-I TPHIE ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. forms ui Sul)icrii)lii)ti--l..-i. i 1" VOL. LIU. WKLDON, N. V., TIIUKSDAY, An.l'ST 22, l!Us. No. i: noma SJB9A AlJjll J9AQ JO J 9Sfl W 0 I B J daaisjosso-i WW' 17K JO bucjcjo sinnuag "HUNTING A DEER" By MIRIAM LEE. S3" 5 i-.k- jouJundJOW'""1!"0 -'WJ inw3isaa pub ss ju jnjj j jvi: ) uonM?itt?u'iou,OJ'i't'pJ;'111 . '- 1 0 ; uipua piniJ5l Siwi3 W; Get The Habit ETBuy for Cash. Save"C3 fithe pennies by buy-"C3 ing at W. T PARKER & CO , Wholesale (3 ash Store' WHUMJN, N. C. MAM KAl'Ti;i(KIM OF Building Material fur Modern homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TOOKDKK AND KKIiCI.AR STOCK SI.KS. dood Materials, High (lrade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. THE Dining Room should be a; cheerful place, for when you eat your meals amid pleasant surroundings you do much to aid digestion. And good digestion means health HAVE US FURNISH YOUR DINING ROOM The variety of designs In Tables, Chairs, Side boards, China Closets, Serving Tables and the like, is ample to satisfy your desires, whatever they maygbe, In the matter of style, finish and price. Come In and talk it over with us. We are as eager to GIVE satisfaction as you are to receive it. M It 1 n wp. nnn mrnitm II viavu hi it J Company Weldon, N. C. Fire Insurance K Surety Bonds ! Life, Accident and Health. Plate Glass and Automobiles. Repre senting leading companies. See me about your insurance wants. , iL C. DRAPER it'upyriKhl, WIS, WrHlern NHjm.:r Union.) Oahrlel MarHli was dominated by a sisterly brood, realized li and did not particularly resent It. Hero whs the situation : They were well provided for as to Income from the family es tate, hut Gabriel litid inherited the hulk of the same. It cost the others nothing to continue to live at the homestead, and a noble place It was. tinbrlel was liberal to the point of prodigality, outside of thrilling Inhar monious elements of temperament these persons were not unpleasant, and life drifted on Idly, evenly, though rut her purposelessly. It was to their Interest that (Jnbrlel should remain a bachelor, and they kept a close watch on him and a near contact when social functions were on the program. He slipped them casual ly, (trie duy. He was homeward bound from his office when n friend he liked shipped hi in on the shoulder and then linked arms with htm. "You're coming over tn the Gordons with me," he In sisted. "They're short of men und I promised to rally some recruits." Gabriel was nothing loath and soon found himself enjoying the variety and liveliness of a cheery group, bent on enjoying the occasion to Its utmost. Miss Ada Gordon was engaged, so lie was not troubled as to what his sis ters might say or think. There was tennis nnd archery. It was the latter feature that Interested Gabriel. The more so because of the superb expert liens of a girl whom he had never seen before, and who seemed to come Into his life with Irresistible power and In fluence all Id a moment of time. She was Vera Oliver, Gabriel learned, a cousin of Ada Gordon, lived some twenty-five miles distant and wait making a day's visit with her father, a studious-looking man with a finely Intellectual face, who sat apart but placidly and with seeming Interest and pleasure witnessing the activities of the young people. Gabriel was not In tennis trim and Joined Mr. Oliver on a shaded bench, Miss Gordon hav ing Introduced them. At first Gabriel said llttto. His eyes were fixed upon Mlsa Oliver. Truly a nut-brown maid, lithe, graceful, swift and fiure In all her motions, her exquisite handling of bow and arrow was superb. Straight to the heart of the target the plumed dart landed every time, other contest ants despairing of even remotely ap proximating her average. The openly expressed approbation of Gubrlcl won the father to descunt upon the capabilities of his daughter. "You know I make my living by writ ing up my scientific and nature re searches," he said, "und Vera has been an ardent und useful helper. Are you Interested In zoology to any degree? I Invite ym to run over to our little rookery and I will show you some rare specimens. My daughter, tot), will out do for you this bow and arrow prac tice. We have a shooting range at home, eltty pigeons and spring, und all that. Only, come within a day or two, fur We start for northern Minnesota j within a week." It was when Gabriel saw Vera with i rifle at glass-ball shooting that the unique charm of this modern Dlnna completely won the Isi-urt of the hith erto love-shunned Gabriel, His sisters heard of the visit to the Oliver home. There were quibbles us to "the unglrl- j lsh training and sportswoman pro-; pensltlea of the audacious