fWftwwniBWri law Ml tW MM A. aMUHH Ik iSTAIJLISHHI) IN I860. A NEWSPAFtK FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$1.50 Per Aniii.ro VOL. LIII. WKLDOX, N. ('., TIIUHSDAY, NKlTKMItKH .", I'M. NO. 17 f NctConl' n' triFluid Praohn mi I iviSL mm i""-. IT:..,!, nun r.VKT. ' !' AWfir table IVcpafatioii brAa I i ( i nii t lie S lomaclis nnd Itwcw of .S e;0 J.1 onteestion CliccrfulncssandHfiSlConta neither Opiam.Morphlae nor Mineral, n m n. - 1 j-mmf' . Afmn W ayrWW'' Ahplpiulwniedyror ConslipaUonaiaDiarrhoci vwnrlshness ana ,.B.lP.PP !i 1 . . fne Simile Si4nawre Tiir. c;i:WTAi'.iiGoPAvr. GASTORIA Lvdl ForliilUni-t nml Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Osstoria Always f Bears tho Signature y V of I'jls, t-HK-i ri A v hp 5 fU ApT Use ljr For Over Thirty Years ;a;u u ..cur -vi in i i t8A$T0IHA fcxact Cnii j of Wrapter. Get The Habit ITBuy lor Cash. Save Ethe pennies by buy ing at W. T. PARKER & CO, Wholesale 0 ash Store' W-:i.(ON, N. l ,'V v,f? THE Dining Room should be a cheerful place)) for when you eat your meals amid pleasant surroundings you do much to aid digestion. And good digestion means health.' HAVE US FURNISH YOUR DINING ROOM The variety of designs in Tables, Chairs, Side boards, China Closets, Serving Tables and the like, is ample to satisfy your desires, whatever they mayEbe, in the matter of style, finish and price. Come in and talk it over with us ve are as eager to GIVE satisfaction as you are to receive it. Mod Furniture Compaq Weldon, N. C. W A N T K I ) Boys Oirls Hit Women If not needed on farms come to wnr" for us. Pleasant workgood wages f.hjLs 4r Cost i Fot BEAUTIFUL ROOMING HOUSE FOR GIRLS (JUST FINISHED.) Write or Come to See Us. Kill iai aug&Sni mm VI IUIII 1UVUW Brown and Perry Streets PETERSBURG, VA. Uliipiili) II' wit a mi IuIkIiI, brink anil siiiIHiir that It wan i io wninlcr tluil Hit! town took to liliii tint I votnl It nl t iiiiiuial that lis arkiinwh-ilKt-O queen uf beauty, fulr, uprightly Kvu HUilu, nlmuld pair off with thin elty-hreil newcomer. Jasper I.ee got off the trntley at Wondvllle one inoniliiK carrying a tu-iivy rlp. He went, down the road whlstlliiK cheerily, to panne an ho got Just opposite Levi ltluln'H home. Levi himself was fUKHinn ever ii faulty mug- Dt tO. JuSpLT HWUDK Up to tllC Stlllll'd uirtchiiic, Kvt' It u look over, tuul huIU pli'iisuntly: "Let me." "It'll do no good," uttered Levi lr rltuhly, "I've waHted u wliolo liour on it.- Jusper exumlued the nuiicnoto, opi'heil liln xatrhel, Neleeted U tool liud j proreeded to manipulate tho stubborn aeeeMHory. "All rlK'lit," he unuouneed, and turned to Imiw und mnlle to u very prefty glrl( Kvu Ululn, who liud eoine out to view the manipulation of tho magneto, Kva held In one hund a strlnt; of coral beads and In ttie other u pair or pincers, Tho quick kIhiico of Janper Lee swept tho preHentnieut with Intel llgenee. "Chain out of order, clasp Jammed? I boo. Hlmll I fix It for you?" "If you would," replied ICva, with ohyneNM, but gratefully , and Jasper dallied over the easy task of rostorlnff tho clasp to order, for he mode Hv hold the heads while ho did tho repair ing necessary. "I've couio here to help a man named Austin H rooks do some experi mental work," narrated Lee. "Perhaps )uu know him?" "Oh, yes, ludeedl" tfhuwered Kva. "That 1m where he U working on Ills great Imlloou Idea," und she pointed to an Isolated house. That was the beginning of a niost charming acquaintanceship for thoso choice young spirits. Lee slept at tho old rookery with Brooks, but the lu- v en tor hud been taking his meals at ttie Ululn home and Leu became a fel low hoarder. This brought hliu a great tleul Into Kvu1 company. He fancied that his grim employer rather disc Air- aged the growing friendship. It did not take long for Lee to dis cover that Brooks was a visionary and his idea that he was Inventing hu air Hoat that could go to tint