lAliUSIIliD IN 1806. A NtWSPAPtR FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SuhscriDtion--$l.50 Per Annum Hi. IJV WKU x), x. c, rnrnsDAY, ai ust 21. r.u;'. no. i." 1 i - -w I Willi Net Ciintiutt 15 Fluid DfanhnH 1 lenwiB iS ("ASTDRIA I; A"rt;iiuT.-3 rtH liLsr. 1 1 AVaMnlik' IVcpnrntioiibrAi,i,ni)Uu-rooilhvlWul i imillu- SKMtUKhs Mid llvl ( Hi ' 1 r . Tliprcto' IVomoUnt DI4n (Iwrtfulncss iuii """ neither Opium, Morphine nor Mineral. Not .Air.o in. ' Ark 4 tt'nrn W Constipation MuDiarrlwi nml Fevcrlshness anil inccnrSLEKI' rcsuUiniihPTffrciraJnlnhnty facsimile Siajiawrj" l-ntCorrAmeoMMW- ; 1 5 For Infants nml Children. Mothers Krsw That Genuine Castnria Always . Bears tho '.w Signature aV 1 JB ExBct Coyy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years CAST0B1A Get The Habit KBuy lor C ash. Savers Dsythe pennies by buy-"CS ing at W. T. PARKER & CO., rholesale Gash Store WI-LDON, N. c. Ikon Lunik Millwork Go. Weldon. N. C. MAM tACI'l h'KKS OF ilding Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors nds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens SIAIlK TO OKIIKK AMI Ma .1 I. All Mill k MZKS Uood Materials, High (irnde Workmanship Our Slofan. I VSIIDIOUS LAMM OHI "Thill your l.nlicr up the road'" asked iln- man in the linen duster. "Yesr," replied ihe buy with in iiiv freckles. "lie (ells mi' there are lots ol in r-undoes ;ii niiiid here. Iiy, nosier, I dnii'i see's he ought id have told v ibat. I'up's j geiim' kind ( weak in llie eyes.'' "Vi'hat has llui hi do iili itv' "Well, Vim see,' pap's got ,i sy:,icin. Winn anybody ;.sks j about Miiimier bniid they always, mention nuisipiiiois. It pip likes ilieir luuks lie tells ihe ii nth, which i is iIkii we liaven'l seen .1 skeel in j len years; but if fulks don't happen 10 please him he draws on his ini-1 agination and Mils ihe air u iih wing ed terrors." NO TRUST. "Uul'ns, are you feeling well?" "No, sail, l's mil feelin' very well, sah.,' "Have you consulted your doc tor, KufusV" "No, salt; I ain't done dal.sah." "Why? Aren't you willing to trusi your doctor, Uufus?" "Oh, yes, sail, but de trouble is he's not so alt gether w lllni' to u us' ! me sah." Vonkers Statesman. j Cure tor Dysentery. While I iviih in Ashland, Kan., n . ti -i tli'iiian nvt'i lieanl me ie:ik on: otl 'limn j lieilain'M l 'liolie aii'l I'lairhoen Iti'ine 1 ilv." ritr William Wlutflan. of ; Monies, lima. Mr told me lu (I, -lull ol i what il lia.l done liu Ins lannlv. lint 1 limn. i'.sfciullv Ills .laue'lilri' wliti iviih ' lyiuir at tlm puiiit nl' ilrulli Willi a viu- lent attack nl' ilvsriilm y. amt liml lirell j ifoi'ii up hy the family I liysu-ian sniiu1 nl' Ins in iirlilmi- a'Umi' linn lu ton1 i liamlu'i I.; ni si cil ii-and lnai iliura I ' 1 1 1 -, l ily, n liirli In ili.l. anil liilly t i . v. , thai liv il"ii,Lr sn ai'il thf lili- nt Inn : rlnl.l. Hi-slat, it llial In- li-.t-l alsn usnl I this liiiii-rll intli r,iially I'talt IVlllL' Ifs'llls Il is human nainre to want to amuse some one occasionally. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA I'm ei iv is nu disgrace as your credit is pond. as long To Improve Your Diuestion "Itn v.'ais mv iliiM-timi uas sn imiiii' that I ii.ul.l .mli , at Hi. Iii'lili si IiumIs I tni'il I'l.'iytliini' tint I Iikii.I nl' In L'i't ii'luT, init nut until atunit a vcai uiin hIhji I -an l 'tianilu'ilaiu - t alili ls a,l icili-i-.l ami erol a I'Uttlr ul tin in ili.l I lin,l tlie iiL'lit tii-atmrnl Sim'i taknii! lin ui my ill M-li'in i- line '' - Mis l;lan'lir I'ii,i-is. Iii liana. t'u A i icd man sav the t way to manage a ivile is i,i lei her have her own way. SAVE .MONEY By trading at home and still be a booster for your town. Many Bargains in Sinii mer tioods. ; tf The very newest styles in Oman. "its ; rionrn-prtpe nml Chine. VJ bUI tS" " - - We have a complete line of Ladies and $ Gentlemen's Furnishings. 