-; 'asSlssBasjsBj IjSjlSI Terms of SubscriDtion--$1.50 Pur Annum lrxlJLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. W KLDON, N. C, TIIUKSDAY, JANUARY 8, 11)20. NO. IJ5 lJfe ''Ll s- 1 H NATION TO BE ASKED TO OBSERVE BIG WEEK Tentative Program Announced from the Treasury Department at Washing ton Shows Unusually Wide Scope and Qreat Potential Value of Pro poaed Celebration, Which ia to Open January 17 All Over the United Itatea. WORLD'S BIGGES Famous Women Adopt Armenian Waifs Children Cry for Fletcher's mm The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has iu use fur over over 30 years, bai utne iho r,igni.iure u' rt - and has beta lniide under his wA Mnal KUpervisiun since its liilui-.y. &of-Y. Allow no one to deceive you in u!-. AH Counterfeits, ImitatioM and "Just-as-good" u;e 1m Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health a Infants and Children Experience against Eiotrin.o.t. What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It cimtuira neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance, lu age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it l'.a.i been in constant use for the relief of Constipation. Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishaess ;irisiin; therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowel?, aiilj the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sletp. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYi ) Bears the Signature of :v:, yKy JAV A i f 'l MRS. CARRIE CHAPMAN CATT MRS- OLIVER HARR1MAN NITRATE PLANT Mammoth Explosives Factory in Alabama Built in Eight Months. ALL SPEED RECORDS BROKEN Could Supply 13 Per Cent ol Allies' N00J3 Had War Continued. In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THI CtNTAUW CCMPANV, HWW YOWK CITY. SE8 Bargains for You IF YOU HUY ALL YOUR (JROCKRIKS FROM W. T. PARKER & GO, Wholesale Gash Store WI-LOON, N. C. ADOPTED 'ARMENIAN WAIFS There an at leaet three happy little Armenians hi this holiday season among the more than a quarter of a .nllllon pitluble little waifs who are Innocent victims of Turkish barbarity. These three have found fairy god mothers In these fumoua American women, Mra. Woodrow Wilson, wife of the President; Mrs. Oliver Harrluiau and Mm. Carrie Chapman Catt. It Is hoped that thousand of other American women will follow these dletlugvlsheci leaders and signalize the gltid helldoy season In America by making happy In the smiie way thousands of other Utile orphans lu the fur-off stricken Utud where thej uow are being cared for by Near Uast Relief, 1 Madison Ave hue, X. Y. . ..... ... . w- Burlap Bag His Only Garment fiivethe bov a chance Dim LimhrillwarkOj. Weldon, N. C. M INUKACTl'liEIM OF Bunding Material for JYloJern Homes, Sash. Doors Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MARK TOOliliKIt AND liKlil'I.AU STOCK SIZES 'isael Materials. High tirade Workmanship Our Slogan I AIM SAVE . .. -im MONEYfl $$$$ By trading at home and still bi a booster for your town. M imu Knpjrnina in Win- "w --- ter 0 ods. Urh If a . Y. W. C. A. STUDENTS i , TEACHING IN CHINA I Physical Training School Main : tained in Shanghai. r 149,999 other homeless orphans like hinv 1 The vast majority of Chinese men rememher their nioihers as crlpplea Many a nlH wainlera Into a mission school who tins not hud her own fee' bound, hut has never seen a woinm. of her own clnss who could walk, and therefore, she wnlKs In a most nuttalii ly fashion scarcely conscious of hei natural feet. The Chinese Meillcnl Assoctatlon an Association composed only of Chi nese phyalcluns mostly mnduntes fron Amerlciin and KnuIWi Institutions have nsked the cnilre e.lucated comimi nlty of the couhiiy in cooperate In heller health fi H hlldren of Chi nn. All Hie Mission Hoards openitlna in China felt I la it one of the greatest lontrlhutlons 'he Younn Women'! Christian Assoflailon could offer to i he health of China would be to es tablish u normal school for th train ing of physical directors. Accordingly, In Shanghai, whirh la ha cronies! nort in China. th nation al committee estahllshed Bueta a school In 1014. The school haa won favor with nil educationists, both missionary and government. There have already been nine cruduutes from this school Miss Ylng Mel Chun, a gradoate of the Wellesley School of Physical Edu cation, has been dean of the school. Graduates of tho school are acattered from Canton to Peking, teaching with conspicuous success In twelve mission and government schools. m 8fft ff-T" The very newe it styles in ().