WIFE SUFFERED KIDNEY TROUBLE. Limbs Became So Swollen, She Was Unable To Sleep or Go About Her Work-Husband Spent Small Fortune for Relief -Finally Cured Her "My wife's feet was so terribly swollen and she was pasi all work. For four years she suffered with kidney trouble and could not sleep nights. Her kidneys acted every twenty minutes fur one solid month. I was worried and spared no expense securing the best medical atten tion possible and after they failed, tried all the better advertised reme dies but still with no result until one day I was persuaded to get a bottle of THE GENUINE BLOOD PURIFIER and wonderful as it is to re late, that one bottle of this wonderful remedy relieved her and she now goes about her house work feeling fine," writes G. G. Bell, Store Street, Poe Mills, Greenville, S. C. Mr. Bell, who is a large contract painter, and did a big job for the Poe Mills in Greenville, is well known throughout botll Carolines and Georgia. He states that he would not bewithout GENUINE INDIAN BLOOD PURIFIER in his house if it cost a hundred dollars per bottle. The GENUINE INDIAN BLOOD PURIFIER mentioned by Mr. Bell is put with a great deal of care from an old Indian's formula and a generous stock of this splendid kidney, blood and system remedy has recently been secured by the 'cIJoii Drug Company. Be sure it bears the name GENUINE INDIAN BLOOD PURIFIER and the Pearson Remedy Company, Burlington, N. C. Trademurk on bottle and carton. This name insures and guarantee lull strength, quality and quantity. Weldon distributors Weldon Drug Company. Genuine Indian Blood Purifier may also be purchased of the follow ing Nonh Carolina ugents: Roanoke Pharmacy, Roanoke Rapids; C. E. King & Sons, Durham; Woodurd Drug Co,, Selma; Doane-Her-ring, Wilson; Grantham, Goldsboru; Worthy & Eiheridge, Washing ton; F. S. Duffy, New Bern; Wilson & Lee, Dunn; A. J. Cook Drug Co., Fayeileville and other leading drug stores of the State. Price $1. THE ROANOKE NEWS 1 1 ti iw. Feb. I J, Mitt. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. Mus- The moth exhibits much taste in dress. All family trees are more or less shady. It tried to snow, Sunday, sever al times. Miss Bessie Owen has returned to Edenton. Sometimes a little white lie does a lot of good. The ground hog seems to be getting in his work. Some girls never flirt but per haps it isn't their fault. Mr. W. E. Daniel is attending Bertie court this week. Never marry a girl named Ann ! An's an indefinite article. Somehow badness is far more contagious than goodness. Mr. A. W. Dunn, of Scotland Neck, was in town Saturday. When fool opens his mouth you can see right through him. Lieut. D. M. Clark, of Green ville, spent Sunday in Weldon. Before marriage men and wo men argue, after they dispute. Lying loo much in bed is almost as bad is lying too much out of it. Mr. and Mrs. Craig Cornwall are visiting relatives at Morehead City. Mis Grace Jones, of Richmond, is visiting Miss Willie Black grove. Dr. J. E. Shields and niece, Miss Mary Lamb, of Scotland Neck, were in town last Friday. Mr. W. L. Knight, who has been quite sick with the flu is again himself, we are glad to say You have probably observed that when some people speak their minds they don't say much. Mr. J. E. Timberlake and fami ly have left Weldon and will in fu ture reside in Rocky Mount. A woman always loves those who admire her, but she doesn't always love those she admires. When it comes to saving pen nies a woman will save a dollar be fore a man has saved 10 cents. It isn I what the average man knows about the hereafter that frightens him; it is what he doesn know. Mr. W. J. Boseman, who has just recovered from pneumonia, is able to be out again, we are glad to say. Mrs. Madison Armstead and children left last week for Peters. bur. where thev will in future make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Spenardo, of Baltimore, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Liberto, have returned home. Mrs. S. B. Pierce and little daushier. Elizabeth, who have been visiting relatives in Durham, have returned home. Miss Hilda George, of Norfolk and, Miss Elizabeth Claud, Portsmouth, spent the week en with Mr. and Mrs. A. W, ton. Rev. N. C. Duncan, who was recently appointed Arch Deacon of this Diocese, left last week gether with his family for