isrifTi e IB mm n Hi ! ffl 5TABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$1.50 Per Annum OL. LIV. WELDON, N. C, TIIUKSDAY, .11' LY 1!)1S. NO. 8 CALLED HER FAMILY Interested in Film Productions to Be Made at Methodist Celebration at Columbus, O. Children Cry for Fletcher's TO HER BEDSIDE It ft 3S5 m Mil iiT kv) j Th Kind You Haya Always Bought, and which has h.i.i la UM fur over over 30 years, has borne the signal'.:: j All Counterfeits, Imitation! and " Just-as-good " itre i t Ezperlmenta that trifle with and endanger tha h;a!.h i Iniants and Children Experience against Exneriuu...:. What Is CASTORIA Caitoria it a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Partfiir, . Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age la its guarantee. For more than thirty years it teen in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatul. r.iy, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness (herefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Buwelt, uli the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural skip. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. iENUINE CASTORI A ALWAYS i Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years . The Kind You Have Always Bought Get The Habit EBuy for Cash. SaveC3 the pennies by buy-"C3 1 ing at W. T. PARKER & CO., Vholesale Cash Store : WIU.DON, N. C. Dixon Lumber I Millwork Go. Weldon, N. C. 4 MANUFACTURE!!! OF lulldlng Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors llnds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens V MADE TOOKDF.K AMUiKHI I.AK STOCK SIZK. Oood Materials. High Grade Workmanship Our Slogan. mi i m ipnij ui met ALSO Shoes and Clothing. J. L. SWfBUCK, The Busy Store, WELDON, N C uiul uur prices maKe vou think. (Ja in to see us. L. E. HULL, '.lm Balciwsor'f Opera Houm, - and baa been made under hi; j.i. Qfy, onl aupervisiun aince its in:.::.;,'. 46CcAMi Allow no one to deceive vnu in am RESS GOODS m 9 LADIES COAT SUITS M Y m AND SPORT COATS j-jy The very newest styles In Organdies H " (lenro-ettes and P? m Hams There is nothing; more appetizing than a slice of our choice ham We have anything; you may want in the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Goods OOdc.eocrrifs hiiilri nn ih cvrm ctimiiljilp thp hrnin. and irjerease your capacity 10 think. And right thinking brings best re- WELDON, N. C For a. Sick PocketbooK MANY SECRET ORDERS ORGANIZE FOR THRIFT More Than Sixteen Hundred Lodgei With Thou.ancJa of Members Work ing to Make Thrift a Happy Habit. Thrift, as a niuvdmnet of the Vol- tid State Treasury Department, has1 been Inilumetl by inoro than sixteen liumirod luilgos o( fraternal orders in Hi Klfth Kedi-rul Karvo District. According to figures given out today by the War Loan Organization of the DUtrk-t. thwe odics have more than on hundred and thlrty-sti thousand memberi, and not only are all these' members urged to join War Saving ' Societies, but manv lodges are Invest-1 lng their Treasury funds In War Sav-1 lnga Stamps. Some thrt.e hundred lodges, with a ir.tmtiprsliip ex -fltti thirty-four thourvind, arc fur- iniz noefo: let in Maryland. Amoi g the ordern repre sented there urn the Knights of Pythias. Shield ot Honor. Marrabees. Tied Men. Knirti; of the Golden ttagte. WoodMttn of the World and Knights of ('oliniilr.iv In Virginia tSc WiK.dnien of Am"-' Ira aro heartily ro-nperatinjr In ths thrift tmoveiiietit. Thetr two hundred and ten IoIkh with a ii.umbernhip 1 of seven thousand four hundred and j thirty-five, are ont:inlzlnjt War Sav-1 Ings Societies. In North Carolina 1 nearly seven hundred lodge are act ! tvely supportfiiK the campaign. These: total a membership of about sixty-nine j thousand, representing the Sons am! ' Daughters of Liberty, the Independent i Order of Odd Fellows and the Junior Order of United American Methanlcs Valuable aid is ln'ii'g It'tit in South Carolina by the Knights of Pythi;ia, the lied Men :ind Vc Odd Ft'lhiws. the three orders having more thun tliree hundred lodgei In tlie Stnte. with a membership In exr -.s of twelve thou sand Co-onenti'-n of all lodges n the dislrth t is urr-'il. Rinee many of the most pnmiin- ! and Influential men In every cn-Mutiity are lodge members, it Is paptrulai!v d-lred to htive the fraternal Orders behind the saving movement. FARMERS TURN SALES INTO SAVING STAMPS Odd Crops of Great Aid to Thrifty Tillers of Soil In This D I it riot. Farmers who aro making a habit of getting a fow Thrift Stamps every time they market anything: from their farms are finding that they are Li bio to save regululy and that they do not miss the small amounts In vested. The average farmer In this section of the country depends large ly on