ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--!. er Annum VOL. LIU. WELDON, N. C, TIIUltSDAY, .JANUARY '.UK l!M. NO. II SMILES. Children Cry for Fletcher's Th Kind You Have Alwayt Bounht, and which hai been la tut lor over over 30 yean, has l.nrne the signature o! and has been made under his per fjfLsjGWTtt,, 'onal supervision since its Infancy. Allow no one to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but toperiments that trifle with and endanger the health ut Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. ! What is CASTORIA ) Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains ! neither Opium, Morphine nnr other narcotic substance. Its age Is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has keen In constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 'Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THI CIHrtlJR CO Get The Habit CBuy for Cash. Save Cthe pennies by buy ing at W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Cash Store Wl-LOON, N. C. T Jl THE Dining Room should be a cheerful place for when you eat your meals amid pleasant surroundings you do much to aids digestion. And good digestion means health.f HAVE JJS FURNISH YOUR DINING ROOM The variety of designs in Tables, Chairs, Side boards, China Closets, Serving Tables and the like, Is ample to satisfy your desires, whatever they may be, In the matter of style, finish and price. Come In and talk it over with us. We are as eager to GIVE satisfaction as you are to receive it. Weldon Furniture Company, Weldon, N. C. mm 111 We are in position to sive first class service on Automobile Repair ing, also Automobile Ignition, Light ing and Starting. Battery charging a specialty. When you need irsc Class Service at once call JONES & SONS The IMevator to happiness Isn't Running lake the Stairway oi Smiles. Did you ever notice how many dillcreni kinds of smiles there are? There is die smile of the good looking diiine makes youwunl lo go A. W. 0 L There is ilie smile of revenue of the fellow who is glad you got what you deserved. There is the silly smile of ilie fel low who never sees any further lh.ui his nose There is the cheery smile of the hube. There is the counterfeit smile of the pessimist and there Is the smile of pride that the fellow has who owns a Ford. Then there is the most common smile lhat the Kid (you know how he wears his rings and mlks wiih his hands), who wants to sell you a $35 suit for $9.99. (Jl course, we tlon't pet to see the latier smile now days. Instead we see the smile of satisfaction of the quartermaster sergeant, who is lo get rid of the stuff. There is the cynical, smile, gasiromic smile, professional smile and numerous other smiles, but the smile of smiles is the sunshine smile that reaches from the heart to the soul, and seems to say: "Are we down hearted? No!" The fellow must have had a cheerful smile who said : "The world is so full of so many things I'm sure we should smile and be happy as kings." There is lots of good philosophy in the Chinese niaxium, "Cheer up ! You'll soon be dead." It would lake a discharge to make some guys around this place smile. With their long faces they look worse than the poor old wid ow woman when some one wet her kindling and cut her well-rope. They haven't cultivated the easy habit of slanting the mouth up ward and brightening the face. Maybe they don'l know thai smil ing is an investment with small premiums that pays a big dividend. The fellows you like lo associate with most are the cheerful. Your most confidential friends are peo ple who look on the bright side of life and smile. The fellows in G. H., No. 19, you like best are smilers. The reason Sammie Grossman is the most popular fel low in the detachment is because he has a smile for everybody and goes about his work in a superla tive cheerful manner. The Elevator to Happiness isn't running take the Stairway to Smiles. DEFECTIVE GOODS. Mother was attracted by the yells of her youngest offspring. For some strange reason she sus pected that her son William had something to do with the vocal commotion. With father's Sunday- go-to-meetin' razor strop in hand she hurried 10 the nursery. Willie met her with a disappoint ed look on his face. "Say, ma," he began, disgusted ly, "Mrs. Brown was all wrong. It won't do it at all." "Won't do whai?" demanded ma. "Bounce," said Willie. "She the baby was u bouncing boy, but he ain't." Increased Demand For Scuppernong Grapes The discovery of a remarkable method of pro ducing Virginia Dare in NON-ALCOHOLIC form will, under prohibition restriction, make Virginia Dare the national drink. We will need more Scuppernongs than ever. Keep your soil and vines in A I condition for a big yield. The de mand will be great. The prices will be attractive. If you know a Scuppernong grower cut this out and mail it to him. GARRETT & COMPANY Bush Terminal