THE ROANOKE NEWS, WELDON. N. C. AMiCli'ATIuS TUB ANXIUTY. X'c pay more fur labor in this C'wmry ihan is paid i" any coun try in i In- world, and l.ihor pavs niuic tui i will, food it 1 1 d clothuifi in tlie I'niicd Stales nun w doc jny where cNc U'li.n he end will hi- no one knows but every thoughtful nun amiapjtes ihe anx tety. V.NiKUI'iiL STEIVING STONES HHP BUIL? r :.-.-. CiN! ai - : S At... .n if f S RED CROSS, FIGHT&Mu TO BUiLD 0? i STRONGER A.Q lll.ALTH.i.3 COUNTRY, I CALLS CHLLAMERiCANS TO HELP THIRD ROLL CALL LAUNCHED FOR TWO MILLION MEMBERS TO CARRY ON WAR AGAINST SICK NESS AND SUFFERING RED CROSS WILL DEVOTE MONEY TO HELPING SOLDIERS. SAV ING LIVE8 OF BA3IES AND OTHER "HOME WORK." Alter months of preparation by 4,mm Red Croaa Chapter, with their 17, Gun brandies and 30.000 auxiliai It-is. all over the country, the Third lied Cn-ne Roll Call fur 20.0W.U00 lufiiib-i". now i-tt:ui undur way Willi a u m -n tin1. . aw t-y in every p.ut of it..' r'r. i.i "Ked Cross Sunday," N 1 1 1 h r H. ihiuugh "Ariiustue li;i." Nowiuin i 11, tlie great dnvo will eoiiiiiiue. Nut only Red Cms rh..;.iert and Red Cross worker. ar- M ;i -l-. ii Injure T lie sueces. of the Hull t'..l! i, the Southern LMwrdon. whuli 1 the wtate of Nurlli ami South :a.i. Tenneee, Georgia and Klurid;., b n the organized women of th'se sutt-.-have pledged their aid. and the re turned soldiers, rt presented by the American Legion have plitlged thtur support as well to a man through their national uftieers Minlftei thnwghout this division and thtoui'h out the United St at t'H have taken up Uw cause. The need of the Roll Call and Mr those who will answer "Here!" t ;n be t forth tersely. The Red i "r.. si ft h la for Ameriean hununn I' Aght against isnorance, si kn. w, ut ferine and in .wry in every form Km the Red Cruas, the war is not ov-r And did you think the war wa- ovr Then, ask yourself a few yuestmns A-l yourself what in to be dune about The 11.0,000 disabled UghLlng men? The SOO.0OO American boyn who were unfli for senrire"? The one American baby out of even that diet tn 1U flint year? The 200.000 people who die annually of tuberculosis T The &00.0OO who would die in another Influenxa epidemic like the last? The SOO.000 chlldrea under 5 who die annually of preventable distant? The thousands of children forced out of school by physical defect? The accidents that kill 100,000 and doable 600,000 yearly? The un adult In eeB known to be in need of medical attention? The 7,000 people who drown every year tn American watara" Thet ai the thlnjta that made the Third Roll OaU absolutely nweeoaary. for with the 80,000,000 "dollar mem bershlp" and tha tl&,000,000 cured bealdea. tie Bed Croaa not only will dlerharice Ita war obliaatlona and "aee a Job aa well aa gulte an honor, aa tbw last aoldler clean through" hie t ni.tny of tbe chapters already have be-aftertlie-war probluma, but will send gun an active campaign for members food to itarvtng humanity abroad, watch over tha 125.1100 alck and wounded aiddlern atlll In tha hoapltul of Amerloa, apread knowletlgc of pub Mc health with tbe determination to Une-haif uf eveiy doliai col'ill il.iit. d for membership In the American Ked Ortwa during the Third Red Croaa Roll Call. Novaniber 2 t" 11, reuialna In the trensury of the chapters In each onm uuiilty wbere It la contributed, ac cording to lnatnicllona aent out from Southern Dirlaion Headquartera of tbe American Red Croaa, to be uaed In the I oounty where It la contributed The other half goes for the Nailonal and woria-wtd Red Croaa work, for die aater er.'ilef, for public health mining, dhfld welfare work, for adrainlatratlcat, (gel egmitlogt o Bat Croaa work. imt in every home In Ani'Tlra one lierMin caiuible of oaring for tin- .wk; xteiul t n t rut-T it m m first aid u I'-ach eveiy M-liutil und f;t-.'tit-y m int land, -ir;,ine and cuiidui i lilVsaMii lu i i u i tntt all atilur ! Iuhs of 7.1Mt 11V, t.y drmvnihH; lie aule tn funult r--i.i f .ii an cuiimiunUi atricken by dis i t; tiiifh intrliiUHnj and cervlce tu lit- yuuili of tli.