rABLISfllil) IN IHoO. IL. LIV. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. VKUOX, N. ('., TIIllUsDAV. .11 I. Y :! I . Terms of Suhscriution--$l..!iO Per Aniuini NO. 1 1 w ( ' f Net Conti-nts trFluid Dracitw " i nvu r.KM. ' AWilclnbk'IVtrparntionfiif.M liPi Us tin 11 w Stomachs unci UlrfJ p ,i lp Pi h k t.tc J.ii .!& : it. TlHTcbj-l'romoiiniSDito SlgTiatUTe (,ticfrfUlnMSndRf5t.Contji in.h lienor r 61 lillCt HUIII M" neither Opiam.Ki?"lien j jWir Jirf Mm W ! AhelpfulRcmedvri'r ; Constipation ami Dt.rrhoci '' and KevcrlshnMsail loss ok at"--resulting ihpreftn;n'nrancy rnc Simile SiMjOT" i I: Exact Copy of Wrapper. Get The Habit yCTBuy for Cash. Save"S Dthe pennies by buy-'CS ing at W. T. PARKER & CO., rholesale Cash Store WI-l.DON, N. C. ) i d n bmh k Millwork k Weldon. N. C. MAM 1-AITI';KI.S OF Hiding Material for Modern Monies, Sash, Doors nds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MAliK TOOUIH'.lt AM" KN.I I.AItsToi K sl.Ks Oood Materials, HiKh Urade Workmanship Our Slogan I Spring ail Sum : -ALSO- If 5 UST" The very newest styles in Organdies Georgettes and Crepe-de-Chine. j 4. L. SWflBUCK, The Busy Store, WELDON, N C tmt iUkhekr's Opera Hem., bHd UMA For In fat, la n.,,1 Children. Mothers That Genuine sfrria Always 01 Htm tobw otrv Wiir AaT Use VJr For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA Shoes and Clothing. LADIES COAT SUITS AND SPORT COATS ru Hams lltere is nothing more appetizing than a slice of our choice ham. We have anything you may want in the line of meats. All kinds of Canned Goods )0D GLOCBRIES build up ihe system, siimulaie ihe brain, and increase your capacity 10 ihtnk. And right thinking brings best re is. Our prices make you think. Call in to see us. L. E. HULL, WELDON, N.C NO SliNSI! 01' IIUMOK. "I low did y (111 happen in luse. yotir conk?" "She didn't like my style nf hu ninr." "Nn?" "I hiving stinwn symptoms nf .ill artistic temperament mi several occasions, I asked her if she thought our kitchen was ;i way station nn 1 1 1 l- in. ul in the movies, jikI, lili'ss my Mini, she unit." ANDIItliH "DRY" VOTI: "A burnt child dreads the lire," announced the teacher during the lessnns proverbs. "Now, give J me a sentence dill'crcnt in wording luit meaning the same thing." A grimy hand shot up li niti the ; hack nf the class. "Please, teacher," came a small voice, "A washed child, dreads the water." ! itl(Ki;V'S DRAIT I.IM1 Centum 1 hear that they are raising the draft limits in Turkey. Not man -- Yes the dralt will now include all mules having In m eighteen to forty five wives. Cardiii, the woman's Ionic, helped Mrs. Wil li. 'in Iv.-iTsrJi, of Hazel I'.ikh, Ky. Kiwi what i4 titie w rites: "1 had a U - tf'J K"ei al b..nkii!i;-aown 3 gjjfar1 ot my lv.;;.:i. 1 v.rriin A bed lor weeks, liable to -,1 1-3 ut'l I had suili n ui't u,'. I had suiti a weakness and dizziness, . . . and l!:e pains were vciy b. v '. A fn.M'.d A', lo Inn Mi. J tried every- 111 !;; eljC, why net j Ci'.rJuiV ... 1 did, and it, soon r iv; it v lie!pirf : me . . . a;;:i i uuu I am strong .iml well The Woman's Tonic Do you feel weak, diz zy, worn-out? Is your lack of tiuml health caused from any of the com plaints so common to women? Then why not give Cardul a tn.il? It should surely do for you what it has done lor so many thousands of other ' women w ho suffered it should help you back to health. Ask some lady Iriend who has taken Cardui. She will tell you how it helped her. Try Cardui. All Druggists Report ul lilt- Coihlitiull ot CITIZENS BANK i Side m III Women M mi'm C.irihu, the woinan's tonic, helped Airs. Wil- rf'.', ftlQ Ham lv.i rsr.le, of