J. 'I Terms of SuhstriDtion--$i.50 Per Annum srAiii.i-Sii;l) in i;o(. A NEWSPAPER (OH HIE PEOPLE. WKLPON, N.C., rilUWSDAV, DKCKMIiKl. II, UM1. NO. :5 l, UV. THE Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which hai been In us fur over over 30 yean, bat: ! irne the signature of a and has been made under his per. fjt , , wnal supervision since its infancy. WVVZ Allow no one to deceive yuu in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience aeainst Eioeriment. What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Caster Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought m o NT All COM' Bargains for You Best Paieni Flour Compound l.urd Seed Kye, Clover Seed, W heat Mailing $11. M 27c. 2.2b 10.50 3.65 W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale uasn oior wm.noN, n. c. Dim Link I Millwork Go. Weldon, N. C. MANl'r'Al TUKErW OF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors " . .... j o Blinds. Mantels. Uoor and winuow ov.... MADE TOOKIIKU AM KKtil'l. Alt STOCK Sl.fciS Oood Materials. Hlirh tirade Workmanship Our Sloira" SAVE MONEY nn nn, nn i nn. tot' nn , nn By trading at home and still be a booster for your gjgg town, nn Many Bargains in Wl - 'gi ter Goods. gg-jg nn The very newest styles In Organdies nn Qeorgettes ana crepe-ue-vuuic. , We have a complete line of Ladies and Gentlemen's Furnishings. nn nn tttt A. L. SinillDHyn, WW ft 8 z n n r-y a"" MM hi:inti:ri'hi;Tation. .. In an infant school the teacher chose the miracle of the water be ing turned into wine us the subject of the usual Uible lesson. In lellniK the story she occasion ally asked ii few questions, One of them was: "When ilie new wine was brought to the governor of the least what did he say?" A linle Kil l, remembering what she had heard, probably on some fesiive occasion, called out : "Here's luck!" liVEN, AI-TliK ALL. A suspicious looking customer was boasting to a grocer of the cheapness of ten pounds of sugar he had bought at a rival shop. "Let me weigh the package," said the grocer. The other assented, and it was found two pounds short. The man looked perplexed for a moment and then said: "I don" think he cheated me much, for while he was Eeitine the sugar I pocketed two tins of condensed milk." Why Mr. Joe Armstrong, Cele brated Dug Trainer, Uses Rat Snap. "Noticed rain around my keunelx, haviiia hundreds of prize dots, couldn't take chauce.. Tried MAT-SNA!'; in -wee ks every rat disappeared. Nuticed that the doB licxer went near HAT HNAI". 1 tell my friend, about ItAT SNAI'." t'sc tln mi re rodent it safe. Comes in cake form. Tliree Hues. 'Sx.. "ale. and tl. Sold and iruarauteed by I'lerce-Whitt-head Hardware Co., Weldou. Hver notice that most of the things you are prepared for neglect in hnnnpn "-e-r-"- Your Money Back II Rat-Snap Doesn't Come Up to These Claims. UAT-SSAl' l" aluolutelv guaranteed to kill rats and mice. Cremates them. Kodents killed itll HAT SNAP leave uo iiuell. Hats pan up all fuodtoirct HAT SNAI'. Their lirl meal m their last. K T-sN.P dunes in cakes. No mix iii. Cats or dons won't touch it. i lireerses, -."'