- iid'-lun througli the .tuninr Ri-d Cl'.s tiintcL't the i u t -r t of dthchaiued soldi rs by il liuine feivu-e depart iiu nl and enlarge this department so tliat it will help civil ian.' aa well; build up an organization of trained uurwH and volunteers that will make vi'idtMiiira ahnost Impon -I! le : provide rare for bablpy and niiitlii-ts ami thus nave for uefulhei tn ii-and of little lives now aacriticed thiMupcli iKnorance Many of lb' things the Red Croa U dninr already. The Third R." Call a Miic.H(i. means that it will do thin Inner than ever, that the Red Cpi-h w'.ll fltilit slrknesa,, and fiifft r ng ihnnmhnut our country and make :t a happinr, cleaner land to live Id Membership costs onlv one dollar to i ry person. h 20,Aou.no0 memb-rs ! as 20.UO0.wKi dollars, and with 20, dollars the Rd Cross will do itMie for America than tt ever did PNNANTS FOR CH PTERS THAT GET MOST MEMBERS Atlanta, (la. --Clin purs of the Amer ican Red Cnma in the southern division that mnkw good records In the Third H- d Cross (Tall, November 2 11. will not go unlionored It was announced to'hiy at sou the rn divinioo headuuur teifl of the Red Croen that a pennant i offer' d to the ohnirter in each mate that securea the largest number of ni'-mbern during the Roll Call In pro portion to the population of the county in which the chapter is located An other and largor pennant will be given tu the chapter that secures the aiost members tn proportion to Its io(ula- onipatlna ag-iUnal all ohamera In the dlvlalon. whirl) incjudea Ihe atatrn of North and South Carolina. Ooriria. Tennessee and Florida There are rtantera in Ihe entire division and to j w:n the dirlaion nvnnani wtll be quite Tlie pennant, which In themselvee wll be a titling orn.iuient to the wall of any chapter hotiae, will be awarded a aiain aa final rctmlts are tabulated at the cloae of the campaign. A:::rr!i-an snldlerg In the bat'Je uf tb Argonne were actually In lean dan ger than babies lee than a year old In America are now, according to atatla tlca gathered by tbe Mouthern lilvls Ion, American Kad Cross. Whereas, one American soldier tn forty waa killed in the Argonne, ons baby In eight, leas than a year old, dies each year from preventable diseases. Moat of these deaths are due to Ignorance of proper feeding and care, which may bo remedied In a large moaaura by Instruction, glvan by pub Uc aeautk Bimea. $1.01 SPENT FOR EVERY $1 GIVEN RED CROSS HAD REMARKABLE RECORD OF ECONOMY IN WAR. Money Given tn Third Roll Call To Go Mainly for America and Americana, Atlanta, Ga. -There aru two facts ab. iii the Third Red Cross Roll Call win li campaign leaders In tow south are t'n.iphasi.inn one the fact that the Red Crovs toot proved It abllMy and tin (worthiness to handle fund in bu- nepa-ltke way, and the other, the I'irt thai the money received in the Thi.'d Roll Call will bo ei ponded Hi nto t wholly in Anierit a for the benefit of The AniiTtcan people When anybody asks whether mony tiv n to the Red Criwit will be frit tered or squandered. canipHign apeak erb turn to tit war record and point to the p markahle frt ihat for every dol lar Riven by tlie American people, )1 01 to the actual purpiee for which rnonn, was intended. In other ! tif woi ls, Mach dollar irni-d two cants Int rest. Die cent of that two cents pnvided for expt rises of sdrainustra lion, and ihe dollar Itself a ad a cent be.