LiSHED IN 1866. I,1V. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscrlDtIon--$l.50 Per Annum -4 WELDON, N. C, TIIUHSDAY, DKCKMKKH 4, !!)!!. NO. 30 rdsst' in. . 9 m n Children Cry t mm a M v mw a - a a k Kind Yon Hate Always Bought, and which hat been B usa for over OTer 30 yean, has borne the signature of ff - and has been mude under hit per- fZra ,onal aupervision tince ill infancy. WACVf. Allow no one t0 deceive you in thll 111 Counterfeits, 'Imltationi and " Just-a-good " ara hut tiperlmentt that trifle with and endanger the health of Jniants and Children Experience against Experiment f What is CASTOR I A Castoria ia a harmleas substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It ia pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic aubstance. Its ge is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arisinc therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowel;, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. me tnuQieus ranacea me UINE CASTORIA ALWAYS i Bears the 1 S In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought Bargains for You Bes.t Patent Flour Compound Lard Seed Rye, Clover Seed, Wheal Midline W.T PARKER & CO., holesale Cash Store WBLOON. Dim Lumber Weldon, ma.nukactukekh of Bunding Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TOOHDKK AND lo Materials. High drade met wmmm w 11 SSi rT" The very newest styles In Organdies 1 Qeorgettes and Crepe-de-Chine. , : We have a complete line of Ladles and $j$ Gentlemen's Furnishings. m II .L.SWtmCK, The Busy Store, t . POOD CEOCERIES build up the system, stimulate the brain, and . merest your capacity to think. And right thinking brings best re kulw. Our prices make you think. Call in to see us. L. E. J sSastr fiat cfaclor'a Optra MottsM. for Fletcher's motneri friend. Signature of f 11.50 27 c. 2.25 10.50 3.65 N. C. I Millwork 'Go. N. C. BtXJtXAK STOCK SIZES Workmanship Our Slogan SAVE MONEY By trading t home ,-ind tlll be a booster far M town. Many Bargains in Sum- Oood, WELDON, N C Choice Hams There Is nothing more appetizing than a slice of our choice ham. We have anything you may want In the .line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Ooods. HULL, WELDON, N.C i Methodists Save Belgian and Serbian Orphans oirthfrn Church tiryi Homee In Bru 1 ttli imJ B&iy. .'xe and 6u fwrtf Serbia. i Rtfufltw i In Cnrjiani. ! NaihTllU, Tnn. Th Ootenary I Commltilun of tho Muttiodkst Uptiro ; pul Ciurct., Ho utii. will lyrvialize In ; caring fur the th Idreu of Belgium, j Serbia and other i.-ielten countries ol I Europe, according to au announce i ment made by Dr. W. B. lUtimhnmp, the dlructor-xenerul. Dr. Beauchamp and a Church t'ommiinloa have Just returned from Kurupe. For this purpoie a large home, for merly a famous boys' school, has been purchoued at I'itIu, a Huburb of Brus sels. Several hundred children can be accommodated In this building, and the Methodfsu will assume entire r bponolblllty for them and their futurn. Another home has been bought al Belgrade. Servta, and here the under fed orphans of the Southern Slav will ' be jclven medical attention and cared j for. A staff of women physicians secured from Scotland, will be In ' charge of this home, Still another orphanage has benn taken over at Kaversham, England. This home already contains more than I a hundred Serbian children, orphaned I refugees who wore taken from their homes during the Austrian invasion, i Plight of Children Deplorable. "One can scarcely ImaglnO the plight of the Belgian and Serbian dill dren," declared Dr. Bvauchamp, "The mines of Northern France hare been flouded or filled with concrete by the Germans, and thousands of children will literally freeze to death this win tar. "I have seen them living In the old trenches and dug-outs left by the en emy, with little to eat nave what Is gathered from the passers-by." Belief stations will be established aa quickly as worker can be obtained and supplies sent. These will be at Brussels, Ypres, St Quenttn, Montdl dler. Belgrade and other centers. The Centenary Commission Is seek lag for two young physicians, eight nurses, a dozen women social work ers, and a number of superintendents and directors to reinforce the belief staff. THese will be sent abroad at once. ' The Cburah has a fund of 5.0im for this purpose. It is a part of tho f.;i.0lK),000 fua4 whlck was raised in the recent Contrary Drive. HeaKh About Gone Many thousands ol women suffering Irom womanly trouble, have been benefited by the use ol Cardul, the woman's tonic, according to letters we receive, similar to this one from Mrs. Z. V. Spell, olllayne, N.C. "I could not stand