NEWS He IfABLISHiiD IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FUR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$1.50 Per Annum )L. MV. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, F KUM'AKY 11), 1!)20 no. :;2 Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You Hays Always Boughf, and which has t..n Ju uj fur over ort 30 years, has b'.tt.e the inaiu'-. ..i - nd baa beea cJe ur.ii-.T hi Experiment that triflo with and endanger t ie hi.,',.h , j Infants and Children Experience against : .....t. What is CASTOR! A Castnria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is pleasant. It ruituma ocitlier Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Iu age is its guarantee. For more than thirty yeari it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flutiil.iicy, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness aikiu, therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, ai is the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural Bletp. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. ENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signatur In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought TMf OIWTUH OOMPANV N r W VONM (ItTV, Bargains for You IF YOU BUYVAI I. YOl'li GkOCtfKlliS FKOM W. T. PARKER & CO , holesale Oash Stor wi-mion n. c. ixon Lumber Si Millwark 0 i Weldon, N. C. MASlKACTliUKKH OF Lllding Material for Modern Homes, Sash, 1). : Inds, Mantels, Door and Window Scr.-'i- MAKE TOOKKKK AM' KKIill.A It STOCK Ml 'Jood Materials. High tirade Workmanship Our Sl-i. -n. m m m m !$ Gentlemen's Purnishings. J. L. SWfiBfiCK,. The Busy Store, P.OOD GROCERIES build up the system, siimulaie ih brain, and 0 increase your capaeiiy to think. And righi ihinkmbrings best re r is. Our prices make you ihmk. Call in m see in., L. E. HULL, TOZZi ,uu" uierviKiun nitre us ):,:. audw no one to ae'.e;vi e of SAVE m MONEY By trading; at home and still be a booster for your town Many Bargains in VVIn terQoods. S WW The very newest styles in Organdies U'U Georgettes and UU m We have a complete line of Ladies and m. m M aim A M m WELDON, N C Choice Hams There Is nothing! more appetizing than a slice of our choice ham We have anything you may want u the line of meals. All Kinds of Canrted lioods. GOV.-GENERAL OF PHILIPPINES FOR FREEDOM Declares It Not Right That Free j dom Should Longer Be ! Withheld. y FRANCIS BURTON HARRISON, Oovrnr-Gtneral of ths Philippines. (First Article.) My nix years' a perlence as gov ernor - general of ih rii!iii'iin Is lands have eon vlucrd me that the Klllplno people are resiiy and lit to have their lnde-pt'ioh-nce. I have recomnteniled to ('oiifcre-ia, aa well ss to the executive a 1 tn I n I a f ration, that Independence he granted. Gov. Qen. Harrison As to the question of the nubility of government, I wish to aay to the Am erican peopla upon my responsibility as Ihe governor-general thut In my opinion there exists today In the Phil ippine Islands a stable government, which I think should answer the re quirements luld down by Presidents Grunt and MiKlnley, and as I under stand It, also by Mr. Hoot namely, ft government elected by the suffrage of Ihe people, which Is supported by the people, which Is ctpuble of maintain ing order and of fuluMIIng Its Interna tional obligations. I am very glud t go on record as be ing entirely In sympathy with the ss plratlona of the Filipino nation for In dependence. I have recommended to Congreas that In granting Independence aoiue provision I made similar to what Is known as the Piatt amendment In the treaty with Cuba, which restricts the sblllty ef the new republic In borrow ing of foreign governments and also permits the United States t Interfere with the affairs of the new republic la case condition of disorder should be found to prevail. Such recommend. tlou does not come as an expression of the views of the Filipinos; It la my own view of what would be desirable to secure a feeling of conUdnoa and satisfaction on the part of all persons who have already Inrested money In the Philippine)! or who contemplate do ing so lu the near future. But It Is not right thst Independence Itself should longer be delayed. Ily temperament, by experience, by financial ability, In every way, the 11,000,000 Filipinos are entitled to be free from every government except of their own choice. They are Intelli gent enough to decide for themselves, I have fouml the native Filipino of ficial to be honest, efficient and as ca pable of