I nib ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription $1.50 Per Annum VOL. LIU. WKLDON, N. ('., TIUIliSDAY, Al'liUST lids. NO. 11 Children Cry for Fletcher's FAITH. . I All 1 ravelers on the Kiirnl to I :t r- I nily Must Have I tilth In 1 he ! ( I rent I HKliH'rr. 1 The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which haa been la us for over over 30 years, ha.: 1rne the signature ot and hai been made under his per- CtLjLJ&Jf-fZ ,onal "Pfvi8lon since its infancy. yutry. Allow no one t0 deceive you Jn (nlSi All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. c What is CASTOR I A Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signatur jjacan the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THI CINTAUH COMA Get The Habit ECTBuy lor Cash. Save"C3 7the pennies by buy-"C3 ing at W. T PARKER & CO., Wholesale Cash Store" WELOON. N. C. marine iime s MANIIKACTI'IdSIW OK Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TOOKIlKK AM) HKHl'l.AK H'RR'K SIZES, flood Materials, High Orade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. THE Dining Room should be a cheerful place.; for when you eat your meals amid pleasant surroundings you do much to aid digestion. And good digestion means health.r HAVE US FURNISH YOUR DINING ROOM The variety of designs In Tables, Chairs, Side boards, China Closets, Serving Tables and the like, is ample to satisfy your desires, whatever they may be, in the matter of style, finish and price. Come in and talk it over with us. We are as eager to GIVE satisfaction as you are to receive it Weldon Furniture Company, Weldon, N. C. r k in I ii.mi i i.m.rs m illlini.li 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .- i Life. Accident and Health. Plate Glass and Automobiles. Repre senting leading companies. See me about your insurance wants. L. C. DEAFER, Office in Green Building, WELDON, N. C. Pups for Sale ! Five Male Pointer Pups, 6 weeks old, entitled to registration, beautifully maSed. Price $5 each. Apply to THIS OFFICE. Il is hirhl I mil hiring whiilrd j llili.ui'tl -i,iu' in ;l p.iilor Cdl' nl llu' I Yiiiim Iviii 1 1 N.iilroiid al 'I'lin'iliiiig like liliv 1 1 1 1 If .hi liuur. I lir mi is luilliiiiiily bullied. Oui Milc ;ill is ll,itk. I iln mil klinw win-re we are, except ihiii iliis train lite Aihinlic 0 ity Special, bound lor the nation's capital left Wil mington about iwcniy minutes ago and is somewhere between that place and Baltimore. Acrn'.s the ui-lc a boy of tender yt ;iis is climbing up on his motbetslap, and the mother, with th it litln in her eves which only mother-love can inspire, is patting his curly head. They do not think of dancer. Neither do I. We have Faith. Vi e have faith in the engineer, l ie is a competent man, or he wouldn't he in charge of this train with its several hundred hu man lives. He knows his engine, knows the roadway, knows all the possible things that could happen and is alert to avoid them. So we, knowing his hand is on the throttle take il easy and think of things far removed from railway wrecks. It seems to me that there is a lesson in this for you and for me, for every young man and every young woman in bussiness the lesson of Faith. It is not given to us to see very far into the future. For my part, 1 don't want to know what is going 10 happen to me next week or next year. I am sat isfied to keep plugging along do ing my little job from day to day as best I can and trusting my fate to Ihe Great Fngineer whose hand is on the throttle of your life and mine and the lives of countless other thousands. The business man who has faith is not very likely to go wrong, He is going to conduct his business on a four-square basis; he is going to he upt ight in his dealings with his fellownien; he is going lo steer his ship of commerce through the troubled waters of misfortune.per haps even adversity, with a seren ity born of ihe consciousness that nothing can harm him permanent ly so long as he sees clearly and acts wisely. There will be many eager to retard his progress. Slan der will raise its nasty head from many little by ways along his path. Ill health may come; the loss of loved ones; the crippling of his finances; the striking down of his most cherished hopes; and yet And yet the man who has Faith who believes thai right is right and will triumph; who sticks to his principles and his ideals through the thunder of misunderstanding crash above him and the lightning of malice blind him now and then mat man will win all that is worth while in life. This I know. I have seen it in other lives. It is working out in mine. We who were on that train in the night had faith in the engineer, and we ar rived at our destinations safely. We whu are all travelers on the greater