., "iilc. und t. Sold and guaranteed by rierce-While luad II. Iw. I'o., Weldon. CATARRH CAN NOT CURIil) with loeal appheatmns, an Ihev eauliol reach the eat ol the disease. I atail h I in a local disease, greatly inllucuccd hy constitutional conditions, and in older ' to cure it you must take au luternal remedy. Hall's Calarrh Medicine is takeu internally ami acts thru the blood on Hie mucous surfaces of the system. Hull's Catarrh Medicine was prescribed by one of the best physicia..s in this country for years. It is composed of some ol the best Ionics known, com bined w ith some of the best blood puri i lieis. The perfect combination of the initmlii'iils in Hall's t'alaiih Medicine is what produces such wonderful re sults in catarrhal conditions. r J. fHKNKY A CO., Toledo, Ohio 1 estimoliials sent free. Trice 7.ri ceuta per bottle. Sold by all druKKists. Hall's I amdv fills for Constipation Uneasy sits the tooth that wears a misfit crown. How IMf New York Orocery Klrm keeps Down Kais Vtoome A Co., Hotter A Cheese Mcr elmnla. New York CllV says: "Wl keen if AT SNAP 111 our cellar all the tunc. It keeps down nils. We buy it I.,. ll.u.rrUy Ullllhl lllll lie WltllOIlt it. I'armers use' KA'I' SNAl' because ran pass up all food for LA I -s.sai . Three Sizes, 2."., ". and tl. I Sold and ituaranleeil by I'lerce-Whiti i head ltdw. Co., Weldol. i Many a man's only extravagant habit is a wife. Heads Up! .B JMj&ma 111 Tho all-yoar-'round soft drink. Leadership, once established, is strengthened and confirmed by its followers and imitators Bevos leadership is proclaimed by the largest rear uard that ever followed a leader. Sold cvrywheri--FamilU', ,uppli.l by rtrocar.druoiijWt and dlpr.-"' isitor, are cordially invited to Imped our plant. ANHEUSER-BUSCH ST.LOUIS. BIG ARMY OF WOMEN BATTLES WITH H. C. L CAN REDUCE COST BY WORKING AND SAVING I All Partt of DUtrlet Thay Art Parting Fiht te Raduea Com. Budgit Plan Popular. Now Imperatlvoly Noooaaary If Na tion It to bo llii'il Prom hoalt of Hardahii. jKtftnf oat 1IOUMM1 nviuci iu i"w rorunB . " rifU rdirl Hi"T fft'ltt a nation's hlatory ! the aipal 'Worlt te4y ai'tina a chalrraau o( clubh vuu at' ao oeconary at at pruaant aa4 fiwipa ef womoa who are plan- Manuracturera. Snanulm. ncoeomiltt alaa w at to nla th H. ('. U ,nd many othtit. Inolwdini; tbt tonior- All tior tkt ttattt of Vlijlnla. North tail'! labor leadtri. roallio mat aad aouUt Oaxollna, Maryland aiwl Ion wr work and work hard, and lava ba Dltlrkt of Oolumbit., women'! or und ava bard, wo aro ntadod for a anliatlonl are ap la arnil aganrtt pnriod f unprtctdtntd aardthlp. kk prtcet. and art worklnr on ded- "Tkli Ii not the mtrt nioutbim of alt program! f. taTlnf In hou.o- a Jlno or profenloaal peaitialtt. It kold aad lilnf aivendlturoa. In prae- Ii a fact, aad It luppnrlod r tnaia. llcally ttery Initince the wai tltns morablo Him tvorywharo. Korr noma of "Buy Only What You Nerd" hour waited and every dollar ipent hat tttu adopted by thate women, in netdleaaly la llko a damor tarust at ta ihowa by report! and latter piling th. heart ot thli country. Enough or up at headquarter! of the Wo'iian't the.e ilaaaor Ihruit! will Bnully Dlilalon of Ojo War Ixan Onanlia reach the heart Itielf. tloa at Richmond. Va i "The fact that we ar. titmordinar- BaTlnai program that ar. popular lly rich turniabet no Iramunay from amoag these organiiatlcini hiehnlii ultimate dla!ttr If wt want Ibs dliruiolona ..f the leaflets limed by rlchci The thing to do li fur each the Woman'. Dlrl.lon. a lene, of and o.t.y oa. at a. to pull In th. aheet. gl.lng .uggo.tloni for savin,- samo dirwl.ua. toward, national ...tonal, and money by apodal . Iran economy Without It wo art lost, in. taktng oar. of cloth.n,,. tin 1(1 In With It we can aaiur. our l.tlon.l th. aae of fuel and otherl. The dlrl- future" Odd Lot Ba.l.w. i,.m haa alan dl.tributed a model - T-AJ.W ' I'-"'.:.