Raleigh, where they will make their home, We regret very much to see them Jetve Weldon. Died In New York Just as we go to press we learn that Mr. Nutwood Hill, a son of the late Judge T. N. Hill, of Halifax, died in New York Tuesday. The re mains were carried to Scotland Neck and were buried in the Epis copal cemetery in that place. Mr. Hill was a brother of Miss R. N. Hill, ol Weldon. Capt. T. W. Tillery Dead. Capt. T. W. Tillery died at his home in Scotland Neck, last Fri day in his 69th year. Captain Tillery was a native of Halifax county and was generally loved by large number of friends and ac quaintances. He had been in poor health for the past two years. The remains were taken to Eden ton for burial. For years he was captain of a steamboat on Roanoke river. Organized. A majority of the subscribers to the capital stock of the Mutual Paper Box and Pro- uct Company, of Weldon, met Saturday the 8th, and perfected an organization by electing the follow- ng board of directors : Thos. S. Bowles, Richmond, Va., A. H. McDowell, Scotland Neck, Geo. T. Andrews, Enfield, S. Turner, W. T. Shaw, Wel don. Mr. W. T. Shaw was elected President; Thos. S. Bowles, Vice president; J. S. Turner, Secretary nd Treasurer. Contract for the building has been made and the company expects to begin business in about 90 days. of Andle Will Remove to Halifax County. Without a dissenting vote, the lower house of the Gen eral Assembly passed the Bryant McCoin bill to remove the State prison from Raleigh to the Caledo nia farm in Halifax county and turn the prison property over to the State Hospital fur the insane. Advertised Letters. The following is a list of letters remain ing "uncalled for" in the Weldon postofKce : Frank Brown. Haskins Hicks. Persons calling for above letters will please say "advertised," giv ing date of advertising. D. T. Clark, P. M., Weldon, N. C Feb. 10, 1919. Honor Roll. 1st Grade Dorothy Jones, Ida Moore, Robert Sheffield, Benjamin Merchant. Advanced 1st Grade George Merchant, Claude Barnes, Doran Stainback 2nd Grade Lucile Rodwell, Roy Allsbrook, Ovid Pierce, Max- ine Drake, Evelyn Anthony, Vir gie Harrison, Margaret Johnston Sledge, Natalie Cole, Leo Dixon. 3rd Grade Elizabeth Allen, Florence Freid, Celesiine Melvin, Janie Blalcck, Frank Cole, Clar ence Taylor, Shepherd Green. 4th tirade EliZJbelh Bounds, Alma Wyche, bugema Hudson, Elizabeth Sheffield, Walier Lee Scott. 5th Grade Bennce Dixon, Hazel Gnni, Vivun San iders 7th Grade Helen Rowell, Elsie Mae Crew, Ellice Bounds. High School Margaret Hudson, Charles Vincent, Bessie Jones, Ethel Crew, Lucile Merchant. The honor roll has decreased slightly, but we attribute this to the influenza. The Happy Man. The happi est man in the world is the com mon, every day chap, who makes makes his own living, pays his own hills and and has the respect of his neighbors. He saves a little money as he goes along, but does not try to get a corner on his local output and he is not a slave to am bition or society. He never ex pects to wear out his trousers in the senate aud when he glides out of the bed in the morning he never wastes any time trying to pick out the right tint of socks, suspender and necktie that will blend with the general effect. He only wears a high collar when he feels like it, and when his pet corn begins to jump, he jerks out his knife and cuts four-inch gash in the side of his shoe and nothing is said about it in the local paper, He never has to set up at night to poultice his conscience, He believes the doctrine of live and let live. When he encounters one of the needy he doesn't stutter with his pocket book. The plain plug of a man is happy because he is satisfied and he doesn't spend half of time yearning for something which his salary will not permit him to buy. Give us more plain men and the world will be better. How Would It Do. To liven up. To push things. To boom your town. To advertise your business. To renew your subscription. To help your fallen brother rise. To speak kindly ol all, evil of none To wear a smile instead of a frown. To irade at home the coming year. To nke advice as freely as you give it. To gel Koud yourself and and do good to others. To suind by your town and all its interests. To school your sons and daugh ters in our schools To give every local enterprise your help and encouragement. To