sun und hack again wus a fallacy pure und simple. The balloon reached completion und Leo's services were dispensed with, lie lingered at Woodville, for he was deep ly In love with Kva. "Where's Kva?" he Inquired of Mrs. Bluln lute one afternoon. "Why, you know she Is a great t'u vorlte of Mr. Ilrooks, and he came for her an hour ago and asked her to go and view his first flight. He wanted Kva to make the flight with him." "I hope she does not." spoke Leo quickly, and with a shade of unxlety. "Between you und myself, Mis. Bluln, the balloou Is not yet equipped as to siifety. Mr. Brooks U relying upon a gas generator that will never do what he thinks It will," and he hurried to the old rookery. The balloon was swaying, anchored In a clear space, and standing beside It was Its Invtiitor and Kvu. As he ap proached Lee discerned thut Brooks was trying to Induce Eva to Jolu him In Ms night, but she dissented. Sud denly Ilrooks seized her about th wulst, gave her a fling luto the basket of the balloon. He sprang In himself and began unfastening the anchor rope. Eva uttered a sharp scream. Lee ran to tl balloon. He saw Jeal ousy, rage, lnsunlty in the eyes of Brooks, as the latter observed hi in and beat at him with a piece of Iron. Lee maintained his hold, going up with the rising balloon. He managed to climb over into the basket, but as he did bo Brooks directed a frightful blow at his head und Lee sank Inert. "My grand dream!" fell upon hi awakening hearing In the exultant tones of Brooks. "It's come true. Why, always I have loved you, Kva, and worked only to construct a float that could take us to some far Isle of peace and beauty, where life will he free and glorious. Then, too, we can voy age up among the very stars I As to this Intruder, we will drop him over to lighten ship, and soar, and soar, and soar 1" Lee realized the situation In a flash. The balloon was ascending with great velocity. Fortunately he was entirely familiar with the mechanism of the balloon. Its one essential feature was a gas generator placed beneath the floor of the basket. He groped for It, detached It, let It drop through spac and Brooks, at the operating seat, In stantly set up a shout of concern. "The gas has stopped !" be ex claimed, "We are dropping. It must be the supply tank--ha!" He hud Hpnutg down beside Lee. The latter grappled wlflt, held him and called up a quick order to Kva. Sho had aeen enough during the construe tlon of the balloon to follow out or dora. Then as the exhausted gas hag landed safely, but collapsed, she faint ed away. That same night the old rookery was destroyed by Are through somo acci dent or experiment of tho Inventor, and his body was found among the ruins. It was a long time before Eva recovered from the shock of hor terror and par!), but love for her rescuer Anally obliterated the harrowing mem ory of her aerial experience. The best way to keep young, is lo Keep your inouenis young. CASTOR I A For Infant! tad Children In U For Over 30 Years Always bar, tlx IfQMongf . STOMACH TROUBLE Mr. Mnriun llolcomb. of Nancy, Ky., says: 1 a lunK while 1 simcreu with stoinnch trouble. For quite I would have pains and a heavy feeling aller my meals, a most disagreeable taslc in my trmulh. If I ate anything with butter, oil or crease, I would spit It up. I bean to have reuul.ir skk headache. I had used pills and tablets, but alter a course of these, I would be constipated. It just seemed to tear my stomach all up. I found they were no good at all for my trouble. I heard THEDFORD'S RAUGHT recommended very highly, so began to use it. It cured me. I keep it in the house all the time. It is the best liver medicine made. 1 do not have sick headache or stomach trouble any more." Black-Draught acts on the jaded liver and helps it to do its important work of throwini; out waste materials and poisons from the sys tem. This medicine should be in