i.)J 'W: f - - - J.Mllil) IN IJSod. f tiv. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. WELDON, N. C, TIIUKSDAY, XOVKM1JK11 UO, l!H!. Terms of SubscriDtion--$1.5C Per Annum NO. 28 I 1 ygwgg... -'TilfiBrZZJLJ, A REAL NUGGET Children Cry for Fletcher's aaan ' i I r aa B a a r? find You Bars Alwayi Bought, and which hat been j for over over 30 years, hat. i r:ne the signature of V? -" nd has been made under his per- &&Ztk '4,?al suP"visiu" its infancy. -ys. ft. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but jleriments that trifle with and endanger the health of nts and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A loria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric (ps and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains' iher Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has in in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, hi Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising refrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural cletp. uiuuicu a rauaccev ine momei's t neau. MNE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Si W W S rwwwm In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Alwavs Bouaht ars:ainsfor You w Kl'si Patent Hour I'umpnumt l.jrd Seed Re, Clover StL-d, V( heal VI i c) 1 1 n tf $11.50 27c 2 2b 10.50 .I.li5 W. T. PABKER&CO, lolesale Gash Store WF.LOON, N. C. m ink & Millwork Go. Weldon, N. C. MAN I'r'AtTUKElls OK nK Material for Modern Homes, Sash. Doors . Mantels, Door and Window Screen MADE TO OKHKK AM KMil l.AK S l ot K SIZKS. ood Materials. High tirade Workmanship Our Slogan SAVE iMONEY m By trading at home and tttlll be a booster for jimr ftfy town. WU Many Bargains in Sum mer Goods. m The very newest styles in Organdies $U Qeorgettes and Crepe-de.Chine. , M We have a complete line of Ladies and entlemen'B Furnishings. m a mm m a . a ae ai n IM $$8 Hie Busy Store, WELDON, N C m m Choice Hams There Is nothing more appetizing than a slice of our choice ham. We have anything you may want in the Jine of meats. All Kinds df Canned Goods GEOCERIES build up the system, stimulate the brain, and se your capacity to think. And right thinking brings best re Jr prices mske you think. Call in to see us. I L. E. HULL, foawlar't Optra Item. WELDON, NX OPEN THE DOOR ENGLISH GENTLEMEN DISCOVERED SECRET POUND OUT MOW TO BEAT HIQH COST OF LIVING. ANO PROVED IT TO ALL COUNTRYSIDE. DECLARES SHE LOST BIG SUM IN OIL DEAL There wire no War Ratines Stamps T Treaiurjr Serine CertMcates In the d. y uf Samael Johnson, tha lamom ulillujoplior, but tha moat effectlm wi-Kimn analnat nroflteere and the hljli cost at HtlDf was known and ara oloyed aa etreeUTely than aa now. BuFwell Id ola Ufa of Johnson calls attention to tha successful meatier In arhlrh Mr. Pereirla La m Jon mas tered tha art of llrlns In tha eigh teenth century. Mr. Lanajdoo aaenta to have baas a wonder evan In the frutal countryside whara be lived A, rrrdlne; to BoeweU ha had an annuity ir 21)0 pounda a rear (about 11.0001. and while that tun probably eiceed ad an tual aaaouat today In purchaa Inn p.iw.r. thla la what be was able to with It: lie supported himself, bis sister (wlin paid IH0 a rear for her board I and his niece. 'The servants," aaya th l ionrnpher, "were two maids and tu men lu lUery; the appurtanres to h.tt t.iMp were neat and handsome. 1 . t'r. auentty entertained conypany at i! ' ,i r and tbea hla table waa well s i vi-il with aa many dis'iea aa were tKu.ii at the tables of other gentlemen nf the neighborhood. Hla own ap P' uranre ati to clothea waa generally 1'i-at And plain. He had alwaya a I 4t ebalae and kept Uiree horsee." Mr. Iansdon'a nephew. In writing to Dr Johnson, gave away tha aeeret f'Tiimla by which all thia waa made loH.iitile. He declared that Mr. Lang d'.:i waa able to do ao much with ao l,!il because he paid for everything a Hrmn as be had It except alone what wcte entrant expenaea such aa rent tor bis house and aerrant'a wagea. and tlice he paid at tha stated time with Im utmoat eaaotneaa. Ha gave no tire to the tradespeople of the neigh b r.nft towns that they ahould no lon ger have hla ouatora If they let aay of Ins servants have anything without puying for It. Thua he put out of hla power to vommlt thoee linprudeac.ee to which those are liable that defer their payments by using thalr money some other way than where It ought to go." In other words Mr. Langdoa eared irst and spent afterwards. That la tha fundamental principle