I im IS) ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Perms of SubscriDtion--$l.5G Per Ann l id VOL. LIII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMI.HK .". 1!HS. no. ::o "NOW ! LAY HE,55 AN OLD VIEWPOINT. i I -I Children Cry The Kind You Haw Alwayi Bought, and which has been In hm fur over over 30 years, ha: l..rne the siijnature of - nd has becu made under his per- fSljCttrffrtA, ,onal P"visiun since its Infancy. VbYVX iACA4K &low no one t0 deceiye you )n )hB All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-ns-g"ni " are bi;t Bxperlmeott that trifle with and endanger the health ul Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. , c What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age Is its guarantee. For more than, thirty years it has keen in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought Get The Habit C5Buy for Cash. Save'Cj E3the pennies by buy-'Cj ing at W. T. PARKER & CO, Wholesale Cash Store WI-XOON, N. c. 05 THE Dining Room should be a cheerful place for when you eat your meals amid pleasant surroundings you do much to aid digestion. And good digestion means health.' HAVE US FURNISH YOUR DINING ROOM The variety of designs in Tables, Chairs, Side board, China Closets, Serving Tables and the like, Is ample to satisfy your desires, whatever they may be. In the matter of style, finish and price. Come in and talk it over with us. We are as eager to GIVE satisfaction as you are to receive it. Woldon Furniture Company, Weldon, N. C. JIDvT ICC o I? Ij T X "We are in position to give first- class service on Automobile Repair ing, also Automobile Ignition, Light ing and Starting. Battery charging a specialty. When you need First Class Service at once call JONES Phone 205 OARAGE, P.O.Box 244 for Fletcher's Signature of & SONS WELDON, N. C, MOTHER IS GONE. Lite is ISImik; Wife, My Love, My I lie. Has l eft Me. While living is ihe lime Id be slow your love. Don'i wait uniil Ihe loving heart lins ceased us b Miini; ami ilie lired feel lire siill to ifll ilu'in yon love them . What can they know of your words-of love, and praise, tears and grief ? (iive me all ihe love you have for me while I'm living; il will help us lu hear the weary burdens thai come so thick and fast. In ihe home more especially is this true. The poor lired wife is the pack horse. Without one loving word, she mils day hy day, raises (he lit tle children, cares for the sick, un til it seems as it the delicate form could bear no more. Never comes a word of praise for irying lo do her hesi: Yel ihere comes a day when the feet go no more in ihe home, the voice is still, ihere is a deep solemnity all over the place. Something is gone. What is il? I might say your packhorse yet I'll use ihe name thai should be sweetest, "Darling Mother" has gone. Life is blank; wife, my love, my life, has left me! Ah, ine! home will never be what it lias been; mother and wife has left us! If you could only say also, "I never gave her anything but loving words of praise, encouragement. I lifted every burden I could from her slight shoulders." Instead you generally howl with grief be cause your wife has gone, and ihere is no one lo pack all the hard work on, or scold for everyone's faults. COULD ANYTHING BE SIMPLER. Yet Probably Many Who Have Suddenly Dismounted prom a Mule Never Saw Things That Way. A young soldier was walching the efforts of his fellow privates to ride a refraolory mule. Not one of them could stay on its back for two seconds. At last the looker-on approached and drawled: "I say, let me show you how it's done." "Come on, then," said ihe sol diers. The youth sidled up to ihe mule, swung himself on the animal's back, wrapped his legs beneath iis body and look a firm hold on ihe reins. The mule made a slighl effort to dislodge him, bui the man, stuck. Another slightly more strenuous effort by the mule also failed. Then, laying his ears back, and taking a deep