$f.i4LISili:l) IN ISi6. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE, VOL I-I V. ewtjaaiiiM urn r- IAS!?! Air.OHOL-aPEHCBNT. 1 AVoictablc IVcparatioBlbrAs similiilimillicFood hy Reula- tini! thrStoraaclsarsi Bowels a Cheerfulness ana noilhcrOpiam.MorpWflenoi Mineral. Not Nahcotic. Htnna US A h.infiil Remedy for Constipation and Diai' El! nnd ffvcrisnnr" . tecnr SLEEP i ' resultinJtimfrLl''!"f'lBt5, lit? NEW YORK. , EimiI Copy of Wrapper. Bargains for You ll: YOU BUY Al l. YOUR ,;ioci:wl:$ i'uom W. T. PARKER & CO., fW h o 1 e s a 1 e WIXOON lim Lumbsr $ Weldon, M tMTAlTUKEIW OF tiuildlng Material for Modern Homes, Sash, l)o plinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screen MA UK TOOUDKH AM' 'lood Materials. High Orade ili;WSAVE II w :cs WTO MiirV P"V i ill The vernewe it We have a com pi I Un Kg JSH 88 3 M Gentlemen's furnishings. jtjf.$8f II 4. swmcK, Ijjjj The Busy Store, WKLDON, NC g HOOD GROCERIES build up ihc system, stimulate the brain, and increase your capacity to think. And right thinking brings best re pits. Our prices make you think. Call in to see us.J L. E. HULL, N BatcbdM't Opera riouw, WELDON. NX For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA 0 a s h i3 t o . N. C. Millwark N. C. WW HKlil'l.AK STOCK SI.Ks. Workmanship (nr Slogan. m V 1 1 I- 1 13) trading at home nnd still hi a booster for ur town. UU Many Bargains n Win ter (1 iods. tm styles in ." .amiies - - r te line of Ladies and mm Choice Hams There is nothing more appetizing than a slice of our choice ham. We have anything you may want iu the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Goods. BOTH CLAIM HONOR Dispute Over Location of First Press in Northwest. Mlnneota and South Dakota Each Firm In the Belief That They Ara In Poueuion of Hlttorlo Old Relic. Tli8 locution (,f it,,, (rs, printing; prcsH In the Norlliui.st Ik IicIiik din tuitcil l.y t ii,.s, Mlimrwitu anil South liiikoiH. siiiH ii llitrli in the .MIniipiiioll ,r mil. The lilHtnrlc prhithiK pri'ss, an old WaslihiKtiiii hitml jire'NM. hh h, It la (laliiietl, prliili'.l the first iicmmpir In the Northwest, W now In the IiiiihIs of Hie .Mliinesoin tlisi.irh nl soi'lety. The Mliinesntu I'onti.iiiloii KM to the history of the pre.su In suhstiintliilly us fol Iour : "Its active career Ik-kuii hack In KW, lien John KIiik of luihtiqiie pur chaned It lu ('lie Iiinutl. He arrived In IiuhnqiiM with the new press on May 1, is:it), after a teillous trip on a river steamboat. The llrst Issue of this pa per, the lMibnitie Visitor, appeared on May 11. It Is -ni. I that the Visitor was the only paper north of St. I-ouls and west of the Mississippi river at that tttae. "The press, In ISI.'I, for some reason or other, was sotil to three representa tives of a slock concern. J. Allen liar her, Iianlel lletillll anil Nelson lerhy, who latter wus to become Wisconsin's first governor. These men took the press across the river to Lancaster, Wig., to print the Orant County Her ald, of which I,. 0. Schruder wus the first editor. "The Herald passed finally Into the hunils of Junies M. Uuodhue, a lawyer by profession und a lU'htliiK eilllor of the old school, liooilhue In the spring of 1H4U shipped his press up the river to St. l'aul, Minn., where he founded the I'loneer, which yeara afterward be came the I'loueer I'resa. "In lHfiS the preas paaNed Into the hands of Jeremiah Huaaell, who took tt to Sauk Itaplils to use In printing an other pioneer venture, tlie Frontiers man. After that It changed hands fre quently. It printed among other pub lications the Sauk Valley Press ron ducted by Herman Muhlenberg, state adjutant general. The material of this publication was later sold to the Llnd atroni (Itlien, a Swedish newspaper. Shortly afler this old presa