fABLISillil) IN 16(). A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscriutiun 1.50 Per Annum L. LLV. WELDON, N. !., THUHNDAY, Al';i'ST U, NO. It Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You Have Alwayi BuuKhr, an! which haa been lu m fur over over 30 yeara, ha;- b-.rne- the aknaturs of 0 - nd has been miidc under hit per C&jCrMttu ,nnal uPrvli"H since lit infancy. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Ezperimenta that trifle with and endanger the health uf Infants and Children Experience against Exnerimcnt. r WhatisCASTORIA Castona is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains' neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its ge is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been In constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arlsinir therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and UiUuruJ tletp. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. ENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS J Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought Get The Habit BBuy for Cash. Save- Bthe pennies by buy-"C3 ing at W. T. PARKER & CO., holesale Gash Store WRI.nON, N. c. lim imk k Millwork Go. Weldon, N. C. MAM KA(Tl'UKK.S OF Iding Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors ids, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MAKE TOlJHIH.lt AMI Ki:i,t I.Alt STOCK Sl.Ks Oood Materials, High (trade Workmanship Our Slogan Spring and Smniner NiiiLoo vifmr ALSO- a i at . Shoes and Clothing. LADIES GOAT r AND SPORT A. L. SWfBACK, Jsl- , fm m in .g 'ANV. 4WW yriK CtTV. mm mm w SUITS COATS The very newest styles in Organdies Georgettes and Crepe-de.Chine. The Busy Store, ' WELDON, N C j SV 1 Hams There is nothing more appetizing than a slice of our choice ham. We have anything you may want in the line of meats. - All Kinds of Canned Goods DD GEOCBRIES build up the system, stimulate the brain, and; crease your capacity to think. And right thinking brings best re j ;. Our prices make you ihink. Call in io see us, 1 L. E. HULL, ir Batchclcr't Opera House WELDON, N.C KNEW WHAT WOULD STOP HIM. Lawyer Evidently Was Well Ac quainted with the Weakness ol His Lone-Winded Friend. C. II. Murphy relates the story ol i Philadelphia lawyer, tewed, who, in i tie Jays nl his active prac tice, was noim ions for his long wiiuledncss. On inn: occasion he hud been spoil li n e forth his coikliidini! ai'gn metil for six hours, and ihe end was uowhete in sight, when llic opposing ailorney beckoned Ins as-so.-t.iie and whispered: "Can'i you stop him, Jack1" "I'll slop Iiiiii in iiii niiniiies," J kk replied eonfidenily. And he wroie and passed io the oraior die f illnwiiig: "My Dear Colonel: As soon as you Hnish your magnilieeni urgu ni in I would like you join me ut the lioiel in a bumper ol rare old Bourbon." The lawyer hulled in (tie midst of an impassioned period, pin on ..s glasses, and read the note that had been handed to him, then he removed Ins glasses aeain and, la king up his liai and bag, he said: "And now, may ii please the couri and gentlemen ol the jury, I leave the case with you." A minute later he was proceed ing in stately fashion in the direc tion of the hotel bar. For Weak Women In use lor over 40 year! Thousands ol voluntary letters from women, tell ing of the good Cardui (ha done them, litis Is the best proof ol the value olCarCui. It proves that Cardui is a good medicine for women. Tlieie ai o no harmful or lialiit-ti.naiii,( drueas in Cardui. II is composed only ol mild, medicinal ingredient , wiili no bad ailei-iMiccts. TAKE YA 1! YA ft YA YA The Woman's Tonic You can rely on Cardui. Surely it will do lor you LJ what it has done for la many thousands of other womenl It should help. "I was taken sick, seemed to be ... ," writes