j I jCK.lUSilfil) IN IH66. OL. LLV. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--... , in m WKLDON, N. C, TIIU11SDAY, JANTAKY 22, ui). NO. 37 Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You Have Alwayi Bough, and which hits been in use for over over 30 years, hi.. : ,me the signature ij r. - nd has bet s. itiai'.e untler his per-(jtXJAttttj- ,onal uPrvuiun alnce its infancy. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience aRainst Exneriment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its ge is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Childrea's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS JlBcon the Signature of iBcara the Signatu In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought TMI CF NTAIIR COMfUNV NVWVOMW flTV. Bargains for You IF YOU BUY ALL YOUR GROCLRILS FROM W. T. PARKER & CO , Wholesale Gash Stor WELDON, N. C. Weldon. N. C. II VNl'K.U-rUHEIW OK iluilciinp; Material for Modern Homes, Sash. I)"" Jlinds, Mantels, Door and Window Seven M.UlK TOOKDKK AND IfKtil'I.AK STOCK SIZES. Oood Materials. High Grade Workmanship Our Slogan m i ft 'f Ci-. m 'Mm M ICT" T very newe ;t styles In Organdies 'm Georgette ai I Crepe-de-Chlne. U 8 . ' X Wf L. . ., a- a We have a compLte line of Ladies and m Gentlemen's Furnishings. &ft m mm POOD GROCtRIES build up the system, stimulate the brain, and " increase your capacity to think. And right thinking brings best re rul's. Our prices make you think. Call in to see us. L. E. HULL, Batchclor'a Opera Houae. m Lumbar i Millwork u i SAVE MONEY m m By trading at home and stilt bi a booster for your town. Alany Bargains in Win- fJ ter (i ods. n Choice Hams There is nothing more appetizing than a slice of our choice ham We have anything you may want iu the line of meats. All I.' I . C annaA fftAa WELDON, N.C ,IIS CITY BUILT WHILEYOU WAIT Fourth Largest Town in Alabama Full Grown in One Year. HAD A MODEL GOVERNMENT Permanent Settlement Around U. S. Nitrate Plant Presented I , Unusual Problems. I By GARRET SMITH. The fmirtti laruiwt city In Alabami, pcnplfd wltli 2."i,UtK) ul of dlveroe run's mill ri-llKlniis, uprooted from fur scattered coniHiunllU'S In every purl of llie I'liltnl Slates mid Coiiiida spniiiK Into hclng almost overnlglir around the givut new Knvernnieut am monluiu nllnite ilunt down on tlio open coIIimi ii ml cum fields ut Muscle Slitnils mi the Tennessee Hlver durlim Hie Inst yenr of the World War. Here wus n piohlcin In city bulldlnj?, luunlc lpnl pivcrninent and cnmniulty wel fare Hint has seldom been equalled and the success of Its solution has never been excelled. The Job was In the bands of the Air Nllruti s Corporation which liiul boon organized under the direction of the Unlnuhce liepariinent to build plum and city nl Muscle Shoals. Early In January, WIN, this new town had a few temporary buildings and a popu lation of ami. This had Jumped by the. middle of August to more than 21,000 A population multiplied by 70 lu months. In the munagenient of the new towns and urmy cantonment! thin Bprung up during the war the ohl time evils Hint attended the growth or mushroom cities have been avoided by the application of modern welfare systems. .Hut nowhere were condi tions more dlfllcult than at Muscle Shoals, Here was a malarial region threatened at the same time with other deadly disease epidemics. Trans portation was lacking. No neurlij labor was available and the general labor shortage was at Its most acute stage. Costs of labor and supplies were leaping over night Furthermore, Muscle Shoals differed from all the other new war towns Inasmuch as It was to be permanent New Government Devised. The mnmiBors, besides city govern ment, had to handle the entire retail business of the town. A camp super visor's department was put In charue of the maintenance of all buildings, lire protection and sanitation. The camp supervisor looked after every thing from the im-itding of a lock to the remodeling of groups of buildings or laying sewers or steam mains. l''or the bachelor contingent a commissary department was necessary. The business department managed the stores, canteens, motion