0 LsiAHLISIItil) IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.5C Per Annum vol. uv. WELD ON, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 11)20. NO. J( Ni-i Contents lSTluid Dttolmd .1 1.IIHOI.-3 PER CENT. 3 .;.,:illlki.F0Kl bv kWule- ti CheerfulnesjM g neKhtrowam.norjinu. Mineral. Not nabob v A halnflll CosUptionanllDilTll, Exact Copy of Wrapper v t.z c r Mil NEWVORKJ iSCASTOIllA Bargains for You IF YOU gUY GROCERILS W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Cash Store WRLOON, Weldon, N. C. MANUKACTUKEK.H OF tiulldltg Material for MoJern Homes, Sash, Doors Blinds., Mantels, Door and Window Screens .MADE TOOItltKK AM) IIKUI 1.AK STOCK M.KS loomaterlali. High Orade Workmanship Our Slot n SAVE jf( tiy still b town. Many ter (Jjods. ft$ f T The very newe it 8f& Oeorirettes and W m . . We have a complete line of Ladies and UU Gentlemen's Furnishings. 83$ BUB I K.L.SUWHCK, H U8 jg The Busy Store POOD GROCERIES buHd up the increisj your capacity to think. , ruin.. prices mgke ou inink. . ..7 - L. E. HULL, GASTQB1A For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature. of Use For Over Thirty Years ALL YOUR FROM N. C. i ' 1 1 j t ,!fv In TMI OtNTAVfl nmNf. KflW MTV. MONEYll trading at home and a booster for )ur jjyjj & Bargains in Wia- J styles In Organdies 88 Crepe-de-dune. - .. v ttH WELDON, N C Choice Hams There is nothing more appetizing than a slice of our choice ham.-We have anything you may want iu the line of meats. All kinds of Canned Cloud. sysiern, stimulate the bruin, mid And right thinking brings (jest re- Call in to see us.t WELDON. fl.C Y. W. C. A. PLANS WORLD PROGRAM Mn. John 0. Rockefeller, Jr Heads Association's 1920 World Service Program. $3,000,000 NEEDED FOR WORK. LMto Call Aseodatlen "Itablllilng InfUienoo" In Outlining Poet-War Program for Women Federal Coun. clt ef Church ts Anneuno "Y. W. C. A. Sunday." lira. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., ebair uan ut the National Educatloual Cam paign Commute of Hit 1020 World Swlr Prograia of th louuf Worn eo Chrlatlao Aasoclatlon, baa made th followlu( atatcoieDt : "Sine th war w are mora than vr awar of tli wonomlc, loduatrtal, 4ucttuU, aoclal and rellfloua dlB- MRS. JOHN D. ROCKEFILLIR, JR. Chairman ef th Edueatlenal Cam. aalfn Cammltt f th Yun( W nwn'a Christian AaaoclatlM. ctiltlca which bat th Urea of flrli asd women (Terwhtr. Is mUn( th post-war nwdi of woman th Toung Women' Chrlatlan Aaaoclatloa tanda aa an Instrument of aerrlc, tatd and profn by war, and rfaa li4 to meet th manifold prehUua of peace. "Becaua of tta fifty dd rar of perleoce In meeting fundamental prob lems affecting girls, th Young Wom en's Christian Association la an organl ration particularly Stted to eject a stabilising Influence upon the troubled time through a consistent program of service for girls and women. . "American women are asking how they may share In th world's recon struction. They can do ao by enlisting th support f their communities for this World Serrlc Program, which will Insure te th world a healthier and bet ter womanhood. "This campaign of th T. W. O. A. t tell th people ef th United Statea about Its work and to raise 13,000,000 with which to carry on T. W. C. A. work during 1920 In th United Stat, Kurope,' China, Japan, India, South .America, Egypt, Siberia and Mexlc wUI close th week of February 22 to , which will be known as T. W. 0. A. Week. "The Federal Council of Churchea will probably set one Sunday as a time for minister tbreighoat the country t addreee thwir congregations on general ceadltleos affecting women and th Teucf Women' Chrlatlan Aaaoclatloa aa an Instrurnentf serrlc. "The li'iiuedlat task la to bring to th peopl of th United States a knowledge of conditions affecting th Urea f wwanesi In all parte of th world. W can ao longer Ignore th character, th meaner of life and th Ideals of other peoples, whether w want to or not A special call ts now coming to th Association from China, Japan, India and South America, when work waa held back during th war becaua of th necessity for spe cial activity In Franc and th United State. "Th World Serrlc Program call for 14,800,000. Of this amount 11,600, 00 has already been secured " Th educatloual