Mrs. Mary E. Vesle, of Madiion Heights, Va. "I got down so weak, could hardly walk . . . Just staggered around. ... I read ol Cardui, and after taking one bot tle, or before taking quits all, I lell much belter. I look 3 or 4 bodies at that time, and was able to do my work. I take II In the spring when run down. 1 had no appetite, and 1 commenced eating. II is the best tonic I evet saw." Try Cardui. All Druggists Err RATS DIK. I ' " i o lo mice, once they eat liAT-SN.U. j And they leave no odor htliind. lou t i take our won) for it try a pack air', j 1 t ats and dotrs won't touch tt lUls j pass up all food to get It AT SNAI'. ! : Tlim Sues ;'c. siceil fake) enough for I'antrr, I ; Kitchen or tvllar. .'rite. Sue (II Cakes) foi t'lnoken house, eiHips, or small Imildinint 1 00 sue ( t 'akesi enouttti lor all i laim and out hiuldiiiKS, stoiae build 1 uikis or factory ImiltliDkrs Mold and i iruaranlced by I'lcrcc-W hitelicad lldw. l o,. Weldon. Sale uf La nil fur Taxes 1 will sell to the tuiilit! bidder for rash at the eouil house doof iu Hie' tuna uf Hilitax, im Monday, rt l I'tiH, the folluniug dcsetitHsl lau.N n Hid fat toKUtttnp. for tikes and eost foi yen Ittli: W K Fencer est. l'-'iu a .1. H. Kenuer ll'.'tiMl Mm. .1 11 Feoner, 1 tovtu lot 4i :H7 1 l.ouitt Froelieh, 1 town lot I .':;! i Mrs. Anna Froeheli. store 11 .07 Mis, II. V tiowau. 1 town lot H', 34 Lawrence Krolher, I'M 1'eni- orv land ia'2 (Colored Willery Clark, lit) a slanh 17 at Ader Ooniiland, 1 towu lot I til Willie Olantou, 1 town lot ti (o .lake Hill, luO a. Moore Ian I 11.71 ,loe Jones, ot a. Tillery land, H. Merritt, 46 a. home Mary Rohsons, 1 town lot 1.M) I saw Tillery est., Utl a. home to,'' Henrietta Vi dliams, y a. t'tieeLn a.UJ Kdward Fierce, ti7 Williams land '-'.'. 1) J. MILL1K1N, Tax Collector liabfat Township. mm BANKS. ORDERING HAND GRENADES Ovtr 178,000 Children In Fifth District Will Be Routing Emmy, Waiti, During summer Months. RjrhTnni.it V Afourdlnif to tht Intxttt UTtlUhU flgurtf o?r flvu huo drorl hanki In tk rifth rudurul IU Hrr Dlitriet bar orrtrd iiipplteH of hum! i-miiada paif iu$ biukn that nr to ba ui4 by lha children (or minmiMr awlniri, Tba total number of hand ranadi that bava bwn or dsml airnadi 174, (WO. Tht plan of tie kaud grenade bank orlglimtHd Id tha Traaaury Impart merit, and tha banks ara being dli trlbuted In tbti dlitriet by the War Loan Orgrinliatton bare. Kvery ichool child uudar tha ae of lavenleuii yi'itra may, by applying at the local bunk, ru aelva ana of th hind grfntidc pfinny hankH u a loan for tha vnca lion period. If, during tha Mummer, enough mnn ay U navt-d to pun-hum:' oae or more War Savings Statuim the bank beconiai the property uf the child. The banki an made out of real hand grenadei that ware to have been uied againitt the Huns. With perrtiHslnii cap and high exploilve removed, und alots cut to receive and take out coin, thay ure now doing aervlre ugalnat the enemy, waste, ui backs for saV Ingi. School officials all over the district are enthusiastic about the plan, as they fowl that It will lot only kuep alive but strengthen the thrift id ah Ik that already have been ImplantM In the minds of the children. J, H. Hlnford, aaalsUtnt superinten dent of public Mi hooli here, lia en domed th irheina, la a recent letter eiprtdBHlog tha hoiw that all the bunk In the district would cooperate by get ting supplies of the hand grenades, as the school children are enthusiastic about securing them. OBJECT IS TO MAKE PEOPLE PROSPEROUS Qevernment Much Interested In trie of War aavlnoa Soelatlee That Ara Kapldly lelng Organiied. Government officials at Washing ton are watching with ao tittle Inter est tha growth of a series of societies springing up all over the V lilted BUtU's. They have already tittaiued a memhi-rslilp that reaches well