ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscrii)tioii--$1.5lj Her Ainni I VOL. LI II. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, DECILMIiEU 11), l!Ms. NO. !52 Children Cry Iha Kind You Have Alwayi Bounhf, and which has been in um (or over over 30 years, hm , ii (lis sluniiture f ff and has been nwiile under his fir- GLtJ&tfZfjis sonal 6UPrvisllin since its infmicy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-ns-gond " ore h;:t Experiments that trifle with and endanger fie health u Infants and Children Experience HKtiinFt Experiment. f What is CASTORIA Caitoria ii a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other nurcotic substance. Its age Is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has teen in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep, t The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought Get The Habit CTBuy for Cash. Save' !T"the pennies by biy-T5 ing at W. T. PARKER & CO , Wholesale Cash Store wri Hon, n. c. THE Dining Room should be a cheerful plaa-j for when you eat your meals amid pleasant surroundings you do much to aid digestion. And good digestion means health.? HAVE US FURNISH YOUR DINING ROOM The variety of designs in Tables, Chnirs. Side boards, China Closets, Serving Tables and the like, is ample to satisfy your desires, whatever they may be, in the matter of style, finish ..I price Come In and talk it over with us. We ;r: a eager to GIVE satisfaction as you are to receive ii. Weldon Furniture Company, v Weldon, N. C. IS' We are in position to give first class service on Automobile Repair ing, also Automobile Ignition, Light ing and Starting. Battery charging a specialty. When you need First 01 ass Service at once call JONES & SONS GARAGE, WEN' I Phone 205 p.03oi244 for Fletcher's Signature of ELDON, C. Jan Hi f CARGO OF SUPPLIES GOES TjMRCHANGEL Red Cross Sends Relief Ships for Allied Soldiers and Civilians in Starving Russia. A relief ship in recently sent from this country to Archangel by the American lU'A Cross with 4,000 tons ! of drugs, food, soup and other sup plies for the use of the Allied sold) en nil needy civilians In that part of ' Russia. The Tessera cargo wu Tal ued at $l,nil,2RB. Later, another ship was dtspatchad carrying 200 tons of similar supplies furnished by the American lied Oroaa, the total eipcndlture for the two ahlp nicnts amounting to over S2,000,00U Major O. T. Williams of Ilultlinore was In charge of the party of thirteen which accompanied the shipment from this country. Ue was formerly a mem ber of tho Hed Cross Commission for Roumanla. Major Klrkpatrlck, at one time a member of the latter commis sion, but recently attached to the Army Medical Corps, heads the medi an end of the Archangel elpandltlon. Drugs and general hospital supplies constituted the greater part of the cargo sent from America. While the chief concern of the ex pedition was providing comforts for American and Allied fighting met! In that part of the world, all efforts were I bent to get relief to the Russian sol- dlers who were returned from Qefi man prison camps at the rate of about 15,000 a week. The condition of these men was pitiable. It has been esti mated that 00 per cent of them were tubercular. In addition to drugs and food, al most every imaginable article on the list of supplies sent over was for the comfort, convenience and pleasure of the Allied soldiers. Just a few of these articles were playing cards, rasor blades, Jewsharps, mandolins, accordeons, nkaleles, phonographs, cameras, skates, wigs, whiskers, grease paints, footballs, snowsboes, slippers, hockey outfits, Indoor base balls, moving picture outfits, Bibles, prayer books, boxing gloves, games, music, books, cigarettes, candy and dried fruits. The need of prompt relief far the Inhabitants of towns along the coast of the White Sea and on the Kola peninsula, many of whom were facing starvation, was found to be Impera tive. Scurvy had broken out among the people at these places, adding to the general distress. The towns to which the relief ex pendltlon was sent are virtually Iso lated from the outBlde world because of the treacherous const line, shifting mind bars and uncharted waters. An exceptionally early frost, even for that part of the world, ruined the harvests, which were expected to Improve con ditions. Statements, printed In Rus sian, explaining the work of the Hed Cross, were distributed among the In habitants. TRIBUTES FROM SECRETARY BAKER Following a tour of South England, Secretary of War Baker mode this comment on the work done by the Amerlcnn Red Cross for our boys: "These are the things which count. The American Red Cross Is to be con gratulated on the way In which It la looking after our boys. It Is doing fine work." Following his return from France, Secretary Baker wrote this note te the Amerlcnn Red Cross In London: "I left London so shortly after my drive to Winchester that I bad no enrly opportunity to thank you for the courtesy of the touring car which you placed