speak your appreciative words while your friends can hear them. To whoop your business to the front and help your competitors to keep up. To send this paper to your friends that you wish to kindly remember, To show your interest lor your town by speaking well of it, stand ing by it and living by ill The 1919 Blue Triangle Campaign. The National Y. W. C. A. is asking for a million dol lars in the United States to carry on its peace work, which has in creased ten fold since war was de clared in 1917. North Carolina is asked to give $14,751.00, and Halifax county will gladly contrib ute its share to this most laudable work. During the war the Y. W. C. A. has gone overseas, helping not only American women, but the women of foreign countries as well. The Y. W. C. A. is no respecter of creed, race or color, At home it has established hostess houses at the camps, and has aided thousands of girls and women who have been engaged in war work. As war industries close down there will be thousands of young girls thrown out of employment. These young women will be going from one place to another seeking employment; many of them will obtain employment in strange cities and under conditions entire ly new to them. The Young Womens Christian Association has most earnestly at heart the welfare of these young women, and it is the purpose of the Association to endeavor in every way possible to assist them in adjusting themselves to the new and untried conditions arising in connection with this reconstruc tion period. The following ladies have been requested to act as chairmen in their respective towns, and any contribution sent to them will be gratefully received and promptly acknowledged. Roanoke Rapids and Rosemary, Mrs. S. F. Patterson. Scotland Neck, Mrs.J.E. Bowers. Enfield, Miss Mary Collins. Littleton, Mrs. W.H. Nicholson. Weldon, Mrs. W. E. Daniel. Halifax, Mrs. N. L. Stedman. Mrs. J. A. Johnston, Cairman. Lieut. Daniel Transferred, It will interesting to the friends of First Lieutenant Charles R. Hanie! 10 know that he has been transferred from the 8 1st Divis ion to the 3rd Division of the Reg' ular army, and is with the Army of Occupation at Andernoch, Ger many. Every Cerasn soWirr interviewed, and old ex general, Prince Karl of Hohenzollern, and a brother-in-law of King Albert of Belgium, said, "the fuult of the German diplomacy was the failure of Germany to understand the psychology of other people. have served in the German army for many years and have fought in several wars, but never have seen soldiers who conducted them selves with so much self-respect and self-restraint as do the Ameri can soldier. ' The prince has a very beautiful oalace on the Rhine which the brigade commander of the U. S, army has taken over is his quarters u (his place. head- Mr. F. S. Roysier, President of the F. S. Royster Guano Com pa ny, whose advertisement appears in another pari of this paper, be- lieves that no business can grow so large that the personal element may be left out. People h. e to deal with a real man, one who owns and controls his own busi ness. He is always saying that the only drawback to having built up a business which extends over many States and takes many facto ries to supply is that he cannot meet and talk to all his customers face to face as he did when he siarted in business thirty-three years ago. But as the years go by and capable men whom he has trained relieve him of some of his burdens, he feels more and more desirous of hearing from actual users of Royster's goods and will welcome letters from any old or prospective customers He has specialized all his life on plant- foods for our Southern crops and soils and places unreservedly at your command his own practical experience and that of his tcchni cal experts. Write to him about food problems. J address F. S. Royster, Norfolk, Vi. I have recently employed a first- class shoemaker and those of my friends needing repair work can have same done promptly at my shop. L. Kittner, Weldon, N. C. NOTICE! ANOTHER BIG AUCTION OF .!,. .... 