picture ttiealers, pool parlors, tailor shops, dry cleaning establishments, barber shops, newsstands, a hotel, a vegetable farm and a hog farm where 1,000 hogs were raised on the wastes from eat ing places. It maintained a slaughter house where these hogs were, put through the regular packing house course. It operated a laundry which cleniud 7,4'J3 pieces a day. Then thertt was a real estate department that rented and nianngeil the family quarters and a housing department which assigned to quarters everybody excepting the families t'nder separate jurisdiction from Its community director were the police. The health department, in charge of a physldan from New York city, started with a small office In one of tha temporary buildings, and was soon full grown anil splendidly equipped Conditions were favorable to disease. The winter was the severest ou record In northern Ala bama. The men were compelled to work either In deep snow or mud above their knees. As a result a pneumonia epidemic developed among the Negroes that spring. Later In the year a typhoid epidemic was threatened. Moreover, the site of the plant was in the heart of the malaria district. Hut the pneumonia epidemic was checked, the typhoid threat nipped In the bud, and malaria stamped out. A Health Record Established The little Hrst-ald hospital present ly grew to a complete modern Institu tion with a nurses' home and a sep arate dispensary for dental, eye, ear, uoae, throat genito urinary cllnlce and a surgical dispensary for first-aid work. During the eight months when the death rate was not affected by tlie In fluenza and pneumonia epidemic! Ut general health rate was 12.4 per thou 5nnd par year, which la lower than In most cities In the same latitude and climate, and the pneumonia death rate during the epidemic was lower than In most army canloiiiueuta. Much of the success of the health administration Is due to the establish, ment of the Muscle Shoala sanitary district by the United State Publle Health Service. The education and welfare depart ment also hnd a vital work to perform. There wa! a school population of over 1,000. The Secretary of War created the community organization branch of the Ordnance Department which, with advice and aid of some of the greatest 'iChool men of the country, presci'lued the courses of study aud recruited teacheri from the basit es tablished ajstenia. A Rat Breeds 6 to 10 a Year, Av eraging Ten Young to a Litter. Remember this, act as soon as you lbs first' rat. tiet a nackaire of RAT SNAP. It's a sure rat aud mice destroy er. It s convenient, comes in cane torui no mixing, Mummilles rats after killing leaves uo smell. Cats or dogs won't touch it Three Sites. 2,'., 60c. and $1. Sold and guaranteed by Pierce-Wbite-bead Hdw. Co., Weldon. CHINESE WOMEN STUDYJ HEALTH Three Doctors Return From America to Begin Active Health Campaign Among Women. 1 ALL AGENCIES COMBINE. American V. W. C. A. Will Support Women's Part of Chinese Health ' Campaign as Part of World Servloe Program. j I Aa a result of the Y. W. C. A. Inter- ' national Conference of Women Phy sicians,' held during September and Oc tober, Chinese women are to have a far-reaching health program. Dr. Ida Kahn, Dr. LI Iil-Cu and Dr. Dau, three of China's half hundred women physicians, who attended this HIR IDA KAHN URCrES CHINESE WOMEN TO WORK. conference, are to takys an active part In promoting this health program for women which will be the share of tho Y. W. C. A. In the big hcultb move- ! ment In China. ( j The funds for establishing these health centers, for demonstrations of how to care for babies, for health lectures for the women, for babies' dis pensaries and for a general educa tional campaign, will be raised by the American Y. W. O. A. as part of lu program of world service for women and girls In 1920. Dr. Ida Kahn, In a recent appeal to modern Chinese women said, "Let our women of education In Peking and elsewhere gather themselves together to work for the schools, Red Cross and Y. W. C. A., and everything else which bespeaks the betterment of the coun try, Instead of staying at home to play poker and 'sparrow,' and going out to