minx," doubtless maneuvering to enmesh their 1 brother as a desirable parti. Their fears were set at lest, however, a day or two later wheo they learned that the Olivers had departed on one of their long nature tours. The watchful guardians of a world tnexperleiieed brother traced no pur pose In the apparently Innocent an nouncement of Gabriel one day, when he announced that he was going on a hunting trip In the Northern woods. "Nobody but squaws way up there In the pineries," he observed to his eldest sister, "so you needn't he wor rying for fear some designing fortune seeking slreu will be plotting to marry me for my money. I'm strictly going hunting for a deer." When that momentous hunting trip was over, the sisterly rabid marveled at the duplicity of their beloved broth er. They could not credit the coolness and Independence with which Gabriel had become Imbued, They could not understand the determined manner In which he slipped from leading strings they had thought surely taut drawn and strong as wire cables. The result of specious design or ac cident, this happened to Gabriel Marsh. He came across the Olivers In a little log cabin In tho woods 50 miles from clvilliattou. He had sustained a severe arm sprain from a fall over an old log. Patient as well aa guest, a welcome receptloa made htm happy, and then a month assisting Mr. Oliver In his quest fur odd speclmeus and fishing and canoeing with Vera, gave a new and' delightful tinge to life. At th end of two months he wrot to hi friend at home : "Please break the Dews to my sit tertI am married to Vera Oliver. 1 bunted and found a dear, Indeed 1" GALLED HER FAMILY TO HER BEDSIDE Six Yean Ago, Thinlinj She Might Die, Say Texal Lady, But Now She It a Well, Strong Woman and Praiiei Cardui For Her Recorery. Royss CItjr, Tex. Mrs. Murr Kll man, of tills plsce, Bays; "After the birth of my little girl... my aide com menced to hurt me. I had to go back to bed. We called tho doctor. He treated mo... but I got no better. I got worse and worse until tho misery was unbearable... I was In bed for thrco months and suffered puch agony that I was Just drawn up in a knot, . . I told my husband It be would get me a bottle of Carilul I would try It. . . 1 commenced taking It, however, that evening I called my family about me... for I knew I could not last many days unless I had a Changs for ' trial. tho better. That was ill years ago and I am still hers and am a well, strong woman, and I owe my life to Cardui. I had only takon half the bottle when I began to feel better. The misery In my side got less... I continued right on taking tho Cardui until I had taken three bottles and I did not need any more for I was well and never felt better In my life... I havo never had any trouble from that day to this." Do you suffer from headache, back ache, pains In stde9, or other discom forts, each month? Or do you feel weak, ncrvoun and fagged-out? If so, give Cardui, the woman's tonic, a J. 71 -v.s- ,.- i..c- 4 ,.- COME ON, NOW! A $4 A &C A ?A ?A ?A ?A ?A Mtv ?A 7$ id "A"" to ?A m n it ?A ISABHLLE COCHRAN1: SMITH. Now U tliu exported time; Now in tliu ilay of restitution. Come on, all you Ked Woods, From Oregon to Maine; Come on, here's your slogan Alsuee and Lorraine. Come on NOW, fall in With Pershing and Petain; Conio now, and help us While we have them by the throat. They culled us "kids in khaki,'' lint we'll get tho Kaiser's goat. Come on, hrave old Dixie, With your famous Southern yell, We need no other bracer To give those Hermans II HI X. We're not a hind divided The North anil South are one, And, shiiulder to shoulder. Will march to meet the Hun. Come on. brave old Dixie, And your colored troopers, too, We'll show those brutal Hoches What our I'. S. A. can do. You have oodles of transports, Manned hy gallant boys in blue; You've a right smal l nf cruisers And sub-chasers, too; Come on, load up your transports And convoy the boys across; We'll put a nuietus On this war-mad Prussian boss. Speed up, get tegether With one good Yankeo slap, We can put little P.elgium Hight back on the map. All praise to staunch old England, Her Tommies und her Tars. All honor to her leaders, Those true sons of Mars. Kut speed up, boys, be with us, See Von Hinden's dead line snap; And Sammies by the millions (to pouring through the gap. No "Kamerad" will slop us, It's cither die or run It's an everlasting tinish To the double dealing Hun. Vt'e're over here for business, And we won't como home ugain Till we leave tho French Hag Hying Over Alsace and Lorraine, They've called us "tin soldiers," They've culled us "cackling geese," Kut when this war is ended There will be an Allied Peace. From the Hoys "Over There.' ?A M W W ?AV ?A &4 ?A A ?A ?A ?A sH-- ?A FED THE ALLIES Food Administrator Writes Presi dent America Conserved 141 000,000 Bushels Wheal. CREDIT DUE TO WOMEN. Meat and Fat Shipment Increased by 844,600,000 Pounds. Conservation measures applied by the AiiHTlcnn people enabled the I'iiH ed .St at is to Blilp to the Allied peH and to our own forces ovi-rwus 111, (HM),ihhi bushels of wheat and 84-UVK). (mki pounds of meat during the puM year, valued In all at $l,-KM,(s.tssi This was accomplished In the fnn nf h siTitms food bhortugi! in thih country, bespi'itklng the wholehwirtednt'ss tmd putrlotlsm with which the American people have met the food crisis iihrtmd. Kond Admlnlsirntnr lbmer. in u b'l ter to President Wilson, ex). i:iiii?. how the sltimilnu WH,- met. The voluntary con sen atloti proiim fostered by the Puntl Administration enabled the piling up of the millions of ltihels of wheat during 1017-14 and the shipment of meat during 1117-18. The total value of (til food ship ments to Allied destinations amounted to $.,4lKUS)"00, all this food beliiy boUKht through or In collaboration with the Food Administration, These figures are ull based on oilh-ial reports and represent food exports for the harvest year that closed June IM. HUN. Thy shipments of meats and ftits (Including meat products, dairy prod ucts, vegetable oils, etc.,) to Allied des tinations were follows: Fiscal year 101(1-17... .2,lW,.ri0fil(HMi lbs. Fiscal year 1U17-18. . ..3,011,1uo,hh Ilia. WffY SpEfD JLL You Efi? You niijriu jjet sick or hurt-be prcp.-ircil for it; You mij;ht want to make an investmentstart now, "lakes money to make nmnev," you know You illicit be visited by thieves or lire-. an account with us prevents loss, the saving habit is amihly Rood one to jret into. W e nav 4 per cent on Sav ings Accounts THE BANK OF HALIFAX II A. 1 Slcdiiui n iIFAX N. C. (itcKory, M OreKOf? Increase S-i-t.OOO.OWlba, Our slaughterable animals at the be ginning of the last fiscal year were not appreciably larger than the year be fore and particularly In hngn; they were probably less. The increase In shipments Is duo to consurvalloa and the extra weight of anlumls udiled by our funners. The full effect of these efforts began to bear their best results In tho last half of tho fiscal year, when the ex ports to the Allies were 2.1HH,Hnmsk pounds, as against l.iMUtMi.WKJ pounds In the snme period of the year before. This compares with an average of 801,000,000 pounds of total exports for the name half years In the three-year pre-war period. In cereals and cereal products re duced to terms of cereal bushels our shipments to Allied destinations have been . Fiscal year 1010-17.. 2WV.h,(ho bushels Fiscal year lul7-18..B40,HOti,t.HHtbiiHbelH N. I.. Stcdman, c. (ireirory. f OE3 CZSrI E30 T II K ) lir 11 L 1 1 i l:SI AI',I.ISMi:i) W)2 I : C&pit;i oiiff iiis, 560,000. vvi; i.wrm YOUR AUCOUNT. H 4 PAID ON SAVINGS DliPAR I Ml-N T f I W. K. hAMl.L, . IE. SMITH. I. (i. H.KK, I'SK-IDKN'!. VltK-liiKMOKM. (ASIMKK. 01 Tl im'lZJtC tr ASSERT YOURSELF, Office in Green Building, WELDON, N.C. Pups for Sale 1 '-JFlve Male Pointer Pups, 0 weeks old, entitled to registration beautifully maked. Price $5 each. Apply to THIS OFFICE. The Rtaeon. "Isn't It surprising what a Urge nudiber of domestic ships founder on the sea of matrimony?" said the fellow who Is given to musing at times. "Not a bit of It," responded the cyn ical one, "when you couslder that both members of the crew try to be can tains Instead of mate." Dlar- Chamberlain's Colic and rhoea Remedy. Now is the time to buy a bottle of this remedy so as to be preps ted incase that any one of your family should have an attack of cohe or diarrhoea during the summer months. It is worth a huudied times it cost when needed. . . Love is a war of the sexes. BY C.liOUGI-: MATTHliW ADAMS. li uii tliitrt kiiuw what is in vnuistfll, iKiluiiiy tlso will ever know it. Hut iunt uh soon us vuu rucoiiiii.o that Vuii liave run. Biili'ialilc aliilily, that minute your ahility stirka out. AHtHTt Voiirstdl' Napolt'on was Hcaroely iikhh1 than u hov wht'it lw took rtun inaml of the Army of Italy. His snl.licrs almoKt inistnisteit him, but the ininute that Iih bfgun to give? orders, roncisely ami straightforwardly, every man enthusiastically followed his lead. And buttle aftor battle was worn. For a Master Mind Was ut t he helm. Assert Yourself, The inactive mind is the mind asleep, but the active mind i s the mind asserting itself Just the minute you begin to sys tematically organize the forces within you und put a definite force in frout of them, that minute you Assert Yourself, and the world recognizes in you a mau or woman of initiative, of action, and of doing. Assert Yourself. You have yout If 1 trgely to blame if you stand complaining ly today over yout .ot. Assert Yourstdf, demand recognition. And the happiness that is sure to come over you from the secret knowledge that you are going forward is sure to make you mas terful and dominating. Assert Yourself. Increase 80,0OO.