u)P jo) tidily3 M p Pirn ?A.'. , fsj .w W . Sfii'i ill '.at lliESSGOOD' n Annua u uu m m uu uu i 88 A JL I V li 1 A 1 R I N A L. I V H rr O W N ! ALSO Shoes and Clothing. LADIES COAT SUITS r uu MM m AND SPORT COATS m "9 U OK! a4 " a If MI CALOMEL fe;;;,.. uutiioii Liven Crushes Into sour bile, making you sick and you loao a day 's work. Calomel ?Mliv,t,s! It's merrurv. Calomel u,u ),!,. durum!,, ,,i, 'a sluisli liver. tt h..i',-il,m. ,.,., nitoi-imUi-t wilh -ur l.il it or;i.,i,,. iiito it, CiUi.iiif,'c ramim:aii,i nausea. If V0I1 f(v bilious, l..;l,l;uhv, cotl- stipnlcd ami nil k ri. k--.i our. just g to your irnggU an, tf,.t a li.,ti ,,f Iioilson's Liver Tone f.,ra f,, ,nns, which is a harmless veeyuM,. juI utiliite for ilancoruiH calomel. T ik" a spoonful anj if it ,,n't start vmir liv.-r .i 1 1 1 .- i-.i t II up bi'lloraml ipiiiki-rth.iu n.lsiy elllotm-l and uitiioiii inukiu.; . , i j,-k, you ju.-t .i hark aii-l pel ,,ur money. If .mi takiTah.iii,'! ,,..iv you'll hr ni'k and iiaus.Mt.d i.iiii.,t,i'a-; l. '' 'v s.-i I i vati- von, w!n,. if 1 Im' I'li'l-on l.iv, r 't',,,,,, vo M il U.-l,,. HI, r.rl;,,..- yiit, f,f ,,f "'"'"I "! -i.lv t'. r K.y or nlav ' " I""--1- '.-.t.t .ir:.l safe to An Appetizing Meal Rverybody wants it. Everybody likes it. Hverybody's looking lor it. - BliT You ran t get it unless you have the rijtht kind of groceries. Oet 'em HHRR I Phone M). R. M, PUkNHLL, 'fldon. N, f. WONDERFUL STUFFt LIFT OUT YOUR CORNS Apply l few drops then lift corns or calluser. off with fingers no pain. No humltuj. ! Any corn, whether hard, eoft or ht'tvni-n the tncH, will loiwn riht up urn) lift out, ivithoiit a particle of pain ur sormed. This clniK in vail., I frcezone and Is a eoiupoiinit (if cttitT disnivercd hy a t in uiuiiati num. Ak at any ilriu; utore fur a amall IhiUIb uf frfcrunc, which will CM hut a triilc, hut U Hiiltiia,.iit tu rid itu's fwt of every com ur ciillim. Put a f'-w drnp directly upon any ti nder, ftt'hiiit.' corn ur eHltus. Instantly the Hurciieit disappenrH and ehortly the corn or cmIIuh will Inewn and van Im hfteil ..IT ir.H, tlu. f,;,, jH, This driitr frivnns doesn't eat out the corns or eellii-rn hut ehrivela them with out even Irritating the siirroundinK skin. lust think t No pain at all; no sore ness or Hnutrtinir when applying U or sfterwardH. I! your ilriif(rut 'don't hiva freesuus havs hint order it fur'you. W0m lrntf inrtrlta) ti --..in i, m f,.r FRf I SCAPCH ! rn"'-t PATENTS BUILD FORTUNES f r Jim. (Kir lie. hsMihiiilH It II hIihI tu inn nl 1 Uei )uu miintry Wrlto tmliajr. I D. SWIFT & CO. . PATIHT LAWvsne, !l303 Seventh St., Washinoton. D. C. 1 171 t1 Ml Reduced OCTOBER 1-2-3 AND 4. .1918 ( DAY AND NIG TIT) Rocky Mount, - North Carolina. HI M Sddet Chapter of History The War Went Out and Hanged Themiulvei. Bom ona is joinii to ih to hans f to baneflt to Msmr; or hs worliod himself alter the war is vir-ir How : for personal alms first, which wltlihBld do we knuwT It Ii a prlnclpl us old the suppiirt from lbs OoYSrnmenr that anil true, us lifs Shukospear save , nnv tho advitmass to th enemy. eiprn1l0n to it when e mucin Henry . If bis crime be that ot a slacker It IV wurti his hand to deliuijiii.nt sol may not moan that ha resisted the dlr, aflor an Important lialtlo had draft and refused to ssrve In some been fuuxlit and say. "Hnin yourself biancb uf the army or navy, only, but I'rlllon We ha fmiKht at Amuos and , It may tuen that lis refused to servo you wore not there" llliuiriaua sey at the entailer tasks at home to which that If all the trssmlles of wars couM he was tailed, l'srhaps It did nut suit he wntien. ths nildeat chapters would his convenient to comply with War lis tllone which recorded the vlcllun measures to obsorva oieatlesa and of releiiilusa reiuorse- the Juduies wheatloss days, to consume lads coal, who went out and hauad ihenmel .