up Into the millions. Treasury department oflicials are particularly luteroHh'd In this move ment, and It Is fostered by that de pflrtinent. Ai loon as a society Is formed tha laaius of tho president, secretary and each Individual metu bar are placed la the treasury depart neat archives. Tfceae societies ara War Savings Boc titles, and the motive of eaoh ao eiety la Thrift The go rem re sat, In favortBg these organisations, haa aot nly In view the replenishing af tha Jailed States treasury through the gale of thrift and War Havings Atarapa. bat the big Idea ta to cause each individual ne tuber to learn the ralue to himself of being thrifty. The government Is uut seeking t divert capital from legitimate com merelal enterprises. It does not want to Ue up vait sunn. It Is the person who has never Baved systematical!) that It Is tha moat antlous to retch. This peraou can put aside tht .mall aaaounts that ha has been it ' Stowed to spend, and this, drawing four pr eat oapoiB4 latere!, will In aa ta credibly abort time grow into a large enough aunt to make tho first pay teant oo a home, or to provide a sum with which on- may make a perma nent Investment. -Nothing Is final!" said NapoUon after the battle of Jena In days of prosperity Insure against emergencies, fcuy financial safety with War 8e Ijujs SUmps. Cure lor Dysentery. While 1 waa in Ashland, Kan., a gvn - tleman overheard me speakim 01 chain - beriaiu's Cholic and Pianhoea Kerne - dy," writes William Whitelaw, of Dei- Moines, Iowa, lie told me in detail ol what it had done Tor his family, hut more especially bin daughter who ws lyinir at the point of death with a vio- lent attack of dysentery, and had been g.ven up by the family physician Some of his neighlMirs advise him to (j.ve i namnentin si one aim inarrnoea item oily, which he did, and fully believes that by doing 10 saved the life of his child. He stated that he had also u4d this remedy himself with equally frrati fymtf results.0 A successful man keeps his eyes and ears wide open and his momh closed Why People Buy Wat Snap In Preference to Wat Puiaon (1) RAT SNAI' absolutely kills rats aud mice, (.'i What it does n't kill it acne away. t,:ii HaU killed with HAT SN AI' leae uo smell, thev diy up m side. Mi Made in cake?, uo manir? I with other food (;, Car ot dops j wunt tuuch it Thif met, Mt , !K.. '-uu- j coiu auu Kusiauircu u i incr- n uiu- 1 head HftiiiHare Co.. Vil,lou A man does not amount to much unless he can prove it. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bean t ttgoarar of . AGENTS CARRYING MESSAGE OF THRIFT Harold Braddock, Director of Savings Division Writes Letter of Ap prsciatlon to Each of Eigh teen Hundred Workers, FlrHtJmiid Information and hu lliutH as to how to obtain Un i t u ni tifflcloncy and proapHrlty in.; imw lx oliUinud by women on ttu- lanii i i iiny purt of the country, from h itim dfmniiHtratloD ffgenti of I fit- dt;.t;i mi'til of agriculture. Entering Uiin t,n national livings movement with a i -t that characterise! ill tlielr r.. some eighteen hundred of thi-sf Innue demonstration ageata have bii-n run Ing the message of thrift tutu tin f inn houses all over the United HuttM. In uppreclatlon of their voluntarily iuid(r(Hkn work, Dire tor It ruddock has written a letter to each worker. ' t'coinmfndatlon, which roads in putt: "Thrift is primarily the peopl'n con cern. If thrift Is to become u pt-rnm-nunt national asset, the people a uKn den and orgauiiatlons must dt'flnitply (IBM urn their share of responsibility for liirulcatiriK thrift by lucludlnK it In their program for action. Schools, churchea, business and labor orxmita iIoiih, fraternal societies aud woiot'ii's tiiKiinlzallons, ai well as agricultural workers aud agencies, ara already un dertaking this work and are In close cooperation