-;andies "" Georgettes anJ Crepe-de.C.une. m WELDON, N C We have a complete line of Ladies and Qentlemen's Furnishings. W& II A. L. SWfitiJUK, WW 5I The Busy Store, Choice Hams There is nothing more nn netizinir than a slice o our choice ham. We have nnvthino- vou mav want in the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Goods POOD GROCERIES build up (he system, siimulaie the Intin, und U i . ,i,ii, AnH rioht thinkitie brines Debi re- w oiicaic your tapaLiiy iu mn'. ."- rults. Our prices make you ihink. Call in to see us. POSTER BASED ON ACTUAL PHOTOGRAPH TAKEN AT ERIVAN, AR , . . MENIA, BY PR. M. . LITTLEFIELP. He Is only one of 2r3,0OO helpless child victims of Turkish cruelty and oppression In Western As Clad Just as he annuls In the picture this forlorn little fellow, with hunger-strkken cheol.s, nopciess mourn mm ..., . body, was found wundcrlng In the sti is of Idlr, Armenia, by Dr. Milton o t o .i.i , voar n..iief He wus taken to n Near East Kelii f a. Llllieutiu u, ... . orphanage, where It waa found that Ida only eurlhly possession was the sink' ' . , . ... .....,ta fioiin a luirlllO SUCK. garmeut In which he Btoou a worn, paicneu oini...-. .....- .. -- -- "I aaw this ragged little fellow on one of the busiest business streets of Erlvan, not fur from th. orphanage," anld Dr. I.lttletteld. "He was wgnaer, ik sliulessly about aad no one wus paying m iigui not poae him; the picture shows Just the way he stood when I backed hlni up against a nearby wall." .....nhoted The photograph la tns Duals oi a struma t"" - by Near East Kellef. JAPANESE DOCTOR IS Y. W. C. A. t OFFICIAU I Dr. Tomo Inouye of Tokyo, Japan, treasurer of the National Committee of the Young Women's Christian Asao clullou In Japan. Dr. Inouye haa been L. E. HULL, Ntax Batcbclor'a Opera House, An American $2 Bill Did This IB rags shown Neur menla BEFORE. Motherless, failicrlcsa, homeless ,, ,,,H.l,. Inmirrv a d clad only In the pathellc llitle Ihree-yesr-om a ti,u mtt ivani erea into a Kust Relief orphanage In Ar- Another photograph of the same child, ahown al the right, was taken a week later, this time allowing well clothed and well fed. ..,a,vhr., in America la the happy man or woman who contributed the $2 bill which wrought this miracle. More !,,, noarter million other helpless little vlctlma of Turkish cruelty and oppression are knocking at the doors t n,. N,.r Kast Kellef oruliuuagea in Western Asia. Many more American S2 bills are needed now to let them lu and to care for them uutll they can cure for themselves. 5 I J i H A IU 1 Or, Tome Inouye of Tokyo, Japan, a delegate to the aix week International Conference of Women Phyelclane called by the V. W. C. A. AFTER. particularly Interested In the pobBe heullh and recreational plana of her city for aome time and la medical Insiiector fot girls In the public schools of Tokyo, as also In aeveral prlvats schools In the city. There are ap proiliuately 500 women phyelclane la Japan now, she BHys, and 4O0 women medical students. Dr. Iuouye was the only delegate from Japan to the X. W. C. A. I'.einullonal Conference of Wo men Physicians, In session during Sep tember and Octobaf. Dy GARRET SMITH. Lifting Ihe ban of war aecrecy has Juat now brought to light for the tirst time one of the moil stupendous feuts of construction lu hlslory the plan ning and building III less than one year of the largest ammonium nitrate plant In the world and of a city around It for the houslnc of Ita 25,000 workmen and their families At the aame time Is revealed one of the chief reasons why Germany suddenly surrendered s year ago. The Ceiman high command knew Ihut the United States was reaily at Muscle .Simula, Alabunin, to manufacture 13 per cent of all ths high explosives needed by all the Al lied armies on all fronts In die expect ed drive of the following spring. The first person on construction work reached Muscle Shoals on No vember 28, 117. On February 18, 