attend endlesa dinners, tea parties and dances. "Let us rally our forces and help tin ship of state to move safely. One per son cannot accomplish much, but one or two hundred millions of women can work wonders. Let us go back to a more Spartan-like simplicity of living aud let us build up social service until ever; city In China Is sanitary, every section of the town has Its proper , schools, and every child, whether boy or girl, Is sent to such schools. True ; social service brings democracy In Iti : train, and we who are citizens of I new republic can help to make It truly great by preaching and living democ racy all Uie time. Why not learn to do our household duties, deeming It. effeminate to be waited upon by maids and sline girls all the time? "The statue of women In China, while leaving much to be desired, still Is quite hopeful when we consider that she Is Just emerging Into the sis terhood of the nations. Our men can depend upon us to bear the burdens of the day, for nowhere Is there a more Industrious, diligent and persevering womanhood than In China." Dr. Kahn Is lecturing In this coun try on the needs of her fellow country women, In the Interests of the Y. V. C. A. Educational Campaign which plans to acquaint people with all phases of Y. W. C. A. work In the United Statea, South America, China, Japan, India and Europe. This educa tional campaign will be followed by an active effort to raise the $3,000,000 needed for service for women through out the world. CHINE8E WOMEN HAVE FINANCIAL ABILITY. They Carried Y. W. C. A. Campaign : "Over the Top." Much has been said about the hon esty and skill of the Chinese business loan. The world has neglected to men- ' tlon the financial ability of Chinese I women. They proved this ahllliy In the last financial campaign of the Y. W. C. Jb In Tientsin. Ordinarily three weeks are allowed In which to raise the budget by sub scription after the finance committee lias decided upon the sum necessary to carry on the work of tbe com lug year. The Tlentslu campaign was rnr rU;d on entirely by Chinese wumeo and broke id! records by going over the top In ten days with t large surplus ovr the budget To The Dyspeptic. Would you not like to feel that your stomach troubles are over, that you can eat anv bind of food that you crave? Consider then the fact that Chamber lain's '' nl lets have cured others why not yc i" There are many who have been rearored to health by taking these tablets and can eat auy kind of food ' that theycTSYS. Y.W.M. CALLS BIG CONVENTION 2,000 Women Expected to Gath er in Cleveland the Week of April 13-20, 1920, for N-i-tional Convention. MEETING POSTPONED. TWO YEARS BY WAR Delegates Will Discuss New Member ship Basis for Students and Question of Future Support for Work. Many Other Things. The Young Women's Christian Asso ciation of the United Slates of America will meet In nutlonal convention In Clevelund, O., the week of April 13 to 20, having postponed the convention from the spring of 1018 In'oiiler lo comply with a government request that expense and travel be reduced to minimum during the war. The department on conventions and conferences of the National Y. W. C. A , of which Mrs, Harry Knicrson Fos dick Is chairman, estlmutes an attend ance of 2,000 women, representing all departments of Y. W. C. A. work board uiciiihei's, secretaries, shulonti, dull girls, Olrl ltesi rves, girls from In dustrial Service Centers, women from the International Institutes for foreign born women, memhei-s from city, town and country Associations. Each Association In the United Stales will be entitled to one voting delegate for every one hundred voting members In the Association. Two of the most Important questions which will come up before (he conven tion will be the membership basis and the question of support. Of old busi ness to be consldeied the most Impor tant question will be the membership basis for student associations, the granting of charter membership privi lege to the Chicago Young Woman's Christian Assnclstlon and a recommen dation providing an Increase In mem bership of the Nutlonal Hoard of the Association will also be