- : mm I L Carolina Beverage Co. DUtrlbutora -ITi . -S 'i'!'JtN Weldon. it .. N. ft. ;f , s 'S ,(tz Possibly the bill collector has as much respect for you as lie has for some others on his calling list. THE i A m& of MF1CINE bnd.et for rokulattng boiweholil ei pendlturea that baa elclte.1 a great deal of tntereet "I tkouaiil at ni't that I eould nerer persuadi my huihand to try IIiii budget ayittra," o.e woman reuoneii recently at keadquarteri, "but t snow ed kirn how thoroughly huiniess It looked, and now he la a more anient budgeteer. .e. than t am Inlt-arf or rawely putting the amount, mioiiwi for food In e-h rnluran. ne en lahuiatlntr te different kinds gg The Busy Store, WELDON, N C Choice Hams There Is nothinu more appetizing than a slice of our choice ham. We have anything you may want in the .line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Goods. fOOD GROCERIES build up the system, stimulate the brain, and L. .... .u7.,i, iH nhi thinkino hrinrs bes re- w increase your capacity to mma. rulis. Our prices make you think. Call in 10 see us. L. E. HULL, Nw B.cl,... Opr. oM. WELDON, N.C Polk Miller's Liver Pills 10c. Ut iik i u.. I Uftud 50 yean witnout ctianiie. The Good Old Kaihionrd kind that nevrr lail. Unequalled for Bilintiincis, Sick Hi-ndache, Coniti patton ind Mala ria. Your Ctand tather relied on them. Nolhmt hetir ut any wire. Get the ((enuine. Minfrl h, '.-lk Milltf ic, lliLlitiixud. Va. Notice of Summons North Carolina, Ualll'ax I'oUlltV. In the Superior Court K.lwarJ Au.lertou. l'lamtilt a. Iteslie Anilerton, liefendaot. ,ur..n.Unl alinve-iiaineil will take lilt uciru'...-- , notice that an action entitled an ahove !,.. .nmrnmnpil in the Suuenor IlkB HPT" .u.... . Court of HalifaJ county wherein the iilainlin l. Ueoiamiinir an aosoiuie ui voree Irorn the defendant upon statu.- lory l""""1"' , : , Cendant Will luruiei uine uipihx she ia required to appear before the c u,iarinr romt of Ha ilax couoty on Hie 3Uth day ol December, ulaint of the plaintiff to he filed before . l... kar ... tl.A rulisf lire return uy i.r.cu., . .... maniletl w ill ue iriuien. Thil the l.t day of December Wi, AM I.A HY Clerk Superior Court. Tremendous Food Waste The National Aenoclatlon o Waat. Malerlnl lii-ul.r. mtlui.Un thM Amer. an throw uway 700.t00.H worth ot too. ech year. It ly on. ounc. ..f rn..d In wntteil or MMII1 In "aeh ,,, of the W.OOO.000 home, ot Am. rice. Iht total low 1. l.auo.uue poauus t4 ou,ht U eat ta oroW ... b, 7u,r.ln ot Ihe eouu nenn.hed pivperly- h.'. a. frea.ed a. If It wW. . ease n "" l ! .material! but U labor anl The Worn..', nw.lon ha- an- ta4,au.l .fturt oueceit iJiat M will b. !! to send moatj. m , . u w i.na lowara ui. wi. oi e'- HIT ITl IUPTIU." . T1al. dealring It. In High Places By Walt ataeol. I ear. bouiht a grand plaao and Miaaatuoua tadan. and a lot of ether .oodad.. M the monthly pay ment plan. O. each thlnl 1 unld AolUr. aad I'll par monthly boa. trN I'm laid amy and sleep lag aniloraeatl a llgglnl slone. It li tru.. I didn't need them. an. t haeeat ooln to burn, bat I ie. my Mlghbor. blowing .e.ry hie peak that they earn, and It tney hare Dlanoi and ana molorl nd eu.h otuff. I will go .. far a. ih is thouia It makea the .led di.e uuk. Ey.rr month I'll pay a dollar M th. Junk I do not need, till I limp around on rrutrhei and ay whlaker. 