laiai.i-i-l1.M-. IPQ 9 ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscrii)tion--$l.5(i I'er Annum VOL. LIII WE L DON, N. C, THURSDAY, XOVEMHKH 28, H)l8. NO. L'J) I . Net ComniH ISPluiil Dranlimj - Ulilf 1 Mi Ho' . 11 i:nllol.-a PER OliNT. AV.itKiihlinvMirttktirAi . ..,ll.,lhMltTvltll''l- llnOJIcSuMc)IB"IIf Thcrctij'ftoraoUniDiiiMlio" ChcprfulnessandRfstConla iK-KhcrOplom,Morpmie,,or ''Miiieral.NoTABcoii" Mm W I i iinfiilHemcily(br Constipation and DiarrWje" and FirvcrismwM loss of Sleep rcsdtinittKromjnlnW Facsimile Si4natm rorlnfii-.tHRvil Children. Matliers Know That Genuine Crstoria Always Bears the Signature of mi- ';''! 'I ?S5 j ?3?t THtCeVTAW-CoWAW. A, A t H IV.IH ft A IK WORKING FOR BOYS OVER THERE. Mrs Josephus Daniels Speuks (or V ar Work Hiind in Jackson, Miss. .luckrton, (Minn ) t'larinn-l.i'ilKiT. There was a large and sympa thetic audience lust night at lialin- wuy Memorial Church, the largest auditorium in the city, tn hear the address of Mrs Josephus Daniels, wife of the secretary of the Navy, who plead the cause of the Ameri can soldiers and sailors and their mothers, wives and sisters, in whose support the United War Work Campaign to raise $170, 500,01)0 is being conducted. The occasion was an historical event, as Mrs. Daniels is one of the his tory-making American women. Use For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. STOMA THI CINTtUR lOMmNf NCW VOHR CITY Get The Habit KTBuy for Cash. SaveC3 B3fthe pennies by buy-"C3 ing at W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Cash Store WF.I.OON, N. C. THE Dining Room should be a (or when you eat your meals surroundings you do much to And good digestion means health cheerful place amid pleasant aid digestion. 0 (lod, we thank Thee for the broken sleep, The passing of the'self-complacent dream, I'or opened eyes, for hearts aroused that leap To follow Freedom's gleaml We thank Thee we no longer stand aside In neutral safety, while earth's highways run Red with the blood of those who fought and died To save us from the Hun. We thank Thee for our women who remain From sob and tear, and smile a brave farewell 1 We thank Thee for our lad, who not In vain, Shall march, eyes front, through hell 1 We thank Thee for the hope, O Lord, how long? The faith that we shall yet rebuild our peace In larger companionship, and greet with song The days when wars shall cease I But, 'til that day, O God, make stout our heart, Quicken its flame, grant wisdom and control, And take our thanks that we may play our part, That we have saved our soull HAVE US FURNISH YOUR DINING ROOM The variety of designs In Tables, Chairs, Side boards, China Closets, Serving Tables and the like, is ample to satisfy your desires, whatever they may be, In the matter of style, finish and price. Come In and talk it over with us. We are as eager to GIVE satisfaction as you are to receive it. Weldon Purniturs Company, Weldon, N. C. Buys WANTED Girls Men MKS. JOSEPHUS DANIELS. Mrs. Daniels spoke in low, mod ulated tones, easy and graceful, and every statement she made was a plea from her heart to the hearts of all to "give for the dearest things on earth and sea, our boys and girls." Her closing words form ed a direct appeal to raise the mon ey in one day. livery word bore out the state ment she made in her introductory remarks, "To help my govern uienl, our boys and our girls. Just as a mother with a message of 'Love and Service.' Not a speech, hut I have whutall Americans have a big heart and I want to pour it out to you." It was a heart full of love for God and humanity and the audience was in a reciprocal mood. As Judge Lyell had referred to her husband's wonderful work in building up the Navy, and trans porting more than 2,000,000 American soldiers, with food stores, ammunition, etc., sately to l-'rance, she said that the records of the Navy must be held until af ter the war, when it would become history. She brought a message of 'Love and Service," relating incidents in connection with the war and war work, showing that love for God and fellowmen is the greatest love and the spirit of helpfulness should prompt every one at all times. She spoke as one who has seen Women If not needed on farms come to work for us. Pleasant work--good wages MejLs fa Cost 4 FmoiY BEAUTIFUL ROOMING HOUSE FOR GIRLS (JUST FINISHED.) Write or Come to See Us. British-AmericaD Tobacco Company, Brown and Perry Streets! PETERSBURG, VA. "THANKSGIVING 1918, UY S. J. DUNCAN Gl.AKK. HO W DO TACKLE IT? How do you tackle your work each day ? Are you scared of the job you find? Do you grapple the task that comes your way With a confident, easy mind? Do you stand right up to the work ahead Or fearfully pause to view it? Do you start 10 toil with a sense of dread Or feel that you're going to do it ? You can do as much as you think you can, But you'll never accomplish more; If you're afraid of yourself, young man, ' There's little for you in store. For failure comes from the inside first; It's there if we only knew it; And you can win, though you face the worst, If you feel that you're going to do it. Success ! It's found in the soul of you, And not in the realm of luck. The