Sui!! 'jjjj ESTABLISHED IN 1866. VOL. LIII. A NEWSPAPER f OK THE PEOPLE. WKLDON, N. C, TIIIJHKDAY. MM lilllf U.i, liHs. t erms of Subscription--$1.50 Per Annum NO. V'.l Fall and Winter (Kss(iOOI)S ALSO- 1 ySEESSSSHBI Bears thc ft Allc Saint Uiiistmas r.- I' . ... . n ..I,l,.lil in.nnt,,A M o IL J .j8W5ii. ' '" -' - ' ' . ... . - - & aSS'AJ;1 Ilea - W- Whs r s ft ' j "uitat inr ( jrrr, Jz-th S (' r vxv VkJJSSw-. VJr Fnr flvpr Ji$iK Wl 'l? a i - ; , , , J ii ! IW Wovcr him anOtW Cells, M M Sh -es aud Clothing. Get The Habit BBuy for 'va?h. Snv:"lg5 ISTthe pennipy hy hay-' ing ut W. T. PATIKHJI A; 00. Wholesah fJash S t o r o U l l IKIN, N. C THE Dining Room should be aj cheerful pi for when you eat your meals amkl plc.'i .ur surroundings you do much to aid digest i:n ;And good digestion means health. r HAVE US FURNISH YOUR DINING ROOM The variety of designs in Tables, Ch liis. fide hoards, China Closets, Serving Tables and tiie ik U BlBpUt to satisfy your desires, whatever tile may fee. In the matter of style, finish t ri.. Come io and talk it over with r.s ' e re .. eager to GIVE satisfaction as you aic to n-ct-i e Weldon FnrnitiN Ci Weldon, N. C. mpany JlnSKIiSS Ifllit We are in position to give first class service on Automobile Repair ing, also Automobile Isnition,Liaht ing and Starting. Battery charging a specialty. When you need First Glass Service at once call JONES & SONS Phone 205 P.OBox244 GARAGE, WELDON, :n, c, nn MM mm . . j 1SSL L. auikh uuat SUITS ii f AND SPHPT PAATaS . awnw V mm f-t- B3 JUST RECEIVED a Line of FUR S UU at reasonable prices. S st www mm The Busy Store, WELDON, N C rrHROUGHOUT this Christmastide nd Coming Year may we corv stantly give that greatest gift of love Service to the cause of right and justice, to our fellow man and to our Country. Thus giving we shall merit that joy which comes only to those of whom Christ said: "Well done." m-.v X- Oh, Teddy Bear, I'm glad you c"ne' like wild tnimali what'l S tame. IT I'm not abaid to tqueeu you t light, 'Cause you won't mail or map ' or bite. ft I'll take you with me ev'ry dy. Jyl Togezzer we will romp and play. At night time,, too my dearie Ted, Aft You'll uiuddU tiv me m mv V- A I I I am crou, you will not You'll alwaya be my Teddy V r - ' Dear. Christmas Superstitions b Homes of Our Allies 5 OK the now world and the modern customs r l ways ili't'jily tntirtstcd in tlltv Mill it I tit hi1Iifi i.k mi. Ji usual nuuinurlHms of the I t'ountrlps itrrosa tho ooi'iin. rurllt'iihuiy hnre tlie habits of tintf loud bdiI Franco lk-M us; tlu ftirmur ht'cnust sin in our mother country, tho latter because of the umnn'iuliiiljle dear memory of Lafayette, mid more recently because of flint same spirit so gloriously upheld today by France's noble wins. And this holiday time finds us with our eyes turned Hilther ward for a more potKiiiuit reason for there aren't many Iioiiion who cannot 1 Claim a futher, a sou or a brother "over there." 1 And It is well to know some of tho homely, sweet little miperstltlnnn which prevail among the people of our allies. In England and in Scotland the nuy tng goes Hint It in unlucky for anybody but a brunette to llrst cross the thresh old on Christian niomliitf. To bake bread on Christinas day It) praiseworthy, and loaves baked then will never grow moldy. In these times of scarcity of flour, the poor luaves do not staml half a chance to mold I Woe to the housewife who on this day turns a mattress. It bodes 111 luck , for the whole year. A superstition which had Its origin In Devonshire tells us that It Is had form and 111 luck Imleeti not to wish the bees good morning aud the compli ments of the season, On Christmas eve the hives are deconilcl with springs of green and a bit of red ribbon. Tin also said that bees sing nit night on Clii'lMums eve. Hut bees are rather perpetual singers, anyway. The graceful traditions prevail, In I northern Kngland and Wales, that the birds Rnd beasts have some mystic connection with the Nativity. Hence, the farmers and landowners purchase sheaves of oats