0 to .eod; and whe. I k.y. eraeied the rlear to th. .hiatae inlilen ahor.. I will still h. nwlai mouey to the Jim luitall ment Store. Aad I tear tb. recoW ill rf.aii.iv mv DO:iee of o mind, whea I ban a haip r. n. and a nalr of wlnaa h klad. But my ..Ighbort. they kotp blewlnn trtry rouble, eeery ,J aad I'd b. a tort ot piker If I let Mem gat ahead; .0 I'm huv'cl clraua waieM. aad I'm buying i o I i. - .ad aiy wife I. "'' I able, ud diamond diademo. and I bought lb. wbnl. cahoodl. on in. uaeale mnuut plM, and I'm rldr mg to lb. p.orhoua. I. a lup.r- tight Md.a k. .... Bv anMilal ae . ih. geylng. iivhioi Tkaaewry Deailmenl) ituctloa and coniaquoat tall k pric of nec.llltiel. but pbyilcal idlenesl I. r,n lea. an obatacl. to Ik. reduction of llelng oot. than a.amcml Idlene... There r. mttllwt. of oVotlar. Idl. II th. United Hutei rough lark ol proper inraitment wktak MOaia oi working for the common good. THei. num. If put to work would Maatltut. the new capital 00 urgenUr Moded to tide oyer the period of reaoaetructlou. How Lyd a ).. FL.kham' Vegetable Compound Is Prepared For Woman's Use. A visit to the laboratory where thi J successful ri'iin-dy is made iniprctw i even the cnsuul looker-on with the r 'h hlnlitv. neeurBcy, skdl nd clenulli.eFj t. hicli utterulB the making of thu great n.idicine for woman's ills. Over :ir0,i)Uil pounds ot various herbs nre used ummlly and nil h.ve to bo I gathered nl the senson of the year when ! their nuluriil juices nnd medicinal sub stances are n. t1 "ir b- st. The moi-t si!.- if ul solvents nre used toextrnelthe :i. .cinul properties from I these herbs. i. 11 ,.n.t t,..,lf thnt comes hi : contact with the medicine is sterilized ! nd as a final precaution in cleanlinen ; the medicine is pasteurized and eealed ' in sterile bottled. It is t'ue wonderful combination of roota ami lierlw, together with tha skill nnd care used in its preparation which li.ia made this famous medicine i so successful in thu treatment of I female ills. ' The t"tters from v.-nmen who have been restored ' n 'i by me use oi Lydin E. 1'iekeio,. . et'etnhle Com isjund which -.- -in -nually puu lishillg attest to in virtue. ASPIRIN FOR COLDS j MM ( 1 ' V. f I Name "Bayer" is on Genuins Aspirin say lijyer GHOSTS Of LOST FORTUNIS IN SAFETY DIPOSIT SOXIi It the lately d. po.lt kou. of tfe ytliaA Statue eould 1v. ul tbew dead itorei of take iKUrttl.. onougk w.stcd money would b. dlieloiia i. stagg.r the tm.irlnatloa. If m.a eip.eU kl. fln.ael.l bam) to 111 up he mu.t Hop th. t..k. I. It. t'ntold aurnb.r. of tike aebem. promoter, and r.glm.at. It I.Tt.w moot .harks, b.c.un of tbt. popu lir Ignoranea. ar. polnUag oat "abort road!" to big fortaaoa to tho.. whoa. Liberty Boadi and War Saying. Stamp, they hop. to ..car. I .. ch.ng. for boaulifuHy Mtbomd h.t sbiolutoly wurthliii ilook .wtlt-e.t.-. Th.it fiktn know tho yalu. ot goyTmt.l .oourlUa. oy ar. miloui to get thorn, tor they lg ure that tboy will loo. be lolling at par a.d aboyo Bat tb.lr Tletlmi lot b.aw thill tirM. and lo lhT iradt th. bMt securlHol la the worli tor umi wildest propoallltoi that promll.i a high rat. at l.terawl. kt rartlr para. lll-IM HI. 1..I.. -. . .(.II.U hi ft "liaycr puiKj't?,' ctHitaiiuiiii proper .Wi'Iiuii-' for l oUlh, IV in, Hi'itiUche, SiHiralttii. i.umiiio. una liin'um.iLinm. N'.tme "M:tyi'i '' miMii- ifnuine .Vturin nreacribt-il iiv ultwu'idiin for iiiiii'tt'on veara. Ii.in.ii' i,u oi 1'J tabfetn fiist fi'W vi'. it-. r.u tra.lij timrk of Buyer Mumit .i- inn- til iMoniiiU'etic Ht idMtVr oi ,vil 'i.