Hazel L j ; I .IILIl. IV. ItLu.l U Jl li 1 TAKE '" Mil Sly ii at Halifax, 111 ihe State uf Noith I '.n 0I11111, al the cloe of lnisiihhS, .lime :(o, I'U'.t. L inns und discounts, ?l,''..'t,t)'j ovenlialts, IL'J Hi Liberty limi.ln 'jnuiu 1 111 nit me ami 1'ixtureM I, .'Ml ti ll olliei real ewtute tiwticil M nil CuhIi in vim 1 1 and net amtmnlN due I'rom ItinksJlutiktUMmul TiunI ('uinpainuH, It '.iii.M I n'tiHt'K, HU 1.1 J'uUl. l I.Kt I I.IAUILiriUS. I rapiiul Stock paid in I 7. u. ihi I udivitled I'tollts. Ie! I'linent Kpciisei Mill niv able li ittHi im I lepoHitN Hllbjerl tu check f, 'I I Sann(s Pepo-utu, ,.iii ', t j-.tiieiH I 'tiecka outstanding -It; w AdjiMtment Account, l HI Tt-il, iUM Mateol Nottli I'ftiolina, Count v ut Huh lav. July 14, UU!i. I.' H. Hale. 'asbier of the above named lianlv, du sideiiinly iwi-hv thai the above statement ititiilctu I lie, best ot my kuuHk'iljrt' ami belit!', t'. II. II Cashier. Mibst'iihcd aiul aw 01 n tobef'uie inejln? 1 tlh dav ot July istlu. w. f. roi'i'i in;K, Notary I'lihlic. t'uuci'l-AUeBl: SWAIN H. NOHM AN', ,1. II NOKM AN, T. O. AL tiH AN, Oireftorn. LET W. S. S. BE BANKS TO SAFEGUARD BONDS AND STAMPS Art Ready to ProtMct 3curitli of Small hive .tort Free or Far Nominal Charge. In buy in); Liberty Huinla. Vietory Honda, Thrift and War Savin i StnnipH thu peopltt of the I'm tod StaU'H have dime more than perform u patriotie duty - thuy have invested tu the aoundt'st oruritien in the world, if"hl obligations of tin- I'nit ed Stuten of America, Hut thtt Haft'tfuiu'djiiff, of thf.-u ae vui'itit's bun hcconii: a (tiiit)ftii for many fork. Only h fi-w pfitins, ltd ativel , ha vi either a saft- in tht hoitKtf or titVh t, or h aaft' tVp"4it bu in the vaults of tht hunk. Vn o mauy patriotie citizen arc k-cpin hond;' mid .ttHiup! about the iioum1, in Uie huiVHu tltawvr, umtcr thf mut ilans, or on the shelf. And evrii if the tn-HStire is thus hidden from thitven, tht re is tin- ever jiv-nt dail Kr of lire, and the loss uf ilo money .iivcsU'd. Tht'rc may be no furthor call for the people at lai'ife to suhscribe to Iiuk bond isstit-s, but the povern nient neetlf the iluily und weekly sums whieh eome in from the le of Tlirift and War Sa vinj s Stamp for taKe-t nuut be kept down. The ihin-er of loss tin duturred some pen p' from fetti . its mvny tiuupn as they miirht tthrwl huy. Heiife the prot'lem will U' a fituie (merttioii at well a a present one. Stepa have been taken, however, to meet thin situation. First, every bond r atamp eertifi eute may le reentered with the Trenmiry Itepartment. llejiatiatiori meaim that the owner's name and the number of his security have been "registered" by tht jroverimient, and that nobody but himttelf can pos .sibly )ift the inolioy wiiicli the Imiitj or stamp ri-i'tifica'e calU for. Ctr titlcales may he registered thtoUKh tha luureat postotfiio; bonds thruuirh. the neiuest bank. And the hucoiu! method for snfr tniardiup has heen provided by the hanks themselves. Kvery bank na tional bank or savings bank- and ev il ry trust company hat., of course, ample and rtecure vaults. For the man who does not fuel that he run afford to rent a safe deposit box to kuep Liberty Bunds and War Savings Stamps in, many of the banks and tru.st i'ompunles have announced their wdlinffiietts to keep thene securitiea for him tu their own vaults. SUCCESSFUL DOLLARS ARE THOSE WORKING Invested In War Savings Stamps Thsy Never Fall to Yield You Hand some Profit. It is the dollar that yoes to work that is the suceecsful dollar. Tha idle dollar in a failure. The suefeaa ful dollar brink1 back another dollar with it. It iiiakus