(KKH.unbels Of these cereals our shipments of the prime breodstuffs in the lineal yiur 11U7-18 to Allied destinations were: Wheat 131,000,000 bushels and of rye llt.Uoo.OOO bushels, a total of 144,000,. 000 buMliuls. The exports to Allied destinations duilnu the fiscal year 1010-17 were: Wheat 130,100,000 bushels and rye 8,8iM),000 bushels, a total of i:i7,4(MMHK) bushels. In addition some 10,otKi,tKio bushels of 1017 wheat are now in port for Allied destinations or en mute thereto. The total shipments to Allied count rles from our lust harvest of wheat will be therefore, about HUM),. 000 bushels, or a total of lM.OOo.Ots) bushels of prime breadstuff's. In ad dition to this we have shipped some 10,000,000 bushels to neutrals depend ent upon us, and we have received Borne imports from other quarters. "Tlits accomplishment of our people In this matter stands out even mora clearly If we bear In mind that we had avulluble In the fiscal year lllltt-17 from net carry-over and as tmrplus over our normal consumption about 200,1)00,1)00 bushels of wheat which we were able to export that year without trenching on our home loaf," Mr. Hoover said. "This last year, however, owing to the laie failure of the 1017 wheat crop, we had available from net carry-over and production and imports only just about our normal consump tion. Therefore our wheut shipments to Allied destinations represent u prnxlmntely savings fro in our own wheut bread. "These (inures, however, do not fully convey the volume nf the effort ami sacrifice made during the past yettr by tho whole American people, Ie spite the mannltleent effort of our agri cultural population tn planting a mm-h Increased acreage In 1017, not only was there a very large failure In wheat, but also the corn failed to mature prop erly, snd our corn Is our dominant crop. "I am sure," Mr. Hoover wrote in concluding bis report, "thiit all the millions of our people, agricultural aa well as urban, who have contributed te these results should feel a very definite satisfaction that In a year of universal food shortages In the north ern hemisphere all of those people jojnH tng.th.r scnlp't Ocrniany h;ive come through Into sight of the coming harvest not only with wealth and eireugth fully maintained, but with only temporary periods of hardship. "It Is difficult to distinguish between various section of our people tb homes, public eating places, food trades, urban or agricultural popula tions in assessing credit for these re sults, but no one will deny Uie domi nant part of the American women." I INVITATION.! K 1 You are invited to open an account with the 4 BMK OF E0FIUD, Efi FIELD, fl. C. I'tc Cent, allowed in the Saings incut Couipi'iiiuk'd (jumUilv. Depart- YOU can bank lv mail clothes mi m l UAH BUT THEY HELP. THAT is, they help him in business as well as social lil'e, by giving him a properous, well groomed appearance, Men who dress in good taste say they like to buy here because of the excellent assortment to choose from. Everything in the store is carefully selected by experts and quality is the first consid. eration. In men's hosiery for Instance, we sell the reliable Interwovan socks " The Hosiery of a Gentleman." All fashionable colors; all weight-; in Silk, Lisle? Cashmere and Cotton at 40c. 50c. 75c. Per Pair FARBER & JOSEPHSON, Mens and Boys Outfitters WKLDON. N. C. ItlSftFBE in COTTON &IKSS:PRESS FOR SALE A hoarser Is s man who Is more lis. teresteti in gsttlng his bite Uuui ta gtv lug bis bIL The difference between and naw is intense. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always dssts lb Clgnatuivof The undersigned offers for sale one 70-saw Van Winkle gin. feeder and condenser, four years old, One 60 saw Kagle gin, feeder and condenser, five years old. One Heasley Single box down packing press, five years old. l itis machinery is in good condition and bargain prices will be made on the entire lot or on separate portions. Write or come to see me at once, M. E. MARTIN, kural Route No 2, THELMA, N. C. jy 4 41 EAST CAROLINA TEACHERS TRAINING SCHOOL A State school to train teachers tor the public schools of North Carolina. F.very energy Is directed to this one purpose. Tuition free to all who agree to teach. Fall Term begins SEPTEMBER 25, WIS. t:or catalogue and other Information, address ROBERT H. WRIQHT, President, 6 20 I m GREENVILLE, N. C. 5Z3S3

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