-uf .l NOTICIi, I. th. y.ar llai. tk. armlrtlo. we mned tb. Trmury Dapartmaat ha. retired aearly a bllllo. dollar, worth of Uborty Bondl Buy mor. new. whll. petiol ar. f.yobl.. t nr banking l.itlt.tto. ! Sign no armlatlc. with WMto. pried cloth., aad tood ar. argat' r it Ahoui the first question our salesmen will ask you when you try on one of our new Is "How does ii.ltel?" In other stores they ask "How does ,i look'" The ditterence is that we will first select a hat that will become you, and we know that a "Mallory" Hal will look right so what we want to know is whether the hat feels right on the head. Be sure to have a look at our window this week and come in and rrove what we say. FARBER & JOSEPHSON, Mens and Boys Outfitters WKLDON. N. C. The Citizens Bank HAI IFAX. N. C. WK Invite the people ol tlalllax .no .urroun- ... k ronize this Bank. Why not h.ve . checking .ccount ? It I. necessary in these times. It saves you money, ana you nave re "JT'Zl., navments to your creditors. Besides It gives you . standing In your community W have every aciM y known .or Sound Banking, ana invue you ot.. " ' Tr . t The smallest account receives as much attention as the l.rgest with us. We pay 4 per cent. Compounded Quarterly on Savings. -.1, in and talk it over with us. Vt need you. you need us. . ao arml.lt.. " 'r...... " .., UK m s Ohilclren Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR' A It's easy to convince spinsters that kissing is unhealthy. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Alwaya bean Ihe bignature ot X'lten a man lonesome he begins to realue what poor compa ny he is. North Cainliiia. In Suuenor Court Halifax I 'mint v Heloro the t ii-rk It I. Mux ami Mavra Mux, tun will', W i Mux umi I ula Mux, In" Will', x' li .1. Ii. Mnor.-. Lena Moure, Henry i. .1 . .1, ii Moon-. Ili-h-n Moorr, Mat ii,.. Xlooif. tiroiiri- Moon. Tlii- .Iff. ii.tn.it m ahove nami'il will lakr nlu-e that an aril. m i-nlille,l an ahovr Ihik lu-en eonimonwl in the Supenoi i .m I ot llalilax oumy " " ' li.ninir .li-i-iilii-.l real etate for parti i.,,.. iiiniiu ihe tenant" in common, In lleKinuins- at a ilea.l hite oak on tin i.alh llolt'n ami Neville a eorni'i tln uee K -il'tiole. nn-1 t ll"t- In a pine slum Iheuee N 17-1 polen an.l 37 link! to a eoniei :i nu n, thenee N .ten W '.(. i,..l.n tolno ie.1 o.k au.l neiaininiou thenee N il olea toa Cuillei u n nul.le ami liermniiiion, on tlie tun ol hllielhlHiieli thenee up ami luaneh S il Y :l- iolean '.'I link" tntheiiath, thenee sai.l eourne s M W I- lole lo a hlae.l ituni Ihene- anl s.'il W Mi p,il.' Au V v . XX '? nolea aa.l liii lo a P ui.-.i. - - - - r link, to a coiner tol ami two piuea. t'leneeS l;vt polei. uiaeoruei wnuc..'a re.l oak ami port oak and permmnion on the path, theuee K U J polen to the heeiniiinir a .lean yiime o, tn.ninir I""' acrm more or lesl. anl .lele.i.lanla will further take no lu-e that tliev are proper partiel to tin. nut, ami that Ihev are required to ap pearai uir ou.... - iienoi Court of Halilax county on the 'Oth day of lieeember 11U, ami an.wer or demui to the complaint in said ac .1... i.,niill Kill annlv to the lion Or me , Fr the ire Uef demanded in aaid gg!gagMWtuSllla I INVITATION. You are invited to open an account with the BMtK OF WIUDf EflflELD, fi. C. I i Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart 34" rnent Compounded Quarterly. I YOU can bank by mail 1 I I I 'i B S complaiut. 8. M UARY, Clerk bupenor Court Why SpEio 4LL You Ewtft You mivrhl jjet sick or hurt--be prepared tor It You might want to make an investment-.start now. "lakes money m iu ...-..-j. , . You might be visited by thieves or fire-an account . -I-L. ni hah t la a mlrhtv w th us prevents toss, i c ... good one to ?et into. We pay 4 per cent on Sav ings Accounts THE BANK OF HALIFAX HALIFAX 1ST. C. N L. St.dm.n P- C. Orejory. Pre..d.ot V,tr.e.t "hi"' ft il j

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