Spmi4 ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR i'HL PEOPLE. Perms of .Subscnuiion--$l.5U Per ,winu 1 VOL. UII. WKLDON, N. C, THUHSDAY, lKlllUA KY . l!l!. r.V : .Met Conifnn ISFIuid PtaeU I . f 1 ; j l ,: ftl I II f mtmm I rrInhtttarHCTilldwii. V in - y -f - i. J K . H -r -f"-?" fl T GAS1I I AWiitlaMoPrcpnrntionforAs linsilheStciniachssrd Hnwvl menu)' tiutuvM , Cheerfulness and BeslCoata neither Oplum,Morpntnen. Mineral. Not Nabootk Stunt , Hnt htUt U A hclpfulitemedy ibr i Constipation unit uun i and Fevcrlshness mi" ii LossorSwrn' rcsullini lluTcfrom-inlnranty foc-SimileSiinatOT111 Mothers F '?? That Genuine :taria Always JUUUS LJJIJ fi Signature, of Use For Over Thirty Years Iff lis NEW YORK, j Excl Copy of Wrapper. ,,., ,, . yo am Get The Habit 33TB uy for Cash. SaveTS gjpy the pennies by buy-"C ing at W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Gash Store WIU.OON, N. C. - ',X n it it -; THE Dining Room should be a cheerful placej for when you eat your meals amid pleasant surroundings you do much to aid digestion. And good digestion means health. HAVE US FURNISH YOUR DINING ROOM The variety of designs in Tables, Chairs, Side boards, China Closets, Serving Tables and the like, is ample to satisfy your desires, whatever they may be, in the matter of style, finish and price. Come in and talk it over with us. We are as eager to GIVE satisfaction as you are to receive it. Uk Furniture Company, Weldon, N. C. MM ML A MATTER OF MANNER. The Man Who I'nti'rtuins a (imuih will lixpress IlisOruuih v hen lie Opens Ilia Mouth. Ii wus Jurini! rhc busiest hour for ihe strait ars-niul for street ear p.iiroic; h wus sifter ilic work i ii ii il;iy wus ceded mid hundreds of people win 'i 'I lo net home, suys iin exchiiiiKi.'. Due stiiTtc.ir u.is luirly well lilleil. People 'A ere sl.iiiilini; and Ii il.;iii4 ilie Mr.ips. "Move on up there!" suul ilie e inductor. I lis voiee wus hursli anil hi, words were s;iveii more like mi order limn as n suggestion or a n quest. The people in the aisle did hoc budge. Nobody moved up toward die from. "Gel on up ihere!" again order ed ilie eomlucior. Bui again no body moved toward die from of Ilie ear in make room for people who warned to get home on the ear jnsi us much us did the ones who happened to be on. Hut there was another car, on another line. People were stand ing in the aisle of this car also and some were holding to die straps. "Please move up a little in front" said the conductor. "There are some women who want to get in. Thanks." He spoke like a human being. His last meal must have limited with him. There was no pickle expression with his words. And the people moved up in front. They made room for a number of folks who wanted lo get home. And the people in the ear were beginning lo acta linle happy and jolly despite the inconveni ences of travel which accompany a snowed-in winter. All of which goes to show that the matter of manner has some thing lo do with it A grouch ex presses himself when he talks. And a happy, good natured man also expresses himself when he talks. Polks were made that way. They cannot help it. It is the same with telephone operators, elevator men in the office build ings, drug clerks, cigar clerks, em ployes of the big stores, school teachers, lawyers and all others. The man who entertains a grouch will express his when he opens his mouth and the people will usually nut do more than they have to do to help him out. And the man whose insides are humming with joy and whose good disposition supply is so large that it just seems to bubble over well, .his disposi tion is just as catching as a yawn. But lliis isn't aimed ai street car conductors They are in the mi nority. It is aimed in the whole common people set. The young woman can go about the kitchen work after breakfast in such a way as to make mother happy; or she can siari in such a manner as to generate a grouch in the whole household, u grouch which will last during iiio-i of the remainder of the day. And if dad decided to muss things up at the house by in forming ma thai ihe pancakes would make good shoe leather, he will not only make ma unhappy for ihe day but he will discovtr that he liiuisell is unable to work u,i to Ins UMial capacity or live up to Ins real capacity. 'We are in position to sive first 'dass service on Automobile Repair ing, also Automobile Ignition, Light ing and Starting. Battery charging a specialty. When you need First Glass Service at once call JONES & SONS Phone 205 P.O Box 244 GARAGE, WELDON, N. C, Weekly Health Talks What Doctor Pierce Has Done For Humanltyt BY DOCTOU Cltll'Pa. It linn alwnvfi snwned to mo that Dr. Pierce, ol Buffalo, N. Y., should be placed near tlie top when a list, ot America's peat benetactori la written. He studied and conquered human dis eases to a decree that lew rcaiua. Whenever be found a remedy that over- nmi disease, he at once announced it in the newspapers and told where It oould be bmiRht at a small price, no a., l not follow the usual custom ol keeping the inRredienU secret, so that the rich only could atlord to cuy uu medicine, but openly prinM the nemo ol each root and herb he used. And so to-dav the names of Dr. l'ieroe and i.ia m e mi are w do v known, ana they