3 ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Perms of Subscription $1.50 Per Annum VOL. LIV. WELDON, N. C, TUUltSDAY, .JUNE 1!), no. ; Children Cry Tha Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been La um far over over 30 yean, has borne the signature of - and has been made under his per- (Z jCj47?a, onal upervlsion since its infancy. tuWX o,, no one t0 aeceiT( you n thiB All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and ChildrenExperience against Experiment. r What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is Its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THI CI NTAUB) COM ' . M Get The Habit KTBuy for Cash. Save"C3 ESTthe pennies by buy-"3 ing at W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Cash Store ; WELOON, N. C. ' Dim Lumber I Millwork Go. " i- j Weldon, N. C. i MANUFACTURERS OF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors Blinds, Mantels, Door MADE TOOKDF.R AND Qood Materials, High Uradc tm tm x Spring and Summer as )UKS8 HOODS j ALSO $j Shoes and Clothing. S tm lm tm tm .. r - tax ; 138 11 LADIES CQAT suits AND SPORT COATS 1 H CO" e very newes styles in Organdies H Georgettes and Crepe-de.Chine. ul A. L. SWtmDK, ; ! f! The Busy Store, WELDON, N C GOOD GEOCBR1ES build up die system, stimulate the brain, and increase your capacity to think. And right thinking brings best re mits. Our prices make you think. Call in to see us. I L. E. HULL, for Fletcher's Signature of and Window Screens lIKIiFI.AR STOCK SIZES Workmanship Our Slogan. tm m Choice Hams There is nothing more appetizing than a slice of our choice ham. We have anything you may want in the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Qoods WELOON. N.C A SENSIBLE QUESTION. An Irishman went into Mr. Rick's jewelry store to buy a clock and the jeweler showed him one for $10. "What $10 for that bit of clock!" he exclaimed. "Is there anything wonderful about it?" "Yes," replied the oilier, "It is an eight-day clock." "And what of thai?" inquired Pat. "Why," answered the jeweler, "it goes eight days without wind ing." Pal scratched his head in bewil derment. "So much as that?" he said, "Well, there's one question I'd like to ask you. If it goes eight days without winding, how long will it go if you wind it?" HEASON EOR FAITH. At Princeton they tell of a fresh man who, as he blithely went his way whistling on the streets one day, was accosted by a classmate: "Whither away?" "I'm going to Dr. Smith's to be examined for appendicitis," said the other. "Great Caesar!" exclaimed the class mate, "you don't seem to be very much worried about it." "Oh, no," said the freshman, "there won't be anything doing. I've never been able to pass an examination the first time in all my young life." TOUUH. CiVi'.'; We can't pay you the $25 on this money order ufiii! '"" arc identified. Man That's tough ! There's only one man in town who can identify me and I owe him $20. lioston Transcript. Some men earn their living by selling taffy and others by giving it away. THE LUG OF A FAMOUS MEDICINE How Lyda E. Frnkham' Vegetable Compound It Prepared For Woman's Use. A vlait to the laboratory where this successful remedy ia made Impresses even the caaual looker-on with the reli ability, accuracy, skill and cleanliness which attenda tha making of this great medicine for woman's ills. Over 350,000 pounds of various herbs are used anually and all have to bo gathered at the season of the year when their natural juicea and medicinal sub stances are at their best The most successful solvents are used to extract the medicinal properties from these herba. Every utensil and tank that comes in contact with the medicine is sterilized and as a final precaution In cleanliness the medicine is pasteurized and sealed in sterile bottles. It ia the wonderful combination of roota and herbs, together with the skill and care used in its preparation which has made this famous medicine so successful in the treatment of female ills. The tetters from women who have been restored to h.-itiih by the use of Lydia E. Pinktiaw!' WireUble Com- Kund which we i.re ountinuully pub hing attest to its vii tuu. a Reading S Newspapers Now. Just because the war is over, or because you may be busy with raising a new crop, is no reason why you should cease to keep up with the great problems facing the world, and the United States. The period of readjustment is at hand. New conditions are coming to pass and new issues must be met. You must read a daily news paper to keep informed and to know what is happening and how decisions on important uniiicis are reached. The man who is informed is the man who will keep ahead. When you read a daily newspaper, read the best. We believe that we are giving you the greatest value for your money when you subscribe for the Greensboro Daily News. Largest market report. Wash ington and Raleigh bureaus. David Lawrence articles. Lon don Times cable service. Special Sunday features including comics, special section, and magazine feat ures. You get a new European map with 6 months subscription. Write for sample copy. Subscrip tion price: Daily $5 per year; Daily and Sunday $7. GREtNSBORO DAILY NHWS. Greensboro, N. C. Don't Quit Sweat GIVE GRENADE BANKS TO SCHOOL CHILDREN Mlilloni