1918, ground waa Brat broken for a permanent plant building. On Octo ber 28, 1918, eight months and eight days later, the manufacturing plant had begun the production of ammo nium nitrate. When America entered the world war In April, 1917, she had no meane of producing the enormous quantities of high explosives necessary to pro vide the huge army she planned to r,.ia The verv fact that our Indus tries were already wo.ked to capacity nrnvldlnir ammunlth u to the allies leemed to make further production for our own use Impossible. Fertilizer Process Turned to Wsr Use At this juncture the Ordnance De triment turned to cyanaraia, a com oierclal fertlllier, which had for some ,. hon nroiluced successfully at Falls, bv a process the Ameri can rights of which were omninea in Iii7 from Germany M Frunk Mier iuu Washburn, head of the American Cyanamld Company. Hv ihls nrocess cyanamld was pro j..o,i i,v eTtractliiL' nitrogen from the .if fiiui'minhlnlnL' It with calcium ob luinmi from limestone rock and carbon fr... coke Bv milting lyntmmld ihrniivh three more nrnctascs both ntn moniii and nitric acid can he extracted from It and combined Into the expio slve, ammonium nllrate Mr Wush burn waa Invited lo present plans and estimates for the construction In the shortest possible, time of nn ammonium nitrate plant at Muscle Simula, Ala hama, and a contract between his com pany and the United States waa enter ed Into under date of November 16, 1017. To have general supervision of plan ning and carrying out the work an or cimljatlon known us the Air Nitrates n.,r.nmtlon waa formed to act as u,.ont of the Ordnance Department. Thla corporation provided the general designs, supervised nil the worn aim operated the camp, the town and the plant. It also Installed all equipment In the chemical plant, me various other aectlons of the work were sub let to organlratlons that were special ists In the directions in which they were ssked to help. New City Built From the Ground. It was necessary to build a new town to house the Inborera. For this Job Westlnghouse Church Kerr Com pany waa failed In as contractor. This company Slso built the buildings of the chemical plant. Within four months 1J.000 workmen had been assembled and a city capable uf accommodating 2.1,000 Inhahltanta had been completed, with lodging, restnuranta, stores, of fice, police beadiuarlera. achools, Are departments, hospitals, monon piciu.e theaters, electric ngni uuu svstems. ' The construction of the plant proper was begun on February 16, 1918. Just eight months and eight daya later the big plant began a steady output of am monium nitrate. The plant contains 113 permanent buildings, with s roof area of over 28 acres. To provide the electric current it was necessary to build s steam power electric plant, for It would have taken three years or more to complete the dam and hvdro-electrtc station now un der way. This plant, built by the J. 0. White Corporation. Is one of the larg eat ateam Plants for developing elec trical energy In the worm. ., ,,t,,n! of the olunt la Si Ml tons of ammonium nitrate a day, and this can he produced at Muscle Shonls at a coal leas Ihsn one-half the standard fixed price paid by the Government for am monium nitrate produced by other methods snd one-fourth to one-fifth the cost of other high explosives of eiual .. PnmnHrert with the older process of making ammonium nitrate, i the savings made hy thla plant wou'd have paid the tt,000,000 coat of the j entire p'ant in aoout one una ouv-uau years of operstloa. As a military weapon It Is ons of the wisest snd most economical expendi tures that the Ordnance Department haa undertaken. As an agent In stop ping tl. war and as a future protec tion to the country it value is Vacate iuble. Although National Thrift Week, which opens January IT, la soma time away, the Savings Division of the United States Treasury has already com pleted tentative plans for Its observance. The purpose of the week will be to start the country off In the New Year with a sound financial program for every Individual and every household. Two enda are sought, according to olTlclal announcument: First, uat the condition of the Individual be Improved, and seoond, that the financial