ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion-$1.5C Her aiiiiu i VOL. LIIL. WELDON, N. C, TIIUKKDAY, DKCKMItKlt 12, IJMS. no. :u 1 Net Contrr': 15Fluid Praclmj 1.11 TV H ' , I if I f 1 A . ' ' i' (i'if n " L SALUUIIUb-tt run w-- 1 -tk.rnAyi twD(4ll(A- C L...illUllll 'feamssEiiiP Thereby lVoraoUnSDiirtllai I rhcprfulntssumRKContt"1 i- neither Opium, Morphine not J ;. Mineral. Not KahcoticI 1,1 A Om fc CUnllmlsyr !ConslipalionandDiarrlK" and fcvenmn. resirtlinttfromjnlrf"'' EST ... . nl" hag: If - -.r.nWOAWr. J The utww" , II mm e&spw nnn Get The Habit CBuy for Cash. Save"C3 Ethe pennies by buy-TS3 ing at W. T PARKER & CO , Wholesale Cash Store WRLOOIM, N. C. THE Dining Room should be a cheerful place for when you eat your meals amid pleasant surroundings you do much to aid digestion. And good digestion means health.f HAVE US FURNISH YOUR DINING ROOM The variety of designs in Tables, Chairs, Side boards, China Closets, Serving Tables and the like, Is ample to satisfy your desires, whatever they may be, in the matter of style, finish and price. Come in and talk it over with us. We are as eager to GIVE satisfaction as you are to receive it. folk Furniture Company, Weldon, N. C. We are in position to give first class service on Automobile Repair ing, also Automobile Ignition, Light ing and Starting. Battery charging a specialty. When you need First Class Service at once call JONES & SONS GARAGE, Phone 205 P.O.Box244 For Infm.t.q anl Children. Mothers fvm That Genuine Castcria Always Bears the . ,i signature if IP r. a of Use For Over Thirty Years TOU WELDON, kN. C, ( iF In it -.v U, S. HEALTH SERVICE ISSUES WARNING Increase In All Respiratory Dis eases After the Influenza Epidemio Probable. Influama Expected to Lurk for Month, How to Guard Again it Pneumonia. Common Coldi Htghly Catching Im portance of Suitable Clothing Could Save 100,000 Uvea. Washington, D. O. With the subsid ence of the epidemic of Influenza (he attention of health officers la directed to pneumonia, bronchitis iiiul other diseases of the roKplnunry system which repulnrly caime a Ini'KO number of deaths, especially durliiK the winter Benson, According to Hupert llluo, Surgeon General of the I'nlteil Suites Public Health Nervict), these diseases will he especially prevalent this win ter unless (he people are particularly careful to obey health instructions. The present epidemic," said Sur geon General Blue, "lias taught by bit ter experience how reudlly a condition beginning apparently as a slight cold may go on to pneumonia and death. Although the worst of (tie epidemic Is over, there will continue to be a large number of scattered eases, many of them mild and unrecognized, which will be danger spots to be guarded against." The Surgeon General likened the present situation to that after a great fire, saying, "No fire chief who understands his business stops playing the hose on the chnrred debris as soon as the flames and visible fire have dis appeared. On the contrary, he con tinues the water for hours and even days, for he knows that there Is dan ger of the flrejreklndllng from smol dering mtorg,'1' "ftenjou fear another outbreak of infltfonlrf?" he was asked. "Not neces sarily another large epidemic," said the Surgeon General, "but unless the people learn to realize the seriousness of the dBfjr they will he compelled to pay a heavy death toll from pneumo nia and otter respiratory diseases. Common Colds Highly Catching. "It la encouraging to observe that people are beginning to learn that or dinary coughs and colds are highly catching and are spread from person to person by meuns of droplets of germ laden mucus. Such droplets are sprayed Into the air when careless or Ignorant people cough or sneeze with out covering their mouth and nose. It Is also good to know that people have learned something about the value of fresh air. In summer, when people are largely out of doors, the respira tory diseases (coughs, colds, pneumo nia, etc.) are Infrequent; In the fall, as people begin to remain Indoors, the respiratory diseases Increase; In the winter, when people are prone to stay In badly ventilated, overheated rooms, the respiratory diseases become very prevaleut. Suitable Clothing Important "Still another factor In the produc tion of colds, pneumonia and other re xplnitory diseases In carelesKiiens or lg tiurunce of the people regarding sult uhle clothing during the seasons when iht weuiber suddenly changes, sitting in warm moms too heavily dressed or, what Is even inure common, especially among women, dressing so llghily Unit windows are kept closi-d In order to be comfortably warm. This Is a very in jurious practice. Could 8ave 100,000 Lives. "1 