campaign commit tee Include among Its members Mrs. Robert B. 8 peer, president of th Na tional Board of th T. W. O. A. ; Mrs. Bsary P. Darlsoa, Mrs. William Vsa T. Bay, lira. Robert L, Dickinson, Mrs. William Adams Brown, Mrs. Van Baaford Merle-Huiltb, Mrs. Lewis H Upturn, Miss Silen Hale Sterentuo. Mrs. Frederic B. Pratt and Mrs Her bort Ue Pratt, SMALL Y. W. C. A. IS COMMUNITY CENTER Rratln for Olrl I Important Fea ture ef Work. Fifty-two yousg women In th Unit ed Statea are known aa T. W. C. A. "town secretaries " All of which mass that the Ifty-two are organizing recreation work for girl and for th community at large In towns of lea than 10,000 inhabitants. The I. W. O. A may be U on rent ad room or more. It may be a whole building, bat at any rat there I a rec reation room and If posslbl a kitchen, reading and writing rooms. If th X. W. O. A. baa a building of Its owa It become a community canter, wher all I S oranui.aiiuua w. A Rat Breeds 6 to 10 a Year, Av eraging Ten Young to a Litter. Remember this, act as soon as you se th first rat. Uet a package of RAT SNAP. It's a sure rat and mice destroy er. It's convenient, cornea in cake form no mixing, Mummifies rats after killing leaves no smell. Cats or dog won't touch it. Three Sit, 26c., Sua. and fl. Sold and guaranteed by Pieree-White-MdBdw.OoVeldoo. MUSCLE SKOALS NATION'S BULWARK Big $60,000,000 Nitrate Plant a Defense for Future . Generations. INSURES NATIONAL DEFENSE Assurance of Abundant Ameri can Explosives a Reason Why Germany Quit. By GARRET SMITH, One of the chief fortresses of Amer ica's new military defense system which developed out of the World War Is the Ammonium Nitrate Plant at Muwle Shoals, Alabama, on the Tenneinee Klver, over three hundred miles from the aeucuast, capable of turning out 300 tona of high explosives a day. It assures' to the United States for all time an abundance of ammuni tion without which an army la a help less encumbrance and It baa mad this unlimited supply of explosives available without resort to raw ma terial from outside of the country. The essential Ingredient of all mod ern military explosives in nitric acid. Before the World War, America waa entirely dependent upon Chile for the supply of nitrate of soda, the only chemical from which nitric acid can be made. In ess this country became Involved In war with any nation that could control the sea our foe would have us at her mercy, for ahe could cut off our essential means of striking back. Other nations, however, were equally dependent upon th Chilean nitrate supply. Germany was pur chasing one-third of it She had ex pected, to hold the sea with her sub marines but failed. But a process for extracting nitrogen from the air had been obtained by Germany some years before from Italian rheiuists. This process had been successful In producing a high grade nitrogenous fertilizer from which Id turn could be extracted an monlum nitrate. Ger many, therefore, fell to manufacturing ammonium nltrat from th air on a large acale. Americana Buy German Secret In 1907 an American company, head ed by Frank S. Washburn, had secured the American rtghta to this process from Germany and had gone Into man ufacturing the fertiliser on the Cana dian side of the Niagara Falls. When America found herself In th World War the Ordnanc Department turned to Mr. Washburn'a company for help. The Air Nitrates Corporation was formed, with Mr. Washburn at Its head, to build the Muscle Shosls plant It was ssslsted by several other well koown corporations, such as the West lughouse Church Kerr Company, which put up the plaut buildings, the perma nent city and utilities; the J. G. Whit Corporation, which designed and con slructed the power plant; the Chem ical Construction Company, which de signed snd built the nitric acid plant, and the M. W, Kellogg Company, which furnished th piping and built th chlmueys. Beginning work In November, 1U1T, th big plant and new city at Muscle Shoals was completed within on year' time. Had the expected apring drive of 1919 materialized thla on plant alon would bar been able to supply IS per eent of all the high explosives used by all th Allied ar mies on ail fronts during that drive, and the United States was secure for all