itself a dollar and something -two dollars and some thinK a whok fan. ily of dollarH. nut tha caridvsa dollar goes off oinwhere and U nvr seen again. A Tex Ah man the othar day lost a lifa-timt'n navinns $7rt. His dol lars had Rontr off in the pockets of wo fake utiak pron otars. H had .ot tautrht his ttollrirt to keep Rood miiimti . Hun-'rcdi of years a ten man to lioni ii liiudful of money had bean t mufti bin ied It all tn a ttanklii. Ha Ht no iniifiisu ho did not evan koap I what he ltl j The dollar that siiccae.ls im enar- mtlr nd careful War Savinf j olanip do mi tl.i yuuf do I- . luis Thuy put tnem to work at cornpouml interest And they never fail. Your gowrnmant tuarunti- very one of them j A man once hrxifht MatihHttMD lsl-1 nml for '.4 He had thu '.!4 Huy War 9uvliis Slam, and ba ready. Provide a silver lining for the com-j ''.g olcid War Havngs Stamps Will to It. Too often when a man's gooc! deeds for themselves he spoils the eH'eci by going around with his mouth open. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORIA YOUR CHAMPION j WAR SAVINGS STAMPS MADE HOME POSSIBLE Man Who Suddenly Found Him.elt Without Roof Over Head Wa Aljlf to Buy Property. . This true story tells ljow War SaV inns Stamps built a sure piutei. timi around one Washington war worker and hiH f Hiuily. Karly in tha war savin ft- campaign he he'an a small systematic invest ment in Thrift SUmus, whieh ulti mately Ki'ew until he hud an invest ment of $100. He says lie uonnrud hlH tamps without tlepriv int liiin- si-It or faintly. The investment "liikt i t;iew" out of ineidental aviiis. I'n's.Mtly this incltleiiial itn-iioy became marce. The war um-dt i and his family filt th burden of the ..ar t'l'e hli;h cost rtf livi:i, ni.d I'.e nt x- j iety and expense of extraordinai ill nes of the two children. 'I t i 111 ollier Id- .v fell. He awnke one ;on I itit to find that lie iiiid no j !:. e to ! live. His residence had I m . r i I .n! lie and Ins family were asked to ;t 1 rate. He could find no ho;i. nr 1 ient williin his menus, ami w. t.m I fronted with the necessity of I ;.,n ! the i-ily or tniyim;- a Imni" I . i j t'niii;ly. He ci. ultl not hu i;'.,. A , inakini; a sutmt .uitial iititi.il ).;,. I 0, cut, ami ivudy fuiuia were i ni in'Ij heyoixl roe li. t'iien he tl.oiiKi't of In- War Sav ings Stamps. He rumem! .-i .-! t y Were li tlcniittdi' nr: l.-M - wtlh accrued tnt' tvt. ceeds f these sUl!:ips Htn sums it- he could I'li'i', iirt payment on a ne.v suburbs. Ut-i. ntlv hi refh-ed u 1 . . (.-..-, . di iiadc n.ie ,11 UiO -.11 it for 1- . ;.uni int. re tlinii the pmv This man it. u W in S;t . 11 entliusutst and he is on U road to tiuancml indepeiitle i.uiht Stnrt your mind fsoiiiK al ii? saving liner) and t lu-u wad'h it ti.md li.i) a S regularly. Pull to(illier to m-iiti:et nnr. to Altiuumte Wctxle, to sitit umj to In vodt In S S I Kii your immey at work fo-r yiu. Itolmc-I our Lilnity lluuJ lutuie-tt !tn W s 8 I REMEMBER THE ANT Save and havj! Ki memoir the story of thu ant and the uT'iashupper? The ant worked and saved. The end of each day found him with n little more aihud to what he had the duy before. Tnc Kiass- hopper danced and si. and fiddled his time away. inter came; the ant hail plenty. The gramt hopper had nothing; he i ! had not saved. Ho went to the 1 ant and asked for help. N:.id ! the ant: "Whiia I worked, you ? ' fooled your time away. You I ', ran dance now for all I raro." ? Are you an ant parson or a 1 rrashhopper - periton? Some k 't time ar you noing to have to ' aik for hwlp and will sonuione $ tell you to dance; or will you J ' bt Indopeudent T f , If you save now, you'll have ' lattr on. Iet thu and of every . week find more Thrift Stamph 1 ; on your card. A iha und ff ev i ary nre.filh b pM? to iw Tnof f W nr SaivincH 3:mpi p.nt" i on ' you:- certificate. Lund your mority to thu govtmmaiit nt par cant inter!, 'oiupouud d . quarterly, and nee. It Rrow, 1 Take uttn-k of you i s.