found II." Iat home In the state museum In St. Fuill. "(lov. Kaintiel J. Albright, associate editor or the St. l'aul paper, purchased the press in lt.'iS, carried It H miles across the prairies to Sioux Falls, Ia Uia Territory, where. July S, 1HMI, lie established and printed 1 lit- Inikntn Ietoocriit. "I luring the Indian bosillltlea of IMI'J. Sloui Falls waa abandoned und the Indians tisik possession of the place. They found the old press and broke It to pieces. The settlers found the fragment hut could not put It to gether again. Senator H. V. I'ettlgrew of Sloui Falls Is understood to have secured the plate and made from It a doorstep. "The South Dakota "tory has been verified satisfactorily so far as the South Iiakota department Is eon reninl, by (iovernnr Albright, who wrote In regard to It that Tt was so laied, o understood and. I believe, ho published ii h Hi its removal to Iiukota.' "Hut. on the other band. In the Min nesota museum annuls a press which Is claimed to he the one In dispute. This one Is simply constructed and from Its appearance might have print ed every pioneer newspaper In the Northwest. Whatever the true story of the Identity of the press may lie, It la well worth contention." The Right Man. One day as Ian Heard was going np : the eleuiior In the high Flallron build- I lug In New York city at the rear of the car waa I tueasenger hoy wlih lil i anna HUetl with a score of bundles all of the aama site. Peering over the top of the ambus cade, he fixed his eyes steadily upon j Mr. Beard. The national aeout com- j mlssloner of the s).(kgi and more Hoy Scouts of America knew the signs well enough to realize that something was passing through the boy'a mind. He asked the lad w hat he waa thinking I about. I The hoy replied : "I was Just j thlnkln' that you lis like a friend o" mine." "What'a your friend's nanief' asked the man who Is the frleud of all j hoy a. "Dau Iteurd," aald the messenger, j "I am Han Beard," replied the com- mlssloner with a smile. j )oh!" was the only reply of the' astonished buy, who dumped hi hin- ' die under the feet of the amused pas- a.uvrs and hrooifht his rlyht hand ; up to a stiff salute. j Atrial Police for Germany, j Germany has a network of aerial ( police patrols orgiiniren to prevent the migration of capital from (lermany. In addition to fighting against crim inals generally. A landing place for police airplanes Is already being laid out on the Swiss frontier. Similar es tablishments are planned for Ham burg, Brealau and other towns. Supply and Demand. "The great question now before as," began the ponderous constituent "We've got more questions ou hand Juat now than we really need," Inter rupt! Senator Sorghum, "Come around with an answer one 1b while." A Wat Breeds 6 to 10 Year, Av eraging Ten Young to a Litter. ' Remember this, act as soon as you see the llrst rat. (let a package of HAT SN Al'. It's a sure rat and mice destroy er. It's convenient, comes in cake funu no mixing, Mummifies rats after killing leaves no smell. Cats or dogs won't touch it. Three Sixes, 25c., Oue. and $1. Hold and guaranteed by Pierce -White-head Hd. Co., Weldou. WKLDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUAKY 2,, HIS UNSEEN GUEST Waitress Tells of Experience In Serving Ghost. Old Gentleman May Have Been a Lit tie "Off," but Her Notion It That Ht Had Recently Lott a Loved Qrandchlld. Jane, who bus worked 111 one partic ular section of the lunch counter of one of the great New York hutels since Hie day II was opened, is the best waitress (but- ever set down a dish without a spill or a clutter so suy the discriminating. Her deftness, her quiet manners, her promptness above all her unfailing politeness stamp her as one apart from the sisterhood. She was