and industrial etrength of the nation be increased by the great sums of capi tal which will be accumulated through the practice of aystematlc saving snd sound investment on the part of the people. The program for National Thrift Week, as at present tentatively planned, though at this time subject to alight change, has been announced from vvasningtun as ionows: Saturday, January 17, 1920 National Thrift Day To enliit the nation In a campaign to "Save FtrBt and Spend Afterward." Sui. day, January 18 Thrift Sundiiy Bermons In all American puipus on the relation of economic life to religious well-being, and ths need of sharing with others. ' Monday, January 1 National Life Insurance Day To emphasise the Importance of liid'vldual and family protection. Tn,lav Jnniiarv 50 Own-Your-Own-Home Dav To ehow the pleasure and profit which tome from owning your own home. Wednesday, jL.i.i.ary 21-Makc .A-Will Day To urge upon men ana women who possess prop rty the necessity of making provisions for Its proper distri bution. Thursday, January 22--Thrlft-ln-!ndustry Day To emphasise the need of thrift In all plants and mlllB and faotorles and the economic value of co-opera tlon bilween rapitul and labor. Friday, January 23 Family Budget Day To show the Importance of using tuslness methods In the conduct of the household. Saturday, Janunry 24 I'ay Your-Bllls Day To stress the moral obliga tion to settle all il. bts as promptly as possible. It Is believed that the observance of thla wek cannot fall to Improve the Industiy and moral tone of the nation since It Is designed to Inculcate sound t.u-cmsi principles which Inevitably lead to Increased prosperity and happi Seas. For Weak Women In usclorovcr-lOycarsl Thousai'dsot voluntary letters from women, tell ing ol the good Carilui has done them. This is the best proof oi the value ol Cardui. It proves that Cardui is a good medicine lor women. There are no harmful or habit -forming drugs In Cardui. It is composed only o! mild, medicinal ingredients, with no bad giter-elfects. TAKE CABDU The Woman's Tonic Pi TA XA 14 YA Vi TAX V M Ya You can rely on Cardui. Surely it will do ior you what it has done lor so many thousands ol other women! It should help. "1 was taken sick. teemed to be ... ," writes Mrs. Mary E.Vesle, of Madison Heights, Va. "I got down so weak, could hardly walk . . . just staggered around. ... 1 read ol Cardui, and after taking one bot tle, or before taking quite all, I felt much better. I took 3 or 4 bottles (I that time, and was able to do my work. 1 take It In the spring when run down. I had no appetite, and I commenced eating. It is the best ton e I ever aw." Try Cardui. All Druggists PROVERB. esst thou a men dllllgent ta his uslnees. he shall sot stand before kluas. he shall aoi stand before hi aea. Pror M:IS. It is tbe atorel support of capital back of him that fives ths 4tllent Stan dignity ta ths presence of ths king. Buy w a Tms sluggard will not flow by res sea af Us cold ; . therefore shall ha bet la harvest and hare nothing Prsr. K i The sllvs mas plows un dee aardehls feasts la harvest and eaves acrplas, until ha conies ta a day whea he may sleep hit s I snowy saanlag. Boy W. B. B tODDIES NOW MAKING " EONEY AND SAVING IT tart Carolina sheol Soeleilst R port Qreat Aetlvlty. Treasury Dspsrtment of Untied States 1 Receives Splendid Support slaking money aad saving It la b lonilng no less popular among Honk Carolina sohool oblldrsa than among grown-ups. More popular, perhaps. Ihan-Mha time honored study of read mit writing and arithmetic Is ths new itudy of thrift which Is being Inoort rated Into the regular wot of th ! lohools. The subject Is tauaM sa eon 1 aeotlon with the "Text Books of Thrlfl" which are seat without charge ' M asy teaoherdeelrlag them fey ths War Loan Orgaalsatloa of ths Fifth. : Federal Reserve Dlairtot, i Judglag by reports, ths school children of North Carolina are going I the taaehlne of thrift one better. Al ready a great many aavlngs sooletlea have been organized la the schools of this state, and the pupils hars and all over the district as well are busy devising waya of earning money ta order that it may be wisely Invested la Thrift Stampa aad War Barings tamps. Is Thrifty