ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FIN THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription $1.50 Per Annum VOL. LIII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOHER 17, U)1H. NO. 'S.l THE PETTED DOLL. a umi lit 1 I iNet Contenti lSTluid Praehnj I . ALCOIIOL-aFBBUeNi; ,m.nUltroO(itlVlWul linlheSlciMclBaiiJBaitlirf . TheretiyPromoUniBitMlio" s Cheerfulness mo 11 cltner()ptoni,Morpliliienor An Mr W 1 wr. : f A helpful Refluryfl'r Constipation rod DiairboM ll and Feverlshriess 'id I; jlossoritM'' ;rtk.(MfefrM'nc5' xm EOct Co (, Wrajipct. Get The Habit tBuy for Cash. SaveCj tC7"the pennies by buy-'d ing at W. T. PARKER & CO., W holesale Cash Store WI-I.HON, N. C. ItTIE Dining itfoom should be a cheerful place ' I Jor when yw cat your meals amid pleasant surrounding you do much to aid digestion. Xfid food digestion means health. HAVE US FURNISH YOUR DINING ROOM The variety of designs In Tables, Chairs, Side boards, China Closets, Serving Tables and the like, KV a,mple to satisfy your desires, whatever they friybe, in the matter of style, finish and price. Come In and talk it over with us.. We are as eager to GIVE satisfaction as you are to receive It. f elk Furniture Company, Weldon, N. C. wan fofi . 6Wi ltd . f Mi f If not needed on farms come to work torua. Pleasant work-.. good wages 1eLs 4f Cost ill FaWHY BEAUTIFUL ROOMING (JUST FINISHED.) Write or Come to See Us. Iili4ierkiii Titeii Uuinplsy, Brown and Perry Streets 4 PRSMJ Aug 'ACT! ran in 11 .u i J rorlnfmiu mid Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castnria Always Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty Years ASTORIA ?f ,T- BHfttT MtW TOUR ITf t i; It -C3 HOUSE FOR GIRLS illlH fj j f m LW f i i i ft ,lrv In Women Lumberjacks Take Place of Men. Replacement of male with fe male workers lias gone ho far in (I rent Brituin tliut a U'o Dimi't) Forestry Corps lias been formed to io tins work of lug ging unil riivv in i 1 1 h which is done in (his country by husky lumberjacks.' Alioilt 400 wo men have Iciii iii'd the liuni iii'sh in u school in the Forest of Dean nnd they now fell trees anil hiiw them into pit props, trench poles, barbed wire poles railroad tires and other shapes. They are the '..oyal Legion of Loggers und Lumbermen of the old country, but are far more modestly paid than the members of that organization on the Pacific Coast. The fill ers are guaranteed 1 pound a week and at pieco work earn from 23 to 28 shillings, while the saw mill bands and scalers earn from 30 to 40 shillings a week. When women invade such occupations us those of the lumberman, machinists and shipbuilder, there seems to be no limit to what women can do, The petted doll of past genera tions has passed away and in her place has come the woman who can do anything a man can do, and does it. Man should not object pro vided that in the transforma tion woman does not lose her distinctly feminine qualities and does not shun the duty of motherhood, which becomes doubly important when the flower of young manhood is be ing cut down. Portlund Ore gonian. e-- -i-v". 2 Health About Gone Mmy thousand of women luflerlng from womanly trouble, have been benefited by the use of Cardul, the woman's tonic, according to letter we receive, similar to this one from Mrs. Z.V. Spell, olHayne.N.C. "1 could not aland on my feet, and ust (uttered terribly." the sari. "As my suf fering wu to great, and he had tried other reme dies, Dr. had us get Cardul. . . I began improving, and it cured ma. i know, and my doctor knows, what Car dul did for me, for my nerves and health were bout gone." 3 TAKE The Woman's Tonic She writes further) "1 tm in splendid health . . . can do my work. I leel I Owe It to Cardul, for 1 wu tn dreadful coodillon." II you are nervous, run down and weak, or suffer from headache, backache, etc., every month, try Cardul. Thousands of women praise this medi cine lor the good It hat done them, and many physicians who have used Cardul successfully with their women patients, for yean, endorse this siedl- , due. Think what It meant to be In splendid health, like Mrs. Spell. Qlve Cardul l trial. AUDrusguU 5 GIRL j! llMON JUICE IS A SKIN WHITENER ftm to make a oreamy heauty Ictlsn for a few cents. I The juice of two fresh lemons strained tnte a bottle containing three ouncee of prcbard white make a whole quarter plot of the moet remarkable lemon skin teeutltler t about the coet on mint pay for a small Jar of the ordinary eold reams. Care should be taken to strain the lemon Juloe through a tine sloth M aw lemon pulp gets In, then I Ms lotion Will keep fresh for month. Every Woman knowi that lemonjuic le used In bleach and remore eucli blemlihea as freokles, ullownees and tan and la the Ideal skin softener, wlutener and beeutiBer. .Tuet try It I Oet three ounces of orchard white at any drug etore and wo lemons iron the groeer and nuke up t quarter pint of this sweetly fragrant lemon lotion and nuaeage it daily into the lace, aeok, arm and hasda. 