his "money" crop, which he har '.reets once a year. Almost every ene cf them, however, grows something else which he markets at odd times. Au occasional load of hay may be taken Into town and sold. The thrifty farmers also plant pens, beans, okra. lettuce, beete or some of the other vegetables which thrive In the South and for which there U a readv market. Flutter and eggs form staple articles to be marketed between soasons. By buying Just a few Thrift Stamps each time the farm wagon makes a haul to town, the farmer or his wife Is provldng a fund which they wilt be able to turn to good account later on, for when theso Thrift Stamps are oxcharged for War Sav ings Stamp, they Increase In value utomatjcally, and may always bo turned Into cash on ten days' wrttten notice to the postmaster, although the longer they are kept the more they earn. Wealth Is seldom the result of luck hut of system. Save regularly. Buy W. 8. S. Treat your pocket book with the same consideration as you would your beet frleud. Investment In War Savings Stamps makes the tae stronger. The cornerstone of tomorrow's sue reaa Is foundwd upon today's thrift. Any postman can lay the cornerstone for you with War Savings Stamp Teu sever miss the first dollar out a your pocketbook. Keep It for your elf. Buy Thrift Stomps. Hare yeu bought your Thrift Stamp o4ay? A HINT TO THE WISH-PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. L&M SEMI-PASTE PAINTS BEST THAT CAN BB MADE Coat to you $3.25 Gallon when made ready to use RECOMMENDED BY SATISFIED USERS FOR OVER 40VEARS Obtain COLOR CARD from our AgtnM or tONOMAN A MARTINEZ Mamrfactarvrs ' Now York THRIFTY HOUSEWIFE MAY HAVE LUXURIES War Savings Stamps Furolah An Easy Way to Obtain Money for Conveniences. (Although a family may not b wealthy enough for the "lady of th house 'to have all the little con veal-enc-es she wants, through Thrift un 1 War Savings Stamps the government has provided a way for the houte.v.:e to (H up hur kitchuu, paint th hu a, furnish her spare room or embellish the parlor. These women who were ao wise aj to begin saving systematically early in 1918 have nice little sums in vet I in War Savings Stamps by this tinio ICIeven War Savings Stamps, some of which cost as little as f 4.12 apiec will buy a first-class kitchen cablnov In many Instances, the housewife would not have saved anything to speak of, had It not been for the War Savings Stamps. Women are quick to grasp the bene fits from habits of thrift. Numerous reports have been received at distrirt hendquarters of the War Loan Organ ization of the Fifth Federal Koservo District of women who have started in by putting quarters In Tlirft Stamps and who have been enabled to buy desired- articles to briKhtuu their homes. As soon as a War Savings Stamp Is bought. It begins earning more money. War Savings Stamps art practically ready money. They are redeemable with accrued Interest at the post office on ten days' notice, but the longer they nre held, tin more money they make for their holders. EASY START TOWARD SUCCESS FURNISHED Wben a man gets $1,000 saved up there are always opportunities for a good Investment. It Is hard tu place much less than that. That Is what tiuallliy men who are elf-maJo ad viae youug men to begin early and savu the first thousand. Until we went to war, It was hard to get started toward that $1,000 tin loss at leust one dollar could he put away at a time. Small chango waa restless and acrobatic and kept Jump Ing out of our pockets Into somoone else's. Now, however, there Is an easy way to get that first thousand. The answer Is Thrift Stamps. They cost only a quarter apiece and can be con verted into War Savings Stumps. The government of the Vulted Stutei backs these War Savings Stamps with a guarantee of 4 per cent, interest, compounded quarterly. Save and suc ceed. AS PERMANENT INVESTMENT Secretary of Treasury Qlaea Showa Values of War Savings and Asks for Co-operation. Secretary 01 aw a, la a recent Inter view given at Washington, discussed War Stamps as a permanent Invest ment as follows: "WAR Saving Stamps afford an ex cellent vehicle for increasing capital and earning power. Many persons have not taken the War Savings Stamps seriously as an Investment hut the fact that they may be bought in as large a quantity as $1,000 face value during 1919. at such favorable interest return, unktia them most de sirable for the average man or family. "Definite plana for the continuance of the Issue in coming year of small (lovarumeut securities are being work ed out. "Although War Savings Stamp tmles this year do not approach the high marks made under stimulation of war need last year, their absorption by the public thus far has