at my disposal for the trip. On this trip to Europe I have received fresh and noteworthy evidence of the astonishing efllclency of the American Red Cross operations In France and England. I have been delighted to see how much the American Red Cross has done to weld hearts of the allied people together." Don't climb so high that the world will noi see you when ll wains io remove the ladder. THE JO! OF it. Came to this Woman after Taking Lydia E. Pinkham t Vegetable Compound to Restore Her Health Ellensburft, Wash. "After I was married 1 was not well for a lone; time and s good deal of the tim was not able to ro about (hir preaUnt denim was to have a child In our home and one oVy my husband came back from town with a bottle of Lydia E. l'ink ham's Vegetable Compound and wanted me to try it. It brought relief from mv troubles. improved in health so 1 could do my rasework; we now have a littleone, all housework of which I owe to Lydia E. finkham'a Vegetable Compound. sirs. u. a. Johnson, R. No. 8, Ellcnaburg, Wash. There are women everywhere who lone for children in their homes yet are denied this happiness on account of some functional disorder which in most cases would readily yield to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. 8uch women should not give up hope until they have given this wonderful medicine a trial, ami for special advice write Lydia E. Finkhara Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. The result of 40 years experience is at your service. IlESi H coirn ' ' IWlReirf to, "When ft Poura, It THE TRANCE, Silence reigned within my sanctum Slowly sank the orb of day, Softly through my lattice stealing Came sweet notes of far away. O'erihe hill tops io the distance Angel hands all robed in while, Seemed io seek my lit tie collage Wilh harps of gold so dazzling bright. On they came in Heavenly grandeur Came and stood beside my bed. While 1 in trance-like silence waited They seemed lo think that I was dead. Then as if some spell came o'er ihem Turning scanned the space around, And said this subject must be living As it's spirit we've not fount!. They, then, in solitude departed These messengers who came to greet The soul of him who lay so deaih-like l-'rom whom they made a quick retreat. Thus deception ofi awakens Thoughts within us dormant long, Thai when really we've departed That band will come with Heavenly song. Hut a truth in this conneciion, And one that's golden to the core Is ihe fact, unless we're ready, They'll pass us by forever more. 'Tis only (hose who pulled in triumph O'er rough seas, and stemmed ihe tide Who'll make we oilier shore securely And safely with their Lord ubide. Weldon, N. C. Nov. 25ih, 1918. treat the matter as a joke or else to meie out extreme severity, Gen. Gordon chose ihe former alterna tive. "Look here," said he," "if I lei you go back to your own lines this lime, will you" Ii was unncessary to finish the sentence. With a spring in his feet ihe "Yank" dived off ihe river bank; and immediately his red was seen parting the water rapidly in the direction of the other shore. For Croup "t'liambt'rlwin'H I ouh lti'iii".!;' if splen Itil fur croup," wrilfs .Iik. I'M ffanl Kuweit, i'lankluit N. V. ".My children have been quickly relieved ot attacks of this dreadful complaint by its une " 'I bis remedy contains no opium or other narcotic, and may Ire irtveu to a child as confidently as to an adult. Stomach Trouble. "Before I used fhanilierlain's Tablet Idoelorula irrcst ileal for stomac' trouble anil felt nervous all the tiiin I'lirae tablets helped me from the lirnt, nod lltKlilc ofa Wi't-k's tune I hud Mir piovetl in every way," writes Mm. I.. A linl.arti, JellerNon City, Mo. The gladsome days have come to pass The finest ones we know We neither have to shovel grass Nor yet to mow the snow. Every lime a girl gets a small dent in her heart she imagines it is broken. Children Ory , FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Whenlt Pours. It Reigns CAN'T you just taste that cup ot good old Luzianne Coffee? Steaming hot and ready to give you a whole dayful of pep and go. The flavor Is wonderfully good and the nroma get it? oh, ma honey I Better run quick and get a bright, clean tin of Luzianne while it's there. If you don't like it every bit of it then your grocer vill give you back every cent you paid for it. Try Luzianne today and see) how mighty good it is, COPPF.R J. B. T. DEMOCRACY VS. AUTOCRACY. "There la no royal rorwi to food conservation. We can only ueconipllsh this by the voluntary action of our whole people, each element In proportion to Its necils. It 1b a matter of equality of hunlen," The truth of this statement, ninile by the Uulted States Food Administrator soon after we en tered the war, has been borne out by the history of our ex ports. Autoeratlc food control In the lands of our enemies hus broken down, while democratic food sliarliiK bus inuintalned the health and strength of this coun try and of the Allies. V CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears " Signature of "I'm a very busy man, sir. What is your proposition ?" "I want io make you rich." "Just so. Leave your recipe with me and I'll look n over later. Just now I'm engaged in closing up a little deal by which I expect to make $3 SO in real money." LOYALTY IN LITTLE THINGS LAST PROOF OF PATRIOTISM Americana without murmuring rut their sugar allowance from four pounds a month to three and tbea as lung as need be to two pounds for loy alty's sat. A woman believes everything a fortune teller says, provided she isn'l told thai her boy will not amount to anything. Mrs. Isley's Letter, In a recent letter Mrs, I). W. lsley, of Litcblleld, III , says, "1 have used Chamberlain's Tablets for disorders of the stomach and as a laxative, and hare found them a quick and sure relief." If you are troubled with indigestion or constipation these tablets will do you good. NEVER AGAIN. His Hirst Experience in An Air plane. My wife can believe If she wants in, That I'm a coward. I'll never try again I 0 convince her. hmm at I leMipsk ad Where they fly airplanes, We visited an aviator. And the cheerful idioi. Asked me to lake a ride. And my wile giggled, In that knowing way. And So 1 smiled And said: "Certainly." And then I sal down To keep from falling down. And my throat goi dry. And my hands clammy. And I thought of ihe lime I cheated a Chink lanndi yni in, Out of ninety-five cents. When I was in college. And all the tune My wife kept giggling. As if she dared me lo go And before I knew ii. They strapped me in. And I smiled at my wife. Like a sick cat. And something whirred. And I gulped down. Six gallons of air. And 1 looked down. And saw a lot. Of little black specks. floating before my eyes. And I said to myself. "I'm bilious." And then there was a jerk And I hiccoughed twice, And found out later. That we'd looped the loop. And all the time. I tried to tell him. I warned to go back down. But when I'd open my mouth, I'd fill up with air. And we would shoot higher And we went through a cloud. And there was strange music, Just like a jazz band. And I'm wondering, If lillle Irving Berlin Has kicked off And gone toHeaven. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S cajsjto ri a Food Will Win the World. America earned the jjrutltude of nl- ' lleil nations during war by sharing food. America under pence may win tbe world's good wl.l by saving te suure. Helps Sick Women Cardui, the woman's tonic, helped Mrs. Wil liam Evcrsole, of Hazel Patch, Ky. Read what she writes: "I had a general breaking-down of my health. I was in bed for weeks, unable to get up. 1 had such a weakness and dizziness, . . . and the pains were very severe. A friend toid me I had tried every thing else, why not Cardui ?.. . 1 did, and toon saw it was helping me . . . Aitcr 12 bottles, I am alrong and well." TAKE The Woman's Tonic m Do you leel weak, dlz- mr r g qr, worn-out? Ii your K - JF lick of good health caused I iaf from any of the com- V n plaints so common to women? Then why not give Cardui a trial? It hould surely do lor you what It has done for so many thousands of other women who lulfered It should help you back to health. Ask some lady friend who has taken Cardui. She will tell you how it helped her. Try Cardui. All Druggists 1st Y 1 Y iS h 1 i 1 Fall and l!;ssi00)f MM MM also WW m Shoes and j MM MM MM- LADIES mm st" 'mm AND SPORT nOA'fQ t a? V. MM MM M MM oi ir JUST KECmv.II) a nine of FUR at reasonable prices. MM MM m i l. mimcK, n 'U The Busy Store, WELDON, NC W k M:M M-M -'MM M M M M M M MM MM MM. UM MMMMMMMrMMMMMMMMMMMMMmU T ESTABLISHED 1892 Capital and Surplus, $63,000. WE INVITE YOUR AQCOUNT. 4 PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT W. I'. HAMKI., IMIKHIDKN'I. W. vna KOTSiatffiflamiamMMrllrraim INVITATION. I You are invited to open an account with the BMK 0FEHFIELD, Eft FIELD, fl. C. 4 Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart nient Compounded Quarterly. gjj YOU can bank by mail iarmoNitrxwfliaTO CLOTHES DON'T Mil A MANBUT 111 HELP. THAT is, they heln him cnH;it life hv tr i v i n tr I groomed appearance, j Men who dress in good taste say they like to buy here because of the excellent assortment to choose from. Everything in the store is carefully selected by experts and quality is the first consid eration. i I In men's hosiery for Instance, we sell the reliable ! Interwoven socks " The Hosiery of a Gentleman." All tasnionable colors; all Cashmere and Cotton at 40c. 50c. 75c. PerTair IT ADDED D. inorniionii i hiiulii u juocrnourr Mens and Boys Outfitters WELDON. N. C. Fire Insurance & Surety Bonds ! Life, Accident and Health. Plate Glass and Automobiles. Repre senting leading companies. See me about your insurance wants. L. C. DRAPER, Office in Green Building;, Winter MM Clothing. M-$ SUITS f 1 COAT II K It. SMITH. - i'HssMiasT. I., f DRAl'EH, I'ASIIIBH. E in business as well as him a r. n ...m . . 1 1 weight-;iin Silk, Lisle, " WELDON, N. C. s

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