..-oJBai r-STABLISHKU IN t866. VOL. LI 1 1 A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtioii--$1.5G Per Annum WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 8. 1 !!. no, rL Children Cry for Fletcher's Tin Kind You Hate ilways Bought, and chkh hau Iter, la ium for oyer oyer 30 Tiara, hat Lcrnn ths si.ui j tf and hai been nude ur.dcr bis t. C&JrM&Git I0,?1 ,uPervlslu ii infancy. ul Counterfelta, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are Luc j:perimenU that trill with and endanger the health w luinnts and Children Ixperlence against KxocriintU. c What iS C ASTORIA Castona la a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregorto, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic subslance. Itj ge is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; sllaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Dowels aldj the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and nituial eletp Tha Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend, GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signatu In Use For Over 30 Years Th Kind You Have Always Bought TH CKNTAUH) OOMfANV, NIW VOMK t-ITV Get The Habit EBuy for Cash. Save"C3 t7the pennies by buy-""C3 ing at W. T. PARKER & CO , Wholesale Gash Store WIU.OON, N. C. FOR THAT HEADACHE BRO-M A L-a I N Only Headache Remedy sold in the State Recommended by Physicians. -3 IN 10-25-50 CENT BOTTLES AND AT ALL FOUNTS, s- Try BRO-MAL-GINE Jut Once-'Twill win you Spring and Snmmer DRESS GOODS m mt -ALSO- mt Shoes and Clothing. 1 LADIES COAT SUITS m JpAND SPORT COATS The very newest styles in Organdies Ueorgettes and trepe-cie-Uiine. A. L. SWtmOK, ttflt ti,. r. c, wpi nnivi m r. t&g J a Choice Hams There Is nothing more appetizing than a slice of our choice ham. We have anything you may want in the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Goods. GOOD GEOCBRIES build up the system, stimulate the brain, and increase your capacity to think. And right thinking brings best re rults. Our prices make you think. Call in to see us. L. E. HULL, KORTE POUR FRANCE Spring ha com gain and tender ! (rwm eovnra the battle-scarred earth. 1 Nature, the sovereign panacea, bu llrotdr tx-tnn her work of restoration flowers bloMora over the graves of fallen heroes. Soon May will bring j ihe popples, "between Uie erosus, row j on row." little gray erosses, each with ! its aluminum ileiitillcution lag an4 j ;hoo thut mark Uie gravea of the ur-li who are bur ltd In Krerieh came- ! Vna In ..i ilnKl with the words ".Morte I'our France." Sixty thouaand Americans lie asluep ;ll r'rance. "Morte Pour Kranee' 'iirely no other sentence could tell th itory half well. "Dead for France." I'mbably the best known poem of 'ha war Is one quoted below. "In Plan ters Fields." breathing the line spirit of sacrifice for an ideal. "Ajuerica's ' Answer" stilled all fear that the sao- ! rlnce was In vain, and no when vie- tory In battle ts won conies "Ajnerira'a ' t'onsecratlon," pledging a victory of 1 right "Re It our Usk to save, In memory of the life you gave, : 'Those rights for whir your Wood i was shed "In Flanders Fields!" j Ttiis ts our task. In memory of thosw 1 sixty thousand dead, to Insure the vie tory they won. else they have died for ' .taught. To every citiien of the United j States belong! this opportunity, the last opportunity to measure up to the standard set by the boys. The great est Ylctory of all must b won now, and the shots that will bring It about wilt be mad of dollars. Lend your to end U war. Buy Victory Liberty Loan bonds. Battle Scarred Tanks in Victory Loan Drive i aaa AIR SERVICE HELPS VIC TORY LOAN LET'S HELP AIR SERVICE. When the appeal was tent to the air service by the Liberty Loan Organisation for using the alrplanaa la helping the drive, the raepons was immediate, and Liberty Loan committees all over the country are now co operating with the air service to encourage enlistments. The atr sarrica needs men and offan a number of attract ive inducement to those who enlist. Tbosa who nave had ei perlenoa and re-enlist are offer, ed the following privileges: On month's vacation at one, Bonu of ICQ. Furlough fare centlRcat en titling you to ride to your home at on cent a mile, with an addi tional Bv cent a mil for trav eling aipertse. Month' pay and ration mosey on return from furlough. Frw clothing, medical atten tion and quarters and board. No Ion of pay while sick. furloughs with pay. Insurance at low rates. ray ranging from $30 to Ml W a month. Laaiy Field, Hampton. Va ki a recruiting center and Lieu laaant