administering executive posi tions as any men I have mot anywhere In the world. These officials are today gorernlng 1,0110 municipalities and forty two provinces, economically, efficiently and for the good of the entire people. They have a native congress, Including many graduates ef Yale, Princeton, Harvard ami other American universities. Oth er members ere graduates of Saulo To mas snd other I'hlllpplne universities, and In education and ability they com pare favorably with any I know. They have leaders Ilka Speaker Os men of the House of Representatives and President CJueion of the Senate who would adorn any office. The Philippines are away ahead of the United Suites la successful govern ment ownership and operation of pub lic utilities. The government took hold of ths steam railways and made them pay a pcoflt of 1,000.000 pesos a year more than under private ownership. It took hold of the highways, and we have 7.0(H) miles of the best mac adamised roads In the world. The Manila city government is about te take over the street railways and the gaa and electric plants, while the ter ritorial government Is arranging for ownership and control ef the coal sup- Dir. The morement for Independence la a peaceful one. No territory was more loyal to Uncle Sam during the war. It offered an armed and equipped division lo our government, gave It a subm rlne destroyer and oversubscribed Llt- ertv loans and Red Cross fun. Is. Two million netlres speak F.ngllsa fluently, and Ihere are 700,000 Knglisb. speaking children In the public scheols. I sni more than willing to retire If the Filipinos can be granted what they deserve- -a government like that of lbs United States. A MISRRESENTEO RACK. The Flltplne people are much mis represented race. The frequent pub lication of plctares of semi-naked Min danao Moros and Igorotes has caused great many Americans to believe they are typical of the Inhabitants of the Philippines. Such Is far from tin case, however. Of 11,000,000 Inhab itants of tli islands, 10,900,000 are a Christian, clvlllied people with a cul ture and refinement that will compare very favorably with that of other na tions. The Filipino women ar excep tionally modest. A street fllrtstlon In Manila, so far as a Klllpln woman Is coucJ-'i 'J, la something that Is aloeel unknown, aa any American that naj Tlslled Manila will testify. Most pei plf Hie sorry after iis too late. . CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Ovor 30 Years Always beer toe ejnsuaieef "Before and Afver" 0 rV 1 1 .At-'. 1'. "BEFORE." From misery tn comfort mid s'-lf respect In (he day' lime, simply through Ihe liui.'lc of mi American ti n dollar bill. Is it trunsl'oi'nmlhiu Hint Is being wrm'i.lit ilnily in Wi-Morn Asia by the Near Fast llellcf of 1 Maillsou Avenue, New Yolk City. The Ki-oiip of the Armenian children shown In livo pictures here have reiinn to bless the American donor of Unit ten dollar bill. With this money, the eieri workers i.r Near Must Kclluf In Armenia were able to rid the poor rhihlivn of Ihelr loiiihesome racs and to clothe them with new irnrmentH of alaja cloih, woven In n Near Kast Helief lmlustrlal plant nnd sewed into farniebis by the molher of 'lie children. The mother whs also pah a small fee for her services In limning the niriiients. This was n lucky family. There are thousand of others nut so lucky In the Near Fast, simply because of a lack of other ten ilollar bills. Near Fast Relief Is uskhiK Hie American people to cnnlrlbute funds to save the slarvlng In the lilble latuls. It Is estimated that over 1.2."i0.000 adults are lu desperate need, nnd 'J."iuKl children are orphuns , ml must be cured for. For the sum of $1R0 it year Near Fast Relief can not only feed and clothe and shelter an orphan child, but can also lve n, course In educa tion towards ultimiile self-support nnd Independence. Many of those orphans ire belni; "inlnpieil" by American who ale providing funds for the support of one or more over a given period. SAVED FROM HAREM Armenian Gl-ls Rescued from l urks Being Taken to Near East Relief Home. The II rce pretty Armenian girls In the auto are taking n real "Joy ride,' joyful liavlin; another meiiuini: from that generally ussocialed with auto rldinn here. They have been rescued from the hiirein of a Turk after foui years of shameful servitude and are belni: taken to one of the Near Kusi Relief rescue homes. Nn wonder they are smiling for the first time since their captivity. The Near Fast Relief Is caring for many thousands of these