2. T. .AisUSHliU IN IK06. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription $1.50 Per Annum )l, uv. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, 1 KJJUUAHY 3, 11)20. NO. 3!i r Children Cry for Fletcher's b The Kind You Hata JUwayi Bought, and which hag bem lu u-o for over over 30 years, bus borne the signature i,f A nd baa been made under his per- 7X(lfiLL I0,?1 uPerviiil" in its infancy. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiment that trifla with and endanger the health f jnlunts and Children Experience against Experiment. What is C ASTORIA Castnria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drupj and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains luiilier Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has boen in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea j allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. Genuine C ASTORIA always Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought Bargains for You IF YOU BUY ALL YOUR GROCERIE 5 FROM W. T. PARKER & CO., wholesale Gash-Store WfiLOON N. C. im Lumber & Millwork Go. Weldon, N. C. MANL'KAC'I UKEIW ok ulldlnjj Material for Mo lern Homes, Sash, Duor? inds, Mantels, Door and Window Screen .MADE TOOKHKR AS1 KWil'l.AK STOCK MZES. looJ Materials. Hlfh (Irade Workmanship Our Slogan w Am m m it fj hj ' nvTvi 9j ... " ft Uenrtrette ami Crene.de.Chlne. m - r jt$ We have a complete line of Ladies and 333$ W uenuemen's hurnishlngs. g The Busy Store, WELDON, N CJ JJ 00D GROCERIES build up the sysiem, stimulate the brain, and icree your capacity to think. And right thinking brings best re "" Our prices make you think. Call in 10 see us. .. L. E. HULL, IWttUlor'i Opera IKhim. WELDON. NX k l 8MB MONEYS By trading at home and still he a booster for your town. Many. Bargains In Win ter Goods. Choice Hams There is nothing! more appetizing than a slice of our choice ham. We have anything you may want lu the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Qoods. SEEKPHIUPSGOLD Effort to Salvage Spanish Gal leon Goes Merrily On. Trcasura Saaksrs Rtfuea to Olvs Dp Hops f Stcurlng W.alth From Flsgehlp of Commandsr of "Invinclbl Armads." tittle did the dull of Mcdlna-Sldo-nil, idnilrul In rlilpf of the luvliu'llil Armada, diviwi, ua with tilKli hi.'n lit at nail from the Tairua un .Muy at, 1588, that tall jrent gullfon. the Klor ticla, would he Kiink off Tobermory, OB the coast of Scotluiid. mid would b aupplyliiK trenmire trove to sdren toroua spirits more thnn three renlu rl later In the yeiir of gruce 1U19. The Florencla. which wa popularly royorted to be tilled with gold, Jewela and silver plute, fled northward with hr lter veaseN In friintlc attempt to fet ba.-k to .S,uln by rounding the north of Scotland after the fiiteful war council had decided to uhandon the onoqual fight In the narrow hhi of tin' Enillsh (liHiiiicl. Thla was the deri sion which mused sir KrimclH Drake to write Jubilantly to Wiilslnghnni on July 81 : "There was never Hiiythlhi! floated me better than the seeing the onemy flying with a southerly wind to th northward. Wc have the Span iards before us, and mind, with the trace of God, to wrestle a pull with The doomed ship had reached To bermory when Macl.eun of Morven by t well-directed shot succeeded in set ting fire to her powder magazine. The reaultant explosion scattered the ves sel and her contents far andwtde over the sea bed. The Immense wealth which she was believed to have on board has from that time to tbll ex erclsed over many minds as potent a fascination and spell as ever was wielded by dreams of discovering the treasures hidden by the buccaneers who sailed the southern seas. At length, after several desultory attempts at reaching her, a salvuge company was formed In 1U03, and op erations, begun then, have beeu con tinued Intermittently ever since. Enough was discovered to encourage perseverance, though not to reward enterprise bluuderbusses, swords, scabbards, a bronze cannon and a few doubloons. Several recent signs, how ever, Indicate that the searchers are at last on the right track and will soon strike the main