ftv JzS MV pll g.saaa ESTABUSHI-D IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--! ..M. I ci , ii. n VOL. LIU WELDON, X. C, THURSDAY, NOVUM HLK HI. ISMs. NO. L's x't, v - - J i'. w Jy -i , -v, ;-j . 1 J- t;- i;. ....... .. Vr Hi? ' .1'. . - J. j : T. , ' r - - 'V 'K, :V A Children Cry for Fletcher's 'v ' : v f, -'I rjj V. a X( :' -flt :;;r .;jr i .' tf 1M P' i ( i and r ft:, i.. Th Kind You Have Alwayi Bought, and which hai txen la dm for over over 30 yean, hat borne the signature ol All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. c What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its ge is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. Xh Children's Panacea Ihe Mothei'i Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS yBears the Signature of Bears the In Use For Over 30 Years Th Kind You Have Always Bought Get The Habit KBuy for Cash. Save"C3 PTthe pennies by buy-C3 ing at W. T. PARKER & CO, Wholesale Gash Store WI-LOON, N. C. THE Dining; Room should be a cheerful place for when you eat your meals amid pleasant surroundings you do much to aid digestion. And good digestion means health.' HAVE US FURNISH YOUR DINING ROOM The variety of designs In Tables, Chairs, Side boards, China Closets, Serving Tables and the like, is ample to satisfy your desires, whatever they maylbe, in the matter of style, finish and price. Come In and talk it over with us. We are as .eager to GIVE satisfaction as you are to receive it. Weldon Furniture Company, Weldon, N. C. WANTEDS Bays Girls Men Wnu If not needed on farms come to work for us. Pleasant work--good wages fhjLs 4jt Cost if Fotow BEAUTIFUL ROOMING HOUSE FOR GIRLS (JUST FINISHED.) Write or Come to See Us. British-American Brown and PETERSBURG, VA. i ana naa been made under hla per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive vou in thin. Signature Perry Streets obacco Company GOLDEN HOURS. "All Is Not Uold I hot Olitters." Head This. Olrls. ( Mil i ii n K 1 - 1 ) imusI lie tatinlit llmt "all in not koIiI 1 lint glitlciH" iiml ihiit ''linn cIi'csk ilncn mil tiiti k the nihil or wo 111,111 " V IIMIi I liryill i ilit if vve i ,n to i ! nur iliil droll ll) In ' 1 1 1 -1 1 1 It) I '11 1 mid liappini'HH Ti'iirli I lii'in to lie imliiHtrioiiK nml mil Hie uwuy their life. I here m e mi ninny young penple (mla V that are living in thu i iehi nl, .Inuring awnv (iohl n hoiirs, wlien tliey nIioiiM lie thinking, k I u 1 1 y 1 1 1 w anil working. I iiriM i.l.oiil l lie tniiglii liow to ni.'itiiit;e anil keep In. lite wliile Willi iiioilier. Ah n I i i tin . iiIiIit, lei i lie man tle n i .i i 1 1 , 1 1 1 full 1 1 uiii in. ii li er'n ohoiililei miii .i liei s, mnl wlien slie is e;ill' il In ;i Imnie of lier own -he will in. fei I at a loss. Mie will km: v lur.v anil where to lie-in ''.', kimw there m'e Ihmii'k new inning to keep i;i in' ii gi rU fi iin v mk and when llu-v aie ahli' ami woiil'l willingly iloli, I .-1 I iliev HO' lie. II 1. 1 . i 1 ' 1 1 up nil I lie iilea inslilleil nun llnir heails that voting helies ninxi not harm t heir lu aui y In work. A girl ean nei ' r lim e a lieiter ohiinee In i. how nil her ehniuiH than liy iivKiiliiig nu-r ihe home. A iiinlher shoulil teaeh her dniiglitir that In r place, when nut nt school, is ut lier mother's Hide, helping her pro vide comforts for the family, not in reading novels and riding in bicycles. When our girls are brought up to be industri ous, sensible women wo will hear less complaint of having to work hard, and less com plaint of their huslmndt. If a man is poor he is obliged to work hard to supply his family with substantial food and cloth ing, and if his wife is a true woman she will be his help mate and the world will hear no complaint. