ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOK lilt. rtUKL. :f Hi ol SUilLriDiloll-- . VOL. LIII. WELDON, N. C., THURSDAY, -lAM'AIiY 2.i. I Ml' NO.: . , I I 1WP I u 3r: p iwt is?-. ' ANet Content! ISFItiidDracM 11 P II .1 i!Mimi.-n pvm atLhX AVcclablc IVcparatioofcfAi ..-..Inl.nJthfFlWlli IwftrtuU- tin 4 U StMMchs ami Bo TheretyrromotlntBHelo"! ClwerriiltiMS ana ne nelther Oplant.Morphtoe not MineroLNoT rAitco MX CASIORIA ForlnfnntmTvl Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears tlio Signature. of t Ll..f..l U.mpltv for ConslipalionandDisrrlioM l and Fever''" . TAcsnir Sleep resuIUiiatlwttrjiLrfu i.r ( )fv In Use For Over Thirty Years fell 3 S neWVORK-J lCASTORIfl TMK 81 NTftUR eOMMaaf MIW VOnH fllTV Exact Copy of Wrapper. Get The Habit CBuy for Cash. Save'Cj Cthe pennies by buy-"C3 ing at W. T. PARKER & CO , Wholesale Cash Store WRLOON. N. C. 0 -rrn THE Dining Room should be a cheerful place, for when you eat your meals amid pleasant surroundings you do much to aid digestion. And good digestion means health.F HAVE JJS FURNISH YOUR DINING ROOM The variety of designs in Tables, Chairs, Side boards, China Closets, Serving Tables and the like, Is ample to satisfy your desires, whatever they may be, in the matter of style, finish and price. Come in and talk It over with us. Ve are as eager to QIVE satisfaction as you are to receive it. Weldon Furniture Company, Weldon, N. C. FIRST-CLASS ill SWEET CHOCOLATE CARRIEDUNDER FIRE Chocolate Furnished by V. M. C. A. Arrlvss Jutt When It U Netded With the A in rlran Arm lee In Frnwc, Jan. . ., Plaining the mn of Company D, JoHHi Machine Ulid but lalleu, ilaili Division, Howard H. Keln tr, t Y. M. C A. nmii of Dunaellon, Fla., tf Hi how, when without food, the sent the nwt'Mt chocolate which be ifcurud fur thmii to an 1 sol ted pit toon, which wna under severe lire, aaess thft Vesle rlrur ut Fiumos. It wax during th heavy fighting esHtward from Chateau Thierry, that the men of tha 109th Machine Gun But tullon got ahead of luulr supyltes, and the sweet chocolate wbloh the Y. M. C. A. managed to get to them, was specially welcome. The battalion reached the Vesle riv er on its advance. There the German line held. Men were thrown acrosi the river by various unite to keep in contact with the enemy. There was terrific fighting all along the line. A platoon of Company D was hurried over to help in holding the narrow strip that had buen taken at great cost by the American soldiers, It was sur rounded on three sides by the Boche, who tried every meant) In his power to dlalodgo them, gas, shells, machine gun fire and snipers. It was a difficult matter to get food over to thea for men with supplies had to cross tfet river whloh was exposed and under heavy Ore. FIGHTING PARSON GETS WAR CROSS Jehn Ollffera' Wearing Y. M. 0. A. Uniform, Prevea Hlmstlf RmI Hart New York, Jan. Thare hare many war horoes, but there li certalal ne more oonsplrtiously heroic flgura than John H. Clifford. Daptiit minis tor la time of peace, but real fighter a time of war, who hnH beel awarded a Croli de Ouerra tor aitraordlnair karalim In action. John Clifford, as a Y. M. 0. A. worker, braved the red wrath ol war. He hag been In thx firing tone aa muoh as the hardlpnt infantryman and wis decorated for a most unusual ex ploit. He waa (.ne of three aten whe braved Inoessam enemy .hsll fire while rescuing. Ol. Albiilus W. Catlia. cuminandlng oritur of the aitth refl- ment of Marine. The trie carried the oolenel to aafety on a stretchar. Mr. Clifford went over the top many tinea and oeme near being killed on aeveral occnulona. He It Ml? -one yeara old and waa born at Oxford, nf land, and has preached the goapel In many pitrta of the world When given a chanre to aerve with the Y. M. C. A. in Prance, he knew that It waa a good thing, anil he Jumped at It. We