iAHLISHI-) IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription $1.50 Per Annum NO. 2G )L. IJV WELDON, N. C, TIIUKSDAY, NOVKMIiKK , fcSVVlJN.v.vv 3 2 Children Cry for Fletcher's 1 Tbe Kind You Have Alwaye Bought, and which hu been iu iu for over over JO yeare, has borne the signature of -0 "id hi been made under hit per- AZraTi ,onal Pe'viilon ilnce iu infancy. UafX t-CWK Allow no one to deceirl you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Jut-ai-good " art but Experiment! that trifle with and endanger the health of Iuiants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTOR I A Castoria ii a harmleu substitute for Caator Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrupa. It it pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age Is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it ha been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Fewishnesg arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. J5ENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of SIX TO ONE. A man who was wanted by the police had been photographed in six dirl'crciii positions jnd the pic tures sent to the thief of police of a provincial town where it wus thought likely ilie Fugitive was in hiJiiig. After the I ipse of a few days the following reply reached hendqiiii'li'is : i ' Sir: I duly received ilie por traits of the six iniicrejiiis whose capture is desired. I have arrest ed Five of them and the sixth is un der observance and will be secured shortly." Tit-Kits. COOI. Howell That innr lerer was a cool one. Howell VI' hat do ymi nieun? Howell When the judge sen tenced him to be electrocuted on a certain day, he suid: "I'm a pret ty busy man, but I'll try to be there, judge. " J In Use For Over 30 Years Th Kind You Hava Always Bought TMff CKNTAUneOMPANV.NIWVaiaM TV Bargains for You Best Patent l-lour Compound Lard Seed Rye, Clover Seed, Wheat Midltng $11.50 27c. 2.25 10.50 3 .65 W. T. PABKER&CO, Wholesale Gash Store WELOON, N. C. im Lumber & Millwork Go. Weldon, N. C. MANUKAITUKEKS OF uilding Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors inils, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO OKDKK AM HKUI'I.AR STOCK SIZES, flood Materials. High (trade Workmanship Our Slogan Hmmm 11 rs SAVE MONEYS? Third Red Cross Roll Call Nov. 2-11, Unroll at once, and help the cause of humanity. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA A man simply has to talk some times; that is why so many mar ried men talk in their sleep. Eza Life Was a Misery Mrs. f. M. Jones, of Palmer, Okla., writes i "h'rorn the time I en tered Into womanhood ... I looked with dread Irom one month to the next. I sultered with my back snd bearing-down pain, until life to me was g misery. I would think I could not endure the pain any longer, and 1 gradually Rof worse. . . Nothing seemed to help me until, one day, . . . I decided to TAKE ml The Woman's Tonic By trading at home and still be a booster for your town. I Many Bargains in mer Goods. j T- The very newest styles in tirnanUies deorgettes and Crepe-de-Chine. , We have a complete line of Ladies and jggg Gentlemen's Furnishings. UM I A- L. swimcK, M Tll U..-a. G4.nma WELDON, N C Choice Hams i'hr i nothing more appetizing than a slice of our choice ham We have anything you may want In the .line of meats. All k'lnHc itf Canned Uoods " i look lour bottles," Mrs. Jones gots on to say, "and was not only greatly relieved, but can truthlully say that I have not a pain. . . " It has now been two years since I took Car Jul, and I am still in good health, . . I would ad vise any woman or girl to use Cardul who is a sufferer Irom any female trouble." II you sutler psln csused Irom womanly trouble, or li you feel the need ol a good strengthening tonic to build up y ourrun-down system, take the sdvlca oi Mrs. Jones. Try Car dul. It helped hei. We believe il will help you. ASPIRIN FOR "HEADACHE Name "Bayur" is on Genuine Aspirin say Bayer f OOD GliOCtRIES build up the system, stimulate the brain, and 9 increase your capacity to think. And right thinking brings best re- fUlli. Our Driers mak vnn Ihinlr . Tall in to see US. L. E. HULL, SAY IT WITH FLOWERS, Say it with (lowers, just a trim little spray; With (lowers your tributes of affection say; Say il with