Adjoining Towns and Communities are Cordially Invited to attend OURFALL OPENING Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Sept. 12th, 13th and 1 4th. At this premier showing of new FALL MILLINERY, 8UITS, COATS AND DRtSStSK- You will be afforded the opportunity to see, without being impor tuned to buy. the largest selection of Gage, Johnston, Ach and Lazarus Pattern Hats Together with the Season's newest offerings in exclusive styles of Outer Garments for Ladies, Misses & Children, ever brought so near your convenience, both as to accessability and PRICE. WE INVITE YOU TO COME. OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 P. M. B. M A HKS Biggest and Best Department Store, Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina. THE ROAN OK E NEWS Thursday, Sept. 12, 1918 uiifcew:-!- -) Supple at Sixty Af tni ripe experience bum hip puuao and saefiunHa when mental ad bodily powers are preaerrad ay keeping rick Hood is the Tdat, imvUmmbI at iMff'a j afctai oMaa iki btoo4 wm ; tit tad aM aBwUa taMk Undtncka lis Oll-tood latpula NOTICE. There will be a regular convoca lion of Roanoke Chapter 81 R. A. M. in Masonic Hall, every first and third Wednesduy evenings. E. Clakk, Jk., Sec'y. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. 686 cures Bilious Fever. All patriots will register today. The schi c.l bells are ringing again. Holiday is over lor the school children. Mr. C P. Bounds spent last week in Maryland. Now for scuppernong grapes, the finest in the world. tilili contains no alcohol, arsenic nor other poisonous drugs. Miss Mary Lilly Blulock has re turned to Meredith college. Miss Prances Johnston has re lumed to Meredith college. Miss Esther Allsbrook has re turned to Meredith college. Dr. J. E. Shields, of Scotland Neck, was in town Monday. Mr, John P. Futrell, of Scotland Neck, was in town Monday. Mr. Charlie Pilley, of the U. S. Navy, spent Sunday in town. Mr. W. F. Cobb, of Halifax, paid us a pleasant visit Monday. Miss Katrine Wiggins left Tues day for Queen's College, Charlotte. See advertisement of B. Marks, Roanoke Rapids' leading mer chant. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Wilkins, of Norfolk, spent a few days in town last week. Miss Rebecca Simpson, of Nor folk, is visiting Mr, and Mrs. W, T. Parker. Mr. Donald Daniel returned Monday to the aviation camp, Aus tin, Texas. September the 28th has been set apart as the opening of the Fourth Liberty Loan. Everybody should make war on (the weeds. Soon they will cum .inence to decay. Miss Maud Vaughan left Tues day for Raleigh, here she entered Meredith College. Miss Maude Harris, teacher of the first grade, Weldon High School, has returned. Mrs. C. P. Bounds has returned home after spending awhile in Tar boro with her brother. . Misses Lillie Gay and Foster Shaw left last week for the Greens boro College for Women. Mrs. C. J. Owen and Miss Vir ginia, have returned home from a visit to Drake's Branch, Va. Mrs. M. A. Wood, Richmond, teacher of the 6th grade, in Wel don High school, has returned. Miss Carrie Lee Pugh, of Ala bama, teacher of music in the Weldon Higtvschool, has returned. Misses Addie Williams and Gladys Murrill, High School teach ers in the Graded school, have ar rived. fl666 cures Malarial Fever. w , i r rjrsvji .v-w. a l Mrs. Ernest Wrenn and chil dren, of Portsmouth, spent a few days in town last week visiting rel atives. Miss Rosulee Wilson, of Winston-Salem, teacher of ihe Second', Weldon High school, has arrived. News has been received here thin our young friend Mr. Matthew R. Kilpairick has landed safely in England. Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Underwood, of Raleigh, spent Monday night in town, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Spiers. Men up to forty-six should be prepared to come up today and place themselves at the disposal of Uncle Sam. Mrs. E. L. Williams and little daughter, who have been visiting friends in Washington, D. C, have returned home. Miss Lillie Stainback has re turned io Greenville, S. C, where she goes to resume her duties as teacher in the ciiy schools. Misses Virginia and Annie Rowe House who have been visiting rel atives in Ncwbern for the past sev eral weeks, have returned home. The Quankey Red Cross Aux iliary will have country produce, chickens, vegetables.etc. , on sale at the Park next Friday, Sept. 13th, from J to 5 P. M. Mr. Sidney Allen, who has been aiiending the Officers' Training School at Plansburg, N. Y., has received a commission as Second Lieutenant in the Artillery. Con gratulations, Lieut. Allen. We are proud of you. Mr. W. D. Rives, formerly Lo cal Manager of the Home Tele phone and Telegraph Company at Oxford, N. C, has been appointed District Manager with headquar ters at Weldon, vice Mr. G. S. Kennard, who has been transferred to the Company's general office, Henderson, N. C. FiKsr Fall Opening. I desire to siaie to my friends and the pub lic generally that I will have my Kim fall opening on Friday and Saturday, September 1 3th and 14th. Miss Hissey, of Baltimore, is with me again this season and will be glad in see her many friends. Miss Annie Medlin, Rosemary, N. C Halieax Ciiai'I'er to meet TheEluabcih Munituri Ashe Chap ter will meet Thursday, September 12th. at 3:30 P. M., with Mrs. W. A. Willcox. There is a great deal of business to come before the chapter and several names of ap plicants to be voted on. Caught With the Goods. On last Friday night the store of J, II. Boyd, on First street, was broken into and a great many goods taken. On Monday, one of the parties, Herbert Mason, after being closely questioned made a full confession tmnlirniinp pinwlf and Frank Taylor! Most of the goods were found. They were speedily tneci ana lodged in jail. Fall Millinery Opening. Mrs. P. A. Lewis will have her first fall opening on Thursday the 1 2th, and extends a cordial invita tion to her many friends and the public generally to visit her store and see the latest fall styles. She has with her this season Miss Lula Pope, of Baltimore. Miss Kelly who has jusi returned from the northern cities is with Mrs. Lewis again this season and will be pleased to see ner trtends. YOU NEED " IF YOU need glasses, see Dr. Shafer every THURSDAY and FRI DAY. Office in the Green Building (Upstairs.) Our Schools Opened Sep tember 9th. The public schools of our town opened Monday, Sept. 9th, wiih an enrollment of 242 pupils in the while schools, 4.3 of whom i'ie in the high school ilc pariniem. The colored school en rolled I (10, one of whom is taking hil!ii sell:.'. i work. One pleasing feature of the open ing was the presence of so many patrons. We were exceedingly glad to have them out and trust that it will not be the last visit. Rev. E. M. Snipes conducted our devotional exercises after which a few remarks were made by Hon. W. E. Daniel, chairman of the school board, and by the Superintendent. The pupils then assembled in their class rooms and the work was carried on through out the day. We trust this will be a success ful year's work in our school. The Condition Is Not Our Making ok CHOostNc.-The War Industrial Board has ordered that all newspapers must rot carry any subscribers on their subscrip tion lists who have not paid in advance, and the order is to go in io eff ect at once. There are fifteen rules in the regulations laid down for the government of the newspapers, and the publish ers are required to make sworn statements as to how each regula tion is being carried out. 1 hese measures are being put into effect to conserve print paper, and it is likely that the publisher who dis regard these rules as laid down by the War Industrial Board will be refused his usual supply of paper. Phis condition is not of our ma king or chosing. The War Indus trial Board rules that beginning October 1st no newspaper shall carry a subscriber who owes more than three months on his subscrip tion, and that subscriptions must be paid in advance. So if you should go to the post- office after