NEWS. STABLLSIIHI) IN SM. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$l.50 Per Annum OL. LIV. WELDON, N. ('., THURSDAY, OCTOHKR 0, 1!H. NO. 22 OUR FLAQi Mother's Cook Book Children Cry for Fletcher's " Xb Kind You Have Always Bought, and which hai been . In use for oyer over 30 years, h is borne the signature of nd has been made under his per , ? fT jfJ&tfrtH'j, ,onal 8UPvislun since its infancy. , vtiarv. tw&m uow no one l0 deceive you in thiSi - All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but ' Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Exneriment. What is CASTORIA ' Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains ' neither Opium, Morphine uor other narcotic sub&tanu. Iti age is its guarantee. For more thao thirty yeais it l.aj been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatul., Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness urisim; therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids ; the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. ' The Children's Panacea The Mother't Friend. cxnuine CASTORIA always Bears the Signature of 1 1n Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought Bargains for You Best Paieni Hour Compound Lard Seed Rye, (Mover Seed, W heal Midling $11.50 27c. 2.25 10.50 : i W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Cash Store WfiLOON, N. C. Dixon Link Millwork Go. Weldon, N. C. MANUKACTUKKKS OF lit lullding Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Uoors illnds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens' i , MADE TO OKIKR AND KFtil I.AR STot K S1ZKS. Oood Materials, High Grade Workmanship Our Slogan. SAVE MONEY 8 m By trading at home and still be a booster lor your town. Moiiii Unrn jiinu in Knm mer Uoods. LI?" ne very newest styles in Ori:uiUic fE 3f "r Georgettes and Crepe-de-Chine. 8$$f 9 f jjf We have a complete line of Ladies and Jt Qentlemen's Furnishings. $tU 3 Th. Unci, Stni-P. WELDON. N C a Soup ihuuld be reti, not heard. I Good Fatt. A mmt (IfliM-hiltlf mi which tuny hv ri'iirt'i hiii I wrvel In nlmrf onWr in nut' (i h1 nji n van "f pi'ii simp put up liy liny ynml (inn. Mil with a chii of t tiiidriinril milk, Ht'imni. Iit'iil and wrv. Fried Oytten (Irwin). I'Me k plnl nf cjiiIi iiiciit to H imzwi nynttTH. Kxtinct the liquor from the nifiit n nil chop very Hiii. AiM the sin ue qimntlly nf brt'iiil (TiinihH which liuvf bi't'ii freshly united. When these two Ingredients lire well mixed mill wwiiilng, roll the uywlers In thltt mix ture, dip In eitv, then In rrunibH and Ktiute In nutter In a very hut pan. Peach Sherbet. Boll one quart of water and two cup t'uls nf snar together, then add u giniil ut peat h Juke and pulp. Ald the Jukf of out lemon and the well-beuteL whites uf two egtftj. Freeze us Uduul. Almond Delight Pie. Make a rich pastry and tine u pit tin. Fill with the following: Itlancl ami Mhred tine or put through the meal uriti'lcr niie cupful nf almomls. In n sauccpnn put one cupful of simur. Rili and adil a tenspoonful of water, l'lact the frylim pan over a Khiw tire hiii stir until the mixture turns u ti'ldei hrnwn ; then add the almonds am stir II briskly until well mixed sjiread Ihcin quickly over the hnttnir ur the pastry. Kill Hie nhell with r ciislaril, iisliiK three ejiKs, two tahlc sjioimfuls of siicar and two cupfuls ol milk. Ilnke until the custard In ttrm; cover with a nicrlntrue flavored wltt almond and serve cold. Dainty Sauaage. Put a pound or lean veal and a quar ter of n pound of breakfast barot throtiKh the meat chopper. Add a teav spoonful nf salt ft ml a quarter nf t teaspoonful