flowers, they ore never amiss; Flowers brighten the way on the journey to bliss. Say it with flowers at baby's advent, No gift so filling can ever be sent; Flowers loosen the tension, and hearts they relieve, Cheer the laint-hearted and loved one who grieve Say il with Mowers to the git) you hold dear; Say it wiih Mowers all limes ol the year: Say it with Flowers to the lad oF your choice; They will carry your message and make him .rejoice. Say it wiih flowers to the matron of grace, Then watch the glow of life in her face; Say it wiih flowers to the chinning old beau, When he decides he's careful and slow. Say it wiih (lowers Gardenias will please The rijjhl thing to wear at dinners and leas; Say il with Mowers when trials oppose; Say il wiih flowers; your choice be the Rose. Say il with (lowers to mother and dad, The thoughtful remembrance will make their hearts glad; Say it with Flowers where deaih makes a call; Send ihere some flowers be il hovel or hall. Do say il with Mowers, so charming, so pure; A touch of heaven thai shall ever endure; Yes, say ii with flowers, like tokens of love, A gift from the Creator for His throne above. WHAT REAL THRIFT WILL ACCOMPLISH ucesaeful Mm Bsoen By Saving Their Mensy Aa a Matter ef Flud Haklt STAMP CONVERSION IS NOW AUTHORIZED Tftmury Dpartmit Offers Thrufl(i Bank i and Put OffloM Saving Cartlfloataa In Larga Dan am Inatlana. AtvraBAm Lincoln wia a DoUbl i ampaftr of tba ralue oC thrift of time. Wa tan plctura aim trudBlaf forty mllM to borrow a grammar. W can him prtma bafura tha pin 0ra at night attar a hard day'a work log cutttng, raadlng and r reading tha it tut of Indiana, tha only buck he ownad, or learning to writt and figure with a plat of charcoal on tha hack of a wooden ahorel, aa h bad to papar or Ink Another auaipla of what a bor can do who do not waate time t that of a Milwaukee man, NU Anton Chrla ten leu, racantly appointed by the Colted SUtua govaruniant, through Secretary ol the Navy taultta, oo the Inventors' stuff of the uuvv United Statas NnTl Board, which iocludea lha greatest tnTantiva nindu 1b the nation. Dura In Duomark, Nels Ctirlsten wn's ifhuol days tttded at 14 years. Uber Uiat he worked in a machine ahop daya and attended a technical acbool in tbe evenings. From bis savings ba defrayed the eijwn f a count st tha Copenhagen Technique Juatltute. from which be wan graduat ed at II. Previous to that bm attain national prominence aa an engineer, having designed, when 19 years old. the Danish lighthouse at Hanethultne, one of iae largest in the worli. During the three years be spent on an Eii gl tab steamer engaged hi Med lUrrunean trade be learned enough English to aecur a position with an Richmond, Va. The War Loan Or ganisation of tbe Fifth Federal Re serve District baa been advised thai hereafter War Bavlaga Stamps may be converted Into Treasury Saving Certificates of 9100 and 91,000 deuomt uatlons according to a new plan of tha United States Treasury Department to afford greater convenience to hold era and purchasers of War Savings and Thrift Stamps. Tbe development of tbe savings Ida la one that baa nn urged tor suae time In order to attract larger Invest ments. The holder of a sufficient number of Thrift Stamps may now ei c lunge them for a $6 War Bavlnga Stamp and In turn the holder of twttnty of the 16 War Savings a tain pa may convert them Into a 10 Savlnga Certificate, or the holder of two hun dred of the $6 sumps may In turn turn them In for a 91,600 Saving Cer tificate. Conversion may be made at all first and second class poat offices and at all Incorporated banks and trust ooav pastes that have qualified aa agents of tbe second claae. The Treasury Sav lags Certificate will be Isewsd la reg istered form and will bear the nana of the owners. Tbey will yleJd four pur oeat oompoundad quarterly as da thH War Savings Stamp The limit of the Individual Investment for tha 119 series of sumps still Psmalus at 91.000. The new Treasury Bavlgaji Certifi cates should prove particularly at- The nasi that lay an egg a day Is a geU mine for nor owner Take a beaeoa treat tae heal Lr tty ti four future by lav .sting regularly In HOW FAMILY INC0S!E MAY BE DISTRIBUTED vary Horn theuld Havi Own Pa tonal HouMhold ajugt If It la to bt tuMfyt. ED(lllii mautiotunns