which the aavlnga division of the treasury de partment la aeeklag to Instill Into the Amer "in people through encourage ment of thrift and aafe Investment la government securities. Times have changed since Mr. Lang doe s day but prlnclplea ban aet, and hla methoda of getting the utmost from hia Income through econemy. elimlnatioa of waata. wlae buylag. systematic saving and aafa invest ment are aa applicable today aa when Mr Johnaon lived. Mr. I.angdoa'a aephew knew there of he spoke when ha concluded hat de aorlpi on of hla unole's methods aa fellows: "These few particulars may afford matructloa and be an Inceitlve to that wlae art of living which ha ao auccassfully practiced." Woman Who Took Risk Hoping ts Get Large Profit is Now Suing te Recover Five Thousand Doll are. Suit waa tied In a western court a ; few days ago by a woman, who alleges she lost 15.000 In a fraudulent oil stock transaction She would have had no trouble If aha had invented In United States securities that the government It now urging Its cltlsena to buy. The woman wanted 6,000 shares In an oil conaern that promised good re ! turns. A man, she alleges, said ha eonld obtain the stock for 2 a share. She gave 15.000 In cash and her note frr the balance, and then learned that the stock coat oaly tl a ahare. There la abaolutely no chance for ftaud In the purchase of the United , States Treasury Savings Certificates ! Lhat may now be obtained through the : Federal Reserve Bank or the govern jmiMial authorised agency. Theae new I certificates are lasued in denomlna lions of 1100 or 11.000 and the buyers ! take no ohaata. Of course Uncle 9am does not ptom j fcse any fabuloua Intereat. But he doea promise a aplendid return. The got emment para 4 27 per rent, and when , Ul exemptions are reckoned, the tn jveatmanta Juat about sucks tap with the 6 or per oent investments of i fered In substantial oommerclal an- terprlse. But the koaaty of aa Investment with Pnele Sam Is that one's prlaol pat la abaolutely secure, and the In tereat end principal are certain to be forthoemlng on the promised dar. HAVI YOU GOT MONEY "Hen got money. " How familiar la that phrase: and what a lot of meaning H conveys Tt expreaaes a certain admiration, though tha tribute mar reluctantry ; beetowed. Prom tha Tlawpolat of a ay body I who apenda hla aaralnga aa fast ao be 'gets them, the persons who "have jmoaey" stand on a different plana, al together superior to the ordinary run of folks. Br that mere fact they In- spire respeet. If you have a little money, nobody can bully you. On tha other hand. If you have none, you are helpleaa and do not dara to speak up for your rights ! Without money, ona la neceaaarlry at other people's merer There la no ! escaping that proposition, i Obviously, thsa. tha ardlnarlly cool' 1 moa-aanalble person ought to hav-a :tha gumption to start In, as earlr aa :poaslble la Ufa, to put pannlea and dimes together and create a little capital. The little eapltal thua treated J1 mean Independence the meat prao tlcal and worthwhile thing la life. W 8. 8. will enable rou to acquire oaaita! and Insure future comfort aad proa parltr. 8COTCN 80NO8 TO OATf. If a body aat a body Comlag through the rye: If a body sara a aollar Why. then, bye and bye. When tha shiftless people hollar "Money's scarce and tlr'it" He who aavea the nimble dollar, Will come through all right. n hoM auM aeojnalntanea bo forgot Aad never came to mind? Why, no I unleaa ha Is a sot And batter left behind. Bat one Ihlag jotx must not forgat, A thing mora true than funnr: "When roar mind la on savings sat It'a easy saving moner!" Moat capitalist began In a small .r. Invest in W. B. 3. and Insure a aomfortahle Income for rwir children. 81 YOUR OWN CREDITOR. Benjamin Franklin, tha pioneer of American thrift, said: "The borrower Is slave te the land or. and tha debtor to the creditor. If ran woald know the value of money try to borrow soma." Be rour own creditor. So regulate rour expendtturea that the irst charge agalnat your Ineome will be savings. Put aside a certain propor tion of roar moner tor nttoeiery spending In the future. Tour aarliigs ara a lafaguard against want In old aga, aad against tha rainy dar. Ther form a fund for that golden opportunity that may be on tha war Tour aavlnia ara aafa and readily available H Invastod la War Havings Stampi, gnarsntsed by tha govern ment aad earning 4 par cent lntnrwt, oora pounded quarterly Make a atart with Thrift S teas pa, coating Sd