ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtIon--SI.SC Per Annum VOL. LIII. WELDON, N. C, TIIUKSDAY, AIMUL 24, !!!!. NO. TO Children Cry for Fletcher's "-M(a)-saasaa(M Maaia-oesa-a .. . 2 71 1 The Tongue Test l f II !. 1 1) t I 1 1 ii i .. .. l I. T. NEWSPAPERS " ll . mp.... til m a i t- r-x ya ill ii n iiniiriiriiT h a 7ra irni !jni ui ta SJ!S. -Hr ayl Boht' an1 W bu bea Jt ' ' orne th aignature of yTT . nd ,hM beeB male under bii per. Bal supervision since Iti Infancy. ": 4 VTT4 Allow no one to deceive you In this 111 Counterfeit., Imitation, and " Just-a.-good are bui Bxperlmentt that trifle with and endanger the health of Inlanti and Children-Experience against Experiment. What is C ASTORIA Caetoria is a harmless substitute for Caator Oil, Paregoric, i .T a"dISooth'n8 I la Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic aubatance. Ita age la its guarantee. For more than thirty years it haa ferZ'"!,10?' ""Ief of CoPtion, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aid! . ft. - GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Profsse to H.v. No Faith In Farmsre' Cotton Pledge, Vet Appear Worried. Beara the ature yjucara the Sign In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought TMI CtNTAUR COO Get The Habit WBuy for Cash. Save- Lthe pennies by buy-'Cj ing at W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Cash Store WELDON, N. C. Accordion to reports being recelr- r central oirico of the North umllna Cotton Association, .North ern newspapers and speculators who o an me decencies and comforts of life, yet want the cotton nmrin..... to go back to slave wages, are solus iu icarn a mucn needed lesson thla year. In It's nmrket comment yester day The Now York Commercial says: Reports that the farmers of the South Intend to curtail planting are not credited. The bears say the plan haa always failed and will fall again. The weather for the last few days is Ideal and Insures a big crop." The Phila delphia Ledger rigorously denounces the South for proposing a reduction In acreage yet goeB on to say: "Few persons who know the South fear pro nounced reduction. Many will preach curtailment and promise curtailment and then go and plant more cotton themselves In the expectation that their advice will be followed by the majority, and they, Uu shrewd ones, will profit by raising a big crop. "It has been so manv times r probably will be so many times more. The South Is great for 'resolving bnt not so great tor performing un to the resolutions'' Nona of them doubt the oractlcebil Ity of our plans. They believe that pll nur promises ere "hot air" and big talk nnri th if wo will no, ly opposite and are betting their money tnai we w ll not keep our promises hv contracting to deliver the cotton mat we nave lot yet planted at 80 cents per pound. Some one Is going to get badly stung and It Isn't going to be the Southern farmer as he realises that the only way to keep otT prosperity Is to raise a big crop or cotton. METHQOISTS TOLD TO DO SOMETHING npllE Dining Room should be a cheerful place I for when you eat your meals amid pleasant surroundings you do much to aid digestion Ana good digestion means health. HAVE US FURNISH YOUR DINING ROOM The variety of designs in Tables, Chairs, Side boards, China Closets, Serving Tables and the like, Is ample to satisfy your desires, whatever they may be, in the matter of style, finish and price. Come in and talk it over with us. We are as eager to GIVE satisfaction as you are to receive it Weill Furniture Company, Weldon, N. C. We are in position to give first- class service on Automobile Repair ing, also Automobile Ignition,Light- : ing and Starting. Battery charging . a specialty. When you need First- Class Service at once call JONES & SONS i Phone 205 P.O.Box 244 GARAGE, WELDON, N. C, . T. BURGE, MISSIONARY, SAYS CHURCH MUST KEEP PACE WITH WORLD, WHICH IS DOtNtl THINGS DIFFERENTLY NOW, OB FALL H0PELE8SLY BEHIND. Appeals to Church to Make Supreme Effort and at This Tlmo to Christianise World and Present Arms. Plans of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Indicate