been satis factory. Savings In all channels shrank dur ing the early months of the year, and it Is expected that War Savlnga Stamp sales, along with postal savings and saving bank deposit, will grow lAHUy throughout th yr. "Co-opration is sought earnestly in the matter of keeping Thrift aad War Savings Stamps on sale, so that no one so Inclined may fsll to have oppor tuulty to Invest hi money wisely." Today la that tomorrow you thought about yesterday Buy W. B. fl. new, Bps od wisely It.vest Judleiouely and you will have plentifully. DR. JAMEO E. CROWTHEH AND D. W. GRIFFITH. Tfa support of the motion picture world as represented by D W Grif fith, well known film producer, was assured to Methodist Centenary Cel ebration at a conference In Columbus, the celebration being represented by Dr. 8. Earl Taylor of New York, Dr. J. E Crowther of Seattle, Dr. Fred risher of New York and Dr. C. F. Kelsner of New York. Mr. Griffith, in addltton to promis ing to make a film of all Important features of the Centenary Celebrtv tlon, strongly urged th ui of motion plot u re In th advancement of re ligious work. He tpoke strongly of the possibilities of the motion pic tures under proper supervision being made to carry a religious mestm? further than any known form of com munication Dr. H Earl Taylor, director general of the Centenary Celebration, made the BUtemaut that "we want pictures that talk the universal language I believe th message of peace and good will should be preached to the world through pictures." "! am ilsd to know they are going THE KULINO PASSION. Mrs, Talkerton Oh, dear! I wish there was some way 10 break litile (iludys of sucking her thumb. Her Husband Don'i worry; when she geis a little older she'll notice thai it imerfere's with her talking. Then she'll quit ii her self. CHLKLBl;::,.,, A LU LIVER Cruhea Into sour bile, making you aick and you loie a day s work. Calomel inlivntoa! It's meronry. Calomel acta liko dynamite on a sluggish liver. When calomel comes into contact with sour bile it crashes into it, causing cramping and nausea. If you feel bilioua, headachy, con stipated and all knocked out, just go to your druggist mid get a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a few cento, which is a harmless vegetable sub stitute for dangerous calomel. Tako a spoonful and if it doesn't start your liver and straighten you up better and quicker than nasty calomel and without making you sick, you just go back and get your money. If you take calomel today you'll be sick and nauseated tomorrow; be sides, it may salivate you, while if you take Dodson's l.iver Tone you will wake up feeling great, full of ambition anil ready for work or play. It is harmless, pleasant and sufs to S'fo to children; they liko it LEMONS WHITEN AND BEAUTIFY THE SKIN Maka this baauty lotion ehaaply for your fact, neck, armt and handa. At the coat of a small jar of ordinary cold cream one can prtaro a full quar ter pint uf the moat wonderful lemon skin softener and complexion beantilii r, by su.uov7.inK the juitte uf two fresh lem ons Into a Imttle conttiniiitf tlirei ouncei of orchard white. Care should lie takm to strain ttu juice tlinuiph a fine cloth ao no leiiKin pulp pets In, then this lo tion will keep fresh for montlm. Every woman knowa that lemon juice la used to bleach and remove stieh hleniishea as freckles, sallowness and tan and la the ideal skin softener, w hi tener and beaut ifler. Just try It! Oct tlirre ounces of orchard white at any drug ston and two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweetly irncrniit lemon lotion and massage it daily into the face, neck, anna and hands. It li marvelous to amoothen rough, red hands. lo give motion pictures practical dsmonstratlon at th Ceatnary Cele bration," said Mr. Griffith. "The eel brattoD will give th psopla la town and villages a wonderful opportunity to vlilt th utlr world by going no furthir than Columbus. Thr wtfl be an extraordinary impression pro duced by seeing these villages of China, Japan sod India, not peopled by amateurish actors, but inhabited by real natives from foreign land "I have bean astounded beyond msasur at th breadth, eitent and scop of the ntlr schem as It has bn revealed to me by Dr. Taylor, Dr. Crowther. Dr. Rsliner and others. I understand the Methodist Church has $140,000,000 and Is going to oeJe brate its success with lo'nietlilns more nearly resembling a world fair than anything else to which It cau b com parud One would think that a great nation at leant Is bwhlnd th move ment. Doubtless, something greater than the greatest nation Is behind It - a reawakened Ideal and faith In spired to bind up th wounds of a torn and outraged world" Certificate