-ides went to actnal relief work. ir the Red Cro' wold do taat la the war, wlrnn no organizations and no nation were any too careful or econo mic in the way tht v apeni money. Red Cn s v.orkers declare. It It. certainly to b-- ln-!!ev(d that tne Red Cjiws will do as well, at the b ast, in peace timet), and thai money given in the Third Ile'l Call will go, not for iipinses, but nxi't wbere It Is most nded and rtgl.t where the man or woman who xne U wanted It go twit when he Jnli.ed the Red Crons and paid his dollar. An for the exact purpose for which the money wtll be spent, they quote Dr. Lw Illusion Karrand, national chaii miiti of tbe Red ('man, who said re reii'ly: "Th Ameriran people are not nkd for huge sums to pitur Into Kurtp for the retiwf of stricken peo pie! of oiher countries, (hily a com paratively small .sum will he set aside for thai puriHtse, and it only to ad minister supplies already entrusted to the Red Cross by the American goT' ernment, not to buy any more supplies. It will be merely toward d-fraaying thji compaiatively litjhi expenses uf tin tub ing a job already almost completed By far ihe perivntage of th ! nioney .curi-d In ibis oorupalfrn from the American peni le will bo returned 1 illreetlv to the Ain. riian neoale In the form of belter htvallb and Irwlna condition Aa a ronorela expression of the ap. proval of tbe go, rt nient of Red Crow methods, more ihan ten million dollars wurth of meilr at anil food supplies have been recertiy turn.d over to the Red i'iiisj by the government to be dlHtrl lulled. l!orr tl;..!! f,r;y tl,uaad wmaen pl'-ilgeil iheir .'.upport to the Tliird Red Crusj Unit Ceil at a rtgent meet lini: In Atil.uiu. where the beads of the .ii it. n'rf oiv.-iri'ZHllona of Qejorgia. Kli.i.u.1. tioutli Carolina, Nortb Cam linu T. nnui .ii e, gatherd at the In vllatli n of .Mi h lti);alle Howell, direr tor of the Wuneli'f. Dirlaion. Joeepli L. ill Mil, an, Uivisi.m Roll Call In recto, Jeiit ves that the support of tlie orgjnUiJ nifi-n will Insure the auo- aasw oi tne i.eubenhlp drive, MISER SAVER BIG SUM BUT ONLY TO LOSE IT Man Did Not Follow Principle! of Thrift Sole Idea Was to Hoard His Money. Spending Nothing. A mod i ni Midas of C!iHiUi, who had aiviltniilaU'd J.!nuaiiii by never upending anything, rertnlly wa de clared inr.ipable of h.indliim Ins af fairs. He became incapable nut be came he ama-si d ;.:iii.iHMl but lic :ius of the way f - mutilated tl He en tranced his faintly, w.nt in bed with the chickens in avoid spendmn nioiic on lihtf and lived mi $.": a year. Then lie ran afoul of the pnlinc in come, nix law and now hi cti ldivn art to handli his beloved savinns. Thm modern Midas not a thrifty man He was a imei True thr:fl erlh.uio- and in- r-'ases the wealth of the world Hardinn! money benehin lo-ither the miser nor his fellows Wice stpetidini, la ad HrieiitlaI an wise saving, and w) investment is as importnnt a eitliBr; wise Kiiidinfc for the cniiifort and idensures of life ax well an the necessities makua for the thriftiest life and stimulates production. Wise Investment makes possible the crea tion of new wealth The miser aavea hut spends noth ing. He secures only the meager sat tiifactioD of watchlnn hU pile of money grow. Tho wise exponnnt of thrift and Bound investment has the com forts and pleuauroH of life und naves at tho Hinne time. Ihe foolish man panda his moncyn' what ho neither needa nor really wants; does not at tain the comforts and lasting pleas urea of life and saves nothing. If the modwrn noser of Chicago had spent wisely lie would hava had years of com fun and happiness instead or yaan of squalor and want. If he. bad savwd wisely he would have had the love and respect uf his family and as sociates If he had invested wisely ha w.aild have huen competent to han dle bis own affairs. "AVaste not want not" is still the modem smom or tnmt nut wan? not touV n be fn'eted to mean nnt wanting the 0in;s make life worth the living Duu't be a modern PICKING JJPJHAT PIN ttury of K. H. HarrliAun. whu died lvmg an ustun of IT.VOnO.OUO. I'md tu bin) with one diy ptrkinic up a mall DttM'l letter flip dnipp'd uu tb fliior by u i-aroledn nHil iyoe. "I'd Mko tn have