cents each. Tour W. 8. S at maturltr will give I you a bank account. Only A Cold. Are you ill? is often answered "Oh, it's only a cold," as if a cold was a mat ter of little consequence, but people are beginning to learn that a common cold is a matter not to be trilled with, that some of the moat serious diseases atart with a cold. . As bood aa the tlrat indi cation of a cold appeara take Chamber- Iain's Cough Kemnly. Kememliertliat the sooner you get rid of the cold the leaa tha dauiier. and this remedy will tulf jo-a throw it eft Mr. P. LaDuke, Farmer, "Says' "You Bet Rats Can Bite Through Metal." "I had feed bins lined with sine last year, rata got through pretty soon. Was oultlH. A $1 pkg. of RAT-HNAP killed so many rata, that I've never been with, out it siuce. Our collie dog never touch ed UAT SNAI'." You try it. Three Sues, i'oc., one. and (1. Sold and guaranteed by Pierce-White, bead lldw. Co., Weldon. For W Wea Women In use lor over 40 years! Thousand!, oi voluntary letters from women, tell ing of the good Cardul has done Ihem. This is the best proof of the value ol Cardul. II proves that Cardui is a good medicine for wo.ncn. Thei e are no harmful or habit-lormin drugs in Cardui. it is composed only of mild, medicinal ingredient:, with do bad alter-eh'ccts. TAKE The Voman's Tonic You can rely on Cardui, Surely it will do for you Y what it has done for so IJ many thousands of other I a women! It should heln. L "1 was taken sick, Cl seemed to be . . . ," El writesMrs.MaryE.Veste, ot Madison Heights, va. "I got down so weak, could hardly walk . . , Just staggered around. ... I re.id ot cardui, TyM and after taking one bot WjM He. or before taking quite aym all, I felt much better. I took i or 4 bottles at that time, and was able to do my work. I take it in the spring when run- r1 down. I had no appetite, anu i cunirncnceu t-atmg. It Is the best tonic 1 ever taw." Try Cardui. YA All Druggists ' Wi mmmmmmm'mmmmmmiKI'TttmmmmWmmmWWZk Don't pay any attention 10 the disagreeable things people say about you if they are not true. TiiKttB in mure Catarrh in tins hpcIioh oftheeouutiytl.au all other di spawn put together, aad uutil the last few years waa Huppotied tu he iucumhle. For a great many yearn doctors pronounced it a local disease uud prescribed local iTmc'liPrt, atrl by cnnat!int!y failing to cure with local tieatment, pronouuoid it incurable. Science has proven Catarrh to he a constitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treat ment. Hall'tiCatarrh Medicine mnnufac tured by V. J. Clivney & t'o., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market It is taken internally. It acts directly on the hlood and mucous surfaces of the system. They otter one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. F. J.CHENKYA CO., Toledo, Ohiu TestimoniaU sent free, t'rice 75 cents per hottle. Hold by all druwustt Hall's Family I'ills for Connri.atipn CASTORIA For Infants aai Children In Us For Over 30 Years Alwaya bears the tif narara of This Means You. When you irnl up with a had tati: in your month, a .lull tired fceliuif, no rel iHh for food umi are contipated, you may know that you need a domi of Oiamberluin's Tablets. They not only cause an agreeable movement ol the bowela, but eleanwe and invigorate the Htumaeh and improve the digestion. About all the use some men have for the golden rule is to measure ihe conduct of others. A Good Cough Medicine for Children. Mm. .1. W. Phillips, Redon, lu., phoned to J. XI. Kloyd, the merchant there, for a buttle of ITiumberlain'n t.'uuirh Remedy anil Haiti tihe had bouijht a buttle of it at lux his store recently anil thot it was iIoiiik her fliil.lirn i iiiuch Kood that she wanteii to keep up the treatment. You will liud nothing better for coughs and euld in children ur for yourself. It keeps the cough louse, expectoratiou easy and soon fices the system from the cold. The praciic il farmer raises bet ter crops ihan the theoretical agriculturist. Constipation. Most laxatives and cathartics allbld only temporary relief and Bhould be used only for that purpose. Whenyuu want permanent relief take Chamber luiu's Tablets and be careful to observe the directions with each package. These tablets not only move the bowels, but improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion. Persimmons and locusts are now ripe and you can make that barrel of beer. Lady In Chicago Telegraphs fo Ar Rat-Snap. Head Mrs. Phillips' wire: "Youoll's Kitenuinator