October 1st, and find no paper there, you will under stand. Pay up at onee and avoid being cut off. The Woman's Auxiliary ok Grace Episcopal Church. The September meeting of the Wo man's Auxiliary was held Monday at four thirty at ihe home of Mrs. J. T. Gooch. The President, Mrs. Turner, opened the meeting. Mrs. Kaie Benedic of Swansea, Mass., led the devi iionals. During Mrs. Ben edict's visit to her former home town, her interest, and kindly in fluence has been keenly fell not only by the church people but by her many friends A stimulating and encouraging report was read by the secretary, Mrs. Cochran. After the business session, Mrs. William Mercer Cohen presented an inspiring account of the spirit, and plans ol ihe Blue Ridge Con ference, embracing in her talk, first: The war work plan of the Woman's Auxiliary which will be conducted throughout ihe United Stales, in all the Episcopal churches during the first week in Advent. Secondly: The power and spirit of prayer. Thirdly: The Negro Problem. Lastly: The good to be derived from Mission study classes. All present were much impress ed with the enthusiastic message. 1 his is the hi st nine that the church here hns had the honor of being represented at this most inspiring missionary conference. Miss Eiiiuia Purneil also attend ed this conference as a representa tive troin the Sunday school. Two ladies were enrolled as members of the Auxiliary. Alter this interesting and profit able meeting, each member fell aroused to renew her efforts for greater and nobler work. A re freshing beverage was served by Mrs. Gooch, assisted by Mrs. Ben edict and Mrs Durham. 666 cures Headaches. Biliou s ness, Loss of Appetite, or that tired aching feeling, due to Malaria or Colds. Fine tonic. j ANNOUNCEMENT ! commencing iniJKSUAT and FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER the 5th and 6th, Or Shalcr i; pcclallat In examining tha EVE, preecrlblnf and titling flannel (when needed) will visit Weldon every Ihuraday and Friday. Utile In tha Oreeii Building Dr. Shaler bai yeara ol practical expe rience, it will pay you to wait lor him. OH ICE HOI KS. Thursday 11 to 0. Friday, V to 6. (Consultation Free.) WE BUY OLD FALSE TEETH We pay from t'J to (30 per act Ihrokeo or nut. I We alao pa) art ml value for Diaoiooda, old (told, .Silver en.) Mi-ulge. work. Send at ooce by parcel post and receive cash by return mail Maier'i Tooth Specialty DeptX, 20U7S. 6th St Philadelphia, Pa. 666 cures by removing the cause- Bankhead Highway Dele gation. Col. Benehan Came ron, Col C. M. Vanstory, Chief Engineer, W. S. FhIIis, Nonh Carolina menihers of ihe Bank head Flighway Association and Mr. J. A. Rountree, General Secreta ry of ihe National rVii'khea'1 I liph way Assoc, .nioii, together with Hon. Hairy Stul h, Mr. thin ning, spein hisi Wednesday night in Weldon, on their way from Raleigh to Norfolk, selecting a route for the Norfolk-Raleigh spur ot the main line of the bankhead Highway. Many who think they will be chosen are not even called. DOCTORS PRESCRIBE ACID IRON MINERAL. Eminent Physician Now Endorse Thii Greatest ol All Remedies Because ol Its Remarkable Properties. radically the entire medical profession is now of one voice in declaring that men and women of the present day lack enough iron in their systems to keep up with the pace that these modern times de mand. The public is turning to Acid Iron Mineral as the one rem edy to supply the deficiency be cause it contains just the right pro portions, and does not harm ihe teeth. For run-down system, blood distjses, catarrh, indigestion, ca tarrh of the stomach, rheumatism, female troubles, running sores, piles, and oiher life-sapping sick ness, there is no remedy that is its equal no remedy that will give give the same satisfactory results. Rev. A. C. Pinakney, of Carbon- ton, N. C, was a sufferer from severe stomach troubles previous to trying Acid Iron Mineral, but is now in splendid health, and is glad to have us use his name in the hope that some