with the treasury de partment. According to Mr. Brad dock's letter, plans (or the creation of savlnga facil ltlos In tha home are outlined, as fol lows: "1. Habit of aavlng first some part of Income for future needs and of spend lug wisely for present needs. "2, Home betterment fund, to se- ; cure, for example, running water In ( the house. I "3, Hnvlags plan for every boy and girl. "4, Sayings fiud la government se curities for a vary family. "I. K e plug ol accounts to pro mote wlie spealtng and to Increase I savings. j "6. Safe infAeUaeat of lariaci ! (TJoa. 2, 3, 4) In gorerannmt securt- tles until moaey 1 needed; War Sav ings Stamps iff a desirable iuvtat ment." EASY TO SAVE fty tba aama tokaa that the beit way to have aiiytblci Is do It youist-lf, the hast way to gat ahead In ttif world is save regularly and Invest wisely. Your chil-'ren may be buying Thrift H tumps b the nlikels and dimas uid qtiariwis l.iey are able to save won't tuiy a new automobllt or it home or a cultlvatur. The money to ito thai will not bo s;.vtjri unless you svi It. It's t'Hay euouali to save if you do It tliu W. S. H wuy. giuriers pianleil tn Thrift Stamps urow iuto W.tr Sav lugs Staiuus arid tin Intvrest maki ikim a row lik in 11 d.v . :.uiiniiui flower Save for that huiiy ooportu nlty. If you'ru uo( in a WW Svihk Aociety gtft In one Be w.th tlie crowd. . Old You Kver Hay : "IF I HAD TMK MOSi'V?" Then conaldur HkXJL'LAK SAVINU be mod erale about ItIt gtvee you taa power of SULKt'TtVe BUYING, which laves you still more money, be sides getting you juet what you Want and provide! funds tor 8 K (' 1' R E INVESTMENTS, which pile up money without help from you while you're get ting some more. Its flUKE and It's EASY, la anything better thaa that? Start VOW with WAR SAV1N04 STAMPS They bear tut eras t Tear aearas post office at beaut kaa j'Whyl Put Up W ith Huts for, 1 Year,' Writes N. Windsor, 1 Farmer, 1 "Years airo 1 houiflit some rat poisou J winch nearly killed our line watch do. u so scared us that we muTeicd a long time with iuU until my neighbor told j me about KAT NAl'. That's the tone rut kilteraud a safe one." Three sues i-lC 4ie j " tn'(1 .ta lv VwTC(t wltt,. ! 1 , vidm Silence is golden and some re marks are very brassy. Mr. Vauchan, Farmer, Tells How He Lost all His Prize Seed Corn , Sometime aifo sent away lor some peditfieed seed com. I'ul it 111 a itun uey sack aud huui il 011 a rope suspen ded from roof Kale tfot it all how beats me, but they did because I got 5 dead whoppers iu the mormnrjr after 4 tmuif KaI' SNAI' Ihiee sues 'J ie . Mk , M (SI Sold and guaiaiitt ed !v Fieioe-W hite head Mdw to, WeMu'. lo Improve Your Digestion " Foi yeata my digesliou was , ,,,1 uny ,.al tle lmm f0,s 1 tnoil nerytlmiit that I liraiil of to ir.'t 10 1., bu nnl unlll atlollt a yi-l when 1 saw Chamberlain's Tabids ad vertised and trot a bottle of them did 1 tiud the rifht treatment. Since tai. ing them my diction is Hue." Mr Klauche Howers, Indiana, 1'a Sudden richest spoil many a good workman. Children Ory FDR r LETCHER S 1 CASTORIA Ipir'Y'iwTTf7T,TT"'Tn''!'',mTr"' r HiM It---- Q r..V A mm 1 1 mm. EVER UIED BY Calomel is quicksilver And act. liko dynamite on your liver. 'Citliimi'l Ih.jis yuu ii day ! Yi liinv vtlnil i'iiIimiii! is. It's 111, turv ; iuirkiht-r. I Ihim-I i il (.'i-roiis. It cnishi's inli, rumr Ii liki' ilvnaiiiitr. rr.imfiiii' ar, I i, 1 priiiitr uiu. CiiIiiiihI i 1 1 :i. K - t!i hones ninl sIumiM i , r ! int n,; . Jour .v-lrm. Whi'ii von firl M:im, Anpti'uit. ronslipalnl ami all '.nn.-'.cl nut .11 .' M !! lui-il 11 il I ,lnii, in 1 ciluiiii'l iil rriiii inl,, r tlmt vui,' dnifr;;i.l o'll fr n few "'titf a Ian .' bottle nf IIoiImiiiV l,i,T Tune, win, is entirely uyetaMe ami i.a-.irtt : take a 1 i.l is a rfei t siihsliluv f, ISlllllliel. It is I'll.ll lllltll-d In :,. 