are in position to sive first r.lass service on Automobile Repair ing, also Automobile Ignition,Light ing and Starting. Battery charging a specialty. When you need Firat Class Service at once call JONES & SONS Phone 205 P.O.Box 244 GARAGE, WELDON N. C. PERSHING SENDS MOTT NEW YEAR GREETINGS ParlK, Dec. K. Many times during the lia&t year General PerHhlng ha taken octagon to commend the work of the Y. M. C. A. for the aoldlnra of the A. K. F. and to expreaa hie keenest appreciation for the many good deed. done by tha "Y" In this country. On Chrialmas Day the commander of tha American Expeditionary Forces aent the following cablegram to Dr. John R. Mott, head of the National War Work Council: With a deep feeling of gratitude (or the enormous contribution which tha Army Young Men's Christian Associa tion haa made to the moral and phyai cat welfare of tha American Army, all ranks -.n me in sending you Christ- iiiub greetings and cordial best wtattaf for the New Year." Proh ilily ills: in ki d ingerous Iiiimi arc ilime who Imvc honest m Hives imil ilKhiinesl practices. A man's self esteem often re eives a terrific blow fiom the small boy who wains in know things. BJBSSJ Demand For Scuppernonj Grapes Greater Than Eve Scupperion!! drown Attention! Science has learned how to produce the fatriou.-. VIRGINIA DARE in non nlcoho'; forn 1, Will' ll violates no law of state or naiion. The popu larity of this old drink in new form id already assured. The need for Scuppemong Grapes will be greater than ever. Take care of your vines. Fertili.e and cultivate. The i: s will be most profitable. If you know a Scuppernong grower cut this out and mail it to him. GARRET 1 & COMPANY Bush Terminal Bldg. No. 10 Brooklyn, New York WHERE LILIES BLOOM, SAVES WIFE From Suffering by Getting Her Lydia E. Pinkham'i Vegetable Compound. Pittshureh. Pa. "For manv months 1 waa not able to do my work owine to n weakness whicn caused backache and headachea. A friend called m v attention to one of newijinpir averusemenu ami immediately mv huabaad bought three bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham'a V eft eta ble Com pound for me. After taking; two bottles 1 felt fine and my troubles caused by that weak- ni'Mar.athingof thepaat All women who -.:f. . r as did should try Lyuia Pinklirih.'a Vegetable Compound." Mrs. J a;;. Rn:!':m:no, 620 Knaup ot., N. 8.. Pi'.t. ' sr.h. Pa. Women wh suil'er from any form of weakness, as uli'icnted by dispiacemenu, inflammation, ulceration, irretrularitiea, backache, heatlachea, nervousness or 'the bluea." should accent Urs. Rohr berg's auprgestion and give Lydia Plnkhame Vegetable Compound a thorough trial. For over forty years It has been correctine; auch ailments. If you have mysterious complications write for advice to Lydia K. Pinkhain Medicine Co.. Liua. Ataas. They lio in France Where lilies bloom; Those flowers pale That guard each tomb Are saintly souls That smiling stand Close by them i n That martyred land, And mutely there the long night shadows creep From quiet hills to mourn for them who sleep, While o'er them through the dusk go silently The grieving clouds that slowly drift to sea, And lately round them mourned the winter wind Whose voice, lamenting, sounds so coldly kind Yet in their faith those waiting hearts abide The time when turns forever that false tide. In France they lie Where lilies bloom, Those flowers fair For them made room Not vainly placed The crosses stand Within that brave And stricken land; Their b o n o r lives Their love endures, Their noble death The right assures, For they shall have their hearts' desire They who, unflinching, braved the tire, Across tlio fields their eyes at last shall see Through clouds and mist the hosts of victory. Percival Allen, in N, Y. Times. IN SHEOI.. Saian banked the furnaces of; everlasting torment, saw