every household for use in time of need. Get a package today. If you feel sluggish, lake a dose tonight. You will feel fresh to morrow. Price 25c a package. All druggists. ONE CEI T A DOSE o w WHEN THEY COME BACK, They will come buck, America's brave sons, Prom war lorn fields, when victory and peace Have stilled the angry thunder of the guns, And brought to suffering hearts a quick release. They will come back from anguish deep, and strife, From sights and sounds that only they could know, Back to the fullness of a richer lile. The great reward because they chose to go. They wili have felt the Names of cleansing fires, Have passed the tests that try the hearts of men, Have learned in sacrifice of dear d:sires, That souls can rise to splendid heights again. They will have proved that wrong can not hold sway, Have seen the darkness change to radiant light, Have Fell the presence, "Lo, with you always," And heard His voice in silences at night. As we who wail and pray for them ai home, May one great prayer in soul and spirit burn; Thai we may keep the faith until they come, Be not unworthy of a bright return. A prayer expressed in every deed and thought, In every task of willing heart and hand, A purpose inn of pure desire enwroughi, To learn of ilicm and some day understand. WHEN HE COMES! A morning lair some day will dawn The stars withdraw their light, A sun in all its beauty fair Shines forth till shades of night. No sign as yei, ihe stillness lue aks The calm before the storm, A ruling hand upon Hie deep Heboid, the Master's l-'orm ! Hark ! the sound of disiain winds The thunder's maddening roar, Kesounds across ihe mighty deep It's echo, shore lo shore. See deep fissures, lorn, and wide The trembling rocks, and hills, All human Faces blanched from Fear The heart with horror fills. Kscape is vain, all human thought Is driven wild with Fright, The mind of man has ne'er conceived The blackness of ihis night. The time of reckoning now ai hand When sentence must be passed, "The pure in heart, shall then see God" While gloom's o'er thousands east. Yes, this is Christ, our blessed Lord ! The prayed for. Kingdom's come, Then why despair, be sore afraid ? Must nol His will be done ? Thai lime, long asked For, now at hand, Our blessed Lord, and King With Him in mansions bright, and Fair His praises, ever sing ! Weldon. N. C, Aug. 16th, 1918. J. B. T. TRUE BLUE. Nn Color But Enemy's White Eye. A lapht of lin.kcl Welling ton, a respected citizen of Louis ville, Roscoe (amkling Simmons, is making a place for himself be side linn of his illustrious uncle Jusi now, when the patriotism of the negroes is being lesled, he comes out in these wise and brave words: "We have a record lo defend, but no treason, thank God to atone or explain. While in chains we fought to free white men from Lexington to Carrizal and returned again lo our chains. No negro has ever insulted ihe flag. No negro ever struck down a pres ident of these United States. No negro ever sold a military map or secret to a foreign government. No negro ever ran u. dcr fire or lost an opportunity to serve, to tight, to bleed and lo die in the re public's cause. Accuse us of what you will justly or wrongly no man can point to a single instance of our disloyalty. We have but one country and one flag, the flag that set us free. Its language is our only tongue, und no hyphen bridges or qualifies our loyally. Today the nation faces danger from a foreign foe, treason stalks and skulks up and down our land, in dark councils intrigue is being hatched. I ant a Republican, but a Wilson Republican. Woodrow Wilson is my leader. What he commands me to do 1 shall do. Where he commands me to go I shall go. if he calls me to the col ors I shall not ask whether my colonel is black or w hite. 1 shall be there io pick out no color ex cept the white oF the enemy's eyes, Grievances 1 have against ihis peo