presented. Rev. Charles W. (Jllkev, pastor of Hyde Park Baptist Church, Chicago, will give a series of morning addresses during the convention week. Dr. Hob ert E. Speer, secrctnry to the Foreign Mission Hoard of the Presbyterian Church, North, will also give un ad dress. Mrs. Speer Is chnlrmai. of the Nntlonnl Board of the Y. W. O. A. The convention will he In session morning and evening, the afternoon being given over to sectional meetings held In various churches. Attendance at these meetings will he dote, 'mined by group membership and also by ac tivities. Mrs. W. P. Harford of Omaha. Neb., will preside at the opening session, having been elected as presloeut ..t ihe Inst convention of the Young Women's Christian Association, held In Los An geles In 1915. The committee on business to cout before the convention has for Its chair woman Mrs. John French and Includes among Its members Mrs John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Miss Eliza Hutlei, sis ter ot.Nlcholas Murray Butler, presi dent of Columbia University: Mist Martha McCook, Mlsa Mabel t'rutty, general secretary for the National Board of the Y. W. C. A., and Mrs. Wit Ham Adams Brown, all of New York city. WAYS TO EARN MONEY DEVISED BY CHILDREN ,erth Carolina toys and Qlrle Prove That They Know Value of Sav ings What They Have Indus triously Made. Did you ever "save" three dollara bf not going to a show? And when you had saved It. did yo.i lick twelve thrift stamps and stick fiat three dollars on a savings card? F.ijee Howard did, and Page Is In the 3 B grade of the public schools of Tarboro. Page's way of backing up the government's savings movement Is not a kit more strenuous, either, t mi the ways of other pupils In the thrift clubs of tke same school. Magdalene Pierce mtde and sasd fifteen dollars carrying dinners, sad T.S Purvis made fifty-six dollars work ing on a farm last summer. Tke lit tle 1-A's averaged twenty-five dollars for a summer's work at picking set ton, tying tobacco, chopping grass, feeding chickens ini helping around the house, and the 1 B's. the t-A I and the l-B's all the w.iy up to the grown, up 11th graders h. ve records juet as fins for their s'lmns work la ero duclng and saving. All Over State. Tke way they do It at Tsrkers la the wit they are doing It at s let of ether Nortk Carollnu schools too. And because It was thought that the yoing eters would gain a lot of encourage ment Is their good work If ke elate at large knew what they were dots, It was decided to set apart Deoeraber II as the seoend North Carolina Day." The first "North Carolina Day," No Temher 14, was celebrated by about twenty Ive cities of the state, when such splendid results were attained In the way of organising saving so ctetlea and tke promotion ef a spirit of friendly rivalry among the grades and sckools taking part that princi pals and- teackere of other schools ask ed te have anotker day set so tkat all the other cltlea and towns night sb aerre It also. Hope for New "soerd. At that time, It was hope that North Caroline, school children would ejei s new koch water-mark for youth ful Investors tn government seourlMee. Their splendid attslnmets lsdteaM hat they can aoompileh " out to de. Numbers ef schools hive gh-Mir area.. saaTSTSd cewMAssies awarded by (He treasury deparlaisat te tke grades kavlag one hundred eel salt Msmbtriiles In savlags aoelettsi. Uemben of these looletlse are nie((e4 I te save a eertals sua of meaar erery week, by means ef tke pennr sad j nickel savings eards Issued ky tk government, and by tke purekase ol j Thrift and War Savlags Clamps These cards are sent to any teackei making a request for tksn te tke Vfst Loan Organisation of tke Flftk fed eral Reserve District, at Rlckmoad, Va Tke use of the government Test Books of Thrift, oontalalag graded lessons, Is consldsred largely mean slbleUpr tke Interest of eblldrss Is the school savlags soeteues. Tkees lessons kave bean latrodueel la many classes with eteallsst results. OkiV dren ef all ages from the Uses wken tbe thrift habits of tke squirrel are st paramount Interest te Ihe time when a koy or girl te thlnbtag hardest ol ways to earn s living, are