i J 1 ST HL!Siihi) IN IM;; A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$l.ftC Per Annum WELDON, N. C, TlllJl.SI)AY, N( 'KM1SK1C 17, NO. 20 Set I' ' :.ts tr Fluid Prarhiiq Ell AlCOHOt-3 PBB V-ii.)iltlcPrcpWBtion(br.i .i,i:tniUicFood bvKrSu .in'ilhi-SloiMcKuwrn"1''1"' crchylVomoUnDiilc" (h(Trfiilnn5anoKen.ww" no.hcr Opium, Morphine nor MihcriU.NoTNAHCOtlc, jMmdlkSiiiiiLfmM . 1 1 : I ' e3l A h.lnfiilRemeryrbr Constipation and DiarrnoM niul Fevcrisnnr5 ' I.OSSOFSLEEI' 1 rac-Simile Stfnatwjrf hill Exact Crmy nf Wrapper. ASTDRIA 3S Bargains for You I if Nt I'airni I Icnir Compound I :i:d See J Uve, Clover Seed, VI hem Midhng W. T PARKER & CO , Wholesale WKI.DOW, Dixoa kmk h Weldon, N. C. MAM'KAl-TL'KKItS OK Building; Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors Minds, Mantels, Door MADE TOOHIpKK ASM 'Jood Material!. High (Irade Many mer mm &t "T The very newest : vr flenrvettea and m si am 11 n urn ,&33 we nave a t-ompieie nnc 01 lui anu M Qentlemen's Furnishings. m m 4. L. swmcK, The Busy Store, GOOD GEOCERIES build up the sysiem, siimulaie ihe brain, and increase your capacity 10 think. And right thinking brings best re rults. Our prices make you think. Call in 10 see us. L. E. HULL, JNtor firtchttor's Open liousa. CASTORIA rI"f'l'i,j Children. Mothers ' row That Genuina Castoria Always Bears tho Signature, of Use For Over Thirty Years raaterarawftasu $11 Ml .'7c HI. SO Vli5 Cash Store N. C. Millwark h and Window Screens HKlil l.AII STUCK S1ZKS. Workmanship Our Slogan v u iff V J. SAVE m MONEY m By trading at home and still be a booster for uur jjj-j town. Bargains in Su;n (ioods. styles in Organdies CreDe-de.Chine. ' J m . . ...i:.. i WELDON, NC Choice There is nothing more appetizing than a slice of our choice ham. We have anything you may want In the Jine of meats. All Kinds of Canned Goods WELDON. 1N.C Revival Planned For Entire South Widest Evangelistic Effort Ever Wads Will Be Launched Soon. Nashville, Ttun. I'lttiiH for an I evHUK'llHtJc movement which Mill cover (lie entire South and operate In 2t Oui fhurchfs ai the name time' wrp being formulated by the ('enttmury j I'dinmlsri'in ami tho e.nwlist com mitten of the M. K, Church, Smith. ) Itlshop V, V W DiirllnEton Is the I chairmi'.n of the joint Jin-itliiR com mitten and Dr. O. K. (iotldunl la tin exucutlve secretary Standard Plan Made. j Tlit) movement will operate accord Ing to a slunilanl plan. This plan pro vldes for u pri'liininrry mirvey of the i entlr Mouth to discover what permm I are not affiliated with any religious ' denomination. ' Dr. A. C. Zumbrunnen is In i-harpe ; of tlifl survey, and he hns made pre- tlminary Investigations In a birKe ' number of typicial sections an sampler to guide pastors in surveying their , own fields ! When these surveys are completed , the evaiiRclistlc movement will he la urn-hod in an effort to Interest all non-church mem hers wboae name1 have been secured. It haa Van est mated that half t million .vnrkers will be enliited tc ' personally interview the persona whe have no church mom' ershlp. OPERATION Canton, Ohio. "1 suffered from a female trouble which caused me much stuttering, and two doctors decided that 1 would have to po through an iperation before i could get well. My mother, who had been helped by I.ydiaK. I'mkham's Vegetable Com Iiouiid, a i vised me to try it before aub mittmwtoan opera tion. It relieved me. trom mv troubles yrt I run do my houe w-.rk without any Ulioulty. I advise uny woniiin who is atlliL'ted with female troubles to give i ydirt E. I'inkhnm's Vegetable Com- I )HMind a trial and it will do as much for j tik i. i. "Mrs. Maiuk liuYh, 1421 5th ! St.. N. E., Canton, Ohio. vmetimes then are serious condi tions where a hospital operation is the only alternative, but on the other hand j so many women hi:ve been cured by this ' famous root and ii.rlt remedy, I.yuia K. ( 1 i' kham's Vegetable Conipoiinil, after iloctors have said that an operation was necessary every woman wIm wants to avoid an (iperation should ;'ive it a fair trial before ul luiUiiitf to such a trying ordeal. 