Younoster. In mm of the schools In this dis trict there Is a youngster who haa laid the foundation of a prosperous saresr by plowlag and by selling vegetables. When all the work was dons the lad counted the money ha had put la bank. He found that H amounted to Just twenty-five dollora. Many of ths world's richest men be gan life with lees than twenty-eva dollara. But they aaved their money aad Invested It wisely, thus assuring success. la one of ths l-A grades, so a teach er reports, ons of ths girls haa earned no less than twenty dollars by help ing around the house, while members o a savings society that ftourtahea la a l-A grade havs mads about twenty five dollars doing auch odd Jobs aa lesdiag ths ohlckens, tying tobacco and chopping grass. Several boya who are members ol savings socletlss which are particu larly active have bought clothes with money they earned In similar waya. Ons little fellow did so well helping his father that hs was paid ten dol lars. As he received the money ha bought Thrift Stamps, showing that bs slready knew how to aavs snd vest what hs mads. Popular among these small Invest ors are ths Penny and Nickel Sav ings Books Issued to all school pupils desiring thsm. Ia ths days when, to many tots, the price of even a Thrift tamp, may bs too hags to ss gottea sogether sll st ones, snd when one Just must bay an occasional all-dav auckar or a oent-aplece bite of oandy, lots of youngsters thins it wis io eavs a penny or a nlokls at a time. The eoin Is deposited with the teaon ar for safs kesplng, and shs stamps , ths aavlngs cards to show how much the child has put In his account. When ths total Is large enough, It goes Into the purchase of a whole Thrift Stamps. Piling, up money of your own la a great gams, played In this fashion, and a game that Is dally growing la savos la North Carolina aohoole. Mrs. Bowen Tells How Rats Al most Burned Her House Down. A Rat Breeds 6 to 10 a Year. Av eraging Ten Young to a utter. Remember this, act as soon aa you see the first rat. (let a package of KA l SNAP, lt'a a sure rat and mice destroy er. It'e convenient, comes in cake form no mixing, Mummifies rats after, killing lesvea no smell, ( ate or doge won't touch it. Three Sites, 25c, 60c. and H. Sold snd guaranteed by Vieros-White- I " WlUX ON, N.C'frenAadw.UN W' To The Dyspeptic. Would you not like to feel that our stomach troubles are over, that you can eat an- kiud of food that you craie? Consider then the lact that Chamber lam's Tablets have cureJ others why not you? There are many who have been restored to health by taking these tablets and can eat any kind of food I that the; crave. r o flreat Act of Heroism Required If some gicat act of heroism was nec esssuy to piotect a child from croup, no mot li. r would hesitate to protect her ollspnup, but when it is nly necessary lo keep at hand a bottle of Chamber lain's t'ougb Retmdy is within the reach of all is piorapt and elfectual. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Don't You Forget It. ua.r in mind that Chamberlain 'a Tab lets not only move the bowele but im prove the appetite and strengthen the digestion. They contain do pepsin or other digestive ferment but strengthen the stomach and enable it to perform As functions naturally. Ignorant people are born critics. 'For two months 1 never went in our eellsr, fearing a tat One night m bed Iamelled fire. Sure enough the rat u.-i Kr, nil.Kliiii at the matches. If 1 hadn't acted promptly my holise would have been burned. Later we touna me dead rat. RAT-SNAP killed it. Us great stuff " Three Bises, 25c., 60c. and It. Sold snd guaranteed by Pierce-White-head Hdw-. Co., Weldoa. U. S. bovernment Warns Farm ers About Disease Caused by Rats. Thev carrv Itubonic plague, fatal 1 1 human beings. Tbey carry foot and mouth disease which ia fatal to stock. They kill chickens, eat grain, cauae de struction to property. If you have rata RAT -SNAP will kill them. Cremates rates after killing them, leaves no smell. Comes in cakes, ready for use. Three sizes, 25c , 50c, II. Sold and guaranteed by Pierce-White-head Hardware ' o., Weldon. How eloquent is the silent lady on silver dollar. n iClH-Q-.Tr!"'

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