BSTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$1.50 Per Annum VOL. LIII. WKLDON, N. C, TIIUHSDAY, SKlTKMItEH 12, 1!MS. NO. 18 Children Cry for Fletcher's mm The Kind You Have Alwayi Bought, and which hat been In uw for ever over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has beea made under his per-'TZf-f-j,. sonal supervision since its Infancy. allow no one to itecelva nii in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. r What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverish ness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children' Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signatur jn Bears the Signature of SOMETHING OF A TALKBR. Speaking ui a political guihcring, Congressman Fred A. Uritien, ol I Illinois, referred to the activity ol some people along conversational lines ami rthIIi d lite following anec Ime: A woman went into a pel More one day wuh the announcement that she wished id buy a parrot, and was shown several promising specimens by the proprietor. "I like the looks of ihis one" s.iid the prospective customer, designating a certain bird, "but aie you quite sure ili.u he is a talker?" "Oh, yes, madam," was the prompt assurance of the proprie tor, "he is a talker, all right." "Some of them are very disap pointing," continued the customer. "Will you guarantee him to talk a lot?" "I surely will," answered the proprietor. "The lady who last owned him sold him because she couldn't get a word in edgewise." PATIENT. In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought Get The Habit pXBuy for Cash. Savet3 Cthe pennies by buy-'CJ ing at W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Cash Store' Wlil.OON, N. c. 'ttfr.; THE Dining; Room should be a cheerful placej for when you eat your meals amid pleasant surroundings you do much to aid digestion. And good digestion means health.!1 HAVE US FURNISH YOUR DINING ROOM The variety of designs in Tables, Chairs, Side boards,. China Closets, Serving Tables and the like, is ample to satisfy your desires, whatever they may be, in the matter of style, finish and price. Come In and talk it over with us. We are as .eager to GIVE satisfaction as you are to receive it. Uk Furniture Company, Weldon, N. C. "Is he patient?" "Very. He taught his wife 10 drive their automobile without once losing his temper. Helps Sick Women Cardul, the woman's tonic, helped Mrs. Wil liam Eversole, of Hazel Patch, Ky. Read what he wrilei: "I had I general breaking-down of my health. I wa in bed for weeks, unable to get up. I had such a weakness and dizziness, ... and the pains were very severe. A friend told me I had tried every thing else, why not Cardul?. . . I did, and soon saw it was helping me . . . Alter 12 bottles, I sm strong and well." TAKE n The Woman's Tonic Do you feel weak, diz zy, worn-out' Is your lack of goo.! health caused from any of the com plaints so common to women? Then why not give Cardul a trial? It should surely do for you what It I'-'.s done for so many thoc-.ds of other women who suffered It should hrlp you back to health. Ask some lady friend who has taken Cardul. She will tell you how It helped her. Try Cardul. All Druggists WANTKD Boys tills lit! liu If not needed on farms come to wor" for us. Pleasant workgood wages fhjiLs 4r Cost ifl Factor EAUTIFUL ROOMING HOUSE FOR GIRLS (JUST FINISHED.) Write or Come to See Us. Tobacco i Hlii ira-Moricai Brown andPerry Streets PETERSBURG, VA. miir iimn uuupuj aug&Sai Rubbing Eases Pain Rubbing sends the liniment tingling through the flesh and quickly Aops pain. Demand a liniment that you can rub with. The baft rubbing liniment is MUSTANG JiiluEilT Good Jot As Ailmmh of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc Good for your own Aches, Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc. At all P CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children In U For Qver 30 Years Alwayi boars the 8mj nanus INSPECTION ixceh iuuh anucj ntuw SHOE POILQGS LIQUIDS AND PASTES. FOR BLACK, WHITE, TAN, DARK BROWN OR OX-BLOOD SHOES. PRESERVETHC LEATHER. n f. r. dauet coirownom. limited, buffuo. n. t. THE CANE MILLS Cane with cloyi'ia juices bending To the I'robl brnwned hills invitfs; Smoke's from cam: mill tires ascending While the Folks picnic ai nighis; Old and young the cine uro stripping In the mornings fresh und still; And at evening dripping, dripping, Shines the syrup at the mill. Men and boys all day are (oiling. Farmers all from happy homes, And in many a "bouom".boiling, Well.