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bean tht Signature of WONDERFUL LIKENESS. Mrs. Muggs Oh, how beau tiful that face is ! Whose por trait is it ? Artist Your daughter, mad am. Mrs Muggs A remarkable likeness. Can you paint me at Sleep and Rest. One of the moat common caima of inoimim ami roRllt'SHnoNB k' inti?eNlii)n. Take one of t'hamlwilain's lalilrt'i im meiliat.ilT alter supper and ace if you ito not reft better anil uleep better. They only coat a quarter. AN INHERITANCE. "What a cool and indifferent air Cora has. She acts like as if she didn't know anybody was looking at her." ''Yes; she inherits that. Her father used to fry griddlecakes in the window of a restaurant " WOMAN'S NERVES MADE STRONG By Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Winona, V inn. " 1 au ffered for mora than a year from mrvousnnaa, and was so dm 1 eouM not rest at night would lis aw.... got ao nervous I would have to fret up and walk around and in tha morning uiuJd 1m all Urud nut. I road nhout l.ydia E. 1'inkham'a Vegetable Com pound and thought I would try it. My ncrvouanesa soon left mn. I aleen Well and feel fine In the morning and able to do my work. I gladly recom mend Lydia E. Pinkham't Vegetable Compound to make weak nervea strong. "Mrs. Albert Sultie, 60S Olmatead St, Winona, Minn. How often do we hear the expression among women, "I am ao nervous, 1 can not sleep," or "it seems as though I should fly. " Such women should profit by Mrs. Sultce's experience and giva this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Cora pound, a trial. For forty years It has been overcom ing such senoos conditions as displace ments, inflammation, ulceration, irreg ularities, periodic pains, backache, Ju stness, and nervous prostration of women, and is now considered she ataa dard remedy far such ailment. iillllliaO!!!!!!! l'f"V a I pit dii .A I . Si : i i i k Ah i , i - . tttcrrT., - 'TO.-.-- . . ., -;.-.!Si .. a M . .. if . Br riynaai ii ri1 im V i in , , i i 'i-rt - i J -'""'-' Bii''intnlikii THli MI-THODIST HI'ISCOI'AL CHUUCH WrttCH WAS DliDlCATlU) LAST SCNDAV. A SOLDIER'S DREAM. Oul in (he land of heroes, When the shadows of twilight fall, And the night keeps the sun in hiding, Till it hears the morning call 'Tis then when the soul is weary Of all that the daytime has done 'Tis then when the soldier dreams Of the happy days to come. Thousands of dreams are for dreamers, But a soldier can dream only one. He dreams of a home and mother, He dreams of the days gone by, A cottage 'mongst the trees. The humming of the bees, And a mother's lullaby He dreams of the land of "No Man," And there through the clouds of war Comes a light through the night, And ihe world seems bright Returning home once more. There is a land of promise A land that is bright and fair, A land filled with love and kindness For all who may enter there; A land filled with smiling faces. It's heaven and peace is the door, But a soldier to get within Must fight through the fire of war. Fight for what's right so that vict'ry Will his fireside and loved ones restore. A NUTTY QUESTION "Pa?" "Well, my son?" "After an army shells an enemy do they eat the colonels?'' NEW TURKISH ATTITUDE. "Why would you hat to ho a Gorman?" 