from little boys who sell them as our boys sell holly. These bundles nre placed In convenient high places In trees and fences, that the birds may partake. The cattle, sheep, font, and even the pigs, are all given double the amount of feedings on ChrlKtmas morning. In Lyons, France, at the Foundling uuspltnl, a very pretty custom la to welcome the ftt bHy tht nirive with special honors: a bcrthhoned cradle, padded basket, soft clothing, solicitude and a bestowal of gifts, aud I'urelul attention. Thin fa dune In ex plitthiii of the poor welcome given to a Wee Child ot IMI.IHu-in 20 tciilurleN ago, and u l.e.miiliil thought It la. In -n o pimiiHvs In France It I' m t ii. ' h cross a strauf (I :w duy. For Croup "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is splendid for croup," writes Mrs, Ed ward llasaelt, Frankfort, N. Y. "My children have Wen quickly relieved of attacks of this dreadful complaint hy its use " This remedy contains no opium or other narcotic, and may be given to a child aa confidently at to an adult Mrs. Isley'a Letter. In a recent letter Mrs. I. W. Isley, of l.itchtiold, lit , nay, "1 have used cliaiuhertam'a Tablets for disorders of the stomach and as a Uxative, and have found them a quick and sure relief." If you are troubled, with indigestion or constipation these tablets will do you good. messaoe of peace to thc nations fiilTUrtdflimli.11 Jrt mc hovels uhcre poverty Ouielk Hhcre islifc-tWrc islife for tne tymp', 3h tk beautiful JJetKleKein bells DA'ni WlTrt V I 1 1 1 f-EAR Santa Claus, I'm waiting here For you to come with your reindeer, I And bring the toys you've got for me , Right down into this chimmeny. Can't Keep my head up very straight. So hope you won't be awfly late. Might go to sleep in this big chair So Santa, if you really care To meet me, as I hope you do, You'll maKe your reindeer come right thru 'Cause if this date you're going to Keep, jr Do hurry 'fore I go to sleep. 2 lew liscape. I here are fi w indeed who escape hav ing at least one cold during the winter months, and tliry are fortunate who have but one and get through with it quickly and without any noun conse quences. Take Chamberlain's Cough Keniedv and observe the directions with each bottle, and you are likely to be one of tbefortunateones. The worth and merit of this remedy has been lulty proven. There are many families who bave always used it for yean ahen tiou bled with a cough or cold, and with the wry best of results, Stomach Trouble. "Before I used Chamberlain's Tablets I doctored a great deal Tor stomach trouble and felt nervous all the time These tablets helped me from the tint, and inside of a week's time I had im proved in every way," writeB Mrs. L. A. Dnnkard, J e Hereon City, Mo. Some men are almosi quarrel some enough to provoke a pugilist mo a fight. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A T II K Of f HI ESTABLISHED 1892 0 Capital and Surplus, 163,000. WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT. 4 PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT W. I'. llAMI-:!., I'RKMhKNT. W. Ii. SMITH. VICH-l'HRIIiniNT. !.. ' IIRAI'ER, I'AHIIIIl. INVITATION. a I You are invited to open an account with the BMK OF E AFIELD, Eft FIELD, . C. I f Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart 8 ment Compounded Quarterly. Y0U can bank bv mail nireatniiaMimtMBMariiTiimiwiaOT ClOiS DON'T MAKE 1 MAN BUT THEY HELP. 1 HAT is, they heln him In business as well am social life, by Riving him a prosperous, welU groomed appearance, Men who dress In good taste say they like to buy here because ot the excellent assortment to ihoo;e from. Everything in the store Is carefully selected by experts and quality is the first conbld. eratlon. In men's hosiery for Instance, we sell the reliable Interwoven socks-"The Hosiery of a Gentleman." All fashionable colors; all weight-; In Silk, Lisle, Cashmere and Cotton at 40c. 50c. 75c. Per Pair FARBER & JOSEPHSOfJ, Mens and Boys Outfitters WELDON, N. C. i i

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