world will furnish the work to do, But you must provide the pluck. You can do whatever you think you can, It's all in the way you view it; It's all in the start that you make, young man: You must feel that you're going to do it. How do you tackle your work each day? With confidence clear or dread ? What to yourself do you stop and say When a new task lies ahead? What is the thought that is in yaurmind ? Is fear ever running through it ? If so, tackle the next you find By thinking you're going to doit. THE FUNERAL PROCESSION. The Soldier's Only Child. An all'ccting little incident that lustrates the spirit of loving com radeship that under the strain ol war binds all I'm nee together like one family is told by Mrs. Mary King Wuddinglon in My War Dia ry. went to the ouvroir this after noon and found our cashier, who had just arrived, rather ner vous at being late. I thought she had had bad news of her husband, who is at the front; when she ex plained, I learned that it was a dif ferent matter. She was standing at the door of her house with only a shawl on her shoulders when she saw a hearse pass, with a small coffin, evidently that of a child, and a soldier walking behind it quite alone, crying. She said that something she did not know what moved her to run out into the street. She went out, slipped her arm into the soldier's and walked along with him. A fat old con cierge next door did the same thing, first stopping and buying a few pennies' worth of flowers from a cart to put on the coffin. Several others joined them, and by the time they reached the cem etery there were a dozen persons walking behind the hearse. The poor man was too dazed at first to speak, but finally told them that it was his only child; his wife was ill, and he had twenty-four hours' leave to come and bury the child. He gave his name and address, and would be so grateful if some one would look after his wife. He was going back to the front that night. Jeanne went over the next day, found the poor woman in a miser able little room, ill and depressed. A neighbor looked after her. Of course the ouvrier will see that she is properly cared for, and try to find some work for her when she gets stronger. EXAGGERATION. Fall ml Winter )m good! -ALSO- $'4rUm'(. mm&mmm MmMMM m&t u 4 u u m m u , m n m g MM mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm MM mm nm mm urn m MM-MM MM Shoes and Clothing. LADIES COAT AND SPORT SUITS mm MM JUST RECEIVED a at reasonable prices. COATS m MM MM nine or FUR m MM MM MM N C MM M.MMMMMM:MMMMm.MnMMMMMMer yS M-MMMMMMMMm MMMMMMMMMMMM? 4. L. STAIflBMK, The Busy Store, WELDON, Mil if WELDOI ESTABLISHED lcW2 A Common Fault That Many Fall Into Without Realizing It. Capital and Surplus, $63,000. WE INVITE YOUR AUCOUNT, 4 PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, W. K. llANIi:!., W. It. SMITH. VI, K-l'HKNHUNT. 1.. V DUAI'Ell, iKMHKMiumioM)imUO!MoaMiaoa THIS WEAK, NERVOUS MOTHER Tell How Lydia E. Pinkham' Vegetable Compound Restored Her Health. Biiiniii PhilmtflDhia. Pa. "I wuvenrwenk. always tired, my back achd, and 1 felt idly nwi ui uia Urn. I want to a dortor and he snid 1 had narvout indi- Seition, which ad-i-d to my weak condition kept m worrying moat of th time and ha aaid if 1 could not atop that, 1 could not Ret well. I heard aomuchabout I.ydisE. Pinkham'a Vegeiable Com- riund my huahnnd wanted me to try it took it for a week and felt a little bet ter. I kept it up for three montha, and I feel fine and can eat anything now wi thout diatreaa or nervouaneaa. " - M ra. J. Woktiiune, 2842 North Taylor St, Philadelphia Pa. The majority of mothera nowaday! overdo, there are ao many demanaa upon thsir time and atrength; the reault a invariably a weakened, run-down, nervoua condition with headachea, back ache. Irritability and depreaaion and aoon mora aerioua allmenta develop. It ic at auch perioda in life that Lydia K. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound will reatora a normal healthy condition, aa ttdrltoMra. Worthliiw. 1 much of the spirit of the soldiers and sailors, how ennobling, up lifting the lives they are living, and their scrz as ihey board the trans ports for the scenes of war is not a song of hate it is: "A Son of God Goes to War, a Kingly Crown to Win." She heard this song as she was standing on a pier at an Atlantic port, watching thousands upon thousands alight from the trains cross the ferry and go aboard the ships which bore them across the sea where the battles are raging. Her mother heart went out to these boys, but when she heard that song, instead of turning with a tear in her eye, there was a smile for these boys were ready to do all for the most glorious cause of all. HER UNWORTHINESS. It was the sweet scent of the lilies in the conservatory, the beau ty of the young girl's hair, or the excellent champagne he had taken at supper that led to his proposing in the obscurity beneath a palm "It cannot be," she said. I am unworthy of you." "Oh, rubbish 1" said he. "It is true: it is true." And she sighed. "You are an angel," he said ardently. "No. no: vou are wrong," said the girl. "I am vain, idle, silly, utterly unfit to be your