girls until they can find Ihelr rolathes. Also It Is urn-king lo save ITiii.OOD orphans and over a million mlulls from Ktumiilou tins winter. That Is why It Is imiklng nation wide appeal for funds lo curry on Its noble work. Rice Terraces Are V, This Ik a pho.raph of the Ifusno igorrot rice terraces, which are among ,he most remarkable of their kind In the world. They are one of the many marvelous sights for the tourist to see In the Philippine Islands and are to be feuinl In the lfuguo district of the Mountain province, Northern I.uion. The 'icliilit of these terruces, which ure held up by stone wulls. Is from 4 ... s reel averaging 8 feet high. It Is estimated there are VJ.ll tulles of ghtfuo! stone nulls In the Ifugao terraces, v hid. Is approximately hair ll.v distance aiound the world. nil i..,-,u.vs uie skillfully Irrigated by water brought In troughs alou, tl,u p.. iou uiountuln sides over loug dlsluuve. $100 K'lWAkl). $100. I'he n ao. is i,l lins paper will lie pleased ,u I. -in. 1 1 . :il tbclc a- at least one illcad ,1 ,i,-, us." ibul bus been able to a ..II lis .-t.iui s and that 1st utairli .-" uiaiili i i.i. i- the only in. i.o Luonutotlie medical fiater uity. lalttiili I'fiiin a constiiulii.nal Jisi ase, irq unea a coustilutioiial tical ment. Halls sCatatili I'uie la takeu in .finally, acting dircelly upon the mu cous sin laces ol Ihe syslein, thereby de stroying the loun.lalion of the disease aud giving H'e pat t strengtli by tuiilil- iugup the coiistitnlion ami aaaiHtn.g m doing its work Ihe pioptictoiH have so much faith in its I'uialive powers thu' thev oiler one lliiudie.l liollau lor any case that it fails to cine. F. ,1. t'llKNFY A CO., I'olcdii, lllin Tentimoiiials sent Irre. Price T.r eenl pel liotlle. Sold by all ilruggisU. Hii'l's I'liunlv Pills lor ('nnsliiuition A dispatch lells of a man suing his w.fe for divorce because she hasn'i spoken to him fur 6 months. He's foolish. He'll never gel an other wife like thai. .1 the Near East by Ml Sit "AFTER." World's Masterpieces 'J Chronic Constipation. Tlieie are people who never have inuveilieut of Ihe bowels without it IS produced by a cathaitic. Mosl of thorn have biounlit that eondition on them selves by Ihe use of nuneial wateis and stroug cathaitics Ihat lake too much water out of the system and aggravate the disease lliey are meant to relieve. A mild laxative tonic like I liainberlain s Tablets aloud a geutl. movement of the bowels that you haully realize has been nioiluceil bv a medicine, anil their use is Dot so hkelv to he followed by consti pation. Even ihe hruneiie insisis on fair ireatn em. Periodic Bilious Attacks Persons Biibjeet to periodic bi'iousat taeks will observe thill their appetite fails them just hefoie au attack. That is, they do not really ctuve food bill tat because it is meal time II they will eat only a light meal ami uu meat, then take two of Chamberlain's Tablets the attack may be avoided. CHURCH COUNCIL ENDORSES N. E. R. Federal Body Says No Mora Compelling Need In All the World. Departing from custom, Hi Feder al Council nf Churches has endorsed ! the work being done by Near East Relief, 1 Madison Avenue, New York City, the former committee for Ar- tnenlnn and Syrian Relief which lias ' essayed the task of caring for 1,250,- ' 000 starving people In Western Asia. ' Resolutions adopted by the executive committee, as announced by Charles S. j Mncfarluud, general secretary, are as follows: j "Your committee recommends that j prayers he offered In all our churches for the suffering children throughout the world, especially those who are In distress and peril as the result of the war. j "They further recommend that we reatllrm and emphasize our Interest and cooperation lu the plans ol 'Near Fast Relief.' We know of no need lu the world that Is more com pelling than that of the Armenian, Syrian and other peoples In the Le vant who have already received and must still receive the generous sym pathy of the Americun people." Dollars and Cents Counting it only in dollars and cents how much did that cold cost you? A man may not always stop work when he has a cold, but perhaps it would bo better if he did. It takes about ten ilays to e;et conip'etely rid of a cold un der the usual tieatinent. Tftat time can be much shortened by takingClnwn beilain's Couiih Remedy and proper care of yourself, in fact, a bottle of this remedy in the bouse is a mighty good investment during the winter and spring months. The homely girl with one beau usually geis married sooner ihan ihe preuy girl who has halt' a dozen on the siring. . For The Children. Too much care cannot be exercised in securing a cough medicine foi children. It should be pleasant to take, contain no harmful drug and most eltectual in j eiiiing ihcir coiiL'hs a ii, I eiilds. Long experience has shown that Chamber Iain's l'oiii:h lieinedy meets these eon ditions. It is a favorite with many mothers. As we understand the rules and regulations lor gelling a few drops of sperits for medical purposes, if you feel you are liable lo have flu next winter, belter make applica tion for the remedy now. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA What three women know the whole neighborhood knows. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA, Even a wise man goes lame when he anempis it) argue wilh a pretty woman. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA ASPIRIN FOR COLDS Name "Bayer" is on Genuine Aspirin say Bayer Iniit on "Hiivcr T.iMrU of Aspirin in a "Pnypr mlu(fV." fnHaininj.' propei 1 1 red huh fr ( mUh, r'um, llm.Lirhp, Nnorulfiia, I. ii inli ij-n, ati.l IMn iinuilmin S:mt "M.iv-t" inc hi ftninic A-pirin iri?iterit)i i Ii y I v u fur tiim'tftn y'tr HdM.iv Idi tune ,.i - t.ihtVtr ,u"t li'W I'i'M-. A if tt-ii.i'J lli.i!' f lUytT M ir.'ii.i. ir- .'I,t tt j(-i(inttr of S ' , ii ITS UNWISE to pnt off to-day' doty until to morrow. If your stomach Ic acid-disturbed take KIHQID5 the new aid lo digestion comfort tody. A pleasant relief from the discomfort of acid-dyspepeia. MADE BY SCOTT fi BOWNE MAKl-KS OF ami S EMIli ' ION ii.. .J-TJn,aT-el For CROUP, COLDS, mmnm. MUIHT', ,iumm i.,- ,- - - UK cum-Miieal. VA hm Croup. luHupn.i N Piwa- IMnI, airmen, ISlf amrMlui Mire nuw j wc UK- Inioal, cbd tod uan urn nw win "." tUAiat. bfCtk OBBfMUoa sod prowMt IMful ). wej. m siAin mc domes JOt est, mi n X J l n " i rwH tf LIVER OIDN'T ACT DIGESTION WAS HAL Sayi 65 year CId Kentucky Lady, Wfco Tt!! How She Wu ReEtvr After a Few Dotes of Dlack-DiiughU MeadorsTll!, Ky. Mrs. Cynthia Hlgsinbothara, of this town, says: "At my age, which Is 65. the liver does not act so well as when young. A few years ago, my stomach was all out of fix. I was coh.-itlpated, my liver didn't act. My digestion was bad, and It took so little to upset me. My ap petite was E-'jne. I was very weak... I decided I would give Black Draught a thorough trial aa I knew It was highly recommended for this trouble. I began it. I felt better after a few doses. My appetite Improved and I b-came stronger. My bowels acted naturally and the least trouble was soon righted with a tew WHII.n iiccunniluiing for larger investments ihere is always eno'uragcn'em lo be gained frtnt having one's SAVINGS with safely and profit. THIS BAMK affords you every possible convenience known lo correct Banking Service. mum m This is the Name we have earned. Why? This is in Reality Everybody's Store A trial is all we ask. ') il il i il l i Ogletree's 51025c. Storej; ktlSHMAkV KOANOKI: RAPIDS W1Y SfEtD lLL You Ewfll You might get sick or hurt be prepared for it You might wnt to make an investmentstart now, "Takes money to make money," you knowj You might be visited by thieves or fire an account with us prevents loss. The saving habit is a mighty good one to (ret into. We pay 4 per cent on Sav ings Accounts i a THE BANK OF HALIFAX HALIFAX C. N. L. Stedman P. C. aregory, P. H. Gregory President Vtee.rrewdcnt. Cashier. "DIAMOND DYE" OLD GARMENTS LIKE jNEW Any woman can dye faded, shabby wearing ajiparcl, whether wool, ailk, cot top, linen or mixed (roods to any color, just like new, bv foil.. ! ini! simple direc tions In each package of "Diamond Dyas " doses of P-lar! PratisM." Severity year., of successful Osa tins) mado Thedf'ird's Illadi-Draught a standard, household remedy. Every member, of every family, at times, need the help that Ulack Draught can give In cleansing: the system and re lieving the troubles that come from constipation, lud:::estlon, lazy liver, etc. You cannot keep well unless your stomach, liver and bowels are in good workli!; order. Keep them that way. Try r.lacl:-I)rnuj;hf. It acts promptly. gently and In a natural way. If you feel slusglsh, ta!:e a dose tonight. You will feel fresh tomorrow. Prlca 25c. a i-acl:a-iu Oue cent a dose All druggluts J. 6) m i vl i ih l WCLDON 11 ATTENTION, HUNTER I 3 beautiful Poinier Puppies for sale. 6 weeks old. Entitled to registration. Apply at once. BOX "C" Weldon, N. C Opera H WELDON. N.C

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