'if complication e-ii:-. write to Lydia E. Fiiihh;..,! :' : ' !i. Mass.. for advii . ... - '-:y yeurs I exnericrict' is t yui.r ? i' ice. Polk Miller's Liver Pills The Good Old Fashioned Kind thi't have been coin'; Good Work for C0 y"ar wili.&ut c. mge vi lormula. N'ore pppularlhjn ever. Grcut if! fi'-ilrm, Sitk b"adrhe. Comtipition and Biliousness. At nil uragtfisti. Manulactured o!k NVilcr Urug U Inc.. RiJimonJ, Vj ':10c. ASPIRIN FOR COLDS Nama "Bayer" is on Genuina Aspirin sa' lijyer , ) ln-!-t nu "llivrr T.iblets of Aspirin" n a "Day or akapV containing proet Vri'iMi.'iw f..r Col.U, Pmn, Headache, .'earaljriii. I.uiiiImc', nnd IDiuim.itwm. V.ihm "JLiyer" inein- genuine Aspirin ic(iiTibc-l bv jiltyfirirtiiH (or nineteen wars Ifirnly tin biiVfit of 12 tnlifets itt lew ii'tii. Aetiii i tr.tiia mark f llMVer M imii u inn' m Munoaeetie i. idfter of S:ibi 'yV;n , rtc.tr u Otwct - Keep your cto-nach ,'eet . todny and ward o'f (lie in'i i gesliun of twnoirow - tiy the new ftiJ to dicistiun. As pIcasHiu ur.J a -Mj to take as candy. MAOi av acorr a bownk MAKLAV O' auOTT'6 ILMUI.i9N sateHaV Onlv A Cold. ie you ill'1 ih often annrtired"Oh, it s only a cold," as il a cold wa a mat It i of little eonsenm-nee, hut people are hebFinnnikr to learn that a common cold is a matter uot to be trilled with, that some of the uiont mi-houn tliseanes start Kith a cold. Ah noon art the tirst indi cation of a cold appears take Chamher lein'H Cuugli Remedy. Kememherthat the sooner you k'1 rid oi the edd the lens the dautrer, aud this remedy will quip you throw it otf. HOW Ml 50YD AVOiii LU AN ! EPISCOPAL B MOVES FOR UNITY CHANGE IN CONSTITUTION TO ADMIT CONQHF.GATtON. ALIBTS CHtrUH IS IIKORGAM7.ED Nitton-Wldfl Campaign Expected To Make Possible Several Impreaaiva Developments Within Communion iouthern leaders of the Episcopal Church, back home after the epoch making General Convention of the Church at Detroit, have plunged iuto the taak of shaping Into reality the impressive policies tor which founda tion was lafd there, and which include: 1. The move toward a uuiou of churches, to which the Episcopal Church committed itself by stps tor aa amendment to its Constitution that will permit In three yeans the Epis copal ordination of Congregational clergymen, as well as similar agree ment with other denominations. t. The complete reorganization of tba Church, Ihruuxb creation of an executive council to uuoplaut all exist ing official hoards of Uiu Ueuerai Lou veatiou. 3. The establishment of the Nu tlonal Church League for Social and Industrial Domoerucy, to fight for so cutl and economic principles on a Christian basis. All these tilings the bruadeuing of the Church's scope, and function are expected to be made puesible turougi. the success of its Nallun-Wlde Cam ualgu of spiritual awaktmiug uuu greater practical service. This cam paign, designed to extend the Church' influence along social, educational anu spiritual lines at home and abroad, has been described by leaders of the Church a "the greatest missionary adventure la the history of the com luuulou, an adventure that should Uelj mightily to enaulb ibe Church to rt oover Its Aposiulic torch of leadership (reed from the uoulrol ol the stand pat Influence that have for so lom; muliled its yroUaiu.iiion of Christim. huudauieutale." "The genius of the NaUon W.de Campaign is