of Dissolution. To All to Whom Tliene Presents May Come Ureetintf: Whereas. It antwars to my tatiafac tion, by duty authenticated record of the proceedioirH for the voluntary dimo lution thereof by the unammoiiH con sent of all the stockholders, deposited in my ollice, Hint the W elilou Itrick and Land 1 m lirovement t om pany , Inc., a corporation of thin State, whose principal oltice is situated in the town of Wrltlon, Couutv of Halifax, State of North Carolina, (V.W. WiKKin beiutr the aireut therein and in cliaiye thereof, upon whom procews may be nerved, hun complied with the require ments of Chapter Jl, Kevmal of 1115, entitled "Corporations," preliminary to the iHrUiiuif or this Ceitilicate of lisno lution. Now, Tliereiore, I, J. llryau (iriuies, Sceretaiy of State of the State of North Carolina, tlo hereby certify that the said corporation tin!, on theiithday of June, 1!1W, lile in my ollice a duly' executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of Haul corporation, execu ted by all the utockholders thereof, which suitl consent ami the record of (he proceedings aforesaid are now on lile in my said ollice as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, 1 have hereto set my hand and atlixed my ollicialseal at liaieigh, this ttth dav of June, A. L. tulti. J. BUY AN tiKlMKS, Secretary of state. fi 12 4t Sale of Land for Taxes I will sell lo the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in the town of Halifax, on Monday, July 7th 1HM, the following described lauds in r aucettfl township, for taxes and coats for vear HUH: l.awver Haruhill, ;tl 1-2 acres, Koberson, 11.11 Kobert Koheison, acres, Hob ersou, $7.83 J. H. DICKENS, Tax Collector Faucetta Towuahip MERCHANDISE C A We ate expecting to close our mercantile business soon as we can do so. We offer every article in our siore at and below cost. We have some ereal bargains, and sell ing some goods at half what the same goods cosi at this lime. Merchants who need colton piece goods, can get such here at much less than wholesale houses are offering at this lime. We must close this business soon as possible. Come quick. SPIERS' BROS., WELDON, N. C. Yer.-a Ago, Thmklaf So. MJnt Die, Sap Txai Lad, But Now She Ii Well, Stroif Wwaun and Priitei CtrdoJ For Her Recovery, nuyw flty, Tm. M. Kary K1V liian. of thlt place, Myi; "Mitt th I. r:!i of my little girl. aid com n" tu hurt Die. I had to fa tack ti. U i We callrd th doctor. E ' n alud me. ..but I got no better. I n.t w.irso Bud worse until th mliery was unlL'iirable...I wai In bed for !ir e !.:'j:,ths and Buffered euch agony t tio t I um Just drawn un In a knot... I t. :J my huiland If he would get ! a bo'.tle of Cardul I would try It... I commenced taking It, howerer, that vciilii.-: I called my family about :na... for I knrw I could not lait vany days unloaa I had a Chang for EAST CAROLINA Teachers Training School. A Slate School 10 train leachers for the public schools of North Car olina. Every enerey is directed 10 this one purpose. Tuiiion free 10 all who agree 10 leach. Fall Sessions begins SEPTEMBER 24, 1919. ROBERT H. WRIGHT, President, FREENVILLE, N. C. inv1tation. You are Invited to open an account with the B BWK OF I SflflUD, I. 0. M fj Per Cent, allowed In the Savings Depart' ment Compounded YOU can T IS 1 ESTABLISHED 1892; Capital and Surplus, S63.0QQ. WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT. 4 PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT W E. DANIEL, FBBH1DINT. W. K. SMITH. ViCI-PBBBIDBNT. About the first quesiion our salesmen will ask you when you try on one of our new Is "How does it feel?" In other stores they ask "How does it look?" The difference is that we will first select a hat that will become you, and we know that a "Mallory" Hal will look right, so what we want to know is whether the hat feels right on the head. Be sure to have a look at our window ihis week and come in and prove what we say. FARBER & JOSEPHSON, Mens and Boys Outfitters WELDON, N. C, the bettor, That tu itx yean ago and I am etlll her and am a wtll, ttrong woman, and I owe my life to CarduL t had only taken half th bottle when I began to feet better. The mlery In my aide got leu... 1 continued right on taking the Cardul until I had taken three bottlea and I did not need any more for I waa well and nerer felt better In my life... I bar nerer had any trouble from that day to thle." Do you Buffer from headache, back, ache, palne In Bidet, or other discom fort, each month f Or do you feel weak, nerroua and fagged-outT If co, glr Cardul, th woman' tonic, trial. J. 71 EHFIELD, Quarterly. bank by mail 30 H E II LIU I.. C DRAPEP 1 ao 'A .

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