and longer journey toward Eternity must have faith in the Great Engineer. We must know that if we do our part, we shall ar rive at the end of the road with shining eyes and happy hearts. Jerome P. Fleishman in the Balti more Sun. NOT WITHOUT PRECEDENT. An illiterate preacher who pro fessed to despise education, re marked during a conversation with an educated clergyman: "I a thankful that the Lord has opened my mouth to preach with out learning." "A similar event occurred in Balaam's time," was the quiet re tort. IN TENSE. MrH. (loodn I iimlerHtanil the future MrH. (Jay boy has a past. Mrs. Betthar Then she doea n t get a present from me. PRESENT STYLE. I always call a spade spade. Well, just now, it's not what you're calling one, but if you're using one that matters. IMPROVE THE SETTINQ. Howell How can a man get his wife in a pleasant frame of mind? Powell Just see that the frame is gilded. Packers' Profits Large or Small Packers' profits look big when the Federal Trade Commission reports that four of them earned $140,000,000 during the three war years. Packers' profits look small When it is explained that this profit was earned on total sales of over four and a half billion dollarsor only about three cent on each dollar of sales. This is the relation between profits and sales: Profiu Sales C 1 1: p 3 If no packer profits had been earned, you could have bought your meat at only a fraction of a cent per pound cheaper? Packers' profits on meats and animal products have been lim ited by the Food Administration, since November 1, 1917. Swift & Company, U. S. A. nun ii a m it n id i Il OVER THERE, There's a little white cross on a little green hill In a land that I never have seen; The country around it is peaceful and still, The landscape is soft and serene. You never could tell that the brook in the glen Which babbles and purls on its w;iy Ran red with the blood of the army of men Sleeping under the crosses today. There's a little . white cross, but it is not alone, There are thousands its vigil to share; No monument high and no rich carven stone Marks the graves of the boys "over there." But the bright, cheerful sun through the dancing leaves peeps And lovingly touches the sward, Caressing the spot where my soldier boy sleeps, With the little white cross keeping guard. Oh, those crosses of white, what a tale they unfold Of homes that are lonely and bleak ! Not half of the story will ever be told But if the while crosses could speak They would shout to the sky not a paean of who, But a song of triumphant refrain From the million brave hearts who had courage to go, And whose lives were not offered in vain ! The little white crosses are everywhere set In a land that is smiling and fair; And the people who love it will never forget To mention them often in prayer. Our hearts may be empty and ready to break, But they stand in a God given light Our loved ones, who died for Humanity's sake, Sleeping under their crosses of white. WHERE THE CRIME Ol'ClRRED. Court Decided I hnl Heaven Hud No Particular Ni hil Inn to the Case on Trial. Kvi'll I'l'llloll' 1'iiliu i lm. i-itl Ii IIIH to tln l 1 1 1 1 si iv How nl I'H'il ! ; oratory, willVri-.l u wvi-ri- j"lt i" llu' i ks iii tlir liihtrii't of Coliilnliiii Siiiii'iiii' ( 'mill liuild in, w hen u ivrlnin ilin k nk in ni'il I'liiiiliiliir i f )i'inisllii'iii'it ili'livel'i'il one of his s c 1 1- i'H to it jury, ifhiti a the Wash ington TimcH. Hi; it uiidi'i'stiinil in passing Hint, this Afro-Aiiicriciin inrm bcr of tho clislriet liar is known to linvt! lliivr net ailili'i'Nsi'H.cai'h f which he apices to rid him self of for the acquittal nf his: client for a stipulated price.! Now the j'i.'i type nf oratory is 1 his best, the oilier two licint; of the .lo and .l.'i species. It wad Hie highest priced address thai, was beiiiK delis eicd on the oc casion in question. John loe, nei;ro, as charged w ith stabbing "a fren'." The evidence waB all taken and it behooved the Ethiopian De mosthenes, represuntint; John, to iniprcsH not only John, hut numerous others in tlin court room, who, to use legal termi nology, might lie placed in the category of "prospective cli ents." "When man took Father Time by the forelock anil start ed to meander with him dow the halls of eternity," vocifer ous began the negro attorney. You could have heard a pin d tup. And then without further mention of the evidttnee against his client the derspiring orator soured into the highest realms and started adissertation uneut the angels and urkangels. Old er habitues of the court real ized that the defendant at the bar had paid a $-.' feu to Ilia counsel and anticipated a half hour of irrelvant epigrams and verbiage. But not so with the court. "Leave heaven and get back to Anacostia," the court lacon ically suggested. ''There's wheru this crime happened." Now every one is wondering whether the Vo address is be ing revised. CORRECTING FAMILY SPEECH WfiY SpEfo LL You Efi? You might get sick or hurt- he prepared for it You might want to make an investment start now, "Takes money to make money," you know You might he visited hv thieves or firv-an account with us prevents loss. The saving habit is a mighty good one lo get into. We pav 4 per cent on Sav ings Ai'tiiiiuls 9 THE BANK OF HALIFAX HALIFAX 1ST. C. N. L. Stedmuii, I r. o.1,.1.1 I. C. (Ireicury, v. I'r..i.l. .in P. II. tlreuory CnMtiii-i oc t ii i: III A liSIAIU.ISIIIil) IK"2: 111 !