believe we could easily snvo one hundred thousand lives annually In the fulled Stales If ell the people would adopt the system of fresh air living followed, for example, In tuber culosis sanatoria. There la nothing mysterious about It no specific medi cine, no vaccine. The Important thlrn Is right living, good food and pi en y jf fresh air. Droplet Infection Explained In Pictures, "The Bureau of Public Health. Treasury Department, has Just Issued a striking poster drawn by Berryman, the well-known Washington cartoonist The poster exemplifies the modern method of health education. A few years ago, under similar circumstances, the health authorities would have is sued an official dry but scientifically accurate bulletin teaching the role of droplet Infection In the spread of re spiratory diseases. The only ones who would have understood the bulletin woutd have been those who alreudy kuew all about the subject The man In the street, the plain citizen and the many millions who toll for their living would have had no time and no desire to wade through the technical phrase logy." CMM ftnUINZA. PNtUMONU, AN TVMUCIUMM UUL imtAS TXU WAY CoplM of tint potter can ba ob tained f.M of rhaiifc by wrlllnn lo tha Surgeon General, U. 8. I'ulilk' Ilea I til genlce, Washington, 0. U. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears Signature of Some men trust to luck in the world, and others are lucky to gei trusted USE STOMACH TROUBLE Mr. Marion Holcomb. of Nancy, Ky., says: "For quite a long while I suffered with stomach trouble. I would hive pains and a heavy feeling after my meals, a most disagreeable taste in my moulh. If I ate anything with butter, oil or grease, I would spit It up. I began to have rcHiilar sick headache. I had used pills and tablets, but after a course of these, I would be constipated. It just seemed to tear my stomach all up. I found they were no good at all for my trouble. I heard THEDFORD'S BLACK-D recommended very highly, so began to use it. It cured me. I keep it In the house all the time. It is the best liver medicine made. 1 do not have sick headache or stomach trouble any more." Black-Draught acts on the jailed liver and helps it to do its important work of throw im out waste materials and poisons from the sys tem. Tins medicine should be in every household for use iri time of need. Get a package today. If you feel sHicsish, take a dose tonight. You will feel fresh to muro.v. Price 25c a package. All druggists. ONE CENT A DOSE LIFE'S YEARNINCSc What must it be to have the springs of life Go thrilling through the veins with eager flow Till every nerve is tingling wiih delight. And it is joy to be alive and breathe And every breath imparts new force and power To mind and body? Oh! what must it be To have such conscious power to do and dare, To overcome all obstacles, to climb Whatever height, to reach whatever goal The heart desires ? Alas I 1 cannot know. For mine has been a heritage of pain, A fierce hard struggle day by day to live. A soul on fire to be of use, to do Some little work to help the great work on. Yet hindered day by day and step by step By this poor mortal body. Day by day The dear Lord knowing what is best for me Tries ine anew in furnaces of pain, Sends mcsonie disappointment or some grief, Tears off some earthly prop to which I cling. Cuts off some hope, and so, what can I do But cling to Him, my only hope, my all? But when my feet have crossed the shining seo, And my glad soul escaped its prison-house, Then oh I what joy, what blessedness and peace To rest forever in the light of God ! To see His Face; to hear Him say, "Dear child, The path I chose for you was best of all And I was walking with you all the way." HOW EISIS, yoyo AVOIDED AN OPERATION Canton. Ohio. "I suffered from a female trouble which caued me much suffering, and two doctors decided that 1 would have to go through an operation before I could get well. "My mother, who had been helped by LydiaE.Pinkham s Vegetable Com pound, advised me to try it before sub mitting to an opera tion. It relieved me from mv troubles so I can do mv house work without any difficulty. I advise any woman who is aiilicted witn female troubles to give Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound a trial and it will do as much for them." Mrs. Marie Bull), 1421 6th St, N. E., Canton, Ohio. Sometimes there ara serious condi tions where a hospital operstion is the only alternative, but on the other hand so many women have been cured by this famous rootsnd herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, after doctors have said that an operation was necessary every woman who wants to avoid an operation snouiu give it s