-.,, to terrain from uane, .ary espendl he,.,ius their 0',,i and their country , tures that he mifht have money to called and thev did not o loan the Ooveruoent by buying l.lb rtieie ate f.-ur occaitotis on which erty Honds or War Saving's Stamps. man who did not anewer hi. rom or, perhaps, he was called on to iilve try', cull al a time r, ned will wi.b of hu time and eorrkes. and sncrltlce to hang himself when the war Is over perenna! pleasures aad desires tor a The lint of tlisao will lui when Hie time uol.s of which ha has the lei ord -'id era iv'urii, hattls srnried Put ur of dolus; loue anil h.ippy. and when he will 1 .'Ulleil uiMti u, tnem i-it.ni i,1 Mn wr in tin u Timr tin .tl.1 tci hlp to bdti st thsm Hni'k -vfa rium..i. 111 Ai ttlff Will 111,11 rh f,r the. m,.A review ber.ue the Pre.ident, end then B()u miei laroyga the atreele of his nwa little town when millions will thrill and shout their throats hoares with pralea and acciematloiis. then will he hate him ... - "''" ",m- aelf I Uturn Oi hi. k . k. . . k 1 . . .... . wien I that he were hanging from a tree OT.r j , Another occasion which such e i man will be culled to faoe another m ersiion tt may be his owe children i who when they have asked every question concsralig ths war. will look with greet espauMaer Into bis face i and ask Whet dia ,,. a.. ! . ip win , uioney, eo istsiences or la the WAV Rftlhar th.n A, . . - iihiwihi wae ; of these little ones, he would rather , thai tt (M tllat..n . - - ooui ma nei-si and that he were drowned at the hot- torn of the ... Then there la puhlie opinion that he J w race oay aner any ; s long te he lives He may hasp deeda unftti aa k...-., v... -- m w. iwinviiiin, out j - ..... nve ouwa tas igaomior brought upoa himself and eta poster- ItV bv rafllttlrna In haA we. . , e. bib wmairy a oali. No attempt that ko may make as an effort to declare his patriotism I Or redeem hla renrH .f 4ii.. be accepted hy merciless nuhUe onln. Ion Nothing he can say or utile that ha can do will atone for tbe share that his odunlry called and he waa net there And yet the greatest of all hie ae eusers will be hla rotiaolenoe Me will seek to hide Tnim this by day and flee from It by night, hut Its ever ne culliit flimer will lie present, rotget II. he i an not. Hi, spirit will ever din Into his ears the condemning volse, laying, "A prent battle was fought for find and right and you ware not there. Uo hang yuuieelf " Who la the Msof The man who will want to bang himself after the war will belong to one of three claaias, traitor, sltoker. profiteerthree words of the most lf somlalcui meaning in the Bnellah lan guage today If his crime be the! of a traitor It does nut necessarily mean that he crossed ths seaa tad betrayed the movement of troops, or gave east ether ksformetlon thae: tided the enemy On the other hand II ma m.u ..a mot llktlr does mean that he wee asw er-eesar m. ,... tortus, u m tKaM at home, but eke easSittil . a ... . at home, but who refused to support his Government hr romnlrlee win, iaa varloua raojueste, wbieh hlarlared Its program, prolonged the war end eoe) the Uvea of thouaands of American soldiers; or he erltlelied the Govern ment whlah tare rlee le nnemy prop, ataaaa and furthered lit tpreed eo aa Doing (iood. Few medicines have met with more favor or accomplished more Rood than Chamberlain's Colic ami Diarrhoea Kemedy. ,lolin K. Jantsco, Delmcny, ak., says ofit: "I have used Chain, herlain's Colic and Hiarthoea lienicdy myself and in my family, and can rec ommend it as heinif an exceptionally tine preparation." f "V T 4 Rates