hull. Then, If ever, should the ship's stronghold yield up It's long lost treasure and add one more to the romances of the deep. Mlxup In Relation, hipi. Adiiptlou proceedings before Judge Hnyniond Kohb presented a complex Ituutlon thut lawyers are trying to tlgure out, writes a Syrucnn' (N. Y.) correspondent. James anil I.uey I.ont well were born six years ago. Their mother, Mrs. I.uey Loatwell. wife of James I.oatwell. died shortly after their birth. Their father married again aud then Percy McDonald, hrother-ln-law of the deceased Mrs. I.oatwell, adopted I.uey. Charles Sing er, brother of the deceased Mrs. Loat well, adopted Jluimle. I.uey must Dow call her own broth er Cousin Jlnimte. Her own father becomes I'ncle Jim. Her hitherto fncle l'ercy now bee es papa. While she will always revere the mem ory of the departed mother, she must regard her maternal parent as s de ceased aunt, at least In the luw. Her ow n cousins, the children of her adop tive parenis, become her brothers and sinters, an the same holds true of lit tle Jliunde. I.ucy'a now legul father becomes uncle to her own brother, while her stepmother she must ad dress as auntie. Historic Inn to Be Sold. The famous Saraceu's Head Inn at Southwell. Kug.. In which many Amer ican tout lata have found entertain tueut, la to bo sold at auction. Its his tory as a total runs back through .MS) year. In lt early days the house was called "The Klnf'a Arms." King Charles I. stayed at the Inn during the Civil Wars. Charles surrendered liliu aelf to the Scottish Commissioners' on May 6, 1646, In the coffee room. The bedroom which that monarch used on the night before he gave himself up la still well preserved. Other Kngllah klnp alto stopped at the ancient ho tel. Arte ana Crafts In Auetralla. Determined to revive Interest Id arta and crafts work, the executive of the Art and Crafts Society for Victoria hae Invited the craft workers of the commonwealth to send exhibits without entrance fee to the annuul exhibition In Melbourne lu November. The exhlbltlou will Include examples of pottery, toy-"111'", metal work, atalned (lass, modeling, lace and leather work, engraving and etching, and design of Kister work. Designs must be original, and If possible have un Australian motif. The fact that a number of disabled soldiers have tak en up arte and crafta work will add additional Interest to the exhibition. Were Built to Last. The extraordinary teuaclty of build Isf materials was what moat Im pressed s British architect visiting the war area. He frequently asw arches with only one abutment still held firm ly lu position by cohesion, though leaded with heavy walls, and In the Market kail of St. Quentin'an Iron colanii' rtth ba shot away was still boM uprlsnt by the superstructure U was designed to support. Many a man's success leaves a biner taste in his mouth. C ASTORIA For Infanta and Children In Us For Over 30 Ymi-s Always boars the Big Harare of "PERFECT" MAN GETS ROAST London Writer Retusea to Envy Worn en Who Are "Blessed" With Such a Life Companion, Every one envied a certain lady be cause It was apparent that she kid si.ch a perfect husband. True enough, the gentleman neither drunk, swore, looked at other women, grumbled, nor did he spend any time away from bis wife except when at business. Vet the woman who "possessed" this model of i-orfeetlun found him a most Irritating companion with whom she w forced to spend her life, mi.vs l.on don Answers. Kor Instance, If she got worn out trying lo pacify linby, who whs cross, aud eventually lost her tem per with the child, her husliund would come In, take the little one In his arm and amiably try and often succeed, as a fresh person sometimes does to work the oracle with calmness. Thut would be all very well If be didn't put on the "See how much bet ter my method la" ulr, which is most tantalizing. Perfect men are so anxious to ob trude their perfection upon (heir wom enfolk that they often defeat their own ends. They spend money on seats for the opera or buying little presents with no knowledge of whether such will be Ibe most acceptable or tleslnible gifts. It Is because