on my feet, and just suffered terribly," she says. "As my sul ftring was so great, and he had triad other reme dies, Dr. had us get Cardul. . . I began improving, and II cured me. I know, snd my doctor knows, what Car dul did lor me, lor my nerves and health were about gone." TAKE 4 The Woman's Tonic She writes turthen "I tm n splendid health . . . can do my work. I leel I owe ty to Cardul, lor I wis In dreadful condition." II you are nervous, run down tnd weak, or sutler from headache, backache, ale, every month, try Csrdul. Thousands of women praise this medi cine tor the good II has gone Uicni, m,i Hi any physicians who have used Cardul successfully with their women patients, lor yesrs, endorse this medi cine. Think what it means to be In splendid health, like Mrt. Spell. Give Cardul I trial. i All Druggists J7I Administrator's Notice Having qualified as administrator of Jim Mitolmll. deceased, late ol Halifax county, N. U, this is tu uotily ail per sons holding claims oi accounts against the estate of the deceased tu present the same to tne, dulv vended on or .before the 14th day of October, 1U2U, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the estate of the said deceased will plesse mske pmpt payments. HALE, Admr. of Jim Mitchell, Deceased 11 Many Young Men and If omen Offer Themselves For Christian Service outhem Baptliti Will Huve AmpU Working Force for New Pro gram Campaign Hopes to Btrungthen Looal Churches and Win 2,500,000 Lost to Christ During Next Five Years. iswijiiPiiiiajBiiiii : MW(P firoilp (if Young Wnnien Voluutetnn, ChrlHlian 8ervlre at BapMrt Womn'k Prohalily the most snoouraging de velopmpnt that has come to the Bap tist 76 Million Campaign, so tar. i the large number of young men and women throughout the South and Souiliwent who have volunteered their Hen-ken tor special Christian work wherever God may need them. A special day was set apart In the Baptist grhoolB and churches tor "calling out the called." when It was directed to no-cure- a minimum of 6,000 volunteers for special Christian service, this num ber being necessary, it was held, if the enlarged program of the cumpaign was to be carried out. Returns from these services are still coming In with the prospect that the number will reach l leant T.500. These volunteers will enter the min istry, go as mlssiunarles, Christian doc turs, nurses and teachers to foreign lands, labor In the homeland for the advancement of the kingdom of Cod or serve In any special capacity where they fuel tile Lord dlructB them, liuy- lur College, Beltou, Tuxuu, au institu tion for young women, led the list of si'houla with 430 vulunteers; HesHic Tift College, Kornythu, Ua., responded with 248; Louisiana College. I'm.-villa. La., M; Women's Training S houl. Louisville, Ky., 115; Southwestern Theological Seminary, Ft. Worth. Tex., S3 for the foreign field alone; Okla homa Baptist University, Hhawnee, KT; while similar responses came from nu merous other Institutions In the various states comprising the territory of Ilia Southern Baptist Convention. Prominent among the many interest ing accounts of the special services held In the churches was a report from tev. E. Allison, a Baptist minister of Btowah. N U., who, now in uis eign- LSHEVI Y8TEM 18 RECOMMENDED FOR PREVENTION OF RADICALISM IN THE SOUTH. AMERICANIZE FOREIGNERS Teaching Thsm English snd Ideals of United States snd Christianity Is Part of Progrsm of 75 Mil lion Csmpalgn. southern Haptlsts have no sympath; for the (. W. W'., Bolshevists and bomb throwers, and while radicals of fhat type are not numerous in this sec jlon qf the country as yet, it Is the hope of the Baptist 75 Million Cam paign to make the spread ot sin k de structive propaganda here Impossible by sq pervading with the gospel all pouters where radicalism mgh eipect to obtain a foothold as to make It Ira possible (or the professional agitutors o receive a sympathetic hearing, lu pther words, It is the hope of the cum palgn t so extend the work of Amer lianlslaa and Christianising Hie (or- ; signers living within the territory of j the Southern Bsptlsl Convenllon that 1 they will measure up to the highest ' standanis uf pairiuiiaui him! iangiul,. ' There are 4.000,000 persuns of tor- else birth and children of foreigners j living within the territory of the South td Baptist Loutenliou, and while con siderable work bss been done alresdy along the line ot teacblug Americanism and the Christian religion to these fieople, this work will bs greatly u srged as a result of this campaign. In the Southwestern states there are 1.000,000 .Mexicans 600.000 living tn Texas. 200.000 la New Mexico. 