IOM HIMSELF? Record JudaMi Wko Aftr AjiiI If It ah.mld be for ths reaeon that be waa a proflteer. made nior.ey out of tha war It la libalv tSnl It saaana that he drove hard bargains ..t. n . a 1 tage of the cooatry's ilnueles. or that hi! comnatMl With the llnvorn ment in tieiss for private gains ths tsbor anil material needed lor nahl leg the war. or tha ha refused to o"'o nm money 10 ne uoeernment OF ' l,iiyl, Wsr NavlnsTS Stamps and 1.1b erty Bonds for the reason be preferred 10 uee it in private investments wbieh he said, would net bun bigger dlvl deads Is It ear wonder whs a man reads bis cretltt sheet after the war Is over am! Aatli there no statement of any personal eerrice rendered, no gifts or i-- . . eii.enievoie or aaortaaes made for his country's eesc at it any wonder that L. ne wm wisn to go out end hang him salt? As to Credit D. We Dea.rv. lit " w save and iheroby better our m ii ixieiuoe ana i ine same help our OoTurnment win tbe wnr ap a Jkm,.. ji. a " -i w vi creuit r "a unrte sam asks us to save to h'l win the war he esks us to de ouraelvh. . u j " w b i.wr; see yei, Sim becauae the need Ii great and the appeal urgent, end because the ne- lion nlaAm m.V. ... - a. thing, we ii proue to loek unon It aa a great fa-or to the oouotry, and o erici reamers la our hats and go aUut tint around btoaaaa we erantxt lie patriotic. nU right, tt kelps lbs country not only now. but later; not only for the war. but tor the trial of national ber thai cornel alter ths war out it btlpe us ertn more. And K Ii eo eeey. (0 tatufc more betorul to ours aires that to the oua try, to entail a thlof to do compered with what our hoyi In ami are doing ket it really tt lake to pin roses on ourselree for doing It. Leet We Fernet to De Our Pert "Pleeee God, our sore of life It not eo priced at love of rlitt In (his renaltsanae of our country's valor, wa who will edge the wedge of her ne saH make easB aceeplanoe of Its haitrdi. Tor ua, the eteel-twepi trenoh, the ellCeatu oold-ewearlaeas. hardahtp. worse, for jjou. f,n- whoa we go. you mm lens sae nt home wt tor yor W shall need clothes our bod la. od wenos lor oai "w snou nea terribly end Wfeaoul ltlH.ee ;p-!., ul. "reerese ewaet SWSrwr anss-irirrra ktm il AajHlgSu. , , HMtm j i....., -wevaaui aws erer-endihf rim ro who are our resource and reMan. ... heir and kote of that huoaalty loj which we smite and etrlre, mutt corns these thluie " (etgnedl CITIIBN 10LDHR, No. IM (Unidentified Dtatrict) Ne, lonal Amy Cause of Despondency. lipspondcncy is often caused by indi gestion and constipation, and quickly disappears when Chamberlain's Tablets arc token. These tablets strengthen the digestion and move the bowels. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S C'ASXORIA, r T r .- - i -i m r On All Trains gbl m!s mm m Story of How a Young OJrl Sftftk a U-Bo.t d Uved He, Soldlor ffitni. Her name la Llliie ICi-lll Hha eaUe lacea In a large department store In one or North Carolina's middle tits town., it.t auu mer when the draft law went into etrmt. Jim. hor beau, one uf the huys hi the store, marched awav tu wur I.inie wept for a day or two, ol course Any girl would have wept Hut l.lllle didn't weep long. A new thought lame to her. If Jim was elad to go and tight for his country why suuuld she not bo glad to fight too She laid aside tears and began to think what she could do. Tha op portunity came. She organized the clerks In the store Into a War Sar lugs Society, and she and they begaa to sell War Sevings stumps along with laces and the other articles of theli depiuliiienu Timv bought Iheia too. Part ,t iheir salaries each week was converted Into the little groeu stickers I-illle had been told that War Bar. Inga Stamps