Bldg. No. 10 Brooklyn, New York TO GET BACK HOME. BY I.IUUTENANT RICE, THIRD AKMY A. li. F. Phone 205 P.O.Box 244 GARAGE, WELDON, Weekly Health Talk Whare Most Slcknaat Begins and Enda BY FRANKLIN DUANE, H. D. It can be aaid broadly that moot human UJi begin in the stomach and end in thr Btomacn. UOOU oikokuiid mimiia (in health, anil poor digestion means bin health. The minute your stomach fails t properly dispose of the food yoir eai Irounlos begin to crop out in various form.' Indigestion and dyspepsia are the eon. monest forms, but thin, impure blood hwulachee, backaches, pimples, blotches dutiiiots, belching, eoatml tongue, weak di-jw, poor appetite, sleeplessness, eounhH eoiiis ni utuuuiuu tuu uol 4C0lil;. Then but one ay to hare good hrall and that is to put and keep your sunn in good order, This is easy to do if yo take Dr. Pierce's Golden Mediral )i corery It a wonderful tonic and bloo purifier, and is to safs to take, for it i made of roots and herbs Dr. Pierce, c. Buffalo, N. Y., stands behind this standar i.n I it is SOod tO luiOW tlllU I li.iimm '.u nhvsieiu is proud to hliVl his nmno ulc milled witb it. When you take (lu'.Jun Medical Diaoorery, you are riling the beuefit of the experience of a da.iur whose reputation goee " around Hit. earth. Still more, you get temper ,..., moilifiine thai eontainB not a drop of alcohol or narcotic of any kind. Long ago Dr. Fierce combined certain valuable vegetable ingredients without the use of alcohol so that these remedies always hav hn strictly temoarance medicines. If oilea are torturing you, get and use Pierce's Anodyne Pile Ointment The quick relief it gives is hard to believe until you try it. II constipated, Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should be taken while using Anodyne Pile Ointment. Few in doeif are the eases which thinti splendid remedies will sot relieve and usually over come. They are so good that newly no drag taanlar ml. To get back home again and there to see Old friends and faces of long vanished days, To hear some friendly voice call out to me From street or corner of remembered ways, Where rain or shine or wind-blown winier snow The lights of home hold up iheir golden shield, With soft, warm arms from out the long ago In wailing welcome from the silent Held. To get back home again to know at last The guns are still from Flanders to Lorraine; The day of slogging through ihe mud is past, The night of terror in the driving rain Lies hidden in the midst of Argonne drifts, A grim, yet holy spectre of the years, That wait ahead, where every shadow lifis Before the smile thai welcomes through its tears. To gel back home again 0, dream of dreams Too radiant to last but for a breath; The drift of purple nights and singing streams Beyond black dawns still rife with ghosts and death, Beyond the dreamless sleep of (hose who wait To hold the line they fought for to the end, Eternal sentinels at Freedom's Gate, Where none shall pass save those who whisper "Friend." To get back home again yes, that is all; The rest is less than nothing down the world; To hear no more the bugle's waking call The tramp of marching feet all standards furled And only silent thought of those who siay To hold the guard across the endless years, Who will not come again the ancient way Nor know the "smile that welcomes through its tears." BEYOND THE GATES WELL TRAINED. "Sweetheart, Dinner Is Served.'' Hawaiian servants are among the most faithful in ihe world, says a woman of experience whose story in Harper's Magazine, but they are strangely unsophisticated. They have an overwhelming de sire to call you by your first name. Our man servant was always say ing to my husband, "Yes, Frank," or "All right, Frank;" and to me, I "To be sure, Mabel," and "I'm going out, Mabel. Finally it got on my nerves to such an extent that I discharged him, and when the new cook appeared I told my husband not to mention my first name in his presence; (hen per haps he would call me Mrs. So Frank was always very careful and always addressed me as "deary" or "sweetheart"; but the new cook, a prudent fellow, gave me no title ai all. One night we gave a dinner to a large pany of friends, I was telling them how I had successfully over come, in my new cook's case, the native servants' abuse of their em ployers' Christian names. I could depend, at .least, on this servant's not addressing ne as "Mabel." At lhat moment the new cook en tered the room, bowed to me re spectfully and said : "Sweetheart, dinner is served." "What !" I stammered. "Dinner is served, deary," he answered, with another bow. I go on strange adventures Through the Gates of Sleep; Ay, in a world of wonder My will-less way I keep; With marvel after marvel Passing before mine eyes, However great the mystery It gives me no surprise. 