1 vour liver uhliniil snrrliijr ua 11 ilisiile, ninl i.in mil saliva!,'. 1 'iiii'l lake i-aliiiiiel ! 1 1 m.ikrs vnp Bil k the llevl 1 lav : It Lises mil .1 1l.1v work. DinIsoh's I . i v . 1- Tmie - r,iii.'iit ens yon riu'lil ue ami v I 1 ureal. CJive il 1, 1 1 he eliiiilivn liiv.iue it is tlurei'llv h.mnli .iiel 1 M-L'riie. "FAKE" ASPIRIN WAS TALCUM Therefore Insist Upon Gen uine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" Millions of fraudulent Aspirin Tablets were sold by a Brooklyn manufacturer lueli later proved to be composed mainly of Talcum Powder. "Buyer Tablets of As- j pirin" the true, genuine, Ameri-i can made and American owned ' Tablets are marked w ith ihe safety j "Bayer Cross." Ask for and then insist upon "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" and aUaa tu ilisiii in ilu hi .Km j! Bayer package which contains proper directions and dosage. Aspirin is the trade mark of, Bayer Manufacture of Monoacenc-; acidcsier of Saltcylicaeid. V.'htn arid-diitrpMed relieve the indiffctliun with Itl-MDIDS DiaauW easily oa tangua aa pleaunt to UVe aa candy. Keep y.,ur aturaach awoet, try Kl-e4d made ur acorr BOWNC MAKiHt of atorra emulsion 1 Cigarettes made to meet vour teste! Girnels lire olli-rod yuu -.m u 1 1 ;:tu-i: entirely out of the ordinary !i tlnvc..- j.-v.l Mnoothness never before nttaim il. 'J'.) ,i r-..;i,.o thdr qual ity compare Cunielx wfj any n'i-rctte in the world at any price! Camels Havor is so rdresl.iu ;. :;o enlirimf. it will win you at onee it is so new and iinusiial. That's what Gimds export blend ..Crhoict Turkish and choice Domestic tobacco -, .,;,! V'ou'll prefer this blend looithur kiadol tobacco smoked straight! As you smoke Camels, you'll note absence of any unpleasant cie;aretty aftertaste or any un pleasant ciiaretty odor. And, you'll be delighted to discover that you can smoke Camels liberally without tiring your taste! Take Camels at any anlc they surely supply cigarette contentment beyond anything you ever experienced. They 're a cigarette revelation! You do not miss coupons, premiums or gilts. rou II prefer Camels 18 cents a of JO t- linrettfi R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO ; EAST CAROLINA Teachers" Training School . I A Suite School to train teachers for the public schools of North Car i.liii'i. l-'very i-ncrcy ii directed 10 this one rurpt.se. Tuition free 10 .ill who jjiree to tench. Sessions hefiins Sf PT1 MBl'li '-l 1919 kOlilikT II. WRIGHT, President, I klil:Nv 1 1. II;, N. C. L & M SEMI UKST THAT CAN BB MADIC 1 Cost to you $3.25 a Gallon when made ready to use RFCOMMENDED BY SATISFIED USERS FOR OVER 40YEARS Ol.laiu COLOR CARD from our Agents or LONGMAN A MARTINEZ Manufacturer New York HUL awaaaaaaaaaaami'Janaaaaanaaaan tBWtntK!iai:Mma1IIUirHnMW!imMIIU INVITATION. B You are invited to open an account with the is BW OF E AFIELD, Eft FIELD, fl. C. ' at 4 Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart-! ment Compounded Quarterly. fi I lGT ()U can hank by mail S uimttMiwwniimHiirKiiiimwimi i mMi ..m - t V AbuUt it.k TifSI vul.s1uii nut &u!i.3liieii Will ask uvi Ul.Ci'i OU try on one of our new Is "How does it. feci?" In other siorcs they ask "How does il look?" The difference is that we will first select a hat that will become you, and we know thai a "Mallory" Hat will look right, so w hat we w ant 10 know is w hether ihe hat feels right on ihe head. Be sure 10 have a look at our w indow this week and come in and prove what w e say. FARBER & JOSEPHSON, Mens and boys Outfitters ' WELDON. N. C. quality! package fi st-if,it,tinily fulfil iiacA 1 i'ei i JO() , njdii'ttvtl in a I. IVr Htrotiii'v w.irtUH-rri Ulily Kir (lH(l,)i Iravml CO., Winiton-Salrm, N. C. - PASTE PAINTS 8 8 8

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