these men are so good In Intentions that their wives haven't the heart to say, "I'd rather have had .1 shillings for a new box iron. It would save me such a lot of trouble." The husband who has a few glaring faults Is pretty sttre to look over his wife's fallings and humor her, whims. The perfect man has a horrible knack of preaching at his womenfolk. The woman with a faultleas husband often feels like doing something to make him awear at her. Perfection la apt to become dull and monotonous. Don't envy the woman with a per fect husband, you wives who wish your own men wouldn't drop cigarette ash on the carpet or storm a bll w hen things go wrong; for these careless, "temperlsh" men have a lot of goisj qualities to balance their faults. The man who never raises his voice to complain rarely softens It to wife with loving words of praise. Shells Still Flying. Residents of the devastated districts of France are still fleeing from bursts of shell and shrapnel. The new menace la caused by the small grass and swamp fires, which frequently set off the shells that have been piled up to be hauled away and exploded In some safe place. MaJ. H. C. lireene of Huston had a thrilling ride and narrowly escaped a ball of shrapnel on his wiiy from St. Quentln to Laon as a result of one of these fires. A French woman work ing In a tleld neur Bouconvllle was gassed and considerable damage hs beeu done. In the vast, desolate fields, thou sands of unexploiled shells huve been picked up by (lennan prisoners, and though there are details hauling them away and exploding them In remote valleys every day, there are still long ranks of them everywhere. Sparks from locomotives and from small tires where battlefield rubbish Is being burned occasionally set fire to patches of dry weeds, and the accidental bursts are numerous. Brazilian Church 100 Years Old. Christ church of lllo de Janeiro, which soon will celebrate Its cente nary, Is said to have been the first Protestant church to he built In South America. It was erected to provide a place of worship for the English community. Two restrictions were placed on the church, the exterior was to resemble a dwelling house and not a temple, and no hells were allowed. Out of this concession grew the religious liberty which now exists In Brazil. Today there are two Anglican dlo ceses and 40 churches In South A liter lea. Jack of All Trades. Although President Kineritus Eliot of Harvard university no longer takes an active part In the conduct of the In stitution he has been characterized as "Professor of Everything." A man of his acquaintance overheard the follow ing conversation of two rural folk st Bar Harbor a few days ago: "There goes Professor Eliot." "Who?" "Professor Eliot of Harvard col lege." "What's he professor of?" "Well. I dunno, but I guess he's prsv fessor of the whole darn thing." Just a Pocket Piece. The Newcomer I can't Just get the hang of this American money. This nickel, for Instance: what's It worth? The Did Timer A nickel? That has no purchasing value these days. It's merely the change you get out of a dollar. At His Age, Tool Arriving In Minneapolis to attend the Minnesota state fair, Chief Ke-Be-Ne-Wey W'enee. meaning "wrinkled meat," seated on the floor of his ho tel, announced that he 1 130 years old and desired to mske Immediately a trip la an airplane. Best Thing to Do. The theater was In an uproar. They're calling for the author," said tbe etsge manager. "Oh, I cun't make a speech," replied tbe tea: responsible for the play. "Well, Just go la (root and tell 'en you're sorry." Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA An old bachelor says being pos sessed is nine points of law with women Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA ; r - - - , Pos'.er Tells Dramatic Story I I-"" i 51 n IfyJ V t t t, " . 