1 H I'M. Ym 1 1 I . f,B 'A'-' m i mn s m: m mi m itm- m . m uw un mm MM: mm CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signaniri tilMD NOITCI:. WW 4. L. STAWUCK, MM The Busy Store, WELDON, NC Choice Hams There is nothing more appetizing than a slice of our choice ham. We have anything you may want in the line of meats. All kinds of Canned Goods )ODGEOCBRIES build up the system, stimulate the brain, and increase your capacity to think. And right thinking brings best re ts. Our prices make you think. Call in to see us. L. E. HULL, ear Batchclor'a Opera House, WELDON, N.C S illlH' il' till' " i 11' OutttUIDi-'I III 11 I'i'llUIII 'll'l'.l "I llllnl Ol' NkVi'NIIiiM' I, 1 Mii. I'Xffiii. -I in iht'iiv Muniiu :titi-r, tu hi'fiin- (lie I'iivinfhl nl c-ituiii uotrs tlii'it'iii iii (MTilicil. ami tlciuull luvtnir l.i-i-n in-nU' iti tlie payment iIhmthI', anil at tl.i- itnni st ol tli.- Iu'ltlt t, t n til. on 8th Day of September. !!), m I'unit of tic ( 'our. Iloiici- l.r in tin1 tmvti ol lhilif":i, N. f , at VI t) i-liK'k in , hi'II Lu the hiL'lit'M l.itl.l.'i for iili, tin follow in tr ilt'M'itlVil iiul .-stiite: lioinulnl iiy Hit i an v il It .M.iyo tnti't on the utiiili. Kviii'tt Miilmu't on tho , afl. mhiiIi mi.l w.t Iiy the Wadi Car tfi laiiil. Iii iiilf llie laml It'ft :u Martha I hiUi Iiy li"i latlitT, ht uiiU'iiililt'i'U mi-! iitii'! ui'lfs. mori' of v. Tin the I llli tiny ol' Aimust, llHH li. It. lUMM.I., TrustPf. RATS 1)1 . sinlo innc. oni't Uiry -al lf.T-SNl'. Anil tils' v It-avc no uiinr hi-linnl. Iiun't lake our word lor it try u pui'kairi'. t at?, and dots won't toucli it. liau paNH up all food lo tk'ct KAi SNAIV Tlirrtj ii.CH. J.'n1, SitM I Cakf) t-noiu'li for I'antrv, Kitflii'ii oi Cdlar. .'Mif. Sui- ill t'akcf ) for i 'InekfU lioum, (MiopN, or Kinall luiil.itni:- $ iH)Mt i'i Cnki'-ii cuoin'h for all 1 latin and onl IhiiUi.iui, Ntotaifc liutid lutfH oi laeluiv luiiiiiiuiin Suld and imaianlt-rd by 1'icuv N liitrlit;ad Hit v.. t o , rliltill Sale uf Land fur Taxes ( will hi 1 1 to tin liiuiu-a liiddcr fui f:i ti at tti- c'"irl hmi-f- diir in too itownol lhililux. on Monduy, t'w H ! I'Mji, tin lolluwiiiif ilfHi'i ilicil luiuli in i HhIiIun tuwiihlup, t.n taxes and vm 1 I'oi vcui J i i J- 1 W. K Fruuei t. lll-u a ,1. II, I i itnm'i '- .'l Hi I M in. ,1 H I'Vuiii'i, I town lot i'o.ii ' l.ouiH Kniplicli. I titwn lot ! Mm. Anna Krocliph, Btore -1.07 ' Mitt. li. V. dowaii. 1 town lot tt34 I.HWit'ni'e I'.iutlifl, :."m lU'Ui oi y land 4.0'J i 'olon'd WiIIkiv Clark, Ho a slash K.'-M AiliT (.'oDitilaiiti, I town lot 1 til i Willie t'lanton. 1 town lot li oo j Jake Hill, lU a. Moore land .lot .tones, Oti a. Tilleiy laud, '-M.:i7 ; C. II. Meiiitt, -tti a. Immr . Matv KiIoiih, 1 town lot 4.40 Kaw -Tilleiy ext., TJOa. home lo.-J Hcnnt'tta William. ' a. (.Iieeth 3.02 Kilward 1'ierce, ti7 Williams land 'J7o2 I). .1. il ILLIK IN, Tax Collector Halifax Tow nth i p. MEMORY CORNER, Il is josl around from ihe little street NX'here maple irees in the suiiinier uie-i, And many go down to visit there, But it is always sweet an.1 lair, To sit in the shadows and hear ihe song Thai drifts all the green, sweet summer long. Memory corner and Lovely lane, Where the dreamlul shadows go hy; And life comes hatk lo its youth again In the sweet of Jimelitiie sky. (Jtiaini, grave meetings take place, indeed, There at the corner, w here hearts are freed l'rom sin and sorrow and grief and care, And days that were beautiful come tuck there To dance and sparkle as once (hey did In the tender memories long since hid, Memory corner, where old men meet And dreams so sweet to know Dance down upon their shadowy leel l'rom llie days of long ago. Heart of the world, you, too, sometimes, Cease your thunder of war and crimes And go there whither the old and y. uug Have Hocked with solemn or merry tongue! 