would not only send shipt over tbe seas to France, but that they would furnish money to manu facture depth bombs that would shat ter the biggest U-boata aoat In the Atlantic Ocean. She hnew that 0 boats were lurking for the transport Mt ctrrled Jim and other Americas d-ere euro... and she masoned thai a-very American girl would bv aa "OVER BY ABBI1-: FAhWliLL BRO'N, UF THF. VIGILANTES. What art' vim alnmt, while thev Kn joying yourself , EarniiiK la. i t i ... . u ""urn. .iiaKtrio; eapnai as ii"')-an-buying with their blood? Taking atlvantagti of the crisis which they mi nt with their young lives, to tlemantl higher wages, shorter hours, luxuries, privileges which they have re noiinceil in order to light for you. That's not patriotism : That's not even fair! That's hoL'iiishness ! In these big days; when one is tne smallest, iio-accoutit trash-you seliish woman, thinking only of amusement; you Hellish capitalist, thinking only of a misinessilmnce;yousellish laborer, thinking only of the op portunity to sipieeze your employer. You an nil ; your country. You are all traitors to our hovs over there' Ve an- .in nuii-sieppiii your tiuiv. You are punk citizens! If the workers who pioneered .... inro'i nuuiu nave neen outh Jioek to build on. If the men ami women of '7ii ( .uistitiition we'd have inherited; o MiiiiS(,i oo nan been ouitl lioerw tie HOW ? Knncked . "i"u a into. won UC Hll ready to kow-tow to the Prussian helmets It. wont do! ou've trot to stand storl-llv i...i,;.i .i... t ., . , w IIVHP 11, i.e.. ...ill. I ........ K,rly jHusote, every cuihiuiasm, evory thought you've got. You've got to make sacrifices, and concessions ami give up comforts ami prejudices and present hopes If you don't, this great national idea of ours may weaken; the army mav be handicupped; the allies mav be henien. ,..i ... ...i... . -- m iv be enslaved. That is about the size of it. It me? Who cares? Thuti show it by your actions. He big and generous and patriotic, whether vnn .... I or employed. He strong and helpful to the government, whether v,. e inan or woman. Then, when tli hmvo K.i,u vjo t.niie uui-K, you needn t he ashamed to face them, wounds and all DIFFERENT EXPERIENCES. She Its terrible to pet bars in your head. He Well. V0U know, snmelimps they go to your feet. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORIA a -- . eH War Stnasyi etarfip. that all of them oould make) It possible for the Government to manufacture the depth bombt that would dettroy the U-boett and put the whole German submarine business nt the bottom ot the tea. "Anyway." said Llllle, "I'm going to destroy one. 1 can tell enough ot War Savings Stamps to enable tha Government to manufacture one bomb that will sink a submarine. I oan do this much tor my country and Jim," the said. Llllle Frill did it. She's doing II yet. Though she la iu.i., blond and slender and not very pret- 'j. -e is not oniy putting up a good light hersell but she Is letdlng a whole band of flgHitert. The entire store force through her Influence It nglillng the German ll.hn.i. every day. and you havt already heard ij an, winning. The utile Frills of America who have bought and sold War Savings '"r 'ne purpose of dnstruylng Oerman U-boats are to be congratu latod on the success ol their program. .wi uui, jim crossed tile teas safely, but nearly every one of Unole Ham't boyt have had the tame good luck thankt to the Utile rrillae ot Ameis ion. Adapted from Oay tuk THERE. 