t'o., Westtield, N. .1. Kuah 3 worth of RAT-SNA P." Later received following letter. HAT-SNAP arrived. It rid our house of rata iu no time. Just moved here from Pa., where I used RAT SNAP with great results." Three Sizes !Be. Title and tl. Sold and guaranteed bv Pierce-White-head Hardware 1 o., Weldon. A man is presumed to be guilty by neighbors until he is proved in nocent. ' lames Watson Says, "I'll Never Forget When Father's Hogs (lot Cholera." "One morning he found 2(1 hoga dead aud'aeveral Bick. He called in the Yet. who after dissecting a rat caught on the premises, decided that the rodentc had eouveyed germs. Sincethen I'm never without RAT-SNAP. It's the surest, quickest rat destroyer I know." Three Siies, 25c., 'xlc. and f I. Sold and guaranteed by Pierce-White head Hdw. Co., Weldon. The ennui of a rich man in yn onymous with the laziness of Ihe poor man. A Rat That Didn't Smell Alter Being Dead for 3 Months. "I swear it was dead at least three inonthe," said Jamea Syltes, butcher, Westlield. N. J. "We eaw this rat every day. Put a cake of RAT-SNAP behind a barrel. Months later my wife asked about the rat. Remembered the barrel looked behind it. There was the rat dead, not the slightest odor." Three Sites, 25c., 50c. and $1. Sold and guaranteed by Pierce-White-haad Hdw. Co., Weldon. Lack of credit prevents some people from living beyond their means. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA As Dead a&th Dodo Sn7 I Every druggist in town your druggist and everybody's drur gist has noticed a great falling off in the sale of calomel. They a l give the same reason. Dodson's Liver Tone is taking: its place. "Calomel is dangerous and people know it, while Dodson's Liver Tone is perfectly safe and gives better results," said a prominent local druggist. Take "Dodson's Liver Tone" Instead Dodson's Liver Tone is personally guaranteed by every druggist who sells it. A large bottle costs but n few cents, and if it fails to give easy relief in every caae nf liver sluggUli ness and constipation, you have only to ask for your money buck. Dodson's Liver Tone i a pleasant tasting, puroly vegetable remedy, harmless to both children and adults. T.il.t. ,i .;.,,nful at night and walce up leelii;- line; no biliousness, sick headache, acid stomach or constipated bowels. H doesn't gripe or cause in convenience all the next day like vio lent calomel. T.-.ke a dose of calomel today and tomorrow you will feel weak, sick and nauseated. Don't lone a day's work! Take Dodson's Liver Tune instead and feel tine, tall Bf vigor and ambition. Ww SpEflo 4u You Ef; You might get sick or hurt-be prepared for it You might want to make an investment start now, "Takes money to make money," you know You might be visited by thieves or fire-. an account with us prevents loss. The saving habit is a mighty good one to get into. We pav 4 per cent on Sav ings Accounts THE BANK OF HALIFAX ft N. L. S ted man PreHident H A.LI F-A-X IT. G. P. C. Gregory, Vice-Preiarlent F. H. Qregory Cashier. - ! 1'. X About the first question our salesmen will ask you when you try on one of our new Is "How does it feel?" In other siores they ask "How does it look?" The difference is that we will first select a hat lhat will become you, and we know thai a "Mallory" Hat will luok right, so what we want to know is whether the hat feels ri.ht on the head. Be sure to have a look at our window this week and come in and prove what we say. FARBER & JOSEPHSON, Mens and Boys Outfitters WELDON. N. C. The Citizens Bank HAI IFAX. N. C. WE Invite the people of Halifax and surrounding country to pat ronize this Hunk. Why not have a checking account? It Is necessary In these times. It saves you money, and you have a re ceipt against payments to your creditors. Besides It gives you standing In your community. We have every facility known for Sound Banking, and Invite you to open an account with us. The smallest account receives as much attention as the largest with us. We pay 4 per cent. Compounded Quarterly on Savings. Come In and talk It over with us. W need you, you need us. "Tat AT ir A r lI A XT I i n v 1 1 1 i i . You are invited to open an account with the BWK OF E flFIELD, i EfifliLDf fl. G. I 4 Per Cent, allowed In the Savings Depart ment Compounded Quarterly. fly YOU can bank by mail Subscribe to The Roanoke News. Only $1.50 Per Year in Advance, jjjjgffifygSS " snsiiii "iTITlSlnslslsB-n- s u i-.,.i-i is . 1- tt lu' : 1

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