1 WPURE Southern Sunshine "When It Pours, It Reigns" OnH Made to Order Trusaea, Abdominal Sup porters, tJatbc Stock ings, Artificial Limb, Crutches, Canes, Invalid Open Till f. EXPERT FITTERS FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Thompson & Pentz Phone 8158 310 City Hail Ave., Norfolk, Vav aV E 2$ 'DIED OF BY KAT11EKINKLKK KATES. The chaplain wrote us of him how he lay A winsome hoy in that long ward of pain, (Ireeting the nurse with smiles day after day, 'Twas only once she heaid the lad complain, Once only that he tried to smile in vain. "If the surgeons could have saved my leg, 1 might Have fought again. We have so few men here,' But when the arm, was taken, too, the right, His talk was all of home, the farm, the dear Old apple trees whose blossoms cast their cheer a.N( Upon him from five thousand miles away "Our orchard must be lovely now," he said, "I wonder if it misses me this May." An hour before he died, with rapid tread A famed French general cume to that screened bed; And there were tears upon the war-bronzed face As terse, crisp accents told of deeds well done, A message sped through sheets of fire in race With death, a wounded comrade dragged from one Orim shell hole to another, fallen son Of France, who thus her debt of love confessed. St ft n The general, stooping, kissed each pallid cheek ibfe And pinned the croix de guerre upon his breast. . The blue eyes lightened, and the one hand weak And groping, sought the cross. He strove to speak; The nurse bent close, slowly the white lips made The words: "Tell dad. He knew that when I went I was afraid that I should be afraid." So slept, the last gold sands of boyhood spent, Our soldier, unashamed and well content. WW W WW W W WW IT'LL ALL COME RIOHT. No use in grievin' When the storm's iu sight; Keep on believin' It'll soon be light I Black sky's weavin' Of a rainbow bright ! Keep on believin' It'il all come I ox lit! Trouble's deceivin'; When the crop shows blight, Sweet soil's heavin' With a harvest white. Then, oh, for the weavin' Of a raiubrow bright, An' keep on believin' It'll all come right. Frank L. Stanton. THE PINAL REASON. . Officer (wearily) Now Smith you've already had leave be cause your; wife was. ill, be cause your little girl had meas les, and because you bad to at tend the -christening of your youngest son. -t r what is it this time? Private Smith (brisklyi-P- please, sir I I'm going to get married. London Opinion. LIKE the toft, beaming sunlight of Diiie ' land, Luzianne brings cheer to meal time breakfast, dinner and supper. Folks who try it once have a genuine affection for it ever after. Luzianne comes to you in clean, aanitary, air-tight tins. The flavor stays in impurities stay out. Buy can of Luzianne. Use the whole can. If you don't honestly believe it is better than any other coffee you ever tasted, tell the grocer to refund your money. But, try it. fjcoffee aUQ dkiii Chairs, Brace, Etc. Saturdays M. W W W W WlWf WOUNDS n m A Beautiful Woman. Do you know that a beautiful woman always liae a good diirration ? If your digi'Htiou is faulty, eat lightly of nieela, and take an occasional dose of Cham berlaiu'a Tablets to strengthen your di gestion. Friee 'iftc. EXACTLY SO. "She's a very high toned girl." "Yeh. she's a scream.' Jack o' Lantern Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO Rl A Some men can argue about re ligion and keep cool. Sincere Gratitude. Mr. William Hell, Loganiport, Iod,t writ. " deem it my duly to eipren my graiiluiie for the good Chembeis kiu'i frolic end Ditrrhoe Remedy did me when I bed a wrere etUck of diet rhoea three year ago. It waa the only medicine that relieved me." ' Saian probably had some good excuse for noi learning to skate. Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA WOMEN OF 1813. i Views As to tier Intellect and tier i Sphere of Duly. I i There lies on the desk a book published anil sold by Muses ThnrnuH, Philadelphia, healing j the dute of I Hill, which makes it 105 years old. There are many strange things in that hook, which contains "Selec tions from Foreign Reviews and Magazines," all of which is claimed to be "the best thought of the ablest men of the age." There is an essay attacking a French authoress who was claiming an equality of intellect of the two sexes. The reviewer remarks: "Upon the whole, we do not think that a little learning is always dan gerouB thing in a lady, so long as it has reference to her con- i ditiim of life and the spheres of her duties." That is as f ir as the world hud got at