5TABUSHED IN 1806. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$1.50 Per Annum OL. LIV. WELDON, N. C, TIIUKS1)AY,.JULY 17, HUM. NO. 10 Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You Hav Always Bought, and which hat been la um fur over over 30 years, hat bi.rne the signature of i and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its Infancy. Allow no one to deceive vuu in iht All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are lut Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Cattoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Props and Soothing Syrups. It Is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been In constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arlsiot' therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother'! Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THI CCNTAUf COM j Get The Habit X BBuy for Cash. Save""C3 BSTthe pennies by buy-C3 ing at W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Cash Store VVl-LOON, N, C. Ion kmk & Millwork Go. Weldon, N. C. MANUFACTURERS OF (wilding Material tor Modern Homes, Sash, Doors ilfnds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens , MADE TOOKM.K AM) NKtil'MKKTtH'K SIZES ' (lood Materials, High tirade Workmanship Our Slogan Spring and Simmer f g y 'mm )RE88 GOOD! -ALSO- Shoes and Clothin ,m r LADIES COAT 3 1 9 3 n 33 Ad. K The Busy Store, WELDON, N C AND SPORT SUITS m COATS m The very newest styles In Organdies Georgettes and Crepe-de-Chine. J. L SWtmCK, m C Vint re Hams There Is nothing more appetizing than a slice of our choice ham. We have anything you may want in the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Goods OOD GEOCBRIES build up ihe system, stimulate the brain, and J increase your capacity to think. And right thinking brings best re cults. Our prices make you think. Call in to see us. L. E. HULL, pt Batchelor's Cptra Houja, WELPON, N.C ; HALIFAX COUNTY SCHOOLS. i I CHILDREN'S HEADING CIRCLE. One of the greatest needs in the country school today is that hoys ami girls should have an opportu nity to become ii lelligenl readers. Intcre-i in good luniks will open upilie woild to boys mid jjirls in f.ir reaching ways and will give the in one ol the greatest resources of life. Willi a school library at hand, the teacher has a splendid opportunity to arouse ihis interest in good literature and leave her pupils wiih a desire for inure of the same kind. The value of this annul be overestimated. Realizing the importance of whole some reading among children and desiring to further encourage and stimulate (heir desire for belter books, we have continued the Pu pils Heading Circle that was insti luted in the county last year. Any child, who read as many as six books taken from a given list, and satisfied the teacher thai such had been done, was given a certificate indicting such. A list of books has been prepared that gives ihe pupils an opportunity to continue the course for three years. The following children received Reading Circle Certificates this year: Bear Swamp Mrs. 0. B. Har dy, Principal. First Year Nathaniel Bethea, B:ssie Collins, Hortense Mohorn, Teeny Mohorn, Willie Saunders, Helen Shearin, Maudgenia Shear in, Elsie Wood. Second Year Nathaniel Bethea, Hortense Mohorn. Dawson -Miss Clara Pope.Prin cipal. Hirst Year- Clara Barnhill, Lou ise Barnhill, Dennis Holliday, Don ald Hulliday, Lillian Partin, Nelson Partin. Halifax Miss Ruth Shaw, Prin cipal. First Year Edna Earle Camp belle, Naomi Dickens, Howerton Gowen, Maoel Jennings, Margaret l.angley, Roland Langley, Robert Langley, Nina Stephenson. Second Year Mary Louise Bans, Joseph Bans, Walter Bans, Josephine Gowen, Caswell Shaw, Mary Shaw, Elizabeth Siedman, George Young, Maxine W'estphall. Ilardrawee--Miss Salhe Barclay, Principal. First Year Gracie Bedgood, Bessie Bennette, Ethel Bradley, Hetty Braswell, Lottie Brown, Wilson Browning, Paul Daniel, Delia Lee Draper, Alvin Hasty, Blanche Knight, Robert Ivey, An nie Lewis, Elby Lewis, Ruth Lew is, Grace Locke, Lula Mae Locke, Mamie Locke, Allie Ponds, Valeria Sexton, Nettie Smith. Hobgood Miss Elizabeth Hy man, Principal. First Year Linwood Bailey, Jr. Edna Earle White, Harry White. Second Year Virginia White. New Hope Miss Stella Hicks, Principal. First Year Annie Miller, Panic Parks, Stella Shaw, Francis Shear in, Lucy Shearin. Second Year Beckie Collins, Hubert Collins, Gracie Hale, Viola Harris, Blanche Hockaday, Lima King, Mary King, Anna Miller, Clinton ShJw, Geneva Shaw.Lillie May Shaw, Mamie Shaw, Ollie Shaw, Virginia Shearin. Oak Hill Miss Lorena