a my imDiial in C4mfl," anid Mr. Harrlniun. "the valuw of niaftiriaJ t.hniwn away vry yar by Indrffm-oiit workHrH In the (iffu-es and faetortfin of Aniertca, In a few year I'd he the ru-huat man Id the world. " "LIKE UM" and "LICK UM From faraway Tultta, Ukla., cornea the story that War Savings Stamps are tramiwdously popular among the Indians who have grown rieh from oil well dist ovorod on the:r propertiMS. ".lck-om-OB- oom petit! ocs arc popular among tbe Indian Hooke- f allure, vho buy the $6 stamps in nheeta, arrange their oards ueutly acd start Ikking and stioking at a pfitarranged signal. After all the stamps bad heen stu:k on during a recent content the Indiana oapped the "field ine.ft" by lining up and rat ing to the pottt otTioe tu get the tamjMt r-glsteretl Mlue None Smell Nu- Mit won the raoe and had his rttamps reaidtered drat. He hed pntei on Hha worth of War Havnu's HiuniyH lu riLx min utHrt and fourtoen eouiids HN time to the port toff loo waa M nut oiitla flaL Put your money where It will do double duty tor you in War Havings 8tampn. Moiutv -r. . (1 n wlnit ertuuu. In vested in !t S.i v .,.ee iuntpa It grows day tuid night In a multitude of thrifts there Is saJfety from worry Buy visely, sare bMstlUtenUy, and Invert tn Thrift jjMajnas aad War aarlnAa Ham pa FIVE DEPARTMENTS ARE AIDING THRIFT Government Bureaus Are Co operatmv to Promote Widespread Savings Among All Classes ef People. Co npei ation and co-ordinal ion of Kov.-rtinient departments tn uid of Ho national movement to promote regular saving wise buytiiK. sound investment i and reinvestment are nhown In u r cent report to Ihe Treasury U part mnt. Kie departments-Treiihury. Uihnr. Cotnmerce. AnncuRure and the Inter ior are always carryinft out p .i ; i luiactenstic of their speclul dornaii of work designed to accomplish tl Kem-ral aim- thrift Not only ar the sume principles held in loimtwn but ideas und material are interchaaK ed and employed to further tht par ti.ular lines of each department's work. In tht Treasury Department the Kuviiins PivWtlon is endeavoring to bring home the ralue eooinuny as a principle of sensible f living; t i interpret thrift, not as mUerltne-N, but as the wise management of on 'a iiffiurM. taking hevd of present and fu ture m-eds and steadily saving fur worthwhile purchases, to tnke advant age of an opportunity or Hgamst a ratnv day. The Barings Division i-f f(,r(t the Thrift Btamps and War Sav ings Stamps a practical Induce to acq u ring tht power of a fit;.'. reHerve,. i lit a Using that saving Is y stimulated by having a definite o tn Tlt,w tne, Department of Lab lfl OWN YOt'U I movement. The Department of Commerre, ! conjunction wtth rbe Council of ' tbmal ixfeaa, engaged in a l'i" NOW. BUT ONLY WHAT v' NKKD, campaign. Tlie DenartuwDt of Agriculture h" j,,!,, to haTe n county and home dtanstratiou a inQmtMT,n. thousand men woman. IncIniM a inmaage 01 uu .. In all tlwilr wort. In th Dvputment of the lnlM ibt Hiimu at Bdvaratlon Is iu. k ' thrift an hnpertrnt part of 1t Am. n raniiatlon uii)m and of Ita rtio ;. ;ind llbmry wol. Tb Indian llur. au has Inanf4 natertal mi call-d on uni'iita to aaaMt In brrnrlng homi' tbi value of tBUUtgcnt nattnn and aaff Invntmant to th Indian aemloe THRIFT TABLE 25 Heunlea 1 Thrift Stamp. 16 Thrift Stamps I W 8 2(1 W. B. H-l Hundred Uullat Htamp. 