lime to come against an ammunl ilon shortage. When the arrangement was dually asile for building th big air nltrat '.hint, work was begun on a power lam at the same point. This work la Hug conducted directly by the Unit ed rituies Engineering Corps. It will uut be completed, however, for two or three more years. It wss necessary, therefore, In order to Insure Imme diate operation when the nitrate plant wss completed to construct a $10,000, 000 steam power plant, one of the larg est steam plants tor the production ef continuous electric power In the world. It la pointed out that even had th water-power plant been completed dur ing the war It would bar been neces sary also to liar constructed a ateata plant to Insure the nitrate plaut work ing at full capacity at all times dur ing the year. Plant Worth. All It Cost Now, this entire Job cost the Uotrrn waut tdO.OOO.OOO. It was put through at a time wheu theprices of materlala and labor were at their summit. It uA built at record speed, aud siwed coeta money. The question naturally arises, then, aa to whether Uucle Sua got bis money s worth. Tests mad after th plant was la operation showed that auiueuiuui ni trate of standard specification could be produced at this plant at a cost of less than one-half the standard li-ivd price paid by th Government for am monium nltrat produced by the older method. Thla coat Is only about oue fearth to one fifth th cost af other i nigj) sxpiesives ui eu,ui ii.hiul ' Oaaapared with the older procee ftr ' making ammonium nltrat, th sav- lags mad by this plant would hat paid for th entire plant U about oa and one-half years ef operation. Tht chref value of the Huscl Shoals plant, however, will be a a dafans M ceoiing geueraiiuua. To Tbe Dyspeptic. Would you not like to feel that your stomach troubles are over, Uiat you can tat 'ant kind of food that you crave? Consider than th fact that Chamber lain's Tablet have cured other why not you? Thenar many who have been restored to health by taking these tablets and can eat any kind of food I that the ernve. CALLED HER FAMILY TO HER BEDSIDE Six Ytws Ago, 'iTualdBf SLj Mitt Die, Sari Ten Lady, But Now She It Well, Strong Wtau and Fraiies Cvdd For Her Kecarerj. Roys City, Tex. Mr. Mary Kll- tnan, of this pises, says; "After th birth of my little girl. , .my aid com menced to hurt me. I had to go back to bad. We called th doctor. B treated me... but I got so better. I got won and worse until the mlaary was unbearable... I waa la bed for three months and suffered such agony that I was just drawn up In a knot. . , I told my husband It be would get me a bottle of Cardul I would try It. . . I commenced taking It, however, that evening I called my family about ma... for I knew I could not last any days unless t had a change for Pneumonia often follows a Neglected Cold KILL THE COLD) HILL'S CASCARA rffrntdy for 20 ycirt iorm tafc, iurt, do break i up a cold in 24 rehevet grip in 9 aiyi. v bck if it full. The genuine box hit Red n with Mr. Mill pic iurt. At AUUtu$ Stmt Mrs Bowen Tells How Rats Al most Burned Her House Down. "Fur two mouths I never went in our cellar, IVmintf n rut. One nitfht iu bed I Hmetleil tire. Sure eiiouirli the rat hail been nibhliuir at the matches If 1 hatlu't act'il promptly my Iiouhp would hae heeii burned Later ue found the deud IU I' SNA!' Ml eit it. ltd great stuff " Three Sizes, Title, and Sold ami irtiaianteetl by Pierce-W hiti -h ad Hdw ' . WeUhi- It joii don'i eo the whole lisi, holier swear oft' from wood alco hol UI k'JSI. No Oreat Act ol Heroism Required If some irreul act of lieioiHin was ueo esssiry to piotect a elnhl tioiii croup, no iiioiln r wuiihl liemtut. to protect her olrV-pniiir, hut when it is lily necessary to ket p at hat il u botile oi Chamber lain's! ouirli Heniiily is wilhiu the leich of all is piompt anil etlectual. A weman is a good listener when she is expecting a proposal. Don't You Forget It. Hear in mind that ('liumhcrlaiu's Tab lets nut only move the honels hut im prove I he appetite anil sttenirtheu the idirestioii I hey con lain no pepsin ot otliei ' iliftestite ferment hut Htreuirllieo t In- stomach ami eimlile it to perform its ruuctiiiiiK iitttuiully. OVER-EATING I th root of nearly all dige.tiv. rila. If yoweUf cation u weali or out of kilter, better eat leu end use Itl-MOEOS the new aid to better digestion. Pleasant to take nffectU.. Let Ki-moidt heir sbaishtea out your digeattra troubles. made ar scorr a bownk MAAIRS OF aCOTT'S tMUUION MMgMaMIaiial e' wfay Trustee's Sale of Real state. I'uiler au.l hy vulm of eerlaia powers vested in me liy cerium I'eeil of Trust hyJuuirsK Johnson, lm h is wont ed in hook '."'i puire "'III Halifax l ouu tv Kegistiy, I will ohVi foi sale, at I! o'clock M o i Monday, February V, 102(1. in fro il ol the eouit liuui dooi m Hal ifax, N. (.'