to bt DlitrtbuUd by Treas ury Department to Encourage Happy Habit of Thlrft Hand srenadea made by the United States govern meut to bomb the Huns to destruction art now to be used to boom thrift, ftltmons of the little mu eh in en of destruction, with the exploit Ives carefully removed, are to be given to the ncbool children of tin United States to encourage the saving habit. The greuades are being cud vorted into miniature savings banks Thoy will hold pennies and nickels and dimes which can be convene into Thrift Stamps. The Thrift Stamp" In turn, can be converted Into War Savings Stamps. Distribution of the grenades In the several Federal Reserve Districts will be left in the hands of the district Sav Ingi Directors. In this district thi War Loan . Organisation, with head quarters In Richmond, Va.t has so ar HMND GRENADE SAVINGS BANK ranged that a grenade bank will be awarded to each child, who, during the vacation period, earns enough money to buy a War Savings Stamp, Some bank tn every community will tend each child a grenade and at the lose of the vacation period the child will return It, with the money It con tains, to the bank, There the money will be counted. It the child hat saved enough to buy a War Havtngi Stamp the prenade bank will ht his. but In all events the cash must be lav vested In Thrift Stamps if not enough baa been saved to pay for a War Bar ings Stamp. The grenade-tan ke are of considerable value and will be splendid souvenirs of the great war, and the War Loan Organisation of the Fifth Federal Resorve District Is am lous to place them In the hands of as nuuiT children as possible. Thrift Is not mtserllaees. It Is get ting a hundred cents worth out of every dollar. Ate you sending out ships, or Just hoping that somebody else's will get strand wd on your shore? Buy W. S. 8. and watch your own cone In. Don't forget the SQuJrrel save some of your nuts for the wlntet that always follows the summer. Buy W. S. B. Thrift Is the wtse use of money improidcnce Is Its abuse. Buy W. S. S. BRITISH THRIFT. The British War BaWoga Cmn nit tee has become a permanent stHution la England and the fol owing declaratlasi has been Issued laplaiaing the iOntitaa atUtude toward thrift: "Quite as Important both as a urre st revwaue and as a social movement, la the restraint of lux nry, and growth of economy and simplicity of life among the wult to do. Otherwee goods and services will be wasted. War savings ap plies to all clsiea and appeals to all income." To Prevent Belching. Make a regular habit of eating slowly masticate your food thoroughly, and you may have no further trouble. If you should, take one of Chamberlain's Tablets immediately after supper. r m Ml Children Ory fOK FLETCHER'S CASTORIA the Tly. HOW SAVINGS HABIT HELPS EVERYBODY Money Invested This Year In Thrift Stamps Returns in Five Years Vastly Increaued. On New Ycur's day liUM, there will Ix-Kin a renwirkiiMf serins of divi dend pay menta to American people Hundreds of millions of dollars nf War SuvlnKS Stamps Bold during 1 0 1 S will then be redeemable. On each News Year's day theruafter for a num ber of years there will undoubtedly be huge returns to the American peo ple of the money borrowed with in terest. These great dividend days bring American bankers new opportunities and also responsibilities. How cm new thrift habits be lnkl to thrift institutions? How can this num. y, the product of thrift, be mobilized f,r further work? Already the bankers are working with the Treasury Department to continue thrift hi bin. For people who save money there Is a wide raue of thrift Institutions that will tike charge of funds, put them to w.irk Aafely, and return good earaiiigH. As the government plans, to borrow by 2?ral education of thrift in ev.-ry kind, so i' banks and thrift lnstitu tlous can aid tht roverniuent by en couraging general thnij ."id building bigger business themselves. One of the first steps to be taken by bankers Is that of spreading informa tion about banks, life Insurance, build ing and loan aasoriiUioti. (i-rul t.trns loans, and all other thrift tnstitiitvns The best way to moet Vntle K im's borrowing neodi is to promote thrift An tliu hntaaVst possible line. Every dollar d :ottd in a Maviit,rfl hank becomes available for national finance. Rvery life insurance policy sold is equivalent to an indirect loin to the government. Every oblitnti. assumed by thrifty people siiih us a building mortgage Is u Htiiilus to production and saving, and thr--fore. as much a nutionul tervlro as tin1 dl reot purehts of government seeurl ties. In placing thene m it tern iK-irly before everybody In hU cnrnimlty the banker will live up to hi ou rtu nlties and hi re. msftt 'V.tu--. " the new thrift miui-nt. Wlsun fie tril lion dollar NVw Year Days arrive ha will be ready. TELLS HOW SHE BUYS WAR SAVINGS STAMPS Woman Tells How by Intelligent Sav Inns Plan She Is Able to Accumu late Money Which Was Formerly Waatsd. "Save while the money is warm" te the motto of a woman who has estab lished a reputation both for herself and her family by the number of War Savings Stamps she bought without apparently stinting in the least Here is her system. "The only way to save Is to save. When I have actually saved a quarter I put It Into a Thrift Stamp without delay. If I save that quarter on one thing and then spend It carelessly for something else, I have Dot saved any real money. 