-if! ! What are tu worth? U .11 r ' next New Year's Hay Ami yt i . worth uioro or leas? Which v.dl you h; an ant or a i;t'i - li-i pa-? a There's much 10 lie snid on both sides when a woman attempts lo write a letter on a single sheet of paper. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Tired ' i l' . .1' !t VV l W mm M it ' ,N n v -- v V 7 V .f Tf l VEGETABLE COMPOUND SIC I iitrvi luck is ;t machine for test ing yimr friL'tuis. it scpumics ilie wheat Irotii the ch.itl. It 'people wi're Kivett all ihey pniyeJ lor thu world uould have 10 be enl.irged. sVHWIMBMaVninil m m run r a r-1. aku m Acts like dynamito on a sluc-is liver tind you Iojo a day's work. ' I ' i 1 . r-, ' i 11,1 ri':l nil !iv a rt oliu'l 11 11 II a I. : ul,'. I.ii . , a ! ir liollle of i,.,.,m'; I, , ,-' 'I,,;,,... li-firt Rill,,!!"-'- for e.ii.i I 11 is a .!. , Wllirll U'ill .v., ; ; ii I 1, - j;,,l , Slll'rlv a nil. I- I, lull H it ir ti lliafi' Villi M.'t al'il ran . ,-alo il 'liil.lr.-n nii'l r rvn I' . U . an 1 ii I iniUnn's I ii r T"ti.'. ho .line 1. . ifrl'i'i ily liariu!. ( '.ilinii. l is a ilain.'.Toiis ilniir. i is meriiirv and alt.n ks your !in. Take a dose f naty .-,il..iti,- 1 . and j-.11 ill f... l u, ak. .-ir, . 1 llioiseali d tolllnrrnw. 1 1. in ,,.,. 'lay's -,irk. Take a .-io.miu! I .i.lsill", l.iler T.ilie ill-1. a, I ,111 v..u wake up livling ...real. lenl'i' liiliiuin.'". enlist 1p.1t am. !uv Ii.-a.la.-l..-. . 'I d. d I. .111:1a ... Mini' st iiiiaeh. Your ilnn'eisl von il-m'i t i 11. 1 I i.i,l-,.n's l.ii,-i- fun 'lets lirlli r than I - .1 . eal.uiK 3Xur j n r n -y 'a ailim; for mm. "BAYER CROSS" ON ASPIRIN Always Ask for Genuine "Bayer Tabids of Aspirin" Only Aspirin Tablets with the safely "Bayer Cross" on them are genuine "Haver I .iMcisof Aspirin" owned and m ule by Americans and proved sale by millions of peo ple. I'liknoA o iiiantiiics ol fraud ulent Aspiiiii Tablets w ere sold re cently by a I'.rouklyn dealer which proved to be composed mostly o Talcum I'owder. "haver Tablets of Aspirin"should always be asked for. Then look for t ie safety "Bayer Cross" on lite package and on each tablet. Accept nothing else! Proper di rections and dosage in each Bayer package. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture ot Monoacetic acidcsier of Sahcvlicacid. AN i:i.l:CTIt)N I.CAI.IU). on imtiuu of .1 I! Ittaiii'li .Inly iii-i'-i.li.lt.l l.v i.i-u I.. lln.-, .ll., lill.l illlttli llllullslv Cltlllt .l It li. li sulO ii lis lultOttM ' H.M an rli't't loll In' l.n. l hflrnv ti .i to lie I l.I.I ..ii Hie I II,'-. I lY I Al I.I SI', llO'l. Ill Ihe o.lintf iiti-1'ini-ln In .l.-trr- , van mine n i.lliiM lliililtlx .-..lit. I v nIii.II imn l ive Hull. Ill'.t Tlion-'iinil l'..ll:os lli.ll.l I'nr iiuv i.iu' or inn re i.l tin- Inlh.w mij pin tuist-s lou it l.uvluir oiil, iii-nin. allei niir. eiinsliiu-liiic- nml iiiiii.viuif t '.mill v II itilniHV in MO') cuttiil v ami in i-imsliiii'linir, li'i'iilisliiii'tniir iiii.l niter inn I'l.iinly Iniilir.-s in suul e.nintv. t ins I'leetiini in t'lilli '1 in iiuisiitince of Hiiime Hill No. Mil, nml Seniite Hill No. 1 till!, wessiun ol' lii'iii-nil Asi'tnl.lv lltl'l, in Hi'i'iiriluiii'i1 Willi the jtnwi-i unit uiuliolitv tlielfin unit tlu-lehv ctin-leni-,1. Ily iinlel ot Hie Himol otroini.'iyroni uilHion.'Oi lor llnliluv eunntv .1. II. MU'tMAN, I'teik HomJ nf County I'nilllniHsioDer-. Nervous Should Profit by or these Two Women Iliill'aln, X. nearly 1 1 1 ii Mais I 1 1 Hi: it a I In .'