1-3013 a J IOET1 a I0EJ At Weldon 4 i TO BE SOLD ImlM FEBRUARY COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF LAND. Under aod by virtue of the powers conferred on the umlertMirned in au or der made by the Clerk of the Huperior i;ouri oi Hallux county in an action therm entitled "Weldou Hank and Trust Company, adminiHtralor of J T. liooch. deceased, va. lleorife V. Itersey and others," the undersigned, will, on The 8th Day ol March, 1919, at 12 o'clock M , at the poatoftico door in the town of Weldon, N t: , sell for cash to the highest bidder the iulluwini; Liescribed real estate, towit: 1. Those certain lots or uarcels of land lying aud lieinir in the county of llaliux, Mate ol .North Carolina and in Weldon Township, known as lots Nos. 3 audH.cnutaininir 10 acres. more or less. as shown on map of property of the urewry aim, which map is ol reeoril m Hook ft'it, paife 57, Keirislor's Ollice for Halifax county, harms- been conveyed to said J. T. (ioocb by F. M. Drake aud wile, by deed dated October Jl, W13. i. Those certain lota or uarcels of land situate in Halifax county, N. ('., and known as lots Nos. 1, 2, 6 and 7, containing 30 acres, as shown by a map of tlte Urewry larm which is or record in Hook ',4, pane 67, Kcgister'a Ollice for Halifax county. 3 A certain tract or parcel of land in Weldon Township, Halifax county, N. l , known as lots ,o. ill, au and 21, Section A., on map of property boutrht by McCluns; liealty Company from JT. liooch and others and recorded in Hook '217, pairea 134 and i.V, Keirister's Ollice for Halifax county, said lots each front inn 60 feet on Woodland Avenue, and extending back in a northerly direction in pareieu lines izo leet. 4. That certain tract or parcel of land in the town of Weldon, N. C, being known as lot No. 15, Hcction A ,on map of property bou(ht by MoClunf Kealty Coinpauy from J, T. liooch and others, and recorded in Hook 217, pages 134 and 1:16, Register's Ollice for Halifax countv, said lot fronting aa feet on Woodland Avenue, with a depth of 126 feet. 6. Those certain lots or parcels of iaoa situate in ins town or w eldon, N. C, known aa lots Nos. Ill, !-', 23, ;I4, 23, '26 and 27, Section B., on map of prop erty bought by MeC'luof Kealty Com pany from J. T. Uooch and others, and recorded in Book 1117, pages 134 and 1&, Register's other for Halifax county, escu oi saia io ironung on woodland Ave nue 29 feet, and extending back 1.16 ft- 6. Those certain lots situate in the town of Weldon, and described as lots IS oi. iM, 23, 24, 25, 2tf, 27, 28 and 29, Sec tion A,, on map ol property nought by McClung Realty Company from J. T. Uooch and others, and recorded in Book 217, pages 134 and 135, Krgister'e ollice for Halifax eounty, each haviogawidlh of 50 feet on Woodland Avenue, and ex lending back in a northerly direction 126 feet. 7. That certain lot or parcel of land just iu or just out of the Town of Wel don, N. C, known as lots Nos. 4. and 5, on map No. t of the Long estate, said land minting on him street, and be tween the lands of K. A. I'ope and Teak runes containing 2 acres. I hit the "h dsy of February. 1918 GEORGE C. GREEN, CommiKHionrr. 3T11 A M Stock will Arrive Friday You are always SAFE in waiting for us, as we CAN and DO under sell any firm in North Carolina. REMEMBER THE DATE FEB.15TH SALE RAIN, SNOW OR SHINE CT WE SELL "C3 Hammond & Ogle, AUCTIONEER?. When a town ceases to grow it commences to die, and the more the people try to kill off each other in their business and good name, ihe more rapidly will utter ruin come to all Stand together for ihe advancement of every citizen If a man shows ability to prosper do not pull him back with jealousy or weigh him down with cold indifference. LLIOTT B. CLARKt Attorney-at-Law, WELDON, N. C. Monty to loan on real astaU OtSae m Utaea Building. COMMISSIONERS' SALE t'nder and hv virtue of the powera ertnterr,! on the tinilersurnett euinillia- siouers iu a special proeeeding pending in the Superior Court of Halilax county entitled "lieurge l Ureen and Klliott H. Clark, administrators of .lane Pittman, deceased, vs. Matthew Pittman and oth ers, the undersigned will, on the 17th Day ol March, 1919, at the court house dour in the town Halifax, N 0 , at 12 o'clock M , sell for cash to the highest bidder that certain tract or parcel of land situate in Halifax Township, Halifax eounty, N. C, and described as ioiiows, town : Hounded on Ihe north by the lands of Heonre Harvey, on the east by lands of Matthew I'ittmao, on the south by lands of I'eter Vincent, and on the west hv lands of Rice Tierce, containing 4 acrea, it being known as the