'Twill do you good to see how Mow The thought of men lo ihe long ago, Memory corner, where evermore The honeysuckle is sweet, And hearts go down to the dreams ol yore Where the past and the present meet. Is it Possible to Legislate Life and Brains? Swift & Company is primarily an organization of men, not a collection of brick, mortar, and machinery. Packing Plants, their equipment and useful ness are only outward symbols of the intelli gence, life - long experi ence, and right purpose of the men who compose the organization and of those who direct it. Will not Government direc tion of the packing industry, now contemplated by Congress, take over the empty husk of physical property and equipment and sacrifice the initiative, ex perience and devotion of these men, which is the life itself of the industry? What legislation, what politi cal adroitness could replace such life and brains, once driven out? Let us lend you a wift "Dollar." It will interest you. Address Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, III. Swift & Company, U. S. A IS II x?5s( JrTTN. JMi SMOWSsK I I f" X yWHUT BECOMES OfX ft I iS ii . X f 1HE VIBGE D01L B, i' i - X -W BECEIVCO BY I1 t- 0JimintaX SWIFT & COMPANY .?-Zj I 9 OA 7 OCiff Oil tlCtNTft HflDfOTMt J attaaVSat W V? Q ft UVI ANIMAL I T.Clwip.:JZ i IMI CINTirtW LABOR M ' M 04 eif,T "m i nJOoOX X.SWIFT4CDMPAMY X j s;1 if A m SmobvrM realiie S m that tht value it in m I the ctgaretteM and Jo not expect premiun t or coupons Camrt mr tuld in i'ri i 'if n in li irrififti'div irulfil . .1. k aii'i uf 'JO rtjAH-th", . i tft fiai katlft ilOU i Wttr in ( lfMiiii0 f'Afirir-i oi rn ti. n fun W (ruiiij'v rmitinwiftui Ihn catttm foi lhn hiiiitt nr ttai tufply oi wtttn yuu tu 1 1. 8CARETT If you want to know what rare and unusual enjoynu-nt Cami'lh provide smoke thorn in comparison with any cigarette in tlie world at any price! CAMELS are a cigarette revelation any wayyouconsiderthi'tTi! Tiike quality, or refreshing flavor and fragrance; or, that wonderful mellow -m ild - smoothness you never before got in a cigarette urnoke! Yet Camels are so full-bodied and so t'ull-uf-satisfaction you marvel that ao much de light could be put into a cigarette! Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos makes them so irresistibly appetizing! And, the blend explains why it is possible fur you to smoke Camels liberally without tiring your taste! You will prefer Camels to either kind of tobacco smoked straight! You'll realize pretty quick, too, that among the many reasons you smoke Camels is their freedom from any unpleasant ciga retty aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty odor! Once you know Camels you won't take much stock in premiums, coupons or gifts! You'll prefer Camel quality! R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Win.ton-Salem, N. C. WML SALIVATES EAST CAROLINA ;k5ks' Training School. a like dyuamito on a slupiru!;.: . W Acta like dyuamito on a sluggutl: urer anci you loae a day's work. T1iiti's no nwiitt iliv a per-v illliillld sieki'liillj:, Mai I :l 1 1 II;' i' i omi'l when a fi ie I, m i u .ir( lioltle of IidiNiiii'-i l.ivw 'I'.uiii 1 rrfivl miIkIiiiiv f..r it Ha pli . , , u , ; 1 ,1 wliieh will s t . . i . ,iur Iiv.t Jiinlv ai ealmiirl, Imt it tnakp von pii k and rail not :, l;,,ti,. i'i'1 .