'Thure a mimberof reasons." "Name one." "Well, for one thing, I would hate to have a Turk strutting around and regarding himself considerably loss of a barbarian than I was.'' Birmingham Ago-Horal.t, TOO EASY. Newlyweds (explaining poker) Now, if you gel a poor hand you want to I lull, and if you get a gnd hand you want to make a Muff that you're Nuffng. N:i'.v there are two ways of bluffing; one is to bluff, the other not in bluff. If you're a regular bluffer imi can often bin II by urn i'liillini and Mrs Newlywid-I see, John, dear, but that game is ton ridicu lously easy ! Let's pkiy checkers. A CORRECTION. "When a Boche finds himself in a light place he warbles out 'Kamerad, I've three children.' boys sings out: got a wife and Then one of our 'You're a damned liar. You've got widow and From a Sol- three orphans.' dier's Letter 10 the Gem. Knobn osier When a woman marries a man for his pocketbook she need not hope to find his heart in it. ff. i 1 1 ,'fi.,-t l in - i'i' ' I Chamberlain's Couch Remedy ho not iniaemo (hat hwauar olhri 1 couch mrilicines fail loitivr you ri luM I thai it vtill )m the saiur with I'hainltpr Iain's Coturli lioine.ly. llvar in min.l ' thai from a smalt ht'umnini: this ri'ino I .ly ha cainril a wort, I wulo iviuitalion anil imtni'nxc ah A moilicine mn1 have exceptional merit to win csleeni wtiercver it becomes known. INCLUDING POTATOES. "I hear you mortgaged your house yesterday." "Yos.l was hungry and want ed a good square meal." Greatly Benefitted .by Chamber lain's Tablets. "1 am thankful for the goo.l 1 haw receive.1 hy using t'hainhoilain's Tali iris. Ahoul two years iiira when 1 t,e irnu them I was stitfeinitf a preat ileal from distress alter lalnif, ami from heailaclic an. I a tiinl, laniruiil feehnc -hie to m.lnreslton ami a 1oiml liver I'hamherlain'a Tahl.'i eoint these hsor.lels in a shell lime, ami since lakinir two Imltles of them my health Iiiin heen vooj," nntts Mm. M. I'. Ilnr aoo.l, Auliiirn, N. I". MEAN EXPOSURI:. 'How dors Kate preserve her complexion so well " "Easily. She keeps il in air tight jars." ALMOST OBSOLETE. "Well, the world seems to he going dry. Shall we take julep out of the dictionary?" "Leave it in for old times' sake," counselled the other lex icographer. "Just mark it ob solete," Chicago Post. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA 1 ,3 If ynut 'pliililicn art' milijcpt tti croup, or if you liae reason to ti ar tlieir licin ; att:ickpil ly that tliHi'SMi-, you nIhmiIiI ; ! procure a lotllf of rliamli('ilaiu''i l ouath licnicily aid stmly the tliirctmiiN lor j usp, so that in case of an utiark you j will know exactly what eotnse to pur- ! tstte. TIhn is a I'avmite ami ety nuc- ! Ci"-sful reme.ly for cioup, anil it m mi- , poitant that you ohere the ilitectionf catefiillv. i TRYINO. tisemaiil (who isnol giving satis! action i--l am trying. mad- am. Madam You are, Mary.vorv, trying. I'atlitinder. IB! III S!!PoT!lllIE BtartB your livor without r-O-.ing you sick and can no, salivate. Every druggist in town your druggist and i ervlvijv's druggist Ins noticed a great falling-olt in the! sale of calomel. They all give thi same reason. Dodson's Liver T'ono is taking its place. "Calomel is dangerous and people know it, while Dodson's Liver Tone, is perfivlly safe and gives ln-tter re suits," said a prominent local drug gist. Jiodson's Liver Tone is per sonally guaranteed by every drug gist who sells it. A larp Imttlo eosls hut a few cents, and if it fails to give easy relief in every ease of liver sluggishness and constipation, you have only to ask for vour money back. llodson's Liver Tone is a pleasant tasting, purely vegetable remedy, harmless to both children and adult?. Take a spoonful at night and wake tip feeling fine; no biliousness, (iok headache, acid sv.