coccwni Since tractive for tha Invtatmeat of tha comtog to lb United Statea tee hei in i fund df fraternal societies, labor un vwMd many compressed tifbrk Ions and other civic, eoclai and rell starters for railroads, aerjplaaee and Igiout organisations becauee the later flr engine taat hava broufltt btm i est la added to tbe principal automat, world-wide fame. jlcally each Quarter, the eaUpe amount Tbomaa Bdlaoa beaan to ears be- lf Prabl at maturity, fore he began to invent The success- Ml nasaaine editor. Bdward Be started sarins oa a aajary at to cents a week. Qrorer Cleveland's wages for hit Brst year of work touled 160. OexSeld could not leave become pree tdeat bad he aot eawed early In life Horace Greeley and Cooper fouaded taotr oareere om earing. IlOoveraor Ferris of Michigan, now a college president, a Ute loua d ToosM of thrift, tella of hit own thrif ty training: "la asy youth It 1 had a toy, I aaa-tle It, and made It not to ault nyeeit alone but It had to suit y father a well. Kli eiejulnatlon of aiy work and bis laetstenet that 1 should put the best tSrere was In me area Into my lays pat Int say back a spiae and eufllclent lime to tut a llfetlDM." Thrift was the keynote of success la the life of the late James 1. HID. He waa oae of the country's saoat oun let set eiponenta of thrift, oae of the re lest eiamplare of what tkta vlr tue eomblaed with eaergy aad klgb p-trp see, cea e. He preai hed always that the man wke cannot eave nuaay will be a tailor ; that Ihoufh he asay hate edapatlon, talent aad ability, without thrifty kebtta ke sanaot succeed. ' The cornerstone of tomorrow's sno aea la fouaded upon tsday'a thrift Any poettsan caa lay the coruerstoae tor yaa with War is v lags SMampa. oaa oae la aavtng what you ipand foolishly Who is depositing your sol lent Invest tkem la W. 1 eata them for yoarsaat. a aU Every household la a eorporwtioa with certain definite obligations and a more or lees oertala laceaao, and it should, therefoew, have a dadalte bud get. No general badge earn be as frasaea aa to at the aeeaa ef erery family. Faaillles differ, evea when Ideatloal la sine, aumber, aei aad geaeral ertua tloa, but no ramlly ata thrive aad pro grass without Bound aad sane anano lug; without airanaeaaeat uf a reaa oaabla financial margin; without reg ular aavlng and Investraeats. such aa ai-e offai-ed by Thrift and Savluga BUaipe; aad only Inulllfeat adtier ance to aa Intelligent budget can ba trusted, under ordinary olrcuenstaacea. to brlag about the d eared reeuka. Methods ot approprtalsoa, kewever, differ; a metkod which pnvrea feaaU ble la a given family would ba wora than neeleea In another; but eertala cardinal prlaclplee may be aataly 114 down. The amount of poasiole aavlng should ba eet apart deflnltaiy. iid i gldly adhered to. OU.r aUowaaoee may he variable or they may be held wltala hard and fast Units. Oa piaa after another may be tried St ltted, until the beet on s sited te foaa. All things ooaaldered, the most eas ily efficient budget usually ehst whlek allows a eertala akar at the lDoaa tor each budgt head Maud hold rigidly wltala the Kama of ap. proprtatlrB. aad wisely appllea any balance or surplus to the eartnira or re-areatlou s-'!!'- NM BaUhelor'a Optra tious. WELDON, N.C lasUt an "Beyer TshlsU ef Asplria in n "8sysr package," contaiainf proper dirsclioei for Headache, Colds, Pain, Neuralgia, Lumbago, and Rhumeti. Nee "Bayer" mesns geauina Aspiria nretaiibed by physk-isns for nlneteea IZ nJIf t.. bur- ' cost fsw nu. Aspifia if trade mark Bayer Isanufaature ol Mosoacetiat 1 actdatter tt OtUtjIiaal. j Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Antieipatfd calamiiici seldom show up. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Pluck is the stepfather of suc ! cess. CASTORIA Fot Infants and Children In U.f ForOver30Ytar Always bears the gig-nature of 18 cents a package Csnss ere told everywhere in scren)o ally sesd ptckafan uf 20 cisrertes, or fen pccAa (200 cjtfsrerres) rn e gas-ine-ospnr-covereti csrrori. VVe srroiJy recommend Ims carton for lha homa or office aupply, or whan you traval. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY WUutoa .S1ud, N. C. CAMELS' expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos answers every cigarette desire you ever had ! Camels give such universal delight.such unusual enjoyment and satisfaction you'll call them a cigarette revelation I If you'd like a cigarette that does not leave any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty odor, smoAe Camels! If you hunger for a rich, mellow-mild cigarette that has all that desirable cigarette "body" well, you get some Camels as quickly as you can I Camels' expert blend makes all this delightful quality possible. Your personal test will prove that Camel Cigarettes are the only cigarettes you ever smoked that just seem made to meet your taste I You will prefer them to either kind of to bacco smoked straight I Compare Camels for quality and satisfaction with any cigarette in the world at any price I Pi I YVI ien Croup Threatens Quick iclicfof baby's croup often foreitails s tcrious sitiutioa when thii dresded disestt conies in the late hours of nitrht. will wi iun uu Oimita Motbf i should ini Uf of tiki li re nortuir4 Wbra Croup ihruu. ttM ajthfirrlaj Mltf tabbrU welt laio bttoy't tafgex CbtM sued utvJrr lavtuaa, will ttitere tb cbutJaf aM4k tTuufFMItMa. atLes pmtjtot rcttl tf. Tk(w sJaancatirtiibrpBT K-iaa la conbitlM Ctwlil, ColdaV pfMlfte nooia. etc to chiUfOsa ai eil u fivwa-nf. IOc.6ak4u.dll.20M all tlrac Kurav m km Dtepaii bf Brame Drug CompaAy lilVnlMre,ILC. 1 i'teSik ta i sss ill's I ''V7 : r OVER-EAYIhG Is the root of noail: n'l diotle evils. If yuurdigslioii . wiU or out ol aillr,blttitl.aautu tha a. aid ! tel.r digestion. Pleesant to I -elfm- L i Ki-moiJa hcl- .noiehtc; out your digest'.vo tiouui. MADE BY eC J'.'r t.iNE MAKCns Of aoiru a.; ..jlpiom NOTICE. North t'arulina, Halifax County, Iu 1 1st Superior t'ourt II. (). rranlov and licurva t'rali-y Va. Km ma alsun aint lit" r liul.so,l ami I VI III K mil II 111 K.l Ij'KIS I Im- i iaalcv, L. I. Ku-kriis, Huiia ( oli-y sml l l.siht I uli v, Ntlltr I . Piraene, m l ii... i ...Lu-llui. Dura llui Scalce au.l I'ctei soalee, Zeha L'i mi,l (mum I mis. Maiy Jackson anil u ,n I....L H..i, l.,hn lmkns. Huweid I'lckiui, itutli Ihcltciii! suJ Kuth Inch- all. The itt feuilatits, Kuuna Vt alson and hei Imsliaud. the I'M KNOWN I'HILI) 01 Id Lewis, M 1. llui, lirue llui finlne llui, Dora llus Soalen, Peter Scales, Julio 1 hi-kens, Hnlll Uickena will take notice tiiat an action entitled s bIiovc lias lieeo commenced in the Suuerior t'ourt of Halitas (ountv to sell a certain tract of land in which they ale interested for the purpose ot parti tion: end the said defendants will fur ther lake notice that they are rruuiml to appear at the ollice of the I lei k of the Superior Court of Halifai County oa the l.'ith of November, lulu, st the Court House in Halifax Cuuuty, .V and answer or demur to Uie complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Couit for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the lelli day of October, laid. 8. M. OARY, Clerk of the Superior Court, act 23 4t eJ.v About i he first qucsiiuii uur sulcsnieii will ask you when you iry on one of our new Is "How does il frel?" In oilier stores iliey ask "How does ii !iuik'" The liilhrciiir is ilim ue w ill first select a hat that v ill iTCiniie you, mid r kimw (hum "Mullm y" Hat will look I'l'.l.i, :.u iilui r v.hii iu know is whcilier ihe hat feels right mi ihe licud. be mii i-10 have u luok ai uur window this week and cninc in and pruve wlmi we say. FARCER & JOSEPHSON. Mens and Boys Outfitters WHI.DON. N. C. The Citizens Bank HAI IFAX. N. C. WE Invite the people ol Halifax and surrounding country to pat ronize this Hank. Why not have a checking account? It is necessary In these times. It saves you money, and you have a re ceipt against payments to your creditors. Besides It gives you a standing In your community. We have every facility known for Sound Banking, and Invite you to open an account with ua. The smallest account receives as much attention as tbe largest with us. We pay 4 per cent. Compounded Quarterly on Savings. Come In and talk It over v. It h us We need you, you need us. INVITATION. I You are Invited to open an: account with the BMK OF EfJFIELD, EfiflELD, I. 0, I j Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart-" T mem compound t a quarterly. YOU can bank by mail Subscribe to The Roanoke News. Only $1.50 Per Year in Advance: 13 9 I - f-