of popper. Press In llnl cakes and fry In butter or bacon fat Make a cream sauce In the pan li which the Hausaftt hwn fried ami serve with the meat. Cheeie and Tomato Salad. I'i'i'l and slice In munds large, tint itimatoeH. Take fresh American rbeest -mil cut In rounds the size of the to tnitoe. Place u slice of cheese be iweeli two slices nf tomato, spreutllu) n each slice of cheese a lltUi MiiV'tiiiialse. Arraune ou lettuce uol i'ie. Will You Spend 50c. on kat-Sna To Save SllK)? due illi', u'Ur can till i rati, the avuiuiff rut Hill lot' yuti of iiu a year ui ftrJ. c'lni'Ln ami nuirrty ilr.tiut'tiuu. K AT -"NAP l ili u.llv tu rati I leinales ftfi killing Inn-. Iiu murll- 1'oiuen 10 i'ttki'!: Ifftts mil itii up meat, grain, elirese to leaal ou t A 1 SNAt . Three Sizen, ', inc. anil II. Sold anil uaranteeil liy Pierce-White-lieail llilw. Co., Weldiiu Some men owe all lliey have in this world lo others and some owe a lot more than they have. CASTORIA For Infants and Children ij In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature The logical dcduciimi from many so-called statements of facts is fully 100 per cent. Catarrhal Deafness Con t be Cured by local applications us they cannot reach the diseased portion of the car, Tbeic ih oiilv one wav lo cuie deftfnesa, and that by coiiMit' liotial reinctlics. heafness is caused by an m turned eru dition of the iiuicouh liniiitf id' the Ku tachiuu Tula. When this lulie is in tlametl you have a rumbhuir souiol or iuipeifect hearinir. and when it m enliie ly closed, Deafness is the result, and un less the intlaniinutiuii can tte taken out and this tut ve restored to its normal coudition, heaniiirwill betlestroyed for ever; nine cases out often are caused by t atarrh, which is nolliuiK hut an in llamcil condition of the mticoua ur- faces. We will K'veOne Hundred Dollars for any cuhc ofleafness(causedlty catarrh) that cannot be cured by Mall's a'.arr h Medicine. Teslimouials aeut free. Puce 7" ceuta per bottle. Sold hy all druggist, tlall'ii 1 amdv PiIIn for rnntiMtin j Choice Hams There is nothing more appetizing than a slice of our choice ham. We have anything you may want in the line of meats. All Kinds r)f Canned Goods "OOD GEOCERIES build up the system, stimulate the brain, and i .increase your capacity 10 think. And right thinking brings best re ults. Our prices make you think. Call in to see us. I L. E. HULL, Hear Batcbtlor' Opera House. WELDON, N. C I'amily quarrels would not be so bad if oiher families would keep out of them ASPIRIN FOR HEADACHE Nome "Bayer" is an Onuio Aspirin say Bayer Iniiit on "Uyr Tablet of Aiptria" In a "Bayer package," eonu.ning proper direct ton for Headache, CoUs, Pain, Neuralgia, Lumbago, anj Rheumatrfai. Name "Bayer" mtjn Aipmn prraciiWd by pbyikii. ur niDftata jf.t. Handy tin bvttt of 12 tableU coat few cent. Aipifia traJt mark of Baytr Manufacture of Monoaevtir pciIttr of Salicylicacid. Ol all ihc Hung to the breeze In all the lands beneath the sun; Ol all the Mags on all the seas, I claim but one, I love but one. There may be other flags for some Which seem lo be of equal worth, But as for me that flag spells "home" It is the dearest flag on earth. I love Old Glory most, because No king can claim her as his own And from her spring great eagle claws When anyone suggests a throne. Bapiied was she in blood of men, And consecraied by the tears Of braved though weeping wuuien, when They seni their loved ones forth with cheers The men who raised that flag waged war ; They bled, they died without complaint; They knew what they were fighting For ; They gave themselves