A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE, Terms of SubscriDtion--$1.50 Per Annum STABLISrlEl) IN 1806. WELDON, N. C, TIIUlSI)AY,.n'NK 2C, 1!)H. 'Oh. LLV. NO. Net Contpn'tslSTIuid Praclm " ' i zzzzz lis 1 AVo'l(it)lcrrcparntionroru P.;m.ini;,,iihi.Fiioilbv RoSnli- T !- It1 ! ThcrctiyftomoUn4Dttesti Ci'J nworfu nc ana is.wi , neither OpIam.MorphlnenofJ Mineral. Not NahcoticI jiKouJkSiimraaix Worm JW a i,tr,r,ciUimcdvfor Constipation rjndDiarrhoci.; ami rnw"""'"" inIin Sleep : ' resulting Ihmrfromjnlirfancy: foe Simile Sijnrtanto' : AC M.s? iS'S Exict Copy of Wrapper. 1 jifWifiil j Get The Habit ' IfTBuy for Cash. Save"C3 i7the pennies I ing at W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Cash Store if WliLDON, N. C. Dim Lumbar & Millwork Go. Weldon, N. C. MA.NLb'ACTl'UKIW OK Building Material fur Modern Homes, Sash, Doors 31Inds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens ' made tuoi:iii:k ami iii:(iri.AitsToi K sizks Oood Materials, High (Jrade Workmanship Our Slogan. Spring and Shoes and i - Sty i u tM tZU ALSO LADIES COAT SUITS II r m 1 AND SPORT COATS U3 The very newest styles in Organdies Georgettes and Crepe.de.Chine. i l. swmcK, it The Busy Store, POOD GtOCBRIliS build up ihe system, stimulate the brain, and M increase your capacity lo think. And right thinking brings best re tuUs. Our prices make. you ibink. Call in lo see us. L. E. HULL, Ktar Batchelor'a Optra House. GASTORIA For Infants nnd Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always V uears mo A)1 Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years TMt OINTAWM COMMNI N(W VOHH OITT by buy- m m Summer m m m m am m Clothing. m WELDON, N C Choice Hams There is nothing more appetizing than a slice of our choice ham. We have anything you may want in the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Goods WELDON. N.C A J? CASTOR A A WINCE. A novelist suid ut a Bar Harbor tea : "It is incredible what some wo men spend to net into society. A western millionaire's wife came to New York, look a house in Fifth avenue and gave a ball of great magnilicence. "VChcn her husband totaled up her bills he winced and said : "My, Maria, these here bills total up to $30,000." "It costs money, dearie," said tl'.e wife, "to get into society." "Humph!" said ihe millionaire; "It don't seem to me that we're getting into society as much as so ciety is getting into us." HAPPY DAYS. They were strolling on the pier. "I spent my honeymoon here at this resort," said he. "That is the happiest time of one's life, 1 suppose?" said she. "Oh, yes; one is so ignorant of the future." When shiftless people can't think of any other way to annoy their neighbors they get a dog to howl through the night. CALOMEL SALIVATES Acts like dynamite on a Bluish lirer and you loss a day'g work. I Hero s no roason why a pors.ni should take sii-ki nin, nalivat itii; al- oiiiol when n fi-w ii nls liiivt a large home ol H'M.iun J.uvr lone a perfect sulisliiiile for eal.miel. It i9 IX I'li'tif.l lit. veL'elilUe linuij wliii'li will Kt.nl. your liver just us surely us I'uluini I. hut it drown t make you sii k ii nd run not salivate. Children and "rtiwn folks can take Podsou'a Liver Tone, because it is perfectly liarinless. Calomel is a dangerous drug. It is mercury and attacks your bones. Take n dose of nasty calomel tu.Ln- and you will feel weak, nick and nauseated tomorrow. Don'! losi day's work. Take a spoonful of Hudson's Liver Tone instead and you will wake up feeliiiL' irreat. No more biliousness, constipation, slug. 'i-hness, headache, coated tongue or noiii' pi .niach. Your druggist savs if you don'l Hud Oodsoii's Liver Tone acts belter than horrible calomel uur money is waiting for you. "BAYER CROSS" ON ASPIRIN Always Ask for Genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" Only Aspirin Tablets with the safety "Bayer Cross" on them are genuine "Buyer Tableis of Aspirin'' owned and made by Americans and proved sate by millions of peo ple. Unknown quantities of fraud ulent Aspirin Turners were sold re cently by a Brooklyn dealer which proved to be composed mostly o Talcum Powder. "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin"should always be asked for. Then look for the safuy "Bayer Cross" on the package and on each tablet. Accept nothing else! Proper di rections and dosage in each Bayer package. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaeeiic acidester of Salicylicacid. LIFT OFF CORNS! Apply few drops then lift sore, touchy corns off with fingers Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop n little Freexune on an aching corn, instantly that corn stops hurting. thn you lift it right out. Yes, magic! A tiny bottle of Freeume custh but a tew cents at any drug store, but ia sufH ticnt to remove every hard corn, Bft corn, or corn hetween thu tocn, mnt l lie calluiws, Without soreness or irritation. KreeEoae ia Uiu aensational di. cover? A a Cincinnati ftjuiua. It it wonJcrfui Helmets Worn by German War Lords on Exhibit at Methodist Centenary Celebration THIt KM lmlmetB, nliRoliitely guar teed to have lioen worn by tho former Kalncr William of Germany. Von Itt'tlimann-HolhveK and General Ludpinlorff, wilt be on exhibition in C'olunibus, O., as a art of the Metlio dlst Ontenary Celebration, June 2i) to July 13. They were brought out of Germany during llio revolution by Iowell Thomas, world traveler ami xplorer, whose travelogues will be given In C'oltimbua as a feature of the celebration. Thomas entered Germany at thin most critical period, without p.iss Leading Lady In 'ThoWayfarcr' at Methodist Centenary Celebration VI MW . i "W -''5 171 the rule of I'liderstamlintr. lead-1 convenience. ing female part in "The Vu farer" "Third, this Is the time to linlsh pageant, which will be presented at i the Job,' to Rather Inspiration and in the Methodist Centenary celebration 1 forumtlon to enable the organized In Columbus. O., June lio to July 13. Henry Herbert, English Shakes peareun Interpreter, will have the other leading rule. Nearly 1,000 costumed characters will appear in the majestic religious pageant which will be presented every evening during the celebration In the Coliseum at the exposition grounds. The Coliseum boasts of the largest stage in America and seats 8.1KJU persons. A seated chorus of 1,000 trained voices will augment the effectiveness of the pageant. Soloist in "The Wayfarer" at Methodist Celebration M1 188 IIKLION NKW1TT, dramatic lyric soprano, w 111 be the so piano soloist in "The Wayfarer," the iat religious pageant which will be presented as a part of the Methodist Centenary celebration in Columbus, O. June 20 to July 13. Henry Iter fccrt. Krg!!h FtHV'flnrP!!!! (nterjirc Ur, and Mme. Blanche Yurka. will have the leading speaking parts. Viola Bills, contralto, will be a soloist. Tl.e pasAimt will Ml presented on the largest stage in America, In the Coliseum of the exposition grounds, whtah ftts 8,000 persons. Nearly 1,000 ttstumed chartietors and a seated chorus of 1,000 trained voices will appear in the pageant. To Prevent Belching. Make a regular habit of eating slow ly masticate your food thoroughly, and you may have no further trouble. If you should, take one of Chamberlain's Tablets immediately after supper. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A 1 1 L C. M ports or authority of sny kind. Ti, do this ho wan forced to hide out fof days on the border, He was turned back twice, but on liU third attempt succeeded in getting past a Swiss guard. Me made hoiho wonderful pic tures in Herlin, showing street riots and the general chaos of the city at that time. In addition to thpse views and In cidental lectures, Mr. Thomas will show pictures taken in 1'alestine at the time of General Allenby'n occupa tion. Thomas accompanied the Brit ish troops on this expedition. METHODISTS SHOULD GATHER NEW ZEAL Centenary an Inspiration Says Dr. Fisher, Dr. Fred Fit her of New York, who has been await' ant. executive secre tary of the Itiothodint Centenary drive, has turned his entire organiza tion to the Job of mobilizing Method ism iu Columbus, Juno -0 to July 13. In outlining the campaign he has placed before TK.OOO committeemen of the Methodist Church, he says: "We must strevs four things. First, this will be a big Victory Colebratiou. The Melhodibts of the dated Slates have lived more in the past year than In any lu previous years of their ex istence. Now Is the time for them to Kut tugetliiT and celebrate their victory. "lu (lie second place, this is an op portunity for Methodists to hae vis ualized the scenes and aethlties of which they have been talking for the past year, but of v inch they have no personal knowledge. Of those 7UuO men. only a negligible per cent has ever had the opportunity of going a'Toa-l. At the celebration they can net the trip around the world at their workers in the church to carry out the program which has been mapped out for the next four eurs. "Fourth, and most important of all. if the Celebration realizes the ideals which those who are back of It hold, it must be the inspiration fur plan ning work for the next century. As we look upon the man els that have been accomplished we should gather new faith and new eal for enter prises that can be measured only in terms of another ce itury. We muBt, in a word, weld ourselves together ia a great spiritual purpose to strike the bull's eye." Dr. Fisher indicated that 150 train ed executives, In addition to the 7s,- ! 