76.000 In Louisiana and a large number In Araansas. Oklahoma and Missouri, be cause of the growing Importance of Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR' A ! 1 JU- Ill .JB9I A woman seldom laughs at a man's jokes unless she has pretty teeth. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CA.SXORIA '- ti t J MA iJrpuring TbemHelvt4 for Hpnclat Trulnlnj School, Kort Worth, Tuiaa. tleth year, looks back over au active ministry of sixty years, practically all of which has been spent in the vicinity bich he Is now serving. Mr. Allison has the unusual distinction of having baptized 5,526 persons and at least 100 additional converts under his ministry have been baptized by an assistant pastor since Mr. Allison's health' has not been good, due to his advanced years. When this aged minister ol the gospel presented the call for volun teers tor special Christian service In this campaign, three young men, all of whom were converted and reared under Mr. Allison's ministry, responded for the ministry themselves, one of them being his nephew. But the campaign bopes to enlist a large number of Christian workers other than those several thousand who will give themselves entirely to special religious work. The campaign hopes to enlist 2.000.000 additional pupils In the Sunday Schools ot the South an-l Southwest; win 2,500,000 additional souls of this section to Christ during the next five years; bring the Buptlst church membership In the South to 5,5u0,0uo and enlist all these in all forms of church work; increase the number of Baptist churches In the South to 40.000, and enroll 40.000 young men and women In the denomination's schools where they will prepare them selves for lives of Christian usefulness in their communities or for service In any part of the world where they may he needed. While it is the hope to raise $76,000,- 000 to be ii vested in the larger pro gram of Christian service which gave the campaign Its name, raising the money Is only one of the objects sought. Baptists are being Implored to give themselves and all of their talents i us well as their money to Ood, Director Scarborough announces. the Mexican work the campaign has appropriated $576.0n0 to It alone for the next five years. But the Amerlcsnlsatlon and evan gelisation ot the foreigners Is not con fined to Mexlcsns. This work Is car rled on also among the newly-arrived Immigrants at the various Southern ports, among those of foreign birth In the mining districts of Alabama, Okla homa and Illinois and among other groups of people of foreign birth In Florida, Louisiana, Texas, Maryland and Virginia. Some of the. state or ganisations carry on work of their own among these people, while tn many Places the program Is carried out co operatively between the state mission hoards and the Home Mission Board. In many Instances a large work Is done by the latter agency alone. Believing that' both Amerlcanliation and evangelisation can be accomplished moat effectively by first reaching the hllilren, Baptist agencies have estab lished schools where the Rr.lsh lan guage Is taught, along with American and Christian Ideals. Such schools are already being conducted with great success among the Italian and Cuban children at Tampa, Fla., for French- speaking children at Church Point, 1-a., for Mexican children at El Paso and other Texas points, while commun ity center work Is carried on exten sively at many of these points and at numerous towns snd mining canters where people-of foreign birth make up a large percentage of the population, the social work of this character being conducted by Baptist women, lairge results sro oxpected to follow the work of the Baptist Bible Institute at New prleans, where tns'.ructlon. Is riven In ttixllsh, French, Italian and Spanish. All foreign-speaking people are required tn take some PhigHsh wura slid toe bible ia taugin lu eviiaiu practical subjects to I hem In their own languages, thus facilitating their grasp of It. Practical Christian activities are also required of all the students, soma of whom are training for foreign mis sion work and others for service among the peoples of foreign birth in this country. Patriotism and high Ideals of Christian civilisation are alveu tmuha sis throughout the Institution and It U the belief of those familiar wits work that It will prove a potent fact. In the .'