MEWS A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription $1.5C Per Annum V'llh. MV WELDON, N. C, THUltSDAY, DKCKM UKH Is, NO. 32 Children Cry mm Ihe Kind You Have Always Bought, and which hat been iu use for over over 30 years, has borne the signature of - nd has been made under his per- LcLxjttis ,onal uPrvlsiun nce its infancy. wcorvA ft, uow no one t0 ,jecejve you Jn thji All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is C ASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric. Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA AUW Bears the In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always BouyU xm riNtaimcoMFi Bargains for You Best Patent Hour ('ompuund Lard Seed Rye, Clover Seed, Wheal Midline W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Cash Store' WELOON. Dim Umb Weldon, N. C. MANUb'AtTUKEKS OP 'Building .Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors Blinds, Mantels, Door WIADE TO 01CUKR A.NI uyd Material!, High Orade m n mnmunuum UK&&uuuuuuuumuiiuuu m Km) U$t The very newest styles in Orjjandi Oeorgettes and Crepe-de-Chine. m m UKi e "ave a complete line oi Lauies ana Gentlemen's Furnishings. 1 L. STAIfJBCK, The Busy Store, f OOD GROCERIES build up the system, stimulate the brain, and increase your capacity to think. And right thinking brings best re rults. Our prices make you think. Call in to see us. L. E. HULL, H tar Batdttk)'' Opera flout. WELDON, H.C for Fletcher's 1 T4 AYS Signature of $1 1. Ml 27c. 225 10.50 3.65 N. C. S Mifc:h)i, and Window Screens I.Klil'I.AR STOC K SIZES . Workmanship Our Slogan nnmmm SAVE MONEY uu m m m uu uu uu uu By trading at home and still be a booster for nur town. Many Bargains In Vvl ter Goods. m St-W UU WELDON, N C Choice Hams There Is nothing mure appetizing than a slice of our choice ham. We have anything you may want In the line of meats All Kinds oi Canned Goods. Near East Situation Now "Most Desperate in World," Says Hoover. Herbert Hoover, who tint Dow be come mem ber at tlx ex ecutive Cuni nilttee of Near En it ltellef, which Is cur ing ror nearly Ar- meiiiau and t 1M. .'nferwood tia t "f" & L'ntUrwuud. Pad who- Herbert Hoover. lf " ue' HJlfllkH Wtttl authority wlien he tells of ttu- inuu HuflVrlnj;, suy lu a furmul ituti'iiii'iit : "In my inkin, the situation u ttie Nt'iir Kit st In the must Iftfperme In the world. " Mr. Hoover has setit a letter to (.'levehind II. Itodice, treasurer Ji Near Must Hellef, I Madison avt'iitie, New York, In which he Hiiyii : "In atTcptlnj; your lovttatlon to become a member of the Ex- 'Mlve (.'ominlttee of the Near Kant ronmitttpe, I do no with reluct u nee, hut out of a sense of duty towards (Hi of the most difficult (situations In Europe. L'utll Home political settlement ran he obtained for the Near East unci some government es tablished Iu responsibility for the rare and .epatrlatlon of the Armenian population In (he Oau 1'anus, this niHss of people must live aheerly by th charity of the United Stutes. There are In the ('aura-Him appi-oiliuately 1,800, OOu Armenians, of whom 800,000 are entirely destitute refu fees from Turkey and amongst them a tremendous musa'of children. "I cannot too itrongly urge upon the meiuhen of the com mittee acid their supporters the critical necessity of concentrat ing every possible effort to sup port Colonel Haskell's adminis tration lu the amounts that he requires ; otherwise we shall witness one of the greatest trag edies of the entire war." Why Mr. Joe Armstrong, Cele brated Doe; Trainer, Uses Rat Snap. "Nulled raw around my teuueld. having hundred:, n! prue iluya, cuuldu't take chance. Tried HAT SNAP, in :t Hecks every vat di-aiieaird. Noticed I liut the duifH never went near H.-VT-SNA1'. I tell my friend uliout HAT -NAP." t'se this sure rodent itH Male ( 'oiueH in cake form Thiee Hues. 1T,C. ."