fair trial before submitting to such a trying ordeal. If complications exist, write to Lydia E. PinkhamMl!iciIl-, r., i.ynn, Mass., for advice. Tin1 r-u;t ot many years experience is at your service. WAR OVER. An old colored washer woman Miih ihree sons in the war, had nun singing lustily while she rub h .1 up and down. When asked il she knew the war was over, and what she thought of it, she replied "Yes, indeed I does, and if shoe leather wasn't so scandalous high, I shore would shout, but its high, so I'm washing dese clothes jesi three limes ns hard as I usually does." Another one of the same color, and with two sons, was asked if she knew that peace had been de clared, said, "1 tell you honey I was laying in my bed mhinking about this here war and I was so worried I couldn't sleep, but lord a mossa when I heard detn bells and whisles and knowed it wasn't fire, I knowed the war was over, and I just turned over and slept till seven o'clock." Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA RAUGHT am I ONE FOR THE PARSON. Parson Lewis, who wan not averse to un uec'tRionnl toddy, hired tin Irishman In clean out li is cellar one mnrninjr. 1'at sttii ted in to work with n will, and found, unions llm other ruliliish, u number of empty bottles. Put earefully exam ined each bottle, by holding it to the light, The minister, looking; down to see bow Put wus getting nlonjf with the work, saw him looking through the bottles ami called out: "They are all dead ones,Pat." ''liulade, now, are they stir?" replied the Irislima. "Well, there's one good thing about it they all had the minister will 'em when they wuz dyin'!" WELL TRAINED HENS. A man in a country village wus preparing for his fourth "Hitting" in 12 months. The vicar happened lo pass and suid ''What, removing again, John?" "Yes, Bir," replied John. "You are taking your poul try, too, I seo. Aren't they get ting tired of being moved about? "(Jetting tired! Nofoar. Why blesg you, sir, they are quite used to it by now. Every time them bens sees a furniture van van arrive they run into the yurd and lie on their backs with their legs in the air, wait ing to have them tied." Tit Hits. For Croup "Chamberlain's Coutfli Hcmedy in aplrmlitl for croup," write Mrs. I'M ward Hussi'tt, Frankfort N. Y. "My children have been quickly relieved of attacks of this drcuilful com plaint by its use " 'this teniedy contains uo opium or other uareotic, aud may lie given to a child as cotiliilently as to adult. A school girl never graduaies iint? she has learned to siaba pick el with a hat pin. Mrs. Isley's Letter. Id recent letter Mrs. 1). W. latey, of Mtehlielil, 111 , ttaya, Ml have used Chamlterlaio'i Tablets for disonlers of tlie stumaeh ami ait a laxative, aod have fnuiiil them a quick aod lure relief." If you are troubled with indigestion or constipation these tableti will do you good. ADVICE TO "FLU" CONVALESCENTS SPAIN AND ENGLAND REPORT INCREASE IN TUBERCULOSIS AFTER INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC. U. S. Public Health Service Warns Public Against Tuberculosis. One Million Cases Tubercu losis in United States Each a Source of Danger. Influenza Convalescents Should Have Lungs Examined Coldi Which Hang On Often Beginning of Tuberculosis. No Cause for Alarm If Tuberculosis Is Recognized Early Patent Medi cines Not to Be Trusted. Beware tuberculosis offer In ftuenzi.. No need to worry if you take precautious In time. Don't diagnose your own con dition. Have your doctor exam Ine your luns Severn I times at monthly Intervals. Build up your strength with right living, good food and plenty of fresh air. Don't waste money on patent medicines advertised to cure tu berculosis. Become a fresh-air crank and enjoy Ufa. Washington, D. O. (Special.) Ac cording to a report made to the United States Public Health Service, the epi demic of Influenza In Spain has al ready caused an Increase In the preva lence and deaths from pulmonary tu berculosis. A similar association be tween Influenza and tuberculosis was recently made by Sir Arthur News holme, the chief medical officer of the English public health service, In hta aniilysis of the tuberculosis death rate In England. In order that the people of the Unit ed States may profit by the experience of other countries Surgeon General Rupert Blue of the United States Pub lic Health Service has Just Issued ft warning emphasizing the need of spe cial precautions at the present time. "Experience seems to Indicate," says the Surgeon Oenorul, "that persoos whose reslHtnnce has been weakened by an attack of Influenza arc peculiar ly susceptible to tuberculosis. With millions of Its people recently affected with Influenza this country