serene and composed while she deult with one of those peckish, snap py men who had dropped In under the Impression that because one alts on a stool In this excellent place It Is cheap. It Isn't. He wus a little ashamed to fuss about the prices, so he fussed about everything else. But at Inst he departed, and serene Jane permitted herself a weary smile. "You have to get along with all kinds, don't you?" remarked a patron. "Indeed, yes," said June. "I served a ghost yesterday morning." "An old gentlemnu came In quite early, for breakfast. He was beauti fully dressed; I think he was oue of the hotel guests; at least he came In that entrance He chose a stool and when somebody tried to sit beside Mm, he said, 'Pardon me, but can't you see thut seat Is taken?" He ordered toast, soft boiled eggs and coffee. Then he turned to the vacant stool and usked, 'What would you like, my dear?' "He paused as If for an answer. Ap parently he heard oue, for he suld to me with a smile, as If amused lit the notion, 'A piece of pie and a cup of weak coffee with milk and some rolls.' "There wasn't any pie at that hour and so be ordered sliced peaches. I brought all the things and arranged them us If for two. By that time peo ple were moving away from him. He, buttered the rolls at the vacant place before he ate a bite himself. Then he made his own breakfast. I thought there might be a scene about the two checks, but no. He lidded (hem up aloud and correctly; counted out the ch inure In his hand; left a tip In front of each plate and then asked for a paper sack. In It he put an unbroken roll. Then he puld the cashier nnd went out. They found the paper bag with the roll In It outside on the steps." "Could you make out whether he thought he was talking to a man or a woman?" asked the patron. "I thought It was a little child." said Jane softly. "He always looked down when he spoke to It, and be buttered the rolls, and the pie order for break fast was childish. tiK) I thought." and Jane's eyes seemed a little misty. "I thought maybe he hud lost a favorite grandchild." Bananat Make Berlin Olad. As I was passing down the Frerl erlchstrasse, says a correspondent of the London Times writing from Ber lin, my eye was caught by a crowd of people which suddenly collected III front of a delicatessen ahop. It was only with difficulty that one could get near enough to see what It was that attracted to much atten tion. I beard exclumatlons of wonder nnd admiration, and on looking u lit tle more closely saw a bunch of bananas which the shopkeeper had Jnst hung up In the window and which was a novelty to the Berliner, who for nearly live years have seen not a trace of fruit, once so plentiful In the capital. The smiling faces and little Jokes made It quite evident that the banana was recognized as u symbol of peace, and that the delight felt at Its pres ence was due to the evidence It af forded that the blockade Is a thing of the past. Took Ride on Torpedo. Probably the only man who ever rode a naval torpedo under way Is Nelson H. Hlounl. a Yale graduate, now at the Newport torpedo station. Some time ago, when Mr. Blount was experimenting at New London, he wanted to go with the torpedo, so he rigged a saddle and two smull pon toons on the sides, and taking hla seat, hud the mlsxlle fired from the aurface and started on his daring ride. When the torpedo spent Itself the In ventor was still on top. Only One Language for Honolulu. A committee of the Honolulu Adver tising club, appointed to Investigate the dual language schools ai now con ducted, bus reported that the system la objectionable and should he abol ished. It recommends gradual elimi nation of schools conducted lu any language oilier than Kugllsh through development of an enlarged govern ment school curriculum.