Uiat their field of work will greatly broaden In i lie wit tow months and will lucluda Europe and Russia. "The Methodist Church has been plodding along for nuujy yeura and haa made a record that every Methoilhit Is Justly proud ." said 11. T. Burge, of the Siberian Commission of the American Hed Cross, In a lettur front Vladlvostock that haa Just been received at head- quarters In Naahille. "It la time, however, for the Meth odist Church to do oniething sensa tional and unusual. All the world la doing things differently now and the organization that cannot keep pace must fall behind. We should go into the countries of Burope and Russia, be pioneers In a work that mlTht meat more to prevent future ware than the League of Nations. Christianise and tducate the peoples of the world and there will be no more wars. But It o have harmony by threats and faar and by constant show of force, I sea to reason why It might not bo another luestlou of 'a scrap of paper.' But It would be madness to at tempt any work In Siberia or Russia it this time. No complete or Intelll- lent Investigations can no made until antler Is restored, and from what I have seen it will be months before that tnsk Is accomplished. The cam paign for thirty-five million dtllxrs to be conducted May 18 to I'S will go a long way toward solving a big prob lem . "Keep In mind always that the com plexion of the world has entirely ohanged and that not only must there be complete reorganization in eco nomic, political and social conditions, hut most particularly in rehgioua uon- a'tlons.'" Do You Sleep Well? To be at bia beat a man must have sound, refreshing sleep. When wakeful and restless at night ho ia In no condi tion for work or business during the day. Wakefulness ia often caused by udigestioa and constipation, and ia quickly relieved by Chamberlain 's Tab lets. Try a dose of those tablnts and see bo mueh batter you feel witb a lear head and food djf nation. Put a little alum on the end of your tongue and you will have the reason ' why alum baking powder should not be used in food. England and France forbid the sale of baking powder containing alum. You can tell whether baking powder contains alum by reading the label. 3ROYAL Baking Powder Absolutely Pure Royal Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste Alfer taking Inventory of my entire atock I find that I have more stuck than I can carry through summer with Spring and Summer line. Therefore I am going to give my cs tomers the benefit of same. mm UUU1JO WHjJLj BE CUT IN PRICE The 35c. Gingham we will sell at 25c. the 701 U 50c, Gingham at 45c. per yard. Serges also reduced considerably In fact everything In our store has beei cut in price especially such as Slioea, ?lts, Conts. Itc. Come in to see us. M. FREID, WELDON, N. C. LADIES AND GENT'S OUTFITTER, E AFTER A PROPOSAL. Ii is so sudden? Then did you believe, dear, Those evenings i called ai your flat, And lovingly, longingly gazed in your eyes, Thai I merely had come for a chat? Did ii sirike you the limes that I lingered lill 12, And hated to leave you alone, I was doing ihai merely 10 fill up my lime. Because I'd no home of my own? "So sudden," you say, yei for years I have stood At your doorstep each evening at 8; Did you think I had come for a talk with your ma, Or a word with your maiden Aunt Kale? Did you think when I sighed as I fondled your hand 'Twas dyspepsia thai iroubled me then? Or ihe cigars thai 1 bestowed on your dad Were smokes thai I would give 10 all men? Oh, the tickets for shows I have purchased for you, The automobiles I have hired, The lockets and bracelets and purses and things, All the gifts that I knew you desired, Thai 1 tenderly laid at ycur feet as a shrine, Tho' each cost me half a week's? pay, 1 thought that my actions betrayed my design, And yet, it's so sudden, you say! Ysle Record. Race is Worth he Price- Worth an price we have to pay for it! Some of this price we have paid. Many of our boys have paid their all, The rest is up to us to us who have benefited by their sacrifices to us whose peace has