., to llie liiglnsl mJiler lor cash, the fuliuKiuf .itscrilid real i state to wit: Commcucluc at a stump and pine Stake, l'crkins tstaic. N (o W Id'o feet thence N (i'J V-'i feet to rcrkins cslate cross ou Wateiy litanch near post oak, thence down Watery Hianch WrtS feet to black num. thence N su K 7H leet to sweetguui then 74 j feet tu piue, then 8 M V. 4W feel te a sweet gum and stake in head of branch in field, then 1025 feet down branch, then d 3) li :ibl feet to ash slump with two maple pointers on Rocky Swamp, then S tM K 40V feet to Perkmsestate corner on Rocky swamp then N 5 i W 3nU feet then up biauch brancli 112(1 feet to a black gum, then N i K 14 feet to the beginning. Coo tainmgl23 acres, mora or leas. Also three articlea nf personal prop erty to wit: One rord Touring car, it beine the aame car sold to the said James E. Johnson by. I. W. Warren. This the 2nd day of January, m. BM A1N 8. NORMAN, Trustee. "DIAMOND DYE" OLD GARMENTS LIKE NEW Any woman can dye faded, shabby wearing apparel, whether wool, silk, cot ton, linen or mixed goods to any color, just like new, by following simple dlrsc ioas in each package of "Diamond Dyes." nil -1 m nil QUININE X. X. Standard col X.. ta ubltt X. X. opiates hour. 4- tke better, That wu id years ego aad I am still here and am a wei; strong woman, and 1 owe my life to Cardul. I had only taken half the bottle when I began to feel better. The misery In my side got less... 1 continued right on taking tbe Cardul until I had taken three bottles and I did not need any more for I waa well and never fait better In my life... I hare never had any trouble from that day to this." Do you suffer from headache, back ache, pains In aides, or other discom forts, each month? Or do you feel weak, nervous and fagged-out? If so, give Cardul, the woman's tonic, a trial J. 7j COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF LAND. North Carolina, Halifax ouutv In Superior Court lie fore the Clerk. K. 7 . Mux and Mayra Hux, his wife, W. l. Hux aud l.ula Hux, his wife, Vs. Mrs. .1. 1). .Moore, Lena Mooie, Henry Moore, John Moore, Helen Moore, Mat thew Moore, Ueorge Moore herein ap pear by h. L. Travis, Jr., then .Inly ap pointed iruardian, ad litem. Under the power conferred on the un dersigned in a judgment ol the Superior Court entered in the above-ent'tled cause, the undersigoed Commissioner will on the 26th Day of January. 1920, at the Court House door at Halifax, N. I'., at 12 o'clock M., veil for cash to the highest bidder that certain tract or par cel of land situate in Kaucett Township, Halifax county. N. C-: Keginoing at a dead white oak ou the path, Holt's and Neville's corner thence K 2d poles and 47 links to a pine stump theuce N 174 poles and 37 links to a corner 3 pines, thence N 35 deir W 20 polea to two red oak aud persimmon theuce N 51 V 28 polea to a corner gum maple and persimmon, on the run of Kisiier's branch thence up said blanch S ol V 32 poles and 21 links to the path, tiieuce said course 8 "il W la poles to a blazed gum thence sanl STil VY 50 polts to a pine thence N &' V 2 poles and ,H' links to a corner stob and two piues, thence S 134 poles to a comer white oak red oak and post oak and persimmon on the path, theuce K 112 poles to the heyiuniinc a dead white oak and con taming I2 acres more or less. OEOKOE C. OREEN, Commissioner. Summons for Relief. State of North Carolina, Halifux County, Iu tbe Superior Court. 