ple, against ihis government. In justice to me there is, bad laws there are upon the statute books, but in ihis hour oF peril I forget and you must forget all thoughts df self or race pr creed or politics dr color. Thai, boys, is loyalty." Little River Record. STRANGELY WEDCl. atmiiin . . aw The Citizens Bank By JESSIE E. SHERWIN. ' mmm : U ui)TlKlit, ISIS We t'liion Wiihll'uii Mnt'xe. Hi-witty, wmii mit, hud come to SIk-II lUitrh lo I h. il (nM Hfvert, thirty, nt life" I "I. . -t pluine, hint ci i no to recnnsinii'l n hn'Vr en life, IttwiiilNe Ihe one mis i'lunil ed In mind mid bndy uml the iir worhl-weiiry, the mutual wi'luii-iu. uf manner and fare aitrio'ted em h in tin other. The older mini, wht-elH iil-nii: the beach In IiIh Invalid rlinlr, ln.k. .1 eagerly for the only snjouriier at lie fniiiiiiis health resort who attno h l him because of his gravely syiiipaitn t Ic ways. There was ti poise, gravity it in ) clear ness about the youtigfr mtiii that kd Mr. Morse to aerept him as a pcrm he could rely upon. The fnct Hint he seemed to he well versed legally added to Mr. M.re'n regard for him. The old mini mm wealthy, but his affairs hud wuiie rum pics features t tut t disturbed Isnn, In view of his condition. "All I fear for." he told Hevere, "I that my daughter Kthel, If left nlnne In the world, would lie at the merry tif self-interested persons who wnuld mt guard her Interests. If I could only he sure of living until some pendlim litigation Is settled!" "Cheer up, dear friend!" Revere told him. "You may live for many n ymr to come." Hut the next day Morse was tuken futully 111. Ho culled lto vero to Ids bedside and aeemcd to re ly upon his continued presence a a solace until his daughter, who wits living with an aunt In the city, urrtved. Revere was fascinated at his llrst glimpse of the sweet, Innocent fore of Kthel Morse. He was sent for In ur gent huste. Mr. Morse clasped his hand fervently as ho sat down ly his bedside, "Hevere." he said, "you have been like a son to me. The doctors say I may live but a few hours. I have learned to esteem you, more, to rely upon you. Oh, my friend, help me to die In pence by consenting to cher ish and look after my daughter's Inter ests." "I will do all you may wish to bene fit her," assured Revere. "More thun thntl Revere, I beg of you to do what I suggest. She will have a fortune, she Is a wife any rutin may be proud of. Will you murry her)" Revero was dumbfounded, lie got as far as "I dure imt I am " but u spasm of pul ii overtook Mr. Morse, and Revero had to call for tin doctor. An hour later he was sent for again. At a glance he realised thut Mr. Mots,, was dying, fly his side was hN daugh ter, pale and benumbed with grief. A stranger In clerical attire sol at a dis tance. "Revere, It Is all urningcd," pimled the dying man. "Kthel has concealed - she could not deny my last wUh. Re kind to her, protect her, make her life happy." And In the whirl of hurried events ttie words were spoken that made Wilton Revere and Kthel More husband and wife. He did not Intrude upon her until the funeral was over and she started for the home of her aunt. As he helped her upon the train, he said, simply, quietly, definitely: "I shall soon be l Chicago, whither I shall remove my office to take up the affairs of the estate, as your father has desired. When any business occa sion arises where It Is necessary to consult with you. I will notify you. I would suggest that we keep the mar riage Recret." There followed for the wife a strange experience. Only twice In a year Hevere caiue to see her, and then only long enough to submit some legal papers, and In the presence of her aunt. Then one day he called at her home, to find her alone. "I om about to leave the city per manently." he said, "having closed up all matters of the estate. I have a confession to make, I am not your husband; that marriage ceremony was