Dickens, Principal. Firsi Year Nora Hazel Craw ley, Roy Harlow, Wallace Harlow, llj Branche Keeter, Myrtle Bea trice Keeter. Palmyra Miss Allie Hobbs, Principal. First Year Wade Lawrence Mizelle, Jr. Second Year Hazel Lassiier, Mary Ruth Newell. Pearson Miss Rose F. Felton, Principal. First Year Bernice Ivey, Shel ton Ivey, Gladys ivey, Blanche Neal. Ringwood Mis? Julia Williams, Principal. Second Year Lula Harpir, Ma bel Harper. Tillery Mrs. Richard Lewis, Principal. First Year-Elizabeth Applewhite, Blanche Hancock, Ruth Hancock, Mary Roebuck, Selma Roebuck, Madeline Miller, Mary Margon Walker, Rudolph White. Virginia White. Second Year Elizabeth Apple white, Blanche Hancock, Ruth Hancock, Selma Roebuck, Made line Riddick, Mary Morgan Wal ker, Rudolph White, Virginia White. Eden Miss Lottie Browning, Principal. First Year Gladys Bellamy, Mamie Bellamy, McDonald Nev ille. A. E. Akers, Supt. Halifax County Public Schools. M. STOMACH TROUHL Mr. Marion Holcomb. ot Nancy, K., s...vs: "ii.rt!il a long while I suffered with stomach t. !.'.. i ..... have pains and a heavy feeling alt. r i . i.. ..: i , , disagreeable taste in my mouth, it 1 aiiyUuhK v.ii bulter.oil or grease, I would spit it tip. I be i.'iii to h regular sick headache. 1 had used pills and tablets, ! after a course of these, I would be constipated. It j Mimed to tear my stomach all up. I found they v. .. no good at til for my trouble. I heard THEDFORD'S LAGI-DflAU recommended very highly, so bean to use it. It cured me. I keep it In the house all the time. It is the best liver medicine made. I do not have sick headache or stomach trouble any more." Black-Draught acts on the jaded liver and helps it to do its important work of throwing out waste materials and poisons from the sys tem. This medicine should be in every household for use in time of need. Get a package today. If you feel sluggish, take a dose tonight You will feel fresh to morrow. Price 25c a package. All druggists. ONE CENT A DOSE 1 FIRST DAY IN SCHOOL. On the lirst day of school in an Ohio town the teacher of the lirsi grade was securing the names c her pupils. She came to one youngstrr whose IjiIi.t was noted lor Ins profanity, and said: "Vfhsi! is your name?" "Bubble I lughes, " was ihe te- ; Ply. "Do you know your a h c'sv" "I Irll, no; I've only been heie . live minutes1" .s the astonishing answer. I SAYINGS MADE SAFE FOR SMALL INVESTOR Unolt lim Provides Protection for Thrifty Cltlion Who Wlihei to Lay Atldt Part of Earning!. Tbia la Hit day of the small Idtps tor. The war opened the ayea of mine 60,000.000 Americans to the UnettU of investing In government securities; It minimized to the stunt! extent the man ace of fraudulent promotions ip which many Ufa's Havings have been unit. War Sayings Stamps are mak ing Inventing anfe for the small uaver. Every small Inventor Bbould rtulize that a dollar saved while money is the t'.ieapest commodity offered will purchase twice as much of almost any other commodity within tour or Ave jmtrs, so that, In addition to the In teicst that War Saving or otluT gor rumen, securities yield, the investor really has earned 100 per cent in the purchaHinf power of the dolltir saved. Small sums certainly ara worth sav ing. Amounts that seiu Insignificant loon pits up into figures that are Im picssive. A great French tmtiker was once asked the secret ot KiftYuh thrift, anu he roplled, "Compound intere&t." Just an constant waute, even in little thiiiKs, may change one's life from micLeis to failure, so the steady sav ing of money will eventually hrlnt: Independence. If not act u si I wealth. There are very few persons who cannot, without inconvenlenco, lay aside 10 cents a day. Within ten years one's dally aavlugs of this In significant sum will amount to In addition to $80 36 compound in terest, making a total of $445.36. By saving 16 cents a day for ten years, with Interest compounded at 4 per cent, one will have the comfort able sum of $6ti$ ll; SO cents a day will net 0.Sil. Save B0 cents a dav for ten years and there Is $2,227.76. A ili'llar a day will make a total of $4 4S5 74 for the ten-year period. All these figures are haned on the savings being put out at 4 per rent c m pound Interest. War Savings Stumps yield more than 4 per ceut. LESSONS WILL TEACH THRIFT IN SCHOOLS LEARNING TO MAKE MONEY ONLY HALF Wis Spending Is Also Essential Aocordlng to War Savings Organization. Learning how to make money la only half. It Is learning how to spend wisely and save Judiciously that counts. Kren saving does not necessarily mean wise spending, since the pres ent dary offers so many