1 At ft t&fi- -ll jy This picture, painted especially for the Near East Belief by M. Leone Ilrnrker, vividly portrays what words fall to express the horrible suffering of I je women and children of Armenia and adjacent countries. Pence has blessed Europe and America for more than a yeur but tn Western Asia con ditions more frightful than any wur time experiences of the martyred popu lations of Belgium aud France still exist. Thousands of women and children escaped uiassucre h; the Turkish aoldlers only to face the terrible agonies of death by starvation. At the present time It Is estimated that 1,250,000 adults and fully lir.it.tKK) orphaned children are completely destitute and In Imminent danger of death by starvation and exposure. The Near Easr. Belief, 1 Madison Avenue, New York, Is at present the only organization giving aid to these suffering people and lack of funds atlll preveuta the reaching uf more than a small part of the stricken people. Probably you never heard of the man who was killed with kindness but if you did ii w.is nothing but hearsay. Women Cardui, the woman's tonic, helped Mrs. Wil liam Eversole, of Hazel Patch, Ky. Read what she writes: "I had a general breaking-down of my, health. I was In bed for weeks, unable to get up. I had such a weakness and dizziness, . . . and the pains were vrry severe. A friend to 1 me 1 had tried every thig else, why not Cardui?.. . 1 did, and soon saw it was helping me . . . Alter 12 bottles, I am strong and well." TAKE The Woman's Tonic Do you loel weak, di: ty, worn-onlV Is y.-itr lack of g xid hcalili c.ut.v J from any of th: com plaints so cuitimoa to women? Then why not give Cardui a trial? It should surely do lor you what it has done lor so many thousands of other women who suffered It should help you back to health. Ask so.T.e lady friend who has taken Cardui. She will tell you how it helped her. Try Cardui. All Druggists kTi "DIAMOND DYE" OLD GARMENTS LIKE NEW Any woman can dye faded, shabby wearing apparel, whether wool, silk, cot ton, linen or mixed g.wda to any color, fust like new, by folio" iog simple direc iona in each package of "Diamond Dyee." liS i f H L 1 I 111 WMrSM r I 1 iMwTf r LUUJUI ASPIRIN FOR COLDS Naroa "Bayer" is on Genuine Aspirin say Bayer Insist on "Haver Tsblets of Aspirin" hi a "Bayer package," containing proper directions for CuM, ftiin. Headache, Neuralgia, Lumlugo, and lilu-.imatism. N'nine "Bayer" means genuine A-pirin prescribed bv pliytielaus for ni.ietecn years. Handy t mi fours of l tablets cost few cents. A-iriu w trud mark uf Bayer M.tiitif.'iciioe uf Alnuoiuetie ;ir. duster of S.i'.rvlj, ;!,.,,!, KEEP IT SWEET Keep your stomach sweet today and ward oil the indi gestion of tomorrow-try Ki-HDiDS the new aid to digestion. As pleasant and as safe to take as candy. MADE BY SCOTT ft BOWNK MAKERS OF SCOTT'S EMULSION PREVENT PNEUMONIAE mgieci oi iimpie coia is ottco the direct cause of pneumonia. Chil dren do not like to take nauseitinj medicine but do like the toothing effect ol the external remedy. WILL IWl iUUR Hit UsTTTUa Rrame'i Vapomeniha Salve ii p plird by rubbing this delightful nlve into the chest and under the armi. Tttt mult U tlffloM tnmnt Kite! from croup ad colds. Un Dot unutasl tor tfiibhomcue ol pneumonia to luccomo uur trw neoded ht doroti lot lc f ounrrd baix u U as lot cwr&-u0 !0c. 69e and tl.M 31 tJi grui ud feacraj Morn Free mn$) upon roQac to BRAME DRUG COMPANY N. WMwakara, N. C. fill This is the Name we have earned. WhyP This is in Reality Everybody's Store A trial is all we ask. ii ii Hi Oofletree's i ROSEMARY ROANOKE RA?!DS WELDON ittfl 8 m fl F COURSE we have all g U jewelry, highest quality at most reasonable prices. 8 But, you may want something out of the usual line of someihine uniaue in character. Regardless of your requirements we stand ready your ideas. Come in and be convinced tsitvimnf fCTN.RICKSC SMatsanaTjniTjnaTjnKaunim YltlY Sreio You might get sick or hurt be prepared for it You might warjt to make an investment start now. "Takes money to make money," you knowj You might be visited by thieves or fire-an account with us prevents loss. The saving habit is a mighty good one to get into. We pay 4 per cent on Sav ings Accounts a THE BANK OF HALIFAX g HALIFAX 1ST. O. N. L. Sttdmao President igns in designs to meet fla9SHl fU You Ennfl? P. C. Oregory, Vloc-Presklent. P.-H.Oror Casbiar, of the conveniional des j 1 1 'S ii i i I 4 I i I 1 1 n n