-done syrup froths and foams. "Grindin' of the Cane" they call it At the mill there near the road; From the fields afar they haul it, Well, it's sweetness by the load! 'Tis the South so warm and sunny Where they're grinding now the cane. Syrup sweet as any honey Into barrels old they strain. Corn's full ripe and cotton's gleaming, Waves of whiteness on the hills; But the golden sorghum steaming, That is what the watcher thrills ! Just at dusk, to watch the cooking, Come the girls from near and far; Ai his girl each fellow's looking, Bright to him as any star! And she slyly, shyly glances Back with drooping, dreamy eyes, Where her heart dream dances dances In her joy of sweet surmise. So from cane juice into candy Is but just a little while; And to pull it comes so handy In the love-light of her smile ! Ai.i.iiii) hsi:hai.i . Tin' I ' limits tin' ilial'l ui- lie l a U I tn Iiiihi'IiiiII lii'li' tln hi'lti-r it IIiiiii islii'M in I. mill. hi, HTiihliiiK tn Kii'liiiiil llatliTUH, of lliiil thriving i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 y , vvlm is now Mopping at the Ma jestic. Mr. Hrttll'lllH HIIVN tlm gainc is K'ttintr 11 """ hnld on every nutiiiniililv in tin' lii'iliBh capital. "Why, ri'i't'iitly," tpiot li h, "1 kiiw a xainn in which Kant IniliaiiH wem playing, duo nf these approaelii'il the plate at a criieial nnutinil anil I'l ieil aloiul: 'Allah, Rive. Ihnii me strength tn make, a hit " He struck nut. The next man up was an Irishman. He spat on the plate mailt! faees at the pileher, ami yelled: "You know me, All' lleniuile a home run." New York Tri bune, i mm mm mm nu mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm ; mm mm mm Spring ui Suntt -ALSO- Shoes and Clothing. LADIES COAT AND SPORT SUITS mm mm C0ATSsi mm Airplane ridisuill never become popular with the girls unless the machine can be managed with one hand. Mm fiST Agency for Kinston Steam Laundry mm sonars i :ac. jmrts izc. mm . mm 4. L. STAWBHoK, 1 The Busv Store. VVKLDON. N c mm NEW CER11FICATES TO BEREQUIRED HOULO INCRSASB WHEAT ACREAOE Pood Admlnlitrttlon sad Arlultural Authorltlta Urging Qrsstsr Pro duction Ho Rotrlatlon n Sttd Wheat. Acts like dynamite on a sluggish lirer and you lose a day's work. There's no reason why a person should take sickening, sulivatiii); cal omel when a few ttuts buys a large bottle of Dmlson's Liver Tone a perfect substitute for calomel. It is a pleasant, vegetable liquid which will start your liver just an surely as calomel, but it doesn't make you sick and can not ailivate. Children and grown folks can take Dodson's Liver Tone, because it is perfectly harmless. Calomel is a dangerous drug. It is mercury and attacks your hones. Take a dose of nasty calomel and you will feel weak, sick and nauseated tomorrow. Don't lose u day's work. Take a spoonful o( Hudson's Liver Tone instead mid ymi will wake up feeling great. Mo leiire biliousness, constipation, slug gishness, hciuluclie, ciutcd tongue or Mnir at imacli. Your druggist saw if you don't find l'oilon's Liver Tone acts heller than 1 . rnl.V calomel money 13 wnitiui: for you. GIRLS! WHITEN YOUR SKIN WITH LEMON JUICE Maksabtauty lotion for a fewctnttto remove tan, freckles, sallowneee. 