(lc audfl. Sold and truarauteed ly I'lerce-Wtnte-licad Hardware ( o., Weldon The Almishty never measures a preacher's worihjby the salary he nets. Your Money Back If Wat-Snap Doesn't Come Hp to These Claims. KATNAl' is absolutely guuranteeit to kill tatM autl mice. Cremates them, liodeuts kiltetl with liAT-SNA I' leave uu Hinell. Rats ana up all luotl to et HAT NAI Their lirnt meal is their last. KAT-sNAl' comes iu fakes. No mix ing. I'atN or ilog won't touch it. Three Sizea, L'."te., .".nc. an it $1. SoKl anil guaranti ed by 1'ierce Wlnte luad lldw. Co., Wei. ton. It isn't nlways the cunt that makes the mm; sometimes ifs the padding. CATAUKM CAN NOT BE C Ilk 1:1) nilli local uiluat iuiim, as thev eanuot t each Hie neat pI' the ill- use. Catarrh it a lucal 'liKeue, tiii'atly inllueiioeil by iToustitiilioiiuli'oihliliiiiirt, and in order to cure it you inunt titke ttu internal r.-iiiidy. Hull's (.'atari li Aledieine in ukfii inlet nally and acts thru thehlood on the luui'uuii tturluet'M ot the htem. lUtl'i Catanli Medicine was presenbeil ly uue ol the liext pliyNina.-s in this country for years. It is com posed of some ol the heat tonics known, com hilled with Home of the lust hlood pui i II em. The perfect comliination of the inifiedicntH in Hall's Catanh Medicine ii what produces mich wonderful re Hults in catanhal Cuudilious. F. J. I'llKXKY A CO., Toledo, Ohit reslimouials went free, I't ce T.'i eeutf pui I tut tie- Sold hy all druta'isU. Hall'" I amilv I'ifU Tni frtnbtaticu Whrn;M it hi ho uiliuining Mtil j n upright piano is a downright nuisance. How Big New Vork Grocery plrtn Keeps Down Hals, Vroome A Co., Buttwi A Cheese Mer chants, New VurL City says; ''We keep KAT-SNAI' in our cellar all the time. It keeps down rati. We huy it hv the gross, would not hu without it." rarmeisuse KAThNAl' hecause lata pass up all food fur KAT-N AT. Three Sizes, Urc., .'hic. and (I. Sold and guaranteed hy 1'ierce-W lute lies d Hdw. I 'o., Weldui. It is always the man who can get credit for the asking who doesn't want it. Chamberlain's Tablets. These tablets are intended especially for indigestion and countioo. They tone up the stomach and enable it to per form its functions naturally. They act generally on the liver and bowels to a healthy condition. When you feel dull stupid and constipated five them a trial. You are certain to be pleased tritn their fiect PROMINENT MEN IN XMAS APPEAL FOR ARMENIANS Former President Taft Leads In Eloquent Plea for Support of Near East Relief. I To KIT the lives of 8on.(KM people i Id Armenia nnd other western Asin n , countries nnd to care for more limn 2N),iMH) orphuns who nre honii'lcss there fnrmer ('resident William Ilnw : aril Tuft, Henry Morifenthuti, former atnhaxMtnlor to Turkey, nnd Alexiimler J. Hemphill, the New York hunker, aa memberu of the Executive Commlttw of Near Fust Hellef, the former Amer leati Coin ml ttee on Armenian nnd Ayrlnn Itfllef, hare Issued a ClirlHl man uppeal for continued support of tli In oriunlz!itlnn and Us work. Neur Kaat Rnlit'f la now opernflne tinder n trnvennnent charter and In prwMlrnlly alone In the western Asian flfld, the Iter! OrnR several month! po Imvlnp nnnounred Its wlthdrawttl. The Christ mil letter, a classic of Ha kind. Is as fnllmv: "Hear Friend- Another little rhlld hfls shriveled up and died. "The mother, creeping back, jraunt anil cold, fniti the desert, has put down the thin little hone with those Unit strew the mini nnd has iunk he Bide them, never tn rise aguln. "Only a little rhlld and a mother nut on the hlenk Armenian road! Hut what la that vision hovering there and wlint Is that voice the cold winds 1-enr to the ears of our souls 'I wan hungry and ye gave me no meut ; I was milted and ye clothed me not.' "Today yes, todaywhile we are preparing our gifts for Christmas, many more of these little children not a hundred nor a thousand, hut 2W,Ot0 of them are still wandering uncared for and atone in that , land, '(heir weazened skins cllugliig In fear to their rattling boues,' and they i are crying out wltfe gasping breath, 'I j am hungry, I am hungry!' And the ; voice of one who watches us an we prepare gifts to celebrate his birth day comes uguln to the ears of our i souls 'I am hungry! I am hungry!! J ! am hunjiry ! ! !' "Now, the children and the mother In Armenia are dreading the winter. 'Just human remnants they are, not protected, many of them, from the ele ments by even the dignity of ruga. The most favored have merely shred ded rags.' How shall we alug our Christmas aongi and laugh aud light the candles and give beautiful gifts white that pleading voice cries In the ears of our souls. 