without restraint. And so it is that here and now We hoist thee, old "Wed, While and Blue," And beneath thy folds we vow: "We'll fight for you; we love but you." Hi WISELY FEATHERED NESTS Lis i?, 7 C m m e s ro aid e v e ry wherein tLientiticaty aealed package uf 20 cigarettes or ttn pack age (200 ciiiuiettfs) in a gtaaairw-ptipttr-covered carton. We strongly recommend this carton for the home or office nupply or whrn you trawl! R. J. Reynold TobtccoCo. Wiaitoa-Silen, N. C. 18c a package CAMKLSare the most refreshing, satisfying cigarette you ever suit-lit-d1 Hut all vour cigarette desires in a bunch, then buy son it- CuiuN, ytwe them every taste-test and know lur your own sun-.i..aiGii that in quality, Havor, smooth body und in many other delightful ways Camels are m a cass by fiemsWves Camels are an t?xpi.'rt blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos, You'll not only prefer this blend to either kind of tobacco smoked straight, but you'll appreciate the remarkable full-bodied mildness and smooth, refreshing Havor it provides! Camels are a cigarette revelation! Camels win you in so many new ways! They not only prrnit you to snmke liberally without tiring your tustf but leave no unpleasant ciguretty aftertaste or un pleasant cigaretty odor! Compare Camels with any cigarette in the world at any price! You'll prefer Camel quality to premiums, coupons or gifts! fl Take things as ihey come then call in a physician for further information. Where There's A Baby on Farm Keep Kat-Snap. Hutu are uu must IUiiiin. Once they Ket inside the huui' look out KuN lull iiifuntH l)iliiiLr thrill is nut iniiiMuiil. I Nurxiiitr liotlli-H uttiiu'l taK Hiake ti (like uf U I' SN A I' mul tltiurt it uroiilitl. j It Hill Miiielviiil viu ul rats tun I jiium- Thief Sie, 'J.'ti'., 'tn. aul Sold and uamiilrcl hy Pieirr-W Inn head Ihhv. Co.. Wrl.U,:. W Pierce-Whitehead Hardware Co. Unless a man has true laith he never calls lur .1 -.caind plaie nl hash. CALLED HER FAMILY TO HER e rr "1 hese Rats Wouldn't eat My best drain," Suys I rtd Lamb. U'h Irani tu kt'ti luU inn ul u Ici il sture. Tntl lur yemn A iit'itflrliuriitLr ttuie nulil mi- suiikf KA'l' SNA I'. It I Kurkeil wuiiiLth. ' nillit'rt'tl u)i Ui'utt ratN every murmnif. Ituulit urure KA'I' SNAP iUvt-u't k rat uur. I'luv wuuldu't eat my hel irraiu Mlieu I Hire HAT SAAf aiuun.l." Tlilee Sles. -.11. . . .1 IL aud tl. ultl and guuiault-t-d hv I'len'e-W Inti- Six Tmi Afo, Tkinlrimi She Might Die, Sayi Texas Lady, But No She h a Well, Strong Wosin and Praiie Cardui For Hot RecoTery. Ron CltT. Ttt Mr. Mary Kll- mam, of ttati place, aayg; "Attar th birth ot mjr ltttlt itrl. , .mj tldt com nanetd to hurt ma. 1 bad to r back to bad. Wo called tho doctor. R traatad mo. ..but I lot no batter. I tot worn and woria until the mliarr in unbearable.,. I vaa In bed lor three montha and eutfered aucb agony that I wee Juet drawn up In a knot... I told mj huiband It bo would fet me a bottle ot Cardui I would try It. . . t commenced taking It, howerer, that erenlnf I called mr family about me... tor t knew I could not laat tuny dare unlaaa I had a change tor the better. That wae alt ycari ae and I am still here and am a well, strenc woman, and 1 owe mr Ute 10 Cardui. I had only taken half th bottle when I began to feel better. The mlaerjr In my elile got iesi... I continued right on taking the Cardui until I had taken three bottles and I did not need any more for I wae well and never felt better In my life... I bare nerer bad any trouble from that day to this." Do you suffer from headache, back ache, pains In sides, or other discom fort!, each monthf Or do you feci weak, nervous and tagged-out? It so, give Cardui, the woman's tonic, a trial. J. 71 Calomel i, .1 dangerous drug It is mticiiry .iik'ksilvet; and attacks your I (Hit's 'i.tKi- ;( iln.