to it thai there was plenty of red ash brim stone on hand and told his friends that if ihe temperature went down to less than 6,000 in the shade to turn on ihe forced draft. Then he went to preside at a conference he had called on the banks of the banks of the Siyx. Roll call showed thai Lucifea, Ahriman, Belial, Samuel, Reelze bub, Titan, Shedim, Mephisio peles, Asmedeus and Molock were on hand. "Now, gents," said the original heat administrator, "we have come lo confer on Ihe matter of punish ment or one Bill Hohenzollern and his six trifling and healihy sons who luve been ubomiiuiiing the earth. What shall we do to 'em?" "Six billion years in ihe heat therealicr without their uud ils, " they shouted, as with one voice. Whereat the conference d.ised. IIs LOVE ENDUKK. Vi e sail for the Happy Isles, my dear, Over ihe deep.sea ways; Into the light, Oul of ihe night, Out of ilu by-gone days. We shall reach the Happy Isles, my dear, Beyond the wrecks of ihe past, Side by side, O'er the waters wide, It love endure to the last. Eugene C. Dolson. Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A WHY HE LEFT TOWN, ll was because the following items appeared in his paper: 'Mrs. Thomas W. Johnson read an article for ihe women's club entitled, 'Personal Devils,' Seventeen were present." "Mr. John Grouse shipped a carload of hogs lo Kansas City one day last week. Three of his neigh bqrs went in with him lo make up the load." HOMELY PHIZZ. Mr. Mugg (relating his adven lures.) And starvation stared me in die face. Miss Bright: Unpleasant for boili of you, I should ihiuk. TO COMB LA I EM. Paiience Is thai young man 1 saw Peggy Willi today iheune she is engaged to? Patrice I guess so Puii'.-nce Bui why isn't he fighting? Patric Oli, dear; they're not married yet. APHKOVI-1) BY EXPIiKIKNCK. An Eastern clergyman says that kissing is a relic of the d irk ages. There are many customs ihai come down from the dark ages eaiing, for one. Life. Little Hazel had attended a church christening and upon her return home her grandmother asked her what ihey did. "Noili .ing much, repliea Hazel, except wash the kid's hair." Too many men spend their mon ey before they see it. HOME, SWEET HUMt. There Is No Place Like Home The best of us are like animals we rush into hotels for shelter. Home is such against the hard ness of the world. Margery Bell, ihe Cleveland girl who ran away, said on her re turn home : "You'll never know how much you want and need your mother, or your brother, or your father, until you're away from them." Ah, how strong, how unerring, WOk nuns V. hi: i. m vssi ir iBl wail W HBjcyjgi. .- j, v.-7-.w LIQUIDS & PASTES FOa BIACK.WHITE, TAM, DARK BROWN OP OX-BLOOD SHOES, KEEP YOUR SHOES NEAT A QUICK BRILLIANT 4 it i cflTuco t 111 I. t ut.f-,iw Pllfl THEF.r.0AtirvC5RPO0TI0RS.LTt.!l MX urn MM MM itf .V vKi -,v fom later UKNsiioonSl ALSO m Shoes aud Clothing. are the fundamental instincts of human nature; we can never out live them. The joyous child allur ed by the bright flowers, die but tertlies, the rainbow, may forget and wander far. But when the feel are bruised and the limbs weary and the heart sore, and it seems naught bui siraugeness, it cries for home. Men and women have a liule stronger limbs and a little stronger 1 hearts; they can chase ihe butter-' flies and the rainbows a liule lanh- : er, and ihen ihey, too, nnisi like the liule child, see the mocking folly of ii all and, weary, heart-i sick, cry for refuge home. Eor many of us the old home may no longer exist except in i memory, but if in memory ii is en- J shrined, then, whatever the dis- I appointments, the deceptions, ihe despairs of lile, we still may mm 1 new hope, new courage, and new j mm urn mm Stat m m MM KM tM AND SPORT COATS t LADIES COAT SUITS ii - m gfy JUST RECEIVED a Line of FUR at reasonable prices. tr$ mi .L.SWWCK, Sg The Busy Store, WHLDON, N C 4 aui&usu &&mmwu&$- 3C T II K inspiraiions, as did lliis poor girl, back io ihe old home, where love glows against die world's coldness. Misfortune lias its recompense when il turns us back to sel our lips once more to the spring of love lhal is pure and undefiled. Amid joys and successes our surroundings seem not so near lo us; they are remote in their unre ality; their glitter and abundance. And when sorrow comes il Knds us sick wiih loneliness, il is then that in the lowly home of child hood every table and chair and picture seems to lake tongue and call and call, and call to us. And ihe call comes through ihe dis tance and through the years like strains of deep-loved and never-to-be forgotten music, tilled with mul titudes of sweet associations lhal make the heart beat quick. Weekly Health Talks The Many Mysteries of Nature BY L W. BOWER, M. D. You can take an onion wod and a nar-v seed, and plant thwn mIo by side m the same spat of gn-m. i. in one case, yuu get an onion, with it j)ecuLiarly striae odor, and in the other you get a flower of rare beauty. ou can plant a poppy sued and set opium (a dangerous, habit-lumimj: drug), or you can plant a rhubarb seed aud get something that helps constipation. No scientist, living or dead, can ex:l;iiu thine mysteries of Nature. Behind tho invisible life girm in each seed is hidden the deep secret that nobody understands, kvervthuui growing out of the ground soenis inlendod (or some use in estabuxhing natural couUiUona. Dr. iVfco, ol iiuiTiilo, iS. V.. long since found out what ts naturally best for women's demurs. Ho learned it all through trr atiug thousands ol ciutes. The result of his studies was a medians called Dr. Picror $ Kavnte Ikrosrnption. This medicira is made of vi gctable growtlis Uiat nature surely in tendod foroaokaehn, headache, weakens 4, drains, bearing-down paiua, periodical it frgularities, pelvic inBsinmationa, and for the many disorders common to women in all ages of life. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is made of lady's slipper ntot, black cohosh root, unicorn root, blue cohosh root and Oregon grape root. Women who take this standard remedy know that in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription they are citing a safe woman's toojc so good that druggists everywhere sell it Favorite Prescription should have the full confidence of every woman in America because it contains no alcohol and no narcotic. Dr. Pierce knew, when he first made this standard medicine, that whiskey and morphine are injurious, and so he has always kept them out of his remedies. Send ltte to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, tiuflato, N. Y. for trial pkg. Tablet. ESTABLISHED 1892 Capital and Surplus, 103,000. f WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT. 4 PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT W. K. DANIKI., FHKxIltttNl. It. SMITH. v-i'K-lHKKllBNr. . I' liRAl'KK, CANIIIRB. CLOTHES DOS'! MIO i MAN-BUT THEY HELP. THAT is, they heln him in business as well as social life, by giving him a prosperous, well groomed appearance, Men who dress in good taste say they like to buy here because of the excellent assortment to choose from. Everything in the store is carefully selected by experts and quality is the first consid. eration. In men's hosiery for Instance, we sell the reliable Interwoven socks--"The Hosiery of a Gentleman." All fashionable colors; all weight; in Silk, Lisle. Cashmere and Cotton at 40c. 50o. 76c. Per Pair FARBER & JOSEPHSON. Mens and Boys Outfitters WELDON, N. C. lu Iwk & Millwd Weldon, N. C. MANUKACTUKERa OF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO OltOER AND HEtil'LAUHTUtK SIZES , Oood Materials, High Qradt Workmanship Our Slogan.

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