'I am naked and cold naked and cold?' "Hut we can feed and clothe these perishing ones some of them bciore It Is too late. Herbert Hoover has ca bled from the Cnucasus. 'It Is Impossi ble that the loss of 'JUO.OOO lives cun at tills day be prevented, but the remain ing TsJO.OoO can possibly be suved ' They need not starve and freeze aud die If we will save them. Iu the name of him wbo suw the multitude 'as sheep not having a shepherd und was moved with compassion toward them,' who exclaimed when his disciples would turn them away. They need not depart, give, ye them to eat !' opin your heart and purse and give to these Christians whom he loves, who are suffering for him and with whom he la suffering. They need not die. Give ye them to eat. "Fifteen dollars a mouth will pro vide food, clothes, shelter and educa tion toward self support for one or phan child. "Ten dollars a month will provide food, clothes and shelter for one or phan child. "Five dollars a month will provide food for one orphan child. "He fed B.000 hungry people In the wilderness and suld to his followers, The things that I do shall ye do nlsu, and greater things than these shall ye do.' Today nearly 800,000 destitute Armenians his people need food and clothing. "He took little children In his arms and blessed tbem. Today will you take one or more of these sad, cold, hungry little children of Armenia luto vur arms and heart In his name and lv them food and wanuth and life? "What a Joyful Chrlatmua It will he when with your songs and your laugh tr yu bear a voice of wondrous tweutneea speaking to you, 'O. ye b I sawed of my Kathei, ! was hungry and ye gave me meut, I was naked aud ye clothed me; Inasmuch as ye have done It to these, my brethren, ye have done It to me.' U his name. "Faithfully yours, "Wll.MAU H TAFT. A1.EXAMDKU J HEMl'Hll.L "HENRV MOKUENTHAU.'' For Executive Committee, Near Fast Kellef. BANDITS ATTACK HARB0RD, Berouse he and lueiiibeni of his party were nil 4 taken for Aruieiiimn, ItaJ. Uo, James (i. Uurhord, head of the American Ml salon to Aisiviila, narrowly escaped death at the huml of a band of marauding bandits a few miles from Mouut Ararat. Major Oeneral Harbord has Just returned to the United HtateH and made a re port to President Wilson on the dis tressing cindltloiis in the Near Knst, when- Aionh-iiii clunHi Is . 'it 'thxiisitmW of li.t . i!uuji tin- ,i-m K.(. t IMlfcC. ' Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A ( What's ihe matter wilh the man -ulaclurer of corsets as a re former. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S OASJCO.R 1 A DECEMBER 18 WILL BE ' RED LETTER DAY HERE uccoit of Obxrvlnot In North Ci. Una School. So Mlrk.d Thit C.lf br.tlon Will Now Anum. Wldw llcop., Su imtrkvi tmvu bMi th. roiulu oi "Nurili furuliuit Duy", which wan ob. ' nerved In uUmt twontjr-rivt ot tho prln. i cl)nllliL. ut till. Hint, uu Numbur 1 ii, thut .ehout auporlDtendtaU aud tuach.'in In many ollur place In tho Statu ti.ivo raquoated that a aluillar obHcnaiKii be planned (ar Uiun i hoolt. and Dlroclor W. K. Tlmatann, of tho Utlucatloual Ulvlaluu ot the War l.u Urganitalion ot this dis trict, hu. du.lanat.d December 11 a. the day. The day will be obaerv4 not only lu North Carolina but also In SouUl t'aruliiia. and it will be known aa "North and South Carolina Day." There la already bolm .liown a friend ly rivalry between the achool. of the two slater atatea for the honor of oiaklnt; the totter record. According to the profram now being prepared "North and South Carolina Day" will be observed on December 18 in every city or town In thia State, which did not observe "North Carolina Iay" on November 24. Saving, soci eties will be organized In the achoolf and the teachera will be urged to be gin Immediately the uae of the Text Book. In Thrift which are being furn ished without coet by the War Loan Organisation and whloh have proved o helpful In all parts of the county. Many new and lntereatlng ways are being devised by the boys and girla of North Carolina