rapS yp 1 Hik Beaa) BnBaBBBBB iassiBBl QfasBwaBBllllllllvnBiaBBBBk ESTABLISHED IN I860. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$1.50 Per Annum VOL. LIU. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 25, UM8. NO. 1 1 t ;W'K 8 LwlliES, i For Inf:,.,' Children. mm - . f;i, . Hi anil liWClS O III!; IW .)WlomT'" liwiilllllSH ! ' . "So : C' is QiCPrfulnuss and nelthcrOnlom, Morphine nor An I Km W 1 ki.- r l' A helpful Remcd frr 'ConMipnuoniuiuDiarrr." and Firbhns "! i LossofSleei ' nsirttiniOwrcfrOT-inW"1 "TT j 3 foe Simile 5.mi" a Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears tho Signature. of LW r ,lfv In Exact Copy of Wrapper. Use For Over Thirty Years ASTORIA Hi OINTAUH OOttMNV NIW YORK OtT Get The Habit tBuy for Cash. SaveC3 KTthe pennies by buy ing at W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Cash Store WELDON, IN. C. HOW MANY ARE POPULAR? There are Many and Varied Kinds ul Popularity, opuhirity, be il of the right son is one of the finest characteristics a person cuii court. There are many and varied kinds of popularity but the only kind that is really worth while is the kind that will redound to your credit: the kind that is rock-ribbed and not evanescent. The man who bears the truest brand of popularity is he whom his friends point to with pride and say: there is one of the squaresi men 1 have ever met; I have never known him to consciously do a wrong or work a grievance on a living soul." Could man ask for any richer encomium? Could man desire a greater monument in the memories of his fellow men than just such eulogistic remarks as we have written above? We think not. Unpopular fellows are strutting about on every side. What the world needs is more of the popular sort; the sort who are not wrap ped up in self to the extent of giv ing no thought for the other fel low. There is a Scriptural text to the effect: "Bear ye one anoihers burdens." In following out the sentiment contained in this text in your every day living, you will find yourself on the highway that leads in the end to a popularity that is enduring rather than ephemeral, PREPARINQ FOR MATRIMONY. Miss Alma was rather an attrac tive young lady, and her bosom friend, having missed her for some time, called to inquire the reason. "No, mum, Miss Alma is not in," the maid informed her. "She has gone to the class." "Why, what class?" inquired the caller in surprise. "Well, mum, you know Miss Alma is going to get married soon, so she's taking a course of lessons in domestic silence. " ten k Poole any acton Gompa MANUFACTURERS OP Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO UltllKK AN I) KKtiUI.AK STOt'K SIZES. Oood Material!, High Grade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. THE Dining; Room should be a cheerful place for when you eat your meals amid pleasant surroundings you do much to aid digestion. And good digestion means health. HAVE US FURNISH YOUR DINING ROOM The variety of designs in Tables, Chairs, Side boards, China Closets, Serving Tables and the like, is ample to satisfy your desires, whatever they may be, in the matter of style, finish and price. Come In and talk it over with us. We are as eager to QIVE satisfaction as you are to receive it. ran Furniture Company. Weldon, N. C. Lsaa Taaatsaaaai east Of (aeaaalaei f)aa!ai I Life, Accident and Health. Plate Glass and Automobiles. Repre senting leading companies. See me about your insurance wants. L. C. DEAFER Office in Green Building, WELDON, N. C, For Sale! New Todd Check Protector. II interested, call,at this office. POPULAR SUPERSTITIONS. To take peacock feathes, it is said, means that there will be a death in the house within a year. To hroak a mirror in moviug foretells not only seven years of bad luck, but Beven succes sive disappointments within a year. V it is unlucky to enter by the buck door the houBe you are to occupy. If an old broom is taken along with the household goods the new home will al ways be dirty. If a jar of honey is tha first food to be taken in there al ways will be plenty on the board, but beware of a loaf of bread getting there first. It signifies thut the occupants will some day want for bread. A family should never move except in the light, or increase, of the moon, according to the superstitious. This will secure prosperity and increase of pos sessions. They will grow as the moon grows. NOT SURE WHICH. Sabbath School Teacher-Who was it that commanded the sun to stand still? Skinny Simpson McAdoo or Herb Hoover, ma'am, and 1 ain't right sure which. OH, SAY, (URLS. Nell In olden days the fauns and nymphs used to dance all day with a lute. Be!! Oh, goodness that's ju:i what I'm going to do on the 4th of July. Nell What do you mean? Bell Dance all day with a Lieut. ALL EXCEPT LOTTO. "Are all your family observing the meatless day now ?" "Yes, all except Lotto. We can't make him realize that he mustn't bile strangers on Tuesdays." A wise woman doesn't attempt to manage her husbsnd she feeds him and trusts to luck. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA aa BBwaaaaMin pi JUW . Jap 4 CHEERY, whole-hearted, Southern hospitality it's almost a magic phrase to many. But really it stands for honest friendship, cordiality and (you've guessed it) lota of delicious goodies. Luzianne Coffee is always in cluded in Southern hospitality because It tastes so good. Fra grant hot coffee for people who knowwhat's good-that's Luzianne. Good old Luzianne flavor um-m-m I better try some quick. Your grocer has It and if you aren't satisfied, he'll give back very cent honest I SEZIANNtMfee "When It fours. It Kugns" THE FUTURE DAYS, We'll sing the love songs over when the fighting days are done, We'll tread once more the clover when the battles all are won, Every band that's playing marches shall strike up an old-time dance And through Victory's sun-kissed arches we will lead the boys from France. Oh, we'll find the days of laughter and we'll dry the mothers' tears. Joy has always followed after trouble's long and dreary years. We will hum our songs of gladness and we'll claim the old delights Of a homeland freed from sadness when the family reunites. Maid and man shall go a straying down the moonlit lanes of love, Dusk shall find the children praying old-time prayers to God above. When we reach the long road's turning and the cannons cease to roar, By the home fires brightly burning we shall gather as before. There'll be days when every mother happy lullabies shall hum, Little sister, brother, there are glorious days to come, From the great soul of our nation God shall lift this weight of woe And with Victory's celebration love shall set our hearts aglow. A SOLDIER'S DREAM. Out in the land of heroes, When shadows of twilight fall, And the night keeps the sun in hiding, Till it hears the morning call 'Tis then when the soul is weary Of all that the daytime has done 'Tis then when the soldier dreams Of the happy days to come. Thousands of dreams are for dreamers, But a soldier can dream only one. He dreams of a home and mother, He dreams of the days gone by, A cottage 'mongst the trees, The humming of the bees, And a mother's lullaby He dreams of the land of "No Man," And there through the clouds of war Comes a light through the night, And the world seems bright Returning home once more. There is a land of promise A land that is bright and fair, A land filled with love and kindness For all who may enter there; A land Riled with smiling faces, It's heaven and and peace is the door, ' But a soldier to get within Must fight through the fire of war. Fight for what's right so that vict'ry Will his lireside and loved ones restore. AFTER THINKING IT OVER. Wife Had Decided, In View ol Scientific Advancement, Hubby Might Oo to the Front. "I am going to enlist," he an nounced, without preface, "in some unit that is going to the front immediately I" "But your wile," we began. He interrupted us. "Bah I My wife ! She wants me to go. 1 hope I get killed ! My wife has insulted nieand " "Tell us about it." "Listen. Last night I was read ing to her from the paper about the wonders of plastic surgery du ring this war. I read to her about how the surgeons are actually giv ing wounded men new faces." "Yes and what did she say?" "She didn't say anything, but about an hour later 1 noticed her looking intently at me. I asked her what was the matter, and she said she had been thinking it over, and if I wanted to join the army she would withdraw her objec tions I" CASTORIA For' Infant and Children In Us For Ovar 30 Years Alwayt baaia Stfnran of RICHLY ENDOWED. Although Alfred had arrived at the age of twenty-one years, he showed no inclination to pursue his studies at college or in any way adapt himself to his father's business. "I don't know what I will ever make of that son of mine," bitterly complained his father, a hustling business man. "Maybe he hasn't found himself yet," consoled the con fidential friend. "Isn't he gift ed in any way?" "Oiftod?" cmeried the father. ''Well, I should say ho is ! He aiu't got a darued thing that wasn't given to him." Har per's Magazine. NO ILL WIND. HOW THEY ARE FED. Immense Stores Needed to Peed Men on Transports. An account of how soldier's are foil at sea is given in the daily newspaper published on a transport: "Outside of providing 'JIO,ooo lueals ut sea, the mess ollicer of tho ship has very little to do. Very little. "Ho is only culled upon to provide, by the regulations, IWi different varieties of food. That's all. Ever try to order lsu different things to eat? Yet this is the authentic list. "The food needed to feed sev erul thousand men ut sea ranges beyond the glutton's dreams Yon get the answer in the ship down below the water line, where 7,'1'M loaves of bread have been baked in one day, and where you stumble over every variety, from iiO,noo pounds of beef to 13'2,(ioo eggs, or a compartment of brick ice cream in a 10-degree-above zeio vault. 