uot the mouey-raislng end ol it," said In Robert W. Fal lon, national campuigu director, who ib towing the Bouth. ' It Is a very mod a financial goat, that of probably lew than 50,uoU,UuO far the richest Church of Pi'uiestuniisra In America. The big thing is the campaign's avowed determination to reach every individual comaiuulty of the Church te discover Just what his religion eaua to hltu, and what be is willing to sacrifice for it. U intends tu trails form every 'paper com as un leant' uilo a real Churchman aliens with Uie old isal for the sprwad n Christian fundamentals. ' We must organize the world along LBttdfisb line, or the aelfish iulereste of civilisation will organise it along selfish lines." BpUooptU leaders are pointing to ttie proposed concordat with the Con grrtatitiua) Church the old Church of the Puritans- as a historic event hi religious annals, aa It brings Into sloee unity of effort two great forces la the national life that were aa far tpart religiously and socially as the poles throughout colonial history and iown to and including the War Be tween the 8lates-the Puritan of New England and tba "Anglican Cavalier" of the South. CAROLINA CHURCH ENTERS INSURANCE FIELD FOR FLOCK KPItCOPAL RECTOR DIVIBIB PLAN TO CARE FOR PARISH IONERS AND DEPEND ENTS IN TIME OF TROUBLE. Death benefits, sick benefits and 16 age pensions are part of the prac tical Cfcrtatiantty practiced by 9t. lohaa Episcopal Mission of Cbarlea toa. S. C, among Its parishtonrra, with sne day's wage a mouth from each employed man and woman u pre Blwm. St. Joha's la perhaps th first 'Insurance church" In history. la the four months the plan has been in operation, the congregation haa in areaaed until a movement haa been itarted to raise a $00,000 fund and build a church large enough fur the needs. The inventor of the "Insurance church" plan la Kev. A. E. Cornish, a veteran Episcopal Rector of Charles ton. Mr. Cornish held the pulpit of St. John's from 1 883 to 1 896. and re turned last July when the Upiicopul Nation wide Campaign for ascertain lug and financing the needs of the whale Church made tt necesiarjr tor some one to direct th survey of the pturtsik. Mr. Cornish found his former partsa looers strangely apathetic. Deciding to win eU their Interest, Le planned to glv them an opportunity to do ome ifcing definite for the majjaa nano and constructive work of th eharo Th Insurance plan waa con ceived. All msnjbrs of the mission passing th age of 7" are to be peu toned at U week Persons who tall 111 are grrea 6 a week sick beaeflt for lour consecutive weaks. On hun dred dollars is paid the relative of eacts aneaiber la good standing at hlri Mr P. l.aDuke, Tanner, 'Says' "Vou Bet Wats Can Rite Through Metal." "I had feed bin lined with ziuc lat year, rat (rot through (iretly soon. Was outlS. Al pkif. of KAT-MNAI1 killed so many rats, that I've never been with out it since. Our eollie doir uevei touch ed KAT SNAP." You try it. Three Sizes, Ufa., r"e. aiitl 1. s.d.l and guaranteed by I'mrce-Wlnte' head lidw, Co.. Weidou Pio mil Imitating the Opal. The opal Is more dilhYult to iinltott than is the diamond. Hut from artl !lelnl eoiundiim, stained with chronu iilum, real rubles cuu be mude, am very cheaply. If the coloring wfent I' tllfinlum uxld, the product becomes I jieuulue urtlllelal sapphire. 