breath, the mule shot his heels into the air at an angle of 65 degrees, and ihe young man was propelled lo the ground. He slowly arose to his feet, screwed his face into a smile and said : "Now, that's the way, boys! When you see he's goin' to fling you, jusl gel off." NO DOUBT OF IT. "Are you engaged in war work?" asked the sweei young thing of the man with ihe underslung spec tacles and ihe coarse voice and features. "Yes, I am a divorce lawyer," answered the man, with a sigh." THAI liiiiiiU J:, WOMAN'S LIFL Mrs. Godden Tells How It May be Pasted in Safety and Comfort Fremont, O. "I iu puling through the critical period of life, being furiy- .8IX yfluivi ugi' mi l nail all tn nynip Umlnclclmtt("! 1 (hangs heat tie. ni-TVouaniiaa. l waainaffpnirBlr'.i. down condition, i it waa hard for ' to do my w, LydiaE. Pii.Mi.,:,. Vegetable iv pound waa roc:-i mtandod to mo r ' ; beat remedy ( i troublee. wbita aurelv Droved to be. 1 teal better and atronirer in every way ainra taking it, and the annoying symptoms have disap peared. Mrs. H. UODUKM, WO HI' DoleonSt. Fremont, Ohio. Such annovine svmntona aa heat flaahei, nervousnsas, backache, head ache, irritability and "the blues," '- ay be speedily overcome and the sv i in restored to normal conaiuona ny : .1 t nmoua root and herb remedy Lydii Pinkham'e Vegetable Compound. If any complications preaent thei: aelvea write the Pinkham Medicine Co. Lynn, Mm., for auggesttona how to ovarcoma them. The result of forty years experience is at your service end your teller utta m einci couuueuev. mmmmmm "When ihe wounded in the hospitals come lo die, " says a British officer, "iheir last request in ihe great number of cases is for ihe pray er, 'Now I Lay Me l)own lo Sleep.' " When my sun of life is low, When the dewy shadows creep, Say for me before I go, "Now I lay me down to sleep." I am ul ihe journey's end, I have sown and I must reap, There are no more ways lo mend "Now I lay me down lo sleep. Nothing more to doubt or dare, Nothing more to give or keep Say forme the children's prayer, "Now I lay me down lo sleep." Who has learned along the way, Primrose path or siormy steep More of wisdom lhan lo say, "Now I lay me down to sleep"? What word have you more to tell When the shadows round me creep All is over, all is well, "Now I lay me down 10 sleep." PAYING, We pay for the glory of days of sun With ages of tempest and tears and loss; We pay for the hill when the summit is won With the weight we have borne when we bore (he cross; We pay for our leisure and laughter and song With the days of worry, the nights of care; We pay for our shining, our weakness and wrong, With the agony of a life of prayer. We pay for our sin and our lust and vice With moments of shadow and darkening dread; We pay, we pay such an awful price With the thorns and the rocks in the path we tread, When we seek to adventure beyond the bound Of the living truth of the inborn law Ah, we pay every inch of the sin-strewn ground When the halters of evil around us dawn ! We pay for the rose of the springtime sweei With the ice and the snow of the winter's reign; We pay for the dancing of lewd, wild feet, With ages of aching and horror and pain; We pay for it all such a price in the end But the race goes on, and the game is played, And only ai last have we love for a friend When as men in a world of men we've paid I WOULDN'T BELIEVE WE. A party of sportsmen had been oul all day big game hunting and as they rested after their days la bors they spun yarns. 