Joseph MaoLean is In chartw. THRIFT0GRAMS God hlps those who help them elevt Buy War Savings Sumps. Spend one penny less than th clear gain, r- Uuy War Savings Stamps. Look before, or you'll find yourseli behind Buy War Savings Stamps. If you would be wealthy, think ot saving an well as getting. Buy Wai Ravings Stamps. Remember that money Is of thi prolific, generating nature. Buy Wai Savings Stamps. ssswsa.sris.vc-v-iuert.' v? - "Bayer Ta'un.tJ u' . American OwneJ, USES OF (BAYERlV -.v,r" Tableta, ASH tiNaar Batcfatlor'a Optra Houm, WELDON, N.C Alptrlri It In I ride rntrli of Hjer ?Unitt( luit of UuUuavcttCMCttlvtir ul Saltcyhcavitl Passports from Misery! Out of Pain to Comfort. For Headache ColJs Neuralgia Crlppj Earache Influenzal Colds Toothache Neuritis Gum Pain Lame Back Lumbago Joint-Pains Rheumatism Pain! Paint Adults Take one or two "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" anytime, with water. If neces sary, repeat dose three times a day,' after meals. Always Insist upon "Bayer Tableta of Aspirin." Quick' Relief with Safety! tO want package, also larger aiiea Xh) original VwUJuwua tablet. "No road li ImpftMabIt, no stunt Im possible," 1b tb b tog An of the crawl of the twenty real battle tanki now touring the Kiftti Federal Reserve Dis trict In the Intereet of the Victory Liberty Loan. Tlteae tan kg. manned by crews who Haw active aervloe on the Western front, are of the aii-ton whippet type, the kind that proved to efficient in battle. They are In full battle rega lia, even to the camouflage coat of paint. The turrets, from which the machine guns project, are arranged to revolve so that the guns may be quickly aimed In any direction. This feature, coupled with the great agility of the whippet tanks make them unusually effective In action. " These agil steel terriers Just "eat up" sticky spring; roads, so even the red!y areas of the Fifth District may eipect to sm these battle veterans.. The commander of one of the tani Hquudronfl that aaw service during the lat drive before the signing of the armistice was recently telling of an instance of heroism he witnessed. The Germans were holding a position al great cost to the allies. A detachment of British tanks waa sent out to taks the place. It failed. Then American volunteers wets oalled for, and twenty tanks went over. Only six came back but they took ths position. That is ths kind of stuff the Ameri can troops are made of. Let's show them that we, too, will see the job through that "can't" is left out ol our vocabulary as wll as theirs. Wi must put this Victory Liberty Loaa over way over to do that. America expects every man to do his duty. STANDS BEHIND Samuel Oosnners, for iianjr yean head ot the labor movement In the United State and at present one of the leader of the labor movement at the I'out Coaferenc at Paris, urges labor, both organized and unorganised, lu aupimrt the Victory Liberty Loan. He say In part: "Tti Vk-Ury Loam Is Uie forerun ner of a happier state of society, a guarantee of pau and tranquility of the world, In hope of a better day and a brlgtvUr Ugnt. I heartily Join with my fellow cltliens in urging every worker and every organization of worker to take part In this splen did effort loAnanc our democracy's peace with til wealth and savings ot all our people. Invest your savings mad saf by the Victory of our arms." DIRECTOR OP VICTORY LOAN ADVIRTISINO THIRD Or GOLD Trinsndu Sua rants Back of Every Bond Issued by United 8tUs to Pay It War Bill. Gold la th basis of all credit The United States I now about to enter a fifth great popular campaign tor the sale ot government bonds to th clti ten of- the nation. America has con tracted more than a6.000.0U0.0tH) of debt lnc last November In paying war bills, and this money must be rais ed by th people, Every reader of this paper knows that United State government bonds are th safest Investment on earth. But many of them do net. perhaps, know Just how to explain their belief. On of th reasons why United State government bonds are the saf et investment on earth Is that the United fltatat now possesses one third of the world's gold. This has come about as a result ot th war. It had large gold holdings before the fighting began la 1H. but lnr then th nation of th sarin have been forced to get needed supplies and maintain trad relations. Th Federal Raeerv banks do not hold, probably mora than two-thirds of this nation's supply of gold, yet lhy have in their resanras more than one-halt a much at th Stat banks of th nit fourteen most wealthy na tions, and abroad th