6 laandred Dollar Htajups 11m Installment on your buroe. Thrift Sumps will sUck when a fel low needs u friend. k Thrift a happy habit through livings sumps. lleie In what one man did. If yon loii't know bira you know soma one Jn't like htm In your rommnnJty. Twenty years ago be owned tbe lollies he stood In and that waa about all He saved fifty dollars tbe drat year; Hie nelt year, with a 111 He bettor wagiia, SMVeuty-Bve. tine thing with another a wife and family Included ha baa saved an av-nr'i of flrn doliaxi a wock for twenty years. What he saved In twenty years was about five thousand dollars What he has la twice fly thousand -like the man la the parable. His dollars working for him now bring him more than bis yearly saying. Make Thrift a happy habit through War Savings Bumps. Money spent la money gtma; barest, ed In War Saving Stamp It stay with sua. INTEREST W'h.m Sh.aI.l I Tp.ach My Child? Teach him that is betier io die than to lie; thai it is betier to starve than to steal ; than it is belter to be a scavenger or wood chopper than an idler or dead beat; that ii is just as criminal and repre hensible to waste Monday as to desecrate Sunday; thai labor is the price of all honest possessions; thai no one is exempt from the obliga tion to labor with head, hands or heart; that "an honest man is the noblest work of God;" that knowl edge is power, that labor is worship and idleness sin; that it is betier to eat ihe crust of independent pov erty than io luxuriate in ihe richest viands as a dependent. Teach him these facts till they are woven into his being and regulate his life, and we will insure his success though the heavens fall. HILL THE INFLUENZA RETURN? Public Health Authorities Pre dicted its Recurrence (iuard Against it by Huildinx Up the Hlood Pepto-Manttan Creates Rich Ked Blood and Increases Strength. Surgeon (icneral Blue, of ihe l.'niied Slates I'uhlic Health Ser vice, in a recem statement Irom 'ashington, warns the public thai tlie much-dreaded influenza epi demic will probably reiurn this fall and winter. All medical authori ties agree thai ihe weak, bloodless, run-down individual is more likely 10 coniaci this (as well as any oiher infectious disease) ihan is ihe strong, robust, red-blooded man or woman. In view of these facis, 11 is wise to use every effort to build up the blood and thus in crease ihe bodily resistance to ihe invasion of ihe germs of the dis ease. Gude's Pepio-Mangan is an absolutely dependable red blooJ builder in all conditions of lowered vitality not due to serious disease of ihe vital organs. It irp prnves the appeine, imparts color to the cheeks, and creates new liupe and anibiuon in those ho have become pale, weak, and hsi less. Physicians rccnmmend Guile's IVpio X hen you order, be sure the word "Gude's" is on tlie pacKage. W nhoi.t "Gude's'' it is not Ctpio Maic..i . l-utmshfJ in both liquid ai o i I ti form. For sale by all diugysis. RHHUMAOSM OR NKLRIIIb. OUlH. Huh away all pain, stiffness, sore ness backache with MliN I OL re lieves like magic all uches ai d pains. Don't suffer, buy a su a I Jar of Mmtol from your druggisi ii once, l ot -ale liy Wi'lilon liruir Co. OH MY STOMACH. "I had stomach trouble so badly that mulling I ale'would digesl as il should," said Sadie K. Hamil ton, Portland, Me., as she began a remarkable siory of ihe relict she began a remarkable siiti nl ilu relief she has secured from Aiuu Phosphate, ihe new reconsirucnve, stomach tonic and system purifier. "hverything thai I ate would lie in my stomach like a lump," she explained. "Gas would form and I would suffer distress all lime. 1 goi so I could hardly keep anyihmg down. Trying to gel relief, 1 had my stomach pumped out, bui even this did nm help me as I coiinnucd just as bad. "I kepi hearing so much about Argn Phosphate lhat I thought maybe ii might help me and I de cided io try ii. I have taken two bonles and io my surprise I am al ready fcciiiig Hue. I can cat any thing and I am noi troubled ai all. I am completely rid of my old stomach trouble that I had for three years. I have not tell so well for years and I am certainly glad io endorse Argo-Phosphaie because I w ant others to be helped by this wonderfnl medicine." "The spirit of wanting to heAp oihers is what makes suffering men and women give these splen did public endorsements of Argo Phosphatfv." said a iiK il druggisi. For sale "Velum. " . Co. 1 . 't- i i