helpmate through life." He laughed lighily, then said, in a soothing voice: "Why, this is sheer madness What sort of a wife do you think I ought to have?" "A very wise, deliberate, practi cal woman," she replied; one able to live on your salary." Washington Star. Fortunate is the man who does not find fault because he doesn know where to look for it. MOTHER'S INFLUENCE. The Power of the Mother Over The Child. Don l forget that i promising man seldom pay eash. We were somewhat startled the other day to hear a learned lawyer of matured years and wide influ ence say:"l:very child is five-sixths mother and one-sixth father." "How is that?" How can it be otherwise when you cousider the closeness of the tie between the mother and the child? It is actually bone of her hone and flesh of her flesh. Dur ing the early formative period the child is most entirely under the in fluence and guidance of the moth er. A wise observer of human de velopment has said: "Give me a child during the first five years of his existence and I will make him what I please. It is in babyhood when the mind is soft and impres sible, that it receives the indellible marks.for good or evil. The fath er is away from home, busy with attairs, the bread winner earning by the sweat of his brow, protec tion lor tits little ones and means of educating them, while the moth er is with them constantly, forming their minds, their dispositions and establishing their principles perma- nenilv. The power nf (he motbfT over the child is almost absolute She may praise or punish as she will. In her home she is the dic tator and may rule as a despot, ex acting obedience from a rebellious horde or as an angel diffusing sweetness and light into every cor ner and cranny of her kingdom Thus the power and influence of women, though quiet, secret, hid den, are the heart and homes of the land, is infinitely powerful and and far reaching. Exaggeration is so common a fault that many of us fall into i without realizing that it is a fault. Not long ago a Methodist sister was seized at an experience meet ing with a sudden desire to tell the truth. Several had preceded our heroine in their testimony, and then the woman arose and in a beautiful pitiful voice, asked the prayers of the congregation, say ing "I know my besetting sin is ex aggeration, it has grown on me by degrees. I never tell anything that is not true, but I do exaggerate the truth. I've tried so hard to get over it; in fact I have shed oceans and ocur's of tears about She aroused not only the sympathy of some but much amusement to those who knew her well. Then later when the minister was offering up his peti tion for the varied needs of his flock, our "exaggerated" friend was shocked to hear him conclude "and Oh! Lord, forget not our lying sister," which was more ef- hcacious in getting what was need ed than many more ethical prayers. ABOUT AS TERR1FYINQ. fa "We never hear of the once mous headless horseman." "No, but we have the heedless operator of an automobile." 1 s i T i r i rn i rn i w t 1 h V II AIIUINJ m You are Invited to open an account with the 4 BWK OF WIZLO, EfiflELDf fl. C. Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart ment Compounded Quarterly. gjJ YOU can bank by mail TOWER OF STRENQTH. "Napoleon w as said to be worth 40,000 men." 1 dare say we II hnd hdison worth a million." EVER S sura n Calomel ii quicksilver and acta like dynamite on your liver. ULU 7 t7Ffl II MM Si II It i II -BUT THE! HELP. f HAT is, they helo him in business as social life, by giving him a properous, groomed appearance, well as well- 'Oi!"m',l tern you a dsy! You Ituow what calomel ia. It'i mer cury; quicksilver. Calomel ia (lun- fcroua. It ernshei" into aour bile ike dynamite, crumping and aiik etiing yon. Calomel nttaoka the bones aud should never be put into your system. When you feel bilious, alugginh, constipated and all knocked out and believe you need a dose of dangerous calomel just remember that your druggist sells for a few cents a large bottle of Dodson's Uyer 'ne, which ia entirely vegetable and pleasant to take and is a perfect substitute for calomel. It is guaranteed to start your liver without stirring you up inside, and can not salivate. Don't take calomel ! Tt makes you sick the next day ; it loses you a day's work. Dodson's IjiverTonp straiglit ens you right up and you feel great. Give it to the children because it is I BStfectly harmless and doesn't gripe. Men who dress in good taste say they like to buy here because of the excellent assortment to choose from. Everything in the store is carefully selected by experts and quality is the first consid. eration. In men's hosiery for Instance, we sell the reliable Interwovan socks"The Hosiery of a Gentleman." All fashionable colors; all weight; in Silk, Lisle. Cashmere and Cotton at 40c. 50c. 75c. Per Pair FARBER & JOSEPHSON, Mens and Boys Outfitters WELDON, N. C. Fire Insurance & Surety Bonds ! Life, Accident and Health. Plate Glass and Automobiles. Repre senting leading companies. See me about your insurance wants. L. C. DBA PER. Office in Green Building, WELDON, N. C.

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