stand tor bettor health and bettor citizenship. Oue of this (front physician's moBt ttiieceRsful remedies is knowu as Doctor I'lnrxo'it Plnnaaut Pellets. These are little, suf!nr-coatd pills, composed of Maynpple, leaves ot aloe, rooi 01 jiuap OoTum tloiL Nnhiro ffrows in th6 crolind. These Pellets are safe because they move the bowels gently, leaving no oau after-elfecU, as so many pills do Very often they make a person who takes ttiem feel like a new man or womnn, for they cleanse the intestines of hard, decayed and poisonous matter Omt nncumnlaUis when oue is costive. If yon are constipated, by all means go to your druggist nnd got some of Dr. Tieroe's rieiuinnt l'elleta. They may prove to be the very thing your system requires to make yeu well and Scuppernong Grape Growers Attention! A scientific discovery enables us to produce VIRGINIA DARE in NON-ALCOHOLIC form. This means a drink of universal appeal, for which we will require Scuppernongs in large quantities. Don't neglect your vineyards. Fertilize and cul tivate for a big yield. We will need all you can grow and the prices will be unusually attractive. If you know a .Scuppernong grower cut this out and mail it to him. GARRETT & COMPANY Bush Terminal Bldg. No. 10 Brooklyn, New York AVERAGES The new year hasn't fooled me none, it's like I knowed 'twould be; There ain't no year sence I've been growed put nolhin' over me; No year has disappointed me: when there's a rainy day It's plum all right, because 1 knowed some would be that-away; And when the sun is shinin' bright, an' some bird sings a song, I say to them, "Well here you be, I knowed you'd be along," And when the days are cold I knew some of 'em would be cold, And some sunsets I knowed would be as red as ruddy gold. The fellers that expected the year'd be a perfect thing, That every day the sun would shine, and birds would always sing, And there would be no rain ai all, and winds would bring perfume, And everywhere along their ways there'll be wild-llowers bloom, And no one would be ever sad, or be misunderstood And everybody would be glad and business be good, They are the disappointed ones I ain't got time for such They do not git much out of life, for they expect too much. I knowed the year could never be a letter-perfect thing, 1 knowed there would be days and days when not a bird would sing; And that's the way I size up men, 1 know they're middlin' good, I know my friends ain't perfect men; that bein' understood I kin look for the good in ihem, and pass shortcomings by, As I pass by the clouds that come across the summer sky; An tukin things on average, as 1 vesaid to my wite, Has helped me gel a heap of good and happiness from life. DIXIE LAND. PROM THE WINDOW OP A TRAIN. Before me, like the picture on the screen, Plash rippling brooks and fields of waving green, Whilst in the far-flung distance, lone and bare, The mountains peer from out their clouded lair, The cypress and the maple, verdure shed, Siand, stark and still and silent as the dead. A mat of multi colored flowers below, Soft drapes the field where fabled faries go liach night to serenade beneath the trees, And drink, from silver cups, the incensed breeze, Or maybe, who can tell what faries do, To wait the morn and sip the pearling dew OF flowers rich. The sun, a ruby red, Glows in the west, where colors garlanded, Steal out through space to fondle and caress The lone clouds, in their virgin loveliness. High, on the wing, in richest notes, and rare A wild-bird fills ihe cool autumnal air With melody divine. Across the way A mother watches her children play. Whilst down the winding pike, soft eyed and glad, A maiden walks to meet her Southern lad. And as I sit here in this southbound train, It seems as though the loneliness and pain Of blasted hopes and youthful promises slain, Soften since earth was earth, the eyes of man Have ne'er beheld a more delightful span Than these soli skies and colored hills so grand, Oh Lord it is, it is thy promised land. Tom Skeyhill, the Soldier Poet. VERY LIKELY. A Socialist was talking at the Colony club about girls' schools. "Ultrafiishionable girls schools dni'i like," she said. "They itiieaie a girl in everything but an education. "Two housemaids were talking once about their misircss daughter, who had just returned from one ol these ultrafushinmible schools. " 'What's thai new course Miss Marie is taking?" the first maid asked. " '1 ihink,' said ihe second maid, 'I think the name of it's cnsmriii's. A PA HHMOVI:. "He comes From a good family, doesn'i he?" "But he's been such a long time coming." CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Year J gifiutun of '"'SHOE 4J .ffmrnsm I I KCCP YOUR SHOES NEAT I f I J HOUIDSANDPflSTES. i I Hmmsap9! FOR BLACK, WHITE :t .,.'.'