1 his Mfuns Vou. In n vou iret tip Willi u Imd taste in your u 1 1 nt 1 1 . ii ilnll tiieti leelinir, im iel ish foi I'lioil aint ute cuiiotiputcil, vou may know that ymi nei d a dotc ol ( 'Immln-ilum's Tulileti. They not only Cause un Uirii'e.iMe nniveliieilt ol the howi-U, hut el :ili-e aim lifointe the toiiiiieli ami iinpiuve I'm- il iifst lun Aii enmged man te.irs his hair, but an enraged wonnti tears her husband's. Tn ki:k is moie Ciitari b in ttnn st etiou of the country than ull oilier dir-east-s put tt mctlier, uthl until the last fen years wai supposed to he incurable. Fur a jreut iiiiiny years ihn'tii w pnniuunei-d it a local difcasc and pu seribe.l lueul remi'lies, unl by coustaully failing to cure with loeul ttentmriit, pntnuuue-d it iiHMiiiible. Science hasptuvent atairh to be a constitutional disease, ami therefore ri'iiiiie constitutional treat ment, llall'tt atanh Medium manufac tured by !'. .1. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market, It is taken internally It nets dnectly on tiie blood and miieou' surfaces of tbe iystciii. They oiler one hundred dollars for an y cae it fails to cure. F. .1.1 MKM.V A CO., Toledo, Ohio e-ntiiomals sent tier, l'nce To centu pel I ultle. J-oh! hv all druistc. 1 1 tt't" Kamilv IMIIn nr CnnvtiMitx n Never crack a joke on delicate ground. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of YOU WOULDN'T TRY TO TAME A WILD-GAT Hr. Dodson Warns Against Use of Treacherous, Danperoui Calomel. Cah nel salivate? TV men-wry. Calomel sets like dvimmiie on Mltitf fflsh liver. W hen ealomtd eniin-N into contact with muir bile it ern-tu-t into it caurtiu erainptii and n.iu- i If you leel bilious, IteHilai Ii V, runnli pa ted' and all kiio.ki-1 out, n-t no U vour druffinst and net a b'ttlr of Dod- son's Liver Tone for n f-'v ceuts which is a harmless vegruiblo -nliihite for danteroua i"alornel. Tak. a -pn-mfid and If it doesn t start vein bvi r ami straighten you up Wtt-r and quicker than nasty calomel and with. ml n,nkiii you sitk, you ju-t ro bail i.tul "u monev. If you take ealeini'l to.lay x.ai'll be sick and nauseated tumor , betides, It may milivate you, Jnle it uu take Dodson n t.iver Tune tu n ill wake up feeling (treat, full ot atnhii.on ami ready for work or ntav It's harmless, pleas ant aud safe to give to children, they like It. Cotton Storage. We have almost unlimited space for storing halt cotton at reason hie rates in sprmklercil warehouses. (.AliOUNA KAUU1NU COMPANY, 11 o Ot Henderson, V C. mms& wms. aff - uoar -round soit Rome was not built in Bevos Ijoularity be cdiiio countrywide in tliree inontlis because of five years prepar ation in perfecting tlie beverage. Sold wpryitiofp' form Lot tuppied 6 grotor, tU . fyist aid dmiK Vutfoti nro i-trifod to import mtpiantr ANHEUSER-BUSCH ST.LOUIS An epitaph is a mixture ol the wit of ihe living and the virtues of the dead. A tiood Couifh Medicine for Children. -Mis. .1. W. Phillips, Kdou, I. a, phoned to. I. . l loyd, the merchant there, fur n bottle of Chamberlain; 'ouirli hemedy uul mui1 she hud bought I a bottle uf it at his his wtuie recently j and that it was dome her children so much (rood that she wanted to keep up the treatment You will find nothing I heitei for couifhs and colds in ehildii'u or for yourself. It keeiiM the coutfh ie, expectoration euy and soon flees the system from the cold. It's simply impossible for one man in love women ai Ihe same time - alter one ot tliem hnds il out. Constipation. .Must la.vativt's aixl rutliuittoK allutl only tt'liiponiiy rt'lifl Hint lioull lie UM'il onlv for tliat niipof,.. Wlicliyou n:mt hm manPiit Hhrt' tnkt ( lialnlxr ail, Tal'U'ts auil In' oiiU'tut lo olenr tin ilirt'i'tioiinttitlirat'li pm'kat'c. '1'tiOM' luUi'ts not onlv niovi' the howcls. hut improvi' tin apiM'tilc mill slitMii;ttii'ii tin' diift'iitiou. If all women who look back were turned inlo salt pillars ihe streets would be lined with staiues. I.ady In Chicago Telegraphs fo Ar Unt-Snnp. llrail Mih. Hiillilm' win1: "Vouell'H rtt'inuiiattil I'o , t'stt'u-til, N. .1. Ilusli :i Bortliol'liA't' SNAl'." l.at.