by which they oan take part In the great savings movement, and reports Indicate that they are re gularly aud aysUmatloally saving con siderable sums of money some for a eoMefe education, others to buy useful thing for the home, while ttUI others are aocumulattng funds which wfll help them la business. Director Tlmmona, who has mads several eitended vlalts to North Caro lina recently, aaya that the Old North Btate la rapidly fr.'gtng ahead and that more and more the people are r allalng the tremendous benefits to be derived from regular saving. All klnd9 of peopla. he declares, are now saving aa they never saved before. They un derstand that money is now cheap but that soon It may be worth considerably more. Therefore, they are taking ad vantage of this condition of affair and the State as a whole will reap tht benefits of the thrift and frugality tta eltltwrns Wherever Director Timmorm vra ha says, hs found growing enthusiasm. Bupport and cooperation were pledged la every city and towa he vlalted. Men and women, who. when the savings movement was first launohed, appear ed to be wholly Indifferent, expre.eed the greatest Interest In the progress ot the work and volunteered their In fluence and assistance In furthering It. tn short. Director Tlmmons say, North Carolina, which has always taken a leading part In patriotic achievement, Is rapidly forging to the front In the savings movement, and he hopss that It will soon be one of the banner states To lit the boys sad girls In the North Carolina schools to acQilre tha savings habit tha mreet foundation of prosperity aad hanplnss penny and ulukel booka are Detni sent to the teachers for distribution In every room or grsds. Also certificates of achieve ment have been engraved and sna will he sent to every pupH aa aoon aa aa has savsd enough as to purchase a Wat Savings Stamp A larger certificate has bean engraved lor the rooms or grade which have hundred per cent member ship savings soclstlea or thrift oluba Both csrtlflcates the signatures of Carter Olass, seoretary of the United States Treasuary, and Oaorge J. Beay, governor of . Federal Reserve Bank of the fifth Tederal Reserve Dletiiet As a result of "North and South Carolina Day" observance Director Tlmmons eipeots that many certlfl catea of both kinds will soon be Is sued Ha dealrea to hare a saving, society In every room or grade In every school In tha Old North State. Director Tlmmons has been Tlsltlug personally as many auperln, tendents, principals aad teaohars as possible. He has not been able, how ever, to reach every on In North Caro lina, and ha win he glad, he says. It those ha has not had tha pleasure of seeing will, should they desire further Information regarding the obaerranee of "North and South Carolina Day" on December II, write to him at War Loan Organisation headquarters, Rich mond. Va., aad all tha plana for the day will ha glvaa to tkam aa tool aa gMMslble. WHAT QUARTIM WILL DO. Just one Thrift gtamp attar an other will hull! a fortaae er a hoa oltal aad tha humble Thrift llarnp la helping to develop a aatloa of for Use bulldere Tha government aland, back of the these builders and haa declarsd Its lnt.atlon lo continue tha aala of Thrift temps. War Savlnga tamps and Treasury Barings Certlt oate. aa a permanent part of tha aa tloaal financial policy. It was safe to dsmobollsa tha army after the armistice, hut II will sever be safe to demobilise your habile ot thrift. K.ep them In training hy regular purchaaea of War laving tampa and Traaatuv tarings CortlsV I ' CASTORIA For Iniantg and Children In Ut For Over 30 Years Always beara Signature of Ii is impossible to forget the ma jority of things that should be for-gotten. from your fertilizer will if you use TRADE MARK (UaiSTHUD The Fertilizer That Made Fish Scrap Famous F. S. ROYSTER GUANO CO. Norfolk, Va. Richmond, Va. Lynchburg, Va. Tarboro, N. C. Charlotte, N. C. Washington, N.C. Columbia, S.C. Spartanburg, S. C. Atlanta, Ga. Macon, Ga. Columbus, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. Baltimore, Md. Toledo, Ohio KING OIT8 TMHIFT STAMP. Bntiswhere la the personal effects f King Albert of B.lglum rposes a thrift