Stat banks have collected practically Try gold ple.c that the people possessed. ... j. THOMAS LYONS Mr. Lyons Is known to advert ista men and advertisers all over the coun try as "Tommy Lyons." Hs Is haudliui the Victory Loan appeals which an appearing throughout ths Fifth Fed eral Heservs District. Mr. Lyons is a Baltlmorean and Is advertising coun sellor of the Baltimore Bu. GET THE HABIT This yar, with battles fought and won, with Peace the lead ing Paris style, there comet the urge to spend tor fun, to fall for Folly's glided guile. I know myself th day I heard the ar mistice waa really signed, I or dered up a nice hot bird and sat right down and dined and wined but Just a w are crea tures all of habits w allow to grow, my conscience started to recall some better way to use my dough. It's got me. You have guessed it Thrift the yeast that swells the penny's size, that teaches us to make short shift ot things In which no value lies. Each morning when 1 seek my Job, I phmg at least for on Thrift Stamp; perhaps I buy it from a gob, perhaps it's from a baby vamp I do not car so long as they ar working toward th self sstaa end for Thrift, th thing, which day by day Informs u what we ought to spend. BONO Of tAVINOB BTAMfl ting a song of Savtnct Btamps, Trie eoet ot living' fciaV But hav you counted all th things Those Savings Stamp will bay? Ty help to take Hurt " trtp. Or luy some fussy clothe. How many things therll halp to gt. Goodness only knows! InnrMt your savings not tocat row, or nt day. but NOW. iV t', - .' L '18. (Jncle Sam had rather sell secur ities than put on new taxes, CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Us For Over 30 Year agnannof "INVEST i& ft 1 lHr 1 yii J Don't strike a man until you are sure that he deserves it and then c sure he is smaller than you are. 1 Have you ever heard this? "My baking powder," says the smooth solicitor, "costs less than Royal." But he omits to say that it often leaves a bitter taste, that food made with it is likely to stale in a day and that it contains alum, which is con demned by many medical authorities for use in food. England and France prohibit the sale of alum baking powders. EOYAL Powder is made from Cream of Tartar derived from grapes Royal Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste ,, T ,rr r-V.ff r t -n -xt - - W f ,T l sT.WI.a JrVi 1 ilwa rriTCvV vsr t J. I Qui-of th grey misr';r 'they -came J German Navv totfia '' Tfi& Day tm Fleet SuiTendered'- tlie German THE DAY those great gray ships of war came sneaking out from the Kiel Canal; marked the end of Germany's naval power! Thanks to the Allied Navy, thanks to our Boys of the Sea, thanks to the Ships and to the Liberty Bonds that put them there, the seas are sajel Do your full share in the Victory Liberty Loan in payment for the Victory that might have cost every thing if we had not gone at it whole heartedly and in the nick of time. Victory Liberty Loan Committet i Navv- freatast humiliation tke world has ever known CJLOIL OTCafa Oraahea into aour bile, making you tick and you Ion u day '8 work. Calomel nlivtn! It's mercury. Calomel acts liki; ilynninite on a , gluHtfish liver, lion calomel conies inlucontiiit with wiur bile it craslica into it, fniiKirir Trumping ami nausea. If you (eel liiliuiiK, lii'iiiliit'liv, con- llijukd and ;i!l Lnm b'i! nil!, just p ; to your drii'iiil ami p a liotllc of ! Dmlson'g Uvor Tone fur a few cents, which it a Imrmlisi vrp-lalile sub- atilule for Juii.erous euluiiiol. Tako I a fiwonful ami if it d: ;:i't elurt ' your liver ami tlruifjliten you up belter and quicker Ihau misty calomel nnd without making you sick, yon just go buck and get your money. If you lake calomel today you'll bo iik unj nauseatid tomorrow; bo tiiliii, it may talivate you, while if yuu lake Ilodsnn's Liver Tone you will wake up feeling great, full of ambition ami reuily for work or play. It it harmless pWant nnil sufe to re to childreuj they like it. 1 r I SA Art Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA About the Hrst question our salesmen will ask you when you try on one of our new Is "How does it feel?" In other stores they ask "How does it look?" The difference is thai we will first select a hat thai will become you, and we know that a "Mallory" Hat will look right, so what we want to know is whether the hat feels right on the head. Be sure to have a look at our window this week and come in and prove what we say. FARBER & J0SEPHS0N, Mens and Boys Outfitters WELDON, N. C. : i i i 4 4 r r

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