1 wmmmmmmmmmnmm-& ) 01 II M II l SICK T II E W II WSLD01 Farmers Purahaelng Flour Without Cereal Substitute! Mutt Present Corn MIHer'e atatement New Pood Admlnletratlon Rullnge, Relelgb. Slste Pood Admlaiitrator Jtenry A. Pa( hae bollhd lha old form of pledse or c-erllfliatei upon which farmars hire beea able to se cure wheat (tour without cereal sub atltutes and merchants hare been top btddon to sell wheat flour eirept to combination with cereal substltutuB or upoa presentation by the yurchaner Dt a mtlier'e certlflcata ehowlhi tnat the prospective purchaser has had (round and haa In ale possession corn meal or other cereal substitutes. The old form was subject to some abuses, tt frequent! happening the ludtTlitu ala who had not produced cereal sub stttutes were able t opurchaiie flour without such substitutes. Effective September 1, retstlere and ether dealers are forbidden to aell wheat flour to farmera or other con- aumera excupt: (1) In combination with an equal quautltjr of corn meal, corn flour, rite, dry hominy, oat meal, rice flour, buckwheat flour, potato flour, or other cereal substitutes allowed for this purpose, or (21 Upon tba presentation of a prop, erly eiecutud miller's certtflcate showing the posesslon of com meal or other cereal substitutes In any amount equivalent to the quantity of flour to be purchased. Copy of certificate form can be aecurud from the a'ood Adminis tration, Ralolsh. N. C. (S) Jobbers, wholesalers and millers are furMittten to sell wheat flour, to wallers ascopt (a) la connec tion with equal quantities of co rl .'!'"!; iw.issan.js; tying theineelvt-N by sworn state aneut or otherwise that the re taller haa purchased the required aeseal eubstltuiea from other sources, or (c) upon prstsntatlon by the retailer of corn millers' certiorates for the quantity ol wheat flour purchased. The Pood AdmlnlstraUon will not have the new com uiulers' eertlloates printed, but will tocure bids from s number of printing houses, and will refer millers to the printing house making tho lowest bid. The form of the certificate will be furnished to corn millers or others desiring tkm. Every retailer la required to make an inventory of hit supply of floor and cereal subttHutts oa hand Sep tember I, such Inventory to be held subject to examination by Pood Ad ministration Inspectors. Every retailer Is required to keep an accurate record o: all purchases of flour and cereal euiatltutee deliver ed to htm after September 1. the same to be aeetbjeot to etamlnatkaa anad tnipeotfoa by the Food Admin Istratlon Inspectors and County Pood Admiaattratora, Balelgh The Pood Admlnletratlon and the atate and national agricul tural authorities ere combining In a drive to Increase the wheat acreage In North Carolina thla fall. There waa a very considerable Increase In wheat acreage In this Hate last fall but It la expected that the reaponse of patri otic farmers of the state this year will be greater than ever. It Is a well-known fact that wheat growers In North Carolina received last year and are this year receiving a hlfher prlia thau the wheat growere of any other state In the Union, the average price for wheat In the state at thla time being probably above Is. 36 per bushel, notwithstanding the poor grades. The Pood Administration and the Bureau of Marketa have Interested theuiaelyee In locating teed whest, and the Pood Administration in addi tion has suggettsd to ths flour mills of the stats that they give the growsrs tn their tmmsdlate territory assist ance In locating and financing pur chases of aoed wheat. The Pood Administration haa an nounced to farmera having sound, plump seed wheat that there are no reatrletlone regarding the sale of auch wheat for planUng purposes, either H to purchaser or price. pne factor that promises to In fluence an Increased acreagA of wheat la the policy of the Food Ad ministration In giving preferential treatment with regard to flour con sumption to wheat growers. Wheat producers are allowed to have their aatlre seaeon'a suply of flour ground at one time and are allowed to figure their requirement oa the basis of 12, Pounds per peraoa per month, wherett the voluntary rattening aye tern tor non producers of wheat la lU.wn, and country la I poinds per per- ta per month. Food Admlalatiatlea miurt ss nlxer the food as to keep to l be civilian populaltoa at Ike '.' and the AJteSs aad to he arm af ear Notice of Hxecutor. The utilcrHiK.