Invalid." She regarded him with speechless amusement. "I could not deny your father's wish," he continue "and I fancied I saw a way to protect your Interests In the way I have without Intruding upon you. Two years since I parted from my wife, an unworthy woman, w 1mm I have never seen since, hut I am still her legal husband." "Oh, why did you not tell me ht fore I" suddenly breathed forth Kthel, "It was unmanly, It was cruel, for 1 I" She hurried from the room In tears, and Revere left the house In a strange maze of emotion. Could It be possible that she cared for him? And he oh. tnat fatal tie, that shut htm out of paradise Hope, doubt, despair were In hli thoughts as, a week later, he airaln called at the home of Ethel. There was a certain plaintive expression In her face thut aeemed to upbraid Mm. "I lent id oiiiy ynterUHy that my wife died over a year ago In a rail road wreck In Canada. It was pre vious to my marriage with you. I am sorry tf this new complication dis tresses you." "Then I am your wife, In reality!" breathed Ethel, a quick glow suffus ing her lovely face. Then she seemed to totter, leaned towards him and fainted In his anna. To He thorol When her eyes again opened, in her face was that which told Wilton Revere that she loved aim oven as ho loved her, and that there was no menace of aoothet parting. MAI H-AX, N. C. M I; Invite the people of Halifax and surrounding country to nut II ronie this Hank. Why not have a checking account? It Is necessary in these times. It saves you money, and you have a re celpt against payments lo your creditors. Ilesides It (fives you a KtandinK in your community. We have every facility known lor Sound HunkinR, and invite you to open an account with us. The smallest account receives ns much attention as the largest with us. We pay 4 per cent. Compoundeded Quarterly on Savings. Come in and talk it over with us. We need you, you need us. WffY SpEfo 4u You Efi? You might get sick or hurt-be prepared for itj You might want to make an investment start now, "Takes money to make money," you know iou migru De visaed by thieves or fire-an account with us prevents loss. The saving habit is a mighty good one to get into. We pav 4 per cent on Sav ings Accounts THE BANK OF HALIFAX & HALIFAX 3ST. G. N, L. Stedman, President P. C. Gregory, Viee-Presidefit. H. H.Ureffory (tMhipm. 30 T II K mil or in ESTABLISHED 1892 Capital and Surplus, $60,000. WE INVITE YOUR AGCOUNT.l 4 PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENTJ W. K. DANII'.I., FHKNlliKNT. W. U. SMITH. VIIH-I'KKHIIIKNT. .1. O. DRAKE, L'AIBIIM. I INVITATION.! g You are invited to open an account with the s BJflK OF WELD, Efl FIELD, ft. C. 4 Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart ment Compounded Quarterly.1 y YOU can bank by mail" KOTWlMMWini1WllMiCTllM(MlMllMOKM S CLOTHES DON IKE A MM BUT THEY Chamberlain's Colic and Diar rhoea Remedy. Now n the time to buy a bottle of tlm remedy eo to be prepared io eaae Uitttay one of your family should bare ao attack of oolie or diarrhoea during the eummer monthi. It ii worth a hundred timet it coil whan ,peeded. THAT is, they help him In business as well as social life, by giving him a properous, well groomed appearance, Men who dress in good taste say they like to buy here because of the excellent assortment to choose from. Everything in the store is carefully selected by experts and quality is the first consid eration. In men's hosiery for Instance, we sell the reliable Interwovan socks "The Hosiery of a Gentleman." All fashionable colors; all weight-; in Silk, Lisle, Cashmere and Cotton at 40c. 50c. 75c. Per Pair FARBER & JOSEPHSON. ' Mens and Boys Outfitters WELDON. N. C. Fire Insurance Si Surety Bonds ! Life, Accident and Health. Plate Glass and Automobiles. Repre senting leading companies. See me about your insurance wants. L. C. DRAPER. Office in Green Building, WELDON, N. C.