appealed to In these thrift lessons and In coeis quence the salea of War Savings tamps are piling us not only Is North Carolina but all over Us Unit ed States. PILE UP YOUR DOLLARS SO THAT NO ONE CAN KNOCK THEM DOWN. Many a tired lad baa slipped Ml coat on when the whistle blew and aaid derisively: "Another day, anolfa erdollar. A million daya, a million aire." He has said a mouthful In bit ter Jest and without knowing It. Fdl tar neat and without knowing 't For the dollars do pile up If the stsck Is sot knocked over. Some financial sharpshooter Is al waya gunning for dollars. They can pick them off st s mils like Annie Oakley cracking slay pipes In a shoot Ing gallery. But If you put some ol your dollars under cover before any one can Afm a bead on them, you leave a t)jfn score for the profiteer sad the (rafter. Tbs safest protection from those ehii pihooters la War Savings Stamps banght every pay day. If you give tkem your whole brink roll to shoot it they will hbt It f ir s perfect score, jlnke them waste a, little ammunition. War Savlnga Stamps are absolute ly safe. They pay a high rate of In terest and you ean get your money In full when you need it. When they pile up, nobody can knock the stack ever. a. X. 'L. -j Health About Gone Many thousands ol women suifering from womanly tiouMe, have been benefited by the use of Cardui, the woman's tonic, according to letters we receive, simitar tolliis one fromMrs.Z.V.Sjiell, ofilayne, N.C. "I could not stand on my feet, and just suffered terribly," 6he says. "As my suf fering was so ureal, and he had tried other reme dies, Dr. had us get Cardui. . . 1 began Improving, and It cured me. ! know, and my doctor knows, what Car dui did for me, for my nerves and health were about gone." TAKE The Woman's Tcuic She writes lurthen " I im in splendid health . . . can do my work. 1 feel I owe It to Cardui, for I was In dreadful condition." If yon Bre nervous, run down tnd weak, or suffer from headache, backache, etc., every month, try Cardui. Thousands ol women praise this medi cine lor the good It has done them, and many physicians who have us: Cardui successfully with liicir wuiiiin patlcr.!:, for years, endorse this medi cine. Think what It means to be in splendid health, like Mrs. Spell. Give Cardui t trial. E r! All Druggists AsR for HILL'S FIVE MILLION PEOPLE LSED IT LAST YEAR HILL'S atisVk. CASCARAbMUININE terr.fdy for E3 yean lorn. sa!, tur r.O reln'v: frip ft 3 ti'vi. V ink il ii ia.la Ihe n- t nt, KM will; l.'r. IMt .lUi t A.. C73g St0T9t aia iinraiaaaasaaaaaataBS BBJS ase staves V "3k3v M M Stindird cold X.. " ubl' twites bi X5X Y Men i r nn-niiuiuji & I feZ Tn the man who saves, the best business opportunity csmes v. hen he is prepared to lake advantage of it. Ii lakes money alwujs 10 take advaniage of such opportunity. AMI: YOU PREPARED TODAY ? If not, you cannot do a belter ihing than to start an Accouat loDay. If you are really ambitious to succeed you will not neglect this first opponuniiy and inviilaiion. 1 wmwi subf. fi This is the Name wt hav earned Why? Thi is in Reality FvprvHr' t, A trial L (X V' sw it; it tj ) l Ogletree's v) 51025c. Store. VI ROSEMARY ROANOKE RAPIDS 'V.. v .as. asp- B esav- sa- eat- KnietnraiBiai!awaM Our mutual interest in irade winning jewelry values is more important to us than anything else. Now, however, we have just begun to fight, and our objective is your paironage and good will. Give us a call find see if we do not WIN. 7 Sitvrawtnc (ivi 3! C.N. RICKS J E W chfs and Clock s 4 mttststatataffatl uraaUia3OTKS!ram!': Dependable eedl WE carry a complete line of h'gh grade tested Garden and Harm Seed V rite for our SPRING CATALOGUE giving our free offer of a packet of a wonderful new White Tomato and ten packets of Harrison's Dependable Flower Seed FREE. W. H HARRI ON ;0.. Ino, (IN BUSINESS OVKR A HUNDKRD YRA.RS) Seed Merchants, PETERSBURG VA. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA it h Its Vv il WELDON j; 'ti -r- ..- - " 'i -w - -..v -v- -cr w'- 3r -i- cutGiasi E JL. E HL a WELDON Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA.

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