equivalents for our money. It is only by making a careful, systematic study of the house hold administration that a proper bal ance may be found between the dif ferent Items In the average budget of the home, Thers are Itema in every household on wtiicfe too much money is siu'tit The fact must be faced that if too much la spent on clothing, f . r In stance, less must be spent for other net esHltles of life. Saving, however, fa the Item that should be most emphasized. Poor houses are full of people who did nut have a saving Item on their budgets. Unemployment, sickness, old age and in any other demands necessitate a call on the reserve fund, the lack of which will result in buiT-miiih and want. Kvory going enterprise Is conducted on system. If the h me ia to be a sue tesnful Institution it must also com ply with this wise rule ot economic. HystsHnatlc household accounting will inuke a home more cheerful and pros perous. Household accounting alone, however, will never return Us full ben writ until it is backed by an Intelligent family budget. One must consider the problem of whether it la wiser to pay runt or to build a borne. In a targe measure this depends on local conditions as well as the site of the Income. Amusement and iworeatlon are a sential In family life. The child and the adult should have an allowance for this, though the total be very small, averaging from 4 to ft per cent ot the Income of the fa wily. Ttu wise apeuder plans the needs of the family to that the amount spent In the "miscellaneous" Items will be as small aa possible. Tils item should not be a "oatch all" In home record. Pamphlets Giving Outline Course May B Had by Writing War Loan Organization. The War Loan Organisation of the F'ftli Federal Reserve District at Rl h im 'tid. Va, lias Just lesud an outline of a course of thrift for elementary schools. It Is designed OMpmially to mc"t the needs of teachers, beginning w:th chapters for the smallest young sters and contlnuhiT to those for pu pils tip to the eighth grade. "Thrift In the Schools" contains fascinating eurgectlons for the teach ing of thrift to the little ones at the "Mother Goose" age. Then tor the older children there are many other ways of bringing the lesson home. Oeography. hygiene, English reading, budget making and pnoblesae In arith metic adapt themselves te the teach ing of thrift. Besides these Items the pamphlet ooiituins auggestlons tor momlnf talks for all grades; tentative read ing lists, with the namaa of tha pub lishers of books Included, and. In aafih hnpr, a paragraph on the arattw) of thrift. The summary of she alms ol lb leaflet will probably fir the heal Idea of the outline 1 To give the child a broad under tanding of the specific facta ana underlying prfaarpies of thrift I. To train the child In ihe haite f oonsoprallow and the wis aie of all his re sou roes I To areata through she schools a publlfl sentiment Id favor of thrift and economy, aad through tbia public sen timent, to oultlvats the national habit of thrift The War Loan Organisation in Richmond will fumrlah these leaflets In any quantity, froo of charge. MUCH JUNK FOUND BY VIRGINIA COMMUNITY Thrift and )nk business are boom lag at Boi porta. Va. "It keeps me busy running to the post office to get Thrift Stamps to pay for all the sal vage that is coming In now," said the proprietor of one of the Junk shops. "Where an the Junk comes from Is a constant wonder. No one would have bei laved that so much stuff could have been hlUdmi away In a town of this also." Under tha voluntary ntanUatlon of airs. W. B Ooodwyn, of Rio porta all the housewives of the town have been, conducting an organised salvage campaign, In accordance witli the plane outlined by the War Ixaa Or ganisation of the Fifth Federal He serve Diet riot. Salvage so collected Is sold to the local Juak dealer for It full mine In Thrift Stamps. According to arrange meats already made witti most deal ere la wast materials in the Fiftl. District, wagona wilt call for unk wherever a "Salvage" oard Is di played Those osmls have been dis tribuled all over the State, Not only has ttmporla found that this organlisd campaign la resulting In s highly ben social town "cleanup" i but a aourc of economic '.veitfare 1 hardly known before has thus com to litht. The salvage campaign has proved so satisfactory In Km porta that JunV wagon re now being run ant to the uroundlng towns. Pressed corned beef is more subsunti.il tlun pressed autumn leaves. Love may never die, but it gels awfully sick sometimes. DOCTOR AN OP URGED RATION mm Instead I took Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound and Was Cured. Baltimore, Md. "Nearly four years I suffered from organic troubles, ner vousness Bnd head, aches and every month would have to stay in bed most of me for a time but my doctor was al ways urging me to .have an operation. asKed me liaE.Pink- eeetalile Compound before consenting to an operation. I took ' i, live bottles of itand L 'M I it has completely cured me and my work is a pleasure. 