-naoh or consti fatcd bowels. It d.w.vt grille or l!"ilse inconvenience all the next LEMONS WHITEN AND BEAUTIFY THE SKIN Make this beauty lotion eh t a ply for your face, neck, armi and hands. At I In- met of a am a 11 inr of ordinary enlil orniit) Mn' can pn imiv h full qur-ti-r I'iut ol tno nuvt wontji'tfnl Irmtm kin xoftmcr an rmili'ion iH'nitiiicr, tiy W)i H-r itij tin1 juioc- ni two fn-ih l.-tn uim into a Ixiltli1 coiiliinint; tlins' -mnfi-H j of Ol. liittil Uliil.i. I tile hIhuI1 taken I lo ft m in llic jiiK-f tlironrh a Hut' clnth j w) no lmon ptit (ri-ta in. ih-n tin. lo j ttoli Will fci" p fff.li lr mmillm. I'vi'iV i w i. ni ii n known t hat i-mn yu-t in nmsl to l-lcfl.-h mi. I n movf cm-h 111. mi-ti' n ' fri.kl's, "fillnwtii'ts a til (n mui in j tin' iil.al hkin Koft. hvt, wliitrti.-r ait.l j U.lll.ti.T. j .lwt tvv it! iit t)mi tinncfd tif orcliRrd whito at any drug Mori atnl two lt-monK from thr pnvT and make nn a ((iiarlcr pint of ttii nwwlly fragrant li'Tfion lotion and maanRpt it daily 'o tin faro, nck, arm and tiHnrts. It, man't'loua to amoothH rouph, n-d handa. lr1emrri 4 p"ryiiirii(niifiii m fi. Hi ml narvtsd. ukrtchm m phMfta Hurt rrtpiiMSi tot PRIK SKAffOH and rnort on rtiithiiitr. Ruli rriwit. FATINTt BUILD PORTUNII fr you. Our rrM tkoohMa tll how. wmit tolnwat and anyN wnnsy. Wrtt toffey, D. SWIFT & CO. PATINT LWVIS, 303 Srvrolh St., Waskingtnn. D. C i r:-. . : lit (KSSdflOIKl ALSO Shoos and Clothiug. IADIES COAT SUITS p AND SP?)RT GOATS? , 1 -. IfST" JUST W:Cl-IVI-:i a nine of FUR g-J al renson.ihle prices. .-,! 4- mimoK, i I hi; Busy Sttire y il 10 ESTABLISH!;.) I8M2 Capita! and Surplus, 163,000. NVI! INVII I: YOUR AliCOUNT. 4 PAH) ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT v. r HASIKI,. rtlKMliKS t. W. 1(. SMITH. Vli K- I'llKM hfcNT. on ! ..iTTr , ; HHureiinraMiOi)i(Kiiuoffi -----"-.iumiua!aai INVITATION.! 1 I You are invit;d to open an account with the 8 I g BJfJK OF EflflUD, I ! ciriclo, I. c. j a a t Per Cent, allowed g a: iiicni vu npuunuea Viianeriy. I PjCj U can bank by mail KgnBaiiniisrKsno! wiioiMi!tiamiaiBCT3wiimB j CLOTHES DON'T MAKE A BUT THEY HELP. MM l- HAT is, they heln him in business as well as social life, by giving him a properous, well groomed appearance. Men who dress in good taste say they like to buy here because of the excellent assortment to choose from. Everything in the store is carefully selected by experts and quality is the first consid eration. In men's hosiery for Instance, w e sell the reliable Interwovan socks "The Hosiery of a Gentleman " All fashionable colors; all weight-; in Silk, Lisle. Cashmere aoJ Cotton at 40c. 60c. 75c. Per Pair FARBER & J0SEPHS0N, Mens and Hoys Outfitters WKLDON. N. C, Fire Insurance & Surety Bonds ! Life, Accident and Health. Plate Glass and Automobiles. Repre senting leading companies. See me about your insurance wants. L.C. DRAPER Office in Green Building, 1 N; V. I.LDON. NC za e: ii i: mi I . r UlUl'KH, (' At H I Rtt. in the Savings Depart-! WELDON. N. C

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