uuw of fers conditions favoring the spread of tuberculosis." One Million Consumptives In the United States. "Then you consider this a serious menace?" was asked. "In my opinion It Is, though I hasten to add It is dis tinctly one against which the people can guard. So far as one can estimiitn there are at present about one million cases of tuberculosis In the United States. There Is unfortunately no complete census available to show ex actly the number of tuberculous per sons In each state despite the fact that most of the states have made the (list-use reportable. In New York city, where reporting has been In force for many years, over 35,000 cases of tu berculosis are registered with the De partment of Health. Those fumlllar with the situation believe that the ad dition of unrecognized and unreported rases would make the number nearer 60,000. The very careful health sur vey conducted during the past two years In Framlngham, Mass., revealed 200 cases of tuberculosis in a popula tion of approximately 15,000. If these proportions hold true for the United States as a whole they would Indicate that about one In every hundred per sons is tuberculous. Each of these constitutes a source of danger to be guarded against" What to Do. tn bis statement to the public Sur geon General Blue points out how those who have had influenza should protect themselves against tuberculo sis. "All who have recovered from In fluenza," says the Surgeon General, "should have their lungs carefully ex amined by a competent physician. In fact, It la desirable to have several ex aminations made a month apart Such examinations cannot be made through the clothing nor can they be carried out In two or three minutes. If the lungs are found to be free from tuber culosis every effort should be made to keep them so. This can be done by right living, good food and plenty of fresh air." Danger Signs. The Surpoon General warned espe chilly against certain danger signs, such as "decline" und "colds which hung on." These, he explained, were often the beginning of tuberculoids. "If you do not get well promptly. If your cold seems to hang on or your health and strength decline, remember that these are often the early signs of tuberculo sis. I' I ace yourself at otn-e under the care of a competent physician. Tuber mltvrts Is rumWf In the enrly stajea. Patent Medlelnse Dangerous In Tuber, eulosls. "Above all do not trust la the mis leading statements of unscrupulous patent medicine fakers. There Is do rtpeclflc medicine for the cure of tuber culosis. The money spent on such medicine la thrown, away; It should lie spent Instead for good food and de cent living." Stomach Trouble. "Before I used Chamberiaiu'sTablets 1 doetored a great deal for stomach trouble and felt nervous all the time. These tablets helped me from the Bret, and inside of a week's time I had im proved in every way," writes Mrs. I,. A. Drinkard, Jefferson City, Mo. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA &. &L i,,. nj; J 2 3; Z 1 .Z, ft I Fall ul Viator nu m m m m nn KSS - Shoes and II - LADIES COAT SUITS f w w sr -&m ff AND SPORT COATS ss I mn MM f Br" JiJSr ECEIVED a nine of FUR WU at reasonable prices. r - a-. LJ . MM The Busy Store, oc T ft w 111 Ul H ESTABLISHED 1892 Capital and Surplus, $63,000 WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT, 4 PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT W. Iv HAN1KL, I'RKHihHNT. W. R. HMITH. V H'H-l'HKSIDBNT, ftuaKWRHKuOKsUIUMKIIQra INVITATION. I You are invited to open an account with the BWK OF E AFIELD, EflFIELD, ft. C. i Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart. I ment Compounded Quarterly. YOU can CLOTHES DOn MI W THAT is, they heln him In business as well as social life, by giving him a prosperous, well groomed appearance, Men who dress In good taste say they like to buy here because of the excellent assortment to choose from. Everything in the store Is carefully selected by experts and quality is the first consid. eration. In men's hosiery for Instance, we sell the reliable Interwoven socks "The Hosiery of a Gentleman." All fashionable colors; all weight-; in Silk, Lisle. Cashmere and Cotton at 40c. 50c. 75c. Per Pair r innrn n AniijiiaBi rAtiDtii oc ju&trii&UN. Mens and Boys Outfitters WELDON, N. C, Fire Insurance & Surety Bonds ! Life, Accident and Health. Plate Glass and Automobiles. Repre senting leading companies. See me about your insurance wants. L. C. DEAPER Office in Green Building, WELDON, N. C. . T:. .r . 7" TrT -' ' ' )' 1 ALSO - Clothing. i mm mm mm n ' WELDON, N C ao II K S Lilj I.. O DRAPER, CAIUI1B. aottaqt bank by mail MAKE A HELF I

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