(' ot n-itV f'tlnmel to day and you will U'el weak, sick and nau seated luimtrrnv;. Don't lose a day's wink. head Hardware , Weldull. New thiiis to eat are beinu dis covered daily seemingly fur the purpose ol adding 10 the high cost of living Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A A little guying judiciously ad ministered often makes a weak man strong Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Too often when a man tries to pinch others he hurts himself. THIS WEAK, NERVOUSMOTHER Telia How Lydia LPinkham'a Vegetable Compound Restored Her Health. Take "Dodson's Liver Tone" Instead I H.-re my ymrintt'ct ,ik your ilruj.'t.t lur a butt If of t.lsun' t.ivcv Tnnf ami tk a poonfnl to uiiil ii .1 ijtsu t stetti your i and tr-vhten you right up bellt-r h:ii. llu' .tore and fet your moocy. Take spooaful of harm If, Tegc table DotWuri'ii Liver Tune tonight and wake fu'ling -rejt. It's) perfectly j harriilei, n give it to your children than 1u.u11.el and without fripinj. or j any time. It can't naltTttc, au making you sick I want you to go i them eat anything afUrward. L&M SEMI-PASTE PAINTS BEST THAT CAN BE MADE Coat to you $3.25 a Gallon when nude ready to um RECOMMENDED BY SATISFIED USERS FOR OVER 40 YEARS Obtain COLOR CARD from our Agents or LONGMAN MARTINEZ Manufactarvra New Ycrfc 1 1 Mill 1 l I ' ' I ' Philsdrlpliia, Fa. "1 was very weak, alwaya lireil, my Uiuk acttwl, and 1 felt sickly musi 01 ine timp I wnt t a doclur and he eaal 1 had nervous indi- Si'Stiou, wbicb ed-t-d tu niy weak condition kept me worrying most of the time and be said if I could not stop that, i could not get el1' ' hard somuchabout LydiaE. Finkham s eirevftble t'om- rmnd my husband wanted me to try it took It fora week and felt a little bet ter. I kept it up for three months, and I feel line and can eat anything now without distress or nervousness. "Mrs. J. Worthlike. &A'i North Taylor St, Philadelphia Pa. The majority of mothers nowadaye overdo, there are so many demands upon thdr time and atrength; the result k invariably a weakened, run-dowo, ner.ous condition nth headaches, back ache, irritability and depression and snoi more serious .ailments develop. It Ic at such periods in life that Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound will restore a normal healthy condition, as it did to Mr. Worthline. Friends That Never Fail MOTHER'S love for the little one never fails. The constant, steady heat of this remarkable heater is a never failing friend when economy and even heat day and night arc a necessity. It pays to investigate. Cole's Original Hot Blast BURNS CHEAPEST COAL CLEAN AND BRIGHT. USES ANY FUEL Why Not Cut Your Fuel Bill In Half This Winter? You Can Easily Do It With Thla Creat Fuel Sating Haatar. Act mi tf Serve. I UM O mum l s . ak , y Ii V 1 - -j in W ,-;r7.r"SeeThis Heater At Our Store 1 i. KltIUIUOi1KMl INVITATION. You are invited to open an1 account with the BtfK OF E AFIELD, . a? a iif n al ft ZlflCLUf ft. U, i a Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart-! t ment tcmptiundeil (Quarterly, gjgy YOU can bank by mail aumaHMatmwmauaatiinRatisMi ! Fire Insurance SURETY BONDS, See me when in need of the above insurance and get protection from the leading companies of America. L- C. DRAPER. Agent. Subscribe to The Roanoke News. Only $1.50 Per Year in Advance. )

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