1 go on strange adventures- Men proclaim them dreams, Declare it all unreal, I Where nothing is just seems; And yet and yet, I now not; Forsooth, how can I dare To say, the body slumbering, How far the soul may fare? go on strange adventures, And while agone 1 mate With most amazing company Beyond the Sleeping gate; By paths not of my choosing Most mystically led Sometimes I greet the living And oftentimes the Dead f I go on strange adventures.i I flit from place to place Without a touch of weariness, Defying time and space; Sometimes I talk with monarchy. With sages 1 converse, And in majestic presences SiBoth fear and awe disperse. I go on strange adventures, But not unmoved, ah, no! For oftenest in them I meet Dear ones of long ago; And after I've been pilgriming Adown the vanished years, Sometimes 1 come back smiling, Sometimes I wake in tears I MOST UNKIND "Do you think 1 could borrow $50 somewhere around here?" nskcd Jibway. "You might," answered Doppel. "What security can you offer?" "My word of honor." "You niisundcrsiand me. I mean what security can you offer that anybody who knows you would be willing to accept?" THE SAFEST WAY. "I see it's etiquette for a man at court to walk out of a room back wards." It may not be etiquette jround here," remarked Pizen Peie. "but it's the sefest way if you think some galoot is liable lo draw a gun." A PROVISO. BRAIN WORK. "Adam gave a name to each of the animals." "Yes," commented the lesson weary small boy. Maybe having to study all lhat zoology wn one reason why he wasn't happy and contented in the garden.!' Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA BRiNQ THE AUTO BACK. ' -If fc.W'-?Wisrit WHY WORRY lTi1iaiBi9 PRESERVE :KS MTATHtt? LIQUIDS tV MAXTM rOR BLACK, WHITE, TAN, DARK BROWN OROKULGOD SHOES. m m Fall liii KM? am m 8 m Cities (i()0I) -ALSO- nm Shoes and Clothing. .LADIES COAT SUITS r m AND SPORT COATS fi MM P-T- JUST kKCfilVKD a Line of FUR at reasonable prices. 4$ A sTAlNRAnlc uu rl ' - w 'I'l'"'! was. The Busy Store, urn WMl.DON, N C M-tfr Men are taking good care of iheir automobiles these days. Most of them don't know where they will get another. The other day a man ran away with our neighbor's wife and his automobile at the same time. Our neighbor came up out of the basement just in time to see him driving away, and he yelled at the driver. Don i forget to send the car back." PLAYED CARDS Sunday School Teacher - "Is there any mention of gainbbng in the Bible?" Bright Boy "Yes'm, DuvhI played cards." Sunday School Teacher--"How do you know?" Bright Boy "Why, doesn't the Bible say that he look four kings from the Philistines?" Pat After all, it's a great pleas ureto be missed by some one. Mike Sure it is, Pat; if yez can be there to enjoy it. TOO MUCH SYMPATHY Si Oates Jusi like this dineed well to go dry ihe next dktf after the town did. WOMEN OF MIDDLE AGE Need Help to Pin die Criiu Safe- ly Proof that Ljdia E. Kale ban's Vegetable Compound Caa be Relied Upon t T-1 fit i f- 1 1 : la addition to iU annoying sympttims, I sTa bad aa alUck of grippv which lasted all wlnur and lft me in a tteektnvd condition. I Inlt at Uniae that I would never bo well again. U I read of Lvoia el rinktuun a Yeiie- aieuia vompouiHi r mnA what it .lilt f..r women u a s s i n a through tneChenge of Life, sot told my doctor 1 would try It I soon began to gain In atrength and the amtuy.iig svmDtoms dis appeared and your Vegetable Compound bus made me a well, strong woman so I do all my own housework. I cannot recommend Lydia K. Plnkbam'a Vege table Compound too highly to women passing through the Chansre of Life." MrsTluMKHSNSoN, lil&S Orchade St, Urbana. III. Women who suffer from nervousnass, "heat flashes," backache, herulachus and "the blues" should try this famous root nod Dark remedy, Lydia t. ring, ham'a Vegatakle Compound. PS) T II K 1 ESTABLISHED IHV2 I Capital and Surplus, S63.0QQ WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT. 4 PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT W. K. IIANIKL, PKBNIURNT. W. It. SMITH. Vira-HHKH1IBT. I.. ' IHtAl Klt, I'ANHIBR. CLOTHES Ml Mil A MAN 01 THE! BE THAT Is, they help him in business as well as social life, by giving him a prosperous, well groomed appearance, Men who dress In good taste say they like to buy here because of the excellent assortment to choose from. Everything in the store is carefully selected by experts and quality is the first consid eration. In men's hosiery for Instance, we sell the reliable Interwoven socks--"The hosiery of a Gentleman." All fashionable colors; all weight-; in Silk, Lisle. Cashmere and Cotton at 40c. 50o. 75c. Per Pair FARBER & JOSEPHSON, Mens and Boys Outfitters WELDON, N. C. Dim Lunik Si Milhvork Co. Weldon, N. C. MANUFaCTUKERS OF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors. Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO OKDEK AND REGULAR STOCK S1ZEH. dood Material. High Orade Workmanship Our Slogan. ZgSSBSBSSEi