.merlcaalsatlon and Chrlstla nation of the peoples of torelgu la in this country- Many a girl marries a man sim ply to keep some other girl from getting him, CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Us For Over 30 Year Always bears the Signature of 9iP buffet- iisn Am io;su' ANHEUSER-BUSCH ASPIRIN FOR HEADACHE Name "Bayor" is on Genuine Aspirin say Bayer Insist on "Bayer Tibleta of Aspirin" in a "Bayer package," containing pruper directions fur Headacbc, Colds, Pain, Neuralgia, LumaQfl, anil Hlicuiuativm. Name "Bayer" means cenuiue Aspirin prescribed by physicians for nineteen years. Handy tin huxes of 12 tablets cost few cents. Annn is trails mark of Bayer Manurac-tilm uf MonoacetHS acidester of SiilicylicaciJ. PREVENT, PNEUMONIA neglect oi c si mine coin is oneu the direct cause of pneumonia, Chil- ! dren do not like tu take nauicating medicine hut do like the loothing effect of the external remedy. mux. iM. -itin :n: cwmrs Krone's V;ixmer.t.u Salve it ap pltrd by ruMmig this delightful ulve into the chest and under the arm. The mull la alum. Imuiu rdtcl irom cravp itcoiV.a. lua nt unusual M nnpi'iii(jiit I'cuci i.iciwrJ uy dotluii lur 'i yiimi:cjt tiiOcM arell ... (jf L'Jt- i.1 ' Jfc. Ck uij St 20 I til tliuf tml icncial atom frte aaupsa poo terjueti (o SRAME DRUG COMPANY N. Wllktikofa, N. C. Notice uf Result of Bond Election. I'tirsiisnt to the provisions of Section '.' of t'liaptcr .Vill of the l'ublic-l.ocal I.aa uf Hlill of North Carolina, notice la hereby glvmi thai the result of the anecial election lick! in Halifax ooentv on AngnM IHIM, on the iiuestion of issuing a.Hiu,isiii mian ami miuga nunua ol tialilax county uuiler me autnomy olaatilart as such result was deter mmel itv the iiiianl of Couiunasiouers, hii us follows: Total uumlier of votes cast . ti,0i!4 Votes cast lor Koad snd Hndga Bonds I, '11 Votes eat sgaiii.t Hoad and Ki lilac Bonds 741 Maionlv in lavoi of llond Issue !.' Notice is also vtfep that tne above niciilioned statute provides, with refer .tic, to notices such as tins, ss follows "No light ol actiun or defense found ed upon auv invalidity of said election shall lieaaarrtcd.nor shallthevalidityol said election be open to uuestionin auy gtound nhatever, eicept in an action or proceeding commence!! wiiuid siaiy days alter the brat publication of said nniie: Frovided. Iiowerer, that a cony of this senteuce shall be incorporated la said notice. ' By orderof (lie Board ofCoiunuasion era of llalifai county, Nov. 17, 1D19. J H.NORMAN, Clerk of the Board of County Commis sioners. Cotton Storage, We have almost unlimited spaoe for storing bale cottun at reasonble imtea in sprinklered warehouses. CAROLINA BAOOltiO COMFAN V, 11 s (It Henderson, N. C. f u(- tfoar -round soft drink Verve your $uest wiili Hevo 'e.)efiallvvll wii!i lihl sutrtK v:liifinX aJisli dainties. .Ssur dishes . Wild cold cuts ot meats, niate, sardines, cheese or ;;j$iieui. -- Devo is the friend of lix; ! c?,nd fellowship. Slid mrprfutfiore familim tuffiftJ by Qpwoi dwffitt and dtah Vniforf an- l(t tt, tnp9(t Our plan f Carolina Beverage CJo. Distributors Weldon. ii .. vi ., 'ifis-i JMA f A Aboui ihe first quesiion our salesmen will ssk you when you try on one of our new Is "How does it feel?" In other stores ihey ask "How does n look?" The difference is that we will first select a hat thai will become you, and we know thai a "Mallory" Hat will look right, so what we want to know is whether the hat feels right on the head. Be sure to have a look at our window this week and come in and prove what we say. FARBER & JOSEPHSON, Mens and Boys Outfitters WELDON. N. C. The Citizens Bank HAI 1FAX. N. C. WE Invite tha people ol Halifax and surroundlnf country to pat ronize thla Hank. Why not have a checklni account t It la necessary In these times. It saves you money, and yau havs a ra celpt against payments to your creditors. Besides It (Ives you a standing In your community. We have every facility knows lor Sound Banking-, and Invite you The smallest account receives with us. We pay 4 per cent. Compounded Quarterly on Savings. Come In and talk It over with as. Wt need you, you need us. rimHrmf"ypsr'"" 1 1 V ITATION.I You are invited to open an account with the BW OF EflflELD, fi. G. 4 Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart ment Compounded Quarterly. YOU can Ww 5ff,vo 4u You EhK You mlznt sret sick or hurt-be prepared (or tt You might want to make an investment start now, "Takes money to make money," you know Van mlo-ht he visited hv thieves or flrean account with us prevents loss. The saving habit Is a mighty gOOU OI1C lO jci llliu. Ings Accounts 5 THE BANK OF HALIFAX & HAXiIFAIX IT. O. N. L. Stedman. IP. C. Gregory, V. H. Oratory President, Vlce-Preetdent. Caehisa. j -oe repasts, ft a me. ST. LOUIS afev to open an account wun us. as much attention as tha largest I EtWLD, bank by mall us var per bests, vss 4 m sf-J I I I 1 aiiiiMiBsW