'Last lime I was out here on (his game," said (he quiet man, 'I mei a magnificent lion almost face 10 face. With a terrible roar the beast sprang at me, but just missed his aim by jumping two feet too high. Disappointed, il dashed away into the woods. The next day we set out to track the beasi down and at last came upon it in an open space in the jungle er practicing low jumps' THE YOUTH'S COMPANION is worth more 10 family life today than ever before. Today those who are responsible for the wel fare of the family realize the im perative need of worthwhile read ing and what it means to individual character, the home life and the Slate. Everywhere the waste and chaff, the worthless and inferior, are going to ihe discard. The Youth's Companion stands first, last and continually for the best there is for all ages. It has character and creates like charater, Thai is why, in these sifting limes the family mrns to its 52 issues a year full of entertainment and sug gesiion and information, and is never disappointed. It costs only $2 a year to pro vide your family with the very besi reading mailer published. In both quantity and quality as well as in variety The Youth s Companion excels. Don't miss Grace Richmond's great serial, Anne Exeter, 10 chap ters, beginning December 12. The following special offer is made to new subscribers: I. The Youth's Companion 52 issues of 1919. 2. All remaining issues of 1918. 3. The Companion Home Cal endar for 1919. All ihe above for only $2 or you made include McCall's Magazine 1 2 fashion numbers. All for only $2.50. The two magazines may be sent 10 separaie addresses if desired. The Youth's Companion, Commonweallh Ave. & St. Paul St, Boston, Mass. Self-possession with the lawyer. is mne-poinis Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA THE TRUTH AT LAST. "My dear, you know there is nothing I hate more than a domes tic scene." "Well, then, John Henry Dub waite, why do you conduct your self in a way lhat forces me 10 cre ate domestic scene ? "Whal have I done?" "Nothing, that's just it. You've said, 'Yes, my dear,' to me so many times I'm sick and tired of hearing it. Why don't you lose your temper occasionally ? Throw tilings around, slam ihe door, kick the cat! Threaten to choke me! For once in your life dosomeihing to convince me that I'm married 10 a red-blooded man and not a spineless jellyfish." Birmingham Age-Herald. A WIFE, INDEED. A man who hud looked on the ' winp wlun it. uinu r..l u ,ri.n.t deal too often was induced to sign the pledge the other day His wife was delighted. ou mtiat let me have it !" hub cooeu, taking tne precious document. "I will keep it for you !" On the noxt day the man was driuking as freely aa before. How i8thi8?"asked a friond "You signed the pledge yester day und now you are drinking again." "It's all right," replied the pledge signer in unsteady tones, I don't have to keep that pledge. My wife says she'll keep it for me. Hooray!" London Answers. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA WISE GUY. Hello I Dr. Bunyan? Yes? Come right away. My husband has another one of his spells." Why didn t you send lor me sooner?" said the doctor, half an hour later. "You should not have waited till your husband was un conscious." well, replied the wite, as long as he had his senses he would not let me send tor you CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the ttsjoatura of Music Makes People As u Rule l.a AbidliiK Does lllllHic keep pcoplr out of juily It lias ciflni Iiim'ii said iu print Hint iniisii' wiih Knmlit into tin' world In uplift anil lii'iililify mil' 1 1 1 1 1 ) 1 ' ) r-1 1 J 1 1 inrchali icnl lives. A public hcIioiiI 1 1-i 1 s -cipltl regrets tlint his tciiehci'H arc giving only one and half lioiiiH a week In the Htmh of music, llo regrets this lie. nuiHo he Hiiys through music ami its educational value young people become hotter citizens, more useful members of society und more ellioient members of the State. Hut now a man comes for ward unci submits ligures to show that musicians give the jails a wide berth. Out of some where about 15,U00 profession al musicians in the- I'niled Slates it is said there are only 1.1 in the nine largest peniten tiaries throughout the Repub lic. This makes a good show ing when the corresponding figures are considered :t!i out of only 57,000 bankers iu these penitentiaries; :W