1 tell all my friends who have Htiy trouble of this kind what Lytiia K. l'iukham'a Vegetable Com pound has done for me. Nrllik It. IlKiTTiNCHAM, Gu'J Calverton M, Balti more, Md. It is only natural for any woman to dreud the thought of an operation. So many women have been restored to hpalth by this famous remedy, Lydia E. I'inkhum's Writable Compound, lifter an operation naa been advised that it will pay any wommi who suffers from such ailments to consider trying it be fore submitting to such a trying ordeal. VWkra.nave an op . p. My sister as 7v Cto try Lydia . ti-""""" ham's Ve EVER md.! in; it W Y'M M M- 11U.MIIUL.L1 Calomel is quicksilver and acta like dynamite on your liver. Ciilnini lose? vuu a iliiy! Y know v.hul uiloiiu'l is. It's m.r eury; quicksilver. Calomel is ilmi gorous. It crashes into sour Mir like dynamite, cramping and sick ening you. Calomel utlaoks tin horns and should never be put into your system. When you feel bilious, sluirf-'isli, constipated and nil kumkeil out and believe you need a do of dangerous calomel just remember that your druggist sells for a few cents a huge bottle of Dc hson's Liver Time, which is entirely vegetable and pleasant to take and is a perfect substitute for calomel. It is guaranteed to start your liver without stirring you up in-idc, and can not salivate.' lVm't take calomel ! It makes you Mck the next dav : it hwes vou a dav's I work. Dodson's LiverTnne .straight ens yon right up um! you feel great. five it to the children because it is Berfectlv harmless and doesn't gripe. "FAKE" ASPIRIN ! WAS TALCUM SWEET EAPBML Therefore Insist Upon Gen uine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" K Uii frof hldn't (ltd back fc would tar fotttn out ot th wll. Dssl b frof Ki on burlct Wu Sf4n tmp. Do tou tut o tak rl no tiwr Bur w. 8. i. But certain nd sot rant. Ton m tar tarouth W. 8. 8. MONIV MAKINQ MONIV. Ona dollar cut aitdt tvarr far Dvt ytan will rive ron orir 1217; for un jraara It will make UI Of coum. it a tk will lvt you about doublt i tat, or for Iva raari K7I0I, aad to on. Buy a laad pencil and ur oa that. It will be ont of tka beet larait menta you arar made. CIDARETTES Golden Virginia tobacco, blended with just a dash of Turkish, V. not merely "cured", not just "sugar-cured", but. maple-sugar cured Si S I Ke knoiui 13o 2 for 25c Large Fell Paokaga i l --.rffSiasilsSL INVITATION. You are invited to open an account with the BW OF EliFIELD, E fi FIELD, fl. c. 4 Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart ment Compounded Quarterly. YOU can bank by mail tamnaworjtiiUiWamiwtimbiimiit) Safatr. laoraaaw aad raatr maaiay re all prarMad by W. S. 8. Tk; oaa alwan ba oaavartaM Into an tan daya' uyUow at tka aatetM im odoa. . Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Millions of fraudulent Aspirin Tiiblcis were sold by a Brooklyn maniifaciurer which later proved i to be composed mainly of Talcum Powder. "Bayer Tablets of As- pirin" ihe true, cenuine, Ameri- i can made and Aniericnn owned Tablets are marked with ihe safety "Bayer Ooss." Ask for and then insist upon "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" and always buy litem in ihe original Bayer package which contains proper directions and dosage. ! Aspirin is ihe trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetic- i acidesier of Salicylicacid. Sale of Land for Taxes I mil sell to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in the town of Halifax, on Monday, Auff. 4th 1919. the following described lands in I'aucetta township, lor tuxes and coits for year 1918: J. E. Daniel, 827 acres, Daniel land, taiea and cost f28.14 J. B. DICKENS, Tax Collector Faucetts Township, Aboui the first question our salesmen will asl you when you try on one of our new Is "How does it feel?" In oiher stores they ask "How does it look?" The difference is that we will first select a hat thai will become you, and we know that a "Mallory" Hat will look right, so what we want to know is whether the hat feels right on the head. Be sure to have a look at our window this week and come in and prove what w e say. FARBER & JOSEPHSON, Mens and Boys Outfitters WELDON, N. C, I