be a cheerful place for when you eat your meals amid pleasant surroundings you do much to aid digestion. And good digestion means health. HAVE US FURNISH YOUR DINING ROOM The variety of designs in Tables, Chairs, Side boards, China Closets, Serving Tables and the like, is ample to satisfy your desires, whatever they may be, in the matter of style, finish and price. Come in and talk it over with us. We are Gertrude Atherton. IRRECONCILABLE! By OERTRUDli ATHERTON, Author of "The Callfornlans," "The Conqutror," "The tit II In tht Fog," Etc. A few dnt axii mi Aincrli-iiii wIhhm Inynll) bus hffii uiiiti'vliillntt fi't'in tlii lii'L'llilihiK of tli wiir Mil lil (ii Hit'; "If 'In UiTiimim win I Htm 1 1 IJuniiiH an IIIIIIU'lllllll) I'llllMTt o tbflr K ill i in, arguing lluil Mltict I hey hurt u nit H Kill UHt Hllt-ll frill fill OlldS, Mill) with prnctlciiily the whole world lined ui ngnliiMt lhiin, ttn-lr theory of lift.' a ml con iluct muit be ri rT t and ours .vrong." Thts In c I il e n t w n u I d irni bu worth nii'inlonlnn it II wen not for the reflect Inn Mint the AmerlcHii race worship Suen'Ns. Tiir KeiuiatliiiiB tl has toHilled to cal ill. ho mutter how ill gotten, anil every inn n who uHiieves power, by whutcvcr devlou ways, Is secretly envied and upi'iily cnurted. The innjorlty of Amci-lciins are easy going. Iiidiffci-rnt. i:ni leallsiic and nut very clever. They arc also Intensely liersunal and only ask to he let alone. It la pusslhle thflt the miifes, there fore, unless It has n real awukeiiini:, would, provided the (iermuiiN, In the remote event of victory, were admit enough to leave them a large innoiint of Individual llherty. shrug their shoul ders and aay : "Well, giiew ihey must be right or they couldn't win out. Nothing to do but come round. Times change anyhow," "Abominable Prospect." This fa an abominable prospect, but It Is to be fuced. Our world, over here, In the event of German domino Hon, would be divided Into two classes mean converts and proud Irreconcila ble for even In this new and com posite country there are enough men and women with high Ideals and In violate souls to despise a race with out a gleam of spirituality, of sports manship, of decency and good man ners, in whom cunning has taken the place of intelligence, and that wins only by driving Its millions of cowed subordinates to mathematical slaugh ter. One cannot even respect such a race enough to hate it. It Is as If one bad been attacked by a herd of wild animals from the Jungle. Those that escape being devoured may at least withdraw as far as possible, not re mould themselves Into a semblance of wild beasts with a lust for human flesh, "Cock-Sureneu i Bluff." I have not the faintest notion that the Germans will win. All the proba bilities are against It. Moreover, If one projects his tuind forward tt Is In conceivable that history can read that way. The general cnndttlous of the world are not what they were In the Fifth Century that Is to say, unless the Idea grew Insidiously that it was the destiny of the Germanic race to win and rule the earth ; In other words, that It wai the deitlny of Karth to re vert to the Fifth Century and begin over again. It Is Incredible that such a thought should take possession of any educated man's mind, but the trouble Is that our famous (and often Ive) cock-sureuess Is only a bluff. As a race we are not really sure of our selves. We prove that by blindly ac cepting the European -mad o reputation and hesitating to create and come out boldly for our own. Those of us that Chink !'nd have the power to visualize the future must be on the alert every moment to counteract this tendency of an uncrystalllzed race to accept the success of might as a matter of course and unconsciously adapt Itself to the "Inevitable." We must be known as the IIUlKCONCn.AHI.ES, and tf we take a definite uiifoiiiprumiKlng staud there will be only one resotlt the men of real courage who might otherwise look upon a new future "philosophical ly" will not only wake up under the direct eiiunple, but will be ashamed to he reckoned as mere numbers In the great muss of sheep or convicts. There la no such Insidious lowering of morale threatened as this, because It I not of Geniitiii, Pacifist or Socialist origin. It Is born of common human weakness and national snobbery. The result will be a vast mass of Inertia, and only a party of sleepless Irrecon cilable will combat and diminish tt. as eager to GIVE satisfaction as you are to receive jt. Weldon Furniture Company, Weldon, N. C. a IIS iuyuiuiiwu w uuiwj uyuiid ! Life, Accident and Health. Plate Glass and Automobiles. Repre senting leading companies. See me about your insurance wants. I. C. DRAPER Office in Green Building, WELDON, N. C. For Sale! New Todd Check Protector. Ii interested, call at this office. What did YOU da to win the war? When our brave boy come back ami risk you tbU question, what will be your answer? Can you lay that you did EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING EVERYTHING poaalbla for yon to dot That you aaved