-r ri'fi ivi'J rollowinc ll'tti'r, li'A I'-SNAI'arrivi'il. II riil our housi' of rats iu no tinuv .lunl movi',1 hi'ir from I'a.. wht'it 1 usul KAT SN.M' with ifrrat rcsultH." Tliri't' Sit'H. J.'ip. . .Mil uihII. Sol, I aud uuuianti'i'i! 1'V rioive Whitt'- head tlanlwaie 1 o.. Weldon. The smile of lovely woman Wakes u hit in any clime; But ihe smile of old Dame fortune Beats ull others every time. lames Watson Says, "I'll Never forget Whi n l ather's Mors (lot Cholera." "dm' ntuumiir ho found I'll tioira di'ad and several siek. He called in the Yet. win) alter .livei'liim a rat caueht on tlie preunses. dei'Kled tliat the rodenti had I'onveyed iieiliis. MlH'r Itieli I'm never without UAT-sNAI'. It'll the surest, iiiirki'sl rultlestroyer I know." Thiee Sizes, -.'te., .irc. and Sold and guarantied 1 y I'leiee-Wlnte head lldvt. Co., We'do-.. ,ilimg worries a woman like forgetting a secret she warns to tell. A Hat 1 hat Didn't Smell Alter ItiiiiR Dead lor 3 Months. "I sweat it was dead at least three tmmllis.'' said .lames Sykes. hutelier, vVeslli.'Id. N. .1. "We saw thi.rat every dav. 1'iit a rake of HAT SNAP liehuid a l.airel. Months later n,y wife aknl almut tht! rat. llenu'iidieied theharrel, looked hehnid it There was tlie ml dea.l, nut the slightest odor." Tlni eSues. 'J.'ic. 'iOo and (I. Sold and Kiiaranteed by Tierce White li.iad Hdw. Co., Weldon. Only a doctor of long experience can look doleful when an epidemic is brewing. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA drink mm About the first question our salesmen will ask you when you try on one of our new Is "How does it feel?" In other stores they ask "How does il look?" The difference is that we will first select a hat that will become you, and we know that a "Mallory" Hat will look right, so what we want to know is whether ihe hat feels right on the head. Be sure to have a look at our window this week and come in and prove what we say. FARBER & JOSEPHSON, Mens and Buys Outfitters WELDON. N. C. The Citizens Bank HAI IFAX. N. C. WE Invite the people of Halifax and surrounding country to pat ronize this Bank. Why not have a checking account? It it necessary in these times. It saves you money, and you have re ceipt against payments to your creditors. Besides it gives you a standing in your community. We have every facility known lor Sound Banking, and Invite you to open an account with us. The smallest account receives as much attention as the largest with us. We pay s) per cent. Compounded (Juarterly on Savings. Come in and talk it over with us. W e need you, you need us. wsumaoaxiraKiMiraira S i t i r nn a m l A T ! INVIT.' 5 You are Inviled to open an account with the JJAMT OF EflFIUD, EflflELD, ft. C. s S 4 Per Cent, allowed gT" ment Compounded Quarterly. S YOU can bank by mail SBaTifBOtiaOtOtm Subscribe to The Roanoke News. Only $1.60 Per a Croup Threatens Quick relief of baby's croup often forestalls a aerioui situation when this dreaded disease comes in the lata hours of nipht. MM wuxrM tnccurmrs Mof ben ilintild km t f of Rrame'e Vipeoett th Silre cunvfnirnt Wben Crpap thrtuni. tiil drlnlilful Hive tubbed well into babr'i IhrMt, cheat and under tlif rmi, will re lie tbe eboiiof feicak trjnrii!i,n. and promote reeilnJ deep. Take place of run teniae Snui. Utedeiicatifeif brpbr liciau in combitloc croup, co Ida, pnou tnoniftt etc. la child! a u well at crows-itpt. 10c 60c andlt lOat It droc HUM or MM prepaid bf Brame Drug Company N.WuaMborN.C. pARM Vi'ANTiiD. I want in buy a good farm, give ' lull particulars as to size, improve merits, locaiion, etc., in first letter, j also best price. Address "Buyer," care this paper. in the Savings Depart-5 Year in Advanca I I l(l! I f? .1 A n .V I I i is s ti I