out of 1 15,000 lawyers; 22 out of 150,000 phy siciaiiB, and six out of ;j5,oou puinters or artists. It begins to look as if music keeps you out of jail or at least helps to. Philadelphia Record. N Haolfh P Health About Gone s I Many thousand1! ol women sulfering irom womanly trouble, have been benefited by the use ol Cardul, the woman's tonic, according to letters we receive, similar to this one from Mrs. Z.V.Spell, ofHayne, N.C. "I could not stand on my teet, and Just sulfered terribly," the says. "As my suf fering was so great, and he had tried other reme dies, Dr. had us get Cardul. . . I began Improving, and It cured me. i know, and my doctor knows, what Car dul did lor me, lor my nerves and health were about gone." TAKE 5 The Woman's Tonic 1 She writes further: 'T lm In splendid health . . . can do my work. 1 feel I owe it to Cardul, for I was In dreadful condition." If you are nervous, run down and weak, or suffer from headache, backache, etc., every month, try Si h Cardul. Thousands women praise this medi cine lor the good It 5 done them, and m physicians who have used Cardul successfully with their women patients, for years, endorse this medi cine. Think what it means to be In splendid health, like Mrs. Spell. Qlve Cardul a trial. 5 All Druggists -. j-im iji if i y j, kl Jn V1 j GIRLS! WHITEN YOUR SKIN WITH LEMON JUICE Makt a beauty lotion for a few centt to ramove tan. rracKies, aiiowrteBi. Your irroeiT hint Die liim-un ami any drutf ittiro or toilet rouiiti-r will hupp!.. you witn tnroo mnuva m omiain vt lor a few cent. Niiii'tw tlie jni" -two frvHli It-moiii into a Mile, tlhti In thf nrMnl v'tit- -it?'! ),'!'-: v Thii Diakro a qtmili r pint of Uv tfHt It'iDim nkin wlntiinT am) com pit brautilifr known. Mttnuv tin fi grant, crpamy lotion daily into the f- Buck, arma and hunda and ut ace li freckles, tan, sfillnwnrM, rt'dneM and rmighncafl dtiappi'nr and lnw pmn.Mi, aoft and rlrar the akin becomes. V'm It la harmWes, and tho beautiful r"ulta will aurpriae toil trade marhi and copyright! nbuinwi im- tm tut. a nd ntudal, iketcliM or pliotiM and d KtluiieB for FRKI S1ARCH and Ntwit n imtfiiUbllHy. ittiik raUi-MutM. PATENTS BUILD FORTUNES for you itiir fre booklet tell huw. what lo Invest and mv rou Moony. Write UkUj. D. SWIFT & CO. PATENT LAWYERS, 03 Ssveath St., Washington, D. C. van Fill ail m MM m nn m m m IKSSIiOOD! - Shoes and LADIES er . l AND SPORT COATS Un 3f JRf JUST KECB1VBI) a nine of FUR 1 at reasonable prices. Wjv m '4$ A. L. ST AW BACK, If The Busv Store. WF.I.hON. N c T 1 ESTABLISHED 1892 Capital and Surplus, S63,000. WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT. 4 PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT W. K. UAMi:l I'KKSIDKN'I. W. It. SMITH. VIC K-I'ICKCUIIKNT. iirjHnKiitiiurMiajnKanirauusra INVITATION You are invited to open an account with the B s BWK OF ENFIELD, SHIELD, ll. C. S 4 Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart ment Compounded Quarterly. gjjjy" YOU can bank by mail mmsasxiiomiiumiMm CLOTHES DOH BUT THEY THAT Is, they heln him in business as well as social life, by giving him a prosperous, welk groomed appearance, Men who dress in good ! buv here because of the .. - choose from, Everything in the store is carefully selected by experts and quality is the first consid. In men's hosiery for Instance, we sell the reliable Interwoven socks "The Hosiery of a Gentleman." All fashionable colors; all weight-; In Silk, Lisle. Cashmere and Cotton at 40c. 50c. 75c. Per Pair rinnrn o. inorniiAAn rHiiDcn ot juacrnauiir Mens and Boys Outfitters WELDON, N. C. Fire Insurance & Surety Bonds ! Life, Accident and Health. Plate Glass and Automobiles. Repre senting leading companies. See me about your insurance wants. L. C. DRAPER Office in Green Building, WELDON, N. C. Wiitsr AI.SO - Clothing. COAT SUITS II -m 30 II K 1 I.. ' liKAI'KK, C A H 11 HH. osom S ME i taste say they like to excellent assortment tn HE