other sufferer will be IHped as he had been helped to perfect health. Sold in 50c. and $1 bonles, guar anteed free from alcohol and guar anteed to give satisfaction or your money refunded. You take no chances when you buy this famous mineral remedy. If your dealer cannot supply you, send to Ferro- dinc Chemical Corp., Roanoke, Va. GOVERNMENT SENDS AN URGERT CALL The President of the Civil Ser vice Commission recently wired: "Need for stenographers and typists at Washington grows more acute daily. Increase effort all pos sible." The Government and business concerns are short five hundred thousand office assistants. Sala ries never before heard of are now being offered. we have perfected and copy righted charts and lesson sheets that enable us to leach you, at your home, by mail, in thirty les sons, a system of Shorthand used by about ninety per cent, of the Government stenographers, and to teach you, by mail, in Light Weeks, a Bookkeeping Course that is superior to any six-months course. I he Government dialled our Civil Service Bookkeeping Set. Clip, fill out, and mail the coupon following : O - - - - 0 COU HON O" Draughon's College, Nash ville, Tenn. : Send FREE book on Home Study and tell me why a Home Study Course, given by our new method, is better than a course at college; also, tell me about the contract that you will give to secure for me a good position. I clipped this notice from The News, Weldon, N. C. Name Address SHOE STORE I have In my store a complete line of Men's Women's and Children's Fall and winter Shoes. All latest styles and eol. ors. :-$Come Early & and have your choice. Good Shoes at Reasona ble Prices. ELECTRIC SHOE REPAIRING SHOP. All Shoei repaired promptly and at reasonable prlcce. KITTNER'S SHOb STORE, L. KITTNER, Prop. Oppoaite Poitoflice Weldon, N. c- L. KITS IS i 11 1 ui J. W.MR AMI Oui Ambassador to the German Imperial It is because our people should be informed that I have consented that this photo play be made. From now on we need the the doers and the realists who alone can win test for democracy andfor permanent peace. BATHELOR'S Thursday, SEPTEMBER 1 III, ISMO Court. workers, this con OPERA HOUSE, Our market opnei August, 21st with the n n i j ever seen here. 40,000 pounds at $38.60. Prices ranging from $20 to $70. A few of our prices and averages follow: THOMAS BILLUPS SOLD FROM CLARK & SON, " " E. D. TIPPETT, " " LEWIS & JOHNSON " " J. H.MYRICK, " " Prices are better were on the opening. Sell While Selling Is Good. Load heavy and pull to the Halifax. HALIFAX WAREHOUSE, J. S. THOMAS, Manager. Enfield, -NX. Business Coes WtfEifE lj Is IVIJED JfiD WffEflE If Is Touted Well, "Because Business comes where it Is invited" is one reason why In every message in this paper to you we say "Come and See" and we know II you "COME AND SUE" "You will be Treated Well," We are so anxious to treat you well that we have taken advantage ol market conditions for your benelit and In many Instances selling to you goods cheaper than they can be bought again wholesale. This is why we are not hav ing a special sale. Wa had rather treat you well all the time than a month or two in each year. "Come and See" is all we ask. PHONIC Ntl 27 Choice Steaks Break the monotony of boiled and roast meats with an occasional steak You will find ours tender and makea hit with the family. Whether you want a sirloin, club, tender-1 loin, flank or round steak we can meet your! wants And we tnow, too, that our prices will gpleaseyou. PARAGON GROCERY COMPANY, I PHONE 2-2-1 2-1-2 Weldon, North Carolina, MANUFACTURERS OP Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window' Screens HADE TO ORDtR AND KE(U l.AR STOCK SIZES Uood Materials, High tirade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. ) Our house sold an average of $40 TO $70 AVERAGE 5.1.05 $43TO$(( " 46.20 $40 TO $59 " 4H.58 $35 TO $50 " 43.58 $31 TO $51 " 41.60 now than they juicy--sure to j e ilaiwtiidiiriiif Gonpani

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