000 volunteer woikcrs, will stimulate interest in the Centenary Celebration during the next six weeks. JULY TNcGRO DAY : Trips Planned For Visitors to ! MelhoLMst Centenary, Negro Methodists, in Columbus as ; Centenary Celebration visitors, will j make a pilgrimage to Cpper Sandusky, ! birthplace of the Nome Missionary I movement, to honor the memory of j its founder. John Stewart, a man of i their own race. The trip Is scheduled for Saturday July ft. Other trips planned Include a visit to the grave of Hen Han by, author of "Nellie Gray." In Olterbetn cemetory; to Ohio Wesleyan Cniversity. Dela ware; perhaps In smuller numbers to Wllberforce, and possible to Oburlin, where so many found, by underground route, safe lunen iu Civil war days, Monday. July 7, has been desig nated oiliciully as "Nejiro Day." and will be observed at the Centenary Celebration grounds with an elab orate program of pageantry, ad dresses, special music and parades Pol U.U tshia-luK, Dr. W. K. DiiUiU, editor of The Crisis, published In New York, has written a pageant, "The Star of Kthiopla," which will be pro j duced In the Coli'eiim by colored par I tlcipaiils. The Heme of the pageant 1 is the evolution of the race traced throuuh p.'ogicsdvo stages of achieve tnent 5 Ihe present day. A rhorir of fu() voices, all Neuroos, wtlt pi sent tha pageant music Lame Back Relieved. For a lame back apply Chamberlain's lflunnietit twice a day ami massage the muscles of the bark over the seat of paid thoroughly at each application. Ckildren Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO Rl A Whoopee!! Zoom Over Your Troubles With a Clan of PEPSI-COLA! See the Hyrr zoom ovi r I lint fi'itt Ircsh clmnl litgh uj in the heavens lie't cool and liuppy. Are you ? Or arc you hot and sticky, men tally lagged and (slug-gMt ? Try an cxhilaratinu; mtm ovi-r your troubles with a bubbling, sparkling beaker ut Pcp-.i-('o!a. malii'g you limply srinliHut,-! To catch the incipient he.ebu 'ie to give Old Man Humidity the merry ha-ha! Drink Pipify ing Stimulating Rejuvenating PEPSI-COLA WELDON PEPSI-COLA BOTTLING WORKS HIS UROL' NT HRKAND' A soldier was p'eading wiili his! commanding officer. "You are always on leave," ex claimed the commanding officer. "What on eanh do you want spec ial leave for now?" "My sister's baby is going to be vaccinated, sir." "And what has that got to do with you?" "She's my sister, sir," explain ed Tommy, with a hurt look. "What, the baby?" "No, sir, the baby's sister's my brother I mean I'm ihe mother's baby er ihe father's my sister. No, I mean" "You mean," broke in the C. O., angrily. "What do they want you for? That is the point." "For a godmother, sir." Edin burgh Scotsman. For Weak Women In use for over 40 years! Thousands of voluntary letters Irora women, tell ing of the good Cardui has done them. This is the best proof of the value of Cardui. It proves that Cardui is a good medicine for women. There arc no harmful or habit-forming drugs in Cardui. It is composed only of mild, medicinal ingredients, with no bad aJter-etlects. TAKE The Woman's Tonic You can rely on Cardui. Surely it will do for you what it has done for so many thousands of other women! It should help. "I was taken sick, seemed to be ... writesMrs. Mary E.Vesle, of Madison Heights, Vs. "I got down so weak, could hardly walk . . Just staggered around. ... 1 read of Cnrriul, and alter taking one bot tle, or before taking quite all, I felt much better. I look 3 or 4 bottles It lh.it time, and was able to do my work. I take It In the spring when run down. I had no appetite, and I commenced eating. It is the best tonic I ever saw." Try Cardui. sr V A Ail Druggists Hill INVITATION. You are invited to open an account with the BWK OF IHWWf Eft FIELD, ji. C. 4 Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart ment Compounded Quarterly. nMniioitiBiosrjimiMMao T A 1 Ml liSTABLISHBD 1892; Capital and Surplus, S63,00D. WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT. 4 PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT W E. DANIKL, PRRNl OBNT. $5?V725 T rpp If 1 i If About the first question our salesmen will ask you when you try on one of our new Is "How does it feel?" In other stores they ask "How does it look?" The difference is that we will first select a hat that will become you, and we know that a "Mallory" Hat will look right, so what we want to know is whether the hat feels right on the head. Be sure to have a look at our window this week and come in and prove what we say. FARBER & JOSEPHSON. Mens and Boys Outfitters WELDON, N. C. ZOOM!! B f It K JL1 W. R. SMITH. Vll'K-t'RBHIDENT. L. C DIUrER,; wmh kv 4V7