been secured. Back the Victory Liberty Loan to your limit! Victory Liberty Loan Commltto This space is contributed by the Baraca Class of the Methodist Church. The Class meets every Sunday at 9:45. YOU are Invited to be present Northeast Corner Washington Avenue and 5th St. Cotton Producers On Road To Victory From every county, town and ham let In Teias coma reports that farm era are signing pledges to curtail their cutloa acreage thia year at least 30 per cent uf last year's srrence Some Indlvioual farmers -even limit their planting to one-half of their last year's acreage. Keporta from other cotton state In dicate a tike action by the cotton growers. An unusual feature ot the movement Is the active, enthusiastic participa tion ot bankers, merchaata and profes sional man. All .leases have awak ened at laat to ah a. sanity for co operation la an eflort to secure a legitimate price tor tke souths cot ton. Hitherto the farmers bav not act ed in concert and they had little as sistance fron other olaaass. They did the best they couM to control the market for better; but without organisation their efforts culminated In windy, wordy resolutions and atUI lower prices tor theer eotum. The methods by which the govern ment secured eo-oneretvaes la prevant lug foodstuffs going too high in price during tho war have beea an object leesoa to the cotton growers, and they are appropriating la aonse meaaure those methods to pre rent cotton from going too low la price ta tiro of peace. They are slgntag pledge cards to raise less cotton this ysar and by limiting the supply iacrease the demand and the price. They have passed beyond empty resolutions for publication. They are doing some thing tangible. Actiooo speak loudar than words. Th.y are in the road to the goal. Let them "keep in the middle of the road" aal they will reach that goal. Once they have demonstrated their power to secure living prices for their great agricultural product, the, will have won economic indepenoence for themselves, their children and their children's children In the yesrs to fol low. Potion and fottnn oil Ne T II E 1 ESTABLISHED 1892 1 Capital asd Surplus, $63,000. WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT. 4 PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT ' K. DANIKL, PSBHII1BNT. " ''. SMITH. VU'k-ri,.HIDBNT. L. O DRAPER, m m 3 it SitflaS JESS'S: :: 'rw wwnfrw-(XH.wwwJ8F m m m Spring !? j Sawr IIRKS8 GOODS 81 mm ttu Shoes and Clothing. Mifft HP iV. ) -----vr-r.-- .--"u-9HjranaBseBaanuBi HOW 10 AVOID BACKACHE AND NERVOUSNESS ttt g L. LADIES COAT SUITS gg r AND SPORT COATS mt mm Zf The very newest styles In Organdies Georgettes and Crepe-de-Chine. Told by Mrs, Lynch From Own Experience. Providence. R, I. "I was all ran down In health, was nervous, had head aches, my back ached all tne time. 1 was tired and had no ambi Inn for any thing. 1 liad taken a number vf cines which did ma no good. One day I r.-iul almit l.yilia H.'e Vege tablel.'ouipotiml and what iti.J dun.-f,.r womon, so I tried it. My nervousness and backacha and aretL I a-nined in no, ao I tan honestly a. l. swmcx, m The Busy Store, WELDON, N C headachea disannci feel fin weiirht and recommend Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vege table Compound to any woman who ia Buffering as I was." Mrs. A delink B. Lynch, 100 Plain St, Providence, R. I. Kackacho and nervousness are aymn- toms or nature'a warnings, which in dicate a functional disturbance) or an unhealthy condition which often devel ops into a mare serious ailment. Women In thia condition should not continue to drag alone; without help, but profit by Mrs. Lyuch's experience, and try this famous root and herb remedy, I.ydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com poundand for special advice writ ta Lydia G. Pinkham Med. Co., Lynn, Maaa. Hi i, itv iv: fl A large shipment and tor sale Jj JJ) cheap Aluminum, Porcelain ili Just Received Ml i'i and China Ware. PRICES TO SUIT ALL. ft HAM umm HIV 0 MWVl 5- 25c. STOKE Weldon, North Carolina. f7 31 30

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