() OLD FASHIONED FOLKS All grown-up folks have greaily changed In almost every way; They do not seem to do the things They did in grandma's day, U'hen quiltinc bees and sincing schools Were quite the style, she says; But all those things she tells about Sounds very strange these days. But children never change a bit; They're iust the same, you know As Utile children used to be A hundred years ago; They like to play the same old games Like ball and blind man's buff; Of dolls and hoops and jumping ropes They've never had enough. They love to play at keeping house; And if you watch, you'll see That rinp iround-a-rosy is As new us new can be. And so, while other folk have changed In almost every way, They're the only real old-fashioned folks- In all the world to-day. Capital aad kphs, $60,000. Wt- INVITi: YOUR AUCOUNT.j 4 PAID ON SAVINtiS DEPARTMENT W. Iv IHMH. lKKr.tKM. V It. SMI I'll. VU K I'llKNltmST. J. II. I l( A k K, I AMIIIRM. 3E ao WMMKMKllMliaimMMMimilUUiilW INVITATION. i You are invited to open an account with the BWK OF EHFMD, Eft FIELD, fi. C. Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart-f ment Compounded Quarterly.; S pgy YOU can bank by mail; iniMKittMmiiumKiimiioimKiiMMm 4 A Cleveland man who makes a practice of choosing his words wiih care, a practice which he has en deavored to instil into ihe family circle, made a memorandum of the misused words uttered by his son and daughter during a recent breakfast. Here is ihe result : "lilegant," nineteen times. "Awful," eleven limes. "Dandy," six times. 'Tierce," four limes. "Great," two times. When the meal was over, the head of the household called the family around him in the library, and gravely read the totals to them. "(lee, that's tierce!" said the an. "Isn't it awful?" said the daugh- CLOTHES DON'T MAKE A WISE AND OTHERWISE. Platitudes are useful in conver sation. I hey give one sucn an air of respectable dullness. It takes the moon two weeks to get full and two more weeks to get over it. Men are different. When a eirl is eneaeed 10 be married she is sorry for all the young men who missed their chance. There are two periods in a man's life he doesn't understand a wo man. One is before marriage and the oilier after. Too many people spend their time condemning the conduct of others instead of spending it in im proving their own. If sealskin sacks could be pluck ed from trees the average husband would have to squander his coin on other things to match. It is easier for a married man to say that he is free from worry than it is for him to prove it to the satis faction of married men. MAN BUT THEY HELP. THAT Is, they help him in business as well as social life, by giving him a properous, well groomed appearance, Men who dress in good taste say they like to buy here because of the excellent assortment to choose from. Everything in the store is carefully selected by experts and quality is the first consid. eration. In men's hosiery for Instance, we sell the reliable Interwovan socks "The Hosiery of a Gentleman." All fashionable colors; all weight-; in Silk, Lisle! Cashmere and Cotton at 40c. 50c. 75c. Per Pair FARBER & JOSEPHSON, Mens and Boys Outfitters WELDON. N. C. COTTON G1NS&PRESS FOR SALE EXPLAINED. Bragg says his house is well supplied with hot air. I don't doubt it. I've heard him talk in it. The undersigned offers for sale one 70-saw Van Winkle gin, feeder and condenser, four years old, One oO-saw Eagle gin, feeder and condenser, five years old. One Beasiey Single box down packing press, five years old. This machinery is In good condition and bargain prices will be made on the entire lot or on separate portions. Write or come to see me at once. M. E. MARTIN, Rural Route No 2, TI1ELMA, N C. jv 4 41 EAST CAROLINA TEACHERS TRAINING SCHOOL A State school to train teachers lor the public schools ol North Carolina. Every energy Is directed to this one purpose. Tuition F-'ree to all who agree to teach. Fall Term begins SEPTEMBER 25. 1918. For catalogue and other Information, address ROBERT H. WRIGHT, President, 6 20 lm GREENVILLE, N. C.