."" ill 1IIV liuell t ui, I.. !iil in my In '. V , . , , t ' M " " "".llir,. mn.-l , "TXylftTJ '"t ' As a last, ivsmt, 1 ,1, ,i , ,ry j., . I!.;t ,v . f I'm 1' . .1 1 l. f """'" ifF i riiiKiiuin,- iiilv.TtiM.il in 1. lu'w - iuiKMs. umi iii two woi li.s nt iii.nl lu.irki il iiiipr.ivm.-iit. 1 i . -in inu. l ils use ami uiu now fivo fi,,m j ..ii 1 1 ami 1,1,1,. t do all my house work." Mis. li. II. Zilli.v-ka, JUJ Weta Street, IJulViilo, X. V. I iilllilllil.Ini . "Ttiail a ilkiil.inpmr.nt nnil nir..rn.l so l.ailly from it, at tim,.s ,.,,,,1,1 ,mt . ,, ,y 1',,-t, lit all. I was all run ilovvn mill so weak I muiil mil. HIV llollsrwork. lowii al, tiilit,. I lonli lint tlleyili,! not lirlp 1..MII.1 f I'lnliliain s i'diilile ('oiiiioiiiiiI. I tried it and now I am slr.uitf anil well upiin and do my own work ami I i v.- I vdia 10. l'inkliaiii's ( I'oitud Hie 1 n-dil."- Mrs. .1 osiii-n 1 n k Kijiiit.i;, wis Wi-m iiuco bti'eut. l'orUaiul. lud. Every Sick Woman Should LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S 1 EAST CAROLINA Teachers' Training School. A Stat? School in ti.iiit teachers for the public schools of North Car olina I very tneie.v is directed to this one purpose. Tuition free 10 .ill lio sk'-cl- to kadi. 1 .ill St .mums hcKins SLI'TLMLSUW 24, 1919. KOI.I:KT II. WKIljHT. President, I Wl.liNVli.l.R, N. C. L & M SEIV51-PASTE PAINTS UliST THAT CAN 1IB MADK Cost to you $3.25 a Gallon when made ready to use RECOMMENDED BY SATISFIED USERS FOR OVER 40YEARS Oliiiiin COT. OR CARD from our Annus or , LONGMAN A MARTINEZ Manufacturer New York - .t auaiwjftwiamjkw iwamMaai !.VITATI0.S N iiii are invited to open an' account with the 8 BMK OF E AFIELD, Ell FIELD, ft. C. I ,q I VI V.ll,. Uii"M VM 111 lliw HMTIIIM lkLlill t " I T ment Compounded Quarterly. 1 jT () can tian' by n,a" auiiciii(iiomiiiactiiniiitwTiiiKKiitamiium At r thy About the first question our salesmen will ask you when you try on one of our new Is "How does it feel?" In oilier stores they ask "How does ii look?" The difference is that we will first select a hat that will become you, and we know thai a "Mallory" Hal will look right, so what we want lo know is whether the hat feels right on the head. He sure lo have a look at our window litis week and come in and prove whal we say. FARBER & JOSEPHSON', Mens and Boys Outfitters Wt-LDON, N. C. OVER-ACID. TY of the stomach has upr.i t it.ai.y a night's rest. If your 9tor i..cli i i ciud disturbed, dissolve two or thit.o KM101DS on the tontnio before retii Ins and en- iov refreshinff ttleen. The purilv and goodness of Ki moidt guaranteed by SCOTT BOWNE MAKERS OF SCOTTS EMUISWN Mothers the Experience mil (hi! mother nf four eliilill'on. nml fr nt ii I'. 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,.,,i,l a.. ...H .,..,.. , 1. ' . ' r ' l mm pro- I 111. I me- Kill lillt lint Sl-i'lll to i , , . i ii i ii Mil lu ttincii 1 Unit s,.m was iiitvi.iis nml mill. I not li,. f rent incuts lroin a nlivsieiaii in,.. ,y A'llll. 1'i'nminn'llileil Try tYDIA C.PINKHAM MEDICINE CO. LYNN. MASS. """"'"'utiej i Sale of Land for Taxes. I will sell lo the liinlieat buldor for rush at the court house door in the town of Halifax, on Mondny, Aup. 4th run, the follow imr ilenenbeil lands in i'aucetts tiw nslnp, lor taxes and costs lor year lulS: .1. K. Haniel, v!J7 acroa, hauiel laml, taen und rout IW8.14 .1. H. DICKENS, Tax t'olh'Ctov Fuucctts Township. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A