'And if this doesn't suit you, you can bump along into 4U,:24 pounds of potatoes,;, 1 1 10 pounds of ham and bacon, 7, 800 pounds of butter, 9,200 pounds of sugar and lit, Clio pounds of flour. "If you cau't get a meal out of this you can still fall back on 4, lion pounds of sausage, 11,400 pounds of sauerkraut, 2t),ooo pounds of apples, 18,800 pounds of oranges and 4,20Q pounds of onions. And this leaves out 1,000 pounds of jam and ,4iXi pounds of lima and navy beans." Jaggs says this raw, damp weather just suits him. Why, 1 understood him to say his wife was very susceptible to cold. Thai's just it. When she takes cold, she can't speak above a whisper. Chamberlain's Colic and Diar rhoea Remedy. Now is tlie time to buy a bottle of Ibis itmedy so at to be prepared ia ease that auy oae ol your family should have an attack of colic or diarrhoea during the summer mouths. It it worth a hundred times it colt whan needed. WtfY SpEflD JLL You Efl? You might jcet sick or hurt-be prepared fur it You might want to make an Investmentstart now, " l akes money to make money," you know You might be visited by thieves or fire-an account with us prevents loss. The saving hit hit is a mighty good one to get into. We pav 4 per cent on Sav. ings Accounts THE BANK OF HALIFAX HALIFAX JST. ( N. L. Steilman. I'rPMirll'Nl P. C. tlregory, V'li-i Prpkiili'ti i . P. H Oretrorv WAR. They're putting all the near sighted men into the front line, where they won't have to see so far to shoot. Men with Hut feet are being used to wash dishes in camp, where they won't have to walk. Victims of insomnia can't es cape. They're ideal sentries. Huy fever and asthma pa tients needn't apply for exemp tion. They're so accustomed to hard breathing they won't mind the gas. Tho fellow who pleads useful occupation at home must get up and ride. Tho only useful occupation these days is nailing a Hun. Down with the exemptions ! A GRAND SCHEME. A down town music store is advertising a popular song by means of a sort of tableau win dow display. There is a phono graph; a bed, and baby doll saying her prayers at the bed sido. A little girl was looking in teresting ut the window. Fi nally she turned to her mother and said: "Mamma, why wouldn't that be a good idea for me?" "Why wouldn't what be a good idea?" asked the mother. "Why to put my prayers on a record and have the machine play 'em evory night before I go to bed!" Doing Oood. Few medicinci have met with more favor or accomplished more (rood than Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy. John F. Jantsen, I'elmeuy, Sask., says of it: "I have used Cham herlaiu'e folic and liiarrhoea Remedy myf II and ia my family, and cau rec ommend it as being an exceptionally tins preparation." THE SHOE MA USED. A lady saw a little boy go in to a ahoeiiuikHr'a shop with a small parcel. She asked him what was in it. His reply was: "Oh, it's mamma's shoe, which has a nail sticking out of the bottom of the sole, so I've come to have it taken out.' "You are a good little boy to have so much thought for your mother," remarked the lady. "Oh, it is not so much for that, madam," was his reply, "but this is the shoe ma spanks me with." Pearson's Weekly. Cause ol Despondency. Despondency is often caused by indi gestion and constipation, and quickly disappears when Chamberlain's Tablets are takes. These tablets strengthen the digestion and more the bowels. t ii i: i 1 1 T 11 ! I ESTABLISHED 1892 Capital asd surplus, S60,00Q. WE INVITE YOUR AOCOUNT. 4 PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT W. K. DANIKL. PBBH1 DSN i. W. It. SMITH. VIl'R-l'HBItlUXNT. J. 0. DRAKE, CASHISS. RsnraaoxMiaBaoaaaaiaMarjw INVITATION. You are invited to open an account with the BWK OF EfiFIUD, Efl flELD, I. C. 4 Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart ment Compounded Quarterly. gy YOU can bank by mail" SuwMauCTsTJIMMMMMIMI'flqHEl I f What's Sew In Muitf By Special Arrangement w ith the Associated Music Publishers of New York, we will feature by Daily Pathephone Demonstration BROADWAY'S big Song Hits Come in and hear the "Latest" Direct from Melody Row. All Sheet Music 10c. Copy. W. II. Gohen Drug Company, Weldon, North Carolina. SOLE AGENTS FOR NYAL'S REMEDIES. UNNALLY'S AND NORRIS' CANDIES. COTTON &INS&PRESS FOR SALE The undersigned offers for sale one 70-saw Van Winkle gin, feeder and condenser, four years old, One 60-saw Eagle gin, feeder and condenser, five years old. One Beasley Single box down packing press, five years old. This machinery is in good condition and bargain prices will be made on the entire lot or on separate portions. Write or come to see me at once, M. E. MARTIN, Rural Route No 2, THELMA, N C. EAST CAROLINA TEACHERS TRAINING SCHOOL A State school to train teachers lor the public schools ol North Carolina. Every energy Is directed to this one purpose. Tuition Free to all who agree to teach. Fall Term begins SEPTEMBER 25, 98. For catalogue and other Information, address ROBERT H. WRIOHT, President, 6 20 lm OREENVILLE, N. C.