home nlaee of the late Jane Pittman. A plot of said tiaet giving the courses and distances will be furnished the pur chaser. (iEORGE C.GREEN, KLLIOTT B. CLARK, CommiMioQer 13 Dollars -13 Cents When Swift & Company paid, say, 13 dollars per hun dredweight for live beef cattle last year, the profit was only 13 cent! In other words, if we had paid $13.13, we would have made no profit. Or, if we had received a quarter of a cent per pound less for dressed beef we would have made no profit It is doubtful whether any other business is run on so close a margin of profit This is bringing the producer and the consumer pretty close together which should be the object of any industry turning raw material into a useful form. This remarkable showing is due to enormous volume, perfected facilities (packing plants strategically located, branch houses, refrigerator cars, etc.), and an army of men and women chosen and trained to do their special work. This, and many other points of interest, are found in the Swift & Company Year Book for 1919. just published which is brought out for the public as well as for the 25,000 Swift ft Company shareholders. The Year Book also represents the packer's side of the Federal Trade Commission investigation, upon which Congress is asked to base action against the industry. Many who have never heard the pa;k?r'f aide are sending for the Year Book. Would you like one ? Merely mail your name and address to the Chicago office and the book will come to you. Address Swift & Company Union Stock Yards, Chicago Dl ! 1 tpg ll SELL YOUR FARM AT AUCTION 'rojirrlv subdivided it can be sold quit ,:-J;. andr ontably. READ THIS LETTER: Everett. N. C, Iot, nth, itw. Atlantis Coast Hssltj Co., Petersburg, Ta; Mj dear : I visa to mj that tls sals you tJs far e on Oot. 81st was osrtaiuly a nloa ons, and sspsolallr Whan we oonsldsr evsrythlng that was against us. Sons of your Big logs I'srrsns and Morton) wars taking oars of ths "Fin" and aost ersry ons around Washington waa doing the same thing and It was raining. Bit those f slloww baoksd that aasll orowd under a oow-aholtsr, got out In the rain to os In front of thsw, and aold than ltl aorss of oleared land and 147 aorsa of wood land for 4t,00, and aold to responsible people and evidently patrlotlo onss. Judging froa the saount of liberty Bonds I havs aesn thai handle staos the sale. Hr. J, 1, 'ran, a partnsr in the deal, Joins a la thanking jon for baking us a handeons profit, and beg ta reaaiii, with best wishes, Tovo Tory trnlj, We have other etulorsemrnt let ten that emphatically expresi the aati start! on of our cuitomen. Write forcopiet of these and booklet explaining nur method. FARM SALES OUR SPECIALTY TERRITORY UNLIMITED ATLANTIC COAST REALTY COMPANY THC NAME THAT JUSTIFIES YOUR CONFIDENCE PETERSBURG, VIRGINIA OFFICES GREENVILLE. N. CAROLINA References: Any Bank In Petersburg, Va. or Greenville, N. C. This Is one of the questions u careful employer often asks young men and women applying for a posiiion of trust, It is an open acknowledgment that the possession of a bank ac couni places its possessor on a a higher plane is u guarantee of respectability and accomplishment, An account opened at this Bank is a long step in the riijlil direction, Am At r Weldon, n cj IV Ml - New Seasonable Styles It is our pleasure iu announce an advanced display of beautiful, seasonuhle models of Henderson fashion form Corsets They are exquisite examples of conspicu ous and original designs, crealcd for every type of figure and they have many distinc tive features well worth yoi'r consideraiion The excellent assortment of styles that will predominate this season will permit us to Ht you with a Henderson Back or I'ront Lace Corset cuirccily, satisfactorily and in a manner that we believe will have yi.ur highest cotnmendauon. Prices range from $3.50 to $1.25 You are cordially inviied to inspect the latest offerings. Come see our New Cloaks and Suits I ILnoice Isteaks Break the monotony of boiled and roast meats with an occasional steak i You will find ours tender and juicy -sure to I mat a hit with the family. J i W hether you want a sirloin, club, tender j (loin, flank or round steak we can meet your J wants And we now too, that our prices will i Jpleaseyou. I PARAGON GROCERY -COMPANY, z PHONE 2-M 2-2-2 Weldon, North Carolina,