'Tor example the other day I went down town expecting to pay $10 for a pair of special shoes. To my sur prise, I found there was a sale that day. and got the very pair of ihoes I wanted for 17.75. I had saved 1 Hut how to keep It saved. I knew that if I simply regarded It mentally as saving, before the end of the morfth It would he spent nilscellanetpMsly. 1 went right down stairs In the store and bought nine Thrift Stamps and stuck those quarters In the Thrift card where they could not get away before the end of the month. '1 do tbe same thing when I have saved a single quarter or half dollar, iind 1 am seriously thinking of getting a little penny bank to hold saved pen nles or dimes until they grow to Thrift Stamp site. What is more, I am gel ting whole lot of fun out of thli most fascinating gume, the game ot "(letting Ahead." Ot that happy feeling it's waiting f'T you with your first W 8 S. The man who puts his money Intn W. S. 8. Is never "broke" Watch your out go today and yout future Income will take care of lself Bay W. S. fl aad yoo will neither wait nor want Lame Back Relieved. For a lame bark apply Cltamherlain'i Liniment twice a day and maxsage the imisolt h of the linek over the seat of pain thoroughly at each application. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Health Insurance One of the distinctive qualities of food baked with Royal Baking Powder is ivholesomencss. This is health insurance of such vital importance that millions of women bake at home just to be sure that Royal Baking Powder is used. Remember the adage "Bake it with Royal and be sure." IROlfiLi powder Absolutely Pure Made from Royal Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste A MIRACiE. A man from a bone-dry Arkan sas community went to a wet Mis souri town and was invited by an acquaintance to have a drink. In the saloon the friend asked: "What are you going to have?" "Have?" dreamily returned the fisi.'or, blinking at the glorious ar ray of barrelled and bottled goods. I ain't going to haYe rnthin'." "What do you mean, Uu'lx'? You won't have a drink after com ing all this distance?" "Nope!" answered the Arkan- sawyer. I here ain't no such place as this. I'll wake up in a minute." Lamar (Mo.) Demo crat. AN ABSURD QUESTION. "You sign this deed of your own free will, do you, madam?" asked the lawyer. "What do you mean by that?" demanded the large, florid-faced woman, looking threatening upon the lawyer. "1 mean there has been no com pulsion on the part of your hus band. Has there?" "Him?" she ejaculated, turning to look at the little, meek man sit ting behind her. "Frederick? I'd like to see him impulse me." UOT HER LESSON. "Do vou think vou could learn to love me?" asked the ardent young man. "Well. I don't know." replied the young thing, thoughtfully. "I have $5,000 in Liberty bonds. $10,000 invested in good paying stock "Go on; I'm learning." "And $50,000 in well paying real estate." "All right, dear: I've learned. Believe me, you're some teacher!" It is difficult to count the beats in the hearts of a great city. m mm by CsJomel is quicksilver and tett like dynamite on your liver. 'Calomel lonos you a ilnyl You know whrtt rnimjifM is. It fl mer cury; quicksilver. Calomel is dnn- fvwus. It rrashes into sour bilu ike dynamite, cramnim? anil sick ening you. Calomel atlaiks tlio liones and should never be put into jour avateiu. When von feel hilio.n Jiiimiv.li constipated and all knoikod out anil believe you need a dose of dangerous calomel just rememlier thai your druggist sells for n few cents a large bottle of Dodson's Liver 'Pone, which is entirely vegetable and pleasant to take and is a perfect substitute for calomel. It is guimintii'd to start your liver without stirring you up insitic, anu can not sniivnie. llon't take calomel ! II makes von siek the next day ; it lrtes you a day's work. Dodson's Liver Tone straight ens you right up ami yu feel great. Give it to the children because it is Bwfectly harmless and doesn't gripe. Cream of Tartar derived INVITATION. You are invited to open an account with the BMK Of EHfllLD, EfiflELD, fl. C. 1 Per Cc.Tt. allowed -f- ment Compoued s i Kf- VOU ran fcf tomaoswoMHiramiiaiKxmKMMiu T A ESTABLISHED Capital and Surplus, S63,000. WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT. 4 PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT W K. IIANIIX, t'KKMOUNT. W. K. SMITH. Vlrg-rHKHIUBNT. 1 31 ...... ,v m i kt-sf s About the first question our salesmen will ask you when you try on one of our new Is "How does it feel?" In other stores they ask "How does it look?" The difference is that we will first select a hat that will become you, and we know that a "Mallory" Hat will look right, so what we want to know is whether the hat feels right on the head, tte sure to have a look at our window this week and come in and prove what we say. FARBER & JOSEPHSON, Mens and Boys Outfitters WELDON, N. C, from grapes in the Savings Depart-5 i)u: tcrly. B a h. - mk l.v . lil II E C DRAPER,! CAIUIKR. - .". V Kr BatdKtar'j Optra House. i

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