- Christian Science Monitor. Making a Distinction. "The people lu your community teem all mixed up In the vote on pro hibition." "Well." replied Undo Bill Bottle ton, "some of ua highbrows attompt tome mighty fine distinctions. We approve prohibition as a theory, but Dot as a condition." An Instance. "Like produces like." "Not iiways, for the doctor told u It was the wU water that uiada ni aJI sl.'L." To The Dyspeptic. Would you not like to feel that your stomach troubles are over, that you can eat ant kind of food that you crave? Consider then the fact that Chamber lain's Tablets have cured others why not you? There are many who have been restored to health by taking these tablets and can eat any lUnd of food (hat the crave. i ; BEST FOR 1 IOME SI IINES S A VT. 11 IE LEATHCl THE BIG VALUE PACKAGES PASTES AND LIQUIDS THE t. F. DAI l.tY CUI.PORAHnNS 0 AJ V" Take " DoJson's Liver Tone" Instead I j'tiiir iiile,.' A-1, your .1 Utl.c ,,i lJU,n', lid t ike s spoonful to l-'.-iii t 1-1,1! i yum Im i n veil i.'in uji ticllct :nl without grilling "i than .-.'.,..! Dilik.ll'' Vi.ll -i- V I w.mt yon to gi, THE human anatomy is a won derful bit of mechanism, " observed the Sage. "Yes," agreed the l-'ool. "Pat a man on the back atnl you'll make his head swi II " Mrs. Kowen Tells How Rats Al most Kurned Her Mouse Down. ' Fin two in, nlhs I nt'ci went in out e llai, 1'UtiliL' i i:l' I 't i- ire! t in lied I Mofllcil Inc. Sole t-n , nit: Ii the rut bad I u iitblibiiL' at '.be mutches. Il l hll'lll'l lll't l itnu,iti 1 1 1 V bouse uoulil I IU i c I' ell I ill 1 1 1, 1 1 I. ' !, I .1 1 foil II. I the I I i:i l; V I' - l' 1 ii ,, it. Iti- great stud' " Tblee Sii s. L'i.e,, ..lie, and fl. Sold ami I'uaianti cd l.y Fierce - Into Ii ad II. Iw c, . Ueldi. lie sure ni' vour iitni in life he fore inovii'i' im M :i iihiSN house. 1 he Kest Cough Medicine. lien a itiiiL'L'iat timi llcil hi euntu int'iH ull spr-k ut'lt uf a certain pref-a-tmi hf ("in is a himj'I oiiiiiuii of, it ami vvht'i) in m-nl el Mich ii riictlh'inc is al iin M n i i:nti to usi' il liiiiiM-lf juiil in ins family. I I. i im why mi many h iiitlmsIh llSt ami I ((.' Mil 111 I'll. I 11 Ill's Cuuiili lirtiietiy. .!. It. .Imit-H, a vrll Lnimn li .itfuiM tf ( Minim, Ky , kivs, ''I haw iim-'I tuiiiiU'i jam' ( uiih KeiiH'ily in my lunnly tin Ihr past sewn years, ami hac Inmul i( tn )p the best in dicuie I h:irrt'i km wii." '!: r. ;dy toucupi responsibil ities when i he v come h you." Don't You roret It. I'.t'iu ii) m i thut chamherlaiu Vl'uh-if- imt only niiive tl:e him flu hut im prove Ihe appetite ami Mientfthen tlte iliiM'Ntiou. They contain no pepsin tn othri ihtreslive fetinent hut strengthen the stoniueh ami enable il to perlbim V.s fiiiielimis naturally The ii uih is nil right, but so ni my people ure uslutnted 10 tell it. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of IVnruhly ihere is no person;.' SiKTtfiec so i;re;ii us thut ol' the? mis guided vvninun who iiuirit'sit m.tn to reform him. r-o (treat Act ol Heroism Required I f M.iiie tin ftl ai't t-f heinistn v;n lli-e rNmiy I" pioitvl a chill liolii croup, no Mini In r wnulil henitutr to protect lie) otlNpni'ir. hut when it ih - uly neccKKury to ki" p at haml a hotile ii ( hanihei lain'M t ouirh Heineil v wilhiti the reach of all is pionipt and elleclual ASRmNF0R ""headache" Name "Bayut" is on Genuine Aspirin say Baytr Insist on "Bsyar Tablets of Aspirin" In a "Uayer packsge," contnining proper dinKtions (or llradarhc, Colds, Pain, Neuralgia, Lumbago, and Rlitumat.nn. Nme "Itayer" nwuis gsnuine Aspirin preset ik'd by physicians fur nineteen yrr. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost few cents. Aspirin is trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceti acidester of Sabcjlicacid. fl,.r,. ,. , irujj.ii i., i x r Ox HI,,,,,!, )i 11, . LTD., I'tJFFAl.O, N. Y Calomel r, a ,l m;vruiis JruR. It is meiairy ijhuAmIwi , .ui all.icks your bout's. Taki' a ,!., , .,t iKi-.iy calunu'i to day and vim will kvi weak, sick and nau bea led limiiinuv.. )on't Inse a Jay's wotk. . lu, k to tin -ton- nnd et your money. T.ike ii Kionful of liiirnilcss, vege-'.nl.li- D.i.I-di.-i L.vi-r Tm- tonight and great. It's perfectly i- it to j-iiur children .iii't salivate, no le j lui.nli--. -i, c j miv liine. It at iinylliin afterwards. WOMEN ADOPT 10.000 ORPHANS Connecticut to Provide Foster Mothers for Little Victims of Turks. Ten thousand little victims of Turkish brutality are to be foster mothered by the big henrted women of Connecticut as the result of ap peals by Near East ltellef, the former Commltteo for Armenian and Syrian ltellef of 1 Mudlson uvenue, New York city. The women at a meeting voted to "adopt" that number as their share of tliu 7,'iO,lHM homeless and starving boys und girls orphuued In the massa cres nnd deportations. Three hundred rpprescnlatlvea of women's organizations attended the meeting at Hartford, at wliluh Gov ernor Murcus II. llolcomb presided aud pleaded the cause of the ulrlcken peo ples. Another sjieuker wus Henry Mor gentium, former U. S. Ambassador to Turkey. Assurances tbat'tla example of these noble hearted Connecticut women will be followed by similar organizations lu all the other states have been received at the hcuriijuurtcrs of the Near East Relief, 1 Mudlsou avenue, New York city. HEARTBURN or heaviness oiler meals are most annoying manifestations -1 acid-dyspepsia. Kl-IIDIDS pleasant to take, neutralize acidity and help restore normal digestion. MADE BY SCOTT & BOWNE MAKERS OF SCOTT'S EMULSION t mix ' : Croup Threatens Quick trlufof baliy'a cump often foresta'li a srrinus situ.aion when thu drwilcd dista e cumes in the late houn of nifht WLU tv, JlHlit 1I1L CU'TfltS Mothm hould kpcp i tir of Kranw'r Vtpne!' tha Silveconvmicm. When Croup thrfjtent, thu dalnbtlul Mlva fubtW well into btby'i ihroM, cbM tnd utuiet ibrarmi. will rliw thf chokint brnk conccitiun. ajul piomntr rrillul lrrp. 1 ik Hie plur ol nauaratinf augu Uisilff ntirlr by pbv iK'ian in com ball m croup, colds, pneu monia, etc in cbiUica a wcil u jfuwii-up tfe 60c antl1.2Ql all druc Morci of mu ptcpaiti liy Brame Drug Company N. Wilkftsboro.M.C. : -V V if Terms of SubscriDtion--$l.it Her Annum WHIl.I: accumulating for larger investments time . i. , encouiuKcnicni 10 be giiiiied fram having one's bAVINOS Willi safety und profit. THIS BAMK affords you every possible convenience known to corrcci bjntiing Service. ? '! ) Mi EVERYBODY This is the Namt wt hc.v. earned. Why? This is in Reality Everybody's Store A trial is all wr nsl: Ogletree's 51025c. Store, ROSEMARY ROANOKE RAPIDS )rom&K)irwm)KMiis e irivr WAWxm OF COURSE we have all of the conventional designs in jewelry, highest quality at most reasonable prices. But, you may want something out of the usual line of designs something unique in character. Regardless of your requirements we stand ready to meet your ideas. Come in and be convinced. 31 C.N. RICKS C I k-X E W f WATCHED AMI) Cini ftl. aumiaJaiaieJKMKMMMMMiSUgMMKK WtfY SpEfiD JLL You Efi? ou might get sick or hurt be prepared for it You might want to make an investmentstart now, "Takes money to make money," you know You might be visited by thieves or fire an account with us prevents loss. The saving habit is a mighty good one to get into. We pay 4 per cent on Sav ings Accounts 5 THE BANK HALIFAX .2sr..L. N. L. Stedman President NO. 38 WELDON, i l i vi U i it it; WELDON n 1 8 E LE R VV UPON OF HALIFAX P. C. aregory, Vice-President, P. H.urcgory Casbier. s