55 are over there lijrlitino; for your living Htotlirily-'-hiisiiifss ... . last as possible out of the safety lias got to live big, I know which this country hail been like you anv Inuni ntinn ol . in hiiilheen lib , its a weiiK fur gone iu consumption! slack-kneed like you, where h ir ie ll.n., n t.:.i vir , . . j ul iioiu int. uuys .... J . .v.. nc-imiBuivuh is not exitiryerntin., I.i;... " v ' i i JUST BEFORE HE WENT HOME Cholly (at piano) Don't you think this is a beautiful melody? Betty Ves, I consider it quite a strain. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CAS TORI A "Anylliingnew at your hniird ing bouse ?" "Not a lliinir, eillii't- in Kruh or unssip." i "I'a, vi hat's a joint hunk ae coniil uf man and wile ?" "That's an account, my son, where Ihe hllsbiinil does thede positing and the wife the with ing." " ' on were engaged ton man icurist, I believe." "Ves, anil 1 got trimmed," Are You One ol Them? There arc a great tinny people who would be very much bcnclileilbvlakinir Chamberlain's Tablets fur a weak or disordered stomach. Arc you one of theni'.' Mrs. M. K. Scail. Ilalilwiimille, N. V., relates her experience in the uhc ol Hone tablet!,: "t had a lni.l p, t with my etonmcli about -ov mouths n,o ami was tioubled for two m Ihieeweci. nith tras uml pains in Ihe pit ol u stomach. Oui diutrmsl ,i,ImI me t take Chaiubcrlain's Tal.lct.H, I tool, bottle home and the liiet ilieu- ii-lien nic wonderfully, uml I kepi on task ilr tlieni until I was cured, " Thev lal, uu uui relieve pain, nut unci the pain lias been relieved may picM-nt its currenee. Rubbing Eases Pain Rubbing sends the liniment tingling through the flesh and quickly flops pain. Demand a liniment that you can rub with. The best rubbing liniment it MUSTANG LINIMENT Good for Ihe Ailmenh of Horaet, Mulet, Cattle, Etc. Coos' for wir rireri Achct, Paint, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Burnt, Etc. 25c. 50c. $1. At all D-d. , aHaeSHMaMBaWUiaaahie. SAYS LEMON JUICE WILL REMOVE FRECKLES Qlrltl Make this cheap beauty lotion to cicar ana wniten your akin. Squeeze the juice of two lemona Into t bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake well, anil you have a quarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, and complexion beautiiler, at very, rery small cost. Your m-oeer iiaa thn Lnm,. ... drug store or toilet counter will supply mice ounce Ol orcnaTO WmtC lor t tCW cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant U..UH ....u wlu trina anu hands each day and sec how freckles and blemishes disappear and how clear, toft and white Ilia akin luramna V.., M Agency for Kinston Steam Laundry vtniur?. . t. aniris lc, a. l. $mmcK, The Busy Store, 4 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WALTER E. DANIEL, Attorney-at-Law, WKI.IIO.N, N. C. Practices in the courts of Halifax ana Northampton uud in the Supreme anil Feilcrul courts. Collection made in all parta of .North Carolina, brunch ollicc at Halifax open every Mooday OEOROE C. OREEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Ollice in (irten Huildinr Weldon, N.C. WniTC, KNIGHT, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law Ottict' iu Hit; I'mm'l I'lUiltliiiir. HiiHincKH Momiitly and iaitlifully at ICDIICll 10. ASHLKY B. STAINBACK Attorney-nt-l.aw, Notary Public. WIH.OON, N. C. I'lai'tici'it in the co.'iIn i'f lluhfax aiul aljiMiiiiitr riiuiiticN. I nm pi amt-nltuu tu all I'tiHini'NH t'utruHti'u tu mo, Ollice ovt-r M ('. rair htori1. j T. CLARK ATTORNEY AT LAW, WKUXIS, N. Ctl Practices iu Ihr coiimm of Halifax and iljoiniiig rounties and n. the Supreme court ot ine state, special attention irtvcu to collections and prompt returns W. J. WARD, UKNTIHT, OrHCli IN HANIKI. Ill II.OINtl WKI.IHIN, N.I aepl:1 v a )' H.W. HARRISON'S m ( a do to HARRISON'S 1 Pur Autumobilf faiiN ami Smiplk Ul bin. I. M....I., ...1. I .... ',... ni.m nunc nift- ttOliarV . lianu hut . Mimm. mi. I siioam l iiKiut'H, titum aiul l'ituln .SalmtactioD Kuaraniped. AUTOMOBILES Tires and Supplies on hand lor sale . II. W. IIAUKISON, Weldon, N. C (iAKAiiK. Mmi O -SJMaaw(L CUJ FLOWERS 10 K ALL OCCASIONS .......... , .,,,,.