and served and t!Sw1 to tht utmoitt And that, knowing that the mas on the battle line were defend liil YOUR home, YOUR family, YOUR Liberty and YOUR coun try, you loyally stood behind them wltb word and deed? If NOT, WHY NOT? Think It over. Natlonel Security League, II Weet 44th tt., N. Y. O. GERMANY, THE SUPER-ANARCHIST By LOUIS RAEMAEKERS p , Oentrlbuttd by Mr. fUemeker. to tho National Security Ltagufl's Campaign f Patrlfltlim Through ESuQitlon. TO MY MOTHER (Written by a soldier in a hospital in Rouen, France, jusi before he died. It seems to be a call to each one of us, a call io which we can respond unless we forget.) "Are they praying for us at home? Are they meeting together in prayer? Or going on still in the same old way As they did when I was there? We thank them for their money, We thank them for their care, But oh, just tell them, mother dear, We are needing so much prayer ! "Will you ask them to gather together To meet at our Father's throne, That we may be kept from faltering, When we feel we are standing alone? There are moments when courage fails us, When dangers around us siare. Oh, tell them again, dear mother, We are needing so much prayer !" Surely their voices must touch us, As they echo over the seas, And call us away from our pleasure, To help them on bended knees. We are sending them money and comfort, And seeking iheir burdens to share, But, oh, let the churches be crowded, When kneeling for them in prayer ! TOO CAUTIOUS. "Did the bride's fathpr give her away?" "No; he was too anxious to get her off his hands." Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA IN FRANCE, Dear Mother: Be proud that I'm somewhere in France At my post 'mid the battle's din, And I'll still "carry on" just the be best I know how 'Till the glorious victory we win. Mother dear, I have seen what war does to a land Which once was so peaceful and free, And I'll fight till the very last drop of my blood That such things you never may see ! 1 have seen rolling hillsides, once fertile and smooth, Now shell-ploughed and ugly and bare; I have looked upon churches and shrapnel-torn shrines With the Cross of our Master still there ! 1 have seen the remains of what once were homes Now merely a rude pile of stone, And the old open hearths where love once abode, Oh, what is there left to atone ? 1 have a whole nation bear arms in its might All its industries working for war; The peaceful pursuits and the progress of old Are lost in the great melting jar I And Oh, I am glad to be in it to stay 'Till the end of the great Epic fight, For this struggle is for all who are allied with France, In the cause of Peace, Justice and Right I Oh, Mother of Mine, who gave to me life Long ago mid thy travail and pain; Dearest one, fur the cause of all mothers on earth 1 shall give it, if need be, again. For I love you, dear Mother, and I feel you are near, Mid the roar and resentment out there, And I'll fight the good fight just as long as 1 can For I know I am e'er in your prayer I Time can never heal a woman's I grief if it comes in the form of a wrinkle. Doing Qood. Few medicines have met with more favor or accomplished more e;ood than Chamberlain's Coltc i d Diarrhoea Remedy. Julio K.'Janwen, Delmeny, Sank., aaya of it: "1 have used Cham berlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy myself and in my family, and can rec ommend it as being an exceptionally fine preparation." The girl in the case knows a man's in love long before he tum bles to the fact. BIG CAMPAIGN TO ELECT LOYAL WAR CONGRESS National Security League An nounces Nation-Wide Non partisan Participation in Fall Elections. Active participation by It In t1i Ton KresHlntinl campaigns, which will short ly con m it-net! tliruuKliout Hie country, has been' annmimcri by the National Mecurlty League. The l-eattue tlt'cliuvM that unusual measures must be tnkni to Insure the ulecthm this fall of a Conurrm. which will stand mllltuntly behind the currying of the war to decisive victory. The entire force of the League's lis I branrhes and Its membership of over 100,(11 10 patriotic American citizens will be thrown Into this campaign. The crest Inn of support of (he movement outside the Lett ir lie will also be un dertaken hy mem 4 of an active propa KHinlu among Hi" landing cltlzeim of every tate In the Union, Irrespective of party. Ellhu Root Takes Lead. Ktlhu Hoot, who Is Honorary Presi dent of the National Security League, at the recent Annuul Meeting of the organization laid particular emphasis on the necessity of non-partisan sup port of the Government in its ef forts for the aggressive prosecution of the war and the consequent impor tance of this year's Congressional elec tions. The matter was then taken up by the National Executive Committee of the League and the campaign decid ed upon at a meeting ultuuded by Al ton B. Parker, who Is Honorary Vice President of the Security League; James W. Gerard, former United States Ambassador to Germany, one of the League's Vice Presidents; 8. Htan wood Menken, President of the League ; Lawrence F. Abbott of the Outlook, and other prominent men. The League for National Unity and other great national organizations have already Indorsed the movement. The leading newspapers of the country are also expressing their approval. The following are a few of the fa vorable editorial comments which are appearing In all parti of the country : Editorial Approval. Wllllamsport (Pa.) Sun; "The Na tional Security League's effort will have the hearty support of all patri otic voters." SprlugQeld (Mass.) Union: "This Idea Is sound and eminently worttiy of serious attention." lies Moines (la.) Tribune: "Here In Iowa we may well emulate thts exam ple which will lead to victory for Americanism regardless of party desig nation." Saginaw (Mich.) News: "This cam paign will have a strong and growing j following all over the country." Helena (Munt.) Independent: "Ameti tcaus upon whom party lines rest light ly and many who are strong for their party will find reasons for commenda tion of the plan of the National Se curity League." 25,000 Letters. The League's campaign will be con ducted by a committee headed by Charles D. Orth, n prominent New York commission merchant This com mittee, as a preliminary step, has laid the matter before 20,000 leading citi zens in all parts of the country and of all political beliefs in -the following let ter: "The conduct of the war and. In fact, the very future of America are dependent not Only upon the election of a War Congress that will enact Dec ennary laws, but upon the presence In the National Legislature of men of vision, ability and broad experience, who are the best Qualified of our citi zenship to correctly solve the great In ternal and International questions which will come before the next Con gress. "Qrave Duty." "The National Security League, pur suant to unanimous action of Its Ex ecutive Committee, ha taken upon It self the grave duty of Impressing these matters upon you and asking you to pledge your service for prompt ac tion to prevent disaster which might follow the election of Incompetent or disloyal men to Congress. 'Hi Is can be prevented through definite and con certed action on the part of loyal citi zens, who are In the vast majority. Neglect and Indifference may prove fa tal. "The remedy la for every one to as sume the personal obligation of speak ing with or writing without delay to political leaders, newepaper men and others who form public opinion In their Congreaiilonal Districts. Make them realise sharply that the need of the nation It the election of men of ab solute and unconditional loyalty who re determined to prosecute the war to victory and who poawai the strength of character and unquestion ed ability to be of real service to the country In this crista The problems before the nation are such as to try the very souls of the best men that we can elect. IN res n si Responsibility, The people of your district will un doubtedly take Uie right staud If awak ened to the political situation tn time to secure the highest type of candi dates to rote for In tht primaries. h!v ery cl titan can directly Influence re sults to that end, and we earnestly hope that you will rex-ogniM the re auouslbUlt of to dolnf." Chamberlain's Colic and Diar rhoea Remedy. Now is the time to buy a bottle of this remedy so as to be prepared incase that soy one of your family should have an attack of colic or diarrhoea during the summer months, It is worth a hundred times it cost when needed. y- -iir ww u till t n k III ESTABLISHED 1892' Capital and Surplus, 560,000. WE INVITE YOUR AGCOUNT. 4 PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT W. K. DANIEL, PRKHIDBNT. W. It. SMITH. VU'B-I'HSHIDKNT. .1. O. DRAKE, CASUIKB. MiniiKimiamiuntMKmiraia INVITATION. 5 I You are invited to open an account with the Jj BHK OF Eft FIELD, EfiflELD, i. c. I 2 fl A 11 f ' 1 1 . . . . .1 1., I. . . i: . 1 I f, r, i rci went, anuntu in iiic aviiis ibai iB,. ment Compounded Quarterl. YOU can bank hy mail" THE HOME-LOVER. The man who loves home best and loves it most unselfishly loves his country best. J. U Holland. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA antamKOTiiutxiiuiM taming i flat's New la Fiusic" By Special Arrangement with the Associated Music Publishers of New York, we will feature by Daily Pathephone Demonstration BROADWAY'S big Song Hits Come in and hear the "Latest" Direct from Melody Row. All Sheet Music 10c. Copy, 1. M. Ochcn hi Company, Weldon, North Carolina. ! SOLI- AGENTS POR NYAL'S REMEDIES. NUNNALLY'S AND NORRIS' CANDIES. COTTON QIKS&PRESS FOR SALE The undersigned offers for sale one 70-saw Van Winkle gin, feeder and condenser, four years old, One dO-saw Eagle gin, feeder and condenser, five years old. One Beasley Single box down packing press, five years old. This machinery Is in good condition and bargain prices will be made on the entire lot or on separate portions. Write or come to see me at once, M. E. MARTIN, Rural Route No 2, THELMA, N C. CflD OAI C New Todd CHECK PROTECTOR rUll UIHLL If Interested, call up thls office.