1 lit; IN I A Sl'UliS, I'laiutiU Vs. I.K.UKdKSl'lidS, liefen.lanl. Tu tlu- Shenll of Halifax county: You are hereby commauded to sum mon (ieorge Suggs, defendant, above uiiineii, if he lie found within your county, to be and tu appear before the ('Ink ol the Superior court of Halifux county at Hie court house in Halifax county, on the lllth day of February, ltriMi, and answer the complaint which will ite deposited in the otlice of the clerk of the Superior court of said couu ty ou or before the return day hereof, and let Hie deieudant take notice that if he fails to answer the said com plaint witliiu twenty days after the re turn day hereof the platntitl' will apply to the court for relief demanded ini the complaint aud the cost of this action to he taxed hy the clerk. Herein tail not, and of this summons make due return. tiiven under my hand and seal of said county this i:ttli day of liecemher, li'lli. S. M. UAKV, tt 1 It L'lerk Superior Court NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. State Hithway Construction N. C. Federal Aid Project No. 48 Sealed bids for the construction of two bridges on State Highway in North ampton county, K. C, will be received by the North Carolina State Highway Commission at the Division orlice in Kaleigh, N. C, uuhl 12 o'clock on the litth day of January, 11)20, wheu they will be opened and read. No bids will be nceived after the hour fixed The work will consist approximately as follows: ills SI I u Vila. Class "A" Concrete. Mil UI I. u I I Timber file Mtlilhs I'laies uud Holts. liolll lbs Keinloic nig Steel. 4 Cippei or Hi iiue Name I'lates. So bids will be e.uldeit-il unless ac-. coinpanieil I y a pioneilv cerlitieil check lui Five Hundred (: 'i(Jiii liollaia made payable to Krauk I'age, Ihairiuau A corporate suiety lioud, or other sat isfactory security will be lequested lot the complete lululuieotoi the Contract. i'laus, specifications, lunns of con tract proposal blanks, etc., can be ob taioed from the othce of the State High way Commission, Kaleigh, N. C, ou the payment of dve dollars to defray cost. Any increase in freight rate made public after date ol letting, aud paid by Contractor will be allowed if proper vouchers are submitted at the time of pavtuent ol such luoreased rates. 'rim nirht la reserved to reiect anv or all bids or to accept any bid deemed beat for the Mate and the County. Ky order of the North Carolina State Highway Commiaaion. W.8 FA LI. IS, State Highway Engineer, This 2th day of December, lDlg For Sale (ioode property on Elm street for sale. For information write 8. UOODE, Jr., 1H 4t Clinton, N. C. ATTENTION, HUNTER ! 3 beautiful Poinier Puppies for sale. 6 weeks old. Entitled to registration. Apply at once. Box "C" Weldon, N.C. 'Iff, 4 Jh3 S To Hie niiin who savts, die Icm i u.i- i--.iiu.-..i when he is prepared lo lake advance ut it. Ii lakes money always lo lake advantage of such opponuniiy. AKI: YOU PKL-PAKED TODAY ? If not, you eanniil do a t'eiier iliing ihan lo stari an Account I o Day. II you are really anibnious to succeed you will not neglect this Kim nppnui iiy and invntalion. V j C'a m-mL ZL ! sC '- 2 '2 '2 ' N ..J,. 00-0 0D- 00-0. 0 A Happy and Prosper- fj ous New Year to All (j Our Friends and Cus- 7fl tomers, JJJj (fl 'fl fl u; !t ffl ffl 'fl 'fl vl kt ii i le Vl vl vl Q Ogletree's 1025c. Store, lie ROSEMARY ROANOKE RAPIDS .0 .0 .0 . 00 .0 aTJninnataX)a1la Our muiual interest in trade winning jewelry values is more important to us than anything else. Now, however, we have just begun to tight, and our objective is your patronage and good will. Give us a call and see if we do not XTN. M;a tssm lilVfRWARf Ji J g w HMMsiuniinaiuiaaiMMalalaiaiaa1aliMMMSfMlsTsl Ww Sped All You 7 You might get sick or hurtbe prepared for it You might want to make an investment start now, "Takes money to make money," you know You might be visited by thieves or fire an account with us prevents loss. The saving habit is a mighty good one to get into. We pay 4 per cent on sav ings Accounts THE BANK HALIFAX IT. O. P. C. dregory, Vice-President N. L. Stedman President Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORIA ' ' mm wsiMBiawi i ,7n '' (fl (fl li i vl V l vl vl ll WELDON 11 'T'S'-ra lit na 3 1 w .. ! CUT Ol ASS RICKS C k; x.. f: wl I OF HALIFAX P. H.CJregorr Oashier. Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA w ittahclor's Optra Houm. f ' J .

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