-,, , Hiut-a, , inn is ami i 'rrhiila the leaders. Weihllng I'luwets l.'l.UKU Iu,,, CM,... C...I..I 1 snuiigcu in lateet ail, I'loral llesiglis arlisticully arranifeil. Fall and Winter Bulbs Are Now Ready, Plant Early for Best Results. Rosebushes, Kvergrcens, Shrubberies "bade Trees ami lleilijo 1'lauts in vari out various at J. L. O'QlilNN S COMPANY, I'lione 119 RALEIQH North Carolina. Refined Young; Ladies as telephone Operators Between IH ami 'i.r, veer. ,,r ...... y, i. j(iaiie ruucaiiuu; saiai y pain while learn ing; tapid advaucetueut: sploudid sur roundings; sick lienelitB; vacatiou Willi pay after tlrst year. Appiy to CHIEF OPFRATOU Home Telephone & Telegraph Co GREAT BARGAINS IN TYPEWITERRS. We carry s lame stock uf .i.,i...i Tyuoeiileia. t an turiiiab al once Muu- arcn, roi, tinver, lleniiugloii, Itoval Smith eremier. I.. I' Nmnli .b i-.. ,.' and l uderaooil. Any oilier make inun :ito l.'ulays uotiee. We have bulb t. vi.ible aiul Ihe iiivIhiI.!.. 11 .. I . -.. . .. e iiiiutiiii a large atock of these Tvp. iiin .,.,, one lourth to one ball the ii gulai a hoi,,, sale price, and on hhIciidv, al "iie-limrth to one-ball Hie rcguliti Mini prices, good Typcwritei hiun (V mi lo A bolter one tl. .Hi to f-'s.'iO. Tim best from Kill up lo any prico Will be K,i to answer any mquiry in connection with tbeee iiiHi.hiiu.i. a,i. I u.....i , ( ., Dvll1, pump,, of the work done by any of the Type. wntrra we nave, tvery boy and girl should have one of our cheap Typewri ters to learn how to use Any person who can write well on . i......... ... - ...funnier can demand a large salary. Anyone who ouys a cneap typewriter from us and WttlllM a hutlur I...... . . back tbe one bought ami allow the same paid for it in exchange for a belter one if rntiirneil in irie.,1 ... I. ...... i ...... ' .... . Bu wumuuuauu wiwun "n mo.n,hs " 001 ,a good condition we .., ,.ie ui.i.ci vniue. vv e carry Type antei libbous aud utliei supplies'. - ... r SPIERS Tlft rw WELDON, N C 11 New Quarters Just moved into our handsome new brick building with a full supply of everything in Hardware for the farmer, the mechanic and the house builder. FLL'IiS 1 FLUES!! Now is the lime to place vour ordert for Huts. I nantrm. We make em. faLirux HWWllE Co., Halifax, N. C. 0. V.. LEWIS, Manager. 3 Is 3m I'l'-'l'O-TH E .MINl'TK MILLINLRY. FANCY l.lioiisand NOVKLTIE8. Hutlerick'e I'atlerns R & G. Corsets, M isses at 7!.c. Ladies Tic. to f 1. 10k. Prices ill he made to suit Hie tunes. Hats and Bonnets made and trimmed to order. ALL MAIL OltPKHS p HUM PTL V HLLKIi. ,M Its. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. OJi SEND YOUR ORDERS FOR ALL KINDS OF PRINTING Td E. L.. HAYVl'ARD, Vl eltion. N. C. Lanes! Slock ia'th Mil When in Norfolk e.ll Atk las. r.3 YOU Will find mtmi Villi ..nl and get it quickly. Having no canvassers, no L arelit'a pnm i. ,.1,.... . i ded to our pricca. This ena ableB us to use nrstclast ma terial and tinish it properlyi. Wa Pay Freight and Guarantee !aie Arrival THE COUPER MAFiBLE VIORKS. (tl-f years in business.) ,4."i Hank .-4. NOHmKK. VA 's S.. jTj Wood r n tnmson uover Increases crop produc tion, improve the land and make an excellent oTazinor and fnr.M . W O wia WVp, WOOD'S FALL CATALOG Jutt Ittued Telle All About rimson Clnvr Alfalfa, Fulehum Oat. Abbruzzi Rye and all other Farm and Garden Seeds OR FALJL. SOWING. Catalog mailed free. Write for It, and prices ol any Seeds re is i) i T.W. WOOD & SONS. ..WK. 1 BEUJOH.K.al Seedsmen - Rkkowad, Va.

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