- ilnt'sli' faliia'i t Inl.h'i ii ana l'I'iiv. n i..;ks , ,ui 1,1. IiuiImiii's l.iwr 'I'.iho. l.v.iue il . n.rl'i'rtly liannless. Calnincl is a dangerous Jiuu. i is m. ivurv and attiuks vmir Taki' a dose of nasty l akuii, I t.. 1 and ymi will fis 1 eak, I, .,i nanseiiU'd tomorrow. Iiun't In ,. lav's work. Taki' a sptinhl'ul . DinUm's l.iwr Tiiiii' instrad an1 lull will wake up fis'lili' 'I'eat. Nu More liilioiisiii'ss, cotishiiution, ,slun-;'L-hiU'Ss, lirailael'i-. i-oatod tnngin. oi sour st iniaeli. Your ilniL'irist savs il Von dun'l lind lloil-on's Liver Tone iota boll, r th.m ril,r calomel tu.ur money ii wuit'iinr for vou. A State School lo Irani teachers lor the public schools of North Car olina. I very em i iiy is duelled lo ibis one in pose. Tuition free to all tin agree In leach. I all Sessions begins Sl PTl MBEP 24, 1M9. KOBI'KT II. WkKiNT, President, I kl.l NVII.LI:, N. c, L & M SEfS-PAGTE P A3 NTS llEST THAT CAN UK MADi: e Cost to you $3.25 a Gallon when made ready to use Rt COMMtNDt.0 BY SATISFIED USERS FOR OVER 40 YEARS Oluin COLOR CARD ftnm our Aircnu or LONGMAN MARTINEZ Manufacturers New York MKHKffiia'itllimKMiMiMIIUOUllUUMlWK IXVITATIOi. J You are invited to open an Recount with the li "BAYER CROSS" ON ASPIRIN Always Ask for Genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" g4 BWK OF IHWU), Efl field, . c. j Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart-! ment Compounded Quarterly. s yy YOU can bank by mail amawawiMHiiaitiiuiaaanmir Widows and spiniers nainrallv oppose men who do not propose. W li v Peuple liny Kut Soup lu . 1 I'relereme lu Hat I'olson. I ill KAT-s.V.M' aliHuluti'ly kith lalil ami uuri'. ( .'i M lal it ilursn't kill it Bcioi'saiiay. (:!) UutH killnl mill it. 1' sN AI' leave no Hiut-ll, llu-y iliy ui in anil1, ill Madr in coktn, no inisiii mill oltiL-l food, l.'o CuU ul Jo(j;k Wollt toUCtl 11. Ttlll'C skch, Tip , "Kie., It. mi. Sol.lauJ uaranleeil Iiy t'lrrcf White brait Itaiilviaiu Co., Wtildun. If you would retain your friends don't make them envy you. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA I No man is necessarily simple be ' cause he lives llie simple life. 'Why I I'"! ' U llh N"1" '"I'i j Years," Writes N. Windsor, larmer. "Vt'aiH auo I liouwlit ioiiiu rat nuson i nliioli maiK killisl our tine lutcli .lot It m Ncaieil iin I liii sulleieil a loinr time mtli rills until my u.ld j mc alioul HA I ' .NAI'. TUat'l tlw Mire I rat killer and a safe one." Tlnee nen . .'rfie ,11. ssld and piiaianteed liv 1'ieree-W I 1 1 - -head ltdn. Co., Wel.lou. Some women would rather tell a doctor of their aches and ptins than gossip with their neighbors Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAS TO R I A Only Aspirin Tablets with tlie safety "Bayer (toss" on them are I genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin'' I ; owned and made by Americans! i and proved sale by millions of peo-' i pie. I Inknown quantities of fraud-, j ulent Aspirin Tablets were sold re : j cently by a Brooklyn dealer which ; I proved to be composed mostly o j Talcum Powder. j "Bayer Tablets of Aspirm"should j I always be asked for. Then look; for the saleiy "Bayer Cross" on the package and on each tablet. Accept nothing else! Proper di ' rectimis and dosage in each Bayer; package. ! Aspirin is the trade murk of; Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetic-1 acidester of Salicylicacid. It "'- An N r bh? IT'S UNWISE lo put oft lo-dmy'i duty nnlil to. morrow. If your alomacb lo acid-disturbed take Khimd5 the aew aid to dlteation comfort fody A aleManl rtli, I from Ihe dUmmfort of acid-dyapepaia. MADE BY SCOTT & ROMHF MAKEKSOF SCOTT 8 tMM.SI.'N About the liist u,uesnuii our salesmen ill ask you when you try on owe of our new Is "How does itj'eel?" In other stores they ask "How does it look5" The difference is that w e will first select a hat that will become you, and we know that a "Mallory" Hat will look right, so w hat we w ant to know is whether the hat feels right on the head. Be sure to have a look at our window this week and come in and prove what we say. FARBER & JOSEPHSON, Mens and Boys Outfitters WELDON, N. C,

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