-cil having qualilieu as I'xociiter oi the lunt will and teatement nt.VtiH W browning, deceased, in the cci.iirt'eurt of Halifax County, stale uf No'tli Carolina, onthcS4th day i.l' Aiintml, UHS, hrrcby ootities all per--one hol.imir claim against hia aaid testatrix lo (in-sent tlietn to him duly vi'iitii'il at Ins residence in Hhnkieyvillc Township, Halifax county, State of Sortli Carolina, or to hie attorney, W K lianii'l. Wclilon, N c, on or before twelve months hum the date of Una notice, or the same wi:l be pleaded in bar thereof. All persona luJtbtei! to his saidtesta- ttix aielirteby oolineii to make imme diate )avini'iit This I be -'Olli dav or August, 1918. K. T. ELI.INUTUN. Kxecutorof the last will and testament of Mrs. Lou W. Drowning, deceased. W. E. DAN1KL, Attorney, Weldon,.N.C, ESTABLISHED 1892 Capital and Surplus, 360.000. WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT. 4 PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. W. E. DANIEL, PH8H111RNT. W. K. .SMITH. VU'B-fKUMIDBNT. J. O. DRAKE, cAiaiii. nnionKnnoiK Your KtocfT lias tht lonmtin rimI y drug -tore or tut let emintT will Htijiply you with tlirtf ouiict-a of ordianl wlnt for k ff?w centn. Siii'f. tlm juiif ii two (rents IcmtmB into a Ixrttte, then . .t in the orcliard wliiie anil slmkf u!l. Thii mtkt'i a qnarl r pint of tin' very lrat li-moii wkin wltitt tit r and ctiuiil xi :i betutiflrr known. Manna tin fia grtnt, creamy lotion dnity into the fact-, neck, arms and hands and just sh Imw freckles, tan, Ballowiiefta, rt'ilni'sa and roughnesa disappear and how smooth, oft and clear tin akiu Ufumt'ti, Yes! H is liarmiVM, tnd the beautiful rettulta ill surprise you. An Appetizing Meal Everybody wants It. livcrybody likes It. Kverybody's looking for It. BUT You ran t Ret It unless you have the right kind of groceries, (let 'em MlikH I Phone 280. R. M. PURNELL, Weldiin. N, l INVITATION. You are invited to open an account with the BUNK OF E fl FIELD, elfieLD, fi. c. Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart ment Compounded Quarterly.' ffy YOU can bank by mail 4 CLOTHES DON T MIKE A MM THY HELP HAT is, they help him in business social life, by giving him a groomed appearance, as well as properous, well- YESI LIFT A CORN OFF WITHOUT PAIN! Cincinnati authority telle how to dry up a eorn er eallua so It lifts off with flngere. You coro-postcri'd men and Totnen need suffer no longer., Wear tho shoos that oearty killed you before, says this Cincinnati authority, berause a frw drops of treoeonc applied directly on a tender, aching eorn or oallus. stops sore, ness at onoe and soon the corn or hardened callus loosens so it can be lifted out, root and all, without pain. A small bottle of freefone cost wtry little at any drug Itore, but will poli ticly talca off amy hard or soft corn or callus. This should be tried, aa It ie Ineipenslve and Is said not to Irritate the surrounding skin. If your druggist hasn't any freeeone tell aim to get a email bottle for you from his wholesale drug bouse. It la ftne atu aal aet lit a ekarss erery time. Men who dress in good taste say they like to buy here because of the excellent assortment to choose from. Everything in the store is carefully selected by experts and quality Is the first consid. eration. In men's hosiery for Instance, we sell the reliable Interwovsn ttocks'The Hosiery of a Gentleman." All fashionable colors; all weight-; In Silk, Lisle, Cashmere and Cotton at 40c. 50c. 75c. Per Pair FARBER & JOSEPHSON, Mens and Boys Outfitters WELDON, N. C. Fire Insurance Si Surety Bonds ! Life, Accident and Health. Plate Qlass and Automobiles. Repre senting leading companies. See me about your insurance wants. L. C. DRAPER. Office in Green Building, WELDON, N. C.