that time in the ed ucation of women. About sev enty years afterward, when a woman senior wrangler at Ox ford, which is the highest hon or in mathematics, there began a change of opinion concerning the quality of women's intel lect. It was maintained in the en tire period by these "ablest men of the age," that her phy sical structure made it impos sible for her to comprehend the great questions, such as that of war. Since then a woman has written the greatest war hymn of the world. CONVERSATION LAQOINO. She Did I har anything fall. H Why, no. She Oh.excuse me. I thought you dropped a remark. Catarrhal Deafness Can't be Cured hy locul apphcatiuus. as they cannot that'll the tlimatteil portion of the ear. Tin-re it only one way to cure ih-afue!, ami that in hy coQHtiUitiouul lenietheit I't iil'upftR in caused hy au iullam'd con ditiou of the mucous hniutC (if the l!us- Uvhiai) Tulw. WlifDlliia tuhe n iu II a it i eJ you have a rutuhlioft (to und or imperfect hearing, ami wheu itinentiie ly cloned leafieHftiN the result, ainiuu le mm the inllammation can he taken out and thin tuhe restored to ita normal condition, heariugwill hedeittroyeU for ever; nine cancB out often are caused hy Catarrh, which is nothmg hut an in flamed coudition of the mucous iur Up en. We will give One Hundred Iollaii for any case of leafnenH(cauned by catarrh) that caunot he cured by Mail t Catarrh Medicine. K. J. CHKNEY A CO., Toledo, Ohi o lVntimouiali lent free. I'hee 76 centu per IhjUI. Hold by all druggiata. HnH' Family Pill for Conatipatim MADE IN THE U. S. A. A wounded American soldier waH telling a civilian an exci ting Btory of a battle. "Yes," said he, "a boche shell hit me right in the neck " "And you are alive now!" gasped the listener. "Yes. You see, stranger, this shell was made in Germa ny, but my collar stud was made in the United States, and 1 guess the squib sort of subdi vided. It was some stud. Bronchial Trouble. Mrs. A. K. Sidenhurger, RocltrleM, Ind., statea: "For an attaek of hron ehial trouble which usually eMails me in the spring 1 Und f'haniHerlaiu'at'ouirh Remedy the only thiuir tiial give me relief. After using it for a few Java a signi of bronciiial trouble diaapueare,. PAYS TO HUSTLE. "All things come to him who waits " "Seems to me, though, you'd save time by going after them." Louisvillo Courier-Journal. LIFT YOUH CuitNS OFF WITH FINGERS Telle hew te lessen a tender eorn r eallu a ft lifts out without pain. Ton -reokieei men and women who are pattered with eorai and whe hn at least onee n week invited an awful death from lookjaw or blood poiaoa are now told by a Claninnati authority to use a drug tailed freeaeae, which the moment few dront are applied to aay cor or sallaa the aoreneaa is re lieved and euoo the entire earn or eei lua, root and all, Ufte of with the la gers freefone drlea the moment It la an. CUed, and simply shrivels tlis cor or tal is without Inflaming or eves urkatiae the surrounding tissue or skin. A samtl bottle of frenone will cost nrv little at any of the drug stores, but will noei Urely rid em's feet of every hard or oft torn or hardened callus. If your druggist hasn't any fmeoa he can get it at aaj wholesale drug house for you Fall mi m Uruss m m -ALSO- uu Shoes and LADIES m . AND SPORT COATS Ii I Agency for Klnston Steam Laundry vuuars -at, 4. L. STWIBW, 11 The Busy Store, WELDON, N C T I1SI d fill ESTABLISHED 1892 Capital a&d Surplus, S63700Q. WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT. A PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. W. E. DAN1KL, raasmiKT. W. K. SMITH. VK'B-1'BBSIIJINT. BnmaBtlOals1sta1nlWBlBlntBlnlBt INVITATION. You are Invited to open an account with the BMIK OF EflFIELD, EftflELD, fi. 0. 4 Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart ment Compounded Quarterly.) YOU can CLOTHES MM BUT THEY THAT Is, they help him In business as well as social life, by giving him a properous, well groomed appearance, Men who dress In good taste say they like to buy here because of the excellent assortment to choose from. Everything In the store Is carefully selected by experts and quality Is the first consid. eratlon. In men's hosiery for Instance, we sell the reliable Interwovan socks "The Hosiery of a Gentleman." All fashionable colors; all weight-; in Silk, Lisle. Cashmere and Cotton at 40c. 60c. 75c. Per Pair FARBER & JOSEPHSON. Mens and Boys Outfitters WELDON. N. C. Fire Insurance & Surety Bonds ! Life, Accident and Health. Plate Glass and Automobiles. Repre senting leading companies. See me about your insurance wants. L. 0. -DRAPER. Office in Green Building, Winter good: Clothing. COAT SUITS II m sniris ic II e I.. C DRAPER, CASBIBB. bank by mail;' A MAKE HELP WELDON, N. C

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