.!. ;f i 'iwjwiq'-il M OR OX-BLOOD SHOES, f" 1 I ,!4 fl PHTSERVC THE Jt ' .M, ", 1 I Mmj c i la K ( $ 4 $100 REWARD. $100. The readers of this paper will he pleased to learn that there is at least oue dread ed disease that science has been able to cure in ull its stages, and thutist'aturrli Hall's Catarrh Cure is Ihe only positive euro now known to the medical frater nity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Halls's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly upun the niu ciius sui races of tin- system, thereby de slioying the foundation of the disease and giving the piltienl strength by build ingup the constitution anil assisting in doing its work, The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they oiler One Hundred Hollars for any CHHe thut it fulls to euro. K. J. CIIKNKV A CO., Toledo, Ohi o Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per boltle. Sold by all druggists. Hull's I'limilv I'ills lor I'onwtii.Htion WHEN HE (1ETS BACK HOME, If they's anything the lad wants when he gits back home -from the land thai we live on lo the honey in the comb; every single blessin' in ihe country that ihey is let him look like he wains 'cm, an' they'll he his! That's the way we're feehn'. We're here 10 make a luss, with the highest hallelujahs, 'bout the boys that fought fer usl ALL DISSATISFIED. Wherever We Are, We Want to Be Somewhere Else. Whorovor we are in thin world we want to be somewhere else, I havo a letter from a country boy who want to live in the city, ''where things are doing," 1 know hiu preKonl setting; a place where the neeiU and comforts of man are sup plied with the slightest effort. ttts placid, sun-baked village, in its park-like setting limpHus the idealist's vision of the per fect life in perfect peace. All this seemed to have palled on the taste of the young man and he yearns for the contentious, busy and dirty city. We all have visions of the peace and contentment of the country ; the scent of the woods, songs of the birds, the drone of the bees, the roses, the grateful greenery, and maybe a cowbell tinkling somewhere. We have sensed this all, per haps, in vacation time and thought it was paradise for two or three days, after which we began to get homesick for the city noise anil trouble. This is the goal men speak of as desir able; peace, abundance, quiet ude body and mind at rest in natuie's setting yet here is a boy, reared in this elysium.who wants to get away from it and come to the noise and dirt and selfishness of the big city, Probably the Utopia to which so many of us aspire would not be entirely satisfactory if we possessed it. The quietude of a country village or a country place or a country town is often very dull. There are no daily sensations, no scandals, no banner heads in the daily news papers to interest one, The high spot in the day is when you go down to the post ofliee for the mail, or barter with the country store for cod fish and mutches. Tho weather is the leading topic of conver sation; there are no very rich or very poor persons in the community: the population is, perhaps, at a colorless dead level of mediocrity; there are no millionaires to Haunt their wealth, no liveried coachman, no "airs" no aristocracy or proletariat.- T he rural conditions are what the idealists seem to be driving at, yet here is a boy willing to give it all up for the city. Is it possible that ease and eon. Icntmont pall on the taste, and that man is better satisfied when he is meeting some dis comfort and discouragement in the baltlelield ? Seattle Post-Intelligencer. W U mm un mm mm MM MM .1 mat i V!l M c . s . tiw e ; .. v i ,i - '1 mm MM m mm urn ALSO Shoes and Clothing. 18 WIS jKKSSIiOOD! 11 LADIES COAT SUITS 11 mm JK f AND SPORT COATS mm mm i jzmt mm v m m Mm B JUST RECEIVED a Line of FUR mm at reasonable prices. mm mm mm a i s TA Iura p.k mm mm The Busy Store, WELDON, N C mm T II K A i ESTABLISHED 1892 Capital and Suplu, 163,000. WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT. 4 PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT W. K. llAMI'l.. eHKSlOKN'l. W. K. .SMITH. V U'R-PttKSIt.NT. L. V DUAPEK, C AS U I BR, OE 2C Dreadful Cough Cured A tU'Vt'lT colt ih otlon Inllnwcd hy & rmiKh cough for which I'lininbriluiu'a Cuiiuh KtMiit'ily has proven cHpt cmliy valuablp Mrs. V. W, OIbcii. Marya- vine, mo , wnti'H: "About two years aj;u my little hoy Jean cauifli' a Bevero cold iintl i'outlii;d dread fully for daytt 1 tried a number of cough niedieinen hut nothing did him any (rood until I pave him Clianibfrlam'a Cough Rom ti dy. It relieved his cnugb right away and he (ore ho had liniahed taking one holllu he was cured. I think it is ju8t tluc for children. CLOTHES DOH MIKE i MAN-BUT THEY HELP. THAT is, they heln him in business as well as social life, by giving him a prosperous, well groomed appearance, Men who dress in good taste say they like to buy here because of the excellent assortment to choose from. Everything in the store is carefully selected by experts and quality is the first consid. eration. In men's hosiery for Instance, we sell the reliable Interwoven socks "The Hosiery of a Gentleman." All fashionable colors; all weight-; in Silk, .LisleJl Cashmere and Cotton at 40c. 50c. 75c. Per Pair FARBER & JOSEPIISON- Mens and Boys Outfitters WELDON, N. C. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Dim Lumber I Mm k I Weldon, N. C. i MANUFACTURERS OF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, ! Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens i j MADE TO OHDF.R AND RRUULAU STOCK SIZES. I Oood Materials, High (trade Workmanship Our Slogan. r : i M iiiiiiwiiiiiu.

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