card wlia a I'nlt.d Statss Out srnmsnt Thrift Stamp attached. Tho sing la that muoh ahead. There Is a sld in San Franclsuo wbo Is that mueli out. As King Alhrrt steoprd Into his M tonibtls after t'.f ofriciul reception tr. tan Francisco. Hichard glprelle. eler r-n years old. leaped upon tha runni board to sell the king a Thrift Stamp He thrust tha oard and stamp Into ttbj king's hand. The king looked st hi and then enld, smilingly: "Thsnl you." Than tbe king's car lurched fof ward and tbe king wis gone 7V armistice was signed a yes Mil there Is still a line r l.'in sfntrle; sUhik the Roll'.' rnard nf War Savings 9tami r-'t over your dollar. ASPIRIN FOR HEADACHE Name "Bayur" is on Genuine Aspirin say Bayer Inint on "Btvar Tnblt8 of Aspirin" in a "Buyer package," containing proper direction fur Ht-adut'ln', Colds, Pain, Neuralgia, Luiub.i), and Htieumatitn. Name ' Bayir" nif.un geuuine Aspirin piMtonlii'ii by pliysl.-iuna for nineteen yfaire. HanJy tut hs of 12 tablet! cost few ceuti. Arspif . 11 i trade mark of Bayer Wmiufiuturu of Moootcetio ci del ter of sSnlioylicacid. NOTICE. I Noilli t 'aroliutt. In Supevinr Cuurt ! lUhlttx ( 'uuilty Itt-lore t lie Clrrlt . It 'I . Mux Mayra Mux, Ins wiff, I , I). Mux uii) l.ula Mux, liif wile, H. j Min, .1. U. Mnoif, Lfiia Monit', Henry Mhoii1, J ii 1 1 ii Mtnui', llcli'ii Mimrt, Mat tlicu Muoif, lift) Hie Mi kmc. Th: ilcfi-iiilantP almvo namei) w ill take iioiii-t that an action cntnltM aa above liUrt lii'i'D Ptiiiiintiiirt'ii lu llit Sutnmui t 'utiil ot Halifax County lo m-ll tUe fol Inuinir dfriiTiln-l icul entuta tor parti titui among I lie tfiiuuta in com moo, to wn lUgTiiiiniiK at a JeuiJ white oak on the iialh, Unit's ami Nevilli-'a corner tlifnee K :'n anil 47 link a lo a iine atuuiji lIu iii'eN IT pult'N anil 37 ImkH to a uoun-r 'i pint-h, thence N ,H, deir W I'ti puli H lutno reit oak and peiaimmou tlienee N i'il W 'J5 polea toa cotuer ifum niade and pertonwnou, uu the run ol hslii i ti hiaiu'h theuoc up aaid biaueh S.'.lW H'J mf.n a n 4 .1 liuka to the path, ilirnce aanl Pourne S ."i W in poles to a bluml ium thence Haul Hid W ,rti pulna toa pine theuee N bft V li poles aud 'M hn k k to a coi ner atob and two piuos, thence S I'M poan to a coiner white oak ted oak aud poat oak am) perumiujon uu the path, thence E 112 poles to the lu'iMtiumu a dead white oak and cud taiuiiiK I'-'") fti'rea more or leas. Haid defendauta will further take no tice that they ate pioper parties to this suit, and that they are required to ap pear at the uttice of the Clerk of the Hu penoi t'ouit of Halifax county on the ifttliday of Decern be i 1919, and anawei ordemui to the C"ti)plaint id aaid ac tiou or the plaiutiU will apply to the couit for the i relief detnauded in Mid complaint. 9. M GARY, Clerk Superior Comt tf'The fki STEM s-Sf' fcv& About ihe first question our salesmen will ask you when you try on one of our new Is "How does iijeel?" In other stores they ask "How does it look?" The difference is thai vie will first select a hat that will become yrni, and we know thut a "Mallory" Hat will look right, so v. hat we want 10 know is whether ihe hat feels right mi ihe head. Be sure 10 have a look at our window this week and come in and prove what we say. FARBER & JOSEPHSON. Mens and Boys Outfitters WELDON. N. C. The Citizens Bank HAI IFAX. N. C. WI-: Invite the people ol Halifax and gurroundinf country to pat ronize this hank. Why not neve a f necking; account f It to necessary In these time It savea you money, and you bay re ceipt against payments to your creditors. Beside It rive you standing In your community. We have every facility known lor Sound Hanking, and Invite you to open an account with ui. The amalleat account receives as much attention as tho largest with us. , We pay 4 per cent. Compounded Quarterly on Saving. Come in and talk It over wllh us Ml need you, you need us. ,